In follow-up investigation of the Mary Lands case I received first-hand direct information that a neighbor was attacked by a dog owned by Sgt. Bryant and as a result of extensive injuries had to be treated at a local hospital. Because of the bite and laws related to quarantine, hospital officials are required to notify the police department. Sgt. Bryant responded and he then learned that it was his dog that bit the victim. It is alleged that he told the victim to lie about the incident and paid her to state that the animal that caused the injury was a stray. He further advised the victim to say there were tags on the stray animal which could infer to the hospital that there were no need for shots? It is further documented that a ring worn by the victim had to be removed at the hospital and was damaged. It is further alleged that Sgt. Bryant paid a local jewelry store for the repair or the ring and all the medical expenses. There never was any written police documentation that Sgt. Bryant was the owner of the dog. Later that day the animal was then transported to Battle Creek and hidden so there would be no connection to Sgt. Bryant. A police report was completed which at this time could appear to be a false police report.
Although the statute of limitations would have expired on criminal action for filing a false police report this obviously should be of interest to the Marshall Police Department as it affects the integrity of the entire department. I have requested Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reports related to the incident. Sgt. Scott McDonald has answered my request that he presently is unable to locate any information of the incident. He responded;
Jim, got your FOIA today on the dog matter. At first glance, I am not having any luck. Can you get me any more particulars? We have been through four computer systems in the past 12 or so years, and each system has it searching quirks. We also had some paper logs, but it will take a long time to research them. If you could get either an exact date, an exact location, or anything more, it would make my search of the records more useful for you. I would also suggest checking with either the Health Department, or perhaps the Humane Society. I say this because if a dog bite occurred, the officer would have had to file a Quarantine Notice, which is eventually filed with the County Health Department. I'll continue looking and respond soon.
Sgt. McDonald is obviously trying to locate the documentation and he will be provided additional information. As he suggested, I have already submitted further FOIA inquiries to the Calhoun County Health Department and Humane Society. It also appears that the same animal may have previously bit another elderly resident and I have requested information on other incidents.
July 23, 2008- When will it end?
Interesting developments on the dog bite caper.
Additional witnesses confirmed the facts as presented but an unusual response from the City of Marshall, FOIA Coordinator, Chris Zuidema.
Your FOIA request of July 16, 2008, for information regarding a dog bite has been processed. Because of the lack of detail and age of the information requested, there was over 2 hours of research involved. Therefore the charge for this FOIA request will be $27.00 (2 hours at $13.50/hr). The FOIA response is at the reception desk at City Hall for you to pick up at your convenience.
I inquired what documents were found and was their cost included in the $27.00 fee?
Ms. Zuidema replied;
Mr. Carlin,
No reports, complaints or records were found when the individuals were run through the database and nothing was found in the paper records that match your request.
Ms. Zuidema has always provided in a timely manner the FOIA documents I have requested and this obviously has nothing to do with her efforts to find the dog bite report.
However, the dubious plot continues.
Not only was this particular incident not handled properly with another officer taking the call and completing a report, but it appears that Sgt. Bryant never even wrote one? I imagine this is totally consistent with his lack of writing reports for which he was suspended in 2007.
As Acting Chief McDonald suggested, I have submitted FOIA requests to the Humane Society and the Calhoun County Health Department. and awaiting their response. It was also determined that the ring which was damaged was repaired by David Jewelers, which has now closed its doors and no longer doing business in Marshall. I have however, requested Duane Mestemaker to provide details of the repair. He should have no problem in doing so unless there is a claim of jeweler/client confidentiality?
Latest Update, July 26, 2008- Today, July 26, 2008 I received a certified letter from Officer Rebecca Ivey of the Marshall Police Department with a no-trespass notice. It cost the taxpayers of Marshall $5.32 to be mailed. It states that I left "a business card at residence to victim identifying self to victim." Because of my actions of harassing and annoying the victim I am hereby forbidden to enter into or onto the premises of 330 N. Marshall Avenue in Marshall, Michigan. If I am found in violation I may be subject to arrest and prosecution for trespass under Michigan City Ordinance (Chapter 133, Section 133.03, State Law reference MCLA 750.546. This will remain in effect for one year. It is signed by the property agent, Barbara Ruddock.
My intent for stopping at the home was to speak with Laura Engle, the woman who was bitten by Sgt. Bryant’s dog. Ms. Engle is the live-in significant other of Ms. Ruddock. I wonder if this means that despite all the other verifications that Laura Engle was bit by Sgt. Tim Bryant’s dog she will now deny it? Is this the real reason I was issued a no-trespass notice?
We still would like to know, "Who let the dog out?"
07/23/08- At approximately 8:00 P.M. this evening I received a voice mail from Officer Rebecca Ivey of the Marshall Police Department asking that I call her back about a complaint she was investigating. I returned her call and after a brief wait spoke to the officer. She advised me that I was the subject of an investigation involving one Barb Ruddock. She stated she would like me to come in and pick up a no trespass notice. I declined and she then advised me she would be mailing the no trespass notice in the mail. Ms. Ruddock was interviewed earlier today about the dog bite incident and Sgt. Bryant. I actually was trying to speak with her room-mate, Laura Engle. The interview was pleasant and cordial and took place on the sidewalk in front of her residence of 330 N. Marshall Street in Marshall. She told me how she was struggling to take care of her friend, Laura and her daughter. She was about to be homeless for not paying rent and was holding a garage sale on Saturday to raise money. She confirmed many of the details herself including that Sgt. Bryant took paid Ms. Engle for the injury, but added, "So what, big deal, forget it." She claimed she was a good friend of Sgt. Bryant and would not ever say anything on the record against him. She stated the position of Ms. Engle was the same. Later I also spoke with Cam Engle who resides two houses west of Sgt. Bryant at 629 Mansion Street. Mr. Engle also confirmed some details of the dog bite but did not wish to become involved because Sgt. Bryant was a neighbor and his friend. Mr. Engle is now divorced from Laura. A sidebar, Cameron Ray Engle, DOB-05/31/1966, age 42 is also on the Michigan Sex Offender Registry.

He was convicted in November 2007 of Criminal Sexual Conduct. It should also be noted that his residence is directly across the street from Sherman School, which also has a child day care facility, Shamrock Center. How is it that this person is permitted to reside so close to a school as a registered sex offender? Is it because he is a friend of Sgt. Tim Bryant?
If you will recall, it was former Sgt. Rebecca Ivey (demoted last year to patrol officer) who in June 2006 requested that the leasing manager of Waldon Pond Apartments, Cliff, Anita and myself to come in to MPD to discuss crimes she was investigating, as we were suspects. Chris Pratt claimed that we committed a home invasion, theft and burglary from his apartment. In fact, the leasing manager permitted us to enter with her after he failed to pay rent and legal action was taken against him. He had vacated the apartment and it was empty. Former Sgt. Ivey spent a considerable amount of time trying to make a case against us despite assurances from former Chief Mike Olson, with a "wink and a nod" to the Marshall's that "this was nothing and not to worry about it." Former Sgt. Ivey maintained we were suspects in those crimes. Clifford & Anita actually went down to the station and were read their rights by Sgt. Ivey. We all declined to speak invoking our rights under Miranda and would not speak with the officer unless an attorney was present. Sgt. Ivey eventually issued a warrant request against us for various felonies but the prosecutor declined to charge us with any crime and the matter was dropped.
I don’t know if this is more harassment and intimidation from the Marshall Police Department and who might have put Ms. Ruddock up to asking for a no-trespass notice to be issued?
I can state one fact from my conversation with Ms. Ruddock. She advised me that she has a son living in the home. Her friend/room-mate, Laura Engle and her 14-year-old daughter also live there.
If you will recall, it was former Sgt. Rebecca Ivey (demoted last year to patrol officer) who in June 2006 requested that the leasing manager of Waldon Pond Apartments, Cliff, Anita and myself to come in to MPD to discuss crimes she was investigating, as we were suspects. Chris Pratt claimed that we committed a home invasion, theft and burglary from his apartment. In fact, the leasing manager permitted us to enter with her after he failed to pay rent and legal action was taken against him. He had vacated the apartment and it was empty. Former Sgt. Ivey spent a considerable amount of time trying to make a case against us despite assurances from former Chief Mike Olson, with a "wink and a nod" to the Marshall's that "this was nothing and not to worry about it." Former Sgt. Ivey maintained we were suspects in those crimes. Clifford & Anita actually went down to the station and were read their rights by Sgt. Ivey. We all declined to speak invoking our rights under Miranda and would not speak with the officer unless an attorney was present. Sgt. Ivey eventually issued a warrant request against us for various felonies but the prosecutor declined to charge us with any crime and the matter was dropped.
I don’t know if this is more harassment and intimidation from the Marshall Police Department and who might have put Ms. Ruddock up to asking for a no-trespass notice to be issued?
I can state one fact from my conversation with Ms. Ruddock. She advised me that she has a son living in the home. Her friend/room-mate, Laura Engle and her 14-year-old daughter also live there.
Poor police work, someone trying to send a message? I don't know? I do know that I didn't do anything wrong and if people don't wish to speak with me about Mary Lands, Sgt. Tim Bryant, or Santa Claus all they have do do is refuse and I'll be on my way. In this case certain people seem to now be aware of what we know about a dog bite and they are trying to stop others from knowing. This appears to be another cover-up, of yet another secret in Marshall, Michigan. Could actions or inaction’s of Officer Ivey be yet another reason why people in Marshall refuse to make statements to members of law enforcement? Why do the same people who are willing to tell their version of what took place to me but others refuse to talk to the police? Are we to believe if someone does a wrong they should get away with it? If they are a friend or neighbor of that police officer should they also get away with wrongs?
The persons having direct knowledge of this incident and the actions of Sgt. Bryant are reluctant to come forward because of fear. This unfortunately seems to be the prevalent attitude of many citizens about questionable conduct especially involving Sgt. Bryant. They may be willing to provide details to some law enforcement agency if the allegations are taken seriously? Good people want to speak out and tell the truth about certain things but many are afraid.
If you have any information about questionable actitities of a police-officer or any person in this matter or that of the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands you are urged to contact law enforcement authorities.
My thought is that if any of this is accurate and a police-officer falsified an official police report on a minor incident like a dog bite, or did not follow proper procedures of the department, what else has that officer been involved in, and what else has he lied about?
My thought is that if any of this is accurate and a police-officer falsified an official police report on a minor incident like a dog bite, or did not follow proper procedures of the department, what else has that officer been involved in, and what else has he lied about?
Jim, I think your concerns are definitely valid ones. What gets me is that many of us here in the community of Marshall are very disturbed about the stories that we are hearing about this particular law enforcement officer, Bryant. These stories all have the same undercurrent to them and that is the way that this man conducts himself both on the job and after hours. We hold law enforcement to a higher level of conduct as they are the ones who are here to serve and protect our communities. Their behavior should be above board. They should be setting an example of good citizenship to the residents of the communities that they serve. Here we have a man who numerous people say sells and uses drugs. He has disciplinary and work performance issues. There have been various accounts of unscrupulous behavior outside of work where he doesn't follow the law. I guess he feels he is above the law. Who does this sound like? Maybe his good friend Chris Pratt?
Perhaps, even more disturbing is why this person's behavior has been allowed. His behavior has tarnished the image of this department in Marshall and yet, he continues to conduct himself in this same manner.
We want answers from the acting chief as to why this man still holds a job here.
In a meeting with the Marshall family shortly after taking office, City Manager, Chris Olsen told us "You are part of the problem, not part of the solution".
He was not happy with our Walks for Mary and the other public awareness projects to highlight the disappearance of Mary Denise Lands.
Anita Marshall was so frustrated with his demeanor, lack of people skills and arrogance that she walked out of the meeting. To this date, the city manager has never even written to the family to express his empathy nor was he present at the 4th Anniversary Vigil last March. He maintains that it is people like us who are tearing down the good name of Marshall.
Mr. Olsen, I believe it is your own lack of action that tarnishes the city of Marshall. Just look at the record of Sgt. Bryant. There is no doubt; "he is definitely part of "your" problem"
Can new chief at PD be told by city mgr. to forget about Mary Land case? I think so.
What about conduct uncoming an officer?? Can't this piece of trash be dealt with accordingly?? This is why citizens won't talk about Mary or other crimes?? When will it stop??
FEAR is the reason why people have not come forward and justifiably so, considering the behavior of the city manager and other public officials. That being said, I think it is important to say here that Bryant and those who protect him should NOT underestimate the citizens of Marshall. We are much smarter and much more determined than you think we are. By roadblocking Mary's advocates, you have forced them to consider other avenues of getting justice for Mary. You will not be the ones in control when all is said and done.
You once asked about Yvonne Lewis of Tekonsha? I don't know if this will help you but she lives down the road. She works at Target Distribution in Augusta. Her husband works at WalMrt Distribution in Coldwater.
She knows Chris Pratt?
For what it worth. I bet if you check more you will find that pj set found in basement of Pratt's old place on 15 1/2 mile rd is that of woman in Tekonsha. One mystery solved.
Is there a website dedicated soley to Sgt. Bryant? If so I need the link to turn over to someone on the federal level. If not I need to know how to obtain all evidence againts Bryant for submission to the agent.
Seems to me it would be mighty stressful for Bryant to be living under so much scrutiny. Yet, he keeps going about his business doing stupid stuff. Timmy, it's all going to catch up with you and then where will you be? Sharing living quarters with your buddy, Chris? Truth always wins out. I kinda get the feeling that you would have been better off coming clean a long time ago. Every day which passes makes your part in Mary's disappearance and murder look more and more important. Have to agree with everyone else here, Timmy, that you play a big part in this whole mess. Someone is going to talk and you will have no control over what they say. It must be hell to live this way, Timmy. I guess it's true what they say about living one's own private hell on earth. You can run but you cannot hide from your truth. Have a nice day now.
Pop goes the weasel............
It is very sad to fear and not have trust in one's local law enforcement. Mary's case has shown us how terribly corrupt the legal system is in Marshall and perhaps, in Calhoun County. We have also seen the corruption at the local government level. There have been numerous accounts of misbehavior on the part of Marshall's City Manager who has treated Mary's family like dirt. I wonder who he truly answers to. It's certainly not the taxpayer.
As Jim has pointed out, many citizens may have information but they are fearful of the consequences if they talk to the local authorities. After all, who can one trust around here? The longer this case goes on, the more it looks like that it's the local law enforcement who is putting up the road blocks to getting this case solved. If this is the case, they will be found out and exposed. If this is the case, one can only wonder if some of them have something at stake here if this case is solved. The truth will come out, just wait and see.
To Cliff and Anita, please know that you are surrounded by people who are doing everything they can to help solve this case.
Hello everyone. It's been awhile since I commented on things. I have a few things to say about why this case has not been solved. Why is it that the State Police have taken over the investigation but still rely on MPD for info? I, myself, would not trust anything from MPD. They have done nothing towards solving this case so why ask them for info? Another thing which really drives me crazy is that TJ is in a high level position at MPD. How can this be? He is a real piece of work. He still hung with Chris right up to when Chris went to jail. Does this make any sense to you all? TJ has someone looking out for him. That is why he still has a job.
Now, I know that some of you are wondering what this has to do with Mary's case. Well, here it is in a nutshell. TJ was friends with Mary Lands and she trusted him. He betrayed her in the worst way. He knows what he did and believe me, his life has been hell because of it. To have MPD involved in this case is just plain unethical. When everything comes out, you will see what I mean. I pray for that day.
I believe you are absolutely correct Maryd about Bryant due to his connection with a certain individual other than chris and it will catch up with him. They know who this person is.
welcome back maryd.billy jack
I just want to thank Billy Jack for his warm welcome. I appreciate everything you are doing for Mary's case. You are working with others to help solve this case and I think it will take someone outside of law enforcement to solve it.
I am blogging today to tell all of you here that Mary will be found and brought home to her family. Chris Pratt is the one who killed her but he had help. I don't know if any of you know Chris but he is not the brightest spark so to speak. His mind is always racing and he can't help but lie all the time. He can't tell the same story twice because of all of his lies. He is impulsive and he is a liar; two traits which don't fit a successful killer. He had help from those who know how to hide evidence. You can draw your own conclusions here.
So, to those of you who have doubts about Chris's guilt, remember this. He has been an abuser of women all his life. He went too far when he beat up Mary. Then she died. When it all comes out, you will see how complicated this coverup is and who it all involves.
the best thing about telling the truth is that you dont have to remember what you said!!billy jack
I want to sincerely thank Jim for the work he is doing to help recover my stolen belongings from a moving company which is holding them hostage. He's going above and beyond to help not only myself but others who have suffered this kind of fraud as well. My observation is that he's doing this out of his sincerest desire to protect the public from consumer assualt. It's still very early in this process but suddenly I have some hope!
When will it end?
Interesting developments on the dog bite caper.
Additional witnesses confirmed the facts as presented but an unusual response from the City of Marshall, FOIA Coordinator, Chris Zuidema.
Your FOIA request of July 16, 2008, for information regarding a dog bite has been processed. Because of the lack of detail and age of the information requested, there was over 2 hours of research involved. Therefore the charge for this FOIA request will be $27.00 (2 hours at $13.50/hr). The FOIA response is at the reception desk at City Hall for you to pick up at your convenience.
I inquired what documents were found and was their cost included in the $27.00 fee?
Ms. Zuidema replied;
Mr. Carlin,
No reports, complaints or records were found when the individuals were run through the database and nothing was found in the paper records that match your request.
Ms. Zuidema has always provided in a timely manner the FOIA documents I have requested and this obviously has nothing to do with her efforts to find the dog bite report.
However, the dubious plot continues.
Not only was this particular incident not handled properly with another officer taking the call and completing a report, but it appears that Sgt. Bryant never even wrote one? I imagine this is totally consistent with his lack of writing reports for which he was suspended in 2007.
As Acting Chief McDonald suggested, I have submitted FOIA requests to the Humane Society and the Calhoun County Health Department, and awaiting those results.
It was also determined that the ring which was damaged was repaired by David Jewelers, which has now closed its doors and no longer doing business in Marshall. I have however, requested Duane Mestemaker to provide details of the repair. He should have no problem in doing so unless there is a claim of jeweler/client confidentiality?
It is very frustrating and disturbing to hear that this kind of work performance by Bryant is tolerated. Why folks? Does MPD not get it that people are getting more and more suspicious about how they go about their business? We deserve better than this. MPD, you will be held accountable for this and other things.
it will keep up because nobody gives a crap. so what if TJ is not a good cop. he does enough to get bye.
the thing about this is we do give a crap and tj will be held accountable,its in the works..billy jack
yes, we do give a crap and there will be some who wish we didn't.
At approximately 8:00 P.M. I received a voice mail from Officer Rebecca Ivey of the Marshall Police Department asking that I call her back about a complaint she was investigating
I returned her call and after a brief wait spoke to the officer. She advised me that I was the subject of an investigation involving one Barb Ruddock. She stated she would like me to come in to MPD and pick up a no trespass notice. I declined and she then advised me she would be mailing the no trespass notice in the mail. Ms. Ruddock was interviewed today about the dog bite incident and Sgt. Bryant. I actually was trying to speak with her room-mate Laura Engle. The interview was pleasant and cordial and actually took place on the sidewalk in front of her residence of 330 N. Marshall Street in Marshall. She confirmed many of the details herself but added she was a good friend of Sgt. Bryant and would not ever say anything on the record against him. She stated the position of Ms. Engle was the same.
If you will recall, it was then, Sgt. Rebecca Ivey who requested the leasing manager of Waldon Pond, Cliff, Anita and myself to come in and discuss our alleged home invasion and theft of property from an empty apartment of which Chris Pratt vacated. We were alleged suspects in those crimes. We declined to speak with the officer invoking our rights under Miranda. We would not speak with the officer unless an attorney was present. Sgt. Ivey issued a warrant request but the prosecutor declined to charge us with any crime and the matter was dropped.
I don’t know if this is more intimidation from the Marshall Police Department and who might have put Ms. Ruddock up to asking for a no-trespass notice to be issued?
I can state one thing. Ms. Ruddock had advised me that she has a son living in the home. Laura Engle and her 14-year-old daughter also live there. It is worth noting that her son, Troy Allen Ruddock, age 25, DOB-09/01/1982 is listed on the Michigan State Police sex offender registry. I don’t believe any minor child should be permitted to live in this residence with a registered sex offender. He actually has 330 N Marshall, Marshall, Michigan as his address on the registry.
Officer Ivey should have noted this and taken action for this obvious violation.
Sex Offender,
Troy Allen Ruddock
Intimidation, poor police work, someone trying to send a message? I don't know? I do know that I didn't do anything wrong and if people don't want to talk with me about Mary Lands, Sgt. Tim Bryant, or Santa Claus all they have do do is refuse to speak with me and I'll be on my way. In this case certain people seem to now be aware of what we know about a dog bite and they are trying to stop others from knowing.
Laura Engle better tell the truth about the bite when the big guns come to ask. Everyone knows she was bitten by Bryants dog.
why was Of. Ivey demoted from sgt?
while there they should bring along a drug-sniffing dog.
It's just a matter of time before this all unravels..............
A person following the Mary Lands case sent this to me via email and asked that it be posted.
I did so following my comments on “Who let the dog out?” Sgt. Tim Bryant?
After; This appears to be another cover-up, of yet another secret in Marshall, Michigan.
Could actions or inaction’s of Officer Ivey be yet another reason why people in Marshall refuse to make statements to members of law enforcement? Why do the same people who are willing to tell their version of what took place to me but others refuse to talk to the police? Are we to believe if someone does a wrong they should get away with it? If they are a friend or neighbor of that police officer should they also get away with wrongs?
Update, July 25, 3008- The Preliminary Examination is still scheduled for Shane Allen Lorenz on Monday, July 28, 2008 at 3:15 P.M. in Calhoun County District Court, Room 353, in front of Judge Samuel L. Durham. Mr. Lorenz’s court appointed attorney is Kenneth Marks. Mr. Lorenz remains incarcerated in the Calhoun County Correctional Facility on $5,000.00 Bond. He is charged with Assault with Intent to commit Grievous Bodily Injury, less than Murder, a 10-year felony.
I would ask anyone who is able to Make Shane Lorenze preliminary hearing to be present. The more people that are on the victims side the better.
Aint love grand? TJ must be off because him and his biker bride where back in the park this morning muggin it up for another photo spread. She had her vest on with wide shots on the bike and Bryant was running around like Olin Mills. Didn't Pratt work for that company? Maybe they learned their trade together? Humm...I wonder?
I'm gonna puke!!!! the joint in Ionia might soon have 2 photogs.
maybe they can bunk together
I'm thinking there could be a big reunion in Ionia...Chris, Sarge, Shane.
In regards to this Ruddock guy, how do you get a CSC 2nd degree and not have a prison number?
maybe he's a friend of a cop in Marshall?
Today, July 26, 2008 I received a certified letter from Officer Rebecca Ivey of the Marshall Police Department with a no-trespass notice. It cost the taxpayers of Marshall $5.32 to be mailed.
It states that I left "a business card at residence to victim identifying self to victim". Because of my actions of harassing and annoying the victim I am hereby forbidden to enter into or onto the premises of 330 N. Marshall Avenue in Marshall, Michigan.
If I am found in violation I may be subject to arrest and prosecution for trespass under Michigan City Ordinance (Chapter 133, Section 133.03 State Law reference MCLA 750.546. This will remain in effect for one year. It is signed by the property agent, Barbara Ruddock.
My intent for stopping at the home was to speak with Laura Engle, the woman who was bitten by Sgt. Bryant’s dog. Ms. Engle is the live-in significant other of Ms. Ruddock. Officer Ivey ought to be issuing a no-trespass notice to Troy Allen Ruddock, Ms. Ruddock’s 25-year old son who is a registered sex offender. He should not be permitted to live in the residence with Ms. Engle’s 14-year old daughter. That no-trespass notice might be somewhat more important to society than the one they issued to me. By the way, another woman who was not even present with me was given a no-trespass notice for the same location by Officer Ivey. I wonder if this means that despite all the other verifications that Laura Engle was bit by Sgt. Tim Bryant’s dog she will now deny it? Is this the real reason I was issued a no-trespass notice?
Just goes to show you. If certain officers want to intimidate you it can happen in Marshall. Perhaps if former sergeant… now patrol officer Rebecca Ivey is so interested in criminal investigation maybe she should consider focusing on the the Mary Lands case?
A copy of the complaint and allegations has been requested under FOIA to Acting Chief Scott McDonald. I will also publish the materials when received along with the notice.
Mr. Carlin,
A licensed private investigator cannot be subject to the law as specified by the officer. Vandalism and property damage are an important issue in the Michigan law and the one referenced is not even applicable. I quickly found this for you online. If Marshall has a competent city attorney he or she might think about changing their references. If they have anyone competent?
by: Clifford H. Bloom
Law, Weathers & Richardson, P.C.
Bridgewater Place
333 Bridge Street, N.W., Suite 800
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49504-5360 E-Mail:
"Trespass" is the venturing onto the lands of another without permission. As many riparians well know, trespass is a common problem around lakes.
There are two types of trespass and related legal remedies - criminal trespass and civil trespass. Criminal trespass is what most lay people think of when they consider pursuing legal action against someone for trespass. There are potentially three laws available whereby a trespasser can be prosecuted. First, under state law, trespass is illegal pursuant to several statutes. MCLA 750.552 is the general state statute for trespass. This statute prevents anyone from trespassing upon the premises of another after having been forbidden to do so. Violation of the statute is a criminal misdemeanor offence, punishable by a fine of up to $50.00 and 30 days in jail or both. There are also several statutes which make it illegal to trespass and to damage property, cut trees, destroy or take crops, etc. Under such statutes, someone who is found guilty of entering the Land of another without permission and destroying property is potentially liable for actual damages, and in some cases, even double or triple damages. See MCLA 600.2919,750.546 and 750.547. Second, some local municipalities (ie. cities, villages or townships) have their own trespass ordinances. Finally, the Michigan Recreational Trespass Act (MCLA 324.73101 et seq.) ("RTA") covers trespass involving recreational uses. Depending upon the statute under which a trespasser is prosecuted, conviction can either constitute a criminal misdemeanor or civil infraction offense. The RTA was also amended recently to add "teeth," such that the penalties have been beefed up significantly.
Jim, it seems to me that Officer Ivey's actions are an obvious ploy to keep you from pursuing the dog bite matter any further. This incident is just another example of the use of intimidation and fear to keep people from questioning and finding out what is really going on at MPD and Marshall city government. Does MPD not realize that they are being watched and their actions scrutinized? Obviously not. It's arrogance which usually leads to one's downfall and it's MPD's arrogance and bullying which will lead to their downfall.
you got that right! Former sgt., now patrol officer Ivey needs to take one of those classes her husband, former Chief Ron Ivey teaches at KCC. Wasn't she married to a fire chief there too? You think she's be a tad smarter with him as a teacher. Acts like Mrs. Barney Fife.
No doubt more Marshall Law,
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
does she carry one bullet too
Did you read this:
Later I also spoke with Cam Engle who resides two houses west of Sgt. Bryant at 629 Mansion Street. Mr. Engle also confirmed some details of the dog bite but did not wish to become involved because Sgt. Bryant was a neighbor and his friend. Mr. Engle is now divorced from Laura.
A sidebar, Cameron Ray Engle, DOB-05/31/1966, age 42 is also on the Michigan Sex Offender Registry.
He was convicted in November 2007 of Criminal Sexual Conduct. It should also be noted that his residence is directly across the street from Sherman School, which also has a child day care center, Shamrock Center. How is it that this person is permitted to reside so close to a school as a registered sex offender?
What the hell is going on in this town? drugs, crime, questionable cops, perverts on every corner?
Harold C. Brooks must be doing flips in his grave.
I would like to ask one thing, how can MPD give you a no-trespass notice, when you were never even at the place. I guess I will have to get An Attn. to see how this could happen.
why was this person involved? did she give information and Bryant wants to shut her up too. she was not there was she?
If you go to the Michigan State Police site for Sex Offenders you will find 43 in Marshall, 21 of these offenders live within the city limits.
The woman was not at Ms.Ruddock home, why she was given a no-trespass notice, is still unknow.
i saw here where it says "sarge" deals drugs and maybey uses them too.
Anonymous said...
Aint love grand? TJ must be off because him and his biker bride where back in the park this morning muggin it up for another photo spread. She had her vest on with wide shots on the bike and Bryant was running around like Olin Mills. Didn't Pratt work for that company? Maybe they learned their trade together? Humm...I wonder?
Friday, July 25, 2008 4:54:00 PM
my best friend told me she was with the dog and saw the picture shooting last friday and she said the woman with "sarge" is a photographer who takes pictures on michigan street here in town. my friend says she sees her alot going from the building. she has to know what "sarge" does. she has to know if she is with him. i bet she don't have to pay rent on the place she is at taking all the pictures. maybey she pays the rent with drug money. maybey she should be looked in to?
why cant the state police be brought into look at this crooked cop. he sounds dangerous
"TJ is in a high level position at MPD. How can this be? He is a real piece of work. He still hung with Chris right up to when Chris went to jail."
can anybody take a picture of this officer that way it can be put next to the video of his house. i would do it but he knows me.
" Justinian Investigative Services said...
At approximately 8:00 P.M. I received a voice mail from Officer Rebecca Ivey of the Marshall Police Department asking that I call her back about a complaint she was investigating
I returned her call and after a brief wait spoke to the officer. She advised me that I was the subject of an investigation involving one Barb Ruddock.
Sgt. Ivey issued a warrant request but the prosecutor declined to charge us with any crime and the matter was dropped.
I don’t know if this is more intimidation from the Marshall Police Department and who might have put Ms. Ruddock up to asking for a no-trespass notice to be issued?"
why is this officer so ferverent in her wanting to go after the investigator who is only trying to find Mary Lands who the police should of found long ago. does it make others wonder why this officer Rebecca Ivey is also so involved in all the Mary Lands coverup? heres an idea she is shtooping TJ during their work hours and protecting her "Commanding officer" so then they can play
"hide the handcuffs" so she is making sure her way to the top of the marshall police force is safe
another idea is maybe the marshall police force is all they have to do is look at their own TJ BRYANT for the answer to what happened to Mary.
he knows everybody knows he knows wat happened to Mary.and it is coming TJ its coming for you. can you hear it TJ? the sounds of justice and you and your buddy
chris sharing the shower with some of the more interesting personalities you can find in a prison who like Guys who hurt women
have fun TJ. dont drop the soap baby. peace for the Bro's who have been harassed by your brand of justice
this person said
"Anonymous said...
it will keep up because nobody gives a crap. so what if TJ is not a good cop. he does enough to get bye."
Wednesday, July 23, 2008 6:39:00 PM
then this guy said
Anonymous said...
the thing about this is we do give a crap and tj will be held accountable,its in the works..billy jack
Wednesday, July 23, 2008 6:49:00 PM
i don't know who the person is who thinks it is ok that the officer just does enough to get by.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. are you dumb are you obviously inbred or better yet a family member of Pratt or Bryant. you have to keep the police to a standard they are the guys who are suposed to make sure he law is done right. i work at a local gas store and i am tired of the garbage these police get away with during there driving in there cars
i dont say this any better than this. I SAY TO YOU ANONYMOUS HURRAY AND GOOD FOR YOU
"What gets me is that many of us here in the community of Marshall are very disturbed about the stories that we are hearing about this particular law enforcement officer, Bryant. These stories all have the same undercurrent to them and that is the way that this man conducts himself both on the job and after hours. We hold law enforcement to a higher level of conduct as they are the ones who are here to serve and protect our communities. Their behavior should be above board. They should be setting an example of good citizenship to the residents of the communities that they serve. Here we have a man who numerous people say sells and uses drugs. He has disciplinary and work performance issues. There have been various accounts of unscrupulous behavior outside of work where he doesn't follow the law. I guess he feels he is above the law. Who does this sound like? Maybe his good friend Chris Pratt?"
we all know bryant is guilty, why dont we get the state police or better the federal people to look into this police officer before he does more things that will bring more shame to my hometown. you know i dont tell people where i live, i tell them i live in battle creek - if that is any better.
while i am on the topic, what about bryants woman?
Anonymous said...
Aint love grand? TJ must be off because him and his biker bride where back in the park this morning muggin it up for another photo spread. She had her vest on with wide shots on the bike and Bryant was running around like Olin Mills
i think whoever said that this woman with the police officer should be looked into is right. if she is with bryant, she has to know all his dealings and what he does on his work hour. she cannot be innocent. I bet she counts the money and who thinks that she is smoking the drugs with bryant? we should look into her business, maybe that is how bryant gets the drug money out. mr justinian, do you look into the officers woman. she has to know something about her man
On way to breakfast this morning I saw a bunch of cops, MacDonald, Sheriff, State and deputies 8 of them standing around front of Schulers Was this a political rally or down time for donuts? Didn’t see number 2, Sgt. Bryant though? Guess he back manning the station?
Could they be get together to search for Mary? LOL
Sounds like one set of rules for Bryant and quite another set for the good citizens of Marshall who pay taxes for community law enforcement.
bryants days are numbered.maybe when its all said and done the hells angels prison crew can give him a job making licence plates??billy jack
I was at the vigil marking the 4th anniversary of Mary's disappearance. I heard the speeches made by law enforcement and the county prosecutor pledging their determination to get this case solved. I have to say that I seriously doubt what they said then. They have done nothing to show us that they meant what they said. It's an election year and those running for election or re-election will say anything to get elected. I think that the truth is more like they wish that this case would just go away. Well, I am here to tell you that it won't go away until it's solved and Mary is brought home to her family. If law enforcement can't get it done, then I am sure that there are a number of citizens who would be willing to do it for them.
It is pretty sad that it has come to this. There are people who hold positions who could actually facilitate this investigation. Instead, they have stepped away and distanced themselves from this investigation not wanting to get their hands dirty. I suspect that some of their hands may already be dirty because they may know what happened to Mary and are either covering it up or not wanting to take action on what they suspect may have happened. Shame on you all.
We have a cop here in Marshall who not only knew Mary but was a close friend of hers. He also happened to be buddies with the person of interest in this case, Chris Pratt. He continued his relationship with Pratt after Mary's disappearance. There have been a number of reports from various citizens detailing his after hour activities. Some of these activities are not only downright disturbing, they could be subject to prosecution. With all of the talk and speculation regarding this dubious character of a policeman, wouldn't you think that there would be some sort of internal affairs investigation on him? Wouldn't you think that some kind of action would be instituted against him?
The key to solving this case lies in what happened in the first few weeks following Mary's disappearance. MPD's performance in investigating and following up on leads is questionable to say the least. All one has to do is go back and read the blogs and you can see that there has been some highly questionable behavior going on. I hear that the State Police have been pretty much taking over the investigation. Have they lost interest in getting this case solved? One can only wonder.
Maybe, these law enforcement officials need to think about what it would be like to have a loved one of theirs come up missing . Maybe, they need to experience the despair, helplessness and utter hell that a family goes through when something like this happens.
I have heard the stories about how Mary's family has been treated not only by MPD but the City Manager of Marshall as well. What kind of monsters are you people? How dare you treat this family in this way! Your behavior towards them has been despicable and may you all rot in hell because of it.
Update, August 3, 2008- Attention: Sgt. Tim Bryant of the Marshall Police Department
Many of your friends and relatives have told me you are following Mary’s blog and web site.
I have an offer for you. Today during several interviews about the Mary Lands case your name came up over and over again. For the life of me I can’t understand how one police-officer could be involved in so many dubious activities? Are all these people making this up to get back at you for some ulterior motive? I’d like to know the truth? Surely you do?
You probably are getting tired of hearing my name just as I am tired of hearing yours. I’d like to offer you a proposition?
First, I would like to meet with you at your earliest possibility. Possibly Ketchum Park or maybe we could have a chat at the Fountain directly in front of the police department. I’d like to ask you about all these accusations made against you?
I absolutely would want to meet face to face with the person who brings up things about me so that an explanation or denial can be made. I would like to hear your side of these allegations and what you have to say about Mary’s case?
Second, I am very familiar with D/Sgt. Geoffrey Flohr. He presently has over 26 years current law enforcement experience with public and private licensure in Michigan. He also is full member of the American Polygraph Association. You may also know of this investigator’s respected credentials at the Michigan State Police. He is called the "Closer" at MSP for his careful and deliberate manner in completing investigative interviews. D/Sgt. Flohr does polygraph examination on his own. It is permissible under MSP policy as long as the subject taking the polygraph has not yet been charged in any criminal matter.
One would think, if you have nothing to hide, you would jump at the opportunity to answer certain questions and for the polygraph result to be a clear "no deception indicated"
I know that D/Sgt. Flohr is not concerned about the result favoring the person talking the polygraph or for the state’s case. His only concern is to know he administered a fair and proper polygraph examination. When the test is reviewed by his peers they also should come up with the same conclusion.
D/Sgt. Flohr charges approximately $500.00 for his examinations and he is accredited across the state in its use. I’d be willing to pay any and all the costs of the polygraph for you if you would agree to take a test? If TJ Bryant has nothing to hide then you would have no reason to refuse my offer.
I challenge you to take a polygraph and show that you are not the law breaking rogue cop that some people say you are? This could go a long way in reassuring the minds of many citizens that you are truly innocent of the allegations against you.
So how about it TJ? Lets start with a meeting on your day off at Ketchum Park or the Circle Fountain in Marshall. We can then go from there. What do you have to lose? You use polygraphs every day as a resource tool. Why not use this tool to prove you have not done any of the things that peole have alleged? Why not try to clear yourself?
While doing research in Florida of Mary Lands case I found this clip.
Bring Mary home folks. We know who killed her.
Man testified in own defense; lawyer says charges a ploy
Posted: Dec 4, 2007 11:14 AM EST
Updated: Dec 4, 2007 11:45 PM EST
Chris Pratt in court Tuesday
BATTLE CREEK -- Chris Pratt took the stand Tuesday in defense of charges he sexually attacked his girlfriend and held her against her will in their home.
Pratt is on trial for these alleged offenses against his live-in girlfriend. She said he trapped her inside their home and broke a phone to keep her from calling for help.
He admitted he had some anger problems, but said he would never harm his girlfriend.
Prosecutor - "So you're not blaming any of your actions on June 24 on lack of medication, panic attacks, anxiety attacks or depression, are you?"
Pratt - "No sir."
Prosecutor - "You did all of those things on June 24 that are depicted in the pictures, didn't you Mr. Pratt?"
Pratt - "Um, I would say pretty much all of it, yes sir."
Pratt's lawyer said this case is just a ploy to connect his client with the disappearance of his former girlfriend, Mary Lands, in March 2004.
No charges have been brought in that case against anyone
How come Ruddock has still not registered? House empty but register shows him at 330 N Marshall. Oh that's right. Marshall cops don't give a crap. Keep your kids safe. Maybe he staying with Shane Lorenz?
I find it equally entertaining and appalling at how ignorant many of you people are. Really think about what you have witnessed on this page. Unfounded allegations and pictures of a mans home and this is all it take for some of you to condemn a man to hell and slander his name under an anonymous blog site. Most of your comments here are reflecting on the level of people you are. So many incorrect usages of english,spelling,and grammar. Do you really think Tim Bryant is an evil mastermind? If so you must not know him. If his criminal acts are so blatant why has he been on the force for so long? Or do you insinuate he has the state police in his pocket as well? Perhaps he has influence with the government? Mayhap Tim Bryant has a direct line to the president. Have you ever met Chris Pratt? Have you ever met Tim Bryant? They would not be friends.
As to the dog bite incident...suppose your dog bit somebody you knew....would you not pay for it? If your friends dog bit you would you press charges even if they had no problem paying for everything? Lets not be childish. Did you see the video Justinian posted of 615 W. Mansion street? Why are you accepting facts from an obviously imbalanced man stalking private residences in search of what? What were you hoping to uncover with your incredible detective technique? Continue to abuse Officer Bryant and I would bet that he would still come to your aid even off the clock. Either you can stop and think about the source of these allegations or you can carry on with the rest of this brazenly ignorant mob. Whats next Justinian? A book? I believe he is the one insulting Mary's memory by abusing her and her family's plight to gain attention for his previously unheard of Justinian Investigations. I see there is a photo of his wifes vehicle parking part way over a sidewalk... you nailed him huh? Caught him in the act. Do you believe he did it on purpose intentionally flaunting his power as an officer of law by instructing his wife to park a third over the sidewalk? The very idea that this website exists is downright ludicrous...are you that bored in your days justinian? Hiding on peoples yards and filming their grass?
There are so many more areas of concern in our society right to be wasting time on Tim Bryant, is he crocked, he is involved, only he knows, I know for a FACT, that it was his dog that bit that lady, and she was, at that time, comfortable with not reporting it and letting Tim pay for it. Let's think of Tim's children, how do you think they feel hearing and perhaps reading these things about their dad. I know it would upset me terrible. I would like to say let the system do their job, but it is obvious they are slackers. Mary will be found, maybe not now, but soon, and then the truth can be told and all can rest at night. They say the softest pillow, is a clear conscience.
If MPD would get on the ball and do there job all this talk about them would stop. I hear "why would they want to solve the case with the way people are talking about them?". Thats an easy one, to prove there not the careless ball dropping slackers they are making themselves out to be. Same crime at another department would be solved. Why dont they just call back in the FBI and put the case to rest? There must be a reason and I am sure it is not to benefit the case or Marys family.
You have quite a few facts wrong, and your grammar is that of a second grader. Ms. Ruddock? No. Mrs. Ruddock. Live-in significant other? No, close friend that needed a place to stay for two weeks. 14-year-old daughter? No. 15-year-old. Laura will tell anyone that she was bitten. Her injury was not severe. She only received a few stictches.
You don't even have the facts about one Mr. Troy Ruddock's being on the registry. CPS said that there was no reason to prosecute Mr. Ruddock back in 1992 when he was charged. A shady lawyer scared Mr. Ruddock into pleading "No Contest" to the charge without his parents in the vicinity. Mr. Ruddock was a minor child when he was charged and off probation when the list came out. The court system went back and changed Mr. Ruddock's offense from a Misdemenor to a Felony and then placed him on the list in 1994. Again, Mr. Ruddock was a minor at that time. He has been trying to get his name cleared for the past 14 years.
Where are these "facts" that Mr. Carlin has posted? Where did he get them from? A person's sex life is a private matter, but to say that two friend's are live-in significant others is not posting fact. It's spreading a high level opinion and slandering their names. Who told him that Mrs. Ruddock and Ms. Engle are gay? I have known Mrs. Ruddock since our childhood, and she is not one to tell any stranger her sexual preference. She feels that that part of a person's life is a matter between two people.
As far as Troy is concerned, I have watched him grow up and know for a FACT that what was posted on this blog is false information. I was there in the courtroom when he was charged back when he was a child. He was only told that he was to have no unsupervised contact with the accuser's children and that it was a Misdemenor that he was pleading "No Contest" to. I know that he would rather protect a child than hurt them.
Therefore, the "facts" posted by Mr. Carlin on this blog are nothing but vicious, mean hate-crimes and internet bullying. The hate-crime and internet bullying parts of which are against the law. That is FACT. LOOK IT UP.
who cares what your sex life is if any. have a marshall cop go with you to the depoisition as a witness. sue him if you think you can. christ this is about mary lands not your significent others.
the guy was a perp and lived near a school. everybody knows you and the story. we all know to much get a life.get your fat ass and look for mary and stop winning. go back to the michigan sex list. Thats fact. poor you. what about Mary's family. you know so much solve the case
How does a dog bite incident involve solving anything about Mary Lands? Not to mention Mr. Ruddock's sex offender status, and Mrs. Ruddock's sex life. You don't even know who I am, yet you attack me? Who needs to get a life?
I find it very sad that people have to use phones to make their treats, if you have nothing to hind, then face the person. FACE TO FACE,not behind a phone.
I find it very sad that people have to use phones to make their treats, if you have nothing to hind, then face the person. FACE TO FACE,not behind a phone.
Wow, you destroyed the English language with that one post.
But you do have a point. If you have a problem with a person, confront them. Don't hide behind a phone or a blog and bash a person's name when that person has done nothing wrong. That is why I have defended Mr. Ruddock and his mother on this blog. They have done nothing wrong and know nothing about the Mary Lands case past what people have told them. The same goes for the dog bite incident which has no bearing on the Mary Lands case.
SB says,
Lets all try to remember that.
No on cares about a dog bite, or
So lets stop the phones calls about burning down a persons house with a child in it,(how cool is that)And lets start finding the truth about what happend to Mary.
To those making threats: Please stop, you are not helping the case. There is a list of persons who can help the case posted on the newest blog topic. Use your phone time to call them. If we spread the word and get enough people to call these politicians, somehting may just happen. So next time you want to pick up the phone and make a threat, take a deep breath and call a politician and ask them for help instead, please.
Since crappy cop work and politics are 2 of the key causes for this case not being solved here is an idea. Lets play politics with the politicians. By this I mean lets call and send them letters about Marys case and request they get involed and provide answers. Lets request they that recommend the FBI come back in, lets ask them to contact Marshall PD and get answers about the case. Here is a list of people in Marshall jurisdiction to contact:
Calhoun County Republican Party Headquarters:
5424-F Beckley Rd., Battle Creek, MI 49015 269-209-4268
Calhoun County Democratic Party Headquarters:
P.O. Box 1654, Battle Creek, MI 49016 269-962-0447
Gov. Jennifer Granholm P.O. Box 30013 Lansing, MI 48909 517-373-3400
Lt. Gov John Cherry Jr. P.O. Box 30013 Lansing, MI 48909 517-373-6800
U.S. Seantor Carl Levin 26115 Greenfield Road Southfield, MI 48076 248-443-6846
U.S. Rep Timothy Walberg 325 Cannon, Washington D.C. 20515 202-225-6276
Senator Mark Schauer P.O. Box 30036Lansing, MI 48909-7536 888-962-6275
Rep. Mike Nofs N0996 House Office Bldg., P.O. Box 30014 Lansing, MI 48909-7514 517-373-0555
Attorney General Mike Cox 525 W. Ottawa St., P.O. Box 30212 Lansing, MI 48909 877-765-8388
Prosecutor John Hallacy Calhoun County Justice Center 161 E. Michigan Ave., Battle Creek, MI 49014 269-969-6980
Chief Assistant Prosecutor Dan Buscher Calhoun County Justice Center 161 E. Michigan Ave., Battle Creek, MI 49014 269-969-6980
City Of Marshall
Town Hall
323 W. Michigan Ave Marshall, MI 49068
Mayor Bruce Smith and City Mgr. Chris Olson 269-781-5183
Det. Sgt. Scott McDonald 269-781-2596
Let me know if any names or contact info are wrong so they can be updated. If you live outside the jurisdiction of these officials you can refer to to find your local Rep and Senator and you can contact them and request they look into Marys case. While they may not have "jurisdiction" they can send a letter and make a phone call to the proper person in the Marshall jurisdiction.
Since our local "leaders" will not take their own initiative to get involved it is up to us as Citizens to put the presure on them to "DO SOMETHING". I know my vote will be based on who does what in Marys case. If they are not willing to take my call they do not get my vote.
If you live out of state, still contact you local elected officials and ask them to call ours, these types of calls will show people are watching and taking notes and may inspire someone to get ooff their butt and do something. Politicians do not like being questioned, especially from people outside their "realm of connections" and maybe, just maybe this will be the spark to light a fire under there butt to find Mary.
Has anyone here ever heard of a thing called a "cold case file"? It's not because of bad police work, but because of lack of evidence that a case doesn't get solved for many years.
Well then why dont they bring back FBI or get a psychic that helps police.
In some cold case files bad police work leads to a lack of evidence, I feel this is the case here as well. I agree that Marshall needs to turn the full investigation over to another agency. They do not have the training, experience or resources to handle this particular case.
A lower jusidiction (local PD) cannot disperse a higher one (FBI)from an investigation. The FBI would have had to have found no evidence or not enough evidence to continue the investigation. Psychics are not reliable and really not admissable in court. Not to mention that most of the psychics that help police are messed up after a certain amount of time finding dead people. If they manage to help find a person alive, that is different.
Is it possible that the lower jurisdiction's (local PD) failure to properly handle and conduct an investigation from day 1 might have been the reason the higher jurisdiction (FBI) didn't have what was needed for them to stay in the case (assuming that is in fact why they left)?
Hey Jim, what does my address and Juvenile record have to do with Mary Lands? Nothing, that's what.
When the information was posted, it was pertinent, and it is still pertinent today.
Mr. Ruddock, you are a perp being convicted of CSC on a child under 13. People need to know you, and your whereabouts at all times to keep our children safe.
When and if, the State of Michigan removes you from the Sex Offender Registry in 2021 then I will also delete your name and picture. Something tells me, in your case, that will never occur.
Happy Trails, over there in Albion, and stay away from kids and remain compliant of Michigan State Police requirements.
My address is pertinent information in finding someone I have never met? You have quite a few errors in your post about me anyway. I wasn't living in the home of a 15 year old. I had been living there since 2004. Laura's daughter and I had no contact while her mother was visiting to play cards. Did you see the date of registration? It was 1996. Do you know the actual conviction date? I was 12 years old when I was forced into a No Contest Plea by a lawyer that had all the evidence he needed to prove my innocence. I wasn't even sexually active yet. Stay away from kids? Considering I'm not a pedofile like you are wanting to make me out to be, you need to redo your ivestigation. Oh wait, that would mean you'd actually have to do some work outside in the sunlight.
Oh, one more thing. I am NOT a repeat offender. I prefer to have a girlfriend I can get to know socially. Unlike the relationship between you and Ms. Carolyn Sue Burkwalt.
Mr. Ruddock,
There it is again...that mouth of yours getting you in trouble just like in 95.
Anyone who is aware of my work knows full well that I do not mix business with pleasure. It inevitably creates conflicts, and the appearance of impropriety, even if there is none.
You would be wise not to name people as it could cause you problems in the future.
Good luck with staying out of trouble until 2021. If the State of Michigan ever removes you from their Sexual Offender Wall of Shame in 11 years then I'll also take down your photograph and information. Until then, you are a published perpetrator!
Thanks for the updated photo from FaceBook. BTW, is this an Albion public park you are in? Just checking?
For those who are interested, type in a google search for.... Troy Ruddock...see for yourself.
Who said anything about mixing business with pleasure? It just happens to be a fact that most of the information about the dog bite and my mother came from Ms. Carolyn Sue Burkwalt. She was not there when the bite happened, and Laura openly admits she had startled the dog.
When it comes to my mother. Ms. Burkwalt called her before you showed up saying that she was sending you over. My mother told Ms. Burkwalt that she did not want to talk to you.
You say in this blog that you recorded the conversation between you and my mother. Did you forget that it is entrapment, inadmissable in court, and illegal to record a person without their knowledge?
The photo you have now posted from Facebook is actually almost 8 years old.
Oh, and the Google search idea? A person can find people named Troy Ruddock from all over the world.
who da fuk is this ruddock? beside being on sex offender list he should be on ASPCA. if you cant trust him with a child he shouldnot be around a cat.
take carlin to court if he did something. once a molester always a molester.
This is funny. Anyone here ever been falsely accused of something? Even something minor? There was a guy that was convicted for something his brother did because "his DNA matched close enough." He was eventually freed. There's no list for murderers, and the Sex Offender Registry is grossly misinterpreted by the average citizen. Seems to me that there are too many closed minded people in this world to be open to listening to what someone has to say in their defense. Keep up the fight for truth Troy.
everybodys inocant with the DODDI defense. deeotherdudedidit.
where was his family if he was so inocant. when his name is off sexoffender list ill think different.he should pay for his crime.
Where was my family? When I plead No Contest, my mother objected to it. She was told that she had no right to object. Keep in mind that this was at a pretrial. Not to mention, my rights were violated by my own attorney from the start.
Another Ruddock soon to join the sex offender family in Marshall.
November 11, 2010
(NEWSCHANNEL 3) – A Calhoun County man is behind bars, facing child pornography charges.
J. Edison Ruddock of Marshall turned himself in to authorities after an investigation that's lasted almost a year.
The 23-year-old Ruddock is being charged with having child sexually abusive material. According to police, Ruddock allegedly started off downloading pictures of models, then moved to sexual websites.
Police say Ruddock turned himself in on Wednesday after allegedly admitting to having child pornography on his computer.
Investigators tell Newschannel 3 that Ruddock allegedly downloaded sexual pictures and videos of young girls, too many to count.
“A lot of people feel it's a victimless crime, because the individual is choosing to look at them,” said Lt. Scott McDonald, Marshall Police, “but somebody had to be involved in the portrait, so it's very much a victim crime.”
Police searched Ruddock's home on Washington Street in Marshall, seizing his computer back in January and shipping it off to the county lab for analysis.
According to the incident report, the pictures appeared to be mostly of nude nine and ten year old girls in compromising positions.
Geneva Hess is a neighbor who has known the family for years.
“We have grandchildren and other little girls around here,” said Hess, “and I wasn't surprised, I really wasn't.”
Investigators say the crime came to light when Ruddock took his computer over to a friend's house. One day that friend noticed the nude pictures in his media files.
Police say the man who told them about the photos is a registered sex offender and was at first too scared to come forward.
“He was concerned he may be blamed and he was nervous, but he thought it through,” said Lt. McDonald, “and I'm adamant he was not involved in any way and I commend him for stepping up to the plate and doing the right thing.”
Ruddock could have more than 500 pictures on his computer, police say he has no prior record on file.
Ruddocks have there own web page on sex offender list,
Ruddock, Timothy William II 430 Upton Ave
Battle Creek MI 49037 Calhoun Details
Ruddock, Troy Allen 604 E Erie St #2
Albion MI 49224 Calhoun Details
To whom it may concern.
The information you have pertaining to one Troy Ruddock is invalid as the State of Michigan revised the registry to include the following:
The Act will no longer require a juvenile offender to register if the juvenile was less than 14 years of age at the time of the offense or if the offense would classify the juvenile as a Tier I or Tier II offender.
The name Troy Ruddock was removed from the registry June 30th, 2011.
Why have you not updated as you told Mr. Ruddock you would?
I have never had any conversation with Troy Ruddock about having his name removed from this forum, and the his documentation found on the Michigan State Police Sex Offender Registry.
However, I am aware of the change in the law, and as his name has been removed from the Registry the link will also be deleted here.
Without taking the appropriate actions you could worsen your situation.
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riesoced51eI would like to be refered to as Ms Blue: I Know all party's involved Personally, some more personally than others & believe me when I say there is Definitely some Monkey business going on to say the least. First Mr Ruddock WAS having inappropriate relations with the 14yr old at the time of said incident & they were blatantly going around flaunting their relationship so it really wasnt any secret MPD just seems to turn a blind eye & it boggles my mind that nothing gets done. As for Mr Ruddock not having a prison record, the incidents involved family members & was also investigated by MPD But Mr Ruddock did have Multiple offenses with multiple victims & always seemed to just get his paddy's slapped doesnt seem right to me either & still resides in the Calhoun Co area Hmmm How deep is this corruption & when will it stop? That's why I never trusted them & would go over Their heads when I had a complaint or would REFER someone who did.
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