June 2, 2008- On January 24, 2008 a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request was submitted to the Calhoun County Sheriff for the telephone calls of Christopher Luke Pratt while he was incarcerated at the Calhoun County Correctional Facility (June 24, 2007-January 9, 2008). It was approved in part and those documents have already been published. Recently the recorded telephone conversations were provided, are being transcribed and will all be published. These are just some of the calls between Chris Pratt and family members. Inmate Pratt is now serving up to 15 years at Bellamy Creek Correctional Facility in Ionia, Michigan. He was convicted for crimes against a recent girl-friend and unrelated to Mary's case. If you have any information on the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands you are urged to contact the Michigan State Police.
Please do your part for Clifford & Anita Marshall, and help bring Mary home so that the family can permit her to rest in peace. That is all they are asking. Please help solve this case.
how can i hear the other two calls
What a crock of crap. Even from his jail he was trying to track Norrene's movements and who she might be with? The short amount of conversations still show how devious a guy he really can be.
How can a turd like this be able to get away with murder?
the best thing that happened to his girl friend is pratt went to prison. she would have ended up like Mary.
so you think billy jack is a joke?just listin to the real ass hat here and believe me im working on bringing him down,its not about his kids its about how much do you know punkin head..i have told you before he is guilty as hell and he will go down,ty jim for your all of you hard work!!this will take all of us to get mary home!!lets do this!!billy jack♦♦♦
does she have a boyfriend?what the hell does he care!!!he cares because he is an abussive s.o.b and he needs to know where she is..i call him a stalker,killer,friggin puttin his kids before him and they dont know any better..what a great dad i want to send him a fathers day card!!a fathers day gretting from billy jack dont get you kids involved in you deception of women you set and rot in your 5 by 5 jell cell you ass hat!!and if anyone dont like what i have said go rub the poor guys belly!!!billy jack♦♦♦
why can't the police lock up this sick bastard for life. charge him without a body and he'll make a deal. 20 years would be worth it to bring this all to an end.
good idea!!blogger,i hope we can do that soon!!thanx for the post billy jack♦♦♦
i dont give a shit if we lock any one up!!i just want to see mary come home!!!this is really about finding mary and i will not rest until she is home!!billy jack♦♦♦
How can this secret be kept? Sam Pratt knew before he croaked. He knew Christopher stole his wallet at his deathbed. Louise probably knows it to. Clyde and his possee, Jeff, John, Eli. Half the cuzs in Homer and Albion know what happened to Mary. Isn't there one good Christian person among these people.
Christ, make the call and have her recovered. That is all Marshall's want. Who cares if anyone goes to jail. I don't think Chris Pratt is ever going to get out of prison anyway. He misses kids football games, he'll miss graduation and probably their marriages. They are all better off not knowing the dirtbag.
Listened to the conversations. Makes me sick! Asking the children about their grades and sports only to get into the conversation enough to ask "What have you heard?" "It's really bad in hear, people getting killed everyday" Just what you want for a sweet bed time story for your kids to go to sleep with. Give me a break, it is all about Chris no matter how well the kids are doing. Great grades - honor roll, yet he chooses to focus on himself. Are you not talking son because your mother is with you. Great guy. Even his mother seem to be avoiding him. Someone needs to turn a light on for him that no one is anwering their phones because they don't want to talk to him. Can't take a hint. Part of the behavior.
As far as not trying Mary's case without a body - it does seem as though it would be possible as the players are known. But, it is an election year my friends. Wonder if Halacy knows what a feather in his cap that would be for the judgeship if he would just. Put forth the effort.
You go Jim. We must all stay together for Mary and her family.
God Bless
was it just me or was there only 4 calls there? 2 of the links were repeats? it was intersting to put a voice to the name and face feel sorry for his kids though. poor kid didn't know what to say. and wasn't he in county jail when he talked to his kid? people aren't getting killed in the county jail. what a liar
It sounds like he was running the guards and in jail with special favors. Sure, we all fall for his BS. It does show how danagerous he would be on streets
i think it sounds like he lies alot!!1000 push ups...right.what an obsession he has about norrie!he said he would never have another girl friend,THANK GOD.
Sam Pratt found out the awful truth just before he died. It was a subject not talked about before. I guess no one wanted to know the truth. Before he died, Sam asked Chris to come clean. Chris told him he did it but it was an accident. Sam didn't believe him. Chris took Sam's wallet just like that blogger said.
He also took Sam's watch and a few valuables of Sam's. Do you want to know something really sick? Chris stole his mom's money that she had in a dresser.
I would like to say something about the phone conversations. The talk Chris had with his sons made me sick. He has never thought about how his sons have been affected by his crap. His children have been through hell because of him. I wish Chris would stop calling them so they could have some peace and stability in their lives.
I hope that Cliff, Anita, Su and Norrene know how hard we are working to bring Mary home and lock Chris away for good. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Maybe I'm alone here, but what do those phone calls have to do with Mary? If a "Pratt" talks about something other than Mary, bloggers attack and say "This is about Mary." Those phone calls do nothing but humiliate Chris' kids more so than they already have been. I listened to all of them and learned NOTHING new. Chris being obsessed? Not new. Chris using whatever means possible to keep his fantasies alive in his head? Not new.
If you feel the tapes have no value I would ask Cliff & Anita to have them removed? My understanding is that the family has no objection. It was publicized to have people hear the voice and demeanor of this evil person.
Billy Jack is posting other messages,on this blog,as other people.He is praising himself over and over for his work.He cant find it at home with his family so he comes in here acting like the next "American hero".Can anyone else see this?For those that are here to actually find Mary's killer...More Power to You !
think what you want.it doesnt bother me!must be you are jelous.
My point was not that the tapes were insulting to Cliff & Anita. Those tapes are humiliating for Chris' children. Chris may be an idiot, but his kids aren't to blame and should not be drug through the mud yet again.
In response to a few comments certain tapes were removed.
did sue have objection to the tapes being on here of her son? did cliff or anita? I think they were a great insite to how chris really is. I don't think they should have been removed just because some bloggers had a problem with it.
Cliff & Anita felt that the information was very worthwhile and should be online. It gave insight into the manipulating ways of Christopher Luke Pratt. Other family members and people who heard the tapes agreed that it should remain public and might instill others to talk about Mary's case and bring her home.
We honored the request of the one person who was adament that the tapes not be online. I disagree and believe they should be available.
For now, the people who listened to Chris Pratt's voice are aware of what was said and the lies he has told to so many in the past.
There is also no doubt of the many lies he has told related to the disappearance of murder of Mary Denise Lands.
Cliff & Anita ask you to continue to think of their daughter and what can be done to bring her home?
If you have any questions, all our telephone numbers are listed. Call any time.
Thanks Jim for sharing these phone calls that Chris Pratt made while he was in the Calhoun County Jail. It really angers me that he involved his sons by trying to get them find out information about Norrene. One thing which really disgusted me was when he told one of the boys about people dying in jail then went on to describe it. He sounded like he enjoyed talking about it. What is really sad is that these boys really love him and he, on some level, loves them, too. I believe that those two boys, along with Chris's mother, are the only ones he has true feelings of love about.
My heart goes out to those boys and their mother Su. Su is a wonderful human being and thank God, she is there to bring stability to them. The same is to be said about her husband, their stepdad. From what I have read, he has been a wonderful presence in their lives and thank God for him, too.
I was relieved to see the boys phone conversations removed from this blog. The calls did give great insight into the manipulating ways of Chris but at what cost? Why punish the victims? These are children that have been through so much already, lets protect them and not publish reminders of a horrible time in their life. And believe me they will be hearing about this all day long at school, it just isn't right.
That is totally correct. It amazes me that from a razor-wire prison an evil being like Chris Pratt can still exercise control over some of you like puppets. Damn the bastard. No truth should be shielded from anyone. I think you made a mistake in censoring anything that shows the public facts about Mary’s case and who might be involved. It needs to be put back up along with anything else.
What happened to; we’re not gonna take it anymore.
to the april 24-5:50 post yes you got me thats all i do post silly things about me all day.you dont know me so stop acting like you do!now that thats over..i just put in a follow up call to the state senators office and they are eager for the next meeting.as purpose drivin has asked any one that would like to post old clues no matter how small you think they are please do again.and to the person that deserves all the credit is jim he has gone over and above and he continues to do so on his own time.i think that the phone calls was a good thing to show how chris s obsession with norrie and how much he still controls people from the inside.thanx billy jack♦♦♦
Billy Jack, keep us posted on the meeting with the state senator's office. It's time to move ahead and take this to the next level.
To the blogger who said that Billy Jack is posting messages under other bloggers' names:
I don't think you know what you are talking about. Just because people agree with what he says doesn't mean that it is he blogging. Get your facts straight before making ridiculous statements like that. It makes me wonder who you are.....
I am not happy with a certain person right now. This person is not backing up someone who is doing the dirty work so to speak. You know who you are. I am not saying anything more about it for now.
I am telling you all something right now about Chris Pratt. He is keeping track of what is going on here through his sources, Sarge and Jeff. Don't even delude yourselves into thinking that this is ridiculous because I am telling you that this is exactly what is going on. Jeff and his posse are still doing what they have been doing all along. Not even one cop in MPD is even interested in exposing him. You all know as well as I do why this is.
I am telling you that Mary's case should be the focus but the law enforcement people aren't seeing it that way. They want to kill two birds with one stone. The problem with this thinking is that it's keeping them sort of distracted from what is staring them right in the face. I want them to stop for a minute and ask themselves: HOW DID CHRIS KEEP FROM GETTING HIMSELF ARRESTED FOR MARY'S MURDER WHEN HE WAS GOING AROUND TELLING EVERYONE HE DID IT?
Mary's murder has to be solved FIRST then everything else will fall in place; not the other way around. I'm no cop but even I see that this is taking too long to solve. START AT THE BEGINNING, THE ANSWERS ARE THERE.
the real "samule"
hmm - 4/26
I am in the process of putting together the information for the second meeting. They are waiting. Now that I have a minute or two I can work on putting things down in the proper way to be submitted.
Please, anyone with any little thing that you feel might have been neglected please put it down and we will just let them decide what is significatn and what is not. Thank you all for your input so far. It is all in the name of bringing Mary home and hoping all of those responsible will be named. If not our main goal is to find her and let the authorities do their work.
Jim as you know you will be aware of everything to share with family of Mary.
I mentioned a while back that anyone could be writing under anyone's name - so do pay attention. If it not you make sure you respond to the blog to correct information.
Bless You - We are getting close thanks to everyone.
I look forward to the next meeting with Schauer's office. For those of you who think that all some of us do here is just TALK, you are so wrong! Just wait and see what is just around the corner. It will be a real eye-opener.
im sure the meeting will be very good for this case..cant wait to go!!billy jack☺☺☺
Just trying something out to see if it works. Disregard this message.
this is the year my friends!!
There is nothing like a real spring cleaning, is there? Wasn't that nice of Jeff and Eli to pick up trash on Louise's property?
Let's be straight here. Jeff and Eli were digging on Louise's land and they were burying some of Mary's things. I am going to tell you all why they are doing it. Chris told Jeff to get rid of Mary's stuff that was left in Louise's house. Not one cop has asked about what was going on there that day. Why does Jim even bother, you ask. It's because he cares and he will get someone to pay attention to this and other things.
Part of the problem as I've said before is that this case is too broad in focus. It is frustrating to those of us who are Mary's advocates to wonder what the hell is going on with this case. All I can say is that things will change very, very soon. The meeting with the state senator's office will start things rolling. It will be the people of this area who will get this case solved. Mark my words.
I am so upset with Jeff and Louise right now. They had the chance to make things right but they didn't do it. The truth always comes out, you two. When it comes out, you two will be investigated along with the other thugs involved.
yes you are so right!!the meeting will make a difference mark my words..keep posting friends!!
I think that the last blog from BILLY JACK is not really from the real BILLY JACK. My guess is that it's from the cop that others refer to as "Sarge". Don't insult our intelligence, sir. I suggest you focus on your plans for the future... like a trial. What a piece of work you are!
yes agnes it was me the true billy jack..the meeting will be great and im sure things will come to and end soon ..tis me the true billy jack♦♦♦
It's good to know that it is really you.
you know he called chris before mary was reported missing?hummm its all about him now hes the one!!!HE KNOWS TO MUCH!!
That is exactly right, Billy Jack. Sarge knew what happened before Mary was reported missing. In fact, he instigated the last act of abuse that Chris inflicted on dear Mary.
mary did not just leave!!she had a purpose in life she was looking foward to a grand kid.and thought about getting back with her ex...she didnt leave on her own!!chris was so obsessed with her and when she knew to much..her boy friend(chris that loved her so much)made her go away..what a good man he was..he sold her things at a flea markit??if my girl was missing?i would keep all of her things!!it makes me wonder the people we have in the mpd that has been on record(tim bryant)that has not put evedence into the record??wtf?where does the evedence go??look in his locker?
he told us lies in the phone calls!!he made his kids feel bad !!when he said is mom there?he didnt want to talk to josh about certain things he said your mom and norrie is making me look bad??that ass hat made himself look bad!!and and and when he talked to josh about hearing him and norrie in the bed room???is that something you talk about to a kid??he seemed to like that pretty good (what a great dad)
If I were Sarge, I would come clean and tell the truth about what happened to Mary. Might save himself some jail time.
from the phone calls that I heard, seems to me that some of ole Chris's family clearly didn't want to talk with him. that should tell us something.
im sending out a special invitation to ass hat bryant.talk to me if you have the balls you know me so talk..i know you are not a real man you hide behind your badge!!its just a badge..you will always be an ass hat!!
what in the world has gotten into you tonight billy jack? not that its bad but you seem all aggervated tonight.
Billy is drunk like he always is!Ask anyone in town.
ok shannon,aka fran..whatever you say.or is this kandi scott?
Wow here we go again the children are coming out to play. I think you guys need to grow up and stay in your own little chat room, this just proves even more that you guys have no life. But we already knew that since all you do is post s... about people. lost at the fountain!!
we have people from a chat site causing trouble in here cant you moderate again?thank you.
I have been studying this case from afar and I am appalled at some of the folks,
I have already done some searching
on my own and I will be back TO ATTACK THE PROBLEM and search again.
Please post if there are to be any upcoming searches or are many of you just satified by being a "DO NOTHING?"
The family and I appreciated your intentions over the last 6 months however I would ask that you not post any further comments. A month or so ago I heard from individuals complaining about you on Mary’s site and on others. At first I thought it was probably a coincidence? However, today I was again contacted and those individuals know you as BillyJack, and have details of your prolonged harassment. You have made totally inappropriate crude comments on many issues. These individuals know your real name, address, wife’s name, former employment, telephone number, etc. so there is no doubt of your identity.
As you can see from some of the recent comments, you are hindering more than helping in Mary’s case. If you really care about bringing her home you’ll find another place online for chat. I don’t want to return to moderating all comments but if that is what it takes, we’ll do it.
Thank you, BillyJack for your offensive and obscene remarks. Your recorded telephone voice is evidence of the malice others have proffered.
I thought perhaps you were just having one to many brews during the day? It could be there are other underlining mental issues.
You’ve heard the last from me, I hope we have heard the last from you.
Now lets all get back and focus on Mary Denise Lands.
This is the first time I have ever posted on this blog, and it will be the last. I do not know Mary or anything regarding her case. I know Billy Jack from another chatroom. He has been constantly harrassing me accusing me of posting here about him. I just would like you all to know, none of the people I associate with would put this poor family through this and take the spotlight off of this woman for any reason. Any problems I have/had with him are handled elsewhere. It is a shame it all came to this and I contacted Jim and encouraged him to check into IP addresses and such as proof. It looks like he's made more than a few enemies along the way and I am very sorry it was brought here. Good luck with your search for Mary and God Bless.
another friend of Mary. You will find her.
I want to say something about what has been written today. It makes me upset that there have been atacks on someone whose main cause has been to find Mary and bring her home. I am upset with the last comment from Jim because it sounds like what Billy Jack has been accused of saying. What is wrong here is that it looks like it's okay for one person to say vicious things about another. I am sorry that it has come to this, folks but I don't think that this is the last we hear from Billy Jack nor should it be.
I understand your concerns. It is not an issue of being accused. I heard the language, the people in another part of the country heard it and have notified the police. He may have had the best of intentions back then, but he is not welcome here and that is final. He can build his own Magnum PI site (another moniker of his) and do all he wants in other people’s web sites.
This one is about what can we do to bring Mary home. I’m sure that some have welcomed his help. We did too. But the proof is in the pudding. He needs to gidde up and out
If others don’t like it they can go to the other sites. We still receive daily email on Mary’s case and today I met with someone for nearly three hours who had a wealth of information.
We will find the answers we are seeking and Mary will come home.
oh man i missed something what has billy jack done wrong? I know his comments are kind of rude but i believe he is trying to help bring mary home.how do you know it is truly billy jack saying these things?did i read into it wrong that he has been harassing some people over the phone ( his voice recorded)? if so that is truly a shame. i trust you jim. can't wait for you to be able to reveal to us this 3 hr meeting you had. i know you will when you can. i can't wait for this to be solved. and i do also aggree until its proven all of these people have done what they are accussed of that they should not be treated like they are guilty
There is a lot of things going on and each day it is more and more promising.
We will keep you posted. Yesterday was a good day and more information will be forthcoming.
Thank you all for the support and please continue to talk about Mary and what we can do to bring her home.
Everyone knows my number and email, and that of Cliff & Anita. You are welcome to call at any time or email.
Thanks again.
there are two sides to every story............................
we all share the same goal: bringing Mary home to her family...
let's stop the bickering and work together to acomplish our goal.....
Mary is waiting to come home.
Clifford & Anita and family members have dicussed placing back on the Internet the additional calls made by Inmate Pratt while at the Calhoun County Correctional Facility.
9 files are now available to be heard and 64 more are pending.
Most of the persons listening to these monitored telephone calls feel they have merit and bring more insight into Inmate Pratt's manipulative and controlling demeanor.
You did the right thing. Many have gotten away from the real purpose of this blog and that is to bring my sister home. Ranting and raving, calling others names will not accomplish that. We know things were screwed up in the beginning, we know things weren't followed up on and we know that if handled differently, we probably would have found Mary by now. Unfortunately, that is not the case. So, we must get past that and focus on finding Mary. Once we find Mary, the rest will fall into place and the police can do what they need to. To tell you the truth, all this bashing has made me not even want to open my email. I ask you all to please step back, re-focus and think of a plan to search, a plan to look and a plan to find her. We just want to find her and put her to rest. We'll never have our darling Mary back or ever see her vivacious laughter and character again. We just want to remember her as she was, not the horrible things that happened to her. Mary loved Su's children very much and she cared deeply about them. She would not want them to suffer. We all should be protecting the children. They are innocent. So I ask you, re-focus and find Mary. I was reading a book written by Anne Bird. She was Scott Peterson's sister. Scott Peterson murdered my cousin, Laci. When her body and the baby's washed ashore, the police were finally able to arrest him and you know the rest of the story. In her book, she never wanted to believe that Scott was guilty, but she finally came to realization that he was guilty. Some things may take years to accomplish, but the truth will come out eventually.
Thank you for listening. We are here for one purpose and that is to find Mary and have justice for Mary.
I So agree with you ,Cliff and Anita for putting the calls back up for the world to see.You can clearly hear how uncomfortable his sons got when talking about Norene. ( when chris was pushing for info on her and their mother). Did Chris Care? NO! he just kept asking more questions trying to get more info. Can't wait to hear the other 69 calls. Have a good night all
Yuk. Hearing his voice and listening to the way he talks to his kids makes me want to be sick.
Who talks like that!?!
Clifford & Anita Marshall asked me to add their comments to Mary’s blog, after some developments today.
In 10 months they will have no choice but to declare their beloved daughter, Mary Denise Lands, deceased. They then hope to go on and live out the remainder of their twilight years among friends and family. It will be up to law enforcement authorities to charge the person/s responsible for Mary’s murder.
We all know the identity of the perpetrators, and so do the police. Clifford Marshall said that he hoped over the last 4 years of public awareness for Mary’s case that the life of some other woman may have been saved? It surely has, and I can immediately name three.
Next year, the Marshall’s will attempt to have some closure in happier environs. They warn however that Chris Pratt will probably be out of prison in February 2012, if not earlier, and he will be back into the lives of the same people who have tried to escape from his grasp. It won’t be the Marshall’s problem at that point in time. It will be a problem for our society and any woman, from his past or in the future, who can be charmed and manipulated by a sociopath who should be serving a life sentence in a Michigan prison.
all you ppl who say you are scared. you cover up for murderers. leave a tip where Mary body is for the family. you can do that much.
Jim- Thank you for removing the phone calls between Chris and his two boys. Those boys are victims, too. Even though those calls show what type of person Chris is, they also humiliate his children. Although it's, I'm sure, not what you wanted to do, I commend your integrity in choosing to remove those links.
My family and I know you are all down but the police will bring your daughter home and charge the bastards for what they did to Mary Lands. Have strength, pray and God will be there for you all. God won't let this go on much longer.
So is it after 5 years she is considered deceased?
February, 2012 will be here before we know it. Chris Pratt must never be let out of prison. Su, Norrene and other women must be kept safe from this sociopath of a man. I continue to stand behind the comments that I have made in this blog and others. Mary must be the priority in this investigation and we must go back to the beginning to find out what happened to her. I am losing patience with how long this case is taking. Gina was right when she said that this case should have been solved by now.
I just can't understand what would motivate someone to take the life of a beautiful human being. I can't understand why people have covered for this monster of a man and continue to do so. It's a sad statement about what this world has come to when a law enforcement officer who has sworn to protect and serve betrayed Mary and the people of Marshall and continues to do so to this day. The truth is out there about Chris Pratt so what the heck are you all waiting for? Charge him for Mary's murder and charge all those responsible.
The pass few months i've been on here reading comments and whatever else! all the stories people make up on here! its INSANE! LEAVE ALL OF THE PRATT FAMILY ALONE!
As others have said, the priority should be finding Mary. Everything else will follow. I think that some citizens have entertained the thought about searching for Mary on their own but what may be stopping them is the fact that they could jeopardize the investigation. On the other hand, their desire to take things into their own hands stems from a frustration with how this case has been handled from the start. What we have here in this blog is that many are feeling that things are in limbo. So, we sit and wait. And, as time moves on, there is anger and a feeling of helplessness on all of our parts that here we are, 4 years after Mary's disappearance, and Mary is still out there somewhere waiting to come home.
The handling of this case leaves us all unsettled and disturbed. What if it was one of us or our loved ones who had something like this happen to them. I can't even begin to imagine what Cliff, Anita and their family have gone through. What happened is so devastating on its own but when you couple it with how this family has been treated and how this case has been handled, words simply can't describe what they have been through.
It is time for law enforcement to solve this case. It is time for Mary to come home to her family. It's only after this that healing can happen. Down the road, we will have to address the mishandling of this case and the behavior of certain individuals associated with it. We will have to hold them accountable and changes will have to be made. We, the community, need to feel safe and secure again. We need to feel confident that our local law enforcement is out there serving and protecting us. We need to have people like Chris Pratt and his group of misfits locked up so they can't hurt another soul again. We will not feel peace until these things happen. God bless Cliff, Anita and their family. God bless Su, her husband and boys. Finally, God bless Norrene for having the courage to come forward and expose the true Chris Pratt. I truly believe that this has been the turning point in this case. May 2008 be the year for answers and resolution.
This is for Gina.....
Hello Gina. One of the bloggers, Purpose Driven, has wanted to speak with you but was hesitant to impose on you. Your dad has her telephone number so if you feel like speaking with her, she would love to talk with you. My thoughts are with you and your family. God bless you all.
Hang in there Anita and Clifford. Things are going to happen police will find your answers. All your hard work will see results.
Give it up. It could be a pratt family member might come clean and bring Mary home. you ppl still cant think he is innocent???
Today is Mother's Day. Tomorrow it will be 4 years and 2 months since Mary disappeared.
Isn't it about time for police to act, prosecutors to charge and justice to be served? How much longer will this go on? One Pratt family member talking can end it all now.
Louise Pratt, Happy Mother's Day. At least you know where your son is!!
Dante Alighieri's "Inferno" has a vision of Hell based on Thomas Aquinas's interpretation of Aristotle's principle of retribution. This is the concept of contrapasso, in which the soul's suffering in Hell extends or reflects or reembodies the sin that predominated it.
One example; murderers are boiled in blood. This vision of Hell is grounded as well in the medieval belief in a rigorous divine justice.
We may never see justice for Mary on earth, however all will see justice in Hell for those involved in Mary's murder.
Mr. Marshall asked this to be posted FYI.
Talk about dirty pool!
As many of you know, Cliff Marshall gave up his position as park manager of the Sunrise Mobilehome Court. They have resided there since returning to Michigan after learning of the disappearance of their daughter, Mary Denise Lands, in March 2004.
There have been ongoing problems with residents and the new owner of Sunrise for several months on various maintenance issues. The Marshall Chronicle wrote a story in today’s edition.
Over the weekend Mr. Marshall received an eviction notice advising him he was required to vacate in June. It was addressed to Cliff and Betsy Marshall. One would think that the owner, John Dalaly & DJK Properties of Farmington Hills, Michigan would know that Cliff’s wife is Anita, not Betsy.
Does this have anything to do with the casino being built a few miles away? The Marshall’s have always been good tenants and Cliff worked hard as park manager. The eviction notice stated DJK Properties did not wish to continue their lease. Thus far, the other 29 occupants of the park have not yet received any notices to vacate.
By the way, the eviction arrived under the letterhead from the property owner’s new attorney, J. Thomas Schaeffer of Marshall. Mr. Schaeffer was the attorney who represented Chris Pratt in his trial last December in which he was sentenced to up to 15 years in prison for assault on a recent girl-friend.
It is not enough for the Marshall's to lose a daughter, some people now also want them to lose their home.
Another sad Mother's Day for Anita.
Anything for a buck!
This family's been screwed by police and system for years now.
They should say FU Marshall Michigan and keep good thoughts of daughter Mary and for get on with future. There is no justice for people who obey law. Just for crooks & them with the money.
God Bless you Anita * Clifford. Your in our prayers.
Retaliation and Harassment!!!!
Did a little research. Here is the link and what the law says
Q: On what grounds can I be evicted?
A: Tenancies in mobile home parks may not be terminated without just cause which is statutorily defined as one or more of the following: (a) use of the mobile home site for an unlawful purpose; (b) failure to comply with the lease, agreement, or rules adopted therein which relate to (i) the health, safety, or welfare of the mobile home park, its employees, or tenants, (ii) the quiet enjoyment of another, or (iii) the physical condition or appearance of the mobile home; (c) a violation of MCL 125.2306; (d) intentional physical injury to personnel, other tenants, or their property; (e) violation of a local ordinance, state law, or government regulation pertaining to mobile homes; (f) 3 or more late payments in a 12-month period; (g) conduct creating a substantial annoyance after notice and an opportunity to be heard; (h) failure to maintain home or site consistent with aesthetics appropriate to the park; (i) condemnation of the park; (j) changes in use or nature of the park; or (k) public health and safety violations by the tenant.
I agree with the last blog. I'm sure the Marshall family will talk with an attorney. There is no doubt that more eviction notices will be on the way. That location will be leveled within a year and end up a store, office or gas station.
Why doesn't Marshall Township get involved? Because they don't care.
They care only about the dollar.
you can't get city to find Mary Lands. You wont get them to find a place for 30 familys. The Ford dealer might want property?
People wonder why lawyers get a bad name? For appearance sake Tom Schaffer could have refer the matter to another or have someone else in office do the work. He never cared about Mary shown in Pratt trial. He only cares of money and is nothing but a legal whore
Please get the word out to every person that hunts mushrooms to also look for Mary.
what is a highpriced lawyer like this doing evictions? smells to me like payback on Mary Land.
This eviction deal makes me sick. I agree with the other comments stated here and I encourage people to submit their comments to "Reader's View", Steve Smith's column in the BC Enquirer.
With all of the coincidences that are occurring with the different characters associated with this case, you have to wonder if there is a conflict of interest with Schaffer representing the owner of the property where Cliff and Anita live. After all, he REPRESENTED Chris Pratt in the domestic violence case which sent Chris to prison. You would think that if he had any sense of ethics and decency, he would have opted out of representing this owner. Oh well, what goes around comes around and you, Mr Schaffer, are not exempt from this. People are watching and people are talking. So, let's see who has the final word!
Billy Jack where are you??
why not ask Jim?
Keep up your spirits Anita and Clifford. Things are going on and with our prayers you will all have the answers you are seeking.
God Bless
I understand from neighbors that there is more digging about to start. If you need help let us know. We will help.
Poor Randy. Paulette sits in his trailer writing to him in prison at UP and its partytime on T drive in Homer for the Lorenz crew. omg could Carlin have new you tube video of Jake buying booze for all the underage kids last weekend??I bet more will go on for this holiday weekend too. Ppl are talking and the break is coming for Mary this summer. you just watch and see.
pratt is sweating from what he hears.
anyone have a conscience out there???
2 years ago this weekend ole Sam Pratt died. He knew what happened with Mary. Now his son is in prison on the 2nd anniversary of his death. Maybe the wallet should be returned. what goes around comes arround.
Here is my suggestion.
If certain family members are so concerned about legacy and good name why don't you march to State Police on Memorial Day and talk of what you know? That would be a real rememberance of Sam Pratt on behalf of his son, Christopher.
God Bless the good people in Calhoun who are helping
to bring Mary home.
We'll do it!!!
billy jack is back and i want to say..wow whats going on in this blog?jim let me say my peace and i will be gone.at least when i blog people respond..lets let the people speak?they trust me and i have trust in them lets do this!!billy jack♦♦♦
well if billy jack would stop messaging like he was asked jim wouldn't have to montior comments and it would be alot more interesting in here again. not suprise about the lorenz brothers.
nice copy and paste job.thats not billy.
Billy Jack,
There is no doubt in my mind, and in your own voice on what occurred on other sites. For now, I'm willing to give you the benfit of a new start and I know it might help the Marshall's in the long run. They have enough going on with the problems of the park and those matters are being addressed.
Just please try to be more balanced in your remarks and together we can get this job done and bring Mary home.
You don't need codes after your name like ♣♣♣, or diamonds or other marks that let a few others know it is really you. This is not "Days of our Lives" or some soap opera fiction show. This is real and we need to find Mary and bring her home.
The Marshall family must have answers. To all, we can talk the talk but we must also walk the walk to to obtain our goals.
Good things are in the works so get out and keep your eyes and ears open. The arrogance of certain evil people will be their downfall.
If anyone is going away for the long weekend have a great holiday.
If you are boating be sure to wear your life jacket. It won't work without you in it!
Others will be out searching and together we will bring Mary home.
where and when is search. 3 friends want to help. we can do it this weekend.
Have police looked into what Jeff really does at MKD? All right under the nose of Marshall PD?
must b something going on, jeff pratt has almost 14 thousd hits on you tube video in 2 months.
whos watching u jeff, cops or gangstrs?
What is going on at 24 mile & f drive???
nice! omg! jeff is a nice person and geat guy! why talk about someone you dont even know! well i guess people have nothing better to do! all this blog is good for is talking crap! I feel sorry for people that waste their time on here trashing on people that they dont know!
get a life and learn to spell.
Chris is where he belongs and brother Jeff one day will be there too.
If you know so much why don't you help find Mary and prove to the family they are wrong.
Next you will be saying the police framed the Pratts and all the women lied about being beaten. Ask Jeff's girlfriend one day when she is alone. I've seen her marks at the hospital and so have co-workers.
has anyone checked the basement of jeff's previous home it does have areas that are just dirt! and a hidden corner area blocked off with 6 feet of cinder blocks!
what is on at f drive where dig was taking place last year? it looked like a police helecopter was huvering over digging area. Are police or Mary's family out there?
I just learned after 4 years a national news program will finally cover Mary's case. This is long overdue and will help the family.
The story needs to be told.
AMEN. Culd be this is about all over. Thank God.
well, well well. Another stray lamb has returned to the crib. Adam Pratt is back in Marshall.
Wonder if he's talking??
Congratulations to the Pratt family member who was just married.
It is sad that Christopher couldn’t be at Moose reception last night.
Because of his anger, rage and dysfunction he will miss out on a great many more festive occasions.
Sunday may25 @4:08 am National news will finally cover Marys case.Will someone please give what news broadcast and when it will air. thanks and prayers to all
heard that police looking for Jake Lorenz. Wonder what thats about and why he is gone? anything to it he is at Paulette's & Randy place?
ppl are hiding him.
Jake beat the crap out of someone while he high. He didnt talk to cops all other times in jail and he wont talk about Mary this time.
If you see him you should call sherrif as be should be locked up.
we need to keep a person like pratt in prison so he is not able to hurt another woman like what he did to Mary, he can understand what he did is not the correct way to treat the person whom you love , know pratt give up the info on where Mary is
This last comment says it the best!!!
Someone out there can help Mary's parents to bring her home.
Thank you for your kind words.
Chris Pratt will NEVER understand that what he did to Mary was WRONG. He has no sense of right vs wrong. I bet you if you were to ask him now if was wrong in what he did to Norrene, he would say "NO". Another day in the life of a SOCIOPATH.
S adistic
O bsessive
C harismatic
I nappropriate
O bscene
P athological
A busive
T wisted
H eartless
Fits Chris Pratt to a tee, don't ya think?????????
Absolutely, the exact definition of Christopher Luke Pratt, Profile of a Sociopath-
Look at his history, his brother Jeff and the burns on his face, Chris's sadistic behavior with the genitals of a deer he killed...and much more.
And people ask Where is Mary?
Persistent lying or stealing
Recurring difficulties with the law
Tendency to violate the rights and boundaries of others (property, physical, sexual, emotional, legal)
Substance abuse
Aggressive, often violent behavior; prone to getting involved in fights
A persistent agitated or depressed feeling
Inability to tolerate boredom
Disregard for the safety of self or others
A childhood diagnosis of conduct disorders - this is not a symptom but "a history of"
Lack of remorse, related to hurting others
Superficial charm
A sense of extreme entitlement
Inability to make or keep friends
Recklessness, impulsivity
People with a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder often experience difficulties with authority figures.
Yes, the right person is in prison for hurting his recent girlfriend. Now he should be in prison for what he did to Mary.
Michigan needs the death penalty!
With the violence in Detroit, Lansing, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, Montcalm County and now in Calhoun County there is no doubt it should be law.
Chris Pratt should be the first to answer. Wouldn't that be Justice for Mary and her family?
It might also some wannabee prevert think before doing something so sick and abnormal.
and realize it is wrong. But poor Creeper doesn't have the neurons firing correctly in that dented egg head of his?
Chris doesn't have a conscience and believes he can do no wrong. Just regular play time with a girl he is supposed to love. Well as the prosecutor in court told Pratt, It seems the woman in your life come to realize that "Love Hurts"! He smirked...
Can you tell what is going on at f drive? Why are people digging again and we don't know? Is it the police or Mary's family? There is lots of activty. Is this good news??
I hope you are satisfied. Chris is in jail for made up charges by Noreen. He is suffering for nothing. all lies. Everyone knows Mary ran off and has new boyfriend.
Chris never hurt anyone and you won't find anything at f drive.
Leave the Pratt's alone. They are all innocent people. Chris will be home soon and find Mary.
Yeah right Chris never hurt anyone, you Pratts are so in denial always have been always will be. Oh yeah just like he didnt hurt his brother right, by setting him on fire, how can you Pratts sit there and say he would never hurt anyone? The truth will come out soon, on the monster he really is. Just like he hurts his children by trying to pull information about how obsessive he is with Noreen with the taped phone calls, no that is right he would never hurt anyone. Wake up you Pratts!!!!
if he is so guilty how come the cops have not arrested him? because you have no proof. He is innocent never hit any woman or murdered Mary. We know he is going to be out of jail because of appeal where all your lies will be seen. Parker made up the story with carlin and family. She was never hurt. Free Chris from jail. He is a good father and loving person. He'll be out soon youll see. You are all liers talking trash.
if he is so guilty how come the cops have not arrested him? because you have no proof. He is innocent never hit any woman or murdered Mary. We know he is going to be out of jail because of appeal where all your lies will be seen. Parker made up the story with carlin and family. She was never hurt. Free Chris from jail. He is a good father and loving person. He'll be out soon youll see. You are all liers talking trash.
Can anyone talk about F Drive? My neighbor said this was 4th day of digging again? Does family need any help?
I just hope if their digging they check the well and the septic tank this time....
This is for Anonymous, 6/4 at 7:34 am:
what kind of crack are you smoking? your comments are the biggest bunch of crap. I don't know how many times or in how many ways it can be said that Pratt is a wife/girlfriend beater, a drug dealer and a murderer. get your blinders off because you and the Pratt family are in for a hell of a ride.
Your all going down, and really soon too.
So, Chris will be home soon and find Mary? Pratt has had 4 years to come clean about what happened to Mary and where she is. He hasn't done it yet so what makes you think he would do it now? There have been some pretty ridiculous things in this blog and that comment is one of them. Face the truth..... Chris Pratt is a murderer, a liar, a monster. He should never be set free so he can hurt another human being again.
You just spread lies about the Pratt brothers. just turn the other cheek. This expression comes from the New Testament, in which Jesus tells his followers to love their enemies and offer their other cheek to those who have struck one cheek (Luke 6:29).
Jeff has found God and Chris has always been a good Christian. His bible will bring him home in a few months and the thruth will be found.
well, well, well, so Jeff has found God. If Jeff is so God-like, then why does he beat his girlfriend and why does he sell drugs? sounds pretty hypocritical to me! so, go on telling us this ridiculous crap. we're all laughing because none of us believe it.
A good Christian would not burn their own brother, a good Christian would not torture his girlfriend. A good Christian would NEVER commit a murder. The Pratts are far from good Christians. Wake up already there is nothing nice about the Pratts...
If Chris Pratt is a "good Christian", I'd sure hate to see who a bad Christian is.
Tick-tock, tick-tock, time is running out for Chris Pratt and those who have helped him with Mary's murder.........
tick tock to you. prison workers found Chris doesn't do drugs or drank in years. It is in that FIOA reports. Jeff and Chris have never broke laws and are good men. If they did anything they would be in jail for it. Chris will be home with family and make a home for the boys. You are all afraid of the truth. Mary just ran off.
i bet he cant pass a lie detector test...
Yeah never broke laws, you are not in prision because you didnt break a law. Wake up people the Pratt brothers are trouble, always have been and always will. No way can he ever pass a lie detector. Just wait and see Chris will be spending the rest of his life in jail, and we will be sitting back and laughing at you all.
if chris could find mary why didn't he do it for the 3 years he was out and about? ummm and don't u think people would love it if mary just showed up oneday and just had ran off with a boyfriend but no that isn't it he killed her. I hear they are digging because someone found something is why they are digging the rest cant be told yet for obvious reasons
Chris Pratt a phony born-again Christian may be released from prison one day carrying his bible never to be charged in Mary’s death? The Pratt name and any legacy deserve to forgotten forever. God will reap his wrath when the time comes.
"The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever" (Revelation 20:10).
The Marshall’s have shown a community that Chris Pratt is responsible for the death of their daughter and a infamous Pratt legacy is etched in stone. You will have to be satisfied with a lesser justice that their family name will only be remembered for this act of violence against an innocent woman. People will point to Louise Pratt and say there goes the mother of a murderer. People will point to Jeff Pratt and say there goes the brother of a murderer. People will point to the children of Chris Pratt and remember what their father did in 2004. I’m sure even his children know it in their own hearts.
Chris Pratt is a festering pus of evil and in a prison where he belongs. He's needs a bible because he won't be forgiven.
I wonder what ever came about with the guy pratt met at a party back in the 90's that had the same last name.wonder if they became best of buddies.
let me tell you something. the proud Pratt family is going to the governer and ask for Chris to be released because you all lies. he will be free in a few months and find Mary.
Wow if you guys are proud of the Pratt family you are sick people. How can you be proud when Chris is a murder. You must be just as quilty. You need to speak english and learn how to spell. Yeah find Mary, of course he knows where she is, he buried, the nice christian he is. You are sick people, how about you think about Marys family and start talking instead of making yourself look more like ass....
I think pratts are getting scared why are you so defensive all of a sudden......?
chris is a good person. your all liers but he will win appeal and be free. we will then sue you.
The govenor said we would be blown away in 5 years and look at the the poor shape the state is in....get real.....lol
Let's be clear here. Pratt is in prison because he committed a crime. A crime of domestic violence. This is a pattern for him as he was violent towards Norrene, his ex-wife, Su and to Mary herself. To you Pratt sympathizers: your efforts to get Chris out of prison are a waste of time. He has shown a pattern of domestic violence and will continue to do so if he is ever let out of prison. As for the claim that Mary ran off with someone else, get real. Chris, himself, has admitted to others that he killed Mary. So, if it makes you feel better to believe that Chris is a Bible toting Christian and that he is innocent, then by all means believe that. But the truth is that he is a sadistic animal of a man who has no conscience and no remorse for that which he did. May he rot in hell!
Some people are forgetting about who the true victims are in this case. It's not Chris Pratt, it's not Jeff or Louise Pratt, it's not Sarge nor is it the band of thugs who hung out with Chris. It's Mary Lands and her family. I am sick and tired of hearing what a wonderful guy Chris is and what a Christian Jeff is. Wonderful, Christian people do not terrorize women nor do they sell drugs. They don't KILL!!! The truth as you see it is WARPED and it makes us all wonder here if those of you who make these comments are just as sick and twisted as the Pratt brothers themselves.
Im sick of bad people using God as a tool to convince their freinds and relatives that they do no wrong.
wow!people are really creating insane stories. i love how people talk like they know chris and jeff! i guess it a guess and bashing site with all the rumors! it amazes me how gulable people are! you what i cant stand this town at all! i love my family,chris is a great father nothing what u all say can effect that!
This is not about what everyone thinks this is about bringing home a wonderful mother, sister, daughter, and friend! God bless you Mary and all your family! You are so missed! I pray for you everyday and will continue to pray for you untill justice prevails! You are in my heart!
Well Jacob lorenz killed his self yesterday so I guess now every one can stop trippin
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