Mary Denise Lands- Video We could never have come this far in our search for Mary without all the support of so many good people. We will bring Mary home in 2007 and justice will be served.
I have done hundreds of these trash dives in my career and they are often wet, messy and odorous, but they do yield valuable results. On the left is a note and just one piece of information that was retrieved from trash placed on the street by Mary’s former boy-friend, Christopher L. Pratt. He now resides in a rural residence at 9018 15 1/2 Mile Road, Fredonia Township, in Marshall, Michigan with his new girl-friend. One has to wonder if there might be domestic violence now occurring within the Pratt home, and if his girl-friend and her children are safe?
Here is an interesting observation that may be accurate in this case…
People who engage in sociopathic behavior want to be in control and manipulate others. They often resent pets and animals that might be receiving attention and affection that they believe is only meant for them. I have ascertained that many pets and animals in the households of the women involved with Mr. Pratt have mysteriously disappeared or been injured over the years. This is well documented and can be proven. I find it strange that this same unusual occurrence might have happened in his girl-friend's life as she moved in with Mr. Pratt. The story goes that she had two lovable cats as pets, "Banjo" and "Nipper". One of the cats was poisoned, and the other disappeared, however neighbors reported that Nipper eventually returned to a previous residence occupied by his girl-friend. That would appear to be great news, but Nipper never was relocated to their new house on F Drive & 15 1/2 Mile Road. Mr. Pratt reportedly did not want her pets in their home. I don’t know how true this is, but it doesn't say much for the way someone should act in a relationship? Is it that Chris Pratt doesn't like cats, women, or people in general?
In my opinion, his girl-friend should not only be worried about pets, but concerned for her own safety and that of her children. After this remark, please note the following:
April 13, 2007- Chris Pratt is telling friends and relatives that his girl-friend had to go into the hospital because she lost feeling in her hands and feet. It sure is a strange coincidence that this makes the 3rd woman with whom he has had a relationship to experience this type of unusual medical anomaly. What could it be? Oh, what could it be?
Chris, you don’t seem to be working much anymore, and your girl-friend is the one employed, with a viable income and taking care of the house. It must be rough on her having to do so many things and take care of you and her own children? I plan to return to rural areas of Calhoun County and continue the search for Mary as soon as the weather clears next week. We will have more cadaver dogs and since you have all this idle time on your hands I wondered if you could meet with me and help in the search? As an experienced hunter who claims to know every piece of land in Calhoun County you would know where we could look.I hope you will consider my request and I look forward to talking with you again. Give it some thought?
Jim Carlin
If Mary was here today she would want to promote public awareness on the national tragedy of domestic violence, and speak to people on this issue. Take a few minutes and think about Mary Denise Lands as you read a few facts about physical and emotional abuse and domestic violence.
Domestic violence can be physical, sexual, or psychological. Physical and sexual violence by an intimate partner are common problems, affecting 20-50% of women at some stage in life in most populations surveyed globally. Between 3% and 50% of women have experienced it in the past year. Domestic violence has a profound impact on the physical and mental health of those who experience it. As well as injuries, it is associated with an increased risk of a range of physical and mental health problems and is an important cause of mortality from injuries and suicide.
Review of international literature on risk of domestic violence shows that although it is greatest in relationships and communities where the use of violence in many situations is normative, notably when witnessed in childhood, it is substantially a product of gender inequality and the lesser status of women compared with men in society. Except for poverty, few social and demographic characteristics define risk groups. Poverty increases vulnerability through increasing relationship conflict, reducing women's economic and educational power, and reducing the ability of men to live in a manner that they regard as successful. Violence is used frequently to resolve a crisis of male identity. Domestic violence is often associated with heavy alcohol drinking. Research suggests that the different factors have an additive effect.
Domestic violence is not a problem in my community.
Michigan State Police records from 1997 show that a woman is killed by a partner or former partner about once a week in Michigan.
In 1998, the Michigan State Police reported more than 5,000 victims of domestic violence in Oakland County.
Domestic violence only happens to poor women and women of color.
Domestic violence happens in all kinds of families and relationships. Persons of any class, culture, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, age, and sex can be victims or perpetrators of domestic violence.
Some people deserve to be hit.
No one deserves to be abused. Period. The only person responsible for the abuse is the abuser.
Physical violence, even among family members, is wrong and against the law.
Alcohol, drug abuse, stress, and mental illness cause domestic violence.
Alcohol use, drug use, and stress do not cause domestic violence; they may go along with domestic violence, but they do not cause the violence. Abusers often say they use these excuses for their violence. (Michigan Judicial Institute, Domestic Violence Benchbook, 1998, p. 1.6 - 1.7)
Generally, domestic violence happens when an abuser has learned and chooses to abuse. (Michigan Judicial Institute, Domestic Violence Benchbook, 1998, p. 1 - 5)
Domestic violence is rarely caused by mental illness, but it is often used as an excuse for domestic violence. (Michigan Judicial Institute, Domestic Violence Benchbook, 1998, p. 1 - 8)
Domestic violence is a personal problem between a husband and a wife.
Domestic violence affects everyone.
About 1 in 3 American women have been physically or sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives. (Commonwealth Fund, Health Concerns Across a Woman's Lifespan: the Commonwealth Fund 1998 Survey of Women's Health, 1999)
In 1996, 30% of all female murder victims were killed by their husbands or boyfriends. (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1997)
40% to 60% of men who abuse women also abuse children. (American Psychological Association, Violence and the Family, 1996)
If it were that bad, she would just leave.
There are many reasons why women may not leave. Not leaving does not mean that the situation is okay or that the victim want to be abused.
Leaving can be dangerous. The most dangerous time for a woman who is being abused is when she tries to leave. (United States Department of Justice, National Crime Victim Survey, 1995)
Excerpt from Oakland County Coordinating Council Against Domestic Violence
the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Pratt probably wrote a note like this to Mary Lands. He's been a abuser all his life and will never change. Noreen needs to pack and get out quick.
There is one aspect of domestic violence though that is often overlooked, and that is the emotional and mental abuse that sometimes leads to physical violence. I only mention this because I was unaware of it being considered abuse until it began to happen in my marriage. Without boring you with all of the details, my husband, now ex-husband, became verbally abusive. No one seemed to consider it abuse, and I just looked at it as growing pains in our almost 20 year marriage. Physical symptoms began to manifest themselves - weight loss, sleeplessness, and other health issues. Witnessing my parents violent marriage, I swore that I would never become a victim; yet, I still didn't see that I was becoming one. It was only during a routine doctor's visit when someone labeled my situation as abusive, that I woke up. She had been my family physician for almost 15 years at that point and realized that something was wrong. I remember saying, "But he doesn't hit me." Like that made everything else alright. I will never forget her words to me, "Bruises and broken bones can heal, but the words can have a lasting effect, and be just as painful and dangerous." I was never one to share my problems with my family and when the divorce came after 23 years of marriage, suffice it to say that all were shocked. There is not a doubt in my mind that had I stayed another 6 months, I would have either wound up in ICU or dead, as his verbal attacks became more bold and he would grab my arm to keep me from leaving the room. I think that might have been easier for my family to have dealt with; "Why didn't she say something?" or "If we'd only known". But many times, the abused person puts on such a convincing front of everything being okay, that it's easy for the abuser to claim innocence and everyone believe him/her. Eleven years later and relocating to a different part of the country, the only question that I have for myself is why didn't I do this sooner? I would bet my last dollar that Noreen has experienced emotional abuse. The tag line on his note, "I hope you still love me" is a chilling statement. He's claiming responsibility for jeopardizing their relationship.
Noreen, if you are still reading this blog, and I believe you are, I hope that you will seriously consider what everyone has been saying to you. The longer you stay, the more dangerous your situation becomes.
I hope that someday abuse in all its forms will be readily recognized so that there are no more victims.
I hope you still love me? says Pratt? With those kinds of notes the writing is on the wall for violence. What if she doesn't? She will be hurt.
Norrene should take off forever when the creep is gone hunting or at work. Otherwise she'll never make it out with her kids. Her family should be doing one of those interventions. She should wake up and find a decent guy. He'll move on to new prey. Vultures like Chris Pratt always do. Don't risk your life. Your kids have only one mom.
Norene should leave Chris before something happens to her!
Man jailed in assault, fire
Trace Christenson, The Enquirer
A Battle Creek woman is recovering from injuries after police said her boyfriend tried to kill her with a knife and baseball bat before setting her house on fire.
Rannette Dilling, 36, is staying with a friend after the home she shared with her three children was heavily damaged early Tuesday.
"Emotionally it has not even hit yet," said Joy Hernandez, a friend of Dilling's. "We are going to try and get her some help for counseling."
Hernandez said the Red Cross is helping the family, and friends are trying to establish a fund to help Dilling and her three children.
Dilling declined an interview with the Enquirer, but she told Battle Creek police she was awakened about 2:40 a.m. in her home at 1037 W. Michigan Ave. with Steven Gilliard choking her.
Gilliard, 38, and Dilling have three children together and a 10-year relationship although she told police she ended the relationship four years ago.
Battle Creek police reported that Dilling was assaulted with a knife and baseball bat and was kicked and had her head slammed against a wall.
Dilling told police Gilliard grabbed her by the throat and asked, "Are you ready to die?" He later asked her what she wanted her last words to be.
"This man lost it," Hernandez said Tuesday. "He tried to kill her and her children while she was sleeping in the house."
Dilling was sleeping on a couch in the living room of the two-story house when she was attacked.
Four children, including the couple's two daughters ages 12 and 13, and son, 7, and a friend of the children, a girl, 12, were in the house.
Police said the couple's daughters called police and refused to leave the area when their father told them to go upstairs.
Dilling told police, "my daughter would not leave me. If she had left me he would have killed me."
Police said when the first two officers arrived they found Gilliard in the living room holding a wooden bat. When police told him to drop it or he would be shot, he told them that is what he wanted to happen.
Dilling and the children were able to leave the house and Gilliard, after being sprayed with pepper spray, went to the basement, where police said he began hitting the natural gas line to the furnace with the bat.
Police shut off the gas line and members of the Emergency Response Team surrounded the house. About 30 minutes later, police saw smoke and firefighters later went into the basement and pulled Gilliard out, police Lt. Duane Knight said.
Gilliard was taken to Battle Creek Health System for treatment of smoke inhalation and then to the county jail where he is being held on charges of home invasion, assault with intent to murder and arson. Police said he has been on parole since Dec. 1, 2004 after a conviction of damaging police property.
He is expected to be arraigned today in Calhoun County District Court.
Fire Marshal Ralph Britton said he found two places where fires were started in the basement and first floor. He estimated damaged to the home and contents at $105,000.
Hernandez said Dilling has been a victim of domestic violence before.
"She had to try to break away from him and he would not leave her alone," she said.
Trace Christenson covers crime and courts. He can be reached at 966-0685 or tchrist@battlecr.gannett.com.
the weather is good,the water table should be low,if the F DRIVE site is still the number 1 spot in this investigation,we should be out there searching. mike
we have all spent alot of time in the search for mary.its gone on way to long,lets regroup and get this solved.if manpower is needed,just ask and we will come.everday im asked if anything new is happening,or if i think this will get solved.i do believe it will get solved,but i think we need to search more. mike
Thanks Mike, and a Happy New Year to you and your family.
We all appreciated your help throughout the last year and the Marshall family is optimistic that 2007 will be a good year for them and the person/s responsible for Mary's disappearance and murder will be held accountable.
The Michigan State Police have been going full steam since Thanksgiving and they are to be commended. We hope that vigorous investigative pursuits will continue now that everyone is back to work after the holiday.
We do have some things planned and I'll email you with details when they are available to see if you can help on those days.
We are going to bring Mary home very soon. We will not settle for less.
I wish the Marshall family good things to come for the New Year. This case I believe will not be solved by digging and searching. Chris is too smart. The only way I see is if someone would come forward even anonymously and just tell it. What, why, and where. If they know enough. People out there know and If they really want to do something worth while and truly good...end this. Sometimes people ask themselves why am I here? Well maybe to help this poor family. Do the right thing your life will make more sense and I believe good things will come there way. JUST DO IT AND MAKE PEACE WITH YOUR GOD.
Thank you for the last comment.
The family is optimistic that regardless of who is protecting who, for whatever reasons, Mary's case will be solved this year.
You are totally correct. That is why we are all here. To help the family of Mary Denise Lands in their tragedy, and bring Mary home.
As a mother our number one responsibility is to keep our children safe. I tend to protect mine from the unseen, unheard, unproven and at times nonexistent dangers. I would freely tell someone that I don't want them around my child just because they give me an odd feeling, I wouldn't feel bad, or guilty, or embarrassed because, as I said, my number one responsibility is to keep my children safe.
With all the evidence there is in this case, even if Noreen was told over and over again by Chris that he was innocent, how could she feel alright about him being around her children, and how could she feel OK about exposing her children to this scandal? It just doesn't make sense to me.
She enjoys the free drugs he supplies her.
With all the talk of drugs and abuse, domestic violence and such, why hasn't anyone called the Department of Family and Children Services? Child Protective Services has an obligation to investigate all reports of abuse and neglect. Alleged Drug use is neglect. Domestic Violence is Emotional and Psychological neglect. I am not sure how much policy varies from state to state and I know that the state I live in is one of the toughest when it comes to Child Protective Services. However, even if the state of Michigan isn't as tough on alleged crimes against children, you can email your Governor
Jennifer M. Granholm
P.O. Box 30013
Lansing, Michigan 48909
PHONE: (517) 373-3400
PHONE: (517) 335-7858 - Constituent Services
FAX:(517) 335-6863
with concerns for this family and the State Office will have to order that an investigation be conducted. Call your county DFCS office and make a report, make more than one. An investigation could be the thing that breaks this wide open. It will at least start a paper trail with Ms. Parker’s information and the information on her children. It may save her children from lasting psychological damage; it may save her children’s lives and possibly hers. In my state, if a custodial parent or caretaker tests positive for controlled substances the children get placed with a fit and willing relative (all potential placements are drug tested and checked out also). If Chris and Ms. Parker live together they would both have to take a Hair Follicle drug test. This type of drug analysis traces drug use back three and even four months prior to the testing. Also, if Domestic Violence is suspected, they would both have to complete a DV assessment. This may be helpful to Noreen if she is court ordered to attend group sessions to deal with domestic violence. If they tested positive for drugs they would have to complete a D&A assessment and attend D&A classes. The best thing would be if their case was substantiated and opened. Then they would have to complete a case plan, possible court ordered and someone would be checking on Noreen and the kids two to three times each month. They would also have the case manager make collateral contacts with people who know Noreen and Chris each month to gather any information needed to keep the children safe. Someone needs to report Ms. Parker and Chris. More than one person, everyone that understands that these children are at risk. These children are victims of Neglect and Abuse (it doesn’t have to be physical). The children’s safety is at risk, now and in the future.
What a great comment that was just posted by the previous visitor...
As a former investigator for the State of Michigan with DHS, formerly FIA, Children’s Protective Services, I now actually make 3-4 referrals per month that are usually substantiated in some manner.
The problem is that the threshold is so high for CPS intervention that many become frustrated and don’t report their suspicions of abuse and neglect. As absurd as it may seem the use of drugs does not automatically trigger an investigation unless it is in a newborn infant.
I personally have brought to the attention of State of Michigan authorities a certain matter in the Parker/Pratt residence and that is currently under investigation.
This web site has been viewed by those in law enforcement and all we can hope is that at some point in time their residence will come under more scrutiny, and the children will be protected.
I also have filed various complaints for what I believe to be criminal actions by Ms. Parker. It includes perjury for her false statements in a Personal Protection Order (PPO) affidavit and in her testimony under oath in Calhoun County Circuit Court. A small claims action is also pending to recover monies for the signs that were taken by Ms. Parker.
It is a shame that her boy-friend doesn’t participate more in these events, but why should be get involved when he has a woman handing his dirty work? I still believe that within a short time Ms. Parker will realize how she is being manipulated and can escape from this dysfunctional domestic situation.
Thank you for your comments. If you like, anyone can make complaint if they believe their suspicions are valid. You may contact State of Michigan, Calhoun County Children’s Protective Services, 190 East Michigan Avenue, Battle Creek, Michigan 49016.
Telephone- 269.966.1331.
Do as the previous comment notes, send a copy of your referral and complaint to Governor Granholm.
bla bla bla - a couple of the kids might go to the fathers who aren't in PRISON. She knows how to pick um & that is how she likes it. keep feeling sorry for her people... she's eating it up. She knows what Chris is about - she said before she used to date one of his crazy friends, or had a friend who did, something like that - she knows he killed her - she's so crazy she's probably HOPING she's the next one people are searching for.
An interesting observation that may be accurate in this case…
People who engage in sociopathic behavior want to be in control and manipulate others. They often resent pets and animals that might be receiving attention and affection that they believe is only meant for them.
I have ascertained that many pets and animals in the households of the women involved with Mr. Pratt have mysteriously disappeared or been injured over the years. This is well documented and can be proven.
I find it strange that this same unusual occurrence might have happened in Norrene Parker’s life as she moved in with Mr. Pratt. The story goes that she had two cats as pets, and one was called “Banjo”. One of the cats was poisoned, and the other disappeared and was never seen again. Mr. Pratt reportedly did not want the pets in their home. I don’t know how true this is, but I wouldn’t want to take the chance.
In my opinion, Ms. Parker should not only be worried about pets, but concerned for her own safety and that of her children. She needs to wake up and examine the situation of relationship. Does she really know Mr. Pratt?
I know for a fact that what JIS is saying about Chris to be true regarding harming pets of those in his households; including pets of his children.
look into the SCUM who live in the rice creek area.
"To the anonymous person who posted the last two comments on Saturday, March 3rd at approximately 9:15 PM"...
You made a reference to Rice Creek and people who live in that area. Can you be more descript with a particular location or area? Rice Creek extends a great length from Jackson County into Calhoun, and empties into the Kalamazoo River in Marshall.
If you are giving us a tip, please provide more information. You may also send an anonymous email to the family at JCarlin@JustinianLaw.com
Thank you for your help.
Very soon, the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands will be held accountable. Then their smirks, arrogance, and defiance of the law will be replaced with a fitting tune...
Bad boys bad boys,
Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Bad boys, bad boys
Watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do when they come for you
When you were eight and you had bad traits
You go to school and you learn the golden rule
So why are you acting like a bloody fool
If you get hot you must get cool
Bad boys, bad boys. Watcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Bad boys, bad boys. Watcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
You chuck it on this one. You chuck it on this one.
You chuck it on mother and you chuck it on you father.
You chuck it on you brother and you chuck it on you sister.
You chuck it on that one and you chuck it on me.
Nobody naw give you no break
Police naw give you no break
Soldier naw give you no break
Not even you children naw give you no break
Why did you have to act so mean don't you know
You're a human being born of a mother with
The love of a father reflections come and reflections go
I know sometimes you want to let go
I know sometimes you want to let go
look into the fool who lives on L drive n. near the rice creek softball field.
Look at the big fellow on L drive N NEAR 23 MI RD.He hangs with the pratts and he cant stand narks.
THE three guilty pratts are bad news but this big guy is much worse-this is a tip.
Thank you again for the information. I have looked at this but need to speak with you more. If you will call me anonymously I'd be glad to further discuss this and will keep your identity confidential. I will not divulge your name to the police.
my thoughts on why chris waited 44 hours was, he needed to get rid of all the evidence and set up alibi's. someone left a remark here that stated- DUST IN THE WIND this seems like a clue.my guess is that mary and her belongings were probably burned.its a sad thought,but it would explain why she hasnt been found.
My guess is thats what they want people to think along with other things said and the different locations of where Mary might be.
A person recently posted a comment about Norrene Parker on her video,
It is interesting that last comment from “Outlawscribe” relates to Norrene waking up before she becomes another statistic.
Numerous sources have called and emailed me in the last two days that, in fact, Norrene Parker was hospitalized, and released yesterday. I have confirmed much of the information and as soon as any public details can be verified I will post the information. I hope Ms. Parker is feeling better.
Chris Pratt is telling friends and relatives that Norrene had to go into the hospital because she lost feeling in her hands and feet.
It sure is a strange coincidence that this makes the 3rd woman with whom he has had a relationship to experience this type of unusual medical anomaly. What could it be? Oh, what could it be?
Chris, you don’t seem to be working much anymore, and Norrie is the one bringing home the bacon and taking care of the house. It must be rough on her having to file for bankruptcy and other things going on?
I plan to return to rural areas of Calhoun County and continue the search for Mary as soon as the weather clears next week. We will have more cadaver dogs and since you have all this idle time on your hands I wondered if you could meet with me and help in the search? As an experienced hunter who claims to know every piece of land in Calhoun County you would know where we could look.
I hope you will consider my request and I look forward to talking with you again. Give it some thought? You could help bring home your former fiancee.
Jim Carlin
PLZ check out the guy on L DR N,he is a big fellow
In regard to the last comment.
We have had numerous tips probably all from the same person related to a big guy, L Drive North, near the Rice Creek ball field, 23 Mile Road and the most recent one from the anonymous person asking, (PLZ check out the guy on L DR N,he is a big fellow)
I have always replied asking for more information and for that person to clarify the tip. They never respond.
I may be contacted anonymously at 269.441.7068 or you can set up a free hotmail or yahoo email to keep your identity a secret.
It does no good to receive this type of information and anyone providing a tip must include more pertinent facts so that it can be checked properly.
We also are cognizant that some will mislead us with false information. If you don't want to help bring Mary home or support the family limit your Internet time to games and other sites. The Marshall Police Department have wasted too much time already in not solving this case. We don't wish to expend our valuable time on false and frivolous information.
If you really have something to say get me the information. Star 67 your call, or put an anonymous note in the mail.
If not, you might as well go hang out with some of the alleged perpetrators in this case for all the good you are doing.
We welcome help and support from the public, but only sincere and genuine help and support.
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
344 Clayton Avenue
Battle Creek, Michigan 49017-5218
Tx- 269.441.7068
Email- JCarlin@JustinianLaw.com
Interesting conversation I had this morning with yet another person wishing to providing information about the case.…
I don’t know how true it is or the actual circumstances, but thought I’d pass it along. It was reported to me that Norrene told a friend of this incident.
Mr. Pratt and Norrie were having a heated fight and he remarked that she should not give him any S---T, or what happened to Mary was going to happen to her!
My only suggestion for Ms. Parker is that she ought to be keeping a journal of daily activities and a record of any physical or emotional abuse. I would suggest this to any person involved in domestic violence. One could keep the journal at work or with a trusted friend or relative, but a person must take steps to protect themselves and their children. It may never be needed, but it is something to think about. Share your pain with someone you can trust, a counselor, a priest or minister, a friend at work, or a relative and perhaps you can eventually remove yourself from this type of abusive relationship. It will not stop, and it will get worse!
I have heard a great deal about Mr. Pratt’s explosive moods and damage he has done within his rented home on 15 ½ Mile Road. It is not a long wait from the behavior of punching out walls and breaking phones to the breaking of a person's bones.
We now know that Mary was physically and emotionally abused. It is too bad that she didn’t leave us this type of documentation in her own hand. If she had, the person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder might have been convicted and in prison by now.
If you know anyone involved in domestic violence you owe it to that person and their family to help.
Mother’s Day is May 13th. Lets work toward solving Mary’s case by that date, and for relief to the family.
By the way, Mr. Pratt bumped into Anita Marshall while she was working last week asking directions to Customer Service. He has been in this store many times although not in the last three years…
In my opinion this is more of the arrogance of a sociopath. Anita stood her ground, pointed him to the service desk, and walked away. You have a real problem, Mr. Pratt, but you no longer intimidate good people.
We will never give up on our hunt for proof of the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands.
Last Mother’s Day, Mr. Pratt showed up on the doorstep of the Marshall’s and gave Anita a dog-eared-folded up wallet size birth ID and folded up original birth certificate for Mary Lands. He claimed he found them in his file and wanted Anita to have them as a gift for Mother’s Day. My opinion and that of family members who knew Mary’s mannerisms were that these two documents were always kept folded in her wallet. How did you get them Chris? And, why would you give something like this to Mary’s mother on Mother’s Day?
Numerous people have called and emailed me over the last few days giving tips and information that have been very helpful. They also are inquiring about Chris Pratt and his girl-friend, Norrene Parker? They want to know why we no longer have the video of her on YouTube taking Mary's signs and why her name is not mentioned anymore?
She is the mother of three children and we made our point. For Mother's Day we wanted to reduce some of the stress in her life and I cannot comment any further. Obviously she is the only one who can make permanant and positive changes to her world that will improve her quality of life. No one else can make those choices for her.
The Marshall family and I wish her well and we hope that she and her children will be safe and happy. People who abuse others with physical and emotional violence don't change. They go from one person to another. We hope that Ms. Parker will recognize the patterns in this type of abnormal behavior and not continue to be a willing victim.
If she ever wishes to contact me or Mary's family, she has our telephone numbers.
Good Luck Norrie.
Are there any updates on the case? I heard a rumor that a private investigator was hired by Pratt's girlfriend to tail him and that investigator found him digging a hole in the woods. The girlfriend (I assume Parker) was told Pratt was digging her grave. Is this true?
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