Mr. Pratt’s attorney argued that the False Imprisonment charge was a "stretch at most" and there was no restraint. On the count of Telephone Interference (Ripping out the phone) he stated that the "ruckus" had already occurred, and the charge was not appropriate. He further stated that Mr. Pratt and his former girl-friend had been involved in a one-year relationship, and there was no force. He also argued that the magistrate and district judge had abused their authority on the bond issue. Mr. Buscher, on behalf of the State, responded with confidence and clarity on each issue citing pages of testimony from the Preliminary Examination. He further stated the defendant was a dangerous person.
After a 20-minute hearing Judge Stephen B. Miller denied a defense request to quash any of the charges, and further denied reduction of the $75,000.00 bond. Mr. Pratt was returned to the Calhoun County Jail and faces a maximum of 38 years in prison and fines. If it is not heard on November 6th it will be be first of the docket for November 27, 2007.

(Chris Pratt, Halloween 2006, as the Grim Reaper)- After this photograph was recognized by Marshall family members it was immediately determined that this cloak was actually made by Mary's sister. Her mother, Anita brought it back from California as a gift for Mary in 2001. Mr. Pratt claims that this costume was his and handed down by the Pratt family over the years and he traditionally wore it each Halloween. Ironic, Isn't it?
Mary’s sister said it all quite well on one of the the recent postings, and we thank everyone for the support they have offered over the last 44 months. I reiterate my own request to anyone in the Pratt family about the return of Mary’s cloak. We know that there are many good people in their family and we ask if one of them might consider this family request? I can intricately describe the fabric and design of the cloak if there is any doubt? We appeal to Louise Pratt, Jordan, his mother, and the many aunts and uncles of your family to return this item. The Marshall’s have so little of sentimental value from their daughter and it would be a kind gesture. We know the cloak was removed from the house on 15 ½ Mile Road after Chris was incarcerated. It probably is among the items that were moved by family members after his former girl-friend vacated the premises. Thank you for your consideration.
The recent motorcycle benefit "Ride for Mary" Ride for Mary- New YouTube Video was a huge success with nearly 300 participants. More and more people are coming forward and providing information about the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands. She has now been missing for 42 months, and Labor Day, September 3, 2007 would have been Mary's 43rd birthday. Mary Denise Lands- Video
Are You a Victim of Domestic Violence? Michigan State Police- Domestic Violence Awareness
In the suburbs, a man kills his wife and then turns the gun on himself. Police are called to a hospital to investigate an elderly woman with a fractured hip after being pushed down by her adult son. A teenage girl is punched in the stomach by her ex-boyfriend in the hallway at school. Each of these events raises the same question: Could this tragedy have been prevented?
What is domestic violence?
Domestic violence is a pattern of learned behavior in which one person uses physical, sexual, and emotional abuse to control another person.
Domestic violence is not a family matter. It is a crime, and it is in Michigan. The Michigan State Police Uniform Crime Report tells us there were 54,258 reported victims and 30 reported murders related to domestic violence in 2004. Domestic violence is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 93 days in jail and/or a $500 fine.
Under Michigan law, a person has a domestic relationship if any of the following apply:
· Spouse or former spouse
· Dating relationship or former dating relationship
· Child in common
· Resident or former resident of the same household
What does domestic violence look like?
· The following are some of the most common tactics used by abusers to control their partners but certainly not a complete list. If you or someone you know has their personal freedom restricted or is afraid of their partner, they may be a victim of domestic violence.
Physical Abuse
· Pushed, shoved or kicked
· Slapped or bitten
· Strangled
· Hit or punched
· Locked out of your home
· Denied help when ill, injured or pregnant
· Weapon used against you
· By physical force, not being allowed to leave
· Objects thrown at you
· Abandoned in a dangerous situation
Sexual Abuse
· Forced to have sex or watch sexual acts
· Forced to perform sexual acts or have sexual acts performed on you
· Forced to dress more sexually than you wish
· Forced to have sex after a physical assault, when you are ill or as a condition of the relationship
Emotional & Psychological Abuse
· Threatened harm to you, your family or your pets
· Beliefs, race, heritage, class, religion, or sexual orientation ridiculed
· Manipulated with lies and contradictions
· Being convinced you are to blame for the abuse
· Stalked
Economic Abuse
· Denied access to bank accounts, credit cards or vehicle
· Partner controls all the finances
· Prevented from getting or keeping a job or from going to school
· Limits your access to health, prescription or dental insurance
What can you do to help someone who is being abused?
· Educate yourself about domestic violence.
· Let go of any expectations you have that there is a "quick fix" to domestic violence or to the obstacles a woman faces. Understand that a woman's "inaction" may very well be her best safety strategy at any given time.
· Believe her and let her know that you do.
· Listen to what she tells you and avoid making judgments
· Validate her feelings.
· Avoid victim blaming. Tell her the abuse is not her fault.
· Take her fears seriously. If you are concerned about her safety, express your concern without judgment by saying, "Your situation sounds dangerous and I'm concerned for your safety."
· Support her decisions. Remember there are risks attached to every decision an abused woman makes. If you truly want to help, be patient and respectful, even if you don't agree.
Who do you contact for help?
Often, the best source of help and information is your local program. For more information on local support services, please visit the Michigan Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence website at: http://www.mcadsv.org/ and click on "Locate Help Near You."
You may also call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233.) Call toll free, 24 hours a day, anywhere in the U.S. Trained counselors provide confidential crisis intervention, support, information and referrals to local programs to victims of domestic violence, their families and friends. The hotline links people to help in their area, including shelters, legal and social assistance programs. Help in English and Spanish with interpreters available in 139 more languages.
For additional information on this important issue, please contact Prevention Services Section, (517) 336-4006.
Sources: The Michigan Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence; Calhoun County Domestic Violence Council Education Prevention Safety and Support Information Guide; and the 2002 MSP Uniform Crime Report.
Additional online resource tools related to domestic violence and abuse:
National Domestic Violence Hotline
American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress
1 – 200 of 293 Newer› Newest»some one is going to talk soon
Mary Lands disappeared six months after her 39th birthday.
Isn't it ironic that Chris Pratt was arrested for domestic violence and other felonies approximately six months after his own 39th birthday?
The wheels of justice turn slowly but they do turn.
I am a surviver of domestic abuse and know that Pratt's former girl friend will survive this abuse as she is a strong woman. Thanks for the blog. It will help other victims and there family.I know you will find Mary Lands
It wasn't a "biker party." It was nearly 300 people including law enforcement officers coming together to Ride for Mary. I guess you couldn't be present?
Chief Olson believed it was highly successful and promoted further awareness on Mary's case.
As far as news..wait and see what is news!
The families answer is coming soon.
I am also a surviver of domestic violence..All the years I couldn't be strong for my family..I was scared and I wasn't allowed to have friends because he was afraid I would tell someone what he was doing to me...The black eyes and constant sun glasses were one sign... even after all this time I am always pushing people away because thats what he trained me to do... Finally I did get the strength to get away and I am still so mentally messed up but I found strength from my family and my children and what keeps me the strongest is now that I'm away from him I can actually think about what My kids went through and the things they saw me go through and it has affected the way they act and the way they love and I just wish I could of been strong from the beginning..My prayers are for every woman or man..especially Norrene at this time...Stay strong If you feel like you can't.. give your kids a hug and know that they will stay strong as long as they see you can stay strong..your life experiences are what they really learn from..If they see you wont let yourself be treated like that they will know they don't have to either..Please Please keep your strength and I will pray for your process of healing and Norrene know that you are a good person and deserve happiness...and so do your children
Wow! What a great bunch of people to come out seeking Justice for Mary! Lets hope justice is done soon!
Heartbreaking as it may be, Mary is probably not on this earth anymore. What a sad loss for her children, what a terrible loss of potential for her parents, her life taken away from her, her right to enjoy her grandchild, her right to grow old. I have been following these blogs for a year now and although I never knew Mary, she must have been an incredible person to have so many people who loved her and still fight to find her. How venemous does one have to be to belittle an event whose sole purpose is to promote awareness of her situation. This wasn't an event to spite anyone. You would think that most people would welcome any and every opportunity that could lead to her recovery. It is only the cornered animal that will lash out to inflict harm aimlessly. I wonder who is feeling cornered.
Thank you so much for your comment.
Yesterday, Labor Day-September 3rd would have marked Mary’s 43rd birthday. Her parent's released a few balloons from the Brooks Memorial Fountain in remembrance. It was yet another difficult day for family and friends.
Your kind and sincere words bring much comfort to the Marshall family. Because of many good people in our community talking about the case we have confidence that we will soon bring Mary home to a peaceful and final rest.
Even the most evil people should recognize that this is coming to an end. We ask for that one anonymous tip to point us to an exact location of where Mary Denise Lands can be located.
Thank you again for your heartfelt remarks.
As heartbreaking as it is, Chris has children as well, and you can only be cornerd for so long but it's been a very long time since Mary's dissapperance and nothing has been said, I'm sorry but people can not hold something like this in for this long!
time will tell. Maybe God wants him in prision for what he did to his recent girl friend. either way he'll get what is coming to him and it is sad for his children and family.
i keep hearing mary will be brought home in 2007,has any solid information been learned this summer?
You should try and contact Haunting Evidence..Their awesome or even physic Noreen Renier..Maybe they could give you some answers you need!!!!
did u know Randy Slone went to prison last week for meth lab?
a lot of ppl will be talking soon on Mary case
Who is Randy Slone?
Maybe him and Chris Pratt could share a cell together...wouldn't that be ironic....
Again Who is Randy Slone?he is not even related, And what does he have to do with Mary Lands?And even if he shares a cell with Chris Pratt we do know that he is in Jackson Prison and Chris is at the calhoun county jail.Come on people....
if you do not no Randy Slone how do you know he is not related.
Anybody can see he in Jackson and Pratt in calhoun jail. Guess we have to wait to see if there is a connect? i sure do
some website you got here JIM,sounds like this should be chris's website instead of mary's?
Our web sites are dedicated to public awareness about the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands. Included in them are issues of domestic violence and the characteristics of perpetrators who engage in physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.
It is a national tragedy of which Mary was a victim. It is not our fault that Mr. Pratt has a prominence on some of the pages.
In my opinion, his relationships are terminated with battered and broken women left in an evil wake of domestic violence. Christopher Luke Pratt is now in jail for allegations of serious crimes against a woman. We had nothing to do with those events and he brought it on himself. We’ll watch for the outcome of those charges determined by a jury of his peers at his October trial.
More and more people are coming forward and talking about what really occurred on March 12, 2004, the night Mary disappeared.
There is a saying, “Good things will come to those who wait” The Marshall family has waited for over 3 ½ years but we will soon know the facts. These sites have brought people together for that ultimate goal.
If you personally don’t like what you see, don’t open your browser. You also have the opportunity to build your own Pratt web site so put your sarcasm to some good use.
We will bring Mary home very soon, but for now we all keep hope and hold on to the words, “Good things will come to those who wait”
Did randy slone live at the F DRIVE SITE,where all the digging took place?
That is correct, the abandoned and trashed trailer located on F Drive near 24 Mile Road in Sheridan Township was occupied by him for many years, however it was a rental property.
As you may recall, we had permission from the legal owers to search that area.
Is there going to be another search on that property...
OK - What's going on?? This guy's been sitting in jail for over 3 months! When is he A) going to pay his dues for the crimes he's charged with & B) Where are the results of all the info that has been said to have been brought forward since he's been in jail?!
Its time for all of us who want answers in this case to be told if any new information has been learned on marys whereabouts.pratt has been in jail long enough to get ppl. to talk.
The Marshall family and I are just as anxious as you all. On October 12, 2007 it will have been 43 months since Mary disappeared.
We know that law enforcement investigators are diligently doing their job. Rest assured, you will probably know the end result at the same time we do.
As far as Mr. Pratt's trial date on the other charges, one can contact the Calhoun County Circuit Court for information. It will be posted here at an appropriate time.
It is inconceivable to me that while Mr Pratt has been in jail, no one has come forward with significant information as to where Mary is. I keep hearing that everyone knows that Chris did it. So, if that's the case, why are we not closer to solving this.
It is also inconceivable to the Marshall family that Mary's case would not have been solved two years.
Christopher Luke Pratt will go on trial in two weeks for violent felony crimes allegedly perpetrated against his former girl-friend.
We do know that since he was arrested on June 24, 2007 many others have come forward and provided information. The police cannot discuss their findings and progress, but it doesn’t mean that law enforcement is not doing their job. We just have to wait for the results. Mr. Pratt may have not been apprehended and arrested for other crimes against women but he will have to answer this time.
Have you truly checked every lead? Have you turned over every last stone in finding Mary? Do you want a group of citizens to do what the police should be doing? enough is enough. Mary is here in Marshall somewhere and not one of you has checked on every tip. It is the talk around town that Chris did something horrible to Mary. Is this case going to be a cold case? Numerous citizens have heard that Chris has terrorized his women. When is someone going to speak up and tell the truth about what happened that night? I am disgusted by the lack of concern shown by Marshall PD. Mr Carlin, I realize that you have to mince your words but I don't have to. There is a family who needs some closure to this horrible case. Please bring them some peace and closure.
Thank you Mary. I noted that you are a newcomer to the Mary Lands justice blog, but probably have followed the story for a long time.
I also want you to know that your remarks were some of the most accurate and concise that have been written by anyone in this community forum. Your words will bring comfort to Cliff & Anita and their family and I hope they spur actions for that one witness who will come forward and reveal facts about Mary's disappearance.
Thank you
Jim Carlin
This case is almost 43 months old. Why hasn't Marshall PD gone on television to ask for help in this case? One would think that for the sake of the community, some type of plea for help would be broadcast. As for the Marshall PD, why are they not actively searching for Mary at this point? It seems to me that with Chris in jail, it would be the perfect time to search. Please stop for a minute and think about this. Mary disappeared without a trace 42 months ago. No search of any significance has been done for a long time. One would think that Marshall PD wants to sweep this case away because of their indifference. It is time for someone to do something about this. It is not what any citizen would want if their family member came up missing. One day soon, someone will find Mary and it will make Marshall PD look bad. This case will be solved with or without the police.
This case has been badly conducted from DAY ONE. Why is it that the community has not come out to speak in Mary's behalf. I am not talking about rallies and vigils. I am talking about people challenging the police. Mr Carlin, you have done more for Mary's case than anyone. You truly are Mary's hope for discovery. A long time ago, you came to help Mary's cause. It is you who has PUSHED for solving this case. Helpers are here to search for Mary. It is time, Mr Carlin, that you have some help. You know who you can contact for this. Let us help you find her. No one will feel safe from Mr Pratt until Mary is found. This is a time for the community to come together and pray for Mary's discovery.
Please contact me directly tomorrow morning so we can discuss these matters and your offer to help.
269.441.7068. Leave a telephone number and I can get back to you.
Again, my thanks
Mr Carlin, I believe that deep down you know who I am. If not, I think that you know who to contact. This case has proven many things. It has shown that the police have messed things up. It has shown that kind souls like yourself are truly angels. It has shown that sometimes help is needed from unexpected sources. Why do I say this, you wonder. There are things going on right now which will bring Mary home. Put faith in those who have offered their help. You will not be disappointed. You will find that the unexpected will bring the most results. This may not make sense to you now but you will see what I mean. Do not think that this is a hoax for it is not. You need to understand that I mean everything that I have said. Mr Carlin, please help Mary come home.
I have kept quiet for a long time. No more!!! I will keep on shooting my mouth off. I have always been very outspoken so why stop now. Tell Mary's family that help is coming.
Mary D, I believe I know who you are? Are you someone that I have spoken to in the past and knows the real Chris Pratt even better than others do? You were originally reluctant to speak with law enforcement. Are you now going to contact them? I hope you will call immediately.
Mr Carlin, I have not spoken to you before. I knew the real Chris Pratt; however, you are mixing me up with someone else. You realize, don't you, that things happen for a reason. You have known about me but never met me. One thing that you need to know about me is that he tried to break my spirit but he failed. He is every woman's worst nightmare. What I say is the truth. I am in a better place now, so don't worry about me. What is most important right now are two things. One is to find Mary and the other is to make sure that Chris Pratt never hurts another woman again. Mr Carlin, Chris will hurt Norrene if he gets out of jail. Please help. It is so important that you find Mary before his trial date. Thanks for listening to me.
first things first,if he gets out, i highly doubt hes going to hurt norrene,he seems to be a smart man,and i think he has some sense enough not to be screwing up, i do know that i have known chris for 12+ years and he wares his heart on his sleeve and loves his family and kids very much.sounds like to me he has a hard time with women and needs some kind of help.i do believe that saying jim ,good come to those who wait.waiting is a very very hard thing to do and not knowing is even harder,but sooner or later the truth will come out and their will finally be some closure.our church and families will be praying .
Thank you for your kind words.
That is all we are interested in too. We may disagree on the character of some individuals but our primary objective is to bring Mary home.
Your prayers are welcomed and I believe they will help us all.
Thank you again.
There is no point in hiding the truth. However, as you know, Mr Carlin, I am not able to contact the police. You know for a fact that I do not trust the police. They did nothing to help me before. There is something wrong with the current investigation. What is wrong is that the police are not even wanting to find Mary. This town will one day know the truth about what really went on in the investigation and it will sicken the citizens. My HOPE is that you will bring awareness to everyone about Mary's case. I am watching this case from a distance but do not be fooled. I know exactly what is going on.
For those of you who have known an abuse victim, let me clarify something. IT IS SO WELL HIDDEN. Why?, you ask. Because of the extreme fear that the victim experiences. I don't care what others have said about Chris; he terrorized his women. Worse than that, he threatened their loved ones. All I will say for now is this. It's one thing to be abused; it's even worse to be betrayed by the police who should be protecting you.
Let's all be honest about something. Mary has been gone a long time. don't you think that something would have turned up by now? My feeling is that people know things which they are not sharing with Mr Carlin. These things may be crucial for solving the case. Help Mr Carlin, please!!! I have watched this from afar and it frustrates me that a few people have not come forward with information that would help in the case. If they would tell the truth, this case would be solved.
Something for Chris Pratt to think about related to the emotional and physical abuse he has perpetrated on the many women in his life...
From the new Bruce Springsteen Magic Album.
You can't sleep at night
You can't dream your dream
Your fingerprints on file
Left clumsily at the scene
Your own worst enemy has come to town
Your own worst enemy has come to town
Yesterday the people were at ease
Baby slept in peace
You closed your eyes and saw her
You knew who you were
Now your own worst enemy has come to town
Your own worst enemy has come
Your world keeps turnin' 'round and 'round
But everything is upside down
Your own worst enemy has come to town
There's a face you know
Staring back from the shop window
The condition you're in
Now you just can't get out of this skin
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
The times they got too clear
So you removed all the mirrors
Once the family felt secure
Now no one's very sure
Your own worst enemy has come to town
Your own worst enemy has come
Everything is falling down
Your own worst enemy has come to town
Your own worst enemy has come
Everything is falling down
Your own worst enemy has come to town
Your flag it flew so high
It drifted into the sky
mary d,if you so call know so much, then why arent you helping???
you say this stuff on here, but you wont say what you know, you talk about the truth, well start telling the truth. WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MARY????????
Mr Carlin knows who I am and what I know. He knows that I am helping this case. That's all you need to know. You sound defensive. If you think about it, why don't you share some information? I know who you are and you know quite a bit. My point is stop attacking me and start helping Mr Carlin. Attacking someone is what lead to Mary's disappearance. Attacking someone is a waste of time and helps no one.
Mary d, I dont think you know what you are talking about, first, no I dont think you know who I'am, and if you did, you would know I have already helped all I could, if I could do anymore I would. Im not attacking you, you just seem to think you know things, Im just asking if you do know anything, PLEASE come forward. and if you do know me, you know how to get ahold of me. call me anytime if you would like to talk about Mary's case.and you say I know alot, your nut if you think I know any more then I've already told. if I had anymore info. what so ever. the right people would know it.YOU CAN COUNT ON THAT....
First of all, you are not the investigator, Mr Carlin is. Any information which comes about goes to him, not anyone else. You have no clue who I am and if you want to know, pay attention to what I have written. Mr Carlin is working hard on this case. Information is needed now to find Mary; not to find out who someone is. Focus on Mary now.
Get real !!!!
I dont care you are, all I'am saying is that if you know something, tell the right people, that can do something in bringing Mary home.
I am really disgusted. You were raised to stand up for yourselves but you were also raised to be polite to others. What happened to you all? I watch you from where I am and I think "what a bunch of jerks!" Mary was a nice girl and all you do is put her down. Stop it, all of you. Don't think for a moment that I don't see what is going on.
Let’s have a little more dignity in the content of these postings.
If you have information related to Mary’s disappearance then please immediately contact the Michigan State Police. If you are reluctant to do so then you may call me directly.
We are on the right path for justice and believe that Mary will soon be brought home. Mr. Pratt will answer to the other allegations against him in a court of law.
The person/s responsible for Mary’s disappearance will be held accountable.
We urge everyone to continue to ask questions and provide any information to the proper authority. The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they are turning.
Thanks, Mr Carlin, for trying to keep this forum a place where ideas and thoughts can be expressed in an intelligent manner to help this case. Obviously, there is a policeman blogging here and that is okay. However, the problem is that I don't trust Marshall PD. I trust you, Mr Carlin and I know for a fact that you will find Mary. I am confident that justice will be served.
onder if mary d knows mary lands?I also wonder if she knows who caused mary to disappear? And more important,does she know where mary is at?
Mike V, you are quite perceptive. I know that you are interested in helping Mary, just like Mr Carlin. Have you ever thought about trying something different in this case? It seems that the current way of doing things isn't working. Maybe we need to think outside the box. Perhaps, using different resources may be helpful. There are many who would volunteer their time to search for Mary. Mr Carlin knows who to contact. There are many ways to solve a case. Sometimes, outside sources have amazing input.
I have been to this website everyday sometimes a few times a day..some of you feel like Mr Carlin hasn't followed up on leads..But let me tell you, your wrong he listens to everyone..About 7 months ago I contacted Jim because of some visions i was having and I was also drawn to an area..I knew nothing about Mary's case the only thing I had ever seen about Mary were the posters in Marshall..But i had started getting visions and they were strong and clear ..I was hesitating on where to call or even if I should call but I finally got the sign I needed and was lead to Jim..I emailed him and he contacted me the very same day and we met...I didn't have direct information from anyone just my visions and feelings..but Jim treated me with respect and made me feel very comfortable to be able to tell him every thing that i was perceiving and never at any point in our meeting did he ever make me feel like i was going crazy.. he listened to everything I had to say
he also still keeps me updated ... I would of never been able to contact the police and tell them what was coming to me..and to Jim...I am still here and continuing to pray ..you have done so much for Mary and her family.. I can't see where anyone wouldn't want too help and work with you..
mary d seems to know alot?
It is a good thing that people are talking more about Mary. Mr Carlin is trying to solve this case; however, some law enforcement are not cooperating with him. It is a shame that his efforts are being interfered with. To the writer with visions, please let Mr Carlin know if anything more comes to you. Every bit of help is needed now. I think that we will solve this case soon.
I believe that when and if Mr. Pratt is sentenced and goes to prison, people will feel safe enough to talk. People are afraid of him for what he's done and for what he's capable of doing and for who he knows. He holds things he knows able people against them. People out there, you can give information without telling your name. Silent Observer is a great program. Please help bring Mary home to her loving family. They are just as much victims as Mary. They don't deserve to live the rest of their lives without ever knowing what happened. If you know anything at all about Mary's disappearance, please come forward. Don't let another day go by without contacting Mr. Carlin. He will do the right thing. He is a wonderful caring man and if anything ever happened to me, I'd want him on my case.
Anonymous 8/8/07 3:54pm. I too have always been treated with respect by Mr. Carlin. I work with facts, logic, and intuition. He has considered any and all information.
At one point I gave information to MPD and offered help and was advised that if I got any closer that they would not hesitate to arrest me. So much for sharing info with MPD. Obviously,
I believe the response from SOME law enforcement officers does not get the same respect. All information needs to be in one place. Jim if someone gave a tip to law enforcement do they share that with you after all of your efforts? You really don't have to answer that. I know the usual response. "We cannot discuss an on going investigation." I do honor that to a point. I do wonder however, why the detectives on any case, that has had so much supposed imput, would not be changed, to see if another could shed new light or a new perspective on Mary's case. One of the problems I have felt from the beginning is that all the information is not in one spot. I do know that the State Police is attempting to accomplish this with Jim Carlin's help.
Wouldn't it be great if all those involved could gather in one place without FEAR to get all information out in the open. It is crazy to think that one man could have this much control. Abuse has always been excelerated by secrets. Let's take his power away by speaking to Mr. Carlin who will share with the State Police and put closure to this for Mary, her family and all those who care.
Mr. Carlin is the only person I know who shows the tenacity to bring Mary's case to closure. Thanks, Jim for your efforts. I know that any information I get you will have. It seems that I am getting more information real often lately.
God Bless Mary, her family and you too Jim.
My hope is that Mary can come home to her family. Her story will be told one day and it will help abused women. The saddest part of this story is that Mary was let down by the police. It is interesting that with Chris's history of abusing women, none of his family have shown remorse for his violent behavior. Instead, they show their anger towards those who express their disgust. Their response shows their indifference to what Chris did to Mary and the others. Norrene, thanks to you, he is in jail. Please be careful and watchful of your safety. To Mary's family, Mary will be found. to those helping in this case, hang in there.
Mary d.--I have read all of your posts and can see that you are a strong and intelligent person. As I read your posts I got the distinct feeling that there are some good messages in them for others, am I correct? Please keep posting and keep Mary's case ongoing. To all the residents of Marshall: You all need to form a group and demand that information about Mary's case not be swept under the rug. The police are ther e to protect and to serve their community. It sounds like they've been falling down on the job a lot.
Looks like it could be "Nancy Grace" time!!! 20-20 or 48 hours? What do you think, Mary?
GIVE ME A N --------N
GIVE ME AN A -------A
GIVE ME A N --------N
GIVE ME A C --------C
GIVE ME A Y --------Y
GO TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is a great idea having Nancy Grace involved. It's been a ridiculously long time that Mary has been gone. Maybe Nancy Grace can help us. I laughed my head off at the Nancy Grace cheer. Good job!!! Seriously, though, it is time that Mary be found. Please help find Mary.
What I don't understand is why the Marshall Police Dept. still has Mary's vehicle. To my understanding it has been refused to Mary's family by Cheif Mike Olson. This department has no right keeping that vehicle from her family any longer. It should be returned to Mary's family in the same NEW condition that they received it in, and what ever is wrong with it should be fixed and the bill payed for by Cheif Olson and the Marshall Police Dept.
If you think that I'm kidding about the Marshall Police Dept keeping Mary's Vehicle. They have not shown any care in the world about this case and about solving it. You can see the condition of Mary's vehicle that the Marshall Police Dept has taken so well care of at www.marydeniselands.com and click on the link to the left that says "Photo-Mary's Vehicle.....Is this vehicle still there?? And when is it going to be returned to Mary's family???
There are people who know a lot and are not speaking. Why are they holding back? It seems that Marshall PD may be intimidating those who wish to come forward. This police department has not only let Mary and her family down, it has let many citizens down as well. There have been many who have wanted to help but they have been told to stay out of it or else. So much for free speech and feeling secure. Marshall PD, what part of this are you not getting? People are feeling that you are blocking the solving of this case. There are three C's which come to mind: COERCION, CORRUPTION and COLLABORATION. The first 2 need no explanation. The 3rd means that people think that you are collaborating with Mr Pratt and his associates to keep this case from being solved. If Marshall PD does not stop this, the citizens will find a way to help.
Its definetly time for big media attention, If we wait for the MPD we will be waiting a long time. I think your right Mary d from what I know the collaboration comes from associates of Pratt and MPD thats exactly why nobody has come foward. I think we are all sick of waiting for answers its time for some action!!!
I like the picture Pratt the Creeper, the Grim Reeper. Canhe wear one of those outits at the jail and go from pod to pod yelling trick or treat?
Looks like he'll be there for Christmas and maybe in a Santa suit?
FBI Detroit
26th. Floor, P. V. McNamara FOB
477 Michigan Avenue
Detroit, Michigan 48226
(313) 965-2323
Maybe its time for Marshall Police to be investigated...
The fbi will probably tell you to talk to your local office and make a statement otherwise all you can do is send them info to the web address posted above.
as far as nancy grace... I emailed nancy, fox news, cnn,cnbc, montel informing them about the MPD and marys case and i never heard anything back maybe if othe people did that and they got enough responses they would have to. when that one lady from michigan came up missing it was all over the news and I emailed the again after that. you would think they would want to cover this story. Media coverage can do wonders. So everyone contact them and hopefully then They will give marys case the exposure it needs
The FBI needs to speak with Mr Carlin. Also, the FBI needs to investigate how Marshall PD conducted its investigation. Mary's case needs to be looked at from a different point of view. There is something very wrong in Marshall and we know what it is. It's corruption, coercion and collaboration. If anyone has a tip, please call Mr Carlin.
Pratt should be in a maximum prison for the rest of his life after all he's done. whats goes around comes around
I also agree that Chris Pratt needs to be in prison for the rest of his life, but also everyone else that is involved in this investigation that is hiding something.
From where I sit, the police department has not done a thing to help Mary's cause. I know why and so does Mary's family. The truth will come out and it won't be pretty. Pratt family, you need to come clean. Chris did it and he has to take it like a man. You all are just as bad by covering it up.
To everyone who is blogging:
If you have any idea how to contact the media, let us know. This is important for the case. So many people are starting to talk again about this case. Keep talking, it helps. When one thinks about Mary's disappearance, one must consider this. Chris is not the only one responsible for this. The police who have hidden information are just as responsible. I agree with the blogger who said that Marshall PD needs to be investigated for their coverup of this case.
To the woman who wanted to know about reaching out to the media. I put together a letter regarding saying how horrible marys case has been handled and how somethings going from within the MPD and so on and so forth. You go to each website and look for "submit stories" or "comments". They all have it on there. I did get a response from "American Most Wanted" but they need like police files and some other thimgs which I could'nt provide. All this took place a few months ago. I sent a letter to every national news program twice and no response just a automatic "thanks for your story,..ect. I couldn't understand why nobody could give mary any air time when you've seen so many cases just like hers get days on the air. You would think they would jump on it considering it involves police corruption and so much more. I mean EVERYBODY knows it's almost ALWAYS the spouse that's involved...common sense, right. Eveyone who wants justice for Mary, contact all of the Stations I mentioned. The more responses the better. And if the police in your town are as bad as the things I've been reading here why the hell wouldn't anybody be pushing that issue. Their jobs are to PROTECT AND SERVE and if they are not then they don't belong
from above,what is there to cover up,we cant control chris's problems.do the crime do the time beeatch...Pratt
My - a bit of sarcasm "anonymous" but let's try not to get off track. Like I suggested, a pulling together is what is needed. All information flowing through one spot. Mr. Carlin have you any suggestions? I know that Nancy Grace really was contacted at one time, and I am sure the person who writes about contacting the media has also done that. Do you feel it would be helpful to you to resolve this and solve this,to have many bloggers submit their concerns to any one place or many places? I realize there is protocal and really do want to help you, not hinder things in any way as the case has been scattered enough.
Oct 16 is coming right up!! Would it help to call a Congressman or Representative with their concerns about MPD? No matter what - Info goes to you and or State Police. But then, is it manditory that all their information goes back to Marshall PD? That is what seems to be the stopping point for everyone. Is there a way around it?
Is the FBI information an option? You who posted the FBI information - do you know if they can work around this? Let's stay on track, and bring Mary back - and have some closure for her and this family. At this point, I feel the main thing to all concerned is to have the TRUTH even if he does not get prosecuted for this crime, the family needs to know. It is obvious that he will not stay out of trouble anyway, you can tell that by where he is today. If by some chance he was innocent, I am sure he does know the truth about it. We need to protect Noreen expecially and help her to stay strong by giving her the support that others (possibly citizens and some law enforcement)in the community did NOT provide for Mary. It is time power is taken back from A FEW and safety brought back into the community. There are a great deal of other problems in the Marshall area. Alot of kids growing up. They need to be protected and be shown fine examples of law enforcement. All truths must come out. I know there are some of those examples within the city of Marshall. The secrets boggle my mind. Someone needs to be a HERO. Marshall needs a HERO. While this is for Mary, there is a great deal more going on in this small city. Parents, be clear, you need to pay attention.
Mr. Carlin my confidence is in you to guide this HERO when they come forward. First we must get them to you. Guidance from you is welcome. Thanks for being there. God Bless Mary, her family, and all those who care. I will be keeping this whole mess in my prayers! A conscience for ALL those involved would be an answer to prayer - for sure.
I was told from detroit awhile back that they dont see anything wrong with MPD. I do know they probably get a high volume of information coming all the time and it may be hard to get a quick or any at all response unless alot of people are requesting help. I have also heard about info getting back to MPD.
guess the Grim Reeper will miss opening day of hunting season? unless he can poach from the jail.
good riddence
who cares???
To "Who Cares?" Maybe that is part of the larger problem. Everyone should care and only a few seem to care enough! Remember this is about finding Mary, she needs to rest.
REAL OFTEN the hunter becomes the game! The stalker becomes the stalked!
Keep on keeping on for our original endevor. His hunting days could be over. There is never a season for abuse! The price for a license to abuse can be costly!
How can you come to this website and ask who cares??? That is just plain childish...We all care or we wouldn't be here.. We all have our different opinions and sometimes people say things that can be very irritating but it truly is their own opinion but I would rather have someone make a nasty comment or say something offensive, because it's better to vent than to hold it inside.. we may not always agree but we are all here for the same reason and that is Mary, and her family... and bringing her home... People say not to lose focus and in my opinion focus hasn't really been lost ..it may stray sometimes but in our hearts and our minds we all know who the real focus is about... but to come here and say who cares??? I don't even know who you are but 2 reasons come to my mind why you would even say that and in this case I'll keep my comments to myself...
This case is about Mary and what happened to her that night. One can indulge in name calling and blame; however, this is of no value. Here are the facts:
1) Mary disappeared.
2) She is still missing.
3) Chris is in jail for domestic
4) No search has been done
5) Chris and his associates have
friends in the police dept.
6) The police have not said a
word about Mary's case
PUBLICLY in a long time.
7) Marshall PD has threatened
citizens wishing to help in
the case.
8) Mary's family has been
treated horribly by the police.
9) The investigation by Mr
Carlin has been blocked on
numerous occasions.
10) The Marshall PD have not shown
one bit of desire to solve this
So, what do we have in summary?
i can come to this website and say whatever i want.its not who cares abot mary its who cares about grim reeper???hes where they want him,let the professionals do there job.looks like your the one that needs to grow up....
Another criminl off the street & where he belongs. Randy Slone is going too be very cold in Saginaw prison for many winters-
Thats a good list of things Mary d we need alot of people telling that to the FBI or some agency that will listen and do something about it. Its time for a new approach. The MPD will continue to decieve us.
Mary's disappearance came after a fight that she had with Chris. He found out that she contacted the police about his activities. He found out from his friends at Marshall PD. He became violent towards her. This led to her disappearance. One can delude themselves into thinking that he is innocent. One can delude themselves into thinking that Marshall PD had no part in this. For those of you who think this way, you are very wrong. In fact, it was the police who were responsible for the last fight. Marshall PD called Chris and told him that Mary called them about him. There is a lot more to this which is not known to the general public. Let me just say that it is ugly and will be found out. What you, the public, need to know is this. Mary was trying to do the right thing and because the police were friends of Chris, it became violent and led to her vanishing into thin air. The stories about Chris's activities are true but no one has done anything about it. So, Mary is still at large and the police are still not doing anything about it. One day, a person will tell this story about Mary and her disappearance. They will tell you the whole truth and it will appall and sicken you. Please understand this now. Mary is not going to be forgotten no matter what the police do or do not do.
No, Mary will not be forgotten! We are hoping to have help on the way through new sources. Keep blogging - everyone - and keep searching
Haven't seen any blogs from Jim Carlin in the last week. Are you OK Mr. Carlin? Stay safe - your help is really needed and appreciated. Any of my information will come your way first.
The Marshall family and I appreciate all the comments about Mary’s case and we know that mistakes and wrongdoing were part of the problems in the past. It includes the lack of an organized permanent police team in the first six months, and the improper actions of one particular police-officer. The secrecy and dubious status of Mary’s Dodge-Durango, and the many allegations of drug connections and criminal activity by those in the Albion and Marshall area. Most notable, was the fear of so many people to come forward and talk with certain members of law enforcement. We believe all of this to be true and outside agencies have been provided the information on these allegations.
At this point in time all we focused on is for Mary Lands to be brought home so that she can be properly buried. The peripheral issues are for investigators and prosecutors to review if charges are warranted?
I had a meeting on October 12th with Chief Mike Olson of the Marshall Police Department about the case and our concerns. We now are approaching the 4th festive holiday season that Mary’s family must endure not knowing the fate of their daughter? They continue to ask, Where is Mary? and, When will we have justice for Mary?
Chief Olson assured me that continued resources will be available directly related to Mary’s case. On this particular day he stated that two investigators were out on follow-up of the Mary Lands investigation. We have no choice. We have to believe him, and take him for his word.
Chris Pratt will soon answer to a court for the allegations against him by his former girl-friend. For whatever reason, he has been extremely lucky over the years and has never had to answer for his actions despite a trail of documentation. Whether it is next week or next month, justice will prevail in those matters.
There have been some comments on the blog that any information on Mary’s case be directed only to me. That is fine, but every piece of information that I have received has been shared with law enforcement. If one particular person asks that their identity be withheld, I do honor the request. Later on, often those people are willing to speak with the police. If any person feels more comfortable in contacting an investigator you are urged to call D/Sgt. Mike Salmen of the Michigan State Police, Battle Creek Post- 968.6115.
The police cannot share information with us and that is fully understandable and correct. Today, we still believe that Mary Lands can be brought home this year. We do know that since June many new witnesses have come forward and provided information. Good people of our community want to see that Mary is brought home and it will happen.
You don’t have to be specific about the person/s involved if you are fearful? Clifford and Anita Marshall are only asking for that one particular piece of the puzzle that will accurately direct us to where Mary can be found? The rest will be up to members of law enforcement in making a case against the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands.
Thank you all for your information and the many kind words of support. It brings a great deal of comfort to the Marshall family as they cope with their tragedy.
Well spoken, Mr Carlin!!! You are being diplomatic in a situation where no one else feels diplomatic. One thing, though, about Chief Olson. He is not telling you the truth. His talk of 2 investigators is just a bunch of crap. His ONE investigator is not doing a thing except to blog once in a while. Both you and I know this but the public doesn't know the TRUTH yet. Should I name names now? No, it is not appropriate. Everyone just needs to know that Marshall PD has information which could lead to the solving of this case. Unfortunately, they will not come forth with it. So, what now? Don't worry. Things will happen soon which will bring this case to a close. When the truth comes out, several police personnel will have to answer for their part in this case and its coverup.
Mary d is right. I know now what happened and it makes me sick. Marshall PD is in cahoots with Chris and his people. Chief Olson is not telling the truth. Mr Carlin is Mary's advocate and thank God for him. I am ashamed of the Pratt family and Marshall PD for their insensitivity to the Marshall family. Mary is a victim and she cannot rest in peace until she is found.
Happy to see your blog Mr. Carlin. Articulate, and I am sure that all, are aware your information will be forwarded to law enforcement. It is the right course of action. The reason I feel it is important to go through Justinian Investigative Services (you) is because I am equally sure that they (MPD) will not share their information with you. This way I am clear that you will see ALL of the information. We also are confident that you will keep trying to put it all together and not just file it. The other reason being the fear when giving information to MPD. I know some have been betrayed already or out right lied to. I'm equally sure that many of the new leads or witnesses have come forward from those attempting to get a "Get of Jail free card" after the past drug arrests. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that's the "anonymous tip" that solved the murder in Burlington. They will eventually all roll on each other. Guess there is a trade off for everything. There was also obvious improper actions of one MPD officer. Think the right officer was found out? Maybe they just picked one to cover another! We all know that things might not always be as they seem in that department. Stay aware everyone.
Thanks for the additional phone number of D/Sgt Mike Salmen of MI State Police in Battle Creek. Det. Scott of the MI State Police is a very competent officer but having a choice of more numbers is always helpful to hit people when in the right mood at the right time to talk.
Jim,Clifford,Anita and Mary's family, there is truly some new people working on that "one piece of the puzzle" who want very much to help bring Mary home. And these are not inmates. But, at this time what ever works to get this solved is appreciated
Again - thanks for your insight and glad to know you are alright.
Marshall Police Dept must be held accountable for Mary's case not being solved yet. What a bunch of crooked cops! The sad thing is that they really don't see how corrupt they are. Where I'm from, the government would come in and take over the investigation. I think Calhoun County is corrupt, too, so it would have to be the state or federal. People of Marshall, don't you see that it's your police who are preventing this case from being solved.
Carlin seems like a good guy but I think he needs help on this. I have left messages for several media so they can help Carlin with this.
I am not from Marshall and i have only just started reading about this case. I think that something smells really fishy with your police. If I were Mary's family, I would sue Marshall police and the city of Marshall for obstruction of justice and harrassment. If someone doesn't stop these jerks, they will do this again.
Mr Jim Carlin, I understand you are caught in the middle and can't really speak your mind. THIS IS JUST WRONG!!! EVERYTHING ABOUT IT IS WRONG! Come on now, do you need some outside help? Let's get on with it. Marshall is a pretty town but it sure STINKS to live there.
Mary d,sounds like you were there the night that all this happened and how do you know that he had connections with the mpd,i think it sounds like some more marshall gossip.Unless you knew chris and mary very well then you might have some say.Ya wanna know my gossip,i heard that chris used to party with tim b at the matterhorn when mary used to work there,thats the only way chris has been brought up with being friends with mpd. These STORIES have been told so many different times no wonder why your stories are deluded,i think your drinks are deluded. And if you know what happened that night you might wanna say something, if its gossip or not you could be held responsible for witholding information.
There is fear among people wanting to help because of the threats made previously by Marshall PD. No one in their right mind trusts this police force with information. My thought is to talk with Mr Carlin. I think that soon, help from a powerful source is coming. this has gone on for too long and it has angered the citizens of this town.
To the Marshall police:
What if something happened to one of your family members? What if their case never got solved? What if your family were harrassed by the same police who should be helping them? Is there not one of you who has a conscience? Is there not one of you who has compassion? Is there not one of you who tells the truth and can be trusted?
Unfortunately, the answer to all of these is NO.
This is in response to the comments made by the anonymous blogger at 3:25 pm today.
Obviously, you are from Marshall PD or are an associate of them due to the obnoxious, threatening tone directed towards mary d. The problem here is that POLICE are withholding information of their own to help solve the case. Your very TONE is why no one speaks up to you about information. You should be ashamed of yourselves for threatening not only mary d but the Marshall family and the citizens of Marshall.
From what I have read so far, this is supposed to be a place where people can speak their minds. It's one thing to speak ones mind but its another to be offensive. So, KNOCK IT OFF!
I am dismayed at the way that this case has been handled. Mr Carlin is not the problem here; it's the law enforcement who is the problem. From my observation, it seems that your legal system does not work effectively. From where I'm from, we have Scotland Yard who is top notch at investigating a case. Your legal system is fraught with a "good boys" type of fraternity which is ineffective and ridiculous in how they handle things. I can only hope that someone can come in as a force to help solve this case and be an advocate for Mary's family.
What keeps this from being prosecuted without a body? It is quite obvious there is lots of evidence. Is the prosecution up for that, or possibly making a deal with Mr. Pratt if the evidence points his direction. Why make deals with other fellons when the pressure could be on the person of interest. Maybe he has lots of dealing power himself.
Sounds like the blogger today at 3:25 pm is mighty defensive. What's wrong, officer, are these blogs hitting too close to home? Obviously, hitting close enough to home to try to set tim b up as the Pratt associate. people know better than to believe what you have to say! It's a shame because you probably know the real truth about what happened to Mary.
Anyone know what happened to that petition that had so many signatures? Could another one get started or more names added to the old one?
I believe Tim B did know Chris and was a party friend. Tim B knows everyone in Marshall. I just believe there's more than one that depended on Chris to party. Maybe just not in public.
In the positive meeting with Chief Mike Olson on October 12th the issue of the FBI being becoming involved actually was brought up by the chief himself. He stated that prior to the Ride for Mary on August 18th, 2007 he had spoken with an agent in the Kalamazoo office, Kurt B. Schichtel. I previously have spoken to this same agent and been to the Kalamazoo FBI office on at least three occasions in the last two years.
Chief Olson said that the FBI could not intervene and its present duties are primarily now engaged in homeland security. Chief Olson stated that if it could be shown that a federal law had been violated and/or something involved in state lines or federal property/jurisdiction was learned the FBI would be here tomorrow. This was the same information that Agent Schichtel told me during our discussions. The successful petition that we had secured was not of value to the FBI in their decision about Mary’s case.
At least Chief Olson was willing to discuss that issue with the FBI giving further assurance to the Marshall family that he wishes to arrest and prosecute the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands. We just have to continue to hope that some witness will come forward to point us to the exact location of where Mary can be found.
Again, FYI, the telephone numbers are listed for those who might wish to contact law enforcement about Mary's investigation-
D/Sgt. Mike Salmen, Michigan State Police, Battle Creek Post #57
Det. Mike Scott, Michigan State Police, White Pigeon Post 52
Sgt. Scott McDonald, Marshall Police Department
Prosecutor John Hallacy, Calhoun County Prosecutor
and my own,
Justinian Investigative Services
Battle Creek, Michigan
You information is appreciated Mr. Carlin. However as it has been said before the people have been afraid to go to MPD - that eliminates 2, Mr. Hallacy will not proceed without a body - that elimates 3. That takes us back to the two State Officers and you. The FBI can suprise all of us at times. Just look at Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo's recent visits. Thanks for staying focused and all of your input. I have certainly been reaching out to some unexpected resources for their legal advise and I am just beginning. I'll keep you posted when anything is relative.
It's time to call the cold case team from court tv, they work with John Walsh and various government officials, and usually solve their cases. My next e-mail goes to them.
Was the FBI initially assisting with the case or did they just offer thier services? Its a shame to think that if the FBI's offered assistance was taken to begin with the case might already be solved.
I recall from talk of officers they were asked to leave within first few weeks by that deputy cheif Elzinger. WondER WHY.
There are so many people asking questions and challenging Marshall PD to solve this case. AGAIN, why hasn't Marshall PD made an appeal publicly for tips and information on this case. When I say PUBLICLY, I mean by media. It's something to think about.
Who are people more afraid of...Chris Pratt or Marshall PD? With Chris in jail, it seems that Marshall PD is who people are afraid of now. Hmm, I wonder.
Is the very policeman responsible for MPD's investigation the very same person who has been involved in the coverup? Hmm, I wonder!!!
I wonder why, if one officer was let go for performance (or what ever), why puessure was not put on him for information. Was he the one who really had the info? Or just one to take the fall. If he new enough to be let go, or the MPD knew he had not handled properly, then MPD had to know why or what was not done properly. If they knew that much, then they know the details. Someone needs to just bite the bullet (so to speak) and just come out with the TRUTH.
Give the competent and non involved officers of MPD, back their well deserved respect. It is a shame to have the entire department labled for a few. I am sure some of them are probably just as scared as the rest of the people. After all, they might be afraid of losing the security of their jobs they have worked very hard at and for, Those who became law enforcement officers for all the RIGHT reasons. I do think there might be a "HERO" among them. I would encourage them to do some "digging" on their own. However, they know information goes full circle as well. Not being protected by their own but, being held hostage by the "good Ole' Boys club" This sounds like something you might expect in the deep south.
Mary d, I have certainly heard there are other serious issues taking place in Marshall area, how about you? These would involve a whole different set of things but might get investigators in. Once they were in, it might be a round about way to get investigators in that would continue on to work for Mary's return for proper burial.
Hate to go this route however, how many times has the city of Marshall been sued and for what issues? Also, the hired Mayor (I think that was the position, I will have to check) that reveived death threats prior to taking the job. He did not take the job saying, why would he want to come to a place that was already threatening him. The paper should have those records. He knew Marshall had problems. Where did those threats come from? What happened in that situation? Did the police ever find out who was responsible for that???? Not too long ago either. Also, a young officer in that area was hired and was handed a "no touch" list started. He is no longer an officer - said it was not what he went to school for. I'm sure he may still have that list. Just a little food for thought. Maybe those type of things would lead to investigations. Maybe the same people had control of these situations. Just another avenue to bring light to the town. Sorry, but whatever it takes to bring interest to Mary's case. Be patient Mary - we are coming after you, what ever it takes. But it will be legal. ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADD ANYONE? I have even heard about those who handle utilities ar "City Hall" for business', when they want you out of town - they seem to find a way to put you out of business. Guess I'll do a little research of my own to verify the things that have been stated to me. If you want things checked and want to stay anonymous - I will be glad to try to research for you. Good Night. Prayers are still good for all.
First things first,Im not taking sides but i have been reading all of the blogs from day one and it looks like so far that you got a very intimidating looking guy sitting in the county jail looking at a 75,000.00 bond and 38 years in prison for being abusive and sexually assaulting somebody hes been with for a year.First question,WHY would Miss Parker even think of being with someone like that,shes from marshall she knew chris's situation,what did she feel bad for him or something.Thats just weird.Second since we are in such good hands with are perfect F*%#ed up MARSHALL POLICE DEPARTMENT who knows what if chris had nothing to do with Marys disappearance ,what if he fits the PERFECT description and PERFECT backround and somebody else is covering it up. I tell ya what i do know is that the story has been told so many times that down DEEP INSIDE nobody knows the truth and what to think.I think its pretty fishy knowing we live in such a small town where theres such HUGE gossip,who knows guess we wont know until somebody steps forward.It will come out sooner or later.GOD BLESS MARYS FAMILY AND THOSE WHO HAVE AND THAT ARE STILL WORKING ON BRINGING HER HOME.
As I've said before, I know the real Chris Pratt and he tried to break my spirit but he failed. That being said, I am in a better place now but I cannot truly move on until justice is served and Mary is found and brought home to her family. I agree with "purpose driven" that there are some good cops out there. However, unfortunately, they are overshadowed by the bad ones. Everyone knows that Chris did something to Mary and is responsible for her disappearance. But doesn't Marshall PD bear some responsibility, too? It is abominable what has gone on with this case and yet the police blogger is still trying to shift the blame to others. How incredible is that! It never ceases to amaze me the audacity of some people. This is why nothing gets accomplished.
Wolverines Baby - exactly! That is why I have wanted to find a way for someone not connected with MPD to be able to investigate without having to report their every bit of information to them. Seems to all stop there. Mr. Carlin has been great and State Police are competent but they "have got to" keep MPD appraised and there it stops. There may be some suprises coming up.
Mr. Carlin will still keep names anonymous but, information relating to the case I am sure will have to be shared. Hopefully I have put that correctly Jim. I do not mean to speak for you. Correct me if it is inaccurate.
I did check and that position in Marshall was for City Commissioner not Mayor and it was not death threats - just more negative junk to discourage him from coming. You can check the Library. Most of you probable remember.
I will address the others as I research them.
The current way is just not working. I feel that time's a wasting. Come on now, let's get this case solved!
When is someone going to step up to the plate from Marshall PD and tell the truth? This is gone on long enough, don't you think? As others have said, there are good cops out there. I appeal to the good cops of Marshall PD to do the right thing and come forward with the information that is needed to solve this case. It is the decent, humane thing to do. Certainly, if this would have happened to your family member, you would wish for the same.
Really now, do you not think that this family has suffered long enough? I am truly amazed and dismayed at the lack of attention this police force has paid to this tragic story. My heart goes out to Mary's family and friends, not only for their loss but for the horrific treatment that they have endured from a few bad police officers. Negligence and abuse are two words that come to mind when I think of how this case has been handled.
If there is a police person who has any shred of decency in Marshall, please help this case. Please stop the secrecy that seems to have prevailed since the beginning.
It would be a kind gesture if Pratt family members would return the costume to Mary's relatives.
With Chris' personality I'm sure he has other personal effects that should be returned. It would go a long way in reconciliation between two families who are enduring a tragedy.
It may surprise the citizens of Marshall that Marshall PD knew about Mary's disappearance before what they have previously said. What is being implied here? I will tell you. Marshall PD knew shortly after Chris terrorized Mary that night of March, 2004. He called his FRIENDS because he was scared of what he did to Mary. He told them what he did and so they knew from the start. What people need to realize is that Marshall PD was involved in this case even before the public found out about it. Several officers have KNOWN from day 1 that Chris hurt Mary. Now, think about this. It will make you wonder what role the police played in Mary's disappearance.
Mary d, your comments make a lot of sense. As much as we want to focus entirely on Mary, maybe we are missing the yet bigger picture. Maybe, we need to focus on Marshall PD a little and figure out their role. Maybe, by scrutinizing them and their behaviors, we may be able to find out the truth once and for all. Are there co-defendants within the police dept? hmm, I wonder.
lady give it a break-give it a break, we know there are some rotten apples. If JimCarlin & Marshalls willing to wait & see what happens with MPD you should too. Are you searching for answers about Mary Lands or got it in for Mike Olson & police??? you make no sense. What the hell kind a koolaid are you smoking??? go jump in the Scarecrow festival, you old bat. thats where you belong
This comment is in response to anonymous' blog at 6:28 pm, 10/19/07:
Obviously, you are from MPD or are associated with them. Whatever your thoughts are about comments made, they can be stated in a less obnoxious way. From your dialogue, you seem, should I say, defensive or angry. What exactly do you know about this case? Hmm, I wonder.
Hey, maybe when all is said and done, Chris may have some old friends at Marshall PD to keep him company in jail. You just never know!!!!
Which police officer was let go from MPD??
WHAT IF Due to a phone call to report illigal activity. A call then went to a boyfriend from where she reported that. Then a boyfriend beat a girlfriend. Got scared. Called person in power position, maybe a friend too! When responding, 2 men in power position came to talk to him. Boyfriend said "what do I do?" Knowing he had gone further than he had expected with the beating and was afraid to take to hospital. People of power advise. If girl gets better, power people advise "She'll Rat us all out". Leave her alone and see what happens. Scared, the boyfriend takes this advise, girl dies unattended in the next couple of days. Boyfriend and a different friend take care of body. Rumers say the body may have been moved even more than once. What if persons in power positions advised boyfriend where searches were going to be conducted, ahead of the searchs. Honest police, of Marshall should look into this story and overlook NO ONE. What if, black shoes were worn by one of the power position people and still has them and might have stepped in two blood types. WHAT IF RECORDS WERE NOT KEPT IN THE BEGINNING DUE TO A BROTHERHOOD then blamed on incompetence. Anyone ever think of this?
Anomymous - I may not have the spelling right but I believe the officer that was relieved of duties was Mr. Elzinga who was in charge originally of the investigation.
Mary d, I think you are very clear but possibly a bit above the heads of some that are reading these. It does seem to irritate a couple of blogers. I do not see anywhere in any of your blogs that Mr. Olson is responsible for anything except maybe not keeping media involved. Possibly he has depended on others too much in my opinion. He's capable of investigating but in a position of deligating.
At any rate if you are an old bat I hope that I have the opportunity to meet you at sometime in the future. I think you are dedicated to seeing closure to this case. I also think that Mr. Carlin is very dedicated to the same thing as well as the Marshalls and many more. Some may suprise this bloger. Mr. Carlin and Marshalls may not be as patient as the rude bloger thinks but, been put in a position of having no other choice except to wait on Marshall Police because everything does stop there. Whom ever is in charge of the investigation should be requesting help from any and every source available. Media, FBI, Cold Case Teams and more. Or stepping down to have another get serious about this again and not just waiting for things to come to them. If it was an active investigation it does seem that media would have information regularly.
Anonymous, why don't you smoke some of the kool-aid you are talking about and maybe jump one of the scarecrows in the festival. It may calm yournerves and put you in a little better mood. But I'd stay away from any old bats. Sounds like you might just have your hands full.
Still praying for you Mary and for your family and all concerned about solving your case. Prayers really do work. They are being answered every day.
This goes to WHAT IF-what if you you watch to much tv,what if you made all that stuff up,what if you you really know what happened to mary,what if you are a big gossiper
What if you should go to school to be a P.I.or a What if Major.I think you are just another person that has twisted the story up and thought of something to say.nicely put.
Mary D-I almost forgot,i noticed how you said that chris broke your spirit but he failed ,what do you mean by that and how do you know so much about chris and this case.
There is way too much credit given to Chris for this crime. The truth is that Chris is not smart enough to pull this off on his own. This case has no body nor any shred of evidence linking Chris to Mary's disappearance. Believe me, Chris needed help in this. So, he asked a few friends for help. After all, they had law enforcement backgrounds and they could help him with the logistics of getting rid of Mary. Chris is not smart enough to pull off the perfect crime. After Chris hurt Mary, he panicked and called his best buddy who worked for Marshall PD. His buddy told him that he could be in big trouble with the law. Chris had run ins with the Sheriff's Department before but nothing ever came of it. How does a man with a history of abusing women among other issues, elude the law? THINK ABOUT IT!
It's ironic how citizens get pulled over for going 5 miles over the speed limit. Yet a man who abuses women stays clear of prosecution. The simple truth is this. Chris needed help to not only get rid of Mary but to make sure that this case never got solved.
I won't reveal who you are right now. Actually, I don't have to. Many have figured it out already. Let me say this to you now. I know that you helped Chris. You will be exposed one day. One of your own may turn on you and then justice will be served.
Marshall PD: If you are here to serve and protect, one must wonder who it is you are TRULY serving and who it is you are TRULY protecting?
It is tiresome to read the blogs from one of the "anonymous" writers who is obviously from Marshall PD. You know who I mean as their blogs are filled with attempts to deflect us from what really happened by attacking different contributors for what they are saying. My gut feeling is that the one who is doing this should be the one who should be using their time more wisely in solving this case. My hope is that there is someone who can come forward with the information which is needed to solve this case. Is this person from within Marshall PD? Hmm, I wonder!
It is becoming more obvious that in order to solve this case and bring Mary home, someone needs to investigate Marshall PD. How does this happen, Jim Carlin? What can we, as citizens do to get someone to investigate Marshall PD's actions? Patience towards the police has run out.
The behavior of the police towards Mary's family has been questionable right from the start. Why has Mary's family been treated like criminals, having been threatened by the police when Mr Pratt just went about his business until Norrene turned him in for domestic violence? How does this kind of stuff happen?
In response to the blog made by "anonymous" on 10/19 at 6:28 pm:
Maybe you should be less concerned with the "old bats" and be more concerned about being haunted by some spirits who have come back to town. Jim Carlin's post of Bruce Springsteen's song as it applies to chris may also fit MPD. Beware, your own worst enemy has come to town! BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, I have just started reading this blog area that I heard about. I am truly amazed at some of the sarcasm. That means you mr. police officer. You are truly defensive and cruel.Why? Do you have something to hide? Using names of fellow officers. Do they know you did this? Hmm.... maybe someone should let them know? And you wonder why people wont come forword?
Mr. Carlin, I think you should do some more investigating. Take a rake and a shovel with you. Maybe a few citizens that want to help....You are a good smart man. You will figure this out. Mary deserves to be found and give her family peace!!!!!
THIS QUESTION IS FOR MARY D Did any of the marshall police officers that helped in the recent search of prairie lake,help in the cover up of mary lands?You also posted earlier that mary was somewhere in marshall,would you care to give us an area that we should look.
thanks to Norene Parker-- she made Chris Pratt see himself in jail and know that YOUR OWN WORST ENEMY HAS COME TO TOWN!
Noreen knows things, she should come forward with it.
aure you an asse? he is in jail because of beating her up dont you think she has or telling all? if you no so much why dont you speak out instaed of talking about MarshallPD. This is about Mary lands not the gossipp you sputter.
This case is really quite complicated. Greed and collaboration are what makes this such a difficult case to solve. Friendship and corruption also entered into this case. The last element, coercion, is perhaps the most interesting. Coercion has played a role from the start. Coercion was present when Mary's family was harassed by Marshall PD. Coercion was also present when the police threatened several citizens who were trying to help the case. Coercion is also present in the blogs of a certain detective in Marshall PD. What I am trying to say here is that one must consider a higher level of law enforcement so Marshall PD can be thoroughly investigated. The investigator is not doing his job, folks. He is trying to protect his dear friend, Chris Pratt. His role all along has been to keep evidence out of sight. His motivation is simple. He wanted to protect Chris. When it's all said and done, this case will have been not only about Mary, it will be about a conscious effort to keep this case from being solved.
What the hell is going on in Marshall? It reminds me of where I came from; a country in which dictatorship and absence of human rights is the rule. This police department reminds me of the KGB in Russia. KGB could do whatever they wanted and no citizen could question it. I moved to this country to have freedom. I wanted a better life for my family. Here, in this town of Marshall, I see what I saw in my homeland. You have police doing things like threatening citizens, being involved in some highly questionable activities and withholding the truth from its citizens.
There have been a number of unsolved deaths in this area. What the police have been doing about these cases is nothing. From what I have read and what I can see, your police department is certainly one of the most corrupt that I have ever known. I think that it is time for a high level attorney or public official to get involved.
There is something else which has bothered me about this case. It has to do with the lack of evidence which ties Mr Pratt to the disappearance and murder of Mary Lands. If you recall, Marshall had another murder case not so long ago. Diane King was murdered by her husband, Brad King. He was a former cop who taught criminal justice at Western Michigan University. He didn't get away with it and he had all the knowledge to get away with the "perfect crime". Now, we have Chris Pratt, a man with no law enforcement background, who is in jail for domestic violence. If he did this on his own, would he have been able to cover his tracks? I don't think so. He is too much of a loose cannon from what I have read about him. He needed help to cover his tracks.
Now, this being said, what the hell is going on right now? Not a damn thing. You may have heard about the finding of a bone and skull this last week. How interesting! Put two and two together. I am willing to bet that it's not Mary's bones. I am suspicious now of everything that has to do with this case.
The Detective in charge of the police case is not doing a good job at all. He has told many lies to the family and to citizens who have wanted to help. I know that it is he beyond a doubt who is blogging the attack blogs. It sure says a lot about his character when he uses abusive and offensive comments and directs them towards those of whom he feels challenged by. He is no better than Chris Pratt in regards to being an abusive personality. When I read his blogs, I come unglued. How dare you, Detective, say such nasty things! You have left a bad impression with me of what law enforcement is all about.
this is for my aunt and uncle. i love you and miss you.my thoughts and prayers are with you always.
this is for you pd people. mary was my cousin and though i have not seen her for a long time i will never get to see her beautiful face again. i just cant stomach everything i am reading about you. i bet you didnt know GOD has special plans for animals like you all. time has come to pay the piper. i hope all involved gets what is coming for YOU. to put my family through all this and think you can keep covering it up you all really are very stupid. MARY WILL COME HOME AND YOU WILL NOT!!!!! SHE WILL MAKE SURE OF THAT.
this is for the people that know and are not telling. my cousin will never get to see her babies and her babies baby this must end NOW. i just cannot believe you people from marshall. this kind of thing you only read in fiction books. for no one there is safe or protected by your own police. i just cant believe there is such a place you can live and raise your families and then when you need your police they can just erase you because they think they can. well guess what? you are all guilty of this as well. my cousin deserves way more than you people are doing.
this is for my couin
To teenasjr:
You couldn't have said it any better. God Bless You and your family. I am so sorry for what has happened to your Mary and what the poor excuse of a police dept has put you and your family through. Just know that there a lot of people out there who share the same thoughts and who care about getting this case solved.
Who is this detective working for MPD.
How can it be that the person from MPD who is investigating this case is also a friend of Chris Pratt? Isn't this a conflict of interest? I think that Barney Fife would do a better job of handling this case than MPD.
The detective for the MPD is SCOTT McDONALD.Hey scott,Does your sister laura know about this yet?
Lets all have a little bit of dialogue in these postings and not just throw about names and statements that may not be accurate. If any person has information related to corruption in any agency they are urged to contact the Michigan State Police, Major Case Team, 517-336.3429, D/Sgt. Frank Mraz. We have been down that road in the past and at this point it is not our focus.
Anyone who knows me is aware that I speak my mind, and for many months we had to be critical because there appeared to be no initiative in solving Mary’s case.
That is not true today. You are not going to get seven MSP units with investigators, divers and boats to a lake for any horse and pony show. Det. Mike Scott of MSP was on that scene for two days and is following up on various pieces of information. Chief Mike Olson has stated he does not want this case to go unsolved.
Some time ago we were critical of one particular officer in the MPD and his lack of professionalism has been documented. It serves no purpose to comment that another officer, Sgt. Scott McDonald of MPD has done anything improper now or in the past. You can exchange a theory and ask citizens to help but do it without personal attacks on specific people or comments about their relatives.
You and I are not going to be the ones to put handcuffs on the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands. It will be a team in law enforcement including the Calhoun County Prosecutor who will file any charges.
Again, FYI, the telephone numbers are listed for those who might wish to contact law enforcement about Mary's investigation-
D/Sgt. Mike Salmen, Michigan State Police, Battle Creek Post #57
Det. Mike Scott, Michigan State Police, White Pigeon Post 52
Sgt. Scott McDonald, Marshall Police Department
Prosecutor John Hallacy, Calhoun County Prosecutor
and my own,
Justinian Investigative Services
Battle Creek, Michigan
The Marshall family and I believe that steps are in progress to resolve Mary’s case. For now, lets give them all the benefit of any doubt and pray they get the job done.
This investigation by Mr Carlin is being blocked by law enforcement. No one from Marshall PD is HELPING this case right now. Information that Mr Carlin receives must be passed on to Marshall PD. Mr Carlin is the good guy in this. However, he is not free to pursue his own investigation without telling them everything. He must find someone to help him solve this case. An advocate is needed for both Mary's family and for Mr Carlin. I am asking someone to come forward and help Mr Carlin. A hero of sorts is needed right now.
It amazes me that no one has stepped forward to challenge what is going on. I am referring to the law. Maybe no one from Calhoun County wants to touch this case. Maybe someone from another jurisdiction needs to get involved. When all is said and done, there will be more who will be held accountable.
As for Mary's family, justice will be served, don't worry. Mary is watching over you and she will make sure that she is found.
Jim Carlin, while I appreciate that you have to play middle of the road in this, I disagree that Marshall Police is doing everything possible. There are things that have gone on from their end that one simply can't defend. Their treatment of Mary's family is one. People don't trust this police force so that is why they don't contact them. Because information is shared between all the branches of law inforcement, people are hesitant to contact those other branches, too.
As for the blog posts, some of the most obnoxious are coming from Marshall PD. Both you and I know this. I agree with some of the other bloggers that it is bothersome that some of Chris Pratt's FRIENDS are involved with investigating this case.
Mary is still who we should focus on but I'm sorry, I still think that the police are responsible for this case not being solved. It will be interesting to see who all is involved with Mary's disappearance. Will it be some of Marshall's police? Hmm, I wonder.
Mr Carlin, you know my story and I am telling you this now. In order for you to find Mary, you must look at the actions of Marshall PD. I am talking about a few key players. The secret to solving this case is to find out why Mary never received medical help when Chris hurt her.
Mr Carlin, Chris hurt Mary and he panicked. He did call his friends at Marshall PD for advice. SOMEONE told him to not do a thing or he might face charges. What Chris did was horrible, what MPD did was inexcusable. Chris wanted to get Mary help but he was told NOT TO. Yes, he was told to just let her lie there. A POLICE OFFICER told him to just let her lie there. Because of this advice, Mary died. Chris beat Mary up and yes, because of what he did, she died. However, it was not just his fault, it was the fault of the police officer, too. Mary would have lived if she had received medical help.
Mr Carlin, you know who I am and you know that there is no reason for me to lie. I am telling you that there is someone out there who is just as guilty as Chris. This man is sworn to protect and serve and he did not protect Mary.
The Marshall family needs to know the truth about what happened. They DESERVE to know the truth. I am asking that someone come forward and tell the truth. When the truth comes out, it will rock this town's world.
This is the time to move ahead with this case. A HERO is needed to provide the information to help solve this case. I have already told the story; now, I need SOMEONE to collaborate it. If there is SOMEONE who will step forward and tell the truth, then Mary's story can have an ending. I ask all who read this to think about something.
Would you want your family to go through what Mary's family has gone through? Would you like it if your family never had closure? Would you feel BETRAYED by your local police?
For the sake of decency, SOMEONE needs to come forward with the TRUTH. The truth will set you free. If SOMEONE chooses to not tell the truth, they will be haunted until their dying days. The PERSON who can help knows that it is the RIGHT thing to do. I am asking for their help in this. My hope is that we can have closure one day soon.
God bless all who have helped in this case. You have given of your time and of your heart in working to get this case solved.
Finally, to Norrene. You have given hope to the millions of abused women everywhere who need to see that JUSTICE can work. You are a brave woman and you will be okay now.
it's awfully quiet in these blogs. seems like maryd has silenced people especially the anonymous blogger from MPD. yeah, I know it's you, officer, just like everybody else does. be careful or an old bat may swoop down and bite you.
I for one, believe maryd. I think others do, too. it's only a matter of time before the truth comes out. it always does, you know. to the person that maryd says that knows the truth, the truth will set you free. keeping quiet will torment you.
maryd, keep the blogs coming. they are very enlightening. don't you think so, MPD? hmm, I wonder.
MARYD,Thanks for helping the Marshalls,Lords knows they need it,I am a parent myself and realize how much you love your children,Could you imagine being Anita?every day living with such pain.Would some one please come forward with the truth,and let Mary rest in peace.If you knew the Marshalls you would no what type of wonderful people they are,please have a heart and do the right thing.
I,m back! Been gone a couple of days and I see I have lots of reading to catch up on. Learned lots of new things in the past couple of days. Keep praying. We are coming after you Mary.
There are some who wonder why it has taken so long for me to speak. Let me just say this. Mary has been missing 43 months. I have waited, must I say patiently, for this case to be solved. I started blogging as a way to tell Mary's story. This story is a sad one but be assured that it can be one that educates people that the truth always wins out. No one can be responsible for what happen to Chris or those others involved. It is their problem what happens to them, not yours and not mine.
Marshall PD is going to be under intense scrutiny for their actions in this case. Mary DIED because one of their officers advised Chris to "just let her lie there." What is also going to come out are the other things that Marshall PD has not dealt with. One day Mary's case will be solved and then peace can come to Mary's family.
As for Chris Pratt, he is going to be held responsible for both Mary's death and for Norrene's abuse. Chris is a man who got away with MURDER for a while. The reason why he got away with it for so long was that his friends at Marshall PD kept this case from being solved.
I only hope that SOMEONE has the courage to speak up and tell the TRUTH.
Help me and everyone else understand something, please. Why is this police dept getting away with MURDER? From what I have read, many share my thoughts about this police dept. I don't want to hear crap like "this police dept is doing everything it can". Both you and I know that this isn't true. As angry as I am at Chris Pratt, I'm even more angry at Marshall Police. What will it take to find out their part in this? Come on now, no one believes a word that Chief Olson or his policemen say.
What a waste of your tax dollars to have a police dept so inept at serving and protecting your community!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Agnes, I must say that I agree with pretty much everything that you have said. The only thing that I disagree with is that they are inept. I can handle inept better than purposely hiding the truth and blocking any efforts to expose the truth. This, in my feeling, is just as bad as Chris murdering Mary, if not worse. Mary d has told Mary's story. So, now what do we do about it? Hmm, I wonder.
Mary d,i dont believe anything you say.you know what i think,i think your name is not mary d,i think your name is sue h and your big loud mouth,i think you dont like mary,her family,and you sure dont like chris or his family.i think you need to get the ball rollin and tell everybody the truth,tell really what happened,you come on this website and tell your jealous crazy witchcraft stories.you know everybody will find out the truth sooner or later,i already talked to
Prosecutor John Hallacy, Calhoun County Prosecutor,and the State Police.
Anonymous, 10/24/07 @8.01
I thought all bloggers were welcome and under what ever safety measure needed. I thought we were going to try to keep names out of this. However, if it is not the right person, to me, this could look like a bit of a panic or fishing blog!
And,let's face it - we all have pretty big mouths or we would not be on the blog at all. I think it sounds like a great deal of truths have come out weather it is your behavior, MPD's, Chris' and more.
It is NOT reasonable that ANYONE could be Jealous about anything to do with this case. Do you know more than what has been said?
It would seem anyone could be a bit crazy after 3-1/2 years of an unsolved case, and to mention witchcraft! Shame on you, they sure wouldn't be on this blog! They would be very busy putting some pretty nasty spells on anyone they thought had a part in Mary's disappearance. Kind of an out in "Left Field" comment. No common sense with that one either.
When you tattled I mean talked to Prosecutor Hallacy was it about Mary's case and this blog or about his not attempting to prosecute the case without a body? This would at least be an effort - even if he lost the case - especially while Chris is already in jail. Maybe Chris would play "LET's MAKE A DEAL". Maybe that would not be beneficial to others! Maybe this is the concern. Your pressure might be better placed there and not on the blogger. Something people may think about! (Togehter WE WILL have a body - the lakes turn, the stones are rolled, and the dirt will be dug until we do - it only takes a small item.)
Or, did you talk with Hallacy about the contents that have come up in the Blogs from everyone?
Who ever Mary d is - she has consistantly mentioned her concern for the Marshall family. Maybe not so much for Chris'.
I am sure that the State Police have and will continue to maintaine their professionalism as always. I am equally sure that you are not the only one who has talked with the "powers that be" and more. I know I'm still on it.
"Lord, let the focus remain on finding Mary. I pray that you will give the person the needed strength to come forward. To the one that we know, has the answers. Let that person make the "deal" with you and with Jim Carlin or State Police first, before they become a possible second fall guy. The TRUTH will litteraly set them free. Amen"
Well I have to say I'm not into witchcraft but everything mary d has said has been in my visions... and I have actually documented and told other people what i have perceived with this case and so far she has been pretty much right on and if anyone gets upset about what she has said and thinks she's lying that only means you know the real truth, so instead of lashing out why don't you step up to the plate and tell what you know...or is it that you were the one Chris contacted to hide Mary's body from being found... there is noway Chris could of done this on his own apparently he's not very smart ..anyways it doesn't matter the answers will come soon...My prayers are for the Marshall family and all others who have supported them through this horrible time... At this time i can understand why they are waiting for a body to prosecute anyone for Mary's disappearance because if they do something now The Marshall's may never be able to bring Mary home..More than just one person was involved ...Im not an attorney or anything but the Marshall's should file a wrongful death suit against MPD and at that point an investigation will have to be done.. with phone records and all ..who Mary contacted the day she called the MPD and also who contact Chris himself ...all of this will be on phone records...The night Mary disappeared Chris had to of made a phone call for help from someone ... I believe he freaked out and wouldn't of had his head together to cover that up...there's no way these phone calls can be hidden...not even by MPD...Why hasn't MPD been charged with obstruction of justice when there are apparently quite a few people who have been threated by them if they get involved ... I just think if these options were perused and the answers started coming out in a courtroom, your hero might just emerge...
i tell ya what,if you can come on here to voice your opinon,i can to.i had some info i heard and i ran with it to the professionals,unlike mary d and making like she was there and like she has something to hide.so if i here anything else ,ill post that to 1:56am.
To the man from MPD who blogged at 8 pm last night:
First of all, I am mary d, not Sue H.
Second, you are a truly IGNORANT man if you think that I don't care about the Marshalls.
You have made offensive remarks about me and anyone else who speaks their mind. Well, let me tell you something, CHIEF. Your worst enemy is back in town. I have listened to your threats for the last time. Yes, I know that you are one of the 2 bloggers from Marshall PD. You have shown the bloggers that cruel, insensitive side of you that you have shown to Mary's family and friends. I didn't want to get into a confrontation with you but I have had enough of your crap. This is a forum for people to express their thoughts. You use it as a way to express your defensiveness and hostility. Enough is enough, Chief! One day, I'll make myself known to you and I will rock your world (in a good way, of course).
for one thing,how are you my worst enemy and second of all you wish i was mpd or chief????probibly not.i wish i was because i would have turned it over to the professionals at first instead of doing everything backwards.sue h mary d or anonymous,who ever you are ive only been on this website a couple of times.so i dont think anything ive said is a threat,if anything im educating you mrs.crazy woman!!!!
Well, well, well, mr police blogger! Aren't you a nice guy? You sound like you have the same type of problems with women that Chris Pratt does. Why do I say this? It's because all your blogs are filled with hateful comments. Sad thing is, you don't think that you are being hateful. Sounds like you need some help. Call Summit Pointe in Battle Creek. They may be able to help you with your emotional problems.
Still don't understand your defensiveness. Usually, defensive people are GUILTY people. Is this your case? Hmm, I wonder.
Anonymous 5/24/07.
It only takes a couple of times on the blog for you to get the message out that you are no doubt "your own worse enemy". No matter who you are, what ever you may have, that you say, would have been turned over to the professionals first and you would have not done everything backwards! There's still time. It still should be turned over to professionals for them to deal with. I do suggest that you contact Mr. Carlin or the State Police for reasons I have previously stated.
You are certainly not the only one who has done things backwards in this case.
Instead of calling anyone A CRAZY WOMAN, release your obvious frustrations and get focused back on Mary,
It does sound like you may know something that should be shared. Do you enjoy just being a jerk or - Just maybe YOU could be the HERO that we have been waiting for!
Please, give Jim a call for Mary and her family's. Maybe we can get some closure for them.
oooooooooh, seems like MPD can't take what they dish out. sounds like they are out of control. oooooh my. the games continue.....
hmm i wonder-mary d is the one that sounds defensive and lets clear this up,by the way im not a guy,im a very good hearted woman that hopes i get jury duty on this case.
What if, one of the boyfriend's closest relative was withholding information? What If others knew that?
Well, well, well, chief.
What makes you think anybody buys your posing as a woman? I think that you are truly crazy if you think that anyone believes the crap that you are saying.
You are going to listen to me NOW. Your dept has COVERED UP what happened to Mary. If you think for one minute you are going to get away with this, you are sadly mistaken. Your dept's handling of this case borders on ridiculous. I wonder what Chris has done for you that makes you so defensive of him. Was Chris your party friend, too? Did he get in good with MPD for protection? What did you get out of it, Chief?
The talk in Calhoun County is MPD PARTIED with Chris many times. Chief, tell me something. Do you really think that the citizens of Marshall believe your crap about "the PD is working hard to solve this case." ? If you think this, you are truly a stupid man.
You will have to stand accountable for your dept's handling of the case. When the truth comes out, you might be joining old Chris in jail. There, you can relive old times. Oops, well, not exactly! No partying allowed in jail.
You have a nice day now.
Man u guys are out of control.Looks like everybody is still pointing fingers at mpd (thats positive)and knowbody has any knew information, looks the same folks.Now anybody with information that comes to this website,you know they wont feel comfortable with sharing it with us because everybody is slamming everybody.Lets try to focus on Chris's trial coming up . JIM havent heard from you for a while,how did prarie lake turn out?
If you looked at all the information that people are sharing on this blog, why is this case not solved yet? I truly believe that someone or something is blocking it. The most logical source is MPD. They have been in control of the information sent their way since day one. Their behavior towards the Marshall family and other citizens wanting to help in the case has been suspicious, to say the very least.
So, who do we get in here to hold them accountable so they have to start answering some questions regarding the handling of this case. Hmm, I wonder.
does anyone know if they found anything at the lake?i wish everyone would stop all the bikkering and use that energy to help bring mary home.keep up the hunt jim.if you can use the help im available.norrie if you read this contact marsha at my e-mail..deputydawg333@yahoo.com
I would like to address "Mr Police Blogger":
What kind of person would speak so harshly of a dead woman? This woman died because of an abusive act. It was a result of Mary trying to alert the police that Chris was dealing drugs. Now, would you not think that the police would be greatly concerned about this? Well, they were concerned, all right. They were concerned that this mess with Chris could be a problem to them. So, SOMEONE called Chris and told him what Mary had done. Chris was furious and confronted Mary. This is when he beat her up. This is when Mary was BETRAYED by Marshall PD the 1st time. The 2nd time came when Chris's buddy at the police dept suggested he just let her lie there. The 3rd betrayal is still ongoing. This 3rd betrayal is about covering this up.
Now, Mr Police Blogger, why is it that your dept would want to cover this up? Do not even try to lie right now. I am going to tell everyone why. Chris provided recreational drugs to Marshall PD as well as Calhoun County officials.
So, when Mary, the good citizen, reported this to your dept, real panic set in. How would it appear to others that your dept had some drug dealings? Sir, with all due respect, it has been common knowledge in Marshall for a long time that your dept PARTIED with the wrong people. I would not have exposed this now if you would not have been so rude and disrespectful to myself and the other bloggers. You have raised the ante, sir, with your ridiculously pathetic, abusive comments in this blog. There will be grave consequences to what your dept did.
So, I suggest that you stop with your abusive comments and think about what you can do to REFORM yourself and your dept. If you choose not to do this, you could face charges of your own.
I, along with others, are working very hard to bring Mary home to you. It has been a frustrating few years but I promise you that it will be solved. You have God on your side, please believe this. Mary was doing the right thing when this happened to her. I pray for you all.
Mary will be found and her life will be celebrated. She was a truly courageous woman who did the right thing. The most important thing to remember right now is God works in mysterious ways. Mary will rest in peace soon. Mary is going to be remembered for her zest for life and her love of family and friends. God bless Mary's family, friends and all of her supporters.
I'm just curious, Is this the same Chief who's father worked for the Calhoun county sheriff's dept.. The one who retired because of the allegations against him and his son about stealing guns from evidence and got caught....
mary d your weird just like mpd....
Three times in the last month I have asked people posting comments to get away from naming specific individuals related to certain allegations. We don’t mind the discussion of any theory but this bickering must stop immediately. There are good people in many families who are suffering.
I don’t believe for one minute that the chief of MPD even cares what is said although I know that law enforcement does review the blogs for information.
The focus of this case is Mary Lands and her being returned home for a proper burial. Any issues related to other individuals engaged in criminal activities, now or in the past, are for the police to resolve. This is not about MPD. This is about MDL.
If this doesn’t stop immediately I am going to utilize a tool that some other forums use and review the comments before they are published.
Someone asked about the Grim Reaper photo and if the picture was taken near any water? The answer is no. Also, for what it is worth, investigators returned to Prairie Lake on Thursday, the 25th. This was reported by numerous residents and from another source.
The Marshall family expresses hope that their daughter will soon be brought home. If anyone can provide can provide that information to us, you know how to contact me. Your name will remain confidential.
Mr Carlin,
While I appreciate your keeping this forum a positive one, it seems to me that you are giving the readers the impression that you are siding with the police. I need to say something right now which may offend you although that is not my intent. This case is NOT just about Mary. If you keep focusing on it this way, you will never solve it. The readers are providing some accurate insight and information about this case. It is accurate to say that this police force has covered things up. It is also accurate to say that the buck stops with the chief of police.
Now, that being said, I would like to offer this. The reason why people are BICKERING, as you put it, is because they are challenging the comments from the police blogger and believe me, they should. It's no coincidence that many feel that Marshall PD is blogging these nasty blogs. I ask of you to consider something right now. You know that there is SOMEONE who would like to help. You need a helper with this.
I know that I am feeling just as frustrated as you about this case. However, don't limit your focus on just Mary's disappearance. This is part of a much bigger story.
I'm Mary's sister. I just wanted to say on behalf of me and my family, Thank you to all of you who are trying to help us find my sister. She was a very loving, beautiful, outgoing and strong person. We love and miss her so much. We know with your help, we will find her. Our heart aches that we haven't been able to find her, but I truly feel with help from all of you, we will find her and we will know the truth about what happened to her on that fateful night and the days that followed. I also wanted to say to Norreen, keep strong and God Bless you for getting out when you were able to. Hold your head high. You survived.
I would like to make a special request to Chris's family. The cloak Chris was wearing as the grim reaper, was a very special cloak I made for my sister's birthday. We thought he sold it at the flea market where he sold a bunch of my sister's other personal items. My mom has searched everywhere for it. To now find out that he used it as a halloween costume as a person of death hurts my heart. Can we please have the cloack back. I lovingly made that for her birthday because when she was here in California, she admired one in a scottish store we went to and I told her I would make one for her. It was meant as an heirloom for her and her children and grandchildren, not to be used as a halloween costume by someone else. Please and thank you.
To all of you who are in the fight to find my sister and to get justice for Mary, GOD BLESS YOU!!! We need every one of you. Gina
Mary’s sister said it all quite well, and we thank everyone for the support they have offered over the last 44 months.
I reiterate my own request to anyone in the Pratt family about the return of Mary’s cloak. We know that there are many good people in that family and we ask if one of them might consider this family request? I can intricately describe the fabric and design of the cloak if there is any doubt?
We appeal to Louise Pratt, Jordan, his mother and the many aunts and uncles of your family to return this item. The Marshall’s have so little of sentimental value from their daughter and it would be a kind gesture.
We know the cloak was removed from the house on 15 ½ Mile Road after Chris was incarcerated. It probably is among the items that were moved by family members after his former girl-friend vacated the premises.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
I just wish that Mary's family could have a holiday season filled with love and happy memories of Mary. Mary was the clown of her family. She loved making others laugh. Her best times were with her family. She would laugh her head off when her sister would tell her a funny story or when her brother would get silly with her. She was her mother's daughter in how she could care so deeply for others. She was a daddy's girl who just loved to shoot the breeze with her dad. Her children were the lights of her life. She was not wanting to leave them so soon but God called her home.
Mary had so much that she wanted to say to each of them. What she needs them all to know is that she is in a better place filled with love for all of them. She is still with them but they cannot see her. One day, she will let them know that she is okay now. Mary will keep watch over her family and pray for them.
There is a saying that goes "God works in mysterious ways." This is not a token statement, it is true. There is another which says "God helps those who help themselves." Again, not a token statement but the truth.
Mr Carlin, God has sent you helpers which you are not using. His helpers are absolutely right in what they have told you. The problem is that you keep on focusing on the old way of doing things. These workers want to get the job done but they need to work with you more directly. God helps those who helps themselves, Mr Carlin. You have the answers sitting right in front of you. Yet, you do not totally believe in them. You are an ex-policeman so you look at concrete facts. Now, you are feeling stuck. Think about this now. When these helpers came to you, they told you things that were true. Yet, you only gave it a little notice. They contacted you again and again, you gave them little notice.
Jim, how can God help you when you keep turning down his help? These helpers have put in many hours figuring out how to help this case. You have kept them at a distance because you are not sure that they know what they are talking about. They know, Jim. They know the whole story. Please look at this from a different perspective. Where are you in this investigation? You are treading water just as you have been for quite a while. I believe in you, Jim and you need to believe in these helpers whom God has sent to you. Please think about it. Thank you.
To mary d you have told us this story how mary was beat up and left to die.you told us that chris had help with her disappearance,by a policeman.everything ive read here seems to make sense.if you know everything about what happened to mary,why havent you led jim carlin to mary's body?
In the last three years the family and I have been approached by about 15 individuals claiming to have some psychic or paranormal ability that could solve Mary’s case. In each and every instance I listened to those people and followed up on their information. In reviewing those tips I concluded that two people who insisted on anonymity gave information that was helpful, but we thank everyone for their insight. Information of this type is yet another resource tool that must be considered by any investigator. It cannot be automatically dismissed and we have never done so. I have always kept an open mind and do believe that some people can have valid perceptions that others may not recognize.
We welcome any ideas, suggestions and information related to Mary’s case however what more can be done right now? I have passed along to law enforcement authorities all information that has been learned from these sources. We are willing to keep an open mind, however I do not believe that Mary Denise Lands is communicating from heaven with three women “psychics” in Marshall, Michigan, two of whom are employed at Oaklawn Hospital and another who charges for her séance readings.
The Michigan State Police have been provided your text documentation, photographs and video. They have checked a specific area that was purported to be a spot where Mary was buried. It was all to no avail.
I don’t wish to sound cavalier or debunk any person’s ideas and opinion but the bottom line is that we must have real facts. If you have facts then you can solve this case yourself and show the police the answers. You don’t need me.
We are all willing to listen, and will listen again but it will be members of law enforcement who will charge the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands. They can’t go to court and ask for a search warrant on the affidavit of a psychic. They can go to court if someone provides credible information that is of first-hand knowledge. Over the last three days I have been working in that direction speaking with new witnesses and gathering new information. It is hoped that by all of us working together this case will soon be concluded. You stated that God works in mysterious ways and I absolutely believe His work is in progress. Our help is now coming from a place where a few months ago it never would have been anticipated as a possibility.
Lets focus on how we can find Mary and bring her home to be at peace.
Hey Mike V,
Cliff & Anita were just talking about you the other day. You were one of the first people to come out and support the family in our search. There are many Mike V's out there and we thank you all.
hello jim thanx for all the hard work and keep up the fight.ty also for the return e-mails and i will keep my ears open,it might not be much but a small clue goes a long way..have a good day.
It would be a gracious act from the Pratt family of Albion to return such a keepsake to Mary Lands family.
I think Chris mother will be willing.
Didnt marys family have a few chances to collect all of her stuff before the market and go through stuff in the past few years Jim.And isnt Chris's mom the only one that lives in Albion,im pretty sure the rest of his family lives in Marshall.I know the Pratt family and ill do some asking around this week.And to Gina,godbless you girl,its always nice to hear some positive advice from you and are prayers are with you and your family....Stay strong....
That was a good post HOPE you said alot of what Ive been thinking all along. If I could reverse things I would of just said nothing to begin with.
This is my last blog, Mr Carlin. Mary's story has been told. Now, it's up to you to figure out the rest. One day, you will understand what I have told you. Until then, it's your case to solve. Mary Lands will be found one day and it will be the helpers, not the police who find her. I'm done now.
if maryd knows it all than why not say so. Sounds like police is doing what is supposed to be done.
watch and see
Well, Mr Carlin,
sounds like you have the case solved. sounds like you have all the information and witnesses that you need. good riddance to those crazy psychic women, eh? I mean, what could they possibly know that would help you solve this case. things are going well as we approach month #44 with Mary still missing. so much for leaving no stone unturned. good job!
Back again - from OHIO this time. Catching up with this makes me sad this time.
Mary, your family, friends and others that care - it looks like another door has been possibly closed. Rest assured there are some very tangable things being worked on. You know who I am as well and may call at any time. My prayers are with you.
I personally feel that you have received a great deal of new, accurate information, Jim. For that I am greatful. You have worked very hard for a very long time. Many of us do pro-bono work and no one ever knows. You should be commended. However, you must keep in mind that GOD DOES INDEED, work in mysterous ways. You feel free to call again at anytime.
Purpose Driven's one and only purpose is to find Mary and bring her home. We are continuing this endevor. Will keep you posted.
Maryd, Purpose Drive, Agnes - If you leave the blog, you are doing Mary Lands an injustice. You have actually provided alot of information to people and have those who are involved scared because you are starting to get at the real truth to what happened to Mary and who is involved. You have some of them so scared they are trying to discredit you. Don't let them do that to you. You are strong individuals and have provided alot of food for thought and information that no one else has provided. Don't go. Leaving only lets them win and I know you don't want them to win. While you may be gone for the moment, I don't think you'll really be gone, because Mary and her family need you and you won't rest until she is found and the truth is out in the open. Remember the 3 Cs. COERCION, CORRUPTION and COLLABORATION. The truth will be known!!!
Thanks, for your kind words and support. We are here to help Mary the family, & Jim, Hopefully, to help bring peace and closure to all. These concepts are out there and more are coming. You'll hear from us! You are right - we are strong. HE does hear our prayers! You just answered one. God Bless
Well, where do I start. How many of you have ever hired a Private Investigator? Nine times out of ten something tragic has happened in your life, and you hire them to look into a shady persons background. I live a 2hr. drive from where you all live, a smaller town, i believe. The worst County in MI. My son was charged w/csc 1st-2 counts & a ten yr. He was facing about 60yrs. The person who charged my son of this was involved in illegal activity of all kinds. I needed to prove this. I looked into Investigators in my area, trust me people, not good. I would call once and the next time, no longer in-service. Then I met Jim Carlin. I hired him the day I met him. The First thing we needed to do was get rid of the attorney we had, not fun. No invoices, no polygraph, nothing. New attorney passed poly. Jim, believed in my son, and everything he told me would happen did. He was my rock. I truly believe if there is something there, he will find it. He knows the truth and will do the right thing with what you give him. If you wanna know who to trust it's him. If you wanna know what happens in my sons case i'll let you know in a week when it's final.
This is to all of those who have been blessed with gifts, which includes myself and to those who feel that our information good lead to finding Mary's....
I know it's very frustrating to be given a gift and you can feel a little shut out because of this..I have been working with Jim for several month and I assure everyone that Jim does follow up on all leads given to him and because of certain laws theres a point where even Jim is shut out...He is right you cannot obtain a search warrant on the word of a physic there has to be physical evidence ...it would cost tax payer way to much money, unless that physic can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that his or hers information is accurate...I know its very frustrating, I mean we have been given a gift by GOD to help others who need us and I never knew that Marshall's or Mary, but Mary's spirit contacted me about 10 months ago and I feel obsessed and frustrated and especially overwhelmed at times but anytime I have had visions and wanted to follow up on them, Jim has backed me up 100% and has followed up on everything I have told him also I know he keeps in mind the other things to look for... I believe Jim is doing everything he can but in the long run it will be the Police who do all the arresting and questioning, Jim can only turn over information that he receives, lets just pray he receives that information soon....
To those who wish to not comment to this blog any more.
Please do not let the police scare you away..thats what they want to push you away....You are part of the energy Mary need to be able to give people like me information..You have to be strong for Mary, The Marshall's and Noreen..Don't give up so easy.. I truly believe in you maryd ..I've seen everything you are saying and more(in my visions)... your words and information help keep everyone strong and hopeful please don't leave
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