WOOD TV8 News-AG Considers Lands case 11/18/2008
WZZM 13News 11/17/2008
WXMI Fox17News 11/15/2008
Anita Marshall would like people to remember this particular video, the words and the song by Boss, Bruce Springsteen..
Oh Mary Don't you weep, Mary Lands-4th Anniversary Vigil, 03/12/2008
January 12, 2009 wil sadly marked, 4 years & 10 months since Mary Denise Lands purportedly walked away from her apartment at Waldon Pond Town Homes, #7, 1200 Arm Street in Marshall, Michigan at approximately 10:00 P.M. on the wintry evening of Friday, March 12, 2004. Weather conditions on that date and time were recorded to be; 19 degrees, 10-15 mile per-hour winds, intermittent snow flurries, with snow on the ground. Mary was attired in light-weight blue medical scrub pants with a "Sponge Bob" print scrub shirt, soft slip-on athletic shoes with no heel back, and wearing her favorite winter brown leather bomber jacket. This was the report of her fiancé, Chris Pratt. 44 hours after she allegedly went missing he called her mother and father in California to ask if they had seen Mary? The family then notified the Marshall Police Department.
The 5th winter season since Mary disappeared is just around the corner. Before long it will be the 5th Thanksgiving Day, the 5th Christmas Day and the 5th New Year that the Marshall family have endured not knowing the fate of their beloved daughter? Chris Pratt still refuses to speak or offer help in the search for Mary as he sits in prison cell at Bellamy Creek Correctional Facility in Ionia. As most people are aware, he was sentenced to a minimum of four years and eight months to a maximum of 15 years in prison. He was convicted by a Calhoun County jury in December 2007 for felony assault and other violent crimes against another girl-friend. He has now been incarcerated for 16 months. A possible parole could occur as early as February 2012. In about 3 years Christopher Luke Pratt could again be stalking the streets of Marshall placing victims, families, and society in fear.

Cliff Marshall related his frustration to me about an incident with Marshall Mayor Bruce Smith. In the past Cliff has attended and spoken at Marshall Council meetings. Many of us have done so about Mary’s case. After one recent meeting, Mayor Smith walked by Cliff and asked if he was supposed to speak? Cliff said no. Then Mayor Smith said, and who are you? He didn’t have a clue that Cliff was Mary’s father. Mayor Smith is another typical politician in Marshall and along with City Manager Chris Olson never appeared at any of Mary’s vigils or events. With an attitude like this from certain appointed and elected city officials it is no why the Mary Denise Lands case has not been solved. Out of sight, out of mind.
The Marshall community is now joyous and festive preparing for another happy holiday season. Events include fundraising for Dramatic Action Theatre Company, Marshall Scarecrow Days, Haunted Trail, Marshall Main Street, Nutcracker, the annual holiday parade, a Christmas candlelight walk, and It's a Wonderful Life - A Live Radio Show at the Franke. It may be a wonderful life for some, but not for all living and working in Marshall. Some things don't seem to matter, especially with the MPD investigation of Mary Denise Lands? If you listen to city officials there is no crime and there are no problems in Marshall. The city is just one great place to visit that will put a happy face and smile on everyone. The Marshall family, friends and supporters have been to the Brooks Circle Fountain at least 8 times since Mary disappeared. It didn't put any smile on our faces.

Letter to the Editor, Battle Creek Enquirer- November 8, 2008
Clifford & Anita Marshall and I wish to express our congratulations to Susan Mladenoff, prosecutor-elect of Calhoun County. It will be a difficult job but with her dedicated experience, professionalism and integrity we believe she will again be a great prosecutor for justice and our community.
The Marshall Police Department has clearly displayed their lack of empathy, ability or desire to solve the Mary Lands case. The City of Marshall police and public officials have told outright lies to the family. Their only objective is to ignore Mary’s case, and hope it all just goes away.
Well, we are not going to go away. We hope that Ms. Mladenoff will take a fresh look at all the evidence related to Mary’s case.
We have trust in the professionalism of the Michigan State Police and other agencies that would be able to assist the Prosecutor’s Office in closing this case.
We pray that Mary Denise Lands will be a priority and the person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder will be held accountable in a court of law.
On November 12, 2008 Mary will have been missing for 4 years & 8 months.
It’s about time we bring her home.
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
Battle Creek, Michigan
A single person in our community can bring this all to a close today. You are asked to make one telephone call for Cliff & Anita with the genuine tip that can bring their daughter home. If you are afraid to contact the Marshall Police Department you can call another agency or directly contact D/Sgt. Mike Scott of the Michigan State Police, White Pigeon Post- 269.483.7612, D/Sgt. Mike Salmen, Battle Creek Post- 269.968.6115, or the Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office- 269.969.6980. You can do this anonymously, but either way make the call.
Please help, bring Mary home.
Thank you Jim and everyone who is investing so much of there own time and resources to help Mary's family.
Jim you did a wonderful job with your newest posting. It is because of people such as yourself that Mary will someday be brought home. I hope someone does come forward with credible information to end this case. Thank you for all you have done.
During Pratt’s trial last year Chief Assistant Prosecutor Dan Buscher pointed to police photographs of violence and destruction in the house caused by the defendant and asked, Love hurt’s, doesn’t it Mr. Pratt?
Pratt did not reply. He just smirked.
Good job. You will eventually prevail in justice for Mary. Don't ever give up.
from a link on www.michigandoes.com
Before beginning their deliberation Wednesday, jurors listened to closing arguments from Chief Assistant Prosecutor Daniel Buscher and defense attorney J. Thomas Schaeffer.
Buscher said the case is about Pratt's control of women.
"He treats women like property," Buscher said. "This is another trophy for his game room; that is what he thinks about women.
"With Mr. Pratt, love hurts," Buscher said. "Being loved by Mr. Pratt is an extremely painful experience," he said.
It has now been 4 years & 7 months since Chris Pratt claimed that his fiancée Mary walked away from their apartment at Waldon Pond. Today, Cliff & Anita Marshall want to remind people of some facts related to the initial days of Mary disappearance.
Pratt called them in California 44 hours later asking if they had seen Mary? In the following days of Mary’s disappearance there was a blatant lack of interest by the Marshall Police Department for any well coordinated search for their daughter. Police & civilian people in charge did not have the qualifications or certifications to undertake proper search protocol. The case was misdirected and mismanaged from the start.
There were no tracking dog alerts for Mary on a comforter, on a bed at the Arbor Motel. The alleged search 5 days later over 3 miles of downtown Marshall was totally bogus.
Chris Pratt reported the clothing that Mary allegedly wore on this particular night. It includes a brown bomber leather jacket that was her favorite during the winter. It was this same leather jacket Chris Pratt was selling, with her other personal items, five months later at a flea market in Homer. That jacket was recovered and turned over to the Marshall Police Department.
What bothers the Marshall family the most is the fact that the MPD never considered Mary’s case as suspicious from the start? If they did it may have had a different result? Instead the case was bungled for months and reeked of incompetence. No one in the MPD had a clue on how to handle this type of case? The Marshall’s were subject to personal attacks and later the deputy chief at that time just replied to the parent’s, “I wanted to see your reaction?” The questions had nothing to do with Mary. To this day, law enforcement has never interviewed Mary’s daughter, Stacy Lands. In the early days she was even ridiculed by that former deputy chief.
In 4 years and 7 months members of law enforcement have stopped at the Marshall’s home only 5 times to update them of the status of their daughter’s case. No one in charge seems to care about this family. They are more concerned with maintaining the quaint historic community of Marshall and a public perception that there is no crime and the city has no problems.
An election is less than a month away. If City Manager Chris Olson ever gets around to appointing a professional police chief perhaps the investigation will be reinvigorated? Chris Olson claims he has been too busy working 18 hours a day in trying to bring a new factory to Marshall. What happened to that factory, and the one before that one? Why hasn’t he directed his acting police chief to work 18 hours a day on the Mary Lands case?
A couple of years ago I wrote that Marshall was a beautiful place to live and work, but bad things can and do occur in the best of places. Marshall may be nice for some but for those of a modest means striving to get through each and every day, it isn’t.
People know how difficult it has been for the entire Marshall family. Cliff & Anita have had a few goods days but the majority of the last 4 years & 7 months have been filled with anguish. They have been sad, they have been depressed, they have been frustrated, but now they are just plain damn angry.
When will we be able to bring Mary home?
Doesn't law enforcement have "standard operating procedures"?? Like a manual that they go to with a list of protocol...if you get a call for a missing person, the first thing you do is A. The second thing you do is B, etc. And how about "standard operating procedures" for a VICTIM OF HOMICIDE?? Sgt. McDonald declared Mary that after he took over the temporary job of Chief. So?? Investigate already! Any crime show that you watch be it reality or fictional, starts with the facts in the case. If the facts don't point in a clear direction, then you INTERROGATE the spouse/boyfriend/fiancee. Was that ever done? No. He was questioned about what happened before she "left" and that was it. When asked by the Marshall family about interrogating him, the MPD said that they didn't because they didn't want him to get a lawyer! Well..HELLO!! He may need one, you still need to interrogate!! If this quaint little town knew half of what the Marshall family has been through because of the mishandling of this case, they would be floored and praying EVERY day that this never happens to anyone they know in this jurisdiction. I say that if you don't have experience in these kind of cases then by all means, call someone who does. Like maybe, oh, say, a HOMICIDE DETECTIVE. To my knowledge, there is not one on the local city force. So live by your creed "To protect and serve". If you couldn't protect her in life, then you damn sure better be serving her now!! After MPD kicked out a much larger agency that was helping, they told the Marshall family that they did not have the "resources" to help in this case. You have to be kidding... Call them back! Must be men running the show down there, afraid to ask for directions. Please, ask the Marshall family or anyone who knows them well, what has been going on in this case. Then tell all your friends about it. Then call the MPD and demand answers. Help Mary. She worked at Oaklawn Hospital, Day One and even a local bar, so I know that a variety of you have run across her in your travels. The family knows that she is buried somewhere. But think about it.. she is not buried the way you would want your family member buried. Have a heart, get involved. Even if it is nothing more than contacting the MPD and demanding action. Thanks. God bless the Marshall family. I pray for your sanity.
wasn’t grim reaper cape on video worn by chris pratt property of mary? i think her sister made it? didn’t pratt family return it yet? We may see jeff pratt or tj bryant wearing it for halloween? both real scarecrows. all this such a disgrace to our town.
Since crappy cop work and politics are 2 of the key causes for this case not being solved here is an idea. Lets play politics with the politicians. By this I mean lets call and send them letters about Marys case and request they get involed and provide answers. Lets request they that recommend the FBI come back in, lets ask them to contact Marshall PD and get answers about the case. Here is a list of people in Marshall jurisdiction to contact:
Calhoun County Republican Party Headquarters:
5424-F Beckley Rd., Battle Creek, MI 49015 269-209-4268
Calhoun County Democratic Party Headquarters:
P.O. Box 1654, Battle Creek, MI 49016 269-962-0447
Gov. Jennifer Granholm P.O. Box 30013 Lansing, MI 48909 517-373-3400
Lt. Gov John Cherry Jr. P.O. Box 30013 Lansing, MI 48909 517-373-6800
U.S. Seantor Carl Levin 26115 Greenfield Road Southfield, MI 48076 248-443-6846
U.S. Rep Timothy Walberg 325 Cannon, Washington D.C. 20515 202-225-6276
Senator Mark Schauer P.O. Box 30036Lansing, MI 48909-7536 888-962-6275
Rep. Mike Nofs N0996 House Office Bldg., P.O. Box 30014 Lansing, MI 48909-7514 517-373-0555
Attorney General Mike Cox 525 W. Ottawa St., P.O. Box 30212 Lansing, MI 48909 877-765-8388
Prosecutor John Hallacy Calhoun County Justice Center 161 E. Michigan Ave., Battle Creek, MI 49014 269-969-6980
Chief Assistant Prosecutor Dan Buscher Calhoun County Justice Center 161 E. Michigan Ave., Battle Creek, MI 49014 269-969-6980
City Of Marshall
Town Hall
323 W. Michigan Ave Marshall, MI 49068
Mayor Bruce Smith and City Mgr. Chris Olson 269-781-5183
Det. Sgt. Scott McDonald 269-781-2596
Let me know if any names or contact info are wrong so they can be updated. If you live outside the jurisdiction of these officials you can refer to www.mi.gov to find your local Rep and Senator and you can contact them and request they look into Marys case. While they may not have "jurisdiction" they can send a letter and make a phone call to the proper person in the Marshall jurisdiction.
Since our local "leaders" will not take their own initiative to get involved it is up to us as Citizens to put the presure on them to "DO SOMETHING". I know my vote will be based on who does what in Marys case. If they are not willing to take my call they do not get my vote.
If you live out of state, still contact you local elected officials and ask them to call ours, these types of calls will show people are watching and taking notes and may inspire someone to get ooff their butt and do something. Politicians do not like being questioned, especially from people outside their "realm of connections" and maybe, just maybe this will be the spark to light a fire under there butt to find Mary.
In re: to the above comment;
It sure can’t hurt.
Cliff Marshall related an interesting story to me over the weekend. In the past he has spoken and gone to several Marshall Council meetings presided over by Mayor Bruce Smith. Many of us have done so.
After the meeting Mayor Smith walked by Cliff and asked if he was supposed to speak? Cliff said no. Then Mayor Smith said, and who are you?
Another do-nothing politician in Marshall and one who has never appeared at any of Mary’s vigils or events. I suppose City Manager has forgotten about Cliff & Anita Marshall too.
Mary Denise Lands, and her investigation.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Cerdibility is very very important. Lies and deceipt have trashed Marshall P.D. credibility, we citizens must be better than they are and make sure what we talk about is accurate. Facts are different from theories and rumors. If you know something is a theory or rumor report it as such, stating these things as facts lowers your credibility (example: There were no tracking dog alerts for Mary on a comforter, on a bed at the Arbor Motel. The alleged search 5 days later over 3 miles of downtown Marshall was totally bogus.) Who ever reported this as a fact has tarnished their credibility as it now appears that it is not true.
From what I hear there are people who do not like Jim due to his aggressive style and fact reporting. Well, I personally think Jim is on track. Without Jim many lies, deceipt, evidence, information and many other things would not be known. As far as I can tell he has not been caught in a lie and in addition he provides evidence and information to back up what he says (many do not do this). Like him or not the facts speak for themselves, Jim has been by the familys side for a long time, he has not charged the family anything for his services, he has invested his own personal money into finding Mary, he has went to great lengths for Mary and her family and a great deal more. Most importantly, Marys parents trust Jim and after all, are we not all here to help Mary's family find her and to support the family? If people truly support mary's parents they will support those who the parents trust and support.
I ask that from this day forward, that people stay positive and focused on one thing, finding Mary. If your a helper in the case then work together with others helping, be a team and as a team bring Mary home. True teams achieve goals, teams with "players" end up like the Lions. Be a team, who cares who finds Mary, just band together and lets find her.
put people that have tips that was interviewed on you tube thats smart.go jim
we know why, because again like always he is always thinking of himself and no one else and their safety. He is only out for JIM and JIM ONLY. No One else. That is why it was put on youtube because he is thinking he is playing good cop when actually he is all BAD!!!
Yeah I so agree with the last poster. I feel so bad for Marys parents who have been made promise after promise and nothing he has done has he followed through with. What happened to all these good people in the world who are there to help others and not out there for themselves.
Enough harping on Jim already!! Have you given thousands of hours of your personal time to this case?? So maybe he hasn't been able to solve the case, but with only so much authority, he can only go so far. Ultimately, law enforcement has to make an arrest. So thank you to whoever put all those addresses on here!! If you want to help, then write your frustrations about the lack of justice, the lack of contact with the family and the lack of real police work down and sent it to these people. Jim has taken enough crap from this community. It seems to be either from those that know what happened to Mary and want to divert the attention off Pratt or those looking for self hero status. Grow up! This is about Mary. Don't forget the reason any of you even know who Jim is! It's because of Mary. She did not deserve to die at the hands of a killer and she does not deserve to be forgotten about now.
Let's forget about what Jim has/hasn't done and start questioning what the law enforcement has/HASN'T done.
everyone here including jim and law enforcement are all corrupt. Not even jim or the law enforcement have put in 1000's of hours. There are known spots that have not been address correctly and we all know that. It has been way over 4 years why arent they doing their job and looking into those spots.
Jim is not responsible for this case, law enforcement is.
he is responsible for pissing law inforcement off .thats for sure.if i were tim bryant or sgt,mcdonald i would sue him.
Some of you people are a trip. You sit here and rip on the people helping, what have you done to find Mary or support her family? You come on to a blog and dog on Jim, not productive at all. Most on here know who you are and what your intensions are. Play piss ant on your own blog site and leave this one to people who are working on finding Mary. Marys parents read the crap you are putting on here and I am willing to bet they trust Jim and appreciate all he has done. If you have a problem with the handling of this case then back off Jim and ask the cops why they have failed Mary and her family.
How is Jim in this for himself? No one is paying him and he is not profiting from it. Fact, he spends his own personal money to work on the case, yeah I can see how that makes him out for himself (sarcastictly said).
Many people have made marys family promises 9including some negative posters) and they have not kept up to them. Jim shows them proof and can back up what he talks to them about. Some others either can not or will not.
One poster says everyone here is corrupt, yeap your right, everyone but you is corrupt (sarcasim here too). I might agree that law enforcement has not put in 1000 hours, but I will bet the ranch Jim has easily done so.
Anyone with common sense knows Jim has pissed off a couple cops. Lets review a reason or two why. Jim uncovers lies, deceipt, mishandling of cases, evidence, policy violations and a bunch of other crap MPD has done and informs the citizens who pay their wages. Of course there pissed, they have to be much more cautious and maybe even "protect and serve" and do there jobs. Side activities have to stop and much more. Gee, lets be more like MPD and not talk about the stuff. Jim is doing the right thing by exposing inapropriate activities by those in such a powerful position, so hide in your fantasy worlds and play "politicialy correct secrets" (the game) and start a secret dog on Jim society, but leave the search for Mary and this blog site out of it.
The right people know who you attackers are and what your true intensions are, you are proving nothing other than your true intentions, mentallity and the fact that you are not here for Mary or her family.
Why do people believe they have some thing worth saying hide behind the name anonymous? I do not say a lot on this blog because the same people, who use the name “anonymous said”, would just start the same kind of bull shit about what I say as you do about what Jim says or does. I have personally worked with Jim and know that he has 1000s of hours invested in the search for Mary and both he and myself have not and will not accept any pay for doing what ever we can to find Mary. All we want to do is find Mary. It is up to Law Enforcement to find the Facts as to who is responsible for her disappearance. Has any facts been found in the searches that Jim has done? It all depends on the ability of the blog readers to determine Facts from Fiction. It is a fact the jacket recovered at a flea market is of the same kind Mary was said to be wearing the night of March 12, 2004 when she allegedly walked away from her apartment leaving behind her new Dodge Durango. If you had a disagreement with a boy/girl friend would you walk out into 18 degree temperature dressed the way she was allegedly dressed and not take a new vehicle that belong to you? Also a Fact is A wallet size birth certificate and a social security card that her family knows was kept in her purse that she allegedly took with her when she left was given to her mother on mothers day two years after she disappeared by the same person who said she took the purse with her when she left. What is not known by the public was the jacket Mary’s? DNA can answer that Question, the police have the jacket they also have the ability to do the test Jim or I do not. Jim has many video taped interviews with people who have stated what they have heard or believe happened to Mary and who was involved. All information has been turned over to the proper authorities for their investigation. Now as for the anonymous person who stated the Jim has pissed off Law Enforcement so be it. Jim has many documented statements from residents to support what has been said about any and all those mentioned on the blogs. The FOIA’s done on them should answer any doubts as to whether or not what people are saying is credible. I have not even begin to tell you all that we have uncovered in the search for Mary, to do so would require many pages. Some of those Anonymous attacks on Jim are done by those who have nothing to do with the real search for Mary, and are done by those who have nothing better to do with their time. Jim takes it all the good and the bad, and still keeps the search moving forward, one day with the right people helping we will find Mary.
The above comment was right. The FOIA reports show information that is readily available to the public. If you're a public figure, don't do stupid things. Plain and simple. People CAN and WILL find out.
A member shall never knowingly cause harm or defame the professional reputation or practice of
colleagues, clients, employers, or any member of the MCPI.
response to mpd:
Two of the most neglected areas of police work are code of ethics and oath of office. These documents are the most important issues of truth and integrity a police department has with the community it serves. Most police agencies have neglected these issues and do not fully understand the impact they have on the community they serve.
Studies have shown the distrust the public has with several different professions.
This problem can be corrected by the police departments doing a better job or training and educating our officers on the Code of Ethics and the Police oath of office.
To read the full reported written by Richard W. DeShon at the St. Clair County Sheriff's Department and submitted to Eastern Michigan University School of Police Staff and Command on March 31,2000 please go to:
If you hurry you might be able to enroll for the fall classes.
In the last statement you cited the MCPI, does anyone honestly beleive this oath means to "keep the secret" when officers do things to violate the oath they took? This mentallity is why recent studies show apx. 1/2 of Americans do not trust law enforcement.
As it was once stated by a politician to Marys parents "you are part of the problem, not the solution". MPD that phrase should have been stated to you, not Cliff and Anita.
I have a question for the Marshall Police Department, will you please request the FBI to come back into this case for an investigation into Marys disapperance. You asked them to leave because "you could handle the investigation" but it has been over 4 1/2 years and still nothing. Please think of the family and do the right thing, make the call to the FBI and invite them back to close this case.
This sheriff & prosecutor in Orlando worked like hell to bring justice for this 3 year old missing child, Caylee Anthony.
The wheels of justice churn slowly, but they turn.
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Officials with the Orange County Sheriff's Office said Casey Anthony was in custody Tuesday afternoon following an indictment on a first-degree murder charge handed up by a grand jury less than an hour earlier.
Casey Anthony was in handcuffs when she was led into the Orange County Sheriff's Office around 4:40pm.
The Orange County grand jury indicted Casey Anthony on a total of seven counts: First-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter and four counts of false statements to law enforcement.
A first-degree murder charge means the grand jury believed the act to be premeditated. The punishment for such a charge is the death penalty or life in prison and no chance for parole.
Caylee Anthony was reported missing by Casey earlier this summer, a month after Caylee first disappeared. Investigators said Casey has insisted she left the child with a babysitter and claims the babysitter must have Caylee.
wow that is great news see with no curruption she is already found quilty on all counts within a few months of disapperance meanwhile poor mary will be going on 5 years. how sad
Has anyone been on the Missing You Foundation's website?? They were supposedly on Mary's case before the Marshall's got back from California after Mary disappeared. Of the first six "services" they provide, I'm not so sure any were followed thru on for Mary's family. Are they for real? It was nice that Lacy Peterson was their inspiration for their club. Do they realize that Cliff and Anita's oldest daughter is related to Lacy and her family?
The case of Stacy Peterson from Bolingbrook, Illinois sounds all too much like Marys. Major difference is that a cop is a suspect, which is probably why it is all over CNN.
Everyone involved besides Mary's parents are not real. What has anyone done here or anywhere to follow through, this entire situation is so corrupt it makes me so sick. All you guys do is sit back with your damn feet up while there is a person out there missing and her whereabouts are known and no one has the power to get the services needed to bring her home because all of you are so corrupt and are in your on little world. So before you sit there and bash other people look what you have done NOTHING!!!
bashing the missing you foundation!i would like to hear the 6 services that you speak ok?and the promices that you are talking about so we can clear this up.and yes we are for real,as we have solved many cases.it appears to me that when things slow down on here you have to bash people to make yourself look better?we did make a promice to go to the attorney general and we are keeping that promice,we are making a date very soon.so instead of wasting your time bashing try to put more effort into working with local law inforcement on a more professional level(it cant hurt)thank you.
Didn't the MYF get ticked off and drop out of the case again?
Missing You serves as a liaison between the families and the media and the law enforcement. Missing You provides Command Search Centers including financial funding, manpower with volunteers and the necessary training, and the necessary materials to conduct, set up and plan the searches.
Missing You provides to the families fliers, buttons and dedicated phone lines set up for tips which will always be turned over to the proper authorities.
Missing You provides a website, professionally designed for each missing person. We will house these websites on our site, free of charge. We will also handle keeping the case information up to date on each case.
Missing You establishes a relationship with all of the law enforcement jurisdictions throughout the state and work to ensure that your case is not set on the back-burner.
Missing You establishes a relationship with the media outlets throughout the state to ensure that the cases get regular and widespread coverage.
Missing You provides trauma counseling, bereavement counseling and extended therapy at the appropriate times for the missing and the families of the missing, free of charge.
These are the first six services listed on your website. Apparently, buttons had been made in the beginning, was that done by you or one of Mary's friends. Financial funding? Ask Shannon about that. Have also been unable to find a website sponsored by you for Mary only (as you state you do). How do we check that? Silent observer tip line was around long before you, and state police and Carlin's numbers are the only tip lines I've seen. Any media coverage in the last few years have had nothing to do with anything you have done. The Marshall family has never been offered free counseling by your organization. You leave yourself a great loop hole with that one though because you state "at the appropriate times" Who judges that? And the word lately is, if Jim is going to be around we won't be. What is this kindergarten? Your organization shouldn't care who is doing what. It should only be doing the mission YOU set out to do. Been hearing the attorney general story for about six months now. Twice you have backed out of this case.
I tend to agree with the last post. Word is one day MYF is here, the next there not. Word is also that MYF will not work with Jim or anyone who does not follow there lead. Had not heard of the AG yet. I really hope you do and it is done correctly. That will have a major effect on the future of the case. I hope you are 100% accurate on your facts. Word is lately some facts have not been facts at all. Done right major help done wrong major damage. We hope you suck it up and sit down with Jim and Marys family before you go to the AG and make sure everything is iron tight.
if we wernt 100% we would not be here my friend!!
Here we go again another “anonymous” blogger [Oct. 15, 2008 8:41 PM making out as if they are more capable of finding Mary than those of us who have been doing all we can do without the cooperation of Law Enforcement. You accuse every one except Mary’s parents as not being real. You state that we are all corrupt sitting around with our feet up. You state that none of us has the power to get the services needed to bring Mary home. To you who hides behind the name “anonymous” I say this, if you have the power to get the services needed to bring Mary home why in the hell have you not come forward long ago. It is known to all readers that we have not been able to get Law Enforcement to do the things we need done, however is not because we have not tried. If you think that I am not real quit hiding behind the name “anonymous” and I will contact you the next time we go talk to Law Enforcement so you can produce those real powers we do not have. It has been very difficult knowing all that is known by us real searchers and not getting those with the power to put it to use. So please come foward if you can help us.
Thank you cricket, it is a refreshing relief to see another person blog that has common sense and is truly here for the right reasons. I can tell that to you this is all about Mary and her family. I do not know you or what you have done but I am confident from reading your posts that it has been positive and has benefited. You can only do so much without help from the cops and for you to even try knowing the police obstacles you face makes your work even more meaningful. Thank you for being there for Mary and her family.
jamie from what I can tell you are a rep for the missing you foundation. you asked what service they have not provided and the poster responded to you on Thursday, October 16, 2008 3:51:00 PM. this has my interest and i was wondering when you were going to respond to the post. one of my biggest concerns is the allagations the myf has dropped the case more than once, may i ask if this is true and if so why.
Can someone point me to a website of nonprofit status on this group- Missing You Foundation?
Who are they? Where are they? Where are articles of incorporation? No listing on Michigan.gov? No listing on federal 501 3c nonprofit?
How can they solicit money?
How can Shannon Dingee-Kramer be on Board?
She is a convicted felon who pled guilty to embezzlement. How can she handle money? How much are people being paid?
She claims to be host of a radio blog: http://sarcasticcrime.com and has worked with MSNBC, Fox News and local and affiliates in Michigan solving crimes? What crimes did she solve? What type dogs does she possess and are handlers and animals certified? Where is proof of this?
Who is the Sue Bess psychic? She is a President of group? Where are annual reports? Who are these other officers and staff on a 2003 web page? Who are officers in 2008?
Are these people still involved?
Gayle Sobel - Board President
Rebecca Skeels - Vice President
Valerie VanOpynen - Secretary
Larry Nolan - Legal Advisor
Beverly Boehmer - Executive Director
Shannon Dingee - Program Director
Crystal Heintz - Human Resources
North Carolina
Jackie Cox - NC Branch Director
Mary Brown - Admin Assistant
Anne Carr - AZ Branch Director
It's great for people to help in any way possible. Just those who do should be honest and sincere. There are too many unanswered questions here?
Show me some facts not a bunch of smoke and mirrors or Halloween trick or treats.
This is serious and people need to focus on Mary not some hocus pocus spook show.
Wow another anonyomous bloger again.
I know that some people use Anoymous so they do not get attacked on the blog if they disagree with some people. As for the post with all the questions for MYF I think it deserves to be answered. We need to know that stuff.
we know it was Jim who did that post, no one here is that stupid, he is just too scared to post him name, again jim trying to make himself look good and everyone else around him bad.
Sorry..it wasn't Jim questioning MYF. But you did ask what the six services were so you could clear that up. I copied it right from your website and the best answer you have is 'we are for real, my friend.' How does that clear it up? I can also tell you that I use anonymous because I don't need some crazy person from MYF knocking on my door and CREATING a missing person to "search" for. Besides, you are the one with a website and supposed official foundation. The lay man isn't allowed to question how you operate?
So let me get this straight the MYF members can come on this blog and attack Jim and others who are helping but as soon as someone questions them they turn into mpd and wont answer. do you feel that people do not have a right to know what MYF is about. i have never seen a non profit group that is out to help be so negative and defensive. i donate to many non pprofits and i always verify there status. your refusal to answer basic questions the public has a right to know makes me wonder.
Articles of Incorporation are listed with the state of Michigan - and were applied for and received in 2002.
501c3 is with the IRS - you can check that here: http://tinyurl.com/5zeay5 (a IRS link - tiny url'd it because it was ridiculously long.)
Programs are ever evolving with the needs of the communities served.
No one is paid. We're all volunteers.
We have been working on reformatting the board.
Personally, you all can say whatever you would like. If you have the guts to call me on the phone and ask me voice to voice - I'd have a little more respect for answering you than your continuous spouts of half truths and flat lies that you're spouting in an inflamatory manner here. I've never treated anyone here with disrespect, and I expect the same treatment.
The fact of the matter is that there are several families that have used our services and have been grateful - not made up ridiculous stories up about me - the founder having love children with the accused murderer in the cases.
As a rule - we help where we're needed and wanted. When we're slandered, bullied, lied about and treated awful when trying to help - seriously why would we stay when there are so many families that need us that are grateful and want the help?
The general consensus from law enforcement and politicians and anyone with pull is that as long as Jim is in bullying people, and stalking people and making awful decisions - then no one else feels like we should even waste our time. It is for the very reasons like defaming MYF on this comment tree - that are why. We've worked our butts off - and it doesn't really make a lot of sense to continue when we're being made to feel unappreciated and told we're hindering the process.
So - yeah. That's it for me. I won't speak for all of our volunteers - but I'm not willing to work with Jim Carlin. Not today, not in the future, not ever. Say what you want about me. I would have to care for it to hurt. But MYF - if you have allegations, you're going to back those up with facts if you'd like to defame all that hard work. If you can't, I'd be pretty careful with what you say. We do have an attorney who cares about our mission and all the hard work that's been done with this organization and who isn't about to let someone tear it down with lies.
Questioning your organization about what you have done to help this family is not slander. Nor is it bullying. You list services you provide..it has been asked what you have done for this particular family. Jim wasn't even involved in this at the beginning when you were. As for the love child? I understand that Pratt himself said it. This should all not be taken so personally. Your foundation is being questioned, not you or your team as individual people.
I can certainly understand why you would think it wouldn't be personal. But let me explain why it is:
At the beginning of Mary's case, this is all I did for months. I literally ate, breathed and slept this case. I attended task force meetings. I set up the Mac Center. MYF supplied, and our volunteers blanketed from Albion to Kalamazoo to Grand Rapids to Lansing with about 18k flyers. We provided resources to law enforcement such as the dogs, and volunteers, our phone lines...we worked with the media etc.
When you give that much time and energy, and hope so much to help bring closure to the family - only to have someone like Jim come in and question everything you did and then accuse us of lying and everything else - that's pretty rough.
For instance, Jim claims that the dogs weren't accredited. Why? Because I refused to give him the records when he asked for them as a reporter. We don't provide that sort of documentation to reporters - particularly before a case is solved.
The fact is - both Shelly Sulser (Marshall Chronicle) and Brett Phearson (MPD) (spelling?) were with us that night when we took the dogs out. MPD additionally called those dogs in on at least 4 other occasions. When there was question on the dogs and the trail from that first night, our volunteers with the dogs called in a favor from St. Clair County Sheriff's Dept and asked them to come verify. And they did.
I remember this as if it were yesterday. Chief Olsen said "Shannon, I hope you're not offended that I asked for this. Thanks for doing it." I said to him (in the first of a few backhanded remarks to him) "Anytime you want to prove our credibility is fine by me."
It's personal because I care so much about the case. Do I wish that Jim was easier to work with? Absolutely. Do I wish he was able to inspire people to tell him the information rather than try to bully it out of them? Yes. Do I think he'd be more successful? Absolutely. Would I support him if he worked on that approach? Probably. Will it change the way the public officials see him? I doubt it. The damage has been done.
I feel that there are tons of things that could've been done differently.
You ask if we pulled back from the case and the reasons why:
The first time I pulled back I was pregnant with my youngest child, Logan (which, for the record is where the heinous rumors came from that Logan is Chris's child when he's actually my child with my husband of now 7 years.) Logan was born very early from a high risk pregnancy, and ended up spending 3 1/2 months in the NICU. That's when I pulled back. That's when Jim first assaulted me with his words was when I was pregnant. So - that was me, I did that.
As far as MYF goes, we are a small organization that has access to a lot of big resources. If you want to see just how big those resources go, you can take a look at a couple of the past searches that I, with my organization have planned and executed. So as to not exploit names, if you would like to email me at shannondingeeatsignblogtalkradio.com I will be happy to point you in the right direction to get that information.
You are also welcome to call me:
517-507-4871. I'm on the phone quite a bit throughout the days, so if I don't answer, just leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Or, you can skype me. sdkramer76 is my Skype ID.
What I'm not willing to do, however, is allow the name of my org to be drug through the mud.
It's natural to want to place blame. But really - the blame lies here with Chris, and if we're being honest, the officials handling the case in the beginning. Not for utilizing resources: because the resources utilized were good ones. Us, BCSAR, etc. But because of the lack of record keeping, and the lack of ability to hold it together.
As long as there is this petty infighting - our eye is not on the ball - which is to bring Mary home. And as long as that's happening, you're absolutely right. We're pulling out and putting our time and energy where it's wanted.
Thank you. That's what was asked for. What you did with this case. That's all. Jim has been questioned at various times as well and when word got out that you pulled out again, it made people wonder why. And I agree, this case was very mishandled by the officials on it. They also need to be questioned, but they get to hide behind the fact that it is an open investigation. Please understand that when MYF was first brought up on here, it was in a questioning manner and one of your own members responded with the word bashing. On the defensive right away? What is a normal person to think? I am not Jim, nor do I know all the crap being said about you or MYF. I simply wanted to know what you had done for this family.
I received this email from Sue Bess, President of Missing You Foundation and mentor to Shannon Dingee-Kramer of MYF.
Thank you for your prayers. I can use them all.
(Jim, Have your self a great time with me or Shannon - However make sure all of your facts are correct as MYF does have it's own atty. as well as a full credible board. I am saddened that you would continue to put the Marshalls thru this. I will pray for you.)
Susan, you and the Dingee-Kramer, Jamie Jones and any others in your organization are welcome to help in the search for Mary Lands. This is what our work is all about. However, we are not interested in MYF or supernatural psychic encounters. In the last 4 ½ years we have had 15 people come forward with psychic explanations to the question, Where is Mary? When this is over, 2-3 will probably have been somewhat correct in their theories. Those individuals were not in the business of psychic readings.
Sue, you know that we spent many hours following up on your orbs, photographs, and audio perceptions that Mary was buried on a farm plot in southeastern Marshall. There was a search three weeks ago by MYF and/or a civilian group that claimed not only did dogs alert at F Drive, but also alerted at a farm parcel in Marshall. How did dogs happen to get there and then alert?
I’m willing to listen and check any information from any person or source, and even a psychic. One does not dismiss any information. It is an investigative resource tool as viable as any tip.
But, give me a break.
You provided a CD with alleged supernatural images and 25 pages of transcript allegedly made by Mary Lands speaking from her grave. How does one even begin to suggest credibility after those bizarre ghost whisperings? You gave me permission to share and I have those proofs for the public. It was a claim that went absolutely nowhere, and was also reportedly checked by law enforcement. Why is it now improper to ask questions about certifications and legitimacy? The police will ask you those questions.
We don’t care about MYF. I wish this could all be over today for Cliff & Anita but it is people like you and Ms. Kramer who deflect the purpose of the Marshall family’s goals.
If you can do so much, then go out and do it! You don’t need us. I’m sure there are many out there willing to listen to your cons. Do them on the radio not here.
If you think I have done something wrong then take me to court. Don’t give me a threat and then give me your prayers. That is extremely hypocritical. I’m glad to hear you have an attorney and a credible board. Put the facts out there and let people decide? Personally, I don’t care. However, articles of non-profit incorporation from 2002 and approved in 2003 do not show anything today. If people want to know the details, put it out there, and put the questions to rest.
People know who I am and what I am doing. My name and address is in the telephone book as is your own; Bess, Guy A. & Susan K., 15170 Ackerson, Emmett Township, Michigan 49014. Tel; 269.968.9895. I hope this helps your crystal ball business and that of MYF.
I know I’m far from perfect but I am not a convicted felony embezzler like Shannon Dingee-Kramer. I am not a psychic or a person who tried to take money from the Marshall’s in their daughter’s tragedy. I didn't ask a judge if I could use MFY as the agency for my community service penalty.
I am just one of many people trying to help the Marshall family in a promise to bring Mary home. Every fact that I have uncovered can be documented. You guys, Dingee-Kramer, Bess, Jones and the rest of your board of directors need to start talking more positive. Get your crew together and do what you say.
We welcome help from anyone and if you don’t want me around that is fine. It is one less thing for me to do.
This is only about one thing, Mary’s search and recovery.
Do what you can to help. If you find something call the Michigan State Police for them to investigate. That is what they tell everyone to do. That is what you are supposed to do and that is the protocol.
Put up or shut up.
Right. So, I'm not going to be reading here anymore. You can visit us for discussion at MYF's site. You know where to find us. :)
Good job, Jim :) Alienation is certainly the way to solve cases. Stalk them, videotape them, sit outside their homes and then, here's a bright idea: let's post the EVIDENCE on YOUTUBE, where even if you had evidence, it's now tainted and inadmissable. This is especially helpful when you do this to the POLICE.
Excellent PI work there.
Really good work.
I think if we are truly here to support Mary's family in their effort to bring her home, we should support them in their choice of who they trust...Jim.
Who's been there for the family from the beginning? Jim.
Who's put up more than one web site in the effort to bring Mary home? Jim.
Who's gone head to head with law enforcement to uncover wrongdoings and ineptness? Jim.
Who's traveled to interview people close to this case? Jim.
Who's invested his own time and money to solve this case? Jim.
Who's sacrificed his own personal information in order to bring Mary home? Jim.
The list of people on the MYF Board of Directors is incorrect & has been for several years. Any attorney that would allow their client(s) to do that isn't much of an attorney.
Envy isn't pretty. This board is not the place for MYF to air its dirty laundry.
Please keep Mary's family in mind when you post. You dishonor Mary's memory and the intelligence of her family when you attack Jim.
The first thing I am going to say is to the person who used my name to post a comment at 2:01 PM today, use your own name when posting this is not about me.
Now, how did this blog become a place for MYF to make attacks, defend and cover up any thing said about it by anyone. As stated before I have and do work with Jim. Shannon the following are your words; “Jim is in bullying people, and stalking people and making awful decisions”. Fact is all interviews done by Jim have been taped with full approval of all involved and will show you wrong. You state “I'm not willing to work with Jim Carlin. Not today, not in the future, not ever. Say what you want about me. I would have to care for it to hurt.” Fact, Jim is not requesting you to work with him. You state “We do have an attorney who cares about our mission and all the hard work that's been done with this organization and who isn't about to let someone tear it down with lies.” Is this some kind of threat or scare tactic? It sounds to me like you need to talk to him/her before you write some of the stuff you write he/she may advise you to let it go. You state “For instance, Jim claims that the dogs weren't accredited. Why? Because I refused to give him the records when he asked for them as a reporter." Fact, Jim is not a reporter he is a licensed PI and asks for information necessary to get the Law Enforcement people to look into the findings. You also state in part, the blame lies, with the officials handling the case in the beginning. You were there in the beginning not Jim. Fact, Mary was not reported missing until late Sunday the 14th she allegedly walked away on Friday the 12th you were not involved till Monday or Tuesday. You will never convinces me that the best dog in the world could ever track a person 4 or 5 days afterwards in the weather conditions that existed at the time. However you did convince some that your dog did just that, tracking for some reported 3 miles creating the false belief that Mary just walked away. You can prove me wrong, by me going on a video taped walk and Five days later bring your dog and video where it goes. I have been around a while and am easily misled. When another woman came up missing, the dogs the police have could not even track her out of her own yard the next morning and she was bare footed with snow on the ground. We all know that this has been mishandled from the beginning it matters not who is to blame for the blunders, they are in the past. This is not written to blame anyone it is done to keep us on track and to look at where some mistakes have been made. With that said lets stop the bull shit and get back to the job of finding Mary.
How sad that it has come to this. There are many people out there who want to help in this case but they have seen how people have been treated by Jim and they don't want any part of it. I, too, have heard about law enforcement and local politicians not wanting anything to do with the investigation as long as Jim is involved. As much as Jim has done for the case, his very behavior and actions have most likely prevented this case from being solved. As everyone has said, this case is about Mary, not Jim or his ego. Jim has a long history of bashing individuals and I see that he continues to do this. What a shame. I hope for Mary's family that she is found so they can have some closure. Unfortunately, the way things are going, I don't see it happening anytime soon.
4 years + and counting......
Tell us Jim, where is Mary?
Evidently, you don't need any help to find her, so where is she????? How much longer is it going to take? One month, 1 year, ten years? Or maybe never?
Mabye you should ask Tim B he is part of the problem.If he has informants its to protect himself and people involved otherwise this case would be closer to being solved.
Stop bashing Jim, Marys family trust him and that is good enough for me. For Police and officials to say they dont want anything to do with the case while Jim is involved is crap, it is their job. Do you job or give it to someone who will. Citizens elect these people ,next time vote for the other guy. Call the current people and tell them your sick of them doing nothing, its your right as a citizen to do so. Marshall reputation means nothing in comparison to finding Mary. Get off your asses and do you job, find this woman. If you did your job right Jim would be complimenting you, the fact that he exposes your wrong doings does not justify you not doing your jobs. Back off Jim and get off your asses and find Mary. The sooner you find her the sooner Jim goess away and you can get back to corruption as normal. Marshall has a very long history of this type of behavior so dont sit there and think your all squeaky clean and none knows. If Cliff and Anita had money Mary would be found, yes I said it, thats the way Marshall works. Money doesnt make you any better than anyone else, although that is the facts of life in Marshall. Nice reputation to have.
If anyone can stay to the finish line and find justice for Mary, Jim can. He offered pro bono assistance to my family when moving scammers held our home belonging hostage for months. Because of Jim, my family and other families are able to retrieve our househould goods and the people who broke the law are getting the legal attention they deserve. There are very few people on this earth like Jim. Our family has been fortunate he came along when he did. He works his heart out for justice. I just want to tell everyone about this and say Thank You!!
I don't dispute that Jim has long been an advocate for Mary and her family. He is to be commended for that. He is not to be commended for his bashing of those who truly want to help this case. Unless you have talked with these people, don't make assumptions about them and their motives. You might be surprised to know their side of the story.
Thanks for posting my e-mail Jim. It is one of the few things you've done right!! You should know hypocritical for sure.
Lets get right to the bottom line. You are mad at me, Jim for telling you the last search was off if you would not let them come without you being there. It was because I am well aware of what you are capable of and how you have handled yourself in the past the we just have too much respect for our volunteers to subject them to exactly what you are doing here. We have always worked with law enforcemen, not needing to have your permission for what we do.
You do stay focused on things lately such as Jeff or TJ. Now it is just as we figured it is our team that you feel you must attack. What next Jim?
You DO need all the prayers you can get.
As President of MYF I can assure that All of us are completely done with YOU and your half truths. Anyone can look at missingyouorg.com for any information on our organization if you wish to.
This is thte last time I will respond or even look at this blog.
Prayers for Mary.
Ok now that MYF said they are going to stop reading and posting on this blog a majority of the negativity should stop and we can get refocused on fnding Mary.
This isn't about Jim, MYF, Sue, or whomever else... This is about MARY. If you have the answers, contact the proper officals. WHO CARES about all the other crap. FIND MARY.
Another murder conviction without a body. Everywhere in this Country but in Calhoun County this happens http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/10/20/yatch.killings.ap/index.html
it is real sad that people have to use the phone to theaten people, why cant you just do it face to face.who ae you tryin to hide from???
May I asked what you mean by use the phone to threaten people? Were you threatened by someone on the phone?
yes i was andI just think if youve ot soomethin to say, it should be said to them, not use the phone.
Shane pled guilty to Felonious Assault. 60 days in Jail and has to pay restitution. If he fails to pay restitution he goes to prison.
What an insult.
I am respoting this prior comment since were only 10 days from election. At this time we have a powerfull tool on our side for the search for Mary, that is our vote. No help = no vote, at least thats my personal preference at the polls next month. "Rock the Vote".
Since crappy cop work and politics are 2 of the key causes for this case not being solved here is an idea. Lets play politics with the politicians. By this I mean lets call and send them letters about Marys case and request they get involed and provide answers. Lets request they that recommend the FBI come back in, lets ask them to contact Marshall PD and get answers about the case. Here is a list of people in Marshall jurisdiction to contact:
Calhoun County Republican Party Headquarters:
5424-F Beckley Rd., Battle Creek, MI 49015 269-209-4268
Calhoun County Democratic Party Headquarters:
P.O. Box 1654, Battle Creek, MI 49016 269-962-0447
Gov. Jennifer Granholm P.O. Box 30013 Lansing, MI 48909 517-373-3400
Lt. Gov John Cherry Jr. P.O. Box 30013 Lansing, MI 48909 517-373-6800
U.S. Seantor Carl Levin 26115 Greenfield Road Southfield, MI 48076 248-443-6846
U.S. Rep Timothy Walberg 325 Cannon, Washington D.C. 20515 202-225-6276
Senator Mark Schauer P.O. Box 30036Lansing, MI 48909-7536 888-962-6275
Rep. Mike Nofs N0996 House Office Bldg., P.O. Box 30014 Lansing, MI 48909-7514 517-373-0555
Attorney General Mike Cox 525 W. Ottawa St., P.O. Box 30212 Lansing, MI 48909 877-765-8388
Prosecutor John Hallacy Calhoun County Justice Center 161 E. Michigan Ave., Battle Creek, MI 49014 269-969-6980
Chief Assistant Prosecutor Dan Buscher Calhoun County Justice Center 161 E. Michigan Ave., Battle Creek, MI 49014 269-969-6980
City Of Marshall
Town Hall
323 W. Michigan Ave Marshall, MI 49068
Mayor Bruce Smith and City Mgr. Chris Olson 269-781-5183
Det. Sgt. Scott McDonald 269-781-2596
Let me know if any names or contact info are wrong so they can be updated. If you live outside the jurisdiction of these officials you can refer to www.mi.gov to find your local Rep and Senator and you can contact them and request they look into Marys case. While they may not have "jurisdiction" they can send a letter and make a phone call to the proper person in the Marshall jurisdiction.
Since our local "leaders" will not take their own initiative to get involved it is up to us as Citizens to put the presure on them to "DO SOMETHING". I know my vote will be based on who does what in Marys case. If they are not willing to take my call they do not get my vote.
If you live out of state, still contact you local elected officials and ask them to call ours, these types of calls will show people are watching and taking notes and may inspire someone to get ooff their butt and do something. Politicians do not like being questioned, especially from people outside their "realm of connections" and maybe, just maybe this will be the spark to light a fire under there butt to find Mary.
My Daddy,Your Angel Is Making One Last Plea...One Last Request...Please,Make All This Stop...NOW!!! Forever,Me
Dear Mr. Bipolar goofball who posted yeah!!i bet that will work.wait.lets make a false claim.
Saturday, October 25, 2008 6:28:00 AM
Get a life and find a chat room for negative people. Either help and support or go to someone elses blog.
The person/persons who this is directed to know who they are (so do we). We respectfully ask that you stop posting your negativity on Mary's blog. You are part of the problem and until we weed out the problems it is making it more difficult to proceed. Time needs to be focused on advancements and progrees, not people such as yourselfs.
If your a Pratt supporter make a blog of your own and post away there. If your one of the other people who are pissed off because lies and deceipt have caought up to you you still need to stop trying to divert attention from the goal of finding Mary. You people come on here and start a bunch of shit and claim to be here to help. Ego's, lust for power, search for fame and recognition will NOT help and neither will your short negative posts.
If you can not blog in a positive, supportive or constructive manner than do not blog at all. If you have proof of false claims and other accusations than post your proof. This case needs facts and positive progress not your detering acts.
you have 8 million hours in this case and your not up on (hrd)ya its for real..get with the program mr carlin.maybe instead of making people mad you might try working with them.to cliff and anita..see how good this guy is posting names address and phone #ers.im sure thats not what you r all about as i really care about both of you.not sure why jim has such a big problim with MYF?he has made false claims against them,if you look at the marshall chronicle(sp)march 22-04 you can see for yourself.
It appears blatantly obvious that while some from this other missing persons site have stopped posting here, that others continue to do so.
This site is about Mary Denise Lands. Period.
Mary's family is intelligent. Should they desire the assistance of yours or any other organization, they know how to get in contact. If you haven't heard from them, then take the hint and leave them alone.
Stop spamming your site and slandering others. Your post shows your ignorance of the work that has gone into this.
ohh slander!!you mean like you do?where did i slander anyone?slander is tim bryant.srg mcdonald,jeff...nice try.
Justinian Investigative Services,can you give us a case that you have solved?
Jamie Jones
I only have 1 questions for you, now that MYF has dropped out of the case again is MYF going to turn over the evidence and info to Mary's parents that you guys have?
Wow. I thought MYF was done with this site. I must say that one of their volunteers seems like a loose cannon. Don't you have cases to work on? Is this a control issue for you?? You never did answer about the six services you offer and now you want Jim or whoever to answer to you? Let me just say this.. even if you don't like Jim's tactics (I won't even say I agree with all of them), he has been there the entire time! Not just for a few "minutes" in the beginning and then a few years later come back for a few more "minutes", get pissy and leave. Nonprofit orgs are questioned all the time. Your fly off the handle attitude really is setting MYF apart from credible agencies.
I find it insulting that there is a post on here asking people to donate placenta's to MYF. This has nothing to do with Mary and I am not sure if it is even legal or not for you to take one should somebody actually donate one to you.
Here we go again, Jamie Jones you must be of the belief that you and MYF, that you are working with know more than those of us who have been active in the search for Mary a lot longer than you. It is not Jim or myself that is mad, it is you and your MYF that are mad. It is because you can not produce the documents that Jim ask you for that started your attack on Jim. On October 26, 2008 8:30 PM you referred to the March 22, 2004 Chronicle article, reading that article one can see that the last blog comment by me is correct it was in fact 5 days after Mary came up missing that the search with MYF dog was done My statement that I do not believe the best dog in the country could follow a track that old in the conditions that existed still stands. Prove me wrong if you can. You and all of those others who have made foolish statements in the past should sit down together and go over those statements and see how they make you look to others. A good one to look at is the one done on Mary speaking to SB as she told it to Jim. How many times have you said you were done with this blog only to return again? Going back to the very beginning and reading the articles published clearly shows that the blunders made were not made by Jim Carlin.
jim,and the marshalls.i am no longer a member of any group as of today.i will turn everything i have over to you or the marshalls at any time .you know where i live.i have changed my number also,good luck on the case..if you would like to keep bashing me thats fine just leave the myf out of it in the future thanx.
Shannon M. Moss-Dingee-Kramer, Sue Bess, Jamie Jones and the rest of Missing You Foundation. You said you were going away. Do not post obscenities, and crude remarks on Mary’s site. This is not about you or anyone but the Mary Lands family.
I was not going to comment on these remarks but Cliff & Anita have requested that I do so and we will are now forced to return to moderating comments because of your actions.
We are tired of hearing about MYF.
Shannon, you lied when you stated that MYF was started because your mother was murdered. Stop all the BS and your lies.
I can document every piece of information and would not say these things if it could not be proven.
Here are but a few facts and posting from your own blogs, and in your own words. Every piece of information is available and in court records or on the Internet.
FOIA information and a death certificate # 1197492 shows your mother, Cynthia LaNell Gruell, age 39 died of a drug overdose in a suicide in Battle Creek on 06/25/1997. Another death certificate # 1116588 indicates her husband, Adrian Jerome Gruell, age 53 died of natural causes in Battle Creek on 04/17/2000.
You were convicted in Eaton County Circuit Court of embezzlement on 08/14/2003. Your probation was completed on 08/16/2006. Here is the MDOC OTIS link- http://www.state.mi.us/mdoc/asp/otis2profile.asp?mdocNumber=465233
Find another site to harass, and if you think I’ve done something wrong then I suggest you contact your attorney. Find another place to play trick or treat for Halloween. This site is only for people who wish to help in the Mary Lands case.
It is not for your personal drama.
Thank you Shannon.
We just ask you to rein in your boy, BillyJack and any other sidekicks. We have never had this type of trash talk before with the anonymous obscenities, and I do know its origins. You have a site and are aware of how to verify ISP’s.
If you can help in Mary’s case, please do so. Direct your information to the investigators working on the case. Anything else is a distraction.
In regard to your mother’s death, I would suggest that you ask for a complete FOIA from Battle Creek PD, Sparrow Hospital, and others agencies. It might give you some peace of mind. There are over 100 pages.
We wish you well.
Wow, Jim. Thanks for posting that that I wrote about mom. I'd lost it years ago, and didn't have a copy anymore!
Just FYI, I didn't write those things - the stuff I wrote - has my name on it. So, I'm not sure why you're all bent out of shape and aiming it towards me. A friend told me this was up here so I came to see.
I'm all for bringing mary home. As far as Sue and I are concerned, we're done with trash talk. You guys keep bringing it up. I think this has turned into another sidetrack, and that's not fair. I don't want us to be the reason your sidetracked.
I merely answered some questions that had been asked, quite civilly, I thought.
I think, Jim, that you and I both know just how not accurate police results are. I have a question for you - one that I actually expect an answer to.
How can you sit here and be so sure - because you've seen printed "proof" from a medical examiner who at the time, wasn't actually qualified to make that determination, that my mother's death was a suicide, but then turn around here and be so sure that every cop is lying through their teeth?
It is after all, the same county. I think that if you maybe had all the facts, you might look at our case a little differently and see where my drive comes from.
Anyway - can you just leave us alone now? I've asked everyone in conjunction with MYF to stop posting here. If they continue, I have no control over that, and I apologize in advance. If you can email me and let me know - I'll address each case personally with them. Thank you.
In some cold case files bad police work leads to a lack of evidence, I feel this is the case here as well. I agree that Marshall needs to turn the full investigation over to another agency. They do not have the training, experience or resources to handle this particular case.
MYF....This ones for youw,Shannon...The Whole Town of Marshall has spoken of your sexual encounter with Chris Pratt in the back of that vehicle an how during Mary`s case (On One Of Your So Called Search Days)That several people witnessed you climb into a vehicle with Chris an didn`t you spend pretty much the rest of the day with him?? Driving in an out of town the two of you for all to see:)??? so,if your going to threaten court cases and all...then you had better start suing everyone in Marshall...Don`t you think? As far as your companies volunteer sevices...isn`t that what your MYF represents?? as far as Mrs.Bess goes..she is a very upstanding lady and always has been..why are you dragging her and her family name into your(PERSONNAL???)battles? Just because she is one of MYF board members??? This is about what is RIGHT...And The way you are speaking here to people...Makes The MYF an Everyone in it look BAD!!!!Lady`s carry themselves GRACIOUSLY...APPROPRIATELY...ESPECIALLY When it comes to representing a company...A Foundation Of Such a Magnitude...Tell Mrs.Bess I send a hello...I went to school with her son? Jerry???:):):)
After yesterdays local election results, I feel much better about the future of political help and the likely hood that someone will do something about Mary's case. The local Marshall Gov. looks to remain pretty well intact, but many others in other areas have changed hands. Some good people were elected to office.
Battle Creek Enquirer,
Urge fresh look at Mary Lands case
Clifford and Anita Marshall and I wish to express our congratulations to Susan Mladenoff, prosecutor-elect of Calhoun County. It will be a difficult job but with her experience, professionalism and integrity we believe she will again be a great prosecutor for justice and our community.
The Marshall Police Department has clearly displayed their lack of empathy, ability or desire to solve the Mary Lands case. The City of Marshall police and public officials have told outright lies to the family. Their only objective is to ignore Mary's case, and hope it all just goes away.
Well, we are not going to go away. We hope that Ms. Mladenoff will take a fresh look at all the evidence related to Mary's case.
We have trust in the professionalism of the Michigan State Police and other agencies that would be able to assist the prosecutor's office in closing this case.
We pray that Mary Denise Lands will be a priority and the person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder will be held accountable in a court of law.
On Nov. 12, Mary will have been missing for four years and eight months.
It's about time we bring her home.
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
Battle Creek
To our newly elected officials, I truly hope that each of you takes a fresh look at Mary's case. Our current/past people in office have failed Mary and her family, I pray you do not. I know a couple of the new people and I truly beleive that Mary's case will be in much better hands. Hopefully the past will be just that and the future will shine some light on Marys family.
hey jim i missed yor call and i dont have your #my phone was supposed to be on but was out of juice.its all charged now.thanx
Last nights news coverage really hit the spot. It has not only brought the fact that Mary is still missing back to light but it also let the public as a whole know something needs to be done. There is a prior post with contact information for many people who can help, I encourage everyone who cares to make a couple calls and help keep the heat on so we can find Mary. Please break the silence and let it be known that you too are tired of the "stay the course" approach that has been taken in Marys case for close to 5 years now. Thank you to the media for bringing the search for Mary back up.
The focus is Mary.. everything else, all the personal attacks and affronts are just fluff that takes away from her death.
Jim Justinian has been nothing but professional and ethical in all his dealings here. It has cost him thousands of dollars personally..
He has kept an open mind to any and all investigative techniques... and no one cares who, what, or how we find Mary,, just that we do. If any person, agency, or investigator can find Mary.. do it.. don't tell Jim he is at fault... as he said most eloquently...put up or shut up
It is pretty clear that Chris Pratt is the only suspect in Mary's murder. Ill be happy to be open to other avenues if they develop.. but they haven't.. and any deflections elsewhere are smoke screens.
As a professional policeman I am disgusted with Marshal PD. The department needs to be cleansed and completely re-focused on the highest ethical standards and core values,, they have been forgotten
It is because of Jim and the numerous people like him that have kept this case alive. Because of all their efforts the possibility of solving the murder and having Chris Pratt be held accountable exists... without their efforts this case would have gone away a long time ago
Power on Jim... decent people who haven't forgotten Mary are behind you
Thats how I see it
Very nice job on the tv coverage!new day new start.I think with the new administration comming we should see a new begining with the case.I was very impressed with tv 17 and how they did the report,very refreshing effort.I know its getting cold outside but i believe this would be a great time to round up all Mary supporters and do the fountain again with media present.Time to keep the noise going dont stop now,keep the drive alive.Cliff was 100%right when he said even tho she is 40 she is still his baby girl and its time we get some answers for the Marshalls.I bet if it was a (prominent)Marshall family this would have never gone this long,not saying mary is not important but they seem to ignore the hard working people in the city(as)cliff and anita are the 2 most hard working people i know.As to jim,cricket,myf,and the mary bloggers,let me take this time to say im very sorry for the negitive posts here,i guess i got so caught up in the negativaty of local law inforcement and nothing getting done i just get crazy sometimes.Its not jim its not myf it was me pissed at the whole way this has been handled from day 1,and i believe its a new day new start for Mary and lets not slow down keep up the faith.One thing is that i care about what happens here as all of you do also.The myf was really there to help and please dont hate them for what i did on this blog.thank you and lets see this to the end!respectivly..jamie.
There is no need for apologies here. The primary focus is to bring Mary home and it will happen soon.
The recent news coverage has been great. I ask all perons who support finding Mary to take a moment and contact Fox 17 and thank them for their excellent job on Saturday night. Their address is:
Fox 17 News
3117 Plaza Drive NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525
They and other news outlets have done a great service to Mary's family by bringing the fact that Mary is still missing to light. Let us all let them know we notice what they have done and how much we appreciate it.
Here is an article on convictions without a body. It also has a link in the article to a website where you can find about 300 cases/convictions without a body. I have to ask, what is Hallacy's hold up?
Adam (Ado) Pratt is back in Marshall. Wonder what long lost cuz who lawyered up and went west has to say?
news travels in Marshall.
Here is the link to last nights channel 13 coverage of Mary's case.
Due to recent coverage of Mary's case I stringly urge everyone to contact the appropriate people and urge them to help.
Since crappy cop work and politics are 2 of the key causes for this case not being solved here is an idea. Lets play politics with the politicians. By this I mean lets call and send them letters about Marys case and request they get involed and provide answers. Lets request they that recommend the FBI come back in, lets ask them to contact Marshall PD and get answers about the case. Here is a list of people in Marshall jurisdiction to contact:
Calhoun County Republican Party Headquarters:
5424-F Beckley Rd., Battle Creek, MI 49015 269-209-4268
Calhoun County Democratic Party Headquarters:
P.O. Box 1654, Battle Creek, MI 49016 269-962-0447
Gov. Jennifer Granholm P.O. Box 30013 Lansing, MI 48909 517-373-3400
Lt. Gov John Cherry Jr. P.O. Box 30013 Lansing, MI 48909 517-373-6800
U.S. Seantor Carl Levin 26115 Greenfield Road Southfield, MI 48076 248-443-6846
U.S. Rep Timothy Walberg 325 Cannon, Washington D.C. 20515 202-225-6276
Senator Mark Schauer P.O. Box 30036Lansing, MI 48909-7536 888-962-6275
Rep. Mike Nofs N0996 House Office Bldg., P.O. Box 30014 Lansing, MI 48909-7514 517-373-0555
Attorney General Mike Cox 525 W. Ottawa St., P.O. Box 30212 Lansing, MI 48909 877-765-8388
Prosecutor John Hallacy Calhoun County Justice Center 161 E. Michigan Ave., Battle Creek, MI 49014 269-969-6980
Chief Assistant Prosecutor Dan Buscher Calhoun County Justice Center 161 E. Michigan Ave., Battle Creek, MI 49014 269-969-6980
City Of Marshall
Town Hall
323 W. Michigan Ave Marshall, MI 49068
Mayor Bruce Smith and City Mgr. Chris Olson 269-781-5183
Det. Sgt. Scott McDonald 269-781-2596
Let me know if any names or contact info are wrong so they can be updated. If you live outside the jurisdiction of these officials you can refer to www.mi.gov to find your local Rep and Senator and you can contact them and request they look into Marys case. While they may not have "jurisdiction" they can send a letter and make a phone call to the proper person in the Marshall jurisdiction.
Since our local "leaders" will not take their own initiative to get involved it is up to us as Citizens to put the presure on them to "DO SOMETHING". I know my vote will be based on who does what in Marys case. If they are not willing to take my call they do not get my vote.
If you live out of state, still contact you local elected officials and ask them to call ours, these types of calls will show people are watching and taking notes and may inspire someone to get ooff their butt and do something. Politicians do not like being questioned, especially from people outside their "realm of connections" and maybe, just maybe this will be the spark to light a fire under there butt to find Mary.
I think two or three who know are arguing over telling. You should know that only the first one gets a deal with law enforcment. I'd race there if I were you guys.
Who’s the cop at the end of the first story? Is this a detective in Marshall Police?
Why doesn’t the chief of police there straighten out members? Don’t they have standards of grooming, physical agility and clothing requirements?
This department is a disgrace. Unprofessional in appearance and attitude.
Is this guy a brother of Sgt. Bryant? Neither looks like police officers. Are they undercover? They look more like Pancho Villa than real cops.
A couple of those involved read this site and to them I have a message; Mary's case is rapidly taking off again. The police are under a microscope and pressure to break the case. It is only a matter of time now. 1 person will receive a deal for information and the rest will end up getting slammed. Be the smart 1, make the call, get the deal and have a future to look forward to. This is not going to go away, the police can no longer sit back and do nothing and they must do something soon to save face and stop all these questions they currently face. Use your common sense, all of you have seen these types of cases unfold at some point in your life and you know what is coming down the tube. If you wait until tommorrow it to come forward it could be too late. Make the call TODAY and take the deal, is the rest of your life and your future woth going down with the ship? You have a chance to save yourself from a rapidly sinking ship and jump in the last life boat, be smart and take the boat.
I agree with the last couple of posts. If anyone involved or with direct knowledge of where Mary is or has information on who does now is the time to come forward.
It will not be long before Mary's case takes a major leap forward and people start going down. There is simply way too much coverage and pressure to solve Mary's murder and bring her home to be put to rest. Each one of you is running out of time to save yourself and those who step up to the plate will be helped, those who do not will face the full wrath of the law.
You have a golden opportunity to not only do the right thing, but to save yourself as well. My questions is simple, how much of your life is worth spending behind prison bars? Do you want to be the one to spend the rest of your life in prison or do you want to be the one with freedom? Someone will talk, they are running out of time and options, will it be you? Or will it be someone else who gets the lifeline?
It is your choice but remember your secrets are soon to come out and when that happens its all over for everyone involved. You snooze and you will loose.
I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who is helping and supporting the family. Thank you to the media for all of the great coverage. Thank you to Jim for all of your hard work. Thank you to all of you for all you have done and everything you will continue to do.
Last nights news said the AG intends to examine Mary's case and see if their expertise can help. They called the family's letter compelling and heartbreaking.
What does that mean? That there is finally someone who is willing to take a seriouse look at the case. Great news for the family and supporters, bad news for those involved in her disapperance and the MPD.
People are finally going to have to answer for their actions and lack of actions. Chris wont be talking to Barnie Fife anymore.
For all of you who have made it a point to lie, cover up, help and other negative involvement in Mary's disapperance and investigation, the piper is coming and you will be held accountable for your actions. Its time to stop running, step up and come forward. If you go to them it will be much easier on you, if you make them come to you (which they will, these guys are the best, not your local hocky poky cadets) it wont be pretty.
We all know that those involved have never had much to fear in the investigation, this changes everything and now they have much to fear. The AG is the best in the state, they will break this case and people will be held acountable. Disney Land just closed, reality is now open. I have heard many times people wont talk out of fear of MPD or Chris, well now you have more to fear than them.
What news station was this? I missed it.
Way to go. MPD is scrambling to cover up. Its about time Michigan Attorney General took the ball.
Things are going to get really uncomfortable to Bryant, Mcdonad, and a few other past and prior.
It was on Fox 17 and ABC 13. I am betting 3 and 8 will probably have it on tonight.
To those involved or with information. It is a new day, now that the AG is involved this case will progress. This is no longer a play called "Its an investigation Charlie Brown" conducted by your local PD. The people in the AG's office are no joke, they are not to be toyed with and they will get to the bottom of this. You can run and lie all you want, they will find you and they will find the truth. If you think otherwise, I strongly suggest you do some research on them.
You fear Chris Pratt and his coherts, you fear MPD, now fear the AG. Those involved and those who know what the hell happened have a new avenue to come forward and help themselves. If you don't want to call MPD, Jim, the family or who ever you can call the AG. Go to them before they come to you, and they will come to you. If you think you are going to be able to pull the wool over the AG like you have MPD you are wrong. The last 5 years of games are over.
You have read on here before to save yourself and come forward with the information you have, its up to you. If you do you just saved your arse, if you dont the AG will take you down. You may think you people commited the perfect crime, but you did not. You may think the investigation went your way, well with MPD in charge it did, but not anymore. The game has changed and you have lost your edge.
Those involved will be going down, make sure you look over your shoulder every day, they will be coming for you. Michigan Laws allow anyone involved or anyone who helps or withholds information on a murder to be charged with a felony and sent to prison. Keep this in mind every night you lay down to go to sleep. How many years will you spend in prison for helping and protecting those involved in this crime?
The AG takes no prisoners, they will break this case with or without you coming forward. The real question is are you willing to go to prison??????????? Call the AG and keep your freedom, 877-765-8388.
Ivey , TJ, or whoever. you and partners at copshop do need to learn law. You always have an answer not the right one. What about you calling Pratt after disappearance. What's answer on that? I don't know where Carlin camera was but you can photo or video anyone in public. lose some weight and gain some brains. You get any fatter you won't slide into vest. Was that you driving around in Mary Durango???
How many Marshall police officers
does it take to change a light bulb?
1 of course. In Marshall, one officer can handle anything.
Proof of that is the Mary Lands case.
Take 3 minutes to listen to this You Tube video, "Bringing Mary Home"
It's not our Mary, but it still works and we will bring our Mary home.
Great music! If you've heard the story of Mary Denise Lands in Marshall, Michigan this song and others are inspirations for many especially her family.
The 5th anniversary of her disappearance is March 12, 2009.
Take a moment to learn more about Mary's case.
Search- Mary Denise Lands
Were going to pass this song along & maybe, just maybe, this song will touch the heart of one witness, who will call the Michigan State Police and answer our question, Where is Mary?
Thank you.
Jim Carlin
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