Chief Assistant Prosecutor Dan Buscher represented the people. After a 20 minute hearing Judge Stephen B. Miller denied the defense request to quash any of the charges, and further denied reduction of the $75,000.00 bond. Mr. Pratt was then returned to the Calhoun County Correctional Facility.
After a preliminary examination July 2, 2007 Mr. Pratt was bound over on another 15-year felony count involving Criminal Sexual Conduct and remains lodged in the Calhoun County Jail. The bond on this charge was initially set at $50,000.00 and it was not reduced. The total bond with the other four charges of False Imprisonment, Felonious Assault, Interfering with Electronic Communications Device (Telephone), and Domestic Violence is now $75,000.00. Mr. Pratt faces a maximum of 38 years in prison and fines. He was previously bound over on the other charges on July 2, 2007.
Chris Pratt, Preliminary Exam, 07/02/2007

Chris Pratt Arrested, WOOD-TV, 06/25/2007
To paraphrase Apollo 11 astronaut, Neil Armstrong, "Today was one small step for one battered woman and our criminal justice system; one giant leap for the family of Mary Denise Lands"
Many people were critical of our decision to remove the YouTube video of Mr. Pratt's former girl-friend taking Mary’s signs and of our action to drop legal efforts against her in District Court for a small claims case. We have maintained all along that she has been yet another victim of domestic violence and for Mother Day’s 2007 we decided to take down the video. We believed that we made our point in documenting the loss of Mary’s signs in that video, which was seen by over 23,000 viewers.
We have not been able to comment for five weeks because of a safety issue related to her safety and that of her family, however anyone who is cognizant of what occurs in domestic violence obviously knew what was really going on during that Mother’s Day weekend. Unfortunately, it is up to the victim to follow through with any actions and seek available recourse in the courts with options such as a Personal Protection Order (PPO). In May, I fully documented that she was a victim of severe domestic violence, however she did not wish to take any action and believed she could handle the situation herself. How many women have made this same wrong conclusion? How many women have been injured and even killed at the hands of a physical abuser? People can be willing to help a victim, but it is up to that victim to decide how to handle their life in a domestic violence situation. They either accept it, or reject it.
On June 24, 2007 it became a public record when the Michigan State Police responded to the Pratt residence on 15 ½ Mile Road in Marshall, Michigan (Fredonia Township) on another complaint of domestic violence by his girl-friend. In May she did not call the Marshall Police Departent. She called me and asked for help which I was glad to offer. However, she then made a decision to return to a residence occupied by Mr Pratt where she and her children have lived in fear. I have not heard from her since Mother’s Day, but she again asked for help this weekend. The Marshall family and I will continue to do what we can to assist her family.
It is now alleged that on June 24, 2007 his former girl-friend was assaulted, her telephone was ripped from the wall, and the interior of the residence was severely trashed. When the police responded her boy-friend, Christopher Pratt had fled. Several hours later he was located and he is now lodged in the Calhoun County Correctional Facility being held without bail.
June 25, 2007- Mr. Pratt was arraigned this afternoon on four criminal counts Bail was set at $250,000.00. A preliminary examination is now scheduled for July 2, 2007 at 11:30 A.M, at the Criminal Justice Center. Mr. Marshall was present in the court with numerous friends and supporters and feels confident that Mary's case will soon be resolved. We urge anyone with additional information to come forward.
It is truly ironic that on June 24th when Mr. Pratt's girl-friend was on the phone asking for help, that at nearly the same hour a man in Canton, Ohio had just been arrested for the murder of his pregnant girlfriend. This individual, although employed as a police-officer, was a known perpetrator of domestic violence on women in his life. Now, it is alleged now that this recent victim, and her unborn child have been murdered. People who physically abuse others do not change and that is why victims must immediately break away from these violent relationships.
We believe that Mr. Pratt's former girlfriend has now finally made a permanent decision to stop being physically and emotionally abused. There are many people who are willing to assist her family. Numerous social service agencies and the courts in Calhoun County can keep her family safe. We only hope that this time she will make a commitment not only to herself, but also to her children, that she will never ever again be a victim of domestic violence. She has the potential to talk about the tragedy of physical and emotional abuse and how it affects the entire family. One day this woman will be strong and confident enough to be an advocate for domestic violence and her own experiences will help protect others.
If anyone has information on associates of Mr. Pratt or other individuals related to the Mary Lands investigation you are urged to contact law enforcement authorities and/or the Marshall family. Someone out there can provide that final piece of information to bring Mary home.
This is such great news! Norrene, congratulations on making the best decision of your life! Stay strong and don't allow Pratt to communicate with you - at all. This is a time when you need to focus on healing.
To the Marshall's - I hope that this brings you much closer to bringing Mary home. I can't help but believe that answers will finally begin to come.
Jim, you have been such a great support and advocate for Mary's family. And in the process, you have assisted a scared, but very brave woman. They are all fortunate to have your guidance.
Hugs to all of you, and God bless.
At least Jim Carlin was able to save one woman from the hands of a killer, maybe this will be the right move for Norrene to come up to the plate and tell the police what she may know of what Chris might have said about what he might of done to Mary,,, Norrene my prayers where with you and your kids, no one needs to be hurt the way you did , and that Now we all can look into finding Mary and bringing her home to the place wher she is so dearly missed and loved by some many ppl .
My prayers are with the Marshall's in bring thier loved daughter home to have closer to this long waited time, ill keep you in my heart , and prayers also , my god be with you in each step , god bless you
I am so proud of you Norrene.. This is a critical time now..please Norrene this could be the once in a life time chance to bring Mary home..and put the creeper behind bars forever...I waited & yrs before i fought back from domestic violence ..Please dont make the same mistake I did...because next time you could end up like Mary...STAY STRONG>>VERY VERY STRONG we are all behind you
Bad boy bad boy,Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
6 ft, 260 pound coward against a 5 ft, 100 pound woman. The great hunter got bagged himself.
Pratt's day is coming.
his buddys in the Marshall PD didn't help him this time.
maybe PPL will talk now they know the creeper can be put behind bars?
Anyone who knows where mary is at should speak now.im sorry to hear that norrene was sexually assualted,and beat up.seems that chris finally snapped.its time for someone to tell mr. carlin where mary is and who is involved.
Women beaters dont do it "just once" .. they learn this behavior,, they repeat it over and over unless intervention occurs in their life...
I hope pressure will now be re exerted upon Chris for the disappearance and what we all believe to be the subsequent murder of Mary.
You actually have friends here. We may not know you personally but we do care for your safety and we are concerned about your welfare. You ARE lucky to have made it out alive.. remember Mary didn't. I truly hope you are no using the full extent of the law to protect yourself. You will find Jim Carlin a knowledgeable and willing resource to help you... and you can help us.
I am sure that Chris has said or done things over this past year that you found odd,, went places you thought strange.. or did things that were out of his routine,,, These are all helpful facts for us to find Mary,,, and IO hope now you will join with us in all our efforts to help Mary be safe and find peace,,, and bring Chris to justice,,,
Im glad we aren't having a blog about you,,, and your disappearance with Chris as the center focus
Cliff and Anita this is the best news so far. Lee keeps me up to date on everything that is going on with finding Mary. We both have a good feeling about this nightmare coming to an end for you guys. Mary will finally be able to rest in peace. Chris Pratt needs to pay for what he has done. He needs to be put in a cold dark place alone and never see daylight again.
Norrene, stay strong and tell everything you know, so he'll never hurt you or your kids again.
He will never change. Brenda
Norrene Parker has finally realized all the support she has been receiving from the public.
This is part of her reason in coming forward and vowing she will never be abused again by Mr. Pratt or any other person.
She wants to protect herself and her children and expresses her thanks to all who have offered to help.
Anyone wishing to write to Ms. Parker to offer help and suggestions may do so. You can address your letter to:
The Marshall Family,
Attn: Norrene Parker
Box 63
Marshall, Michigan 49068
Thank you again on her behalf.
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
I think everyone in the surrounding communities have been keeping a close watch on this case. My daughter called and woke me up to tell me the latest news of his arrest, I'm glad she did. Hopefully this mystery will all end soon, but the heartache will never end for Mary's family, I will be thinking of them always. I would like to say thank you to Jim for being there for her family.
Norrene, I don't think you know how many people are rooting for you. You can do it, stay strong. Even when there may be times that you are lonely and just need someone, call a friend, but stay away from Chris. Those who are abused just want to be loved and abuser's like Chris feed off of that need. They make you feel sorry for them. They make you feel like you are the only one who can help them. Don't let Chris suck you back into that world of violence. It is only a matter of time before he cracks and loses it altogether which may cost you your life, just like it cost Mary hers. She too was probably ashamed to tell anyone. But if she had, maybe she would still be alive today. Call a friend, Norrene, call a family member, call Jim, call the Marshall's. They seem like a family that would take you in and make you their adopted daughter. Even though they lost their own daughter to this heinous man, they don't want to see anyone else lose their life to him. Cancel your cell phone service and change the number. Put it in another person's name. Anything to do to get away from Chris. He will continue to try to haunt you, making you feel that he is the only one who could possibly love you. DON'T BUY IT!!! We are all there for you Norrene. Please believe that. Find a support group to help you during this terrible time. Don't worry about people knowing, good people will want you to be safe and will help to protect you, comfort you and provide you the support you need to be strong. Remember it's not your fault!! Here is a great big hug for you Norrene. You can do it!!
Nice follow-up by WOOD-TV on their coverage, including the short interviews with Mary's dad and Norrene. (You did great, Norrene!) To see the PPO from filed by his ex-wife, written in her own words, was especially powerful in driving home just how dangerous Mr. Pratt is.
Perhaps it's my own lack of objectivity, but Pratt seems to have just a hint of a smirk in is mugshot.
I lived a buliding down from Mary at the time of her disappearance so I have been closely monitoring it's progress. I have to say that I couldn't be more greatful to Norrene for doing the right thing to protect herself and her children. I can only hope that this brings us the answers we have been searching for for so many years. I haven't forgotten Mary.
Chris will get what he deserves soon.
Sorry I'm not going to jump on the bandwagon and say nice work here...
But I think it is time to let it go he is obviously not going to talk about what happened "IF" he did it. I mean its been 3 years...
Chris should definately do time for what he has been found guilty of but do you really think that it is going to help to stalk Chris? All its going to do is piss him off more... I don't see how this is going to bring anyone closer to finding what happened to mary.
If he had half a brain he would leave michigan maybe leave the country. BUT he's going to be serving time for now. So some of you can be happy with that.
Sorry that not everyone thinks Chris is a killer. And I'm truely sorry that he put you through this Norrene.
Sorry if my statements hurt anyones feelings I just wanted to say how I felt about it.
norrene, i just hope you know that i am praying for you. you are one of the strongest women i know. i am happy that you finally got out of this mess a little. i want you to know that i am always here for you and the boys. stay strong hun. i hope you see this, because i tried calling but we all know that i can't through because your phone are broke. i love you, steph.
Thank you to the many people who have expressed their concern not only about the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands, but in helping Norrene Parker toward a better quality of life.
She is a model lady to be respected by others who know the definition of domestic violence and she has courage and strength that you seldom view. She is a 5'1", 110 pound dynamo standing up against to a 6', 250 pound coward.
Norrene has a support system of family, friends and the courts that will help her in a commitment to keep her family safe.
Someone made the perfect comment yesterday that Mr. Pratt’s first wife, Su, Mary Lands, and Norrene Parker are sister’s because of the trauma and abuse they have suffered. Mary is gone, but the two other sister’s stand strong together working together for the sister who needs to be heard, and to have justice
Thank God Noreen got out before it was too late!! Stay strong Noreen, it must be a very difficult time for you but you did the right thing by getting out.
Bless you Jim for all of your hard work and dedication.
"But I think it is time to let it go he is obviously not going to talk about what happened "IF" he did it. I mean its been 3 years..."
The real answer is not "if" but rather "when" he is caught. By now I believe Chris certainly understands we aren't going away,,, and the calls for him to come clean will not abate.. they will only grow stronger.. murder most foul does not change if he moves away,,it will only increase the efforts to bring him to justice. At some point Mary will speak for herself, she will be found, at some point Chris will realize he has to accept his actions, at some point some policeman will take this case and rework it until the answer becomes clear,, there is no other suspect. Right now the light is being shined on Chris by us,,, at some point the State will focus upon him
There is no perfect crime... not when it is committed by a human
Just Wondering...How does a story like the Lacy Peterson story get so much media coverage while this one gets none? It seems like this is as big or bigger of an attraction to the media and the more it's out there the more likely it is to be solved.
God Bless the family of Mary Lands.
You guys knew what you were doing to Chris the Marshalls and the investagater and Norrenen You Set him up. You make him to be such a bad person. Are you happy now. You have him where you want him. May God have mercy on all your souls. Think before you do Only god is the judge we are not, this is so Not right. We are praying for you Chris love you.and the whole Pratt Family,and his Kids.Stay strong Chris we now that you are being used as a scap goat cause carlin only knows what he here's. You are not the creep they make you out to be always remember that stay strong.
Thank you for the last comment. You obviously are a friend or relative and we will not remove your remarks however you really do not know Christopher Luke Pratt.
It is not me, it is not the Marshall’s, it is not Norrene Parker who have set anyone up.
Bad people do bad things and Mr. Pratt has been caught. The documentation and the witnesses were around long before I ever even met Mr. Pratt or had any desire to help Cliff & Anita Marshall.
In court at his arraignment he was informed by a magistrate that he should not have any contact with Norrene Parker. Within 7 hours he violated that order by trying to call her on the phone. What part of a PPO doesn’t he understand? I hope the Prosecutor’s Office and the Sheriff took immediate steps to guarantee that this type of intimidation will not occur again and Norrene Parker will be protected.
You seem to express that you are a religious person, but I have always been taught that God has a capital “G”. You are correct, we are not the judge or any person. God will judge us all when we leave this earth. For now, Mr. Pratt’s peers on a jury will judge if he is guilty or innocent of any present and/or future allegations for which he is charged.
You would say that!! Now lets let it bee. you have your wish lets let it go please. let this family alone and just do the job by finding Mary for the Marshalls.no need for comment in the paper or on the web, remember there are young kids and family that still have to work and live here in Marshall by the last name Pratt, Keep that in mind.if he had anything to do with Mary's death then he deserves everything he gets, but as of right now he is not gulty. just keep that in mind.
if all you pratts are so good and holy get all together and have one of you tell the marsahlls where there daghter can be found
Stop playing the victim.
To anon 6:06 & 10:02
Perhaps if Mr. Pratt had been diligent and involved in the search of Mary, perhaps if he had been more forthcoming, perhaps if Mary hadn't been subjected to abuse, perhaps if Norrene hadn't been abused, perhaps if he'd followed directions of the court to avoid all contact with her...perhaps then your suggestions would have validity.
Do not forget the reason for this forum: Mary Denise Lands disappeared several years ago after a fight with her fiance, Mr. Pratt.
All involved parties have families who are hurting. Please remember that.
I hear you Pratts crying about Chris and his family, well to hell with them all, Remember one thing and that is what Mary's family & friend's have to live with everyday because of CHRIS PRATT, If I had that last name, I would change it just because I would be ashamed of being one. Chris killed Mary and hes is not even man enough to let the family have peace. so before you get on here and say he didnt do anything, then why in the hell dont we know where Mary is... This is coming from a person who knows them both.So its about time you Pratts start opening your eyes, and stop hiding from the truth. Thank you Marys family and Jim for not letting up, untell Chris tells us where Mary is.from my understanding even his kids knows what their father did..
Chris Pratt is in jail tonight And I for one thank god for that, and all you people feeling sorry for him, MAY GOD BLESS YOU. because you need just as much help and he does. Killing is one sin god wont forgive.
You go Jim and the Marshall family untell you find Mary, and bring her home.
we all know who did it, I just pray everynight you get him for doing it...This world will be such a safter place with out that killer walking the streets, and you know who you are...(CHRIS.)
Both family are hurting yes this is true, but only one family has lost a person they love by the hands of the other.
I'm so sick of Pratt's family crying foul!!! They couldn't even begin to know the heartache the Marshall Family and not to mention Mary's children have gone through. They have the loss of their Mother, daughter & sister and have no idea where she may be or if they will ever find her. Poor, poor violent Chris Pratt. Give me a break! Set him up. You are delusional!!!! He is such a man that he has to beat upon on small women who can't possibly defend themselves against him. Not only does he beat them up, but he's such a man that he has to use a chair to hit a woman with! What a pig! You keep defending him. You are just as guilty as he is. I'm sorry, but he is not innocent. His violent behavior towards women just proves it. You are just as sick as he is!
Please let it go. not all the Pratts are like Chris.its sad that people Would say mean things like " if I had a last name Pratt i would Change my last name."What did we do to you or are kids. WE DONT' KNOW ANYTHING IF WE DID WE WOULD TELL!THE FOCUS IS ON THE MISSING. Remember that..
you sit there and tell us to let it go, Well we cant we love and miss Mary very much, and just want to bring her home. and about the mean things that are being said, well your right mean things are being said on both parts, but the facts hold true, what people are saying about Chris Pratt are true, or he would not be in jail today.And if you really want to talk about mean things, then lets start with what Chris did to Mary, I dont think anyone could say anything meaner then what he did to her.she is someone daughter,sister,mother,and a grandmother to a grandson, may I remind you she will never see due to Chris Pratt. And you have the guts to say let it go.
Are you as sick as he is. what in the hell could you be thinking. Mary is a person who had her whole life ahead of her and was cut short at the hands of Chis.and whos kids are really being hurt right now, well I'll tell ya, HER'S. So shame on you, we will never let it go untell Chris pays in a court of law for what he did to Mary and her whole family...
the focus is on the missing woman, the focus is also on the man who took her life. REMEMBER THAT>>>
You should be ashamed of the last name PRATT...
I am not ashamed of the last name Pratt, I am a Pratt! i Pray for the Marshall's and Norrenne, That there Mary killer is brought to justice. and soon that will come what he did was wrong to Norenne, But i'm not the one to judge. And i don't want a pitty party either so just remember some Pratts have a heart we do care, we just don't know anything Sorry we can't help, But all of you are in my Prayer's in whatever happene's. A proud Pratt
If your last name is PRATT, such as a brother or a cousin.Do the right thing and tell us where marys remains are.she deserves a proper burial.we all need a place to go so we can say goodbye.
To me having a person like CHRIS PRATT sitting in jail means that another woman will be safe, Chris you know what you did to Mary , why dont you just tell the police what you did, lets have justice to all of this headache, you did what you did and now the shoe is on the other foot, you are where you belong!!!
How can the Pratt family call this foul play,,,,laugh out loud,,,,, so you say that your son never beat on a woman when the cops have the papers to prove it,,, well you have to be so dum and blinded by all the lies that your son if you want to call him that has done to the Marshall's family you are sick as your son you all need to leave the state and not come back you make me sick to hear you say your son did nothing wrong hahaha,,, you where not thier when he did what he did to the women of his life, this makes me mad to know that you can sit and say he did not do anything wrong ,,,, you know what he did, and you are covering it up to help him, i hope that CPS comes and takes his kids from him and then he wont be able to hurt them the way he has done to many ppl/
Oh Chris who has the last laugh,,,, like you laughed at the videos of you ,,, what you gone do when the cops have the last laugh on you ,,, ha ha ,, they got you know
First of all, congratulations to Norrene who testified today; I'm sure it was difficult to go in and face him. I'm sure that it helped to have Pratt's ex-wife there as well - and what a powerful statement she gave to the media. They are the voices of abuse survivors and in speaking out, give a voice to those who cannot.
Second, why was bond lowered to $25,000? If I understood the reporter correctly, this means that he has to come up with the full amount, not 10%? Is it standard for the original bond amount to be lowered that much?
For all you Pratt's sitting in the court room yelling "Chris we love you", do you know how much we wish we could say that to Mary, but because of your so called loved one, we can't, its just really sad that the killer is still alive to hear those words.so go ahead and stand by Chris while you can the law will see and show you all what he really is, Not that you dont already know what he is. Just look at his last girlfriend, at least she is still alive, and I pray to god she puts him behind bars for the rest of his sick life....
HAHAHA...Thought Chris would be out for the 4th of July...Looks like he will be watching his firer works from Jail, so sorry about that....
"i hope that CPS comes and takes "his kids from him and then he wont be able to hurt them the way he has done to many ppl/"
Monday, July 02, 2007 2:21:00 PM
To the person who wrote the above statement. There is no need for CPS to come and get his kids because they live and have been living with me. Regardless of how much I despise their father, I am thankful for having the two most beautiful sons in the world. I have protected them since they were born and they live in a beautiful home with two parents who love them with all their heart.
Their step-father is the kindest, mild mannered, loving man ... so luckily they have had a real role model to look up to all these years.
They ALSO HAVE THE OPTION TO CHANGE THIER NAME. But this has to come from them. This is not anything I would ever pressure them to do. But if and when they are willing WE WILL STAND FIRM AT LETTING THAT HAPPEN. INFACT I PRAY THEY DO!
Thank everyone for all the support you are giving Norrene at this time. She is really one of the sweetist girls I've ever met, and I know the difficult time she is going through right now. Keep all the kind words coming for her. Kindness give us strength.
One more thing? "Most" of Chris' relatives have a "Blood is Blood" attitude, and they will stick by any family member and enable them to the end. So don't let their words get to you Norrene. A man is only as good as their word, and if you look up any history on the Pratt's you'll see first hand just how good their "Word" is.
God bless all of you ... Norene, her children, Cliff & Anita, Mike & Betsy, Gina, Jim, and Cricket and Dodie. I love each and everyone of you so much, and will forever be indebted to you.
proud to be Pratt???
more bad kins of Chris
I'd be real proud of that.
I wonder if chris pratt had help in marys murder? if so,they should be talked about also.
everyone heard on Pratt got fired???They wanted him to take a drug test and he said no? and this hapened before he was dragged off to jail. about timne!!!
bad boys bad boys they have come for you and next it will be for what he did to Mary Lands
The last comment On Pratt’s employment status is made up and not factually correct. I worked with Pratt and his name was on our schedule several days into his incarceration. It was eventually removed but not because of a failure to comply with a drug test, it was due to his absences resulting from his incarceration. Furthermore, this is not how Target would have approached the situation. They would not have requested a drug test based on the charges against him. He would have had to of caused damage (at work) past a designated dollar amount or displayed signs that he was impaired.
Thank you for the last comment. We have also heard from others who work at Target.
I don't believe any drug test requirement of the company would have been based on any criminal charges against him or even if he was in jail? Target would have to have a valid reason to ask any employee to take a test.
My understanding from other employees is that he was asked to take a test for whatever reason, and refused? After that that date he did not return to work.
For whatever reason, he is no longer employed.
Thank you for the information.
To paraphrase Apollo 11 astronaut, Neil Armstrong, "Today was yet another small step for an innocent victim and our criminal justice system; one giant leap for the family of Mary Denise Lands"
Since Mr. Pratt has been held in the Calhoun County Jail for 18 Days now, we continue to develop new leads and information. Many people who were reluctant to talk before are now more willing to speak about the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands since they know Mr. Pratt is incarcerated.
Please continue to pass along your information to the Marshall family and/or D/Sgt Mike Salmen of the Michigan State Police, Battle Creek Post. 269.968.6115
Each and every tip will be followed upon.
Thank you for your assistance. It is the public and our general community who will be responsible for finding Mary. We vow that she will be brought home to a proper burial in 2007.
Thank you again for all your help.
Clifford & Anita Marshall and family.
Jim Carlin
Previous comment:
“My understanding from other employees is that he was asked to take a test for whatever reason, and refused? After that that date he did not return to work.
For whatever reason, he is no longer employed.”
This is also not true. Chris didn’t return to work because he was incarcerated. He worked right up to the point he was taken to jail. He was at work, personally witnessed by me, the Friday before the weekend he was taken into custody.
The rumor mill at the Target DC is amusing and would challenge most High Schools in this country. As usual, most information inflates and changes down the line.
i work at TDC. pratt left early on friday before he went to jail and it is because of behaver and he would not take a test.
he is gone and good-riddence.
one less varmit in a good company
has anymore searches been done at F DRIVE N or anywhere else?with chris in jail now,are ppl. starting to come forward with info on marys location?
It must be nice that someone was there for Norrenne,and pertected her from Chris. but what i dont get is why there was no one there for Mary, and why did the Marshall's leave her with that Person if they knew she was being abused,and what about her close friends, were they there for her.just a thought.if that was my sister or friend i would of been there for her.
I hope you are not just being sarcastic?
Mary’s family had no idea that she was physically and emotionally abused. They only learned about it two years after her disappearance, and would never have left their daughter with a violent perpetrator had they known.
That is one of the tragedies of domestic violence. Victims keep it a secret from family and friends sometimes until it is too late. Norrene Parker had the strength to break away from her systematic pattern of abuse and today she and her children are safer because of her actions.
Over the last three weeks more and more people have been coming forward and providing new information about the case. Even people who were previously silent are now giving details on the case. The motorcycle "Ride for Mary" next month will be a great forum to get out the word for that one important witness to offer even an anonymous call on Mary's whereabouts.
We don't know if it is because Mr. Pratt is in jail and witnesses feel more secure? Whatever the reason, the Marshall family believes we will soon bring Mary home and the person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder will be held accountable in a court of law.
To the anonymous user above:
Perhaps your sister or friend is being abused and you aren't aware. To say that Mary's family/friends are partially to blame for this is absolutely absurd. Many victims of domestic abuse hide the bruises and many abusers inflict harm on areas of the body that aren't easily seen. Perhaps your comments should focus on prayers for Mary's family instead of trying to hurt them.
When will that video be posted?
Hello my name is Sue , and I have been best friends with Mary ever since we were kids over 28 years. And to whoever said we must of knew about Mary's abused. I'am here to tell you first hand, her family and I had no ideal what so ever she was being abused, if we did I can asure you this for a fact, we would of somehow someway stoped it. and for you to think we wouldnt, Im sorry to say your totaly off your rocker, it really pisses me off when I hear you people talk as if you knew her or her family for that matter. her family, as well as for myself love & miss her dearly.We would of done anything in our power to have help her, but the plain truth of the matter was, we just didnt know.all we want is to know what happend that night she went missing, and where she is today, so we can bring her home where she belongs.Just remember not only did I lose my best and most trusted friend, her family lost a daughter, sister, and a mother,& now a grandmother.her grandson will never know what such a great person she was.To the Marshall- family, you already know this, but I want to say you guy's have done such a great job in keeping Mary's name out there, and for not ever giving up. I love ya all for that. And that goes out to Jim as well.
Keep up the great work...
Lets bring Mary home.
First of all the first person you have listed in the mdoc 469160, if you open up the link it will tell you were he is. And the secound one Stephen he is not even blood related he was adopted by Merriage. so who ever looked that one up how stupid are you.as someone who is not a relitive and knows "most" Pratt's that i will tell you this 469160 was in jail at the time Mary disappered. so you can rule that one out. And Why are you video tapping other Pratt's. Chris is in Jail. And why are you putting infermation like plate numbers and Addresses,and making fun of people. you call yourself a investigater. isn't that called Slander.if that was me i would Sue you.So you better get your facts right here.
Get your facts together.
John Pratt was not in jail when Mary disappeared. Stephen Pratt may be adopted, but is a Pratt family member.
Anyone has the right to videotape people in public view and publish their information. There are other "Pratt's" who know what happened to Mary and if you all want to be such decent, honorable and stand-up people then call in that precise tip on where Mary Lands can be found.
In the meantime, file a lawsuit if you think I have violated any civil or criminal laws. For now, people are watching all the Pratt’s and their associates.
If you aren’t doing anything wrong, why would you care?
where can Ride for Mary shirts be bought? I want to order 6 and cant wait. my friends are ready to ride for justice for Mary. What is the route and will u go by where any of the pratts stay?
Are we getting a little upset here Mr Carlin. Maybe you need a little anger Management classes yourself. And you are wrong Mr John Pratt was in K-pep when Mary went missing. So please get a life.He has already giving his statement to officer Mcdonald. So who is lying here..
Maybe who ever wrote the above statement Should check into Mr Carlin's back ground. And i will vouch For Mr John Pratt He was in K-Pep When Mrs Land went Missing. Get a life Mr Carlin. And leave Mr John Pratt alone he has payed his Dews and now has a good stand up life.And is a role model for troubled youth in need he has nothing to do with Chris or what happenend to Mary.
It is Sgt. McDonald..
and you need a score card to keep up with the Pratts in jail and out.
John knows what he knows and maybe one day he will talk more too.
I think it will be a family member that will eventually come forward.
Why don't you stop being anonymous and say who you are? Maybe you can help find Mary?
Would you be interested in a Ride for Mary T?
how about the involvement of a pratt that has the same last name but isnt related and its none of the pratts mentioned......?
And say what, We think Mary is here, we all want to know where she is at, and believe me if they knew they would say something to anyone,regardless if Chris is out of Jail or in Jail no one is affraid of Chris. if he did it he deserves everything he gets coming to him. All you guys seem to think "most" of the Pratt's know something. Well i dont think anyone knows.What really happened.
Thank you for your continued efforts at bringing Mary home. It is obvious that Pratts..or friends of Pratts are reading this blog...
As an investigator the first thing we look at are family and known acquaintances of the suspect... the adage "Tell me who your friends and family are and I'll tell you who you are" rings true in more cases than not.
I appreciate you publishing the public record and information you do about the Pratts and their family, whether blood or marriage. They are dirtbags. It is telling about who they are as a clan.
Let them bluster about lawsuits.. we know that when you are right and you don't lie a person has nothing to fear. Jim Carlin has NOTHING to fear.
Chris Pratt, on the other hand, has showed deceit continually throughout this case... People are usually deceitful because they FEAR discovery of their involvement in a crime. Chris lives with the fear of being discovered.
Wouldn't it be interesting to learn other Pratts have knowledge of this crime or even are complicit after the fact.
Everyday it gets to eat on Chris...
I applaud your patience, Jim.. we salute you.. Mary hears you.
Cam Mooney-LASD
I have one question mr carlin, and that is: why do you feel the need to drag up past events of what happened with other members of the pratt family. i personally know john pratt and he is one of the most caring people i know, he is a stand up guy who also serves as a role model to kids as a teacher in hawaii. ive been a close family friend of the pratts for about 3 years now, and in that time ive met chris pratt numerous times and feel comfotrable in saying that chris is a friendly, fun guy who enjoys spending time with his kids and family. i feel that this website drags down the entire pratt family, and there are a lot more pratts than just chris and john. mr carlin, i beleive you need to stick to your job and do what you were hired to do, find mary, and leave the other pratts the hell out of this. look outside of chris pratt, if he is only a person of interest, then why is he the only person youve been able to target as the reason for marys disappearance. my parents work with you at the calhoun county family independence agency, my mother l;eft there about 3 years ago but both of them said you were a good respectable man, but this site doesnt prove that at al, it looks like youre trying to ruin the life of chris pratt, when he gets out of prison his lifwe wotn be the greatest but because of you, his life will be worse, thats a form of cruelty. i wish youd get rid of negative comments about chris, and take off the page about john pratt, do something respectable.
Where is this so-called video of Jeff Pratt with his hand gestures and angry words? It was mentioned a week ago but never surfaced?
Tomorrow is my daughters 11th birthday, along with Mary's son Josh, and for the past 3 years we havent gotten the chance to have Mary with us.This is something that hurts us very much, So I for one would like to say, Jim I dont care whos name's come up, or whatever you have to do to get the truth. no matter whats being said about you.Please dont give up, and keep pushing untell we bring Mary home.Marys love ones thank you so much for all you have done for her family and friend's. May god bless you...
Some people are just oblivious to the con artists around them and the deceptions they practice.
Previous comment:
"i personally know john pratt and he is one of the most caring people i know, he is a stand up guy who also serves as a role model to kids"
Wake up and get your head out of the sand! "Stand up guy, role model to kids"!
Role models and "stand up guys" don't knowingly and purposely break the law! Face it; he's just another loser Pratt!
i also know john pratt and i really dont see where he fits into this deal.yes,he committed a crime,but he did his time....his last name might be PRATT,but he is a well known marshall baseball player who made alot of ppl happy by watching him play.ppl make mistakes in life,hopefully he learned fom his. I ALSO WANT TO SEE THIS VIDEO WITH JEFF PRATT AND FRIENDS.
To the person who said that the Pratt's are just losers.
Well I guess we have to go back to be a little childish dont we.
All i can say is I'll give the Pratts some credit, At least they are not media happy like other ppl.
It’s not childish to call the Pratts’ losers. That’s just calling it like it is. Look at the history of the Pratt clan; they ARE losers as well as socially retarded. Clearly the person offended by the comment is a Pratt. The truth sometimes hurts, doesn’t it?
The truth never hurts it just take's one to know one.
This discussion has turned rather childish. Pratts & Non-Pratts: GROW UP!
How many of the Pratts have arrest records? Enough said!
The truth never hurts?! I don't think Chris Pratt would agree. LOL!
Hey lets take a break from the pratts real quick and bring down someone other people than the pratts its only fair.The marshall police department is a joke its like watching reno 911 in real life There are very few good police officers.They dont know how to handle the simplest thing.For example they have officers who just harrass the teens probably cuz their bored.Jim Carlin needs to get a life and do his job other than bring down the pratts i mean taping someone while they are fishing oooohhh coool, i can do that too.Another thing im tired of all of these people posting comments under anonymous,i thought u people werent scared of the pratts why dont u guys speak up and say who you are i think you people are the cowards ill say my name proud and out loud,i can guarantee you that some of you will see a pratt on the street and say hi and pretend everythings is ok then come home and post crap about them,thats how marshall is it is the biggest backstabbing town in the world and there are very few good people that live in marshall.This town is terrible and all you people that bring down the pratts fall right in with being backstabbers why dont you say all this stuff to a pratts face instead of online oh wait i forgot you guys are cowards,or how about saying it to my face ill be more than happy to laugh at you.Lets face it everyone has their own problems no family perfect why dont you take time to know the people you are talikng about instead of being so ignorant because thre are good pratts out there like jane pratt who just passed away about two years ago she was one of the most classiest people i know,Irv Pratt one of the most hardest working people i know,Scott Pratt one of the nicest people i know and my role model,Not to mention christina,michelle,or lisa other pratt family members.Even though John Pratt has made mistakes he is also a very good guy and people love him he is very charismatic and just fun to be around, and same goes for chris.In conclusion no family is perfect and everyone makes mistakes all of you need to grow up and realize that real life isnt marshall,The people of marshall like to come off perfect when the truth is there not.Just because your family members screw dosent mean your a screw up too you make your own decisions and choose what life you want to live
Has any pratts showed any support for the family or helped search for mary?
Jordan -
You think you're so bad when really you come off as someone with a HUGE chip on their shoulder.
Wake up son, we all see how the "charismatic" Chris Pratt's life ended up. I guess he was too charismatic. And, as for the previous question, we all know not a single Pratt helped look for Mary. Why would they, a Pratt took her from us and then they helped conceal one of their own. Still proud Jordan?
I didnt think any pratts have helped so thankyou for answering my question. I have tried to help but usually I get ignored or left hanging on critical issues and told to do or say things that are not helpful. As far as I can tell they dont really want my help or for some strange reason something is distracting them to look the other way. If someone is trying to help and you know this person dont leave the person hanging because there might be certain things that could help but I need your help too. It leaves me to believe that the ones that are investigating this case are crooked and slinging mud to cover up their own crooked agenda. Believe me if you knew you would be wondering too. I do know one thing if I lost a loved one mysteriosly I dont care what anyone says bad about me I would be doing everything I could to help find her at least show some concern and grief and help search nomatter what people say. Its apparent that the pratts are more quick to defend themselves rather than help.
I think chris should be lucky he didnt come up missing there are crazy people out there that would do things different and not put up with small town politics that fear that their little historic town might get a blemish and a police force that doesnt want to solve the case or has crooked officers and would have more effort in finding out who robbed the local donut shop if that was the case.
I beleive with all my heart that if any one of us reading this site could not find there child they would look,seek,look some more and more and would not stop just like the Marshalls are doing.Lets get back to the real deal there is a woman MISSING who cares about a name there is assholes in everybodys family.Lets just try and concentrate on Mary and the Marshalls having some closure.Come on all I have read is people protecting familys think of how they feel,would that not be any ones worst night mare
Amen to that... Don't lose focus people....
Letter to the Editor, Marshall Chronicle, August 4, 2007
Positive Movement in the Mary Denise Lands Investigation
Although the family and I have been very critical of the Marshall Police Department in the past there does seem to be much more of a visible effort to solve this case.
Whatever the reasons, since the 3rd week of June people have been coming forward with new tips and information about the case. We see many positive results and believe this case can, and will be solved. The person/s responsible will be held accountable in a court of law.
We fully recognize that law enforcement and the Prosecutor’s Office cannot tell us much about their investigation, and we have no problem with that attitude. It is the proper one.
What is extremely promising to us all is that investigators can now be seen following up on various leads and tips. More and more people are talking about Mary’s case and what might have occurred on that cold weekend in March 2004? The motorcycle benefit “Ride for Mary” will be yet another great forum for our community to promote public awareness in the Mary Lands investigation. We urge the one particular person with vital information to come forward and end this mystery. Someone can anonymously point us to the location of Mary’s body. That is all the family is requesting. We will keep your name confidential.
Cliff & Anita Marshall & family wish to express their deepest appreciation to the good people of our community, and across America for their interest and support.
We want you all to know,
“We will soon bring Mary home.”
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
Battle Creek, Michigan
Has Grevers property on Verona road been searched yet...Let quit worry about who took Mary from her Family but where she could be..Why isnt a community search being done... there are so many people willing to help ...All the areas of interest can be searched again..whats the hold up??? We All want Mary found and with the amount of people willing to help this is just crazy spending our time on the internet trying to find out whats going on instead of being out there doing something... The more time being wasted the longer its taking to bring Mary home...At this point only certain people know where Mary is and of course once she is found the evidence will tell us who really took her life... So lets find her ... The Ride for Mary is awsome it great to hear this event going on ...Now have a "Search For Mary" and see how many people will show up to help....Bring her home let the community help ...we dont need the Pratts to help..God will guide us to her...
where exactly is grevers property?
We are familiar with the property and would rather not be more explicit at this time.
It has been checked on at least three occasions and we continue to follow-up on that location and others.
It is all very frustrating, however in the last three weeks numerous new tips have come in and are being fully investigated by the family and law enforcement. August 12th will mark 41 months since Mary’s disappeared. We believe that the one person who can provide an exact location will soon pinpoint it for us.
MR CARLIN- Quick Question. Isnt it true that you were fired from the calhoun county family independence agency for doing shoddy and illegal things? now you must feel like a big shot taking care of this case right? well according to 2 of your co workers, or should i say former co workers since you were fired, i was told that you are a complete psycho and that you cant figure out anything. makes perfect sense to me, i mean if an investigation for mary lands can somehow involve john pratt and the cutting down of the pratt family, i think that maybe you're doing about as good of a job as you did at FIA because you havent solved a damn thing and youre jsut trying to mkae yourself look good by cutting down others. you should be proud of yourself. jordan pratt is my best friend, ive known him since i was in first grade, ive known john, scott, lisa, jane, irv, and michelle pratt. theyre a GREAT GROUP OF PEOPLE a very tight knit family, why would you criticize them for not looking for mary, thats your job....so how about you get started on it
My point exactly, Im leary of investigators that take info and run with it and dont hardly ever respond back and dont act like they are interested in finding out anything further and when you ask them certain things that you know could further help the case they would rather you get on here and bad mouth. If you want a quick response all you have to do is mention the book or corrupt police and its an instant response and I thought I was the only one that felt this way but I see more of people asking whats the hold up. But thats okay because an non local agency knows quite a bit of info and personally I think him and the mpd are connected but if Im wrong its because of the way he acts as an investigator.like I said before if you knew certain things I know, you would wonder too.what better way to keep a lid on things than to find out what everyone knows and keep things in check.
You know, the more Chris' supporters speak up, the clearer the picture of what the women in his life have had to go through. Keep it up folks, you're doing a great job!
This is the first time that a comment had to be removed.
It is fine to have an opinion, but you do not need to slander family members.
Focus on finding Mary Lands and bringing to justice the person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder.
Remember Mr Carlin you started it first By slandering the Pratt's if you or the Marshall's can't handle the truth, then get on the real investigation ,finding what really happened to Mary. then dont make anymore comment if you cant handle the truth...
#1. Chris abused his first wife; she survived.
#2. Chris abused Mary Lands; she is missing
#3. The court has decided there's enough evidence against Chris regarding abuse of Norrene to hold him over for trial.
#4. More than 3 women per day in the US are murdered by their husbands/ boyfriends.
#5. In Michigan 40% of females seen in ER's are for injuries sustained from an abusive intimate partner.
Some of you say you "know" that Chris is innocent. You "know" that none of his family would be involved. How do you know this? Gut feelings are useless.
It's a difficult thing to acknowledge that someone you think you know well could be capable of something so despicable. If you believe Chris to be innocent, then help find Mary. Help to find out the truth about her disappearance.
Someone knows what happened to her. Someone is keeping quiet. Help find out who that is and have them do the right thing - help bring Mary home. Mary's family deserves this. Human decency requires it.
about the comment that was removed, what you people cant handle the truth i dont see how its fair that people can bring down the pratts and say false things about them and we cant say whats true about the marshalls or norrene.and to all you people that are bringin the pratts down keep on sayin stuff your only makin us stronger.and to the comment that asked if im still proud to be a pratt yes i am and i do not have a chip on my shoulder and also why dont you say who you are instead of anonymous.
To whom it may concern,I thought this web site was about Mary,and trying,and hoping to bring the Marshalls some closure,and some peace, which THE LORD could only imagine is so painful everyday of there lives.NO-ONE in this whole world deserves this,like some one else said most of us is parents that read this site could you imagine? I could not.To the people that no the Marshalls,we no what type of wonderful people you are.Cliff and Anita when I was young you helped me in my life so many times .I will help you in what ever I can do ,and Jim THANKS for all of your FREE time to help this family,because we really dont see or hear of to many other people helping them for FREE.Why dont we stop all all of the other Bullshit and just help the family,support them ,give them closure imagine if it was you################lOVE YOU Cliff and Anita your addopted daughter from Albion you no who
free chris pratt
yes i agree free him .no evidence ,you found nothing.let it go
i am a family member and i want to say chriss,jeff we are behind you all the way.spying on people is wrong chris has been through a lot. fishing is a way of relaxing trying to catch fish proves he likes fishing only.you should not judge people you dont know.from bassmaster.
to all the people that want to defend sweet sweet Chris ,get your own web site,this one is for Mary ,remember the one that is missing.Some of you guys need to grow up and find a heart,we could care less about Chris or any of his family we care about Mary thats why we go to this site,so get a life and get your own site
The August 18th “Ride for Mary” is coming along well. Tips and new leads continue to come in and are examined and passed along to law enforcement. They are all prioritized and followed up by the investigators.
We believe the bike ride will be a great forum for bikers and others to talk about Mary’s case and for us to obtain that crucial piece of information as to her whereabouts.
Chief Olson of the Marshall Police Department has made a commitment to help in the event and we welcome his efforts.
We will soon bring Mary home.
is there still going to be a youtube video coming or did you decide not to do it?
To the bloggers who have stated "free Chris Pratt" and "he is innocent"...innocent of what? Innocent of domestic violence? Innocent of beating a woman? This is the reason he is in jail. After all that has been said in this blog, alot of perspective has been lost. He is in jail because he committed a brutal crime against Norrene. Is anyone suggesting that this didn't occur? A family is grieving the loss of their daughter, this is a profound and deep loss, the kind I personally hope I never have to endure. I implore everyone who writes here to please try to respect that.
JIM,MIKE M,SUE H this is for you guys??????I knew all these people growing up in Albion. (There a backwoods hillbilly bunch of inbreeds. Half should have been in jail years ago.)
:JIMS famous WORDS:
This is the first time that a comment had to be removed.
It is fine to have an opinion, but you do not need to slander family members.
JIM,thats not a very nice thing MIKE M said.It seems like you would remove something like that. And MIKE that comment you made you should know, youve spent alot of time in albion or has JIM not cheked into that one yet.
I'm a little lost on this last comment?
In the past you seem to imply that I am covering up something up and do not want Mary found? That I'm even working with MPD to cover it up? You don't to be quite focused on what you want to say?
The comments removed were deleted for a good reason. Mr. Marshall and the family were distressed in some of the remarks and the family asked me to take these actions.
How do you know exactly what and when was deleted unless you might have been the one writing those comments?
We know that all the Pratt's are not bad people and our efforts are to find the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands. We believe that law enforcement is now doing a better job and the case will soon be solved.
Mr. Marshall and I would be glad to meet with anyone if you believe that something is not being done correctly and you would like more information about the case. I personally made this offer to many people including the Pratt family but it was ignored.
My email and telephone number is well known to all. If you would like to discuss this matter further we'd be glad to do so. Anonymous comments are fine for those who wish to use that method. This site is a forum for the public to provide information and discuss Mary’s case. I have no doubt it is even followed by members of law enforcement. They might recognize something that is important to them in the site contents of which we are unaware, and they have many more resources than we do to accomplish those goals.
We have a theory on the disappearance of Mary Denise Lands. If you wish to discuss it please feel free to contact the family or myself. If you know more, or believe something different you should also contact law enforcement.
some of you think Chris should be freed but right now he's not in Jail for anything to do with Mary..he's in there for charges on Norrene and you feel he should be freed...apparently they do have enough evidence for him to be in there now or he would of already been freed right???? He has committed several new crimes what makes you think this man has changed from his first wife...your family, we expect you to stand up for him just as any family member would..but dont take it out on those who are trying to help find Mary ..If you think He is soo innocent why havent you bailed him out???? Now come on we all make mistakes ...but why turn Jim into the bad guy he's only trying to help find Mary which is more than I can say for alot of people..he hasnt given up and neither will I....I lived with a man who was the same as Chris..I was beat by my ex for 7 years before i got the strength to fight back and Until you can look into their eyes at the time they snap you have no clue what they are capable of..... My ex was Bi Polar and after he would beat me he never rememebered it ..he just wondered why he was sitting in jail...Its true Im sure Chris can be a very good person as well as all the Pratts but someone who has an imbalance never show their true colors unless their in their comfort zone..and you just never know that person, family member or not until your right there while its happening....Come on now ..you can support Chris or you can support Jim but the ones who really need our support are the Family of Mary...I don't think Chris should be released not because he was the last one to see Mary but because he hurt another woman and he needs to know that its just not acceptable..no woman deserves to be abused mentally or physically just as no man should either.. My prayers and thoughts go out to Mary and her family...
Jim,is it true Sue Harrinton is paying Norrene to say all those bad things about Chris Pratt.
Anyone who knows about this case would never ask such a ridiculous question.
Norrene Parker was a severe victim of domestic violence. It was then documented after an investigation by law enforcement.
It would be a crime to engage in what you have mentioned. If you have evidence I suggest you contact the Michigan State Police and the Prosecutor's Office with your allegations.
I personally believe she was physically and mentally abused. The police believe it or they would not have charged Mr. Pratt. In the end, I'm sure that a jury will also believe it.
Are we now in the process of blaming the victim?
Jim,thats the word at the coffee shop this morning.Well goodluck to you in the investigation and hopefully this comes to an end here soon.thanks
Thank you for your kind words.
I know that this is a piece of information that "certain other people" would want to spread to further impugn the reputation of both victims. It is totally false.
His former girl friend and former wife are strong and doing well. They are courageous women vowing never to be physically or emotionally abused again by anyone.
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall remain convinced the "Ride for Mary" will generate that one tip which will allow us to bring Mary home.
We couldn't do it without the great support provided by people in the community such as yourself.
The next time you see Cliff, stop and shake his hand. The family appreciates your support.
"We will soon bring Mary Lands home"
By the way, we just learned from Christman Screenprint that the shirts should be available today or tomorrow. If you would like one in advance, please call or email and I’ll personally drop one off. Sizes M, L, XL for $10.00, 2XL -$12.00, 3X & 4X-$13.00. Every penny donated on the “Ride for Mary” will go to the Mary Lands Trust Fund, Monarch Bank in Marshall.
Come out on August 18th even if you don’t have a bike. Meet the family and support us in our quest to bring Mary home.
I am a Pratt, and i say if Chris did it, then he needs to pay the consequences of his wrong doing, and if i knew anything, i would most certainly tell because i have children too! I could'nt even imagine the pain the Marshall family must be going through, missing a child must be very painfull and i prey that someone will come foward and find Mary! I would like to add that at the first vigile that was held for Mary we the pratts had gone to it, Jane, Michelle, Lisa Pratt we were there supporting the Marshall family.
When Chris was married to Sue, the only time we the Pratts ever seen them was at Funerals or once at a family get together so for her to make a comment about the rest of the Pratts of how we stick together she hasn't a clue! She does not know us really in any kind of way, she only knows Chris the one she was married to, and if there was trouble in her life with him it would be something we were not aware of at all because i will add that some of us Pratts were not brought up the same, some of us were brought up to respect ppl, and to be proud of who we are, don't think for one moment that in the back of our minds we our thinking did chris do it? But we still give him hugs, and we say hi,and we still sit with him at football games. When everyone shut him out, we couldn't! We have always respected your boy's, we love them dearly and miss them not coming around like they used to!
When Chris and Mary were together he never came around then but it wasn't untill after she ended up missing did we start seeing him come around more, but again it's in our nature to respect the one who has no one! If found guilty then he needs to pay the consequences.
Update, August 20, 2007-
Mr. Pratt’s attorney appeared today for a motion hearing in Calhoun County Circuit Court asking that the charges against Christopher Pratt be dismissed. He also presented a motion for a bond reduction on the defendant. Mr. Pratt was present for the hearing after being escorted into court by a deputy sheriff. Three members of the Pratt family were also present in court.
Chief Assistant Prosecutor Dan Buscher represented the people. After a 20 minute hearing Judge Stephen B. Miller denied the defense request to quash any of the charges, and further denied reduction of the $75,000.00 bond. Mr. Pratt was then returned to the Calhoun County Correctional Facility.
keep him in the jail where everybody can stay safe
Jim,no new news or did you run out of private eye things to say after the biker party?
It wasn't a "biker party." It was nearly 300 people including law enforcement officers coming together to Ride for Mary. I guess you couldn't be present?
Chief Olson believed it was highly successful and promoted further awareness on Mary's case.
As far as news..wait and see what is news!
Heartbreaking as it may be, Mary is probably not on this earth anymore. What a sad loss for her children, what a terrible loss of potential for her parents, her life taken away from her, her right to enjoy her grandchild, her right to grow old. I have been following these blogs for a year now and although I never knew Mary, she must have been an incredible person to have so many people who loved her and still fight to find her. How venemous does one have to be to belittle an event whose sole purpose is to promote awareness of her situation. This wasn't an event to spite anyone. You would think that most people would welcome any and every opportunity that could lead to her recovery. It is only the cornered animal that will lash out to inflict harm aimlessly. I wonder who is feeling cornered.
Thank you so much for your comment.
Yesterday, Labor Day-September 3rd would have marked Mary’s 43rd birthday. Her parent's released a few balloons from the Brooks Memorial Fountain in remembrance. It was yet another difficult day for family and friends.
Your kind and sincere words bring much comfort to the Marshall family. Because of many good people in our community talking about the case we have confidence that we will soon bring Mary home to a peaceful and final rest.
Even the most evil people should recognize that this is coming to an end. We ask for that one anonymous tip to point us to an exact location of where Mary Denise Lands can be located.
Thank you again for your heartfelt remarks.
Our web sites are dedicated to public awareness about the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands. Included in them are issues of domestic violence and the characteristics of perpetrators who engage in physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.
It is a national tragedy of which Mary was a victim. It is not our fault that Mr. Pratt has a prominence on some of the pages.
In my opinion, his relationships are terminated with battered and broken women left in an evil wake of domestic violence. Christopher Luke Pratt is now in jail for allegations of serious crimes against a woman. We had nothing to do with those events and he brought it on himself. We’ll watch for the outcome of those charges determined by a jury of his peers at his October trial.
More and more people are coming forward and talking about what really occurred on March 12, 2004, the night Mary disappeared.
There is a saying, “Good things will come to those who wait” The Marshall family has waited for over 3 ½ years but we will soon know the facts. These sites have brought people together for that ultimate goal.
If you personally don’t like what you see, don’t open your browser. You also have the opportunity to build your own Pratt web site so put your sarcasm to some good use.
We will bring Mary home very soon, but for now we all keep hope and hold on to the words, “Good things will come to those who wait”
I don't side with either family. I look at facts. Is there any evidence of any kind that Mr. Pratt killed this woman? None.
Who's to say that she wasn't abducted and murdered by someone else? There are hundreds of active serial killers in the United States at any given time. I-94 is a major corridor....
Sorry, but until some real evidence surfaces, I can't support this cause.
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