July 8, 2008- The Preliminary Examination is still scheduled for Shane Allen Lorenz on Monday, July 28, 2008 at 3:15 P.M. in Calhoun County District Court, Room 353, in front of Judge Samuel L. Durham. Mr. Lorenz’s court appointed attorney is Kenneth Marks. Mr. Lorenz remains incarcerated in the Calhoun County Correctional Facility on $5,000.00 Bond. He is charged with Assault with Intent to commit Grievous Bodily Injury, less than Murder, a 10-year felony.
Shane Allen Lorenz, age 25 (DOB-03/24/1983) was arraigned today, July 16, 2008 in Calhoun County District Court on the felony charge of Assault with Intent to Commit Grievous Bodily Harm, less than murder. (This offense carries a 10 year sentence & $5,000.00 fine) Present for the video arraignment was the victim, his family and friends.
Mr. Lorenz was completing a 35-day sentence for a probation violation on his conviction of domestic violence in which he failed to pay court fees and attend anger management counseling. He was scheduled to be released on July 21, 2008. He also has a pending trial for a felony charge related to his mandatory registration on his status as a Michigan Sex Offender.
His bond on today's charge was set at $5,000 and he was remanded back to the Calhoun County Jail. He asked for a court appointed attorney and his Preliminary Examination is set for Monday, July 28, 2008 at 3:15 P.M. in Courtroom #353.
It is alleged that Mr. Lorenz was assaulting his girl friend when this victim stepped forward to help. This is the result of the injuries to his most recent victim. VictimDWofShaneLorenz.jpg
I stopped at the Spruce Tree Mobile Home Park later in the day to speak to Shane’s mother, Jane Piper. I was looking for Jake and wanted to give her a business card to pass along to Shane so I could speak with him about Mary’s case. Mrs. Piper stated she hardly sees Jake. When asked about Shane she said he was incarcerated but getting out next week. I told her I was present at the video arraignment today and he is being held on another charge. I informed her of the allegations and showed her a photograph of the victim taken after the attack. She looked at the photo and stated, "My little peanut would never do anything like that."
If you have any information on this vicious assault (Case # 2008-003441) you are urged to contact Officer Tim Stanley of the Albion Public Safety Department- 517.629.3933 or Calhoun County Deputy Sheriff Chris Bacik- 269.781.0967. If you have information on the Mary Denise Lands case please contact Jim Carlin, 269.963.7068- JustinianLaw@sbcglobal.net and the Michigan State Police- 269.968.6115..
FYI... Shane Lorenz is the brother of Jake Lorenz & Wesley (JR) Lorenz. Other associates are Randy Slone- MDOC Inmate #656705 and Christopher Pratt- MDOC Inmate #673261

(Wesley (JR) Lorenz & Jake Lorenz)
OMG how can a person like this be out in the community? He should have went to anger school. This man then might not have been beaten? Keep him in jail.
Shane is one bad guy who needs to be kept in jail. A $5,000.00 bond is a slap in the face. Sell dope get a 10k bond, beat on an older man and get 5k. Nice message for our leagal system to send to society.
well if this prick don't decide to talk he is going to wind up being somebody's little peanut in the joint. Maybe he'll go to Bellemy Creek
Yeah, looks like "little peanut" has some rough times ahead of him. Wonder what mommy truly knows! Sounds like she is covering for both her 'little peanuts".
Heard that Sarge's dog bit someone and he paid them off to not report it. Anyone hear anything about this?
Thanks for video of Bryant house. What does he look like so we can watch if he is doing anything wrong?
Willie "Tyree" Ponds of Irwin Ave in Albion is a close friend with Shane and according to word around Albion has recently been talking in some detail about the assult on the man by Shane. Anyone know anything about this? I do not understad how someone that comes from such a great and respected family can be friends with scum like Shane.
Could this friend of Lorenz also know about Mary Lands?
I remember few years back seeing photos of the MPD chain of command but when I went to search for it later on I couldnt find it. Mabye Jim knows if its still available.I even printed it out at the time and tim b was on it.
That website is quite old and show a budget from 2004. The Marshall city government site has some pictures but no roster with names and rank. Best time to catch a photo of TJ Bryant would be him coming out the donut shop. He's blowling up like a blimp and takes 5 minutes to get into a patrol car.
Command Staff:
Scott McDonald - Detective Sergeant
Timothy Bryant - Sergeant
Josh Lankerd - Sergeant
Patrol Division:
Steven Kelly - Senior Patrol Officer
Lee Friend - Patrol Officer
Rebecca Ivey - Patrol Officer
Troy DeKryger - Patrol Officer
Shannon Topp - Patrol Officer
Andrew Groeneveld - Patrol Officer
Robert Ritsema - Patrol Officer
Adam Ottjepka - Patrol Officer .im not sure how current this is.billy jack
How is it that Sarge is second in command with his history of suspensions, reprimands and after hours activities? I have yet to hear a good explanation for this. Sarge continues on his merry way with ridiculous behavior and indulging in activities that would have been cause for termination. The taxpayers of Marshall deserve answers and accountability from their city government and law enforcement. So far, there has been nothing from the city manager or the police dept.
With the elections coming up in the fall, I am at the point of not voting for anyone who is currently representing our constituency or who is involved in county government at this time. I am disgusted at the lack of interest shown by these people in Mary's case and it makes me wonder if some of them are tied up in the corruption of both the county and the city of Marshall.
i think that sarge has his own idea of the law in marshall,and being in command it looks like he is getting away with it .sad day for the citizens of marshall and the surrounding towns!he can pick and choose who goes to jail and who dont and also what he will turn in and what slides by..billy jack
The big question is WHY IS SARGE GETTING AWAY WITH IT? Why is he being protected? Obviously, he has something on someone, otherwise, he would have been canned a long time ago.
Paid advertisements in area papers go a long way, you just have to make sure everything publised is verifiable due to liability reasons. If interested I can provide names and numbers of the best people to call to get prices and the best chance of an article actually making it in the paper. Election time is the best time to get answer, if the current politicians dont give some type of answer it typically cost them votes.
i would be very interested in having those names and numbers,but how?billy jack
does sarge have a degree in law or just donuts??billy jack.
I have read this blog and kept my mouth shut for quite a while. This town of Marshall is one of the most corrupt towns I have ever known of. What the hell is wrong with that idiot Sarge, you all wonder? I will tell you my opinion. He is a substance abuser just like Chris, Shane Lorenz and Randy Slone. Sarge keeps doing unethical and illegal things because he knows he can get away with it. Sarge knows stuff which could get a few people in trouble. When will all of this be exposed? Well, I think it will take the Attorney General's office to bring this crap out into the open. Don't think it won't happen because it will. Now, regarding Mary. She will be found and I am telling you it won't be MPD who finds her. It will be ordinary citizens who find her. Chris Pratt will stand trial for Mary's murder. People who helped him will go down too. So, if I were Sarge, I would not be pushing it right now. You know what I mean...selling weed and hanging with pieces of crap like Lorenz. My name is Sam, just call me Jack.
Can anyone tell me what the dog bite attack is all about? Was this Bryant's dog and something was covered up? It seems that everything he does is not consistant with being a good officer and following the law.
Looks like TJ could find himself on this site if they were interested?
It was Bryant's dog.
Don't the police call in report info on a voice messag that are typed for them? The 9 reports of FOIA don't look too difficult even if they were supposed to be typed? He should have been fired for this especially with a report 5 months old not done. Is the blind leading the blind at this police dept?
You're absolutely right. Sarge SHOULD have been fired for this along with the other stuff that he has done. So, why wasn't he? This seems to be the 64,000 question. The interesting thing is that usually when someone is disciplined for an infraction, they usually wise up and start behaving. Not him. He keeps doing stupid stuff not seeming to care if he gets into trouble or not. And yes, he still has a job. So, why is this so? The only explanation is he's being protected. He obviously has something on someone and that is why his job has not been affected. His continuing to hang around Pratt after Mary came up missing and not being reprimmanded for it is really bothersome. Someone out there has information that would explain why Sarge is getting away with his stuff and who may be protecting him. They may also have information on Mary and what happened to her.
It would be nice if someone created a site dedicated soley to info and evidence on Sarge.
Numerous Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests have been submitted to the Marshall Police Department over the last few years. Acting Chief Scott McDonald has always responded in the proper manner and within the time-frame set under FOIA. In the past we have requested information related to Mary’s case such as reports on the Durango, its status, Mary’s leather bomber jacket recovered at the flea market in Homer being sold by Mr. Pratt, and other certain questions of interest to the family. MPD has advised us that because it is an open investigation relevant facts and information may not be disclosed. We have no problem with those answers, as it is a viable response under the circumstances of Mary’s disappearance.
However, today I received a response from Sgt. McDonald on a FOIA question I submitted only related to the exact time and circumstances that the MPD were advised of Mary’s disappearance by relatives in California. Mr. Pratt never made any notification to the MPD that Mary was missing.
Sgt. McDonald’s response to my latest FOIA is noted on the right side of the first page on “Links to Mary”. You may view his entire answer.
What is startling today to the family and myself is not that the information cannot be released, but instead of noting it is a missing person’s case, he writes, “this is an open homicide investigation being conducted by the Marshall Police Department”.
We are pleased that this is now the official status, but we should have at least been informed of when that occurred and why the MPD decided to now call Mary’s disappearance a homicide?
It has been 4 years, 4 months, and 6 days since Mary Denise Lands went missing. It has been 4 months and 6 days since top law enforcement officers of our county attended Mary’s vigil in Marshall and announced “she will not be forgotten”.
It is now time for police officials to make a public statement on the status of the case and when they believe the case might be solved?
people talk about Tj and his dog biting a friend of his, and an older lady, if he could lie about a dog bite, (witch is really no big deal), you must ask yourself what else is this man's lied about.
All these people who break the law deserve to be in prison. One by one they will turn each other in to save their own skin. Just a matter of time.
yeh, with this family it is why they are all so screwed up. he's a peanut for sure..a pervert peanut.
The wheels of justice turn slowly, but again today they did turn.
Smirking Shane sat at the defense table during his hearing shaking his head no...we've seen that before in court from defendants.
The Preliminary Examination for Shane Allen Lorenz was held this afternoon in the courtroom of Judge Samuel Durham. Present in court were family and numerous friends of the victim. The only person present from the Lorenz side was Jane Piper, Shane’s mother. Chief Assistant Prosecutor Dan Buscher represented the State of Michigan. After a brief hearing that included testimony from two witnesses Judge Durham issued a prompt ruling that the state had sufficiently provided enough evidence for Mr. Lorenz to be held for trial. He was remanded back to the Calhoun County Jail presently being held on $5,000.00 Bond.
It is interesting that brother J.R. Wesley Lorenz was seen in the parking lot. You would have thought he'd be present in court for baby bro? That is unless there might have been a warrant out for him?
I was at the vigil marking the 4th anniversary of Mary's disappearance. I heard the speeches made by law enforcement and the county prosecutor pledging their determination to get this case solved. I have to say that I seriously doubt what they said then. They have done nothing to show us that they meant what they said. It's an election year and those running for election or re-election will say anything to get elected. I think that the truth is more like they wish that this case would just go away. Well, I am here to tell you that it won't go away until it's solved and Mary is brought home to her family. If law enforcement can't get it done, then I am sure that there are a number of citizens who would be willing to do it for them.
It is pretty sad that it has come to this. There are people who hold positions who could actually facilitate this investigation. Instead, they have stepped away and distanced themselves from this investigation not wanting to get their hands dirty. I suspect that some of their hands may already be dirty because they may know what happened to Mary and are either covering it up or not wanting to take action on what they suspect may have happened. Shame on you all.
We have a cop here in Marshall who not only knew Mary but was a close friend of hers. He also happened to be buddies with the person of interest in this case, Chris Pratt. He continued his relationship with Pratt after Mary's disappearance. There have been a number of reports from various citizens detailing his after hour activities. Some of these activities are not only downright disturbing, they could be subject to prosecution. With all of the talk and speculation regarding this dubious character of a policeman, wouldn't you think that there would be some sort of internal affairs investigation on him? Wouldn't you think that some kind of action would be instituted against him?
The key to solving this case lies in what happened in the first few weeks following Mary's disappearance. MPD's performance in investigating and following up on leads is questionable to say the least. All one has to do is go back and read the blogs and you can see that there has been some highly questionable behavior going on. I hear that the State Police have been pretty much taking over the investigation. Have they lost interest in getting this case solved? One can only wonder.
Maybe, these law enforcement officials need to think about what it would be like to have a loved one of theirs come up missing . Maybe, they need to experience the despair, helplessness and utter hell that a family goes through when something like this happens.
I have heard the stories about how Mary's family has been treated not only by MPD but the City Manager of Marshall as well. What kind of monsters are you people? How dare you treat this family in this way! Your behavior towards them has been despicable and may you all rot in hell because of it.
Update, August 3, 2008- Attention: Sgt. Tim Bryant of the Marshall Police Department
Many of your friends and relatives have told me you are following Mary’s blog and web site.
I have an offer for you. Today during several interviews about the Mary Lands case your name came up over and over again. For the life of me I can’t understand how one police-officer could be involved in so many dubious activities? Are all these people making this up to get back at you for some ulterior motive? I’d like to know the truth? Surely you do?
You probably are getting tired of hearing my name just as I am tired of hearing yours. I’d like to offer you a proposition?
First, I would like to meet with you at your earliest possibility. Possibly Ketchum Park or maybe we could have a chat at the Fountain directly in front of the police department. I’d like to ask you about all these accusations made against you?
I absolutely would want to meet face to face with the person who brings up things about me so that an explanation or denial can be made. I would like to hear your side of these allegations and what you have to say about Mary’s case?
Second, I am very familiar with D/Sgt. Geoffrey Flohr. He presently has over 26 years current law enforcement experience with public and private licensure in Michigan. He also is full member of the American Polygraph Association. You may also know of this investigator’s respected credentials at the Michigan State Police. He is called the "Closer" at MSP for his careful and deliberate manner in completing investigative interviews. D/Sgt. Flohr does polygraph examination on his own. It is permissible under MSP policy as long as the subject taking the polygraph has not yet been charged in any criminal matter.
One would think, if you have nothing to hide, you would jump at the opportunity to answer certain questions and for the polygraph result to be a clear "no deception indicated"
I know that D/Sgt. Flohr is not concerned about the result favoring the person talking the polygraph or for the state’s case. His only concern is to know he administered a fair and proper polygraph examination. When the test is reviewed by his peers they also should come up with the same conclusion.
D/Sgt. Flohr charges approximately $500.00 for his examinations and he is accredited across the state in its use. I’d be willing to pay any and all the costs of the polygraph for you if you would agree to take a test? If TJ Bryant has nothing to hide then you would have no reason to refuse my offer.
I challenge you to take a polygraph and show that you are not the law breaking rogue cop that some people say you are? This could go a long way in reassuring the minds of many citizens that you are truly innocent of the allegations against you.
So how about it TJ? Lets start with a meeting on your day off at Ketchum Park or the Circle Fountain in Marshall. We can then go from there. What do you have to lose? You use polygraphs every day as a resource tool. Why not use this tool to prove you have not done any of the things that peole have alleged? Why not try to clear yourself?
Shane got bailed out and is staying in Marshall at Spruce Tree Trailer Park at his moms on lot 50. Watch out for your kids and beware that he is very violant and dangerous.
The management at Spruce Tree Trailer Park was not aware that sex offenders were living in the park. Once they were made aware they got right on it. It appears that they are concerned about the safety of the children in the park and are willing to help insure the kids continued safety. This update will not help find Mary, but it may help prevent a child from coming up missing. We all know that this site is to help find Mary and at times gets off track. Look at some of the off tracks this way, if getting off track saves a child from abuse or coming up missing is that such a bad thing? And to start throwing peoples names out on the blog is that going to find Mary? Again, the people who are trying to help are being endangered by others trying to help by stupid stuff like name throwing. Is it egos? jelousy? do these people feel threatened by anyone new who has things to offer that may help and progress the case? People complain about others attacking them in the past on here and running there name in the ground and now it appears that the same people complaining might be doing the same thing. Good guys stay good and concentrate on the bad guys and back off the attacks on other good guys. This isnt politics so stop acting like politicians and playing mud wars on the blogs.
Jury selection for Shane starts Friday. Taking all bets before the trial is over Shane runs.
According to the prosecutor, the trial for Shane has been delayed until at least Thursday. Apparently, they were not able to sit enough jurors to conduct the trial at this time. As of this point, I await our outstanding prosectors office to get one thing correct in this case. Just think, our prosecutor could likely become a Judge. Starting to feel sick, heading to the bathroom.
Doesn't surprise me that JR Lorenz was in the parking lot and did not attend. He is always in trouble and just as violent as his brother Shane. I know JR from when he lived in Concord.
When is this all going to end and we get justice for Mary??
I helped out with the trackmissing benefit 2 weeks ago and more needs to be done.
shane lorenz is my cousin. and i have to say this young man would never commit murder. you people don't know him so you have no right to talk the thing's you talk. just because the cops look at him as a suspect doesnt mean he did it. he is not a scum maybe he did some thigns in the past he shouldnt of but dont look down on him cause there are a lot of people that make mistakes in there past and regret it and change. so no one has the right to judge. and as for the cops they need to leave him a lone because it's been 4 years and if he knew somthing he would stand up and say somthing. i understand that the family wants to find out what happen but dont harress the same people that don't anything bout it over and over.
First of all you ppl dont need to talk shit about things you dont know about.. shane is not a bad guy ppl fuck up and do thing they cant take back like the man he beat up...well he has come along way and he is trying to change for his family we all love him and as far as his mom goes no one needs to talk shit about my mother inlaw she is one of the best ppl i know so dont be puttin her name on here
Thats messed up because when your on drugs you dont give a heck what you do or plan for money.There all scared of RS.
Why cant they figure it out 4 men with a violent past, and present working together
Why is everyone focuse on Shane its Jake that should concern them,he beat up vanessa when she was 6 months pregenent with there son, then he got his son took away. For violence in his home.
And wheres that green caviler shane and him drove randy around in, while vanessa was locked up. They didnt even investigate that.
i will say this she is my cousin and i do want to find her. but iv been with shane for almost 3 years and we have a son together i dont want to here all of this stuff yes shane probly did all those things but it is in the past shane im sure dosnt feel good about the things hes done but i love him and he is the father of my son and he is a dam good day so please stop putting him down we are going though enough right now and i dont want this to deal with to ok thank you
i belive that he mit have somthing to do with it i heard from a person in his family that he and his brothers had some thing to do with it but i dont know. but yes shane and his brothers are not good people to be out just roaming the streets they have done bad thing to good people and need to be put away i know shanes ex girlfriend carrie and she with though hell and back because of shane
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