I immediately heard stories from people who were just as afraid of their local police department as they were of those who might have been involved in Mary’s case. At first I thought this could not be true, but the more people I talked with, and the more stories I heard, I absolutely came to believe there is some connection. Adults today, who were students in the Marshall High School 5 years ago related the same stories about drugs being sold by a police-officer and dubious actions that would not only merit termination from any police agency, but criminal charges. Numerous people have provided me specific information about traffic stops where drugs, cash, and alcohol were confiscated but never turned in as police evidence, and the person/s involved were sent on their way. Why would any of these people complain? They were released and did not have to face any legal consequences. It sure is a strange way to enforce laws in the State of Michigan, and it only precipitates an aura of police corruption. It gives new meaning to the words, "Marshall Law." It is no wonder that people do not like to speak to some Marshall police-officers. Many in the community have lost trust in some members of law enforcement.
Numerous Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests on officers and incidents have been completed and PDF and JPG file examples may be viewed on the right side of this page under "Links to Mary." The FOIA results may also be seen at- www.BADD.org and www.MaryDeniseLands.com It documents various instances of inappropriate conduct by a police-officer. All these public files will soon be published. Any public service employee who would engage in these type actions should have been immediately terminated and should have been prosecuted. In a meeting last year with Chief Mike Olson, he informed Mr. Marshall and I that he was aware I had taken corruption allegations to an outside agency. His remark was, "If he found out any of this was true, by darn, that person will be fired". Chief Michael Olson as "Top Cop" is paid an annual salary of $65,352.00, his health benefits are $829.18 per month, dental benefits are $44.59 per month, and his life insurance is capped at $50,000.00 while he is employed by the City of Marshall. He also receives retirement from the Michigan State Police. He has no employment contract and is a direct hire at the pleasure of the City Manager. I don’t know where Chief Olson's head has been for nearly the last four years since he took over as public safety director? Is he a police chief or a wanna-be politician? After all these years on the job he ought to know how to manage a police agency and it is about time he do it correctly. There is much more to police work than smoke breaks, sitting around eating donuts, and drinking coffee. In my opinion his efforts are dismal at best and not at all in the best interests of the people in the City of Marshall. They seem to be for only for a selected number of special people.
Chief Mike Olson is quick to peddle a lot of public relations banter about what he and his agency have done in the Mary Lands case. Chief Olson has informed the family and I who is responsible for Mary’s disappearance. Why doesn’t he make a public statement on his opinions? Why doesn't he name a "suspect" or a "person of interest"? Yet this same police chief has told the media that Mary's case might never be solved. In an interview to WZZM-TV that was seen on May 16, 2007 Sgt. Scott McDonald said, "the police do have some suspects in mind, currently and initially." He claimed that he was personally very disgusted and it was frustrating that more people are not coming forward. With their inept track record and lack of public trust it is totally understandable why many people will not come forward and talk with certain officers in the Marshall Police Department. If they do have suspects why don't they pursue these people? Why don't they go out and talk to these suspects? Why do certain people in Marshall seem to be immune from even being put under a magnifying glass by the Marshall Police Department? Why do these people brag that they are untouchable by the Marshall Police Department? Where is the aggressiveness and dedication to serve the entire public and to arrest and prosecute law-breakers in Marshall, Michigan? Some people in that agency seem more focused on trivial matters that don’t even deserve police attention than trying to prosecute the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands.
Could it be that some people in the police department are protecting more affluent members of the community who themselves might be involved in dubious activities? A good example is the issue of Mary’s Dodge Durango? Chief Olson claims this is being held as evidence although it was stored in the open yard of a towing company in Marshall, Michigan. The family tried to inquire about its status and after two years, over two winters, of being unprotected and unlocked (and allegedly held as evidence) it was moved to "a new secure location". In my opinion I believe there was some type of conspiracy to accumulate storage charges on the vehicle so that the lien-holder would give up its claim and the vehicle could be sold as a profit to certain individuals. This vehicle is not and cannot be considered a piece of evidence. It should have been returned over two years ago. It should be returned now.
Clifford & Anita Marshall have been lied to and deceived for the last three years. Anita Marshall once said, "We never had a manual to follow when your daughter comes up missing and presumed murdered". They trusted the Marshall Police Department and people in that agency failed them miserably. The bottom line is that there is nothing but incompetence. arrogance, and ignorance in some of the work related to the Mary Lands case. Are people that worried that if an arrest was made today in Mary’s case that the person/s would be in a position to criminally involve many other individuals in crimes not necessarily associated with Mary’s disappearance and murder? In my opinion, I absolutely believe that is the case. A former Marshall resident recently wrote, "Those of us who grew up in the "All-American" city know that the Golden Rule applies here...."Those that have the Gold make the rules". It's that simple. Those that have the money pull the strings of the elected and appointed officials. They don't even fart without permission. This has been the way of life for many many years.
You do not have to listen to anything I have said or written and you need to ascertain the facts for yourself. I’ll be glad to share any of my information and materials with any person who asks? Send your own FOIA requests to the appropriate agencies, call friends and relatives about your concerns, contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the United States Attorney’s Office in Grand Rapids, and most of all contact every person in the media. You can assist by calling major media officials at the national level and asking them to help. The tragedy of Mary Denise Lands should have been profiled at the national level two years ago, but the Marshall Police Department has been against it and has put up barriers to people in the media who inquired about the case. There seems to be more of a focus on their historical community image and keeping silent about crimes than in serving the public, enforcing the law and closing cases. The Marshall Police Department doesn't even have a real detective in that agency. They just do not have the ability, desire and resources to properly solve crimes. What are they trying to cover up and who are they protecting?
The Marshall family, and the Marshall community need the answer to two crucial questions we have been asking for 38 months. Where is Mary? and, When will we have justice for Mary? I have no doubt that there are many people in Marshall and Calhoun County who are aware of these dubious activities and much more. We need them to come forward and provide details. As I have said in the past, if Mary Lands had been the loved one of a police official or prominent politician this case would have been already solved. Over two years ago while doing research on this historic community I wrote that Marshall, Michigan is a lovely and beautiful place to live and work, but evil things can and do occur in the best of places. Something very evil occurred on March 12, 2004 and that evil persists in Marshall to this day. There is a nasty odor emanating from a public building near the Brooks Memorial Circle Fountain, and the air needs to be cleared. The entire Marshall community and Calhoun County must demand that the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands be held accountable regardless of how it might alter the appearance of a quaint historic Michigan community. You would not settle for less if Mary Lands was your daughter, sister, wife or loved one.

Boy... Watch your back Jim.. nothing can be worse in the world than inept and corrupt policemen... criminals with a badge are the worst hell there is...
Where is the states attorney general?.. why doesnt he look into this department and its pitiful handling of this case.. Where are you Mr Mayor...Marshall City Council... how long do we have to put up with this?
Id say some IIB complaints to the FBI are warranted here
All the while the slimey snake walks free...
Where is the JUSTICE for Mary
A non corrupt policeman
Thank you so much for this comment. I would never infer that all police-officers engage in this misconduct, and do not wish to uphold their oath to serve and protect us. It is a very small number who corrupt the system and encourage other officers to do wrong.
As far as your question about contacting the Michigan Attorney General? We have gone that route and received an answer. It was signed by an Assistant Attorney General within the Criminal Division. The lackadaisical response made it sound as if we were complaining about potholes and broken street-lights in Marshall rather than malfeasance, incompetence and corruption. We were told to speak to the Mayor and an elected member in the council. That document will soon be posted for the public.
Keep up your great work to the community. It is good people like youself who honor their sworn obligation to uphold all the laws and keep us protected. Stay safe, and again, thank you for your service.
Small number who corrupt the system, wild guess here,but i would have to say that Mr. Tim Bryant might be involved,or atleast is a hang out friend of chris pratt( THE CREEPER)
i heard the same and it is true.
All I can add is for you to inquire with your own Freedom of Information Act requests. Read the facts for yourself and judge how incompetent an administrator this person is who is protecting the public.
The people are only as good as their leaders and supervisors. There are good honest officers in Marshall, but the bad apples need to be removed from the barrel.
If people would keep their eyes and ears open and tell someone in law enforcement who can really correct these issues the corruption could not exist. It has gone on for years and years because people don’t care and look the other way. If someone only cared 3 years ago in Marshall it just might be that Mary Lands would not have been murdered.
Thank you for your calls and the comments.
You correctly named one of the problems. I will soon be posting documentation from the Marshall Police Department on this individual and you can make your own decision. There will be much more to offer.
and we can't figure out why Mary's has not been found. Look at this garbage in Marshall PD
Numerous people have called and emailed me over the last few days giving tips and information that have been very helpful. They also are inquiring about Chris Pratt and his girl-friend, Norrene Parker? They want to know why we no longer have the video of her on YouTube taking Mary's signs and why her name is not mentioned anymore?
She is the mother of three children and we made our point. For Mother's Day we wanted to reduce some of the stress in her life and I cannot comment any further. Obviously she is the only one who can make permanant and positive changes to her world that will improve her quality of life. No one else can make those choices for her.
The Marshall family and I wish her well and we hope that she and her children will be safe and happy. People who abuse others with physical and emotional violence don't change. They go from one person to another. We hope that Ms. Parker will recognize the patterns in this type of abnormal behavior and not continue to be a willing victim.
If she ever wishes to contact me or Mary's family, she has our telephone numbers.
Good Luck Norrie.
I am a former classmate of Mary's. I moved from Marshall in 1982, but continue to keep in touch by means of the internet. I was informed of Mary's disappearance by a mutual friend. I have tracked this case over the past three plus years.
I am thoroughly disgusted with the Marshall Police Department. Those of us who grew up in the "All-American" city know that the Golden Rule applies here......"Those that have the Gold make the rules". It's that simple. Those that have the money pull the strings of the elected and appointed officials. They don't even fart without permission. This has been the way of life for many many years.
More power to anyone that will "grab a handful" and stand up to the crooked officals that are obviously hiding someone and/or something.
there is atleast 2 very good police officers at marshall,however there is no excuse for marshalls police chief to ignore the problems in the department.WHY ISNT HE INVESTIGATING TIM BRYANT.this guy hangs with chris pratt.enough said
i also was glad to see officer mcdonald on wed. night at 11pm on wzzm. ive always believed that he wants to find mary. dont give up
Dear Ms. Parker,
There's an excellent web site that may be of interest to you. It has resources for your area and personal accounts of others who've been in abusive relationships. I hope that you'll take the time to check it out.
Someone posted a comment about an online resource tool for those in abusive relationships. The information did not hyperlink to the site and it will be posted under the posting related to domestic violence.
Thank you. Great information.
next olson is probably going to have pratt & byrant as partners in a marshall police car. i can see it now. what a dare program that is for kids in school
chris,i bet your mom isnt to proud of you
I wonder what a good civil attorney might do to Chris Pratt in deposition... perhaps for violation of Mary's civil rights...
it worked in OJ...
Again.. I cant help but still believe in our system... as flawed as it is..that there isnt someone outside a podunk PD that wouldn't look at this case again...
Keep the pressure on Mr Justinian ..it will result in Pratts eventual un-doing
Thank you for the comments.
We actually considered that some time ago. Most of the time a family seeks the civil remedy of wrongful death after the criminal court case. However, we believe it could be done in Mary's case especially since it appears that the Marshall Police Department won't ever submit a warrant request to the prosecutor.
If anyone out there across America knows of an aggressive attorney that might be willing to undertake this action we would be glad to discuss this case.
In many cases one should not wait and Mary might have justice if we (put) the cart before the horse
Has any searches been done yet in 2007?
Yes, and we are in the process of doing another. The last two days of rain have slowed things down, however tentatively we are looking at the end of next week. It will be noted on the blog if people in the community would like to help.
I absolutely believe that great things are happening and the Marshall family may soon have answers to our questions, Where is Mary? and When will we have justice for Mary?
A spectacular public awareness project is being planned and we have no doubt this will help us to identify the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands.
For more information, please send an email- JCarlin@JustinianLaw.com
he will be a creeper in jail soon
Dear Ms. Parker,
Many people have tried to reach out to you on this forum in the hopes that you would listen and get out of the situation that you are possibly in. The only reasons that I can think of that you would not listen would be: you are either in a perfectly safe relationship or you are scared. If the reason is the latter, and you are scared, I hope that you will read this.
Making the decision to leave an abusive relationship is empowering, but it is also terrifying. Your mind is filled with "what ifs". What if I can't make it on my own? What if he comes after me? What if he doesn't leave me alone? What if he hurts my children? What if he hurts my family?
Let me tell you, his decision to hurt you, your children, or your family is not going to be based on whether or not you leave him. It will be based on his mood of the moment.
Your fear of him feeds his power. He can sense it like any wild animal can sense fear and he will use it to control every single move that you make. IT WILL NOT GET BETTER NO MATTER WHAT HE PROMISES!
There are safe ways to leave to help ensure your safety and the safety of the ones that you love. There are many in your community who are willing to help you - that is evident from the postings on this blog.
I moved when my ex was out of town and I knew it was safe. I moved into a gated community. After he found out I left, he was able to get my phone number and he called and threatened to kill me.
I had never had to call the police before, but this time I did. Two squad cars came to the apartment and three very nice cops came and I took out a PPO. Typical abused wife, I'll never forget my words: "Please don't serve him at work. I don't want him to lose his job and I don't want to cause him any embarrassment. I just want him to leave me alone." They promised me that everything would be okay, and they would patrol the area. They kept their promise.
It has been quite some time, and I am fine. You can be too, but you have to take the first step. Others will help you find each step after that.
You are not alone. You are surrounded by many people who are already watching out for you, but they can't help you if you don't help yourself.
You know, I'm not much on organized religion, but I'm a huge believer in the power of prayer. Maybe if all of us who regularly read this blog keep you in our prayers, you will find the strength to do what's best.
Until then, stay safe.
The Marshall family recently received some great news that will again enable us to continue public awareness efforts in our community for Mary’s case.
A local couple, Mark & Becky Crowe came forward with an offer to conduct a motorcycle “Ride for Mary” this summer. Last year they held a similar event on behalf of the Special Olympics, however this event will be dedicated to Mary Denise Lands.
So many people across America have heard about the family’s anguish in Mary’s disappearance and how this tragedy was compounded by the ineptness of a local police department. Our resolution is that Mary will be brought home in 2007.
Last year 150 bikers participated from a starting point at Godfather’s Pizza/Ball Joint Sports Bar & Grill and toured throughout Calhoun County. We hope to double the number of bikers this year with a similar itinerary.
The route and details for the Saturday, August 18, 2007 event will soon be announced. We welcome your support that day and hope you will join us. The event will be open to the public and proceeds will be donated to the Mary Lands Trust Fund at Monarch Bank in Marshall.
We believe that this event will help generate more tips and public interest in the investigation and will result in the person/s responsible for Mary’s disappearance and murder being held accountable in a court of law.
Thank you, Mark & Becky, and to the many supporters of the 2007 “Ride for Mary”.
It is through the kind efforts of good people in our community that enable Cliff & Anita to have some comfort in their difficult times.
I am in Detroit and have followed your story for two years. If Chris Pratts house is not far off the route 350 bikers riding by and giving him the bird would be fitting.
Good luck and find justice for Mary.
i just saw chris fishing at the ceresco dam the other day and couldnt get it out of my mind,i wonder why he wastes so much time fishing when he could be out searching for mary. or maybe chris and o j simpson are really looking.KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK JIM.
they are coming for Pratt and his friends with cuffs. It is about to happen
Recommended reading for Norrene (and others) if she should ever feel the need:
The Verbally Abusive Relationship, by Patricia Evans
Men Who Hate Women & The Women Who Love Them by Dr. Susan Forward
Why Does He Do That, by Lundy Bancroft
Time to Break Free: Meditations for the First 100 Days After Leaving an Abusive Relationship by Judith R. Smith
In Sheep's Clothing by Dr. George Simon
Before its too late by Robert J
The Courage to Heal by Laura Davis and Ellen Bass (my personal favorite - helped enormously)
Norrene, I keep you in my thoughts and pray that you will find the courage to do what is right. It's only fear of the unknown that holds us back; that fear disappears once we face it down. I promise. You are not alone.
Jim, I havent heard from you at all this spring. I do want to help out with any searches or any sites that you will be digging.Just let me know if you want my help.
give it up jeff and chris and norene. you know it now too
Thank you Mike,
We are doing quite a lot of things and I'll keep you posted via email.
Cliff & Anita appreciate your help and that of others.
Bring Mary home today
Update- June 7, 2007- The Marshall family recently received some great news that will again enable us to continue public awareness efforts in our community for Mary’s case.
A local couple came forward with an offer to conduct a motorcycle “Ride for Mary” this summer. Last year they held a similar event on behalf of the Special Olympics, however this event will be dedicated to Mary Denise Lands.
So many people across America have heard about the family’s anguish in Mary’s disappearance and how this tragedy was compounded by the ineptness of a local police department. Our resolution is that Mary will be brought home in 2007.
Last year 150 bikers participated from a starting point at Godfather’s Pizza/Ball Joint Sports Bar & Grill and toured throughout Calhoun County. We hope to double the number of bikers this year with a similar itinerary.
(See www.MaryDeniseLands.com -News & Events Page for "Ride for Mary" flyer that can be printed out) The route and details for the Saturday, August 18, 2007 event will soon be announced. We welcome your support that day and hope you will join us. The event will be open to the public and proceeds will be donated to the Mary Lands Trust Fund at Monarch Bank in Marshall.
We believe that this event will help generate more tips and public interest in the investigation and will result in the person/s responsible for Mary’s disappearance and murder being held accountable in a court of law.
Thank you, Mark & Becky, and to the many supporters of the 2007 “Ride for Mary” including the Ball Joint/Godfather's Pizza, Altlas Sales/Anheuser Busch, Progressive Printing, Christman Screenprint, and many others.
It is through the kind efforts of good people in our community that enable Cliff & Anita to have some comfort in their difficult times.
the way i see it is that the marshall police dept. has done the mary lands family wrong.so ,if chief olson told them who is responsible for mary's murder, why hasnt jim carlin or any of mary's family come forward with that information?since the police wont say,why hasnt the investigator revealed that info?
I see that the comments are up-to-date but no new posts.
Is this blog still active? I found this site after Mary Lands disappearance was noted in an article about Ann Rule's new book. Any truth that Bart Corbin could be linked?
I am aware of the comment in Ann Rules's book and Mary was acquainted with the dentist when she lived in Atlanta with her husband. However, there is no evidence to suggest that the dentist was involved in her March 12, 2004 disappearance.
Did the Marshall Police Department look at this theory? I doubt it because we cannot get them to even properly address the local suspect here in Marshall?
what is the name of the ann rule book,that has a story about mary lands?
The book by Ann Rule is Too Late to Say Goodbye. I myself have wondered about Corbin being involved.
This question has been hashed and rehashed over and over again. Even Ms. Rule doubts there was any connection other that the fact that the Lands family knew the Corbin family in Atlanta and were friends.
The MSP and MPD looked into this connection and it was unfounded. This theory along with the "pig farm" theory has been looked at and is not valid.
The killer of Mary Denise Lands is now siting in the Central Michigan Correctional Facility at Level I, in St. Louis, Michigan, and we all know it. If you really want to help, click the PDF link on the right and send your recommendation to the Parole Board to keep prisoner, Christopher Luke Pratt,Inmate #673261 in the custody of MDOC or until he is returned to the Calhoun County Jail to stand trial in a court of law.
As I have said many times, in my professional opinion Chris Pratt is responsible for Mary's disappearance and murder.
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