We also will hold another Mary Lands "Walk for Justice" at the Marshall Police Department and the Brooks Memorial Fountain soon and further walks in Marshall and other locations are planned for 2007. A new feature on the Mary Lands case will also appear on ABC News television in May, and we will keep you advised when that date if finalized.
We would like to express our thanks to the many friends and supporters who have helped us over the last two years. We also would welcome their help again and the support of others. If you would like to assist us in any way and join in our walks, sign petitions, and hear more about Mary's case on what the Marshall Police Department have and have not done, please call- 269.441.7068 or write, Cliff & Anita Marshall, PO Box 63, Marshall, Michigan 49068. You may email me directly at JCarlin@JustinianLaw.com or post anonymous comments on this web site.
----We also are extending an invitation to Christopher Luke Pratt. He has never been willing to participate in the many searches for his former fiancée, but I would like to ask him to help. Everyone is aware that he is a hunter and claims to know all the rural environs of Calhoun County. Perhaps he can point us in the right direction to bring Mary home?

May 13, 2007 is Mother’s Day. Lets all work toward solving Mary's case and bringing some closure for the family. Keep your many calls, emails, and tips coming in so that Mary’s case can be concluded. They are greatly appreciated and as always we will keep your name confidential.
By the way, Mr. Pratt stopped Anita Marshall while she was working last week and asked directions to Customer Service. He has been in this store many times in the past although not in the last three years. In my opinion this is more of the arrogance observed in sociopathic behavior. Why would Mr. Pratt take this action? Is it to intimidate Mary’s family? Is it to intimidate people helping the family? Anita Marshall stood her ground, politely pointed him to the service desk, and walked away. You have many problems, Mr. Pratt, but you can no longer intimidate good people.
Last Mother’s Day, 2006, Chris Pratt showed up at the home of the Marshall’s and gave Anita a dog-eared-folded wallet size birth ID, and folded original birth record for Mary Lands. He claimed he found them in a file and wanted Anita to keep them as a gift for Mother’s Day. My opinion and those of family and friends who knew Mary’s mannerisms were that these two documents were always kept folded in her own wallet. How did you get them Chris? And, why would you give something like this to Mary’s mother on Mother’s Day? Your own father, Sam Pratt died last year in the hospital after fighting a long illness. Would it be appropriate for you to give your mother, Louise, his birth certificate? I think not!
It is about time that you talk to me and members of law enforcement about what you know. Go on record with your statements and help bring Mary home? For once in your life try to do the right thing. Bring your lawyer, bring your friends, but talk about what really occurred on the weekend of March 12, 2004. Talk about Mary’s birth certificate, why you have her engagment ring, her favorite bomber jacket you were selling at a flea market in Homer, which was recovered and turned over the the police? Explain why you were selling off so many intimate items without even offering them to the family first? Family pictures still in their frames, Mary's jewelery and clothing? Explain how Mary was so mentally and physically abused? Explain how her bones were broken? Explain the court documentation of domestic violence on other women in your life? Explain Mary's disappearance so that we can all understand what might happened to your fiancée? Do you have a problem with anger management and control? We will listen.
You may have moved on,but you cannot hide from your past and events will repeat themselves. When you wish your own Mom a Happy Mother’s Day this year think about the other Mother’s Day events you spent with Mary Lands? Think about how it will be in the Marshall home this Mother’s Day 2007 without the presence of their beloved daughter, Mary? Think about your own children, think about your mother, Louise Pratt, a former school teacher in Albion, and think about what your legacy will be? Think about all of this Mr. Pratt?
April 24, 2007 1:00 PM- No work again today...Christoper is back at Ceresco Dam enjoying the weather and fish'in. Today, however he is with his brother Jeff Pratt.
April 20, 2007- It must be another day off work at the Target Distribution Center in Galesburg, Michigan because the sun was out and Mr. Pratt went fish'in. Pike minnows were the bait of the day. In about two weeks, over 5,600 viewers have seen the Chris Pratt Fish'in Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7u21C1dJOHk

Someone must be held accountable. Two years ago I wrote that Marshall, Michigan is a lovely and beautiful place to live and work, but evil things can and do occur in the best of places. Something very evil occurred in Marshall on March 12, 2004 and that evil lingers to this day. Let us end this evil and bring this investigation to a close. You can help and those answers are out there and known by good people with a conscience. Call us, email, or write if you have any information.
I have been often criticized by law enforcement for not providing the names of people who have provided tips and other information. Many will talk to me, but not to the police. I have never divulged the name of any person if they wished to remain anonymous. In over two years I have interviewed dozens of individuals throughout the country in prisons, county jails, in their homes or at work. I will go anywhere to speak to anyone with information about Mary’s case and if you ask, your name will remain anonymous. Clifford Marshall has often said that many people seem to trust me more than the police. Unfortunately, I have also come to the realization that I have more respect for some individuals in prison than for some police-officers who I know. That probably explains the reluctance of so many people to trust some in law enforcement.
If you have any information, concerning the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands, please contact me- JCarlin@JustinianLaw.com
Mary Denise Lands Tribute Video- http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5453491744213013506
My prayers are with you.
Bad boys bad boys,Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you? clik clik go the cuffs.
It is going to be SOOON
If there is a good thing about crooks it is that they screw up eventually and get caught.... and there is a bulldog on them.. that isnt letting go..
We, in California, are aware of the search for Mary,, and the need for justice. Justice never tires.. Justice never sleeps... Justice never forgets...
and Mary.. we do not forget you...
It doesnt take a brain surgeon to look at the boyfriend as a person of interest... no polygraph>> Id be more interested>> no interest in the case.. I would be really interested in him >>> How about it Chris??? if youre innocent you have NOTHING to fear by cooperating.. and until Mary is found you DO want to cooperate ..dont you? Care to respond?
The truth is what the truth is... and we WILL find the truth ..hopefully sooner than later...
Cameron Mooney-L.A. Sheriff Sergeant
Thank you Sgt. Mooney. We need more good officers with your outstanding caliber who understand empathy, and can work a criminal investigation zealously and with dedication in finding the truth.
It is comforting to know that Mary's story is spreading across the county. Many more people will learn of the tragedy of Mary Denise Lands.
We believe the perpetrator/s will soon be caught and we will have answered two lingering questions, Where is Mary? and, When will we have justice for Mary?
Come on Chris help us look for Mary , you know what you did and like it the old saying is what gos around does come around and the day will come soon that we all will see you charged for what you and who ever helped you do to Mary, get off your butt and get your clothes on and join them in the search for Mary,
Norrene, you are one sick woman if you want to call your self a woman, taking of the signs that where not yours and now trying to get a bankruptcy , to cover the cost of them, dang woman you have no smarts in your mind,
This was passed along to me and it is quite interesting...
Numbness, tingling, and pain in the hands and feet are symptoms of Arsenic poisoning. If you get a chance, read the book Last Dance, Last Chance. Tests can be done on urine for recent poisoning, and on hair and fingernails to mark when boluses of arsenic have been given. A product called "Grants Kills Ants" is full of arsenic, tastes sweet, and can easily be added to drinks. You can still buy it in Walmarts and similar stores. The woman in Last Dance survived in a miraculous way, after her husband, a very bad doctor put Grants into Kool-Ade.
You can go online to PDRHealth.com to read more.
Something to think about...
bad boy bad boy what u gonna do; what u gonna do when they come for u?
chris,it appears that your life wont ever get better,you screwed it up.BE A MAN AND CONFESS.
Ms. Parker appeared at the hearing for the First Meeting of Creditors this morning, Tuesday, April 17, 2007 accompanied by a gentleman, presumed to be her father. There was no sign of Mr. Pratt. Clifford Marshall, Mary's father was also present with me in court. After some brief questions I presented to the trustee our objection to the inclusion of a debt on her petition because it was an "intentional tort" and should not be discharged under bankruptcy code. Upon review by the judge and his issued order we will then be able to return to Calhoun County District Court, General Division, to litigate our claim against her for taking the "Justice for Mary" signs. We will keep you advised.
We have had numerous tips probably all from the same person related to a big guy, L Drive North, near the Rice Creek ball field, 23 Mile Road and the most recent one from the anonymous person asking, (PLZ check out the guy on L DR N,he is a big fellow)
I have always replied asking for more information and for that person to clarify the tip. They never respond.
I may be contacted anonymously at 269.441.7068 or you can set up a free hotmail or yahoo email to keep your identity a secret.
It does no good to receive this type of information and anyone providing a tip must include more pertinent facts so that it can be checked properly.
We also are cognizant that some will mislead us with false information. If you don't want to help bring Mary home or support the family limit your Internet time to games and other sites. The Marshall Police Department have wasted too much time already in not solving this case. We don't wish to expend our valuable time on false and frivolous information.
If you really have something to say get me the information. Star 67 your call, or put an anonymous note in the mail.
If not, you might as well go hang out with some of the alleged perpetrators in this case for all the good you are doing.
We welcome help and support from the public, but only sincere and genuine help and support.
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
344 Clayton Avenue
Battle Creek, Michigan 49017-5218
Tx- 269.441.7068
Email- JCarlin@JustinianLaw.com
Interesting conversation I had this morning with yet another person wishing to providing information about the case.…
I don’t know how true it is or the actual circumstances, but thought I’d pass it along. It was reported to me that Norrene told a friend of this incident.
Mr. Pratt and Norrie were having a heated fight and he remarked that she should not give him any S---T, or what happened to Mary was going to happen to her!
My only suggestion for Ms. Parker is that she ought to be keeping a journal of daily activities and a record of any physical or emotional abuse. I would suggest this to any person involved in domestic violence. One could keep the journal at work or with a trusted friend or relative, but a person must take steps to protect themselves and their children. It may never be needed, but it is something to think about. Share your pain with someone you can trust, a counselor, a priest or minister, a friend at work, or a relative and perhaps you can eventually remove yourself from this type of abusive relationship. It will not stop, and it will get worse!
I have heard a great deal about Mr. Pratt’s explosive moods and damage he has done within his rented home on 15 ½ Mile Road. It is not a long wait from the behavior of punching out walls and breaking phones to the breaking of a person's bones.
We now know that Mary was physically and emotionally abused. It is too bad that she didn’t leave us this type of documentation in her own hand. If she had, the person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder might have been convicted and in prison by now.
If you know anyone involved in domestic violence you owe it to that person and their family to help.
It appears as if someone wants to give a tip but might be very afraid of their well being if they give names.marshall used to be such a nice town,what happened.
You know I read this everyday,as well as for calling her parent's to see if there is anything what so ever new about Mary, to see if we are any closer to finding her. I would just like to say to whoever has any info about this case, it's time to let us bring her home, It's been far to long already.
I've known her over half my life,she was my best friend,more like a sister.I love and miss her, and not having her here in mine and my daughter life its just plain hell, I can only think what this must be doing to her family. So is'nt it time to say enough is enough.
MPD if you can't bring her home, at least for our sake's ask the FBI to see if they can.Someone has to put a stop to this.
And I would also like to Thanks Jim for all his hard work,And Mary's family for never ever giving up.We would have never made it this far without you.
Hang in there, I know someday somehow,We will bring Mary home to RIP...
This is to who ever had anything to do with Mary's case, in any way what so ever...
You took my best friend away from me, The person I trusted most in this world, you left her family in hell to wonder what could of happend to their daughter.What more do you want!!!
Look into your heart, and let us at least be able to bring her home so we all can have the chance to say good bye to her. Dont take that one last thing away from us. WE NEED HER HOME...
Can you understand that ???
Do the right thing, and let us know what you did to her.PLEASE...
I dont care how you let us know, just let us know.
Do it by writing to Jim Carlin, or do it anonymous, we dont care, just do it....
There are things your cannot hide about yourself.. your personality.. your habits.. you can try but they always will come out in the end.. patient investigators know this. We know this, Chris. We are patient.. we have nothing to fear.. but a criminal lives in fear of discovery all the time.. that has to be hard.. it eats away away at them
Are you living with fear Chris? with doubt? I think you should be.. your actions shine a spotlight upon you.. continually
So ..what have we learned lately.. well.. we have learned that Chris is not truthful,, in little things.. but little lies are representative of personality traits.. for example,, Ill call in sick and then go fishing..(but no time for Mary? what gives)
Mary is.. or was... Chris.. a living breathing human being. It has to trouble you..doesnt it?
We've learned Chris is left handed.. people who are dominant sided normally go to their strong side ( In my experience as a dog handler we would find suspects who like to flee to their strong sides).. so as we look for Mary we can use this information
People who are left handed also have other "personality traits".. we'll use that information as well.
But we'll keep that secret for now Chris,, because there ARE facts we know...
You see.. although Mary isnt here to talk to us she is still speaking, Chris.. through the people that love her.. through the investigators who burn inside to find justice.. through the rest of the world outraged... and yes.. one day, Chris,, directly through Mary
What do you think Mary is saying Chris?
Jim,since the weather has broken,have you had any cadever dogs out searching yet?Im offering my help to you and the marshalls.Let me know here when you plan to do more searches.Im ready to help anyway i can. mike
Thanks Mike,
I'm actually meeting with several people tomorrow. A lot of new information and many things going on. I'll email you details when plans are final.
Several postive developments.
chris and brother jeff should really be worried.
i here the cops song getting closer.
carlin listens and everbody talks to him.
can you fish from prison?
bad boys;yes!
Mother’s Day is May 13th. Lets work toward solving Mary’s case by that date, and for relief to the family.
By the way, Mr. Pratt bumped into Anita Marshall while she was working last week asking directions to Customer Service. He has been in this store many times although not in the last three years…
In my opinion this is more of the arrogance of a sociopath. Anita stood her ground, pointed him to the service desk, and walked away. You have a real problem, Mr. Pratt, but you no longer intimidate good people.
We will never give up on our hunt for proof of the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands.
Last Mother’s Day, Mr. Pratt showed up on the doorstep of the Marshall’s and gave Anita a dog-eared-folded up wallet size birth ID and folded up original birth certificate for Mary Lands. He claimed he found them in his file and wanted Anita to have them as a gift for Mother’s Day. My opinion and that of family members who knew Mary’s mannerisms were that these two documents were always kept folded in her wallet. How did you get them Chris? And, why would you give something like this to Mary’s mother on Mother’s Day?
Mr. Carlin - you should consider posting your updates in new blog postings. These are getting pretty hard to follow with updates appearing in the middle of old blog postings. Just something to consider, as you may get more play & comments on your efforts out here.
Thank you for the input. I try to run the most recent information at the top of each blog posting but see how it might be difficult to follow.
I'll make a point of doing it with new blog postings in the future.
Thank you for your suggestion.
olson should put pratt on the payroll in his department. He'd ad to the other dirty cops pushing dope.
Chris how can you go to your mom and say happy mothers day when you now what you did to aonther person who has kids,and cant say happy mother day to her own mom,,, your sick butt needs to bring her home NOW
Keep up the good work Mr. Carlin
God Bless
I hoope that Chris will see this posting, How can you live with what you did to Mary , its been long enough, it time for you to step up and be a man ( if you call your self a man) and tell the police what and where is Mary, its another Mothers day that they will not have her home, you should not even tell your own mom happy mothers day, how could you look into your own mom's eye and even say it , you are one sick person , Now its time for you to step up and bring her home where she is needed by alot of ppl who really loved her,
HEY CHRIS, I dont know of anyone in Marshall who wants YOU here!!!!
give it up pratt. do something good in your miserable life
MSP post:On March 12, 2004, Mary was last seen at approximately 10:30 p.m. walking away from her residence in the vicinity of the 1200 block of Arms St. in Marshall, Michigan. She was wearing hospital scrubs (blue scrub pants with "Sponge Bob" print scrub shirt), slip-on athletic shoes with no heel back, brown leather jacket...
does anyone know who was the last person to see her ..and give this description?
How is this possible when her brown leather jacket was later bought back by a family member? Sold with other belongings of Mary by Chris?
This would be a false statement whom ever gave the last seen description would it not?
my other question is have Marys car keys ever been recovered?
why would she walk away when she had a car?
other questions I have..
did mary even own sponge bob scrubs? was anything given in the description validated?
as a nurse my keys where always in my scrub top pocket..again I wonder where are her keys now?
The wheels on Marys truck I believe held clues ..does anyone know if police have these? I see they are gone off the truck in the pictures on marys page.
why can't people gather and search?
I have heard many say they want to help search area's and been told no they are not welcomed to search..why ?
anyway to the family I pray for your answers to come soon.
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