Clifford Marshall again must endure the anguish of his 5th Father’s Day not knowing the fate of his daughter, Mary Denise Lands.
The new police chief in Marshall has still not yet been appointed although officials claim that progress in the investigation continues to be ongoing.
Sgt. McDonald has stated he also wants a chief appointed so he can return to his investigative duties on Mary’s case. Upon the official appointment the family plans to immediately meet with the new Marshall police chief to discuss the investigation that has now lasted over 51 months. A "person-of-interest" has been named yet there still have been no charges filed. We continue to receive new tips and information, which are examined and shared with law enforcement. Today, we are all aware that one witness in our community could bring this to an end. Please follow your conscience, you need to make that call.
For those who have asked, Cliff & Anita are in the process of moving this week but will still reside in Marshall, Marshall. Our focus is "Justice for Mary" and we will never give up until that has been accomplished and Mary is at peace. We will bring her home.
If you would like to call Cliff and say hello for Father’s Day, the telephone number is 269.781.4508. Mailing address; PO Box 63, Marshall, Michigan 49068.
Cliff & Anita receive much comfort from the continued support of so many friends in the community.
Together, we will bring Mary home and "we’re not going anywhere" until the job is done!
It is hoped the new chief will be a real cop. The election might help all around. We must have
Happy Father's Day Mr. Marshall
Cliff, Ashley and I wish you very Happy Father's day,I wish we could give you the gift you most want, and that is for your daughter to be brough home to us.with all our love, Sue & Ashley.
We are thinking of you on this day. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God bless you all.
God Bless Cliff. We are all with you and your family will have justice.
Happy Dad's Day.
Mr. Hallacy; Mr. Busher; Det Scott; Det. Saleman; Sgt. McDonald; & others at Michigan State Police. You are all fathers too.
Help Clifford Marshall and let this be the last Father's Day that he has to wonder, Where is Mary?
You can get it done and bring her home. Find the evidence to keep Mary's killer in prison.
at least Pratt family & his kids know where Chris is. and they can visit.
It was a nice showing by police at the Mary Lands vigil in March but what are they doing now? Was this just for electioneering?
It makes one wonder, doesn't it?
I read in the paper that Sgt McDonald is looking forward to resuming his work on Mary's case once a new chief is in place. So, is there anyone from MPD currently working on this case? If not, it is just as well because frankly, they did a rotten job of it.
Saw Sarge the other day driving around SERVING AND PROTECTING the good citizens of Marshall. It boggles my mind how he still has a job with MPD. Many of us here in this blog believe that he has the information to bring Mary home to her family. Many of us believe that he betrayed his best friend forever, Mary. Many of us here believe that the truth will eventually come out and we will all see how Sarge was a player in all of this. If I was Sarge, I'd come clean now and save my ass.
give it up. Give up you sonbs. Chris is getting out of jail on appeal bail and will be found innocent. Sue Harrington & Norene Parker lied and cops know it. He never hit anyone and don’t drink or sell drugs. You all lied. He will be out and forgive those who lied against him and be model for his kids. He will get custody.
You should all rot in hell for lies. Govenor has talked to lawyer about release with time served.
It is interesting that many of you believe that Sarge is the one who has the info to solve Mary's case. It's no coincidence that his relationship with Chris continued after Mary's disappearance. Even though Chris was a person of interest in this case, ole' Sarge continued to socialize with him.
Now, why was this allowed? It certainly wasn't to get a confession from Chris that he murdered Mary and then turn this info over to law enforcement. If that was the case, Chris would have been convicted a long time ago.
So, why was Sarge not reprimmanded for continuing to socialize with Chris? What kind of idiot would put his badge on the line? There have been a number of citizens who have come forth to Jim Carlin and to law enforcement who have provided info about Sarge and his after hour activities. They have talked about his relationship with Chris and what this "friendship" was based on. My question is why wasn't there an internal affairs investigation on this officer? I believe, as many others do, that:
1) Sarge knows what happened to
2) His affiliation with Chris was
based on more than
3) MPD turned its head on what
was going on
4) Sarge should be investigated
for his continued relationship
with Chris Pratt
We all know about Chris's drug connections and how he made his real money. There are many of us who don't have our heads buried in the sand and who are looking at this fiasco of a case with open eyes. We know that someone is withholding info and that person is Sarge.
So, it's up to State Police whether to pursue this or not. I, for one, am sickened and disgusted with the whole group of law enforcement right now. I agree with those who have wondered if those members of law enforcement who showed up at Mary's vigil are truly committed to solving this case. We sure haven't heard much from them since.
To anonymous 6/19 @ 5:27 pm:
What you said was the craziest bunch of crap that I have ever heard. Where are you getting your information from...Chris???? Chris Pratt lies and that is a known fact. Chris will never be found innocent for what he did to Norrene and indirectly, Su. You are out of your mind to believe such a bunch of BS.
The Sarge was doing dope deals at the trailer park on F Drive & 69. Everyone knew it and no one ever got busted.
It was nothing but a show for public and getting elected. Again where is new chief in Marshall? I heard they were bringing in another barney fipe. There is no law or justice our Marshall.
what about the leather jacket at the flea market?, what about records in purse that Chris gave Anita? What about Mary's car, What about all the beatings he gave other woman, What about drug deal stories of Pratts. If it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, TThis wacky duck people is a killer who has cot away with murder. And you will all put up with it.
jim keep up the good work..
to the marshalls!!i believe the faster you get rid of jim the better our chances of finding mary!!he is not in it to find her he wants praise!!
yes, hire another PI to do the real work. he balmed Chris and is wrong.
balmed??spell check...
taek a speling lesson in scollit will hel=p ya
chris is truley a bad person but we need all of the bad people..sarge,randy slone,jake lorenze!!
we can get this done.dont be afraid of them.if it was your daughter you would want to know..
If Carlin is not doing anything what was yesterday?? A bunch of people and him searched at gravel pit in Albion and other property. and Chris lived next door. They had to get permission to asccess Pratt land. 3 dogs were there. Bet Jeff Pratt has been worried.
What was the outcome?
We do need all of the bad people and we will get them. It's pretty sad that one of these people is someone from law enforcement; someone who has sworn to serve and protect. Yeah, right!!! The only ones he is serving and protecting are himself and the other "bad people".
im sure there will be a new video soon.
Jim, is there a way the public can hear tape or read court record of Pratt's lies in court? It would give insight into how he thought he could con the jury? Is this available?
Thank you
we need more insight on chris?lmao litsten to the phone calls,that should give you some there!
Christopher Luke Pratt has been incarcerated in jail or prison for one full year tomorrow, June 24, 2008.
He is paying the piper for what he did to Norrene Parker, 5-15 years in prison.
Now lets have him pay for what he did to Mary Lands.
Continue to ask, When will we have justice for Mary?
Continue to support the Marshall family.
To those who know what happened to Mary over 4 years ago:
Please do the RIGHT thing and contact the Michigan State Police. It is time to bring Mary home. Find it in your conscience and in your heart to come forward with the truth. Even if you just tell them where she is would mean everything to Mary's family. Please do the decent and right thing now.
Today, Shane Lorenz was caught by the police. Whether or not, Shane is directly involved in Mary Lands' disappearance and death, we can be thankful that another piece of vermin is off the streets.
Thank you for the information.
I verified that Shane Lorenz is presently being held in the Calhoun County Jail on 3 charges; with bail on each, $1,200.00, $1,000.00, & $250.00.
If it is not posted, he will be arraigned at a video-conference in the District Court next week.
You said it absolutely correct. It is yet another piece of vermin off the streets of Marshall, Michigan…at least for awhile. How long will it be for the rest to be put away?
how long before he will be crying to bunk buddies on what brother Jake did? better get him out of jail quick before he snitches.
what exactly did Shane's brother Jake do?
i wonder how many push ups chris is up to now??he should be the hulk by now.
he's still bartering his toilet paper for mash potatoes. he should get a tat of MDL cause MDL is going to keep him in prison.
We keep appealing to those who know something to come forward. Unfortunately, most of those who know something have no conscience and no sense of right vs wrong. The only way that they might help is if they get something out of it like lesser charges. That being said, I still hold out for someone to come forward and tell the truth. It is good to hear that Shane Lorenz is behind bars where he belongs. Another piece of scum off the streets. The way he's headed in his life he will end up in prison just like his good buddy Chris.
yes jim i agree,he will get off tho like all the others!!
Maybe Sarge should get a tat of MDL. That way, he can be constantly reminded of how he betrayed his BFF and how he continues to do so every day he keeps quiet about what happened to her.
i dont think sarge has a concience,he did wrong but i dont think he cares. he is the worst of the worst,he is not a cop he is in it for him!he knows what happened but he is a puss in a cops uniform..good guy hugh?
You're right about Sarge being the worst. He has not only betrayed Mary, he betrayed Mary's family and the citizens of Marshall. He, as a police officer, has sworn to serve and protect. All he has served and protected is his own interests. May he rot in hell!
The truth will come out and MARY WILL INDEED HAVE THE LAST WORD!
I don't know if I am bothered more that Chris Pratt killed a woman who once loved him enough to want to marry him or that a law enforcement officer who knows the truth not only betrayed her but has kept quiet about what really happened to Mary.
mary will indeed have the last word!!she did not die in vain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and she is the angel that we know and love.we are still here mary!keep sending us messages hun..billy jack!
i havent posted in a while but to let you all know im still here and im sure we will bring our girl home soon..
Billy if you want, that works great for me. Glad to have you back, I see the blog has picked up again. Welcome Back!!
well ty so much i am back and i want to bring mary home..
Its time for one of the players friends or girlfriends to tell the story. i would be very interested if ( T. B.) ex wife to step up and tell us what kind of guy her ex really is- such as his drug use....such as someone known as mdl once said, we need to look outside the box. i believe this started as a drug scene that went bad.........
It is already talk of Marshall and another thing Sgt. T.J. shouldn’t have been doing…on duty….
This jerk can get away with anything. His new wife and him are photographers and have there own business. Last week he had her taking pictures with the police car and a motorcycle while he was in uniform on duty. All kinds of poses for the camera with the cop gear.
Yeah, there’s no crime in Marshall so he might as well work his photo business not doing cop business.
He should be fired. How many chances does this stooge get to keep a gun and badge that he carries? He obscene and a joke.
Where’s the acting head of Marshall? Fire this idiot, and while you are doing it ask him more questions about Mary?
Amen. Can anyone here answer the simple question why Sarge still has his job? He is giving MPD and the city of Marshall a real bad name. Don't fool yourselves into thinking that people outside of Marshall haven't heard about all the crap that's gone on here.
They find it unbelievable and downright disgusting.
how does a shift sergent supvisor in uninform on duty get away with working with his wife holding camera equipment?? This all went down at Ketchum Park. people paid Bryant and his wife to take pictures of them on m/c. He should be fired or reduced to officer like Ivey. At least she wasn't doing her own business on duty like TJ.
will city manager take action on TJ when he sees video of this crap on you tube? if you can get fired for email you can get fired for doing own busines on city time.
I, too, think that drugs are tied up with Mary's disappearance and murder. We all keep wondering why Sarge still has his job. Most would have been fired for a lot less. Maybe, he is being protected because of what he knows and who all he could bring down. Just a thought.
Is Mary really the focus of this investigation or is her disappearance and murder sharing the focus with drugs and those dealing them?
i believe they go hand in hand it is for sure about mary and also the people dealing in drugs that has everything to do with this.
jeff will never be the focus of this investigation.as much as some think he is a small player and he will never give his brother up.this is about sarge and his involvement in the dissaperence of mary lands..get back to the first days people!!im very sure jeff knows things but he will not talk.chris is the one that is a person of interest and he is the one we need to talk to.we all know here in this blog that he is the only one that can make this right.i believe its time to charge with out a body..the evidence is there and there is alot of that!!i think we are looking to far into this lets get the people going for office involved more and get a conviction in this case.with conviction comes truth he will talk..i made a promise to alot of people that mary will come home in 08 .and i believe she will with your help lets get this done people.billy jack
Billy Jack, I think that Sarge knows the answers also. It is time for him to step up and come clean. Otherwise, when the truth finally comes out and it will, he may find himself an accessory in all of this and end up worse off than if he told the truth in the first place.
the thing about sarge is he will not come clean with the help he is getting from some in MPD.he has always got help from some inside!he must really have something on someone there??billy jack
serve and protect??not a motto of MPD..
I agree with the thought that Sarge must have something on someone in MPD. There is no other rational explanation for why he has gotten away with all of his crap. I also agree with the blogger that said that "serving and protecting" is definitely not MPD's motto.
What is wrong in this investigation is that finding Mary is not the priority. The law enforcement people want to bring the other factors into it. It is much too complicated a case to do this. Although drugs play a huge role in this story, they are not the central issue here, Mary is. A lot of people have volunteered to help find her; however, their volunteerism has been rejected.
The other thing which is bothersome is that a certain MPD sergeant has a big role in this disappearance of Mary yet no one is forcing him to talk. Why is that? I think that it is safe to say that he has information which could bring other officials down. That is why he continues about his business doing things which under NORMAL circumstances , would bring censure from his superiors.
The truth will come out and yes, Mary will have the last word. Keep Mary's family in your prayers.
Where there is smoke, there is fire. This smoking piece of crap that calls himself a cop should have been dumped long ago. Anybody who protects him should go.
How does TJ Bryant get away with all this. He knows something & we all know he knows!!!
pictures at ketchum park.$5.00 a bag of weed $30.00.seeing sarge in jail...priceless!!
It seems to me that Sarge is being protected and we all know why. So, acting chief, why is it that you won't question Sarge? Is it out of loyalty as he was your former partner? Is it because he has something on other members of law enforcement?
I gotta tell ya, acting chief, that you are being seen as protecting Sarge by many in this community. It might be wise of you to let the State Police handle this case. You are too close to Sarge to be objective. By the way, tell your friend Sarge that we all know that he has a BIG part in this case.
Isn't any police officer subject to random drug testing at any time?
This can't be true because they would have caught him long long ago? Where are superiors?
well they should be tested!but if protected by there superiors what can we do?its them against us!!i have never seen a worse police force then the MPD.its a shame to all of us.we need a new chief!!not afraid of all the people involved..its time to get this done.
Our acting chief(S.M.)T.B. and L. FRIEND should all be looked at.......
To keep you all posted,
The Marshall family deeply appreciates the continued support about our two primary questions, Where is Mary? & When will we have Justice for Mary?
Several new developments are in progress and we continue to be optimistic that we can bring Mary home very soon.
Cliff & Anita have relocated into their new residence in Marshall and the stress of moving is over. If you wish to say hello, their telephone number is 269.781.4508, Mailing address; PO Box 63, Marshall, Michigan 49068.
We hope you all enjoy a great Fourth of July Holiday Weekend. Be safe in whatever you do. If you are boating, “Boat Smart from the Start” and wear your life jacket, “It won’t work without you in it.” Don’t drink and operate a boat or any motor vehicle.
Thank you again for the support. The one tip needed to bring Mary home is a phone call away. Someone will soon make that call.
To the blogger 7/1 @ 10:34 pm:
I heard the same thing, too about those three. Funny how those 3 names keep coming up! Is it coincidence? I think not....
I've heard that all 3 have hung with Chris in the past. Fancy that, huh?????????? Wonder about what interests they had in common?
Anita and Cliff received a letter from their favorite attorney. Tom Schaefer who defended Pratt told them they are baned from park where they once lived. Cliff went to his office and said he can't be kept away. His friends and relatives still live there.
According to sheriff Cliff wasnt able to keep dope dealers away when mgr. How can Schaefer enforce this garbage.
Is this all just because of Mary Lands case and fact SCHAEFER lost Pratt case in court?
i bet if it was Schaefer's daughter missing he wouldn't be a mouthpiece for a slumlord. This is exactly why some attorney are snakes and with less integrity than some car salesman.
Anita Marshall has 25 "Ride for Mary" tee-shirts left over from last year's event. If anyone would like a shirt please call or send an email. I'll be glad to deliver them to you. A donation of any amount would be fine, payable to the Mary Lands Trust Fund.
As a resident of Marshall I want to know about police standards in my city and all agencies? This particular officer can't even wear a vest protector because none fit him. Why is everyone else required to wear them? He can barely get into the door of Lori's Cafe for those donuts. He is a disgrace as a police officer and a resident of Marshall. He tours around Marshall like he is some Hell's Angel with an illegal helmet. Why has he not been given a ticket? I would get one if I wore the same type. No wonder the new chief has yet been named. Who would want to work for a city manager like Chris Olsen and lead this band of misfits. Some of our officers are good and try to do an honest day's work but then there are the bandits with guns and badges. The new chief will have his work in cleaning up this mess; if it ever can be cleaned up? And then there is Mary Lands? What about that?
standards in marshall to be a cop must be different then most places?sarge is not a top cop for sure!!im bying cracker jacks tommorrow maybe i will get a free badge in the box?
I had reason to think two of the three mentioned were corrupt. Ive also heard before that some threats came from both sides.
ya im not sure about friend yet but looking at him also!
both sides?
Let me tell you what a great police dept Marshall has. Yesterday, when we were hit with that bad storm, the hospital called the police dept to see if the city was under a tornado warning. It was important to know because they had to get their patients to a safe area. The response of the personnel at MPD was "we don't have time to check into this. We're too busy." The hospital called back saying it needed to know and the answer the second time was "We're having problems with communications right now. A lot is going on." Again, no help. This is the kind of stuff that people in Marshall have come to expect from their police dept; those who are here to SERVE AND PROTECT their community. Right!!!??? So, how could one possibly expect this very police dept to solve Mary's case? It will never happen with them. It will take another law enforcement agency to solve it. What a shame!
Yeah, MPD is tooooooooo busy covering stuff up to do what they should be doing. Covering Sarge's butt must be a full time job, at least.
why dont you take break. Jeff is good father and Chris never did anything wrong. He was framed by cops & out of jail soon because all world knows. you are all liers and he will be free to get out and find Mary. LEAVE THE PRATT FAMILY A LONE
this web pages slander the good name of Chris Pratt, Jeff & all Pratts. he is getting out soon and youll have take all this down or be sued. Pratts are proud and honest. his girl friend lied. the other one ran off. Chris is great father to boys
If it weren’t for one sick Pratt this web site would not be here.
We will see. One day a judge is going to sentence Christopher Luke Pratt to life in prison for what he did to Mary. We will see and it isn’t slander.
What he has done already isn't slander and the best is yet to come.
Rot in hell Chris, you and those who protect you.
brother will not turn on brother.jeff is ok and he will not do this..im telling you all jeff is ok and he will not tell,its a brotherly love..its all about sarge!!and chris knows..he was just to much of a puss to tell on him!!chris says hes a bad man ,but he is just caught in a bad thing,hes scared of the MPD also!!
Let's be clear here. This blog is about Mary Denise Lands. The person of interest in this case from the start is Christopher Luke Pratt. Now, the Pratt family can deny it all they want but this is the truth. Another truth is that Mr Pratt has a history of domestic violence and that is why he is currently in prison. That is also why Mary Lands is not with us anymore. She was another victim of domestic violence at his hands.
Many have contended that Christopher Pratt is not smart enough to have done this on his own and he needed help to have gotten away with it for this long. After all, there have been many accounts of Chris telling people that he did it but no one would ever find her. He needed advice and he needed protection. He has friends in law enforcement who have provided him protection. One of his friends, Sarge, had been seen with Chris numerous times after Mary came up missing. Sarge has had his own personal issues but yet is still employed at MPD. He, too, is being protected or he would have lost his job a long time ago.
So, my question is "why would these two be protected?" I think we all know the answer and it's one which doesn't sit well with any of us.
It is laughable that someone from the Pratt family paints both Jeff and Chris as decent, loving people who don't deserve the comments made by bloggers here. From what I have heard, Jeff has also taken a swipe or two at his beloved from time to time. I wonder if he learned this from big brother.
I also agree that Jeff would probably never rat his brother out. A strange kind of loyalty, huh? As far as the accusations made by the Pratts that we here are all liars, that's like the pot calling the kettle black, isn't it? After all, Christopher Luke Pratt is the biggest LIAR of them all.
When all is said and done, Mary will have the last word and Chris Pratt and those who helped him murder Mary will answer for what they did to her.
It's only a matter of time before Candace Generi will be calling Jim Carlin and asking for help. She is a punching bag for Jeff and all her friends at the hospital know it.
Another woman being battered at the hands of an evil Pratt.
More bad cop antics at the parade.
The Marshall PD POSTER doughboy Sgt. Bryant was in the parade yesterday. I was shocked to see him stop on the police motorcycle in front of wife’s photography shop. She went out into the street to take pictures of him and the parade was held up. Must be nice to have power in the big city? MacDonald also was riding a bike.
When will we get the Mary Lands case solved and prosecuted.
surprised chris pratt not there with a camera film for prison?? work furlow?? jeff direct traffic?
Too much time spent by MPD covering their butts....
Not enough time left to work on Mary's case.....
Who is protecting who and why?.....
Who besides Sarge from MPD is involved with Pratt?..... The acting chief?, Officer LF?.....
What is their connection to a murderer?...........
Is it drugs?.......After all, we have heard about Sarge's involvement with them.....
Why isn't all of the above sounding off alarm bells?.....
Who from law enforcement is going to step up and be a hero?......
Or will this be left up to a number of concerned, disgusted citizens who are working very hard to get this case solved?.....
I wonder what the attitude of the new police chief in Marshall will be about all these questions? Will City Manager Chris Olsen keep him reigned in and not make waves? After all, Marshall is such a quaint little town with a long history. Nothing bad ever happens here. No unsolved murders, no drugs, no crimes. Did you ever wonder why the Marshall paper never puts names in about the crime stories? What's the big deal? The people have been arrested. Put in the names so we see who it is. Or is the editor and owner of the paper been told to reign it in too?
Yes, the new top gun at MPD will have his hands full. Who would want that job with all the stink?
To the acting chief of MPD:
Without a doubt, there is something very wrong in MPD. It might take an investigation by the Attorney General's office to straighten things out. It seems to me that if I were the acting chief, I would begin to put my department in order. If you don't, you and your colleagues will face a multitude of legal issues such as corruption and involvement in illegal activities such as drug distribution. We all know about one of your employees and their activities. If I were you, I would fire him. Stop protecting him. The Attorney General's office will not be kind to you or your department. Do not fool yourself into thinking that this will never happen sir. It will if things are not straightened up. It's been the Lands case which has opened many people's eyes. Your department's handling of this case has been abysmal. There is enough talk in your town which has gotten the notice of some in the legislative branch already. They have the ability to inform the Attorney General's office. You and your department are being put on notice to straighten things up.
Anonymous, on July 5th at 5:41 P.M. posted a comment about a hero in law enforcement that could help bring this case to an end. I don’t know about any particular person in law enforcement that could make that occur? However, I do know the real heroes of this tragedy are those who have come forward and helped the Marshall family in the search for their daughter, Mary Denise Lands. Whether a person has helped for 4 days, 4 weeks, 4 months or over the last 4 years they are the real heroes for the family. Without the support of these many people Clifford & Anita would have no comfort in knowing that Mary will be brought home and justice will be delivered to those involved in her disappearance and murder.
In church this morning I heard a gospel of St. Mark about the suffering that people endure and why God permits us to suffer in so many ways? I suppose we must just all have faith, I do. We must all have faith that someone will do the right thing for the Marshall’s and point us to the exact lovation of Mary's body. We must then have faith that a fair justice system will hold someone accountable.
Lady Justice, (Lustitia-Justitia), the Roman Goddess of Justice and sometimes, simply "Justice") is an allegorical personification of the moral force that underlies the legal system. Since the Renaissance, Justitia has frequently been depicted as a woman carrying a sword and scales, and sometimes wearing a blindfold. Her modern iconography, which frequently adorns courthouses and courtrooms, conflates the attributes of several goddesses who embodied Right Rule for Greeks and Romans, blending Roman blindfolded Fortuna with Hellenistic Greek Tyche.
Justitia is most often depicted with a set of weighing scales typically suspended from her left hand, upon which she measures the strengths of a case's support and opposition. She is also often seen carrying a double-edged sword in her right hand, symbolizing the power of Reason and Justice, which may be wielded either for or against any party. As stated above, Lady Justice is often depicted wearing a blindfold. This is done in order to indicate that justice is (or should be) meted out objectively, without fear or favor, regardless of the identity, power, or weakness: blind justice and blind impartiality.
We must continue to have faith that Lady Justice will soon be able to weigh the evidence in the Mary Lands case and we will no longer have to ask the question, When will we have justice for Mary?
In the interim…. to the perpetrator and accomplices of this crime, you can run but you can’t hide. Lady Justice will get you!
Well said! Mary will be found with or without the help of law enforcement and those involved will be held accountable for it.
As stated above, Lady Justice is often depicted wearing a blindfold. This is done in order to indicate that justice is (or should be) meted out objectively, without fear or favor, regardless of the identity, power, or weakness: blind justice and blind impartiality.
If Mary Lands' parents were not of modest means and were rich and had political connections this case would have gone to trial already. Mary would have been buried properly and the people in prison who killed her.
If it was a relative of Hallacey, MacDonald, Mike Olsen, Chris Olsen, a commissioner, a trustee, rep, senator or some other big pol it wouldn't have been blown from the start.
Money in Marshall talks. The reason lady justice is blindfolded is she doesn't want to see some people in Marshall. They are evil and ugly.
ABSOLUTELY!!!!! I would like to see Hallacy and those others who are running for office this year make a legitimate, meaningful attempt to help with this case.
Anonymous was right when they said that it depends on who you are in Marshall as to how you will be treated. Such a pretty little town with so much ugliness beneath the surface......
I have not read of Mary's tragedy on Enquirer online site? We should all spread the word there and in other forums.
I have heard stories about Jeff Lindsay, Vanessa's old man being involved with Pratt and Bryant and others in Marshall. He loves the weed.
What would make a brother turn against brother? Hmmmm.. I Wonder..Never Say Never!!!! I do not think it would be to hard to get him or anyone else to talk..Everyone..Yes,Even Me..I Have a soft spot..Ask yourself..what is mine??? What would It take to get me to talk or tell??? I Believe In An Eye For An Eye,A Tooth For A Tooth..Plain An Simple.We Have The Rights To That..Good Or Bad..Its Not On The Marshall Family..It Lies With The People Who Started It!! It Is Time To Finish It!! Whatever Theyre Fates..It Will Be Duly Justified And Much Deserved. Let The Chips Fall Where They May..THE MARSHALL FAMILY-SOUTHERN CHEROKEES FOREVER.
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