Mary Lands & Family Video- 1999
Battle Creek Enquirer News 12/07/2007
Battle Creek Enquirer News 12/06/2007
Battle Creek Enquirer News 12/05/2007
WOODTV8 News 12/05/2007
Battle Creek Enquirer News 12/04/2007
Battle Creek Enquirer News 11/30/2007
Battle Creek Enquirer News 11/29/2007

December 6, 2007-

At 10:15 A.M. Mr. Pratt was brought into court and the jury foreman read guilty to each of the four charges. They were then dismissed from the court with thanks of the judge. Judge Stephen B. Miller then revoked Mr. Pratt’s bond and set January 7, 2008 for sentencing. He has been held in the Calhoun County Correctional Facility since the date of the incident on June 24, 2007.

December 4, 2007- 2 witnesses testified yesterday while most of day consisted of legal arguments away from the jury. Christopher Pratt is expected to take the witness stand today in the domestic violence case against him. Judge Miller also limited the number of phone calls made by Pratt from his jail cell to family members that could be used by the prosecutor. Mr. Buscher said investigators last week located recordings of nearly 23 hours of calls Mr. Pratt made since he was arrested on June 24, 2007, and it is expected they would find several more to other people. Mr. Buscher told the judge Chris Pratt made incriminating statements in many of the recorded calls.
November 30, 2007- 12 witnesses testified on Thursday including Mr. Pratt’s former wife. She related numerous instances of verbal and physical abuse until their divorce. Clifford & Anita

The Marshall family never knew until a year later after Mary’s disappearance that their own beautiful daughter was a victim of severe physical and mental abuse and domestic violence. She was another victim who attempted to hide the violence in her life at the hands of Chris Pratt. Because of scheduling court conflicts there will be no testimony today and the jury was instructed to return at 9:00 A.M on Monday, December 3, 2007. At that time the trial will resume. An individual in the area of domestic violence with expertise on the victims and their perpetrators is expected to testify next week.
Bruce Springsteen has a new song that is analogous to Chris Pratt and his lifelong self-destructive behavior of domestic violence. It is named “Your Own Worst Enemy, has come to town”. It has, and we’ll soon know the results? If society is successful, Mr. Pratt will never injure another woman for the rest of his life. (Chris Pratt, Court Photo, Shelly Sulser, Marshall Chronicle)

(Chris Pratt Photo, Trace Christenson, Battle Creek Enquirer)

at about 11:00 A.M. and after lunch it was resumed. A jury panel with 2 alternates finally was seated at about 4:15 P.M. and opening arguments are scheduled for today at 8:30 A.M.
Present in court in support of the victim were Cliff & Anita Marshall and some friends. In the morning session, Louise Pratt was present along with an elderly neighbor. Later in the afternoon, Jeff Pratt, Chris' brother arrived with his girl friend. Also present from Albion was a mutual friend of the Pratt’s known as Mr. T. & T Money. During a break I asked Mrs. Pratt if there was any chance that Mary’s cape might be able to be returned to the family? She and her friend remarked they don’t know anything about any cape or cloak and walked away. The trial is taking place in Judge Miller Court Room, 467, at the Criminal Justice Center. (Court Photo, Shelly Sulser, Marshall Chronicle)
November 27, 2007- Five months after the June 24, 2007 incident jury selection is expected to commence today in a Calhoun County Circuit Court Room in the trial of Christopher Luke Pratt. He is charged with four domestic violence related crimes after being bound over during preliminary examinations in July and August. Mr. Pratt has been held in the Calhoun County Correctional Facility in Battle Creek on $75,000.00 bond on criminal charges filed by his former girl-friend. The crimes allegedly occurred at a home they shared together on 15 1/2 Mile Road in Marshall, Michigan. Judge Stephen B. Miller is presiding at the trial and Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Dan Buscher represents the State of Michigan. Defense Attorney J.Thomas Schaeffer of Marshall is representing Mr. Pratt. The three felony charges include False Imprisonment, Felonious Assault, and Interfering with Electronic Communications Device (Telephone). There is one misdemeanor count of Domestic Violence. Another felony charge of Criminal Sexual Conduct is pending and that trial is now scheduled for December 4th. Clifford & Anita Marshall, the parent's of Mary Denise Lands will be present in court with other friends in support of the victim. Friends and members of the family have attended all court hearings to date and plan to be present for the entire trial.
This particular incident obviously has no direct connection to their daughter's investigation although we have documented that Mary Lands was also a victim of severe physical and emotional domestic violence. Again we reiterate, if anyone has information on the where Mary can be found you are urged to contact the Marshall family- 269.781.4508 or D/Sgt. Michael Salmen at the Battle Creek Post, Michigan State Police, 269.968.6115. If you wish, you may also contact Jim Carlin, JCarlin@JustinianLawcom and/or Justinian Investigative Services in Battle Creek, 269.441.7068. If it is your request you can remain anonymous.

I received this email concerning today's trial of Mr. Pratt. It was sent by a family friend in Texas. The person's name was removed for anonymity.
These are similar to the many kind emails and comments being sent on behalf of the victim and for the family.We welcome all their prayers and support.
i am praying as hard as i can...let me know what happens. thanks!
People will forget what you say and people will forget what you do.
But, they will never forget how you made them feel...
This was posted by a supporter for Mary on a MySpace site:
I worked with Chris Pratt at Target Distribution from the time it opened until November 2005. Mary was trying to dump him, he had even said she was seeing someone else. I had told him how my wife that I was married to, was screwing my daughter and I around. He made a comment about me killing his girlfriend and he would kill my wife. I chalked it up as a joke, I did not realize he was Mary's boyfriend. I remember people talking about the guy who did it worked at Target, and I ended up asking him who the scumbag who was that killed her, I had no idea, he was the guy. He would go on to tell how the FBI and the police kept going through his computer, his house and tearing his life apart. I know he did it, and like O.J., he got away with it. My heart goes out to Mary's family, and I hope there is some justice for her and her body can be found, and Chris Pratt can get what is coming to him. We need to make Michigan a death penalty state.
Posted by Lonnie on Monday, November 19, 2007 at 4:43 AM
Sunday, November 25, 2007 7:06:00 AM
Justinian Investigative Services said...
The MySpace site started by a supporter for Mary can be viewed at:
The family thanks you for your help.
If "Lonnie, the 11/19/2007 comment" ever comes back to post or read other events related to Mary's case I'd appreciate it if you would contact me. Your information could be valuable to the Michigan State Police, D/Sgt Mike Salmen-269.968.6115 or myself-
The Marshalls and this latest victim and family will be in our prayers. God Bless
Sorry it took so long to respond, my computer has been down. For those of you who were wondering, on Nov 5th my son plead no contest to 4th degree aggravated assult. His original charge was csc 1st(2 counts),which were life sentences, and a 10yr. penetration. I knew my son did not do this, and the person charging him with this had many skeletons. I wanna let you all know rape is one of the hardest charges to defend, their are many things that cannot be brought up in court.(even if you know their true).The day I hired my new attorney and they knew Jim was involved the prosecutor gave his case to the assistant prosecutor and reinstated his bond. My previous attorney told me this prosecutor has never lost a case like this. Go figure? because she gives them away when she is losing. Many things were uncovered, about the so called victim, and her clan. Jim was a huge part of this. I can never thank him enough. Even though my son took a plea deal he will always be labeled.(ever heard of DUKE).It wasn't total justice, my son didn't want to take the plea, but a trial is always a risk, not to mention the $ it cost, I guess i'm selfish and wanted to know my son was coming home. This was definetly a winnable case. The judge sentenced my son to 47 days time served, no probation, and 400.00 court cost. The judge knew this was a BS case, how can you go from life to time served? That is are justice system, it sickens me. I could not have done this without you Jim. I hope justice will be found in the Pratt trial, and anyone with information will turn it over, do the right thing, and end the suffering, you could bring Mary home. I will be praying for her family and Jim till this ends.
Today, our thoughts and prayers are with the Marshall family. Even though Chris is not on trial for Mary's disappearance and murder, he will be one day along with those who helped him do this truly despicable, unforgivable act.
There is a little fact which everone seems to be missing. Mary wanted out of her relationship with Chris. She was trying very hard to make a clean break from him. He reacted like most abusive men do. He hurt her so badly that she died from not receiving medical treatment. You wonder how I know this. Well, it does not take a brain surgeon to figure this out. In the United States, deaths from abuse are so prevalent now. It is truly heartwrenching to know that this could have been averted if Mary had received medical attention.
On this day of November 27, 2007, when the State of Michigan charges Mr Pratt with domestic violence towards Ms Parker, please keep in mind that this does not erase his responsibility in Mary's death nor does it bring closure to Mary's family. This story will not end until Mr Pratt is convicted for Mary's death.
I believe that there are others responsible for her death and its coverup. I think that many of believe this too. The problem is "who can one trust?. We all know that there is law enforcement whom we CAN trust. However, there are several incidences where a police officer showed a lack of professionalism and displayed behavior unbecoming a law enforcement officer. This is why people are afraid to speak with law enforcement here. This is why this case has not been solved.
Where do we go from here? Who can one trust? One day, Mary will be found and then the truth about what happened and who was involved will come out. It will open everyone's eyes to what has been going on in Marshall for a very long time.
I agree with the statement that there are good cops out there. I have seen good cops serving and protecting the community. I think that when one refers to "bad cops", they are only referring to a few.
I have a question which has been bugging me for a while. Why has Mary's family been treated like criminals when they and Mary are the victims? From what I have read, there have been at least several instances that they have been harassed by law enforcement while the true criminal was shooting his mouth off around town thinking he would never get caught.
Thank God, Ms Parker had the courage to press charges against Mr Pratt. Many people feel safer with him in jail. Norene, you are in our prayers.
i wonder what was so funny when Mss.Paker and Mrs.Harrington were laughing when they were outside and what was so sad when they were up on the stand, They were crying one minute and the next laughing and having a good ol time,it seems like they were changing channels,Sounds like a strong case of schizophrenia if ya know what i mean. hmmmmmmmmmm i wonder if you will erase this comment JIM?
ever heard of anxious laughter, come on now!
I was there too. it is hard to sit and wait on testimony with managing restless children in a small witness room. If you want to talk scizos just look at the puke sitting next to his lawyer. The testimony must be worth something. It was allowed in court.
Comment all you want. "Your Own Worst Enemy has come to town"
Justice will arrive for Norene Parker, Sue Harrington and eventually Mary Lands.
Family, Friends and or supporters/searchers of Mary, and you Jim.
My prayers are being said for all of you that this will at the very least bring some type of temporary justice. At the very most that it will keep CP off our streets for a very long time.
Norrene and Sue H, know that all of us are so very proud of you as it is obvious the dangers that are connected to this. Anyone in their right mind that is addressing this blog that would indicate otherwise are just not, very smart individuals.
Keep your head up - smile and laugh if you like. This is your opportunity to take your lives back and this trial date has been long waited for. It would not be possible without you. Hopefully at the end of the trial he will be found guilty and you can LAUGH OUT LOUD.
God Bless All Of You for making this happen so our community might be a safer place.
I will also pray for CP to come to terms with what he has become and that he will feel some emotion for all these people he has abused.
I wanted to also say a Thank You to all Law enforcement and media that have stayed on top of this. Many prayers are with you as well.
Everyone - Stay safe. & God Bless
That is the best picture i have ever seen of Chris,way to go Jim,you should have been a photographer instead of a P.I. Soooo the jury was quiet and Mr.Miller wanted to listen about what kind of person Mss.Parker is,for some reason they did not know that Mss.Parker had so many skeletons in her closet did they? I like how everybody says the truth will come out sooner or later,which it will but the truth will be a little bit different then everybody thinks..For some reason i have this feeling that this verse i read has a lot to do with this.
Matthew 5:43 You have heard that it was said,' Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you:Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.
I tell ya it sure is hard to do that when everybody is so negetive and everybody is so certain that they know the the truth off of a little gosipp that has been told in the BIG town of Marshall.Im really ,really,really,surprised that somebody has not just come out and told the truth,just knowing Chris knows everybody...I sware everybody thought he was nicest person in the world and could not wait to be around him until Mary disappeared and now he killed her,now hes friends with MPD,hes a woman beater,hes a drugy,I dont believe none of it!!!!!!!!!!!Will know tomorrow with Mss.Parker guaranteed!!!!!!!!!So remember if any of Chris's friends or family are reading this we love you and goodluck!!!
Regarding comments made by anonymous on 11/28 @9:03 pm:
I don't think that you would know the truth even if it was staring you in the face. Face it, your perception of the truth differs from most who have aired the opinions on the blog. Some things simply can't be disputed and a history of domestic violence is one. It is one thing to be supportive of a family or friend, but it's another to put blinders on and deny the horrible truth that this person committed a crime. So, I suggest you channel your support behind someone who truly deserves it.
A recent "Anonymous", please read the fine print. The Battle Creek Enquirer has credit for the photograph, not me.
I have no idea how this trial will end? However, we do hope it will be with a conviction of Mr. Pratt on all four counts. The prosecutor does seem to have even more facts than we knew, which would be the proper protocol for any court presentation. Many names were mentioned in court and it was quite clear an attempt to smear the victim. The prosecutor had an ongoing objection to much of the information supplied by the defense attorney. The victim does not deny she has made poor judgements in the past but that does not indicate the charges against Mr. Pratt are false. In my opinion, if it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck; it is a perpetrator of domestic violence. That is being proved in court, and those proofs will again be shown today.
You’re entitled to support any friend or family member in any matter. It is worth noting however, I saw real tears in the eyes of Clifford & Anita Marshall during the testimony by the victim. You can only speculate how they were comparing this case with similarities of the abuse that was endured by their daughter. I didn’t see any of the Pratt posse wiping tears off their faces.
I also found it interesting that the MSP trooper testified he had to secure guns found in Chris' "game room” which is normal in domestic violence incidents. Some were even loaded. He also mentioned three knives found in the house, one secreted down in a sofa near a position he would not permit anyone to sit except himself. The trooper testified that one knife was sent to the crime lab for DNA analysis? I wonder why they would do that and who’s DNA were they looking for?
It has been stated many times as an analogy with Mr. Pratt, “Your Own Worst Enemy has come to town”. It has, and we’ll soon know the result?.
I'm shocked at this from Chronicle this morning. How there they say he is innocent?
The alleged victim in the assault trial of Marshall man Christopher Luke Pratt painted a picture of a man who sometimes behaved like an animal as she spent most of today on the witness stand detailing her relationship with the former fiance of missing Marshall woman, Mary Denise Lands. From their first dinner date in March 2006 when he allegedly answered his door in hunter's cammoflage clothing and rabbit blood on his hands to the next day when he showed up at her home and urinated on her privacy fence stating that he was "marking my territory," her testimony included many other descriptions of bizarre behavior that emerged during their 18 month relationship that ended on June 24 when he allegedly threw chairs at her, squeezed her so tight in a bear hug that her finger bled and threw her keys over the head of her 10 year old son while trying to prevent her from leaving their Fredonia Township home. She said he angrily paced during the altercation and that at one point he even growled as well as laughed. One day as she sat at the dining room table paying her bills, he allegedly said to her "out of the blue," 'have you ever been zip tied and left in the woods?'" During another argument, he allegedly said to her, "Go ahead and leave but your spine will be all over the back yard before you can get to the car." Pratt's attorney, however, tried to paint the victim as someone who has a habit of calling police on her boyfriends, saying she'd made 47 complaints to the Marshall Police Department, 11 to the Jackson Police and repeated police reports to the Calhoun County Sheriff's office over the years about other men in her past. Also testifying today were her two sons, ages 14 and 11 and Michigan State Police Trooper Richard Pazder who testified he took firearms, knives and zip ties out of Pratt's "game room" which he would not allow the victim to enter. One knife, he said, was sent to the crime lab for DNA testing "because..." but he did not finish the sentence.
Lands, 39, was living with Pratt in Marshall in March 2004 when she vanished after he said they fought over his custody issues. That case has not been permitted as part of the current trial in which Pratt's ex wife, Su Harrington testified yesterday she too was also a victim of abuse in the home as she was questioned during a pretrial motion hearing. She is expected to return to the stand to testify before the seven man, seven woman jury.
Amen, Jim.
Aside from the testimony describing how vile and sickening Mr Pratt's behavior was towards Ms Parker, the other disturbing element is the lack of emotion and response from the Pratt clan as they sit there listening. I have to be honest here and say that this truly bothers me. It is one thing to be there in support for a family member but to sit there emotionless makes me wonder if perhaps, they don't see anything wrong with all of this. Are they lacking a conscience, too? Hmm, I wonder!!!
Thanks for the update Jim.
To all of you - We are all sending thoughts and prayers your way. If all of us came to the court that cared - they would need to use the Kellogg arena.
Can not imagine you having to set and listen to what horrible things he is and has been capible of. But know that the day will come for JUSTICE FOR MARY.
Love & Light is being sent your way.
Cliff Marshall again today had tears in his eyes after hearing the testimony of physical and emotional abuse by Mr. Pratt against his former wife. We now have documented numerous instances of domestic violence in her life, and that of Norrene Parker.
It was even difficult for me this week to think of the comparisons of all three women and what they endured, and what must have gone on at the end of Mary's life.
I believe she is speaking through these two ladies and the other witnesses and justice will be served. It will be served not only in this case, but also in a future trial on behalf of Mary Denise Lands.
We will bring her home.
This was an outstanding comment on the Battle Creek Enquirer Chat related to Chris Pratt and his trial. It was was posted by a Gene Poole and I wanted to share his remarks here on Mary's blog.
Great comments and fully correct.
Thank you.
He invited her to dinner in March 2006 and she said when he opened the door he was wearing camouflage hunting clothes, which along with his hands, were spotted with blood.
"He said, 'boy, are you hot. Come here and give me a hug.'"
Wow, this guy is a REAL woman charmer!!! LOL
Unfortunatly, woman who get abused seem to continually choose men that will abuse them. There is an obvious pattern there.
"Three months later they moved in together and by May 2007, "
Way too soon folks - give it good year before moving in!
Women, don't ever TELL a man you are leaving him - JUST DO IT!
This guy is a psychopath.
Here are some common traits of a psychopath:
. SUPERFICIAL CHARM -- the tendency to be smooth, engaging, charming, and slick. Not in the least shy, self-conscious, or afraid to say anything. He never gets tongue-tied and has freed himself from the social conventions about taking turns in talking, for example.
2. GRANDIOSE SELF-WORTH -- a grossly inflated view of one's abilities and self-worth, self-assured, opinionated, cocky, a braggart. An arrogant guy who believes he is a superior human being.
3. NEED FOR STIMULATION (PRONENESS TO BOREDOM) -- an excessive need for novel, thrilling, and exciting stimulation; taking chances and doing things that are risky. Often has low self-discipline in carrying tasks through to completion because he gets bored easily.
4. PATHOLOGICAL LYING -- can be moderate or high; in moderate form, and will be shrewd, crafty, cunning, sly, and clever (in extreme form, he will be deceptive, deceitful, underhanded, unscrupulous, manipulative, and dishonest).
5. CONNING AND MANIPULATIVENESS -- the use of deceit and deception to cheat, con, or defraud others for personal gain; distinguished from Item #4 in the degree to which exploitation and callous ruthlessness is present, as reflected in a lack of concern for the feelings and suffering of one's victims.
6. LACK OF REMORSE OR GUILT -- a lack of feelings or concern for the losses, pain, and suffering of victims; a tendency to be unconcerned, dispassionate, coldhearted, and unempathic. This item is usually demonstrated by a disdain for one's victims.
7. SHALLOW AFFECT -- emotional poverty or a limited range or depth of feelings; interpersonal coldness in spite of signs of open gregariousness.
8. CALLOUSNESS and LACK OF EMPATHY -- a lack of feelings toward people in general; cold, contemptuous, inconsiderate, and tactless.
9. PARASITIC LIFESTYLE -- an intentional, manipulative, selfish, and exploitative financial dependence on others as reflected in a lack of motivation, low self-discipline, and inability to begin or complete responsibilities.
10. POOR BEHAVIORAL CONTROLS -- expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper; acting hastily.
11. PROMISCUOUS SEXUAL BEHAVIOR -- a variety of brief, superficial relations, numerous affairs, and an indiscriminate selection of sexual partners; the maintenance of several relationships at the same time; a history of attempts to sexually coerce others into sexual activity or taking great pride at discussing sexual exploits or conquests.
12. LACK OF REALISTIC, LONG-TERM GOALS -- an inability or persistent failure to develop and execute long-term plans and goals; a nomadic existence, aimless, lacking direction in life.
13. IMPULSIVITY -- the occurrence of behaviors that are unpremeditated and lack reflection or planning; inability to resist temptation, frustrations, and urges; a lack of deliberation without considering the consequences; foolhardy, rash, unpredictable, erratic, and reckless.
14. IRRESPONSIBILITY -- repeated failure to fulfill or honor obligations and commitments; such as not paying bills, defaulting on loans, performing sloppy work, being absent or late to work, failing to honor contractual agreements.
15. FAILURE TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR OWN ACTIONS -- a failure to accept responsibility for one's actions reflected in low conscientiousness, an absence of dutifulness, antagonistic manipulation, denial of responsibility, and an effort to manipulate others through this denial.
16. MANY SHORT-TERM RELATIONSHIPS -- a lack of commitment to a long-term relationship reflected in inconsistent, undependable, and unreliable commitments in life, including marital.
17. JUVENILE DELINQUENCY -- behavior problems between the ages of 13-18; mostly behaviors that are crimes or clearly involve aspects of antagonism, exploitation, aggression, manipulation, or a callous, ruthless tough-mindedness.
18. CRIMINAL VERSATILITY -- A diversity of types of criminal offenses (regardless if the person has been arrested or convicted for them); taking great pride at getting away with crimes.
Another day behind us and hopefully one day closer to CP being kept off the street for a very long time.
Thank you Norene, Sue H, and all other brave witnesses.
Our continued prayers and support are with you and all the others who care.
I am really sickened by what I am reading. It is hard for me to believe how sick Chris Pratt is. The signs through the years were there, I just never understood them. I will just say that he is really unstable and he will hurt again if he has the chance.
I would like to say something to Jeff. You are not cooperating with returning Mary's cloak. I am asking you now, Jeff, to return it. You are acting as badly as your brother right now. You have not made some wise decisions in your life, start now. I am so disappointed with you and your mother for being so disrespectful to Mary's family. I wish that there is something I could do but I'm not able to be there to help.
sam, is that you???????????
To "just jack"
Thank you for the support. During court all this week Jeff was there twice for very short periods. The only constant family member was Louise and a neighbor next door.
Mrs. Pratt and I say hello to each other and she smiles as she leaves for breaks and at the end of each session. She seems to be a very nice lady and has probably had a difficult life herself over the years. I know the testimony has been hard for her. No one wants to believe you have any relative, much less a son, who could be capable of this type violence.
I have asked, very politely, to Pratt family members if the cloak could be returned to Mary's family.
Their response is that they don't even know what I am talking about?
We would welcome help with this by any friend or Pratt family member.
Maybe someone could anonymously leave it at Cliff & Anita's home, or even at the Post Office in Marshall. Everyone knows the details of the cloak and it would be given to the family.
Thank you again.
To Just Jack.
I have spooken to luise ansd Jeff they dont have any clue where the cloak is at Jeff went to just get the stuff that was His Brothers.He does not or know about any cloak.and to mr Carlin leave Luise alone she does not know anything about any cloak..
Thank you any way for your help.
Maybe it will "appear" just as mysteriously as Mary Denise Lands "disappeared"?
the family knows where it's at.
see how cocky these sob's are in week when another peace of work Pratt goes to prison. it'll happen and world much better with all gone
I'm sure Jeff can get his dirty hands on the cloak and I bet he knows right where it is. I'm sure Louise does not as it appears she turns the other cheek to the dirty deeds done by her sons! This reminds me of when the Marshalls learned that Jeff had taken and sold Mary's motorcycle without having the pink slip. He said Mary gave it to him. Yet the Marshall's found the pink slip among her possessions later. The police wouldn't do anything about that either. I think Jeff coveted what Chris had and he couldn't including Mary!
My feelings about Mr Pratt have intensified as this case has played out. I cannot understand how day after day, one can listen to stories of horrific abuse and not be affected by it. Tell me something. All of the testimony points toward a kind of psychopathic individual. His threats are violent and allude to killing. So, is it really that farfetched to assume that Chris killed Mary? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!
The $64,000 question is:
Stay tuned.
Jeff, you can't undo what your brother has done. What you CAN do is the RIGHT thing.
Jeff is an enabler of Chris's violence. Which makes him just as guilty. He used to sit and watch Chris and Norrene's house while Chris was at work making sure that Norrene didn't leave the house and if she did she wasn't with anyone else. I'll bet the answer to the $64,000 question is that Jeff helped Chris dispose of Mary's body. He knows where she is.
Such a disgrace. The Pratt legacy will soon show 2 brothers convicted of murder. Indeed, a sick bunch.
Would someone tell me where jeff pratt lives,what he drives and where he works.I want to follow his moves to see if he has something to hide. THANK YOU
I bet Chris's X wife Sue paid Chris's girlfriend some money to LIE or she would end up like Mary and just come up missing out of thin air.Miss Parker was going bankrup and needed some money,I bet she would have done anything to get it,since she had enough of Mr.Carlin stalking her and could not take it anymore.When Mary come up missing there was Sue trying to help Mary's family just knowing Sue was so jealous that Chris's kids were around Mary and knowing what kind of person she was,the kids loved being around her and Mary loved being around his kids, But what she did not like was Sue being a stalker everytime the kids would come over for the weekend she would call then stop by or Mary would buy the kids something and Sue would be so upset that she would go and buy them something 10 times better.I remember when Mary told Mike ,Betsy , Josh and myself out by the pool when she had taken the boys to the movie to see Harry Potter and Sue went on a rampage and was so pissed off at Mary that she would cast a SPELL on her or Chris,i thought that was the craziest thing i had ever heard,kinda weird huh,then when they had moved to town so they could be picked up by the bus,Wow thats when Sue flipped out because she knew the kids would stay with Chris and Mary and thats when she really started her games,putting alot of money in both of the boys bank account,saying she will take them away and always questioning the boys about if Mary was buying them anything or taking them to the movies,so after while they started leaving there toys at home so there mom would not take them or threaten them that they could never go back to ther dads and that she would move to another state..........tell ya what,i think she had something to do with Mary and i think she paid Norreen off to lie about Chris because she knew thats all they needed was to get him in jail and thats where he would stay if SUE Harrington had anything to do with it,just knowing how filthy rich she is .Little do you people know she is one of the richest people in marshall and i tell ya what MONEY TALKS and bullshi% walks and you can see where the bullshi% is sitting,right in the County Jail.................Now lets see if you are going to post my comment there JIM ya old chicken hawk......heres a few pointers for ya ,you should be looking at Sue while chris is in jail.....
Well Anonymous, if I were you I'd head right on over to the Battle Creek Post of the Michigan State Police. Ask for D/Sgt. Salmen and tell them you want Mr. Hallacy to be present to hear your information.
I know they will be glad to listen. Sounds like you can break this case and solve the disappearance and murder of Mary Lands. If you need a ride, let me know?
Boy, must have hit a nerve somewhere in Chris's family. Jeff, Adam is that you?
Maybe its ole Sam Pratt in his grave rolling around because he knows Chris stole his wallet from the bedroom on the day he died. It never was found and kids got blamed. Chris also stoled all kinds of cash that his mother hid in books all over the house. If she ever looks for the money it will be gone. Jeff and others will tell her there was no money, its alzeimers.
Oh, by the way, Sam is doing more than rolling over in his grave, believe me.
For something more than a story, a case number, or a newspaper article I am working on publishing some video of Mary.
A YouTube clip just went live and there will be others. The Marshall family thank you all for the support.
Mary Denise Lands with family members in Atlanta, Georgia.
The Marshall family never expected Mary to be taken away so suddenly. This is one of the few videos that exist today. It was taken during a family trip to Georgia about ten years ago. In the video is Mary's father, Clifford; brother, Mike; son, Josh; daughter, Stacie; and former husband; Gary. The voice is that of Mary's mother, Anita.
For now you will have to paste the YouTube URL, but later videos will be linked on the sites.
I have to agree with "just jack". I was thinking that these comments originated from a Pratt family member because of how defensive they were. Maybe, all the stuff is hitting a little too close to home. Right, Jeff? Maybe, you need to stop shooting your mouth off here and blaming others for Mary's death. Maybe, it's time you go to the police and tell them the real truth about what you know. Or is it that you don't even know what the truth is anymore? Hmm, I wonder!!!
to Just Jack:
Sam, is that you??????????
Hell with Jeff ,John,Adam,or Alan Tell ya what if Chris did it he will get what is coming if Sue had anything to do with it she will get what is coming and Chris,let the court do what there supposed to do and justice be served.
Just when you sometimes think that people don't care and have forgotten Mary Lands you receive a real jolt.
While working on YouTube I ran across a site for Mary that was published a few weeks ago. It doesn't have many hits yet, but it is a good as anything I can post.
It was obviously published by a teenager who has heard of Mary's disappearance.
Please check it out and post your comments for the young lady's kindness. Cliff, Anita, & Gina loved it.
Thank you again,
Jim Carlin
I have to agree with you, Jim, about "anonymous" or Jeff Pratt going to the State Police with his comments. Maybe, while he's there, he can finally start telling the truth about what he really knows. The problem with pathological liars, though, is they have a hard time differentiating what the truth really is. It's sad that Jeff doesn't understand how he is coming across to everyone here. His ridiculous remarks make him look just as sociopathic as his dear, LOVING?? brother Chris!!!
Has anyone read the weekend feature of the Marshall Chronicle? 3 pages of court testimony.
We know what happened to the woman in Pratt's life while married to Susan Harringron. We know what happened to Norene Parker in her relationship with Criss.
Put together the 3 years he was supposed to be taking care of Mary and it doesn't take a village idiot to know the answers. Pratt and others will be charged with Mary's killing. Just watch. "Your Own Worst Enemy has come to town.
He's a killer.
It sure is different hearing both sides of the story,it makes you wonder if thats another rumor in the little town of Marshall.
Anonymous Sunday, December 02, 2007 12:40:00 PM---
What does your comment even mean? It makes no sense.
Thankyou for the videos of Mary. It is a face and voice many of us not ever heard before.
Good luck in your trial this week. If he goes to prison in these latest charges I know the police will work hard to bring him to justice for killing Mary Lands.
He should never be on the streets again.
RE:Anonymous said...
Such a disgrace. The Pratt legacy will soon show 2 brothers convicted of murder. Indeed, a sick bunch.
Friday, November 30, 2007 4:53:00 PM
What does that mean - he has a brother who was convicted of murder??
Cliff, I was so glad to see the viedo of Mary it ment the world to me,to see her face and hear that voice I never thought I'd hear again.I cried for hour's even after talking to you on the phone, I could have never asked for a better christmas gift.Thank you,
With all my love to the family.
The Video was a bright light in among all of this waiting. God Bless all of you - I know times are difficult, more so, right now.
If anyone gets a chance to visit the Chronicle & Ad-Visor Feedback for Dec 3, you will find that Mr. CP's not been too smart with his calls from the jail!!! Wonder who he was talking to. Good Luck to Noreen.
The Saturday, December 1, 2007 edition of the Marshall Chronicle had an extensive article regarding the current trial of Mr Pratt for domestic violence against Norene Parker. After reading about some of the testimony in this case, I find it hard to believe that anyone could doubt how guilty Mr Pratt is. It also painted a picture of an individual who is capable of killing someone.
I pray for justice in this case. I pray for information to come forth which would help solve Mary's case. Lastly, I pray for Norene and the Marshall family. They have stayed strong in their commitment to pursue justice and make sure a very dangerous man is off the streets. God Bless you all.
I just finished reading the article in today's (Dec 4) edition of the Battle Creek Enquirer. In it, they mentioned the phone calls that Chris Pratt had made to his mother which are incriminating. So, I'm confused as to the comment that was quoted from Louise Pratt the other day in the Marshall Chronicle (Sat, 12/1). Mrs Pratt was quoted as saying: " I can't believe that they're talking about my son. He's very loving, very affectionate. A very good son." The article went on to say that Louise wishes she knew why witnesses were saying such things about Pratt who had sat with his father round the clock when he lay dying. Come on now, I have heard of blind love but this is taking it a little too far. Mrs Pratt loves her son, but if he is making incriminating comments to her, how can she keep denying the truth?
I also read the Enquirer article this morning... What I found interesting was the part that read that only one phone call would be played for the jury and that "ONLY AFTER reference to Mary Lands and to another charge against Pratt involving Parker are erased from the copy."
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... weird... Yep... he's innocent... yeah right.
My children were no angels; however, there is a difference between one who is a normal human being and one who is a sociopath. I find Mrs Pratt's comments rather unnerving. Mrs Pratt is basically telling us, the public, that there is nothing wrong with her son. How does one blind themselves to evil? Yes, evil. You can see it in his photos as well as in person. Mrs Pratt, how is it that you do not see it? I understand how mothers want to believe their children are good. Mrs Pratt, Chris has terrorized women all his life. How is it that you can say he is a good man? How is it that you can deny his violent side when time after time, he has abused women?
Mrs Pratt, please understand that we, the public, are not wanting your son to hurt another woman again. He is a danger to others. He must be convicted and sent to prison for what he has done. I am sorry that you have to go through this; however, he must be held accountable for what he did.
To Agnes comment dec 5 @12:43 am your comment about cp abusing women is very to the point however we need to keep one thing in mind he only had 9 yrs to be abusive to his X a couple yrs for Mary and couple yrs for Norene. His Mother is also a woman. I wonder how often she has been yelled at knocked down or had to deal with the same type of attacks as the other women in cp's life IF you knew that you may be the next one to come up "missing" and your sons may be responsible would you take a chance of speaking out.from what I have read this jeff person may be as bad if not worse than his brother and he isn't behind bars.
Mrs Pratt may be as guilty as sin but she may also be another victim that is being terrorized
Chris Pratt during cross- examination made some sarcastic and bizarre remarks and twice said to Mr. Buscher, “let me straighten you out on that, buddy”, He replied, “I’m not your buddy, I’m the prosecutor”
all the criteria of a sociopath. plus he gets on the stand to try and BS a jury? He can't blame his attorney,Schafer if he loses this case. only himself.
What I heard yesterday from Chris Pratt sickened me. His disgusting talk about sex made me sick. When he spoke to the prosecutor, calling him "buddy", it made me embarrassed and angry. Chris Pratt is a very disgusting individual. I have watched him over the years turn into a vile, disgusting man. He is not able to see how sick he is.
Chris has never abused his mother. He has always been protected by her. Whenever he did something wrong, she would say "my Chris would not do this." Louise is responsible for not disciplining Chris when he did bad things. Jeff is about as bad as his brother. Do not fool yourself that he is the good son. He is just as disturbed as his brother is.
To Norene,
I am humbled by the way that Chris treated you. Please do yourself a favor and leave Marshall. It will be a new start for you and your sons.
To Su Harrington,
My dear Su, you have been a tower of strength for Norene. I respect and love you for everything you have done to protect your children.
To Louise,
Stop hiding from the awful truth. Chris Pratt is a violent, tortured soul who killed Mary Lands. You have always made excuses for the boys and it has created monsters. Chris is a dangerous man who needs to be locked up. The day will come, Louise, when you have to face your truths. I pity you when that happens.
To the Marshalls,
Please know that there are some Pratts out there who are praying for the return of Mary to you. There are some of us who truly loved Mary and hate what happened to her. You are in my prayers.
The Chronicle has a voting button wanting to know how much interest is there in the chris pratt cases. It is on the right when you first open the site
It sounds like the real Chris Pratt showed his true colors during his testimony yesterday. The sad thing is that he has no insight into how sick and twisted he is.
To Norene,
This terrible time is almost over. I hope that you can heal and start a new life with your sons. I think that just jack has a point in you getting away from Marshall. You deserve better in your life and a new beginning is there for you. My prayers are for you and your family this holiday season.
In this world, there are many good people. Unfortunately, there are many people who have chosen to live their lives being cruel and abusive. Some have mental illness while the others are just plain horrible individuals. In saying this, I believe that Mr Pratt is a horrible human being who has never had limits set to what is right and what is wrong. His childhood was full of behaviors which should have raised his mother's eyebrows but she just ignored them. I do not like to place blame on people; however, Mrs Pratt is responsible in some ways for how her son turned out.
So, what can be learned from this story? The lesson that we can all learn from this is that children need boundaries which show them right from wrong. It saddens me that so many have been hurt by Mr Pratt. He MUST be held accountable for what he did.
Jim Carlin, we haven't heard from you in several days. Hope all is well. What are your impressions of the trial so far that can be shared in this forum? We look forward to hearing from you. Give our best to Norene, Ms Harrington and Cliff and Anita.
It has been a difficult week for the Marshall & Parker families and for many across America who have endured the tragedy of domestic violence.
The jury deliberated for 3 1/2 hours yesterday and returns this morning to review testimony and arrive at their decisions.
Thank you all for the support.
Hello, my name is mdml. I have been keeping track of Chris Pratt's trial and let me tell you something now. He is even more crazy than when I knew him. He is his own worst enemy yet he is clueless about it. I give my love to Cliff and Anita and the family. Remember, I love you with all of my heart. It will be better soon.
GUILTY!!! On all three counts!!!
Oh, happy day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now we will all hear from his family that Chris Pratt was framed and wrongful charged?
It will be a safer Christmas for all women with this sick charmer in prison.
Mr. Marshall and I were present in court, as we have been for the last seven days. He was very pleased and emotional upon hearing the verdict today.
Yesterday, we broke for lunch and left the Criminal Justice Center as the jury deliberations were set to begin. Earlier, it was blowing snow, dark and a typical nasty Michigan winter morning. However, when we stepped outside there was a beautiful bright blue sky, the streets were starting to dry, and it was even a bit warmer.
I told Cliff that this was a good omen from his daughter, Mary. She was up in heaven and smiling down upon us all that things would be OK for Norrene Parker, and we would soon see justice. This morning was another bright day as we entered the building for court.
The omen from Mary Denise Lands was absolutely correct! Today the Marshall and Parker families found some justice. The Marshall family will soon see more justice as it relates to the disappearance and murder of their lovely daughter.
Amen, James, good job
I just read that the Pratt family think that Chris was framed. Wow, another example of "my Chris would never do that". Maybe, if Chris was taught right from wrong as a child, maybe it would never have come to this. Both Chris and his family need to take responsibility for their actions.
As for Norene, Su and the Marshall family, this is a bittersweet day. The one good thing that comes out of this experience is that justice was served and a very dangerous man will be going to prison. You are in my prayers.
since he loves mashpotatoes maybe they will make him a cook in some prime MCOC property in the UP
well I have to say this is awesome news ..he deserves all he gets and more!!!! We all know he can't keep his mouth shut he likes to talk..I am sure Mary will be brought home soon..All of you are in my prayers!!! Now that everyone can feel safe I hope your hero will soon emerge...
God certainly has answered our prayer. Can't wait for the day we will see "GUILTY for Mary's case. Now we can continue to look for Mary and not be nearly as uneasy about CP on the loose.
Now many of you who have been possibly holding onto personal known information about Mary's case will feel a bit more at ease to share that information with Det. Scott of MI State Police or of course Jim or MYF. You can reamin anomonys. Jim you may put MYF down as a contact as well if you would like. You have my address which we are using. We will share any tips with you.
Prayers should also remember to include certainly all of Mary's family but, also remember and give the mother of this man the insite to see that she can love her son and still NOT condone his behavier. While one's head is in the sand it is difficult to see things for the reality that they are.
Enough of that though - It is a great day for all of us. Noreen and Sue H. we are soooooo proud of you. We know this was not easy for you. We will be here for you if needed.
Jim, any chance those phone conversations could involve information concerning Mary's disappearance? If it takes money to get copies when possible - I will try to help with raising the funds for that.
Lots of Light to all on this special day!
finally another Pratt off street to have it safe for women.
way to go..get more video
Maybe now would be a good time for another fund raiser and further support Mary and her family and help get them more answers...
This was posted from Chronicle online,
"Marshall's a lot safer place now with him off the streets," said father of missing Marshall woman and former Pratt girlfriend, Mary Lands. "Mary was treated the exact same way as these women (current victim and former wife who testified.) She had broken bones - broken toes and broken fingers."
Marshall said after leaving court this morning after the verdicts, he stopped at the sign asking Where is Mary? on Michigan Avenue, got out, jumped up and down and said, "Justice is coming for you, babe."
I have to agree with the dec 01 2007 1:34pm comment I believe you are correct and those who dissagree just dont know the real truth.It will all come out. some people are not as slick as they think they are.
The jurors in this case are to be praised for their hard work and dedication in bringing this case to justice and finding Chris Pratt guilty on all 4 charges. It is our civic duty and the right of all american people to be judged by their peers. These jurors took the appropriate amount of time to review the evidence and testimony in this case. Before convicting someone on such serious charges, they wanted to be sure of all of the evidence and not make a mistake which is what they did in this case. We can only say that we are ecstatic and overjoyed about the conviction. We can imagine what violence Mary went through during her time with Chris Pratt and what he ultimately did to her in the end. Even though we are overjoyed, our hearts are extremely heavy. Heavy that Su and Noreen had to endure this pain and suffering and extremely heavy that our beloved Mary was also victimized and paid the ultimate price with her life, that being her death. Maybe now those who have the critical information we need that will bring her home so that she can rest in peace will come forward and share that information. Help us to bring Mary home. What goes around comes around, what you reap so shall you sow. Our goal is to bring Mary home. I just want to give a special thanks to Jim Carlin whose dedication, efforts and tenacious fight on our behalf has given us the hope we need to carry on and fight for justice for not only Mary, but those who were also victims. Jim, we wouldn't be where we are today without you! And many many thanks to all of you who have been there with us through thick and thin, the good times and the bad times. Who have fought to find Mary, who have given us their love and support and a shoulder to cry on the past 4 years! With you, we will find Mary we just know it. There really aren't words enough we could say to Jim and to everyone else who have helped us and been there for us, just know that we love you all from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you and God Bless You! Mary's Family.
and to the kind individual who posted comments under the name, "Just Jack"....
the Marshall family and I give you a special thank you.
We hope you have a joyous holiday season,
Our best
Purpose Driven says - Congradulations to all of you!!! This is one true answer to our prayers and there will be more to come.
Within 24 hours of Mr. Pratt’s conviction members of the team investigating the Mary Lands case continued their hard work following up on leads and pursuing new information that was recently brought to light. They were not doing this for show, especially late on a Friday afternoon, and a weekend just around the corner. Chief Mike Olson contacted me and assured the family that the case is ongoing and will not cease because of the holiday season.
We welcome the support of the public and will ask for help when needed, but for now we must concentrate o the individuals who have direct knowledge about Mary’s whereabouts. The dominos are starting to fall and things will come our way soon. Anyone with information please contact us immediately. You can remain anonymous. Telephone numbers for police officials have been posted.
Marshall now has a very evil person off the street and the community is much safer. You just watch and see? It will be a race to talk with the police for those involved trying to make a deal for themselves. Investigators have a good theory on what occurred and the people involved. It is law enforcement who will make the arrests and we have to let them to their job.
I for one believe they are absolutely dedicated to bringing Mary home, just as we all are, and together we will accomplish those objectives.
The person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder will soon be held accountable.
Christopher Pratt is to be sentenced on January 7, 2007
I urge everyone to write a short letter to the judge asking that he receive the maximum sentence. The Mary Lands case can't be an issue however his danger to society can be brought up.
It is now on record that he verbally and physically abused Sue Harrington during their marriage for 10 years. He did the same to Norene Parker during their time together. The community needs to be protected from this monster.
Send your letters to:
Judge Stephen B. Miller
37th Judicial Circuit
Criminal Justice Compex
161 East Michigan Avenue
Battle Creek, Michigan 49016
It is time to tell all of those pratts and relatives guilty by association...bring it on..who is scared of what??? Ive always heard this saying...where there is one who thinks himself or his to be bad...there is always one or more,Badder!!!guaranteed!!!!!Now What????? i have always heard this saying,too....If you cannot get your Target or Targets...go for the Next Best Thing..(Children Excluded...Period!!!) It`s time to play by some rules....Lame...Who will be the NEXT VICTIM???? hopefully NOT ONE OF YOUR SEVERAL FAMILY MEMBERS...Then YOU WOULD KNOW,ISNT THAT RIGHT????RIGHT!!!!
It will be a good thing for the Marshall family and Jim Carlin if the AG's office and the local law enforcement team can finally bring this case to a close.
I heard about Jim Carlin from a friend in connection with another case recently. He got involved in mid-April on behalf of a man who had been sitting in Kent County jail since late December waiting trial on multiple felony charges incluiding home invasion and criminal sexual conduct. Carlin got involved in mid-April, and in 2 1/2 weeks of intensive investigation in 3 counties, brought enough evidence to the defense that the Kent Prosecutor dismissed all charges before the June trial date. The man was released from jail last week. He and his family are probably pretty happy about Carlin's involvement, and just wish it had happened sooner.
There is also a video on YouTube about another of case of Carlin's in Detroit. The Highers brothers have been in prison for murder for 20 years. Carlin has been working on it for over a year, and it looks as though a new trial may be coming up for them.
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