WOODTV8-Chris Pratt- 4 1/2-15 years in prison
WWMT-TV3- 01/07/08
Battle Creek Enquirer- 01/08/08

Update- January 13, 2007- Norrene Parker wished to publish the letter she sent to Judge Miller concerning Mr. Pratt's sentence. If anyone is in a domestic violence situation it will not get better. You need to remove yourself from that environment and keep yourself and family safe. Her remarks are quite poignant.
January 1, 2008
Re: Sentencing of Christopher Luke Pratt
Dear Honorable Judge Miller:
We see it every day on the news, "women battered, women killed, and women missing"….Looking back on June 24th, 2007 I realize I was one of the few women that walked away from the enraged hands of a controlling individual, such as Christopher Pratt. It’s true, loving Christopher Pratt does hurt; it hurts a lot and it is a hurt that does not go away once the relationship is through. People tell me how lucky I was to get away and how proud they are of me standing up and facing him. Although I did walk away physically that day I do not know if I will ever escape him mentally; myself and my children included. The humiliation of what I have gone through during this trial has been an embarrassment I will never forget, nor will my friends, family and co-workers.
Christopher’s doing caused me to move out of the home we shared, moving myself and my children three times in six months before we finally settled. I have incurred medical bills, as well as counseling costs as well. In addition my employer hired extra guards to make sure I came and went from their facility in a safe manner while his bond was active.
He has destroyed my trust, my solitude of feeling "safe" as well as my children’s sense of safety. "If he comes home will he find us?" is a common question from the mouth of my nine year-old son. My nightmares of Christopher and that day wake me in the night, as does the little one standing beside my bed. "Can I sleep with you…are you sure Chris is still in jail?" His shadow will forever lurk in our minds.
Christopher recently made a comment from his jail cell, which entailed, "Make sure she doesn’t make it to the witness stand or I am fucked". What exactly was his evil intent behind this? Although he is locked up now, I am constantly looking over my shoulder and seldom go out at night, especially if no one is with me. I am fearful of anyone I don’t know that approaches me..fearful it’s someone that is doing Chris’ dirty work for him. Christopher is a man of trophies, of possessions, and I, in his eyes, am his forever. He has made the comment, "If I can’t have you, No one will"….and to my father, "If your daughter leaves me I will hunt her down and get her back". This behavior is not normal and for the most part, unsettling. His intents and his so-called empty threats…are too real for me..real because I know he is fully capable of fulfilling each and every threat he made to me…capable because he is one that cares not what he does, but that in his eyes, he wins at doing it.
Christopher is, in my opinion, a narcissistic evil and one of the world’s best liars. But the problem for him and a blessing for us is, he forgets what he has lied about and walks into his own net eventually. Although Christopher will tell you he is never wrong, all his problems are caused by other individuals. Christopher is fully aware of his own evil. He has told me in a fit of tears on more than one occasion that he has done things to make himself sick, that I should not be with him, however he added, "I am too selfish to let you go". Christopher also noted to a letter to his son,…"It’s because of Norrene I am here, if she hadn’t provoked me I wouldn’t have lost my temper, however Son, the good thing is that God has a place for men like me and its called prison." He knows he is a danger to me.
Christopher promised me a long and happy life with him, stating we will be sitting in our rocking chairs side by side one day…if that was the case, why was he throwing chairs at me? Simple in my mind today, he was trying to make sure I never left him…even if he had to attempt to break my ankles doing so, he would never allow me to leave him.
Your Honor, I am asking you to consider maximum sentencing possible. Letting him go on anything less, will most certainly bring dread to my family and our community. Even if he is let out with a "no contact condition", I can guarantee within an hour of his release, he will be at my doorstep. He has no authority for the guidelines for which you set, as he proved by attempting to contact me within minutes of being released from your courtroom the same day you issued a "no contact" guideline between him and me. Christopher taunts authority and does not like to be told what to do, more so, he resents the word "No".
Christopher harms children, women and animals without considering the repercussions of his actions. Do you think they forget as easily as you do? Well, they don’t. Christopher I never will and I know my children will not forget the wake you have left behind in our lives. Christopher is a man that will not learn his lesson with a slap on the hands, he is someone who has the potential to harm others for the sake of his own well-being. He is habitual. I honestly believe Christopher is lacking a human conscience, and because of this I pray for him. I pray that he finds it in himself to consider every evil thing he has done and come clean with it. Christopher can’t take back the tears he placed in my sons eyes the day he put us through this, nor can he take away the emptiness he placed in their hearts with the betrayal he brought out after promising to be so good to them and to their Mom. In my eyes, no sentencing handed to him is justifiable enough, but I know God will sentence him one day and when that day comes…God have mercy on your soul Christopher Pratt.
Again, Your Honor, please consider the maximum sentencing that is reasonable and prudent to this manner, and do so with the thought of myself and children in mind, of every soul he has waltzed upon without hesitation to their lives, their feelings, their well being. Anything less will result in a profound nightmare.
Norrene Parker
Please, no vulgar or obscene comments may be posted on our sites regardless of your position on Mr. Pratt’s conviction. They will be deleted.
The real obscenity today, however was a defense attorney with the position, "Be it not for Mary Lands this would be just another 93-day domestic violence misdemeanor."
Today, was a great day for justice and it could not have been accomplished without the aggressiveness of law enforcement, the Calhoun County Prosecutor’s Office, and the entire criminal justice system. Thank you to all who supported the families of both Norrene Parker and Mary Lands. Without your help we could never have come this far.
The sentencing of Mr. Pratt should serve as a vehement deterrent against those who would physically, emotionally, and sexually abuse a domestic partner.
An evil person will be now off the streets for many years and we believe in our hearts that the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands will soon be held accountable. We will bring Mary home.

Mary Denise Lands, Christmas 2007 You Tube Video
Christopher Luke Pratt, age 39, will soon be a guest of the Michigan Department of Corrections after a jury of six men and six women concluded their deliberations last month. Mr. Pratt was found guilty of domestic violence, felonious assault, interfering with a communications device and unlawful imprisonment. He faces 15 years in prison and will be sentenced today, Monday January 7, 2007 by Judge Stephen B. Miller.
It is now time to get back to Mary Denise Lands, and questions about her disappearance and murder? This photograph was taken about two years before she allegedly walked away from her apartment after a minor argument with Mr. Pratt. We also have two short videos of Mary Lands where one can view and hear her in a family setting.
Mary Lands & Family Video, Atlanta-1998
Mary Lands & Family Video- 1999
We have now documented in court proceedings a severe and tragic pattern of verbal, physical, and sexual abuse by Mr. Pratt. It includes a period of over 15 years starting from 1992 to June 24, 2007, the date of his arrest. It is very interesting that there is about four years that are not accounted for, and coincidentally the period of time in which he was involved in a relationship with Mary.
Within hours of Mr. Pratt’s conviction on all four charges of domestic violence against his former girlfriend the Marshall family received new tips about their daughter. We continue to urge the public to come forward and provide any information about her case. It may be done anonymously to the family or myself. The contact information for law enforcement authorities will again be noted in the "comment" section of this post. The Marshall family will not cease in their efforts to bring their daughter home, nor will the law enforcement team investigating her case. We are not going away until Mary can rest in peace.
If there is anyone reading about Mary's case and enduring crimes of domestic violence please know that you can be helped. Two women in Mr. Pratt's life were strong enough to come forward and end years of torment. There are many options for you to escape from this type of fear and violence. If you need any advice please contact us and you will be directed to a professional who can help you and your family. This photograph of Christopher Luke Pratt proves it all. "You can be safe from a violent batterer".


Who do you contact for help?
Often, the best source of help and information is your local program. For more information on local support services, please visit the Michigan Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence website at: http://www.mcadsv.org/ and click on "Locate Help Near You."
You may also call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233.) Call toll free, 24 hours a day, anywhere in the U.S. Trained counselors provide confidential crisis intervention, support, information and referrals to local programs to victims of domestic violence, their families and friends. The hotline links people to help in their area, including shelters, legal and social assistance programs. Help in English and Spanish with interpreters available in 139 more languages.
For additional information on this important issue, please contact Prevention Services Section, (517) 336-4006.
Sources: The Michigan Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence; Calhoun County Domestic Violence Council Education Prevention Safety and Support Information Guide; and the 2002 MSP Uniform Crime Report.
Additional online resource tools related to domestic violence and abuse:
National Domestic Violence Hotline
American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress
FYI, the telephone numbers are listed for those who might wish to contact law enforcement about Mary's investigation-
D/Sgt. Mike Salmen, Michigan State Police, Battle Creek Post #57
Det. Mike Scott, Michigan State Police, White Pigeon Post #52
Sgt. Scott McDonald, Marshall Police Department
Prosecutor John Hallacy, Calhoun County Prosecutor
and my own,
Justinian Investigative Services
Battle Creek, Michigan
The jurors in this case are to be praised for their hard work and dedication in bringing this case to justice and finding Chris Pratt guilty on all 4 charges. It is our civic duty and the right of all american people to be judged by their peers. These jurors took the appropriate amount of time to review the evidence and testimony in this case. Before convicting someone on such serious charges, they wanted to be sure of all of the evidence and not make a mistake which is what they did in this case. We can only say that we are ecstatic and overjoyed about the conviction. We can imagine what violence Mary went through during her time with Chris Pratt and what he ultimately did to her in the end. Even though we are overjoyed, our hearts are extremely heavy. Heavy that Su and Noreen had to endure this pain and suffering and extremely heavy that our beloved Mary was also victimized and paid the ultimate price with her life, that being her death. Maybe now those who have the critical information we need that will bring her home so that she can rest in peace will come forward and share that information. Help us to bring Mary home. What goes around comes around, what you reap so shall you sow. Our goal is to bring Mary home. I just want to give a special thanks to Jim Carlin whose dedication, efforts and tenacious fight on our behalf has given us the hope we need to carry on and fight for justice for not only Mary, but those who were also victims. Jim, we wouldn't be where we are today without you! And many many thanks to all of you who have been there with us through thick and thin, the good times and the bad times. Who have fought to find Mary, who have given us their love and support and a shoulder to cry on the past 4 years! With you, we will find Mary we just know it. There really aren't words enough we could say to Jim and to everyone else who have helped us and been there for us, just know that we love you all from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you and God Bless You! Mary's Family.
Jim, thank you for your kind words. I thank you for working so hard on the behalf of Mary and her family. Mary was a great gal and it breaks my heart that she was taken from us.
To Cliff and Anita and family,
It is difficult for me to express how broken up I am at what a Pratt did to your daughter. I am so disgusted and sick in my heart that Chris treated your daughter so horribly. What Chris did is not only his responsibility, it's the Pratt family's responsibility as well. When Chris was growing up, he showed some signs of not being "right". What we, his family, did was to look the other way. Each incident was disturbing but not bad enough to make alarm bells go off in our heads. No, we just thought that he was kind of odd. I wish that I had paid enough attention to what he did growing up. Each day which goes by, I feel anger and guilt that if I had paid more attention, maybe this wouldn't have happened. I speak for myself when I say that I am so sorry for what Chris did to Mary. He may be family to me but I want him locked up and held accountable for what he did to Mary. I will not rest until Mary comes home.
To Louise, Jeff and Chris,
I will never understand how the 3 of you are the way that you are. I will never stop hounding you, Louise, about this monster of a son which you helped create. The worst part in all of this, Louise, is that you know that he did it and so does Jeff. The 2 of you are just wrong to defend what he did. It was an act of evil and you defending it makes you evil, too.
CONGRADS to norene parker and sue harrington for standing up in court and telling your stories.both of you did an awesome job.i wish you both nothing but the best in life.To the Marshall family,hopefuly someone else will come forward with the information that we all want to hear regarding mary's whereabouts.To anita Marshall, THANK YOU very much for calling my wife and telling her that chris was found guilty.when i got home from work that night i didnt know that.To jim carlin,you are very good at what you do,keep up the good work. mike V
I wonder if Chris will have the same handle as the "Creeper" in a prison like Ionia? You have to believe there are way worse people in those places then him and he'll be the one being creeped upon.
There is a justce.
To all of you congradulations! All I want to say is that prayers are being answered and more will come.
This is the time for the search for Mary to start again. I am challenging the citizens of Marshall to put pressure on the police. Mary is out there waiting to be found and while Chris is going to prison for what he did to Norrene, he needs to be charged with Mary's death. Without a body, it will not happen. There are many tips coming. Now, what is needed is a search. There are many who want to help so let them.
If the police truly want to solve this case, they need to ask for help from the citizens of Marshall. I am talking about television and appealing to people that way. This case is almost 45 months long. Come on everybody, find her. Mary will be found with or without the police. When she is found, wait and see what happens next. I guarantee that it will be interesting.
Within 24 hours of Mr. Pratt’s conviction members of the team investigating the Mary Lands case continued their hard work following up on leads and pursuing new information that was recently brought to light. They were not doing this for show, especially late on a Friday afternoon, and a weekend just around the corner. Chief Mike Olson contacted me and assured the family that the case is ongoing and will not cease because of the holiday season.
We welcome the support of the public and will ask for help when needed, but for now we must concentrate o the individuals who have direct knowledge about Mary’s whereabouts. The dominos are starting to fall and things will come our way soon. Anyone with information please contact us immediately. You can remain anonymous. Telephone numbers for police officials have been posted.
Marshall now has a very evil person off the street and the community is much safer. You just watch and see? It will be a race to talk with the police for those involved trying to make a deal for themselves. Investigators have a good theory on what occurred and the people involved. It is law enforcement who will make the arrests and we have to let them to their job.
I for one believe they are absolutely dedicated to bringing Mary home, just as we all are, and together we will accomplish those objectives.
The person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder will soon be held accountable.
I think that there is something wrong right now. It seems that no one is getting it why Chris has been getting away with murder. Now, let me amend this. Some have offered their opinion that Chris had help in doing this because he is not smart enough to do it on his own and get away with it. Knowing Chris as I do, I agree with this. Folks, look at how he acted in court. He was acting a fool. He made himself look much worse than the prosecutor did. All I'm saying is there is more to this story and law enforcement is only focusing on that Chris did it on his own.
I took the liberty of copying this from the Marshall Chronicle posts,
Cliff & Anita were pleased by Ms. Hackworth's comments. They remember her family, and Lynn from Day One.
Lynn said...
My heart cries whenever I think of Mary. She worked with me in the insurance billing dept at DayOne. I feel guilty that I was not more sensitive to what she was going through. I would see her come in with a broken toe,"stumbled on the rug," the broken arm, "fell while getting off the boat," and on the stories went. I moved from Michigan to South Carolina in February 2007, but have read everything I could on what was happening. My heart feels crushed whenever I think about Anita and Cliff and Mary's children. I pray that in the future I will always question a person with injuries, and may God make me more sensitive to the needs. I have prayed often for God to direct authorities to her body. One day it will happen. God hears our prayers.
I have no doubt the Chris Pratt killed Mary. I am so happy to hear that he is going to be sentenced; I hope for a long,long time.
God bless,
Lynn Hackworth
December 10, 2007 8:34 PM
Just so you all know:
There was no discussion in the deliberation room of Chris Pratt's connection with Mary. In fact, at least 10 of us knew nothing of it until after voting on the four counts. Only then, while waiting to return to the courtroom to read the verdicts, did we have time to discuss other issues.
We paid little attention to testimony describing Mr. Pratt's history of abuse.
We focused on testimony concerning the events of June 24, 2007. To many of us, Mr. Pratt's flat denial of ever hurting Noreen simply flew in the face of the physical evidence, putting the remainder of his testimony in doubt.
We convicted Chris Pratt based on the evidence.
I am proud to have served, proud of my fellow jurors (several of whom lost more than a week's wages while serving), and have a clear conscience knowing that no prejudice influenced our decision.
Juror #8, and for the other members of the jury,
Thank you so much for your comments. As I mentioned later that day after your verdict, this proves that the system really does work. I know it had to be difficult for all of you, but you reached the proper conclusions, and for the right reasons.
At some time in the future I hope I will be able to meet with each and every one of you. It was a great verdict for Ms. Parker and it will help other victims of domestic violence to come forward and report verbal, physical and sexual abuse to the proper authority.
Thank you again.
Jim Carlin
To juror #8 and the other members of the jury:
Many thanks to you all for performing your civic duty in an exemplary fashion. Your performance as a jury shows us all that justice can truly be served. Please know that the community as a whole appreciates the sacrifices that were made as well as the honesty and integrity that you have shown. Happy Holidays to you all.
This season of Christmas lends to many "goodwill towards all men". I am not feeling this "goodwill towards all men" in this town of Marshall. What one finds in Marshall is a kind of "good boys network" in which the elite get special consideration from those in the governments of Marshall and Calhoun County. I wish that this type of special treatment would extend itself to all citizens. I believe that Mary Lands is a victim of not only Mr Pratt but the city of Marshall as well. One can deny this all they want; however, Mary has never been given the attention that most missing people have been given. Her story has never been given enough air time on TV or radio. What is going on now is more of the same. My wish for all of you who live in this town is to start opening your eyes to what is going on. Urge your local government to act on Mary's behalf. Mary deserves the dignity and respect of you who live here.
It's now been just over a week since the jury delivered its verdict of guilty on all 4 counts to Chris Pratt. We now await eagerly for sentencing day in January. Month #45 is upon us and the need to find Mary increases as time passes. Please, those who have that important piece of information, please go to Jim or the authorities. It is time to bring peace to Mary's family and to the community.
To Norrene and Su Harrington:
May your Holidays be peaceful and blessed. Your courage will be remembered.
What has happened to this blog? I am concerned that people are not blogging because Chris is guilty and will be going to prison. Chris Pratt needs to be held responsible for the disappearance and death of Mary Denise Lands. There are others who helped him and we know who they are. From where I stand, each one of those who helped Chris will be found out and held responsible.
Mrs Pratt has the cloak; however, she will not return it. She will one day regret her actions. She does not see her son as being violent and sick mentally. She has never said one word of apology to any of Chris's victims. She just doesn't see how they could say such mean things about her son. I pray for her soul everyday. Her day of judgment will come and she will have to face the awful truth about her son and her part in creating his sociopathic personality.
We understand the frustrations of some people about their perceptions of a lack of notable action related to Mary’s case. This is the 4th holiday season that the Marshall family has been without their daughter, and it is a difficult time. Each season we have had to accept that many things slow down during this period and it includes government, courts, and businesses. People want to be happy and festive spending more time with family, and less time dealing with problems.
This 4th Christmas and New Year however, brings a new light and optimism that Mary will be brought home and the person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder will be held accountable. The Marshall family has a renewed and positive attitude that this will be the last holiday of not knowing what happened to their daughter? Chris Pratt’s conviction earlier this month will assure the community that an evil person will be off the streets for quite some time. He will answer for what he did to his last victim. We believe his many years of incarceration will now permit witnesses to come forward with the one tip needed about Mary’s whereabouts. Some have already made that first call, and I’m sure there will be many more.
It would be easy for law enforcement authorities to coast for awhile on Mary’s case if that was their choice, but each and every day we learn of more progress and hope. On Friday’s at the end of a business day when most of us are thinking about enjoying a weekend and the holiday season it is quite evident that investigators are continuing to aggressively work the Mary Lands case and answer the questions we all have been seeking. The Prosecutor’s Office and the investigative team are diligently pursuing the investigation. We just have to let them do their job and I am also positive that we will soon see results.
As always, if anyone wishes to provide information about Mary’s case I would be glad to meet with you. It doesn’t matter if it is Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve, I’ll be there if you call. It is people with crucial bits of information who will help us solve this case.
The Marshall family and I appreciate the support of all who have posted comments, and assisted us over the last 45 months. We also wish to express our thanks to the many members of law enforcement who have assisted in Mary’s investigation. We wish you all a Happy Holiday and thank you for what you have done. If it were not for the support of the community we would never have been able to come this far.
It is a sad thing when a convicted man's family member thinks that this world is better off with him in jail. I am really upset with Chris for what he has done to Su, Mary and Norrene. He is sick in his head; however, it is NO EXCUSE for his actions. He was mentally unstable most of his life. His mother and the rest of us just ignored the warning signals. He should have received help a long time ago. Instead, his behavior just got worse. I am sickened at what he has become. I am devastated that he hurt these three women who truly loved him. Chris is unable to truly love anyone; I see it now. I am humbled by what he has done and I am humbled by the behavior of his mother and brother.
It breaks my heart to see how uncooperative they have been in returning the cloak. This is wrong, Louise and Jeff. You will feel what it's like to not have your family member with you at Christmas. You will feel empty and alone, Louise. You will feel just one tiny percent of what Mary's family has felt the past three Christmas's and now. How does it feel, Louise? Pretty devastating, huh?
My name is Sam, just call me Jack.
The holidays are here and Mary is still at large. Someone out there is in possession of the truth about what happened to Mary. If you continue keeping the truth from being known, it will become a horrible burden to you. You will never be free of the effect that it will have on you. Hiding the truth can harm one's health. It will eat you up inside just like guilt does. To the one who has information about Mary, I ask of you to come forward now. Please do the right thing now. I pray for your soul everyday.
To Sam:
Your kindness to Mary and her family is a wonderful thing. I appreciate your honesty and humility. Sam, you have been a GODSEND to us all.
To the citizens of Marshall:
Think about what it would be like if one of your family members was taken from you in such a violent way. Keep Mary and her family in your thoughts and prayers this holiday season.
did you here Ados coming back to rat out his cuzin??
anyone know why norrene backed out on the rape charges
Nice pictures of Chris, Jim. Too bad there isn't one of him in his jail garb. Now that is one picture I would like to see.
pictures of Pratt in jail suit are on the new video, Mary Lands link, Christmas2007, at top of page.
thanks for the link to "you tube".
great video!
I am here to say that everything that I have said here before is true; however, I do not feel the need to restate it now. I am pleased with the verdict handed down to Chris. There is another victim of Chris that needs to be found. Mary Denise Marshall Lands. Until she is found, there can be no closure for the Marshall-Lands family. This case has gone on far too long. I agree with Just Jack that the Pratt family have responsibility in this case for not coming forward with information that they have. A thought comes to mind here. In this matter of life, one must ask - Is it God's will that one dies? The answer is that we will all die; however, it is not God's will that someone kills another. Chris Pratt killed Mary and he will be held accountable for it. His family who has knowledge of what he did, is guilty of withholding information and conspiring to keep it a secret. I am not going to blog again in this forum because I have said my piece.
To the Marshall and Lands families:
I am with you every minute of every day. I love you and I pray that this nightmare will have closure soon.
To Jim, Su, Norrene and all those who have been advocates of Mary and her family:
Your kindness and dedication to this case is truly appreciated. Mary will be found. I thank you for keeping the faith.
Have a blessed Christmas.
I want to wish Mary's family a Christmas that is full of hope. I want you all to know how much I care about your Mary. I promise you that she will be found. You are in my thoughts this holiday season.
Christopher Pratt is to be sentenced on January 7, 2007
I urge everyone to write a short letter to the judge asking that he receive the maximum sentence. The Mary Lands case can't be an issue however his danger to society can be brought up.
It is now on record that he verbally and physically abused Sue Harrington during their marriage for 10 years. He did the same to Norene Parker during their time together. The community needs to be protected from this monster.
Send your letters to:
Judge Stephen B. Miller
37th Judicial Circuit
Criminal Justice Compex
161 East Michigan Avenue
Battle Creek, Michigan 49016
It's making no sense to me why no one from the Pratt family has not given the cloak back. Unless.....
Maybe it has no relevance; however, I am going to say it. I wonder if the cloak has incriminating evidence on it. Why else would the Pratts keep something which would have no sentimental value to them? Maybe, it is another key piece of evidence? Now, put that in your pipe and smoke it.
looks like you guys are still talking the same o same o ,let me remind you again Just Jack, Louise and Jeff do not have access to computers,But i do know that Chris is in jail and his family will probably back him up 110%. The PRATTS will be here in this town and you will hear that last name FOREVER,, Good or Bad, there family is all over the world so you negitive people keep up the good work and keep cutting the Pratts down because all that does is make them stronger,most of the Pratts i know have pretty good hearts and the rest would bend over backwards for you.but something i do know is, everybody has a few bad apples in every family and there is not one family that is perfect.Chris Pratt will serve his time and justice will be served sooner or later for any of his actions he has made.Happy Holidays........
whats your point annoymous?? it isn't negative if it is truth. a bad Pratt will be soon be benting over but not backwards. The puke should rot in prison and hell.
Happy Holiday
As Christopher Pratt's sentencing date draws nearer, I think that what anonymous on 12/23 suggested about writing the judge, is an excellent idea.
Intimate partner abuse is not a loss of self control - it is intentional violence. Abusers have the ability to appear genuine and charming to those whom he needs to fool(law enforcement, parents, judges,etc.). After all, if he can convince the judge that he is remorseful, perhaps the judge will be more lenient.
Christopher Pratt is a serial abuser and more than likely a murderer. The recidivism rate for violent offenders is 62%. While studies vary somewhat, some show 47% recidivated within 4 years, yet another showed 50% recidivated within 6 weeks of completing treatment.
Christopher Pratt is a violent offender. He is not going to change. To be truly remorseful for what he has done, he would have to man up to what he did to Ms. Parker, and to what he did to Mary.
Urge the judge to impose the maximum sentence upon Christopher Pratt. And for God's sake, if you are in an abusive relationship get out! You have done nothing wrong, it is not your fault. There are people and services available to help and protect you. But no one can hear you if you're silent.
To Anonymous 12/28, @ 2:27 pm:
Don't insult everyone's intelligence with your crap about Louise and Jeff not having access to a computer. Jeff uses computers; he just doesn't own one now. Louise has access to a computer if she wants to use one.
You are missing the point of this blog. Louise and Jeff have enough family reading this blog so word does get back to them. Now, maybe you need to know something. I am a close family member and let me just say this. Chris murdered Mary and he will pay dearly for it. He is one sick son of a gun but that doesn't excuse what he did. Normally, I would commend such support from a family member. Not this time. Don't waste your time defending him. He is a violent, despicable human being. I hope that you will come to your senses and realize that Chris is guilty.
If you are a prisoner and your last name begins with a P, Thursday is when you can have visitors at the Calhoun County Correctional Facility. I've been in this facility many times doing professional interviews, but it was the first time I used the public visitors area.
On Thursday, December 27th I signed in at the jail to visit Christopher Luke Pratt using the normal protocol of the facility for the public to visit an inmate. After about 20 minutes I proceeded into an open room with about 10 cubicles. Each was separated by glass with the inmates on the other side. A telephone was on each side of the cubicle so that the visitor could communicate with that inmate.
As I walked to the cubicle to sit down, I noticed that Mr. Pratt was already seated. He was sullen and pale and there were dark rings under his eyes and he appeared to have lost more weight. The purpose of my visit was to let him know that if he ever wanted to speak with me about Mary’s case I would be willing to do so and would drive to any prison in the state to see him. I wanted to make it perfectly clear that just because he was in prison for violent crimes against his former girl friend, we would not give up until Mary was brought home and properly buried.
My last conversations with Mr. Pratt were in September 2004 and in reviewing my notes and video I determined that in those few hours of interviews he told me 25 total lies. This was just prior to a vigil for Mary that was conducted on September 12, 2004. He didn’t know if he was able to find time to get to the vigil? I urged him to attend and he did so, but did not publicly make a statement.
I’ll never forget this if I live to be 100. He was standing next to me in a crowd and Chief Mike Olson was talking about bringing to justice the person who committed this crime. As the Chief spoke, he accentuated his comments with his hand and pointed his finger about 6-8 times, and stated, “we will find out what happened to Mary and we will get you.”
Chief Olson didn’t even know where Mr. Pratt was in the crowd and it was not done on purpose, however when he pointed in the direction of Chris Pratt I saw a remarkable instant change in this smug arrogant individual. He showed up in cargo shorts, tee, ball cap and sandals and stood with his hands folded not saying a word. When Chief Olson pointed his finger in the direction of Mr. Pratt his legs started to shake uncontrollably. I actually thought that Mr. Pratt would just fall flat on his face and faint. After about 30 seconds he regained his composure and at the end of the vigil left the area. We were scheduled to go to a restaurant in Marshall but some of his relatives asked who I was and seemed uncomfortable by my presence. They told him not to speak with me and that was the last time I had any conversation with Mr. Pratt about the Mary Lands case.
On Thursday Christopher Luke Pratt, the smug, charming, arrogant, sociopathic perpetrator, wasn’t so talkative. He became quite upset that I appeared for a visit and stated, “F--K You, you’re the reason I’m in here. He walked toward the exit door continuing to pull at it in a frenzy to get away, however the door must be released by an officer in a different area. As I proceeded to another door for my exit the officer seemed perplexed because the visit had only just started. As she released my door I could see Mr. Pratt still yelling, F--K You, F--K You. As I was leaving the officer asked what was wrong, I replied, “I guess Mr. Pratt doesn’t want to talk with me today.”
It is comforting to know that Mr. Pratt will be sentenced for his crimes and will soon a guest of the Michigan Department of Corrections. I believed in June 2007 when he was arrested that he would not ever be released again. He has been in the jail for nearly seven months and will soon be transferred to a Michigan prison after his sentencing on January 7th. The Marshall family hope that their many friends and supporters will attend the hearing at 1:30 P.M.
I believe just as firmly today that he will never ever be released from prison and we will bring Mary home and the person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder will be held accountable. Mary’s daughter, Stacy, said it well when she indicated in her interview that Chris isn’t smart enough to have pulled this off by himself. He can’t even spell. It is those others that will make a deal for themselves and confess their part in his crimes and reveal where Mary can be found. For now, one criminal is in jail, and others will soon follow.
The family will never give up nor will the dedicated members of law enforcement investigating this case. Mr. Pratt, You did all this to yourself. “Your own worst enemy has come to town”
paper today said Chris Pratt conviction was number three story in 2007.
Yeh, we'll rembmer all you Pratt's for years to come.
Jim, thanks for sharing your experience in visiting Mr Pratt December 27. Your observations of Chris Pratt show what this man is truly like. For those who want to give Chris the benefit of the doubt, come on now. Time after time, there have been accounts of sociopathic behavior by Mr Pratt. Those who want to excuse his behavior are either blind to what he does or they are just as sociopathic as he is. One day, those who have helped him in Mary's disappearance and murder will be found out and will join him in prison. We all pray for that day.
Happy New Year Jim! Thanks for the support that you give to Mary's family.
is this lindsay on the videos the daughter of Jeff Lindsey, the guy in excavator busniess?
It is like all this leads back to the same people with the drugs and criminal history? how can all these people who seem so dumb get away with this and probably murder for so long. What else have they done.
keep this stuff coming.I am talking with friends about what we know and will reach you about it all.
The New Year resoltuion for all of Michigan should be BRING HOME MARY. Mrs. Marshall...we will do it for you.
Thanks for sharing your interviews with Vanessa Lindsey, Tracy Shepherd, Kathy Shepherd and Stacy Lands on You Tube with us. They are certainly enlightening. It looks like our prayers will be answered in 2008. We continue to pray for Mary's return. Happy New Year.
Marshall, Michigan... Such a pretty little town with so much ugliness beneath the surface. What a shame!
I have been following this since Mary disappeared. What a long, painful road it has been for Mary, her family
and friends.
I will pray that 2008 will bring a resolution and answers for Mary.
I am a firm believer in "What goes around, comes around".
An enlightening aspect of Marys case is the ignorance of those involved or who they involved themselves around. Marshall is a small town with one click...the "i'm just like you click". It is amazing that the perpetrators feel safe in their living rooms at night. Life is so much more than worrying when your door will get kicked down. We know who all of you are, where you live, where you work, where you go, who you know, who they know, what they say and what you say. We have compiled hundreds upon hundreds of documents, befriended your most trusted friends, stood next to you at bars, work, even for God's sake talked directly to your face. People know what is going down and soon you will be exposed. So the next time you go to work, get the mail, go to the store and something " just doesn't feel right", take a look around because for so f!@#$%*g long it just hasn't felt right at all.
Jim, your videos on You Tube in which you interviewed people who had knowledge about the Mary Lands case were very informative. I am certainly not a naive person; however, some of the information expressed was shocking and disturbing. No one wants to believe that in a town which they call home, so much ugliness is going on. The various criminal activities appear to have been going on for a number of years and have culminated in the disappearance and death of a beloved woman. It sickened me to hear the interviews; however, I made myself listen to them. I think that for a long time now, many things have been going on in Marshall which are disturbing but no one in the community wants to acknowledge and face the truth about it. I urge others to listen to these videos and educate themselves about what's going on. Maybe, if people would start to open their eyes and ears to what's happening here in Marshall, a stop can be put to some of this. If people continue to choose to be oblivious, then things will continue to escalate and no one will feel safe here. I laugh when I hear Marshall residents talk about how bad it is in Albion and Battle Creek. After listening to these interviews, let me tell you, Marshall isn't much better.
I hope that 2008 brings answers to what happened to Mary and that those responsible will be held accountable. I continue to hold the belief that Chris Pratt had accomplices in this and they better understand that people are talking and they will be exposed.
To Mary's family, please know that a circle of light surrounds you and that there are so many of us who care about you all. Mary will be found and be brought home.
There are a few things which need to made clear now.
1) Chris Pratt did not do this on
his own. He has many friends
both in the law enforcement
and drug making world.
2) Mary died of untreated
injuries. She could have
survived if she would of been
treated for her injuries.
3) The players in this were
correctly identified by
Vanessia Lindsey; however,
her version of the story is
not totally correct. She got
her information from Jake
Lorenz and some of it is not
4) The information about a
certain cop is true; however,
he is not the only one from
law enforcement involved.
To have pulled this off, there needed to have been more than one person involved. To have covered this up for almost 4 years took a lot of COLLABORATION from several sources.
I am here to tell you that Marshall, Michigan is every bit as ugly beneath its surface as its beautiful on its outside surface. In just 5 days, Chris Pratt will be sentenced for what he did to Norrene. If those who helped Chris in Mary's murder think for one minute that you are off scot free, let me tell you something. You are being followed and they know what you did. You will go to prison for your part in this. You will find out what real hell on earth is.
Thanks to maryd, you know what happened to Mary Lands and shared her story. Thanks to Jim Carlin, you understand what a complicated case this is. I ask of you to consider this now. Mary Lands is watching all of what's going on and is waiting for the day when she will be brought home to her family. If you don't believe this, then you have no idea how GOD works.
Happy New Year and God Bless You.
Jim, there's a song recorded by Sting and "The Police" that seems appropriate now. Here's a few of the verses:
"Every Breath You Take"
Every breath you take,
every move you make,
every bond you break,
every step you take,
I'll be watching you.
Every single day,
and every word you say,
every game you play,
every night you stay,
I'll be watching you.
Keep up the good work, Jim. We're almost there.
With only three days to go before the sentencing on Mr. Pratt at 1:30P.M. on Monday, January 7, 2008 we hope that members of the community will write to the judge with their perspective of the case.
Attached is a copy of my own letter to Judge Stephen B. Miller.
December 31, 2007
The Honorable Stephen B. Miller
37th Judicial Circuit Court Judge
Calhoun County Criminal Justice Complex
161 East Michigan Avenue
Battle Creek, Michigan 49016
Re: Christopher Luke Pratt
Sentencing- January 7, 2008
Dear Judge Miller:
Earlier in the month I attended each and every every day of the trial, State of Michigan v Christopher Luke Pratt along with friends and family members of Mary Denise Lands. I am cognizant that this is a separate matter and cannot be raised in the upcoming sentence of Mr. Pratt.
I just wanted you to know however, that for over three years I have worked pro-bono on behalf of the Marshall family looking into Mr. Pratt activities. In over 8,000 hours of investigation I have learned that among other things he is a violent perpetrator of verbal, physical and sexual abuse against women in his life. I first met him in September 2004 and immediately recognized his dubious nature. He told me many lies related to my inquiry, and he is clearly a very dishonest individual. His actions demonstrate a lack of conscience, compassion or empathy.
In September 2006 I became aware that Norrene Parker was living with Mr. Pratt and I attempted to make contact with her about her potentially dangerous relationship. She failed to accept my help, however I always believed that one day she would call. On Mother’s Day 2007, Ms. Parker did not call the police for help, but she called me. I met with her and we discussed a plan to keep her safe and attempted to aid her in obtaining a Personal Protection Order (PPO) because of the deep fear she had of Mr. Pratt. I passed along my own report to the Calhoun County Prosecutor on her behalf. As many battered women do however, she returned to the residence and again was subjected to the violence of Mr. Pratt. The rest is all in the court record and a jury of six men and six women convicted him on all the criminal charges.
Your Honor, Christopher Pratt is a violent and dangerous individual who obviously has never been apprehended for his crimes against women. He shows no remorse and he blames others for his current problems. He blames Susan Harrington and he further blames Norrene Parker for the situation he is in today. He refused to accept any responsibility and should be dealt the maximum penalties under the law for his violent actions.
Two women today, their children, and their families here in Calhoun County are much safer because Mr. Pratt has been convicted and is incarcerated. It took great courage for Ms. Parker and Ms. Harrington to talk in open court about their relationships with Mr. Pratt. You were there in court and saw the anguish and emotion from these witnesses. No one should have to endure that type of humiliation.
I urge you, and I know the community would also urge you to make an example of Mr. Pratt because of the crimes for which he has been convicted. He deserves no second chance. He has had many second chances with the women in his life and those chances were squandered. He has left a wake of destruction among many families and Christopher Luke Pratt should be sentenced to the maximum.
Thank you for any consideration you may express in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
I have watched all of the video interviews and my head is still reeling from what I have heard. Good God, this is damning information. More so, it shows what kind of crap is going on right under everyone's nose in Marshall. It makes me sick inside to hear about all the drug activity in this town and the surrounding countryside. I am shook to my very core about this. How does it happen? Well, I think that I know the answer to it. Marshall is an oblivious town with no clue as to what is going on. I believe that Mary's case is much more complicated than you think.
Chris Pratt is a drug abuser and has connections with drug people. He also has friends in law enforcement. He is not smart enough or in control enough to commit the perfect crime. According to testimony, he is a loose cannon who goes off with the least provocation. So, the only way that he could have done it and get away with it is to have had help.
Now, what is really interesting is that one of the names which was brought up is currently in prison for other charges. Randy Slone. Funny how he shows up for this case. Here we have a known meth lab operator being mentioned in connection with the disappearance and death of Mary Lands.
There is something really unsettling about the other names mentioned. We have a cop currently employed by the police dept and a couple of thugs who have been involved with the judicial system. Do I have to spell it out, folks? I somehow think that the worst is yet to come. God help us all when everything comes out.
In a few days, that sociopath will be sentenced and he will have to face Mary's parents once again. He showed his true colors when Jim Carlin visited him on Dec 27. It makes me wonder what he will do or say on sentencing day. Mr Pratt, you are an evil man and I hope you enjoy your time in prison. I was going to say I hope you rot in hell but it's pretty much the same thing, isn't it?
To the citizens of Marshall,
Wake up and see what's going on in your community. Stop ignoring what is happening. Keep track of your children and who they associate with. Become active in the fight against drugs and develop a no tolerance policy. Mary Lands died at the hands of an abusive man who used and distributed drugs. The people named in the interviews have been involved in the drug world as well.
Jim....This is Theresa...If you read this before you read your email..Please check it I sent you information.....
Although I am guilty of watching the "snitching" videos on YouTube, I do have to agree with (ummm) dildo.
Obviously the people on the tapes trusted Jim with very sensitive information. I am assuming they were told that the tapes were going to be posted on YouTube??
If not, then I fear for their safety now.
Please remove the videos Jim. We don't need more bad things to come of this.
Otherwise, keep up the good work and FIND OUR MARY.
All the videos were published for about two weeks for the public to have a chance to view them. Permission was obtained by those persons for their use and all were turned over to law enforcement over one year ago. Final transcripts will be availavle next month for anone who wishes to view the 48 videos in their print format. These are not my allegations but those of the people providing the information on what they believe to be true.
It must be helping because this week another three people came forward and after Mr. Pratt goes to prison next week, I'm sure we'll hear more.
COme on people you know that Jim knows the laws and he would of never but those videos on here if he didn't have permission...I don't know why every one seems to think Jim is the bad guy....he is the only one that has been there for the Marshall family ..when they couldnt even count on the police...and If it was'nt for Jim, you would not know as much information as you do..the police certainly wouldn't of been able or willing to answer our questions ..Jim should be praised not cut down...
Although, I too, am concerned with the welfare of those interviewed, I never doubted that Jim informed these people about publishing their testimony. Also, I have no doubt that Jim followed proper procedure in the handling of this information. Too much is at stake here and no one knows it better than Jim. It is time to make this information known to the public. Thanks Jim for sharing it.
In the interviews with Ms Lindsey, she seemed to enjoy being interviewed and became more animated as the interview continued, like she was a celebrity or something. She's an adult and I am sure that she's done this before. Some people like to live on the edge and this young lady seems to be one of them.
We're getting closer to Mary... I can feel it.
Thank God for Jim & everyone who has come forward.
Let's also thank Norrene Parker and Su Harrington. If it wasn't for their testimony, Chris Pratt would be out on the streets terrorizing and abusing another woman.
Living in Marshall I know Jeff Lindsey and he could be part of all of this? His daughter talked to many people and he had no problem having her meet Carlin and saying what she did. Who knows if it is true, but Jeff partied with them all. It is well known him and wife Dela love ilegal substances as all of them. a strange bunch of family.
If this case continues the way it has gone so far, Chris will be out of prison in 56 months (or less with good time and time served) and this case will be unsolved. If it is going to be solved they need to bring in some psychic detectives and John Walsh. What has AMW said about covering this story?
So, Chris told the judge that he is innocent. What else would one expect from a sociopath? They never take responsibilty for their actions; it's always someone else's fault. Chris, hope you find your new accomodations to your liking. I only wish that you could have been put away for good! Don't think that we are done with you, either. The search for the truth and the search for Mary continues and one day, you will face trial for that.
Please, no vulgar or obscene comments should be posted regardless of your position on Mr. Pratt’s conviction. They will be deleted.
The real obscenity today however was a defense attorney with the position, “Be it not for Mary Lands this would be just another 93-day domestic violence misdemeanor.”
Today, was a great day for justice and it could not have been accomplished without the aggressiveness of law enforcement, the Calhoun County Prosecutor’s Office, and the entire criminal justice system.
Thank you to all who supported the families of both Norrene Parker and Mary Lands. Without your help we could never have come this far.
The sentencing of Mr. Pratt should serve as a deterrent against those who would physically, emotionally, and sexually abuse a domestic partner.
An evil person will be now off the streets for many years and we believe in our hearts that the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands will soon be held accountable.
We will bring Mary home.
hi this is a football player that goes to marshall. i know the family of jeff lindsey very well. jeff jr. and i used to be best friends. if there is one thing i know about that kid it is that he will not take any, smoke any, or shoot ay drugs! he barely has gone to a party. Whomever wrote that he and his family is screwed up has no clue! his dad jeff doesn't even drink but once in a great while. the only can i've ever seen in his hand is a mountain dew. this is crap. i will inform the family of this site so they can take action.
Football player- You have no idea what goes on behind closed doors in other people's homes. After the safe world of high school, you will find that most things aren't as rosy and delightful as you once thought.
That being said, perhaps Mr. Lindsey isn't involved in illegal activities. Many people who post on this board contribute to the rumor mill that runs rampant through Marshall. The only comments that are helpful are those people know to be certain. Let's turn the focus back toward Mary Lands, not contributing to the defamation of someone's character.
gets your facts in order dude. You don't have a clue on who and what is going on in historic Marshall, but it will come out.
so who in the Pratt dynsty inherit the criminal actities?? Id there going a be a turff war now of the this hillybilly magia? Maybe Chris can run it run it from Level I
I think the comment about Chris not mentioning his own kids is tacky. Those poor boys go through hell living in a small town where everyone knows their business and then that is posted on this site. This case was about Norreen, not about Chris' sons. Do they really need this thrown in their faces from you, Jim? They are young boys. Can't they get a break anywhere?
Point taken. Thank you.
It was factual but the statement will be edited.
The good news is that both boys are prospering with a loving family and their mother stated they are excelling in school and sports.
Mr. Pratt won't be around again until both are adults and in the long run that will benefit his children.
Congrats to you all getchrispratt.com..... Atleast that's what you should have named this site.
What in the heck are you guys going to have to talk about now?
I bet the headline here next week is still about Chris somehow.
Sorry Mary is gone but no one will convince me he even harmed Mary in any way. Innocent until proven guilty*****
And the fact that he got charged with it now with norreen has no bearing at all on Marys case. BECAUSE there is nothing that links him to it.
So good luck finding Mary. (You should have plenty of time to look now that Chris is locked up.)
Yea you are right...
Like I said this site might as well be called getchrispratt.com
You guys are pretty ridiculous!
And no I didn't crawl out of a hole I happen to be a law-abiding active member of the marshall community. Who has posted how I feel about this site before.
You can make fun of me all you want. I don't care so much. And who is crying? Not me. I couldnt care much less about Mary. I just feel that is is B.S. that you guys badger him like this. I stongly believe that if it had not been for all this negative publicity that you all must have pushed so hard to get for the last 4 years Chris would not be in this situation.
So again congrats he's in jail!
And good luck in your hunt for mary!
In response to the comments made by chip rattir:
I find it incredible that you seem to be ignoring the fact that Chris Pratt has a pattern of domestic violence. You seem to not find anything offensive about it. Why is that? And you don't think that he had anything to do with what happened to Mary Lands? That is even more incredible. Look, I am not sure what your relationship to this violent perpetrator is but you surely seem to be not seeing him as everyone else does. This is a man who to this day DENIES abusing women yet account after acount from women who have been his victims and their families and friends have pointed to a violent, controlling, abusive man in Chris Pratt.
As far as what we are going to talk about now, we are going to talk about Mary Lands and what Chris did to her. We will talk about the case and keep it stirred up until someone comes forward with the truth that they have been hiding. We will talk about this until the day that she is found and returned to her family. And Mary herself will ultimately have the last word.
and one can see from the previous comment that this a person who is a real law-abiding member of the community and doesn't have to brag about it like ChipRatter. Hit the road Chip and if you are so great send a few dollars to Pratt's prison account for a defense fund and candy.
God Bless people such as hmm, I wonder, and others who want justice for Mary.
I have read some really stupid comments since the blog started. I want to address chip rattir. You are a friend of Chris's who is defending Chris's violent nature. You don't think that he has done anything wrong because you are just like him. My advice to you is stop saying a bunch of crap that Chris is innocent. No one believes it and no one believes you. I am disgusted by your remarks and your ignorance of who Chris truly is.
Ok I am sorry!
In Chris's past he didnt have the best relationships but you guys never think about how he was abused as well...
I don't mean the hurtful things but I do think that:
1. Chris had nothing to do with Marys dissapearance.
2. Because of all the negative publicity he probably went psycho.
3. If not for certain people trying to make chris's life hell for the last 4 years none of this would have ever happened.
4. As for Chris's background of domestic abuse or whatever he could have accused his wife of the same. Some relationships have fights. Some people get over it, and some make it there job to make certain peoples lives hell.
But I don't expect anyone to agree with me. I am just stating things from my point of view. I'm really not trying to hurt anyones feelings, I just feel that none of this would have happened had this site and this whole investigation be centered around Chris Pratt.
This thought has never crossed most of your minds. But "What if he didn't do it?" And as for the oppisite to me, "What if he did do it?" Well then I say let him rot. Until then I see him as 100% innocent.
I suppose no one will feel the same as I do about all this. But I still see him as innocent.
to Chip Rittir, and others.
Thank you for the comments. People see things in different perspectives and we can disagree.
The bottom line is that the police know much more that is not being published. I also know much more that has not been put out there.
I guess we will all have to wait, and time will tell if and when the person/s responsible for Mary's disappearance will be charged.
Thanks for keeping an open mind. We will too.
Chip Rattir, word has been over the past several years that Chris himself was telling others that he did it; that he killed Mary. I don't know if you listened to Carlin's interviews on You Tube with several people or not, but what was said is pretty incriminating.
Regarding your comment that "some relationships have fights", many have arguments that don't result in physical violence. Also, one can be physically violent to someone else without having an argument. Many times, people who witness physical or verbal abuse turn their head the other way because it's too ugly of a thing to see and they are afraid to do something about it, so they keep silent. Or they find themselves making excuses for why the perpetrator did it; minimalizing the event. There have been too many people who have witnessed Chris Pratt's violence towards women over the years. Their stories are consistent and point towards a man who not only lost control and physically attacked his women but to someone who enjoyed tormenting them with inuendos of what he could do to them.
I have worked with many abuse victims over the years and have heard some pretty horrifying accounts of abuse. What was revealed by Norrene Parker and Su Harrington during Chris's trial was every bit, if not more horrifying.
One thing that is bothersome about Chris Pratt is his inability to be accountable for what he has done to others. It is always someone else's fault. In fact, during his sentencing, it was reported that he turned towards Mary's family and said "you're why I am here." He did the same thing to Jim Carlin when Jim visited him in jail on Dec 27.
Over the years, Chris's family and friends have repeatedly made excuses for him like "Chris would never have done it." By doing that, he was never told that what he did was wrong and unacceptable. So, he grew up not knowing right from wrong and not knowing that there are consequences for one's actions. Does this excuse what he did to all of these women? Certainly not!
Justice was served in this case of domestic violence against Norrene Parker. I would have to believe that, indirectly, justice was served for his violence against Su Harrington. And one day, justice will be served in the disappearance and death of Mary Lands.
30 days at reception in Jackson and then off to a prison of MDOC choice.
It proves you can't beat on women. Now lets finish work and bring Mary home.
The Georgia hiker murderer on TV is what Pratt is going to look like in 20 years. birds of a feather in prison together!!!
If you scroll up through the comments, a juror on this trial left a very enlightening comment. Perhaps you should read it before you off your comments.
Billdo the human dildo....
I'm surprised Carlin didn't delete your comment because of the name you spout? Are we supposed to be impressed with your massive sexual prowess because of this moniker? You probably take it with a dildo in places other than the norm.
Give it a break a-hole. Many are willing to keep an open mind. Look at Chip Ritter and the others who have doubts? Others are willing to wait and see and you need to do so too.
Pratt in the slammer for what he did to his significant other. That jury was probably one of the most dedicated and sincere of juries I have ever heard about. They gave a fair and honest decision based on the facts of June 24th and what occurred to Norrene Parker.
There is no doubt; you’re the real dildo.
I am wanting to explain something to those who think that Chris Pratt is innocent in Mary's disappearance and death. ARE YOU FORGETTING THAT CHRIS TOLD PEOPLE THAT HE DID IT? Yes, he told friends and coworkers that he did it but would not be charged for it. Do not waste your time defending him. Let's just say that I know without any doubt that Chris killed Mary and his buddies helped him get rid of her. He is a liar and a vicious man who thinks he owns his women.
Billdo, you have no idea what he has put Su, Norrene and Mary through. Please stop defending a monster of a man. Chris Pratt is a horrible human being and he will pay dearly for what he did. I suggest you read what was said in some of the earlier blogs from 2004-5. Did you know, Billdo, when Mary came up missing, her family and friends knew without a doubt that Chris was responsible. They saw what he did to Mary and how he kept her from her family and friends. Unless you knew Mary and Chris, you would have no idea of the real truth.
If anyone else has any doubts of Chris Pratt's part in Mary's disappearance and death, let me just say this. One day soon, the truth will come out about Chris Pratt and the other things connected with this case. I suggest you sit back and really open your eyes and ears to what will be coming out. I guarantee that you will be shook to your very core.
Webster's New World Dictionary defines "Dildo" as a device of rubber, etc., shaped ike an eract penis and used as a sexual stimulator. Also spelled dildoe.
It is not an appropriate user name on a site of a missing woman. It should be removed. If the person wishes to make a comment use an appropriate username
Norrene Parker wished to publish the letter she sent to Judge Miller concerning Mr. Pratt's sentence. If anyone is in a domestic violence situation it will not get better. You need to remove yourself from that environment and keep yourself and family safe. Her remarks are quite poignant.
January 1, 2008
Re: Sentencing of Christopher Luke Pratt
Dear Honorable Judge Miller:
We see it every day on the news, "women battered, women killed, and women missing"….Looking back on June 24th, 2007 I realize I was one of the few women that walked away from the enraged hands of a controlling individual, such as Christopher Pratt. It’s true, loving Christopher Pratt does hurt; it hurts a lot and it is a hurt that does not go away once the relationship is through. People tell me how lucky I was to get away and how proud they are of me standing up and facing him. Although I did walk away physically that day I do not know if I will ever escape him mentally; myself and my children included. The humiliation of what I have gone through during this trial has been an embarrassment I will never forget, nor will my friends, family and co-workers.
Christopher’s doing caused me to move out of the home we shared, moving myself and my children three times in six months before we finally settled. I have incurred medical bills, as well as counseling costs as well. In addition my employer hired extra guards to make sure I came and went from their facility in a safe manner while his bond was active.
He has destroyed my trust, my solitude of feeling "safe" as well as my children’s sense of safety. "If he comes home will he find us?" is a common question from the mouth of my nine year-old son. My nightmares of Christopher and that day wake me in the night, as does the little one standing beside my bed. "Can I sleep with you…are you sure Chris is still in jail?" His shadow will forever lurk in our minds.
Christopher recently made a comment from his jail cell, which entailed, "Make sure she doesn’t make it to the witness stand or I am fucked". What exactly was his evil intent behind this? Although he is locked up now, I am constantly looking over my shoulder and seldom go out at night, especially if no one is with me. I am fearful of anyone I don’t know that approaches me..fearful it’s someone that is doing Chris’ dirty work for him. Christopher is a man of trophies, of possessions, and I, in his eyes, am his forever. He has made the comment, "If I can’t have you, No one will"….and to my father, "If your daughter leaves me I will hunt her down and get her back". This behavior is not normal and for the most part, unsettling. His intents and his so-called empty threats…are too real for me..real because I know he is fully capable of fulfilling each and every threat he made to me…capable because he is one that cares not what he does, but that in his eyes, he wins at doing it.
Christopher is, in my opinion, a narcissistic evil and one of the world’s best liars. But the problem for him and a blessing for us is, he forgets what he has lied about and walks into his own net eventually. Although Christopher will tell you he is never wrong, all his problems are caused by other individuals. Christopher is fully aware of his own evil. He has told me in a fit of tears on more than one occasion that he has done things to make himself sick, that I should not be with him, however he added, "I am too selfish to let you go". Christopher also noted to a letter to his son,…"It’s because of Norrene I am here, if she hadn’t provoked me I wouldn’t have lost my temper, however Son, the good thing is that God has a place for men like me and its called prison." He knows he is a danger to me.
Christopher promised me a long and happy life with him, stating we will be sitting in our rocking chairs side by side one day…if that was the case, why was he throwing chairs at me? Simple in my mind today, he was trying to make sure I never left him…even if he had to attempt to break my ankles doing so, he would never allow me to leave him.
Your Honor, I am asking you to consider maximum sentencing possible. Letting him go on anything less, will most certainly bring dread to my family and our community. Even if he is let out with a "no contact condition", I can guarantee within an hour of his release, he will be at my doorstep. He has no authority for the guidelines for which you set, as he proved by attempting to contact me within minutes of being released from your courtroom the same day you issued a "no contact" guideline between him and me. Christopher taunts authority and does not like to be told what to do, more so, he resents the word "No".
Christopher harms children, women and animals without considering the repercussions of his actions. Do you think they forget as easily as you do? Well, they don’t. Christopher I never will and I know my children will not forget the wake you have left behind in our lives. Christopher is a man that will not learn his lesson with a slap on the hands, he is someone who has the potential to harm others for the sake of his own well-being. He is habitual. I honestly believe Christopher is lacking a human conscience, and because of this I pray for him. I pray that he finds it in himself to consider every evil thing he has done and come clean with it. Christopher can’t take back the tears he placed in my sons eyes the day he put us through this, nor can he take away the emptiness he placed in their hearts with the betrayal he brought out after promising to be so good to them and to their Mom. In my eyes, no sentencing handed to him is justifiable enough, but I know God will sentence him one day and when that day comes…God have mercy on your soul Christopher Pratt.
Again, Your Honor, please consider the maximum sentencing that is reasonable and prudent to this manner, and do so with the thought of myself and children in mind, of every soul he has waltzed upon without hesitation to their lives, their feelings, their well being. Anything less will result in a profound nightmare.
Norrene Parker
Tears filled my eyes as I just read the letter that Norrene Parker sent to Judge Miller. It was so eloquent and poignant at the same time. God Bless You and your sons, Norrene Parker. I truly admire your bravery. Unless one was in your shoes, no one can truly understand the hell that you and your sons have been through. Through your words; however, we have been given a glimpse of what he did to you and it is so utterly horrible. Indirectly, one realizes that Su and Mary went through much of the same.
Norrene, I truly believe that your pressing charges against Chris Pratt was the turning point in trying to solve the Mary Lands case. This trial showed a side of Chris Pratt that reinforced many people's belief that he was capable of murdering Mary. It has also opened the door to people coming forward to provide information that previously, they were afraid to divulge. Norrene Parker, you are a Godsend and your courage will never be forgotten. May you find peace in your life. Thank you for what you did.
I don't personally care about your comments. Find a less offenive username and you may repost your position. The dildo name is out! If you don't like it find another site.
Dildo needs to learn how to post comments. Perhaps if dildo wasn't stuck up his rear he would have a better understanding.
good idea
Has Pratt mother gave back Mary's cape yet?
I need to learn how to post comments? This isn't my first rodeo! I designed and run a real website. I've been on the internet since it started and I make my living from the internet. There was nothing wrong with my comments, other than the fact that my opinion differs from yours. The Nazi's started with censorship too. Censoring a username? Give me a break! You can keep deleting my comments but I have been taking screenshots of everything. There's also the cache that Google makes of everything ever posted to this site. I also downloaded the YouTube Videos (yes, you can download them with software). If you don't allow me to express my point of view here, I will build a website where I can and every last one of you will come just to see what I say and to watch videos of Jim!
Thanks Bill. If you could use that name or another would be fine. The other one is just too offensive to some.
Thank you Jim.
Mr. Carlin, my husband's sister went to school with a man using the name that some people found to be objectionable on this blogg.
BTHD is a sex offender from Marshall who was in prison for a number of years. His name is WFTB, and known to police. He is on the same site with Chris Pratt.
I am sure you could figure this out if you have interest??
It evidently is a small world in SW Michigan. A couple of people mentioned the name.
Regardless, if it is the same person he is entitled to his opinions and has paid his debt to society.
Anyone can make a mistake. It is what you do today that makes a difference.
yes it is a small world with some very bad people that live in it.im wondering if bill with his web sites has tryed to make a difference with what he has done in his life?i dont think he should post on here.its just my oppinion but this is a site to find mary.jim even tho some people has paid ther debt to society
does not make them good for society.if he had some info im willing to listin.i believe chris will have a tuff time in prison because everyone knows of this case and they will take care of business,they tend not to like people like him.i think in prison with being so closed in he will go insane and talk to someone,hes in a whole new world now and its not his world, not the chris pratt world of domenence and deciet...his days are numbered and i am counting.this goes out to norrie you are a tropper girly and you did what nobody else could do and i commend you for this...hugs to you and i have your back.im on the case now and im his worst enemy
i just came to town..be worried very worried!!!!!
At least for now he is in jail and women are safe. There is no doubt that there is much police activity and it is genuine.
It could be that someone who has done wrong will turn and provide the crucial piece of information in order to help themselves.
The Marshall family and all of us are optimistic that the case will be closed and we will bring Mary home.
It couldn't be done without everyone doing their part.
hay to bill does ur po no u have a computer?i dont think u r to be on or own a computer with ur little boy past.no wounder u like cp u r almost just like him.
im the new billy jack..i have come to town..watch out for me im watching jeff and im gunna take my right foot to the left side of your face and theres not a damn thing you can do about it..im new in town and im watching you...billy jack...
Hey everyone,
Lets get away from personal attacks on anyone. Just because a person may have been found guilty of a crime it doesn't mean they are still on parole or probation, are or are not on a sexual offender list, allowed to own a computer or anything else.
The focus is Mary.
Chris Pratt has gone to prison and we now need to direct all our efforts on bringing Mary home and having the person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder held accountable in a court of law.
By continuing to talk about the case and Mary's disappearance that will get us the answers we are seeking.
We need everyone to help and pass along that piece of information to us and the police no matter how trivial you make think it might be?
On March 12, 2008 Mary Denise Lands will have been missing for 4 years. Maybe by March we will have learned new things and provided more comfort for the Marshall family in their tragedy.
ok was it my right foot>?you must be jeff?i think i struck a nerve.talk to me little man..
im sorry that chris did that to you to jeff..he burnt you.you should talk..billy jack sais so..
im not suger coating any thing and i say jeff you know what he did and im holding this on your shoulders bro..you dont sleep well i bet?AND YOUR BROTHER HAS NIGHT MARES...give it up its all over.billy jack....is in town...
its so funny...now the rabbit has the gun..oppps im watching you..billy jack.
well i don't know who billy jack is but i like them already ....
well they call me billy jack.im new in town.i want to send a shout out to jeff believe me my friend the story will come out and you will see that your bro is the one that hurt you years ago..i am billy jack......i know the shit...in truth be told in days of old..jeff tis time my friend.billy jack is on the case..
Again, please. I don't need to keep saying this over and over. You can express any point you wish but we cannot have curse words on Mary's blog. People use them periodically to make a point but it really serves no purpose.
If one person was willing to modify his username because of it being considered innapproriate, others should use proper wording too. This is not said to censor, it is said for courtesy and good taste.
Think about what you write. Mary's family reads all these comments.
All you Pratts are in denial. Jordan, Alex, Jeff, Irv, Clyde and the rest. Sam the dead one is why that side of our family is so crazy.
the sociopath gene must be in all of you. you can support a family member but christ, he did it. You watch he'll probably confess to mary lands just to get a better deal for his life. Will you then say it still is a hoax????Get real and get a life. he's going down for murder cause he is a gd murdererrrr and a wifebeater.
It is a very hard decision for anyone to turn in a family member In any case, I know I've been there ..It doesn't matter what they did ...You can be the hero but blood is always thicker than water...It would be like turning your back on your entire family..I know the Pratt family knows the truth, but it's never easy to believe your own child could be so cold, I wouldn't want to admit it if my child was..no one actually knows how the Pratts are feeling and I'm not sticking up for them..I know Chris is guilty without a doubt..But take 5 mins to think about if you were the one that would have to turn your family in for murder...Not only has Chris done the crime but his innocent family members are being hounded and their lives disrupted all because Chris thinks he's GOD and can't be touched .... I'm sure they all know the truth in their hearts I would totally feel like it was my own fault if my children turned out like that..the problem is does anyone really know what they all went through growing up??? I was beat for 7 yrs and 8 yrs of mental abuse finally I got away and started over but now that i have more time to spend with my kids instead of being scared and depressed all the time now i listen to what their saying and it really breaks my heart because they say things to me that my husband used to say to me and they fight with each other and it floods back all the memories but what im trying to say is how we are brought up usually has an effect on how we react... My heart and prayers go out to Mary and her family ...I read these blogs every day and I can't believe how everyone has lost tract of who we are really here for, Mary.. all I read anymore is about Chris and his family and how people are watching people ...Stop and think why we are here..no matter how much you threaten Chris's family they wont talk..admitting Chris killed Mary would be like admitting they failed as a family and a parent... and arguing and threatening is not getting Mary home any faster ..we need to turn our energy back to Mary and her family and stay strong for them.... Jim you are doing an outstanding job keeping everyone updated on new development as you can...there is no one else out there who is taking the time to keep the community updated and all concerned citizens..we all need to thank Jim for giving us all the information he has to date...Now lets get back to the real focus here and thats MARY...She is missed and loved and we want nothing more than to find peace for Mary and her family..we are here to support Mary and her Family not adding more stress..I know at this point everyone is frustrated but we need to keep focused....
I've politely asked both sides to tone down the rhetoric. It doesn't seem to work so we'll go back to moderating again.
As one person put it quite clearly. The focus is to bring home Mary and we will do so.
I hope that all the families stay strong but the truth will soon be revealed.
to let people know, I had some information on Mary Lands case. Police contacted me immediately and we have the impression they want to solve the case. With Chris Pratt in jail they don't have to work hard but I saw their efforts. I feel the case will be solved and the family will soon be able to put her at peace.
Many of times i've logged on this site. Nothing in my life makes me more upset and sick!But I got to hand it to
norene parker and sue harrington what great actresses they make!they got this whole act going. it great! I have ever seen so many people believe liers in all of my life. you think people would have common sense but not this town. well do you feel better blaming it on someone else. I hope god forgive you for you sins.
P.S. I'm a relative of lousie and jeff. if you didnt get it.
Nice use of the English language, your grammer and spelling are what, that of a 3rd grader?
I don't understand the person remarks. Sue Harrington and Norene Parker gave testimony. Jury determined was and was not true. It is hard enough to bring charges against people for any crime. What would be gained by lies about Chris? If it were true that would mean the police and courts all conspired with other people to bring false charges on Chris and then have the jury convict him? I highly doubt that would have ever occurred or could happen?
The man was guilty. He probably to is involved in Mary's disappearance and that is yet to be proven. If a jury convicts Chris Pratt on that will it again be another conspiracy of liers?
I doubt that too.
You can standby a family member but you can't say everyone else is the liers.
isn't it ironic that Mary disappears at age 39 and Chris Pratt is in prison at the same age.
January 31, 2008 marks his 40th birthday. Maybe as a present the Corrections people will have him off to his final destination. He has been at Charles Egeler Reception at Jackson since 10th. All the inmates go there first.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTOPHER, you will have many more, Mary won't!!
This is to all the people who think Chris is innocent of the crimes against Norrene and Su:
Chris is not that important of a person that the entire town of Marshall would develop a conspiracy against him. No one cared who he was or what he did until he started harming innocent women. He beat them MULTIPLE TIMES and they each have the medical reports and stories to back it up. THAT is how Chris got his reputation. He was a nobody until he got the negative attention for being an abuser.
and he will be a "nobody" in prison where he belongs for what was proved. It must be a nightmare even for a sociopath wondering when the cops will show up with new warrants for his other crimes.
Pleasant Dreams and Happy Birthday
Anonymous said...
"Nice use of the English language, your grammer and spelling are what, that of a 3rd grader?"
My thoughts exactly! They didn't need to mention they were related to Louise and Jeff. Their education level indicated that truth.
BTW - If you're going to site a persons "use of the English language" make sure you spell check yourself. It's grammar, not grammer.
Keep cutting are family down its making us stronger..and by the way we still love Chris,looks like to me hes got some issues of his own to take care of and looks like hes got some time to think about it!
Jim,heres some advice for you..get a new website because this is not for Mary anymore this is a website to threaten and cut down Chris and his family!!!!!!!ps there was nothing wrong with that last comment, thanks for deleting it!
This site is getting a little bit to carried away with everyone's interest in Chris Pratt. All i can say is what i know of him he was a very sweet person a carring person someone that would help you if needed, and he was there at all his kids events. You think you really know someone! well his personality was well if i say something really nice about him there will be that someone out there with a different say of Chris. So i just want to say i hope he gets help in prison because when he gets out what has prison taught him. We need to help people like all Chris Pratts.Even though they are criminals behind bars they are human beings too. we all need to stop all the hate on all the pratts and the Matrshall's, and there are names being used on this site of other Pratt family members that should not even be put on here i know alot of the pratt family and the names you have on here are very respectfull people so lets all just get a life and yes lets get back to this site of Mary.So love, piece, and God bless the Marshall's and the Pratt's.Hopefully they both will find out the real truth about everything.
Remember we are to help each other not hate each other. lets not forget that.
ok pratt family. i do have compassion with you,but can you also have compassion with the marshalls?they have lost a daughter and a mother and many a friend,i know in your heart you believe that he (chris pratt}is innocent thats ok because he is family and i get it.but if that same thing happined to you wouldnt you want to know?this is billy jack and im not going to talk bad about the pratt family but..if you really know as i think jeff knows and so does his family,i dont think i could turn my head away from the truth.come on please lets do the right thing.i know he is also a brother and friend to you.i think its time we do the right thing?if chris is inocent y didnt he look for her more?i know if it was my girl i would still be looking and i wouldnt have said..(she was)i would say she is still missing and i cant go on seems like he went on pretty fast.if my girl went missing i would not give up and seems like he gave up on her and talked in past tence..she was a great girl..not she is a great girl.ok i have said my peace ...billy jack...
First, let's be clear on several things.
1) Chris Pratt was convicted of domestic violence towards Norrene Parker.
2) Chris Pratt abused his ex-wife, Su Harrington, during their marriage.
3) Chris Pratt abused Mary Lands during their relationship.
4) Mary Lands disappeared without a trace almost 4 years ago.
5) Chris Pratt is a person of interest in Mary's disappearance.
Now, to talk about Mary Land's disappearance, we must talk about Mr Pratt. Since the day Mary came up missing, has anyone seen one tiny bit of sadness or grief from Mr Pratt? NO. Has anyone seen one bit of caring about what happened to Mary from him? NO. Has anyone seen any effort from the Pratt family in helping to find Mary? NO. Has anyone heard from Jeff or Louise Pratt one bit of sorrow about what happened to Mary? NO.
What we have seen is plain INDIFFERENCE! What we have heard are comments like "Chris didn't do it," or "he has issues." HE HAS ISSUES??? For God's sake, Pratt family, Chris has more than issues. He has a violent and sociopathic personality. He has no conscience nor does he feel remorse. He has a family which has created this MONSTER of a human being.
So, now, let's talk about Mary Lands. Mary Lands was abused by Chris Pratt for a few years. Numerous family and friends reported injuries that she sustained from him. He sold some of her belongings at a flea market after she disappeared. He hid some of her jewelry and personal belongings so her family couldn't have them. He did not report her missing to her family for 48 hours. Her family notified police, not him.
Tell me, Pratt family, how is it that you don't see the big picture? Tell everyone why you believe that Mary just disappeared into thin air and Chris has nothing to do with it. Finally, how is it that you think that Chris is innocent when he flat out told a number of people that he did it?
Mary Lands has been gone now for 46months. Her family has lost a daughter, mother and sister. How dare you take on the victim role here! One day, you will face the awful truth about Chris Pratt and God help you all.
Well, Well, Well, seems as though there are a great deal of emotions rolling around.
I cannot believe that anyone can know how Mary's family has felt and continues to feel. This is not revenge it is the beginning of new hope to have closure to a VERY LONG road of grief. Not everyone is perfect in the Marshall family I am quite sure. But they do love their daughter and have been steadfast in that love doing whatever they can to bring her home. They HAVE supported Noreen. They have HAD support from Jim Carlin, Family, Friends and State Law Enforcement & MYF. That continues and we are very much in the continued search. Our love and support to all of you.
Noreen, you have done a very commendable thing, knowing that there would be some things that would be debated or challenged throughout this trial concerning some of your life choices. God Bless You. Through your efforts you have no doubt regained much of your self worth you are so worthy of. Thru your commitment to stop this abusive behavior you have helped Sue H. who was unable to get the help needed when going thru her life with Chris. (she also was able to help you). All of this sending a message to all of the children who have witnessed this inappropriate behavior that there are consequences to pay for abuse. Another important part, is to trust law enforcement to do their job and that in most cases, with all the information, the justice system still works. You have encouraged many people who have information to come forward now to make known the rest of the secrets this man has held them to. Secrets are what makes infection of this type fester and grow. Remember - the truth will set one free. Please get any information to State Police Det. Scott or to Jim Carlin, no matter how small you think it is. It may just be the final piece of this horrible puzzle.
To the Pratt family. Yes, there must be many of you that are good people and not involved. I have a large family and am sure that many decision have been made that I would not appreciate in mine. I will love them no matter what. However, there is a huge difference between loving and being in denial. You must support him in getting treatment for his compulsive behavior which shows through his past actions. EVERYONE cannot be wrong and just out to hang Chris. The way the Pratt family is guilty, is by being in denial of the actions this man who has been found guilty of. You need to have compassion for these families and children. How can you stand by him and think you can help him unless you acknowledge his history - even with his brother, obviously this has been a problem for many years. Was there any effort to make him accountable for his actions when he was young enough to help him? When did anyone ever say no to this individual. It is also apparent that excuses have been made for him all of his life. It is a shame that no one supported Sue H. and protect her and their children - not until there was PATTERN established. Shame on you. Well, now that pattern has been established. Now, the only 3 years without this abuse being proven, yet, is the years he was with Mary. Don't you really think it makes just a little bit of sense to realize that this has been an on going problem or sickness for Chris for many years. Abuse does not just stop and start at will, when a person has an illness. I'm sure he knows right from wrong. There are NO excuses for such behavior. He has just been a Bully, Wrong, Mean, and out of control. He needs to be where he is beause of his inability to control his anger and actions. Hopefully, he will learn that. Learn what has been missing in his life. Dicipline, Structure, Respect, and Feelings for others. Hopefully you will all come out of denial and support him with the help he needs when ALL truths come out. If this information is known to the public - rest assured there is much that is not publically known. It is a weak and insecure individual who must show their authority thru abuse, especially in front of children. All of these children he has abused directly or indirectly as well, yet, he was not sentenced for that, was he. What else is there that he has gotten away with???
God does bless everyone. I pray God will give anyone with knowledge the strength to speak up and clear all the wrong doings that have been created. Please, let's get this site back to being about Mary. It is her website. We continue to pray for closure for this much deserving family and friends. The truth is closing in.
If you are just trying to justify CP why don't you get your own web site and let this one honor Mary?
Billy Jack - I'm glad you are back. Am still waiting for you call when you can fit it in.
I am sooooo happy for this much needed trial and outcome.
Continuing to pray for all involved. We will never give up Mary.
I thought this might be a good time to announce it. I was going to wait another week, but it fits in well with all our focus on Mary.
The public has heard from Cliff Marshall about his daughter’s disappearance and the feelings of the family. Not much has been heard from Anita Marshall. She did one long interview last year but most of it did not reach the public.
WOOD-TV8 has announced that they will be doing a special morning feature on the Mary Denise Lands case, which will air during the first week in February. It will be live from their studios and people will be able to hear from Mary’s Mom, and see how this tragedy has affected their entire family and so many people throughout the community and across America. On March 12, 2008 Mary will have been missing for 4 years. We hope that the WOOD-TV8 story and the 4th anniversary date will propel closure to this case.
Because of the recent conviction of Mary’s former boy-friend this was the first holiday season in the last four years that brought hope and optimism to the Marshall family.
We continue to have hope in law enforcement and the criminal justice system and we know that soon we will bring Mary home.
Let’s maintain the focus on Mary and how to achieve those objectives. Urge anyone who might have information to contact the proper authority.
Again, last week the law enforcement team spent hours in investigative interviews. They are just as vehement as we are in solving the case and getting the job done.
As soon as I know the exact date and time for Anita’s appearance on WOODTV8 it will be published.
Thank you again,
Jim Carlin
I think we are all adult enough that future comments do not need to be moderated.
All of us can make comments but lets refrain from personal attacks.
It could be that the right tip might come in from anyone in any family and we need the help of the entire community.
First I'd like to say you're a good man for everything you've done for the Marshall family.
Question: During the search (or searches) of Chris' home was there a computer in the home? If so, did a computer forensics professional evaluate its contents?
I think there are certain questions that can't be answered here, however the police are working very hard to close the case.
If anyone wishes to contact me with a question or information, please feel free to call or send an email. You all know my address and telephone.
Thanks again for the continued support of the family. Anita is looking forward to February 5th and her morning news feature about Mary's case on WOOD-TV8.
hey maybe with Chris Pratt 40th birthday on January 30....cops will give him birthday gift warrant for Mary case.
hay ther to billy jack,looks like u have made a lot of new friends and jeffs not liking it.i went to school with jeff and let me tell u he is not nice and his family isnt either u would think with his mom being a teacher she would have been able to teach them a****** something but i guss she didnt teach the impared maybe thats where she went wrong.well u have a good night if u think about who this is dont think to hard u no me very well.love ya.
if you post to billy please have something good to tell me. im working hard on this case. like i said im back and i need good insight from the people that really care and if you are not afraid any more of people involved,just give billy jack a call it will not go to mpd..rest assured..tis me billy jack..
The focus of this blog should be Mary Lands. Not Chris Pratt, Jim, Jeff or Billdo. The comments are out of control in here.
Chris Pratt is currently serving time for what he has done. It does no good to keep badmouthing him and his family. If he is guilty, it will all come out in the wash. Jim, the MPD and the MSP have worked hard and IF he did it, he will be held accountable for his actions. Let's try to keep the focus on finding and/or recovering mary. The Marshalls deserve closure.
Thanks Dave C,
That is what we all are trying to do.
Some have the right to do and say what they have been stating but our focus is Mary.
I hope you might make it for the event on the 12th.
We do believe that law enforcement is doing the job and we will bring Mary home.
I just recieved an e-mail from my best friend, Dave saying that people are spouting off untrue statements about me in here.
I am not and have never been on the sex offender registry. I have never even been charged with or questioned about any sex crime. I have NEVER been in prison. I am a tax paying, law abiding citizen of the Marshall area. At least I'm not using the name "anonymous".
"My husband's sister went to school with...." Blah, blah, blah. Keep talking about things you know nothing about. It makes you appear so intelligent.
My concerns were legitimate and I apologize if the username I used offended anyone. All I wanted was to say that I thought the YouTube videos endangered informants and that people are innocent until proven guilty. I want to see justice for Mary just like everyone else.
Who cares who the heck i am, anyhow? If I had anything to do with any of the losers involved with this case, Jim would have talked to me.
By the way, whoever billy jack is, you're the one with useless comments :)
Hey Bill,good to hear from you again. Yes, I remember your remarks but you apologized and I think you bring more to blog than some others.
It might be people like yourself in the community who hear things and could pass it along. If you ever want to grab a coffee one day we could share some information.
Could be a Dave C and Bill one day might hear that one piece of the puzzle to bring Mary home.
If you can, please join us for Mary's event on the 12th at the Circle, and say hello.
Take care.
My best,
Almighty God knows what happened to Mary, who did this to Mary and where she lies...For nothing in all creation is hidden from His sight and He even knows when the sparrow falls. The person or persons responsible for Mary's disappearance will stand before the Lord on their day of judgement...For it is destined for man to die once...then the judgement!!! The Bible says that God holds our breath in the palm of His hand...You could face judgement before you finish reading this blog...And it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God if you are not right with Him...If you don't believe in God...the Bible says that creation is His witness and you are without an excuse...The Bible also says...even the demons believe in God...and they TREMBLE...I would not want my worst enemy to spend five minutes in hell much less all of eternity...I'd plead with them just as I'm pleading with whoever knows something about where Mary is at...to at the very least please call or tell someone anonymously and let them know where Mary is at...Would you not want the same for your own loved ones??? It is time for you to do what's right in God's sight...
Before JESUS was condemned to death...He said that the people who turned Him over to be crucified were guilty of the greater sin...The people who know something about where Mary is at and don't say anything will be guilty of the greater sin!!! I plead with whoever knows something to please call anonymously and let them know where Mary is at...God is waiting for you to do what is right in His sight...Please do it today...make that call...
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