Marshall Chronicle 01/16/09- Ken Morgan recommended as new Marshall Police Safety Chief
Battle Creek Enquirer- 01/14/09- City Manager Chris Olson recommends Ken Morgan as new police chief
Battle Creek Enquirer- 01/03/2009- Solis Accepts Post of Chief Assistant Prosecutor, Dan Buscher will stay on-
WWMT Channel3 News-11/18/2008
WZZM 13News 11/17/2008
In a very personal and poignant 6-page letter to Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox, Clifford & Anita Marshall expressed their years of anguish and frustration concerning the conduct of certain officers in the Marshall Police Department, and a lack of progress in Mary's case. They respectfully requested that the Michigan Attorney General
Among numerous issues, their letter described how they were improperly humiliated, subjected to crude comments about DNA, and learned that MPD officers laughed and ridiculed Mary’s case. One senior officer told a family member, "Mary is like an old pair of shoes, she will be back". No official search of Mary's Waldon Pond apartment was made until December 8, 2004, 9 months later. The Michigan State Police requested the search warrant on December 7, 2004. It was approved by a magistrate on the same date, and executed on December 8, 2004.
In October 2006 it was claimed by MPD that Mary's Dodge Durango was being held as evidence although it was stored outside in open public view for over 2 1/2 years at Bud's Towing on 15 Mile Road in Marshall, Michigan. The vehicle was not secured, left unlocked, and could never be considered a piece of evidence in any court of law. When the family asked for the vehicle to be returned it was secretly moved. To this date it is retained at an unknown location and purportedly classified by former Chief Mike Olsen as "evidence" in Mary's case. After questions from the family, Vic Potter, owner of the towing company relinquished his claims for storage and moving charges related to the vehicle. It could appear that Mary's vehicle was not being held for evidence, but to build up storage fees that were in the thousands of dollars. Chase Bank or the Marshall family would have to pay the charges. This could be construed as a larceny by conversion scheme and fraud. The present bill was for a significant amount of money and appeared to be more of an extortion attempt, and one that was condoned by MPD. A Garage Keeper or Mechanic’s lien could be placed on the vehicle and there is no doubt that the bank not willing to pay the high costs and losing more money would sign over the vehicle title to the towing company. It could then be sold by the business for a considerable profit. The family doesn’t believe that this would even be a valid option under the law, but who knows? We are dealing with the Marshall Police Department and they do what they want, not necessarily what is legal and proper. It was the intent of the family that if the vehicle could be released a new loan could be signed with Chase Bank by the Marshall's. The bank would be satisfied and Cliff & Anita would have returned to their possession one of the few remaining possessions of their daughter. During this time the family made several inquiries with the local Chase Bank and the bank contacted MPD. Chase was advised that the vehicle is being held as evidence.
When further questioned about the facts related to the total bill and the "evidence" status of the Durango, who, what, when, and where it was moved, Mr. Potter stated he no longer has any connection to the Durango and does not know where it is presently stored. Shaking his hands, he advised, "I have nothing more to do with that Dodge Durango and there is no money owed to me on Mary's vehicle". For nearly 4 years and 9 months Mary's vehicle has been in the possession of MPD for no apparent legal reason. At least we hope it is in their possession.
December 2, 2008- Chase Bank today contacted MPD & Sgt. McDonald inquiring on the status of Mary’s vehicle? He advised the bank recovery official vehicle that the vehicle has always been held as evidence and it will not be released. It was reported the wheels were off it and the vehicle is under a covering. When asked about a time frame for the possible release, he replied, not any time soon. Chase Bank appreciated learning the information on the location of Mary's vehicle. They were totally unaware of what had taken place? The department handling the loan had no idea Mary was a missing persons, and the loan was written off in 2004. Although Sgt. McDonald claims that someone from Chase calls every six months they had no record in the file that the vehicle was even in the possession of the MPD. Chase asked MPD to keep them advised on the vehicle as they wish to take possession.
Christopher Luke Pratt reported that Mary Denise Lands walked away from their Waldon Pond Townhouse in Marshall on March 12, 2004 wearing medical scrubs and her brown leather jacket. The same leather jacket was recovered from a Homer flea market, 5 months later in the summer of 2004. It was personally being sold by Christopher Pratt with Mary’s other property. The flea-market booth was actually rented in the name of Ken Piski. Mr. Piske resides just east of the Pratt family residence in Albion. He is a close friend of Christopher Pratt and his brother, Jeff Pratt. After the jacket was recovered Christopher Pratt put up a sign at his booth for the remaining property- "Free". He then left the flea-market.
The jacket was immediately brought to the Marshall Police Department, but they took no action. Instead of officers being dispatched to the flea market to verify the situation MPD wanted Cliff Marshall to go there and retrieve any other property. Mr. Marshall told MPD that it was not his job to accomplish, it was a job for police investigators.
In June 2006 the family was investigated for an alleged home invasion, burglary and theft of Mary’s former residence after it was vacated by Mr. Pratt. He signed a criminal complaint after a 90-minute interview with Sgt. Rebecca Ivey, and within a day Cliff & Anita were advised to come into the police department for questioning. The Marshall's were suspects in felony crimes along with others. They complied and after meeting with Sgt. Ivey were asked to waive their Miranda Rights. They declined and requested to speak with an attorney, as did their private investigator on June 19, 2006. The Marshall's were then released. An interesting point during this time is that Chief Mike Olson told the Marshall's "with a wink and a nod" this is nothing, just forget about it. Although the management of Waldon Pond Townhouse was present and granted permission for the family to enter the vacant apartment, Sgt. Rebecca Ivey of the MPD still requested criminal warrants from the prosecutor for these serious felony crimes. The FOIA documentation on this incident includes a very candid hand-written 6-page statement from Debra Farrington, leasing manager of Waldon Pond. The FOIA response did not include a signed waiver of her rights although she was clearly a suspect in these crimes, and she was one of the four persons that Sgt. Ivey wished to charge with the felony offenses. The warrant requests were issued on June 22, 2006. On July 5, 2006 the warrant requests were denied by the Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office against all the persons involved. (FOIA documentation on this incident)- Christopher Luke Pratt, Complainant (06/19/2006) to MPD, 0906-2006- FOIA Request by Jim Carlin- Sgt. Rebecca Ivey requested warrants for home invasion, burglary, & theft allegedly committed by Cliff & Anita Marshall, Jim Carlin & Debra Farrington
Note: Supervisor Sgt. Rebecca Ivey was demoted to patrol officer by former Chief Mike Olsen prior to his firing or resignation in January 2008. However, it is believed her demotion in 2007 had nothing to do with the Mary Lands case, especially since Chief Olsen and other police management would have had to approve and sign off on of Sgt. Ivey's warrant requests.
A FOIA request was submitted to the City of Marshall in June 2008 on her demotion but it was denied by City Manager Chris Olson because a grievance action was pending.
December 2, 2008- Another FOIA Request was submitted to the City of Marshall on Sgt. Rebecca Ivey's demotion to patrtol officer. Information has been rceived was that there is no further grievance and/or court litigation in this matter and the FOIA materials requested for this incident should now be available. We expect a response within ten days under FOIA protocol. City Manager Chris Olson responded on 12/09/08 advising of a 10-day extension to comply with the request.
December 12, 2008- A limited redacted version of 2 separate disciplinary actions in 2007 against former sergeant Ivey was received, however it does make some reference to why she was demoted. Charges include Conduct Unbecoming Departmental Personnel, Neglect or Inattention to Duty, Unsatisfactory Performance, Request for Assistance. A FOIA appeal will be submitted on both discipline actions and the circumstances in those cases. MPD Sgt. Rebecca Ivey-Demotion to patrol officer-10/09/07, Limited FOIA Response, City of Marshall-12/12/08
Michigan Department of Corrections OTIS-Christopher Luke Pratt, Inmate# 673261

As most of you are aware, Christopher Luke Pratt was arrested on June 24, 2007 and remained in the Calhoun County Jail until his convictions by a jury in Circuit Court in December 2007. In January he was sentenced to 5-15 years in prison. for Domestic Violence, Unlawful Imprisonment, Interfering w/Electronic Communciations Causing Injury/Death, & Assault with Dangerous Weapon (Felonious Assault). These charges are unrelated to Mary's case and involved his most recent girl-friend. He has been incarcerated by MDOC, at Bellamy Creek Correctional Facility in Ionia and will not even be eligible for parole until February 24, 2012.
Update- December 4, 2008- Inmate #673261-Christopher Luke Pratt was just transferred from Bellamy Creek Correctional Facility in Ionia and is now incarcerated at Mound Correctional Facility in Detroit. Inmate #673261- Christopher Luke Pratt, New House- Mound Correctional Facility, Detroit, Michigan
Shortly after March 2007 when the the new city manager, Chris Olson accepted his position the family asked for a meeting, which was attended by Cliff & Anita, and others. It was immediately apparent that Chris Olson did not want to listen to the family’s plight. He stated to the Marshall’s, "you are all part of the problem, not part of the solution." Anita walked out of the meeting and to this date the city manager has never contacted them or even sent a letter expressing his desire to help the family in the tragedy of their daughter’s disappearance. City Manager Chris Olson has never attended a vigil or event for Mary.
Some time in early 2008 the family learned through a FOIA request that Acting Chief-Sgt. Scott McDonald had classified Mary's case as a homicide. No one in law enforcement ever came to the family to explain the new status or why it might have been changed? For the first time in over 4 years the Mary Lands investigation was being called a homicide.
These are just a few of the incidents that were documented and included in the Marshall’s letter to the Attorney General. Almost immediately the family received a reply from the Office of Attorney General, Criminal Division Chief, dated November 20, 2008. In part it stated, the information contained in your letter is compelling and heartbreaking. I am writing to inform you that we intend to examine this case.
On February 12, 2009 it will have been 4 years & 11 months since Mary Denise Lands disappeared. The family has endured five holiday seasons without their beautiful daughter, but this is the first holiday that we all have hope. There is genuine optimism that the Michigan Attorney General will finally be the professional legal entity that can obtain justice for the family, bring Mary home, and hold accountable the person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder.
If anyone has information about Mary's case we ask you to please contact Chief Assistant Dan Buscher at the Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office- 269.969-6980, D/Sgt. Mike Salmen, Battle Creek Post, Michigan State Police- 269.968-6115 or the
Office of Michigan Attorney General- Toll Free- 877.765.8388
Note- On November 25, 2008 the Carole Sund/Carrington Foundation in California was again contacted about Mary's disappearance. Their foundation places reward monies for missing persons. In February of 1999, Carole and Juli Sund and Silvina Pelosso were missing while on a sightseeing trip to Yosemite National Park. While they were missing, Francis and Carole Carrington, Carole Sund's parents, established rewards both for their safe return and for information on the whereabouts of their rental car. They believe that posting the reward money and receiving media attention on their case helped in locating the rental car, which gave them their first break in the case. It was for this reason the Carrington's established Carole Sund/Carrington Memorial Reward Foundation. The Foundation's goal is to safely return missing persons to their homes and to secure the arrest and conviction of violent criminals. The Carrington hope is to turn their tragedy into triumph for other families.
A reward for information on Mary's case was listed for some time however was then withdrawn, as is their policy. The foundation advised us they would consider reinstating a reward in Mary's case. They require a letter from the family, which has already been received. They also require verification from law enforcement that the case is open and a reward might assist police in their investigation. A letter was provided to First Lt. Dale Peet of the Michigan State Police on 12/02/2008 asking that his agency contact Sund/Carrington about reinstating the reward. We hope by the first of the year the Sund/Carrington Foundation will have a new reward available in the Mary Denise Lands case.
Update- January 27, 2009- A special thanks to Michigan State Police Lt. Dale Peet. On December 28, 2008 he completed a compelling letter to the Carole Sund/Carrington Foundation concerning the reinstatement of a reward in Mary's case. We should soon learn more on our request to Sund/Carrington and an announcement is forthcoming from members of law enforcement. We will keep you advised. A special thanks to the Michigan State Police and their professional team for continued efforts to bring Mary home.
Thank you AF Office for showing common citizens that there is still hope for our Justice System. Bring Mary home.
My God, help this poor family.
Marshall law in Marshall, Michigan is like something out of the wild west.
When is a real chief going to come to town and straighten out many of these misfits. It's been over 9 months?
RentACops have more integrity.
Does this mean when Sgt. McDonald is on vacation, Sgt. Bryant is chief?
I can name 4 cops who shouldn't even be crossing kids at school.
Wake up citizens of Marshall. Your personal rights are being raped and you don't see it.
If any city ever should be taken over by the Sheriff it is Marshall Police Department.
Hang in there Anita. The AG will get the answers for the family and Mary will be at peace.
It took time but will happen.
I am so glad to see Cliff and Anita smiling with that sparkle in their eye. Channel 3 ran a really nice piece and it was very encouraging and comforting to see them happy and grinning from ear to ear.
I just completed reading about Mary Lands and the complaint of Chris Pratt against Mr. & Mrs. Marshall. I would suggest Sgt. Ivey receive special tutoring at night by her husband, former Marshall Police Chief Ron Ivey. He is an instructor in criminal justice at KCC. How can they find Mary Lands? Sgt. Ivey can't find a Michigan law book to figure out a proper crime. Sgt. Ivey and MPD should be examined for improper use of badge under color of authority. Those laws are on the books in Michigan and under US Fourth Amendment. What does the police chief have to say?
Here is a breakdown of home invasion in Michigan
Home invasion is generally an unauthorized and forceful entry into a dwelling. It is a crime governed by state laws, which vary by state. The following is an example of a Michigan statute dealing with home invasion:
750.110a Definitions; home invasion; first degree; second degree; third degree; penalties.
Sec. 110a.
(1) As used in this section:
(a) “Dwelling” means a structure or shelter that is used permanently or temporarily as a place of abode, including an appurtenant structure attached to that structure or shelter.
(b) “Dangerous weapon” means 1 or more of the following:
A loaded or unloaded firearm, whether operable or inoperable.
A knife, stabbing instrument, brass knuckles, blackjack, club, or other object specifically designed or customarily carried or possessed for use as a weapon.
An object that is likely to cause death or bodily injury when used as a weapon and that is used as a weapon or carried or possessed for use as a weapon.
An object or device that is used or fashioned in a manner to lead a person to believe the object or device is an object or device described in subparagraphs (i) to (iii).
(c) “Without permission” means without having obtained permission to enter from the owner or lessee of the dwelling or from any other person lawfully in possession or control of the dwelling.
(2) A person who breaks and enters a dwelling with intent to commit a felony, larceny, or assault in the dwelling, a person who enters a dwelling without permission with intent to commit a felony, larceny, or assault in the dwelling, or a person who breaks and enters a dwelling or enters a dwelling without permission and, at any time while he or she is entering, present in, or exiting the dwelling, commits a felony, larceny, or assault is guilty of home invasion in the first degree if at any time while the person is entering, present in, or exiting the dwelling either of the following circumstances exists:
(a) The person is armed with a dangerous weapon.
(b) Another person is lawfully present in the dwelling.
(3) A person who breaks and enters a dwelling with intent to commit a felony, larceny, or assault in the dwelling, a person who enters a dwelling without permission with intent to commit a felony, larceny, or assault in the dwelling, or a person who breaks and enters a dwelling or enters a dwelling without permission and, at any time while he or she is entering, present in, or exiting the dwelling, commits a felony, larceny, or assault is guilty of home invasion in the second degree.
(4) A person is guilty of home invasion in the third degree if the person does either of the following:
(a) Breaks and enters a dwelling with intent to commit a misdemeanor in the dwelling, enters a dwelling without permission with intent to commit a misdemeanor in the dwelling, or breaks and enters a dwelling or enters a dwelling without permission and, at any time while he or she is entering, present in, or exiting the dwelling, commits a misdemeanor.
(b) Breaks and enters a dwelling or enters a dwelling without permission and, at any time while the person is entering, present in, or exiting the dwelling, violates any of the following ordered to protect a named person or persons:
A probation term or condition.
A parole term or condition.
A personal protection order term or condition.
A bond or bail condition or any condition of pretrial release.
(5) Home invasion in the first degree is a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 20 years or a fine of not more than $5,000.00, or both.
(6) Home invasion in the second degree is a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 15 years or a fine of not more than $3,000.00, or both.
(7) Home invasion in the third degree is a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 5 years or a fine of not more than $2,000.00, or both.
(8) The court may order a term of imprisonment imposed for home invasion in the first degree to be served consecutively to any term of imprisonment imposed for any other criminal offense arising from the same transaction.
(9) Imposition of a penalty under this section does not bar imposition of a penalty under any other applicable law.
Capt. Lassard thank you for the informative post. I completly agree with you. I still do not understand how Chris did not have any type of repercusiions for filing the report in the first place. Then again, nothing the Police have done in this case makes any legal or common sense. The only thing missing at this point is the portable fire hydrant for parking ticket purposes, although even that cop shop could have figured this case out.
Car 54 where are you?
jez. simple reason why pratt won't write carlin back or confess to cops. He can't write!!!!!
pratt graduated from albion high??
i doubt it. ran his head one to many times into football goalpost.
he'll probably win appeal on other womans case because he is incompetent to stand trial. and he took the stand. great piece of lawyering.
good idea for his next trial.
the guy is a total loser.
glad he is gone from Target.
which way did he go which way did he go?uhg damn goal post..
i didnt pass my lie detector test!uhg!!!my name is not chris thats why,umm dugh ya thats it..ok im good now?
why was marys # on tim bryants cell?someone help me im so busted!i took her bomber jacket to damn,that cant be good for me!!can i take back what i said first?she just walked away!not even shaffer(sp)can help me now..the call to bryant will kick your ass and his also,time to make a call sarge,you could be the one that saves your own ass.was tim bryant on dutie on that night?at a bar?and someone used his phone?but the call came to him?hummm!i didnt graduate but i smell a fox in the hen house!
tj sells weed to robin hummel(he used to date her)when dating he sold weed out of her apartment..
i saw tim bryant,and mr friend and chris with candice and jeff at the albion moose,whats up with that?i asked for the records on that day,but the people in charge said..this is a private institution and we cant get you those records?chris was being loud and out of hand i stepped in and said you have to quiet down...he said to me(im the srg at arms at this time)its ok im with the cops??
i wonder about the albion moose,as there has been alot of drug activity there,we have tom a sex offender just busted again,dan busted for coke,but they protect there members,and they cant give me the books that i need to show that chris was with bryant?go albion moose!!
Many good people have called and emailed the family with wonderful comments about Cliff & Anita smiling with a sparkle in their eyes in the recent videos and photographs. They truly have hope and gave thanks over this long Thanksgiving weekend.
A thank you for the Attorney General and his interest in Mary’s case and for the outpouring of support from their many friends and relatives across the county. It genuinely brings comfort to their home.
People in the community and across America can help by continuing to write letters to officials in charge asking that this case be solved, so that Mary can be eventually brought home and properly laid to rest.
One other alternative I would suggest is for everyone to contact MDOC requesting notifications on Inmate Pratt.
Over 30 people have already contacted me about this option. You can write to;
Michigan Department of Corrections Crime Victim Services
PO Box 33330,
Lansing, Michigan 48909.
Ask to have your name placed on the register for Inmate Christopher Luke Pratt, # 673261. You may take this action with any other inmate you may be concerned about if he/she was released.
Christopher Luke Pratt is now at Bellamy Creek Correctional Facility, 1727 West Bluewater Highway, Ionia, Michigan 48846.
You do not have to be a direct victim of a crime. You can provide an impact statement in your own written opinion to the MDOC Parole Board about the release any inmate who might be eligible for a parole. You will be able to write a letter if you fear the person is a threat to society and will commit other crimes. The Parole Board takes these letters very seriously and might even contact you again. If you request particular information and verifications on an inmate you will be provided transfer information, discharge dates, additional sentence, new convictions, parole violations, and other reclassifications. A registered person will also be contacted via automated telephone messaging if an inmate is released or escapes from prison.
You can obtain the forms online and/or call 517.373.4467, Toll Free- 877886.5401, Fax- 517.341.0536.
You may also visit
These MDOC employees are some of the greatest in that department and they go out of their way to process these notifications to keep victims up to date on inmate status. They answer many questions so don’t feel uncomfortable asking any particular one. They have heard them all and work diligently at MDOC to help the public.
MDOC Crime Victim Services is there for you. Take advantage of it now and have your information documented. Use this free State of Michigan resource, and that of OTIS to check on Inmate Christopher Luke Pratt or any other inmate-
You, your family, and our community will be safer in the end.
This may be the year they get the answers they have longed for! god bless the family and I pray every night for Mary to come home to u!
There are many questions in this case that need answered. I look forward to the AG's investigation. Chris will now have to tell his story to law enforcement that he is not friends with. Since the investigation into Mary is so intwined with the MPD I can not see how looking into Mary will not croos paths that will require the AG to look into MPD.
Marshall has always put their reputation and certain people first, this corrupt mentallity is doing dragging the Marshall's name down. This is too bad as there are many great people in Marshall, but the facts are that it is the City Government and the Police Departments fault. In the long run Marshall will be a much better place for it citizens, corruption as usual will be brought to an end.
What I completly do not understand is these people know the heat is on and the hammer is coming down, yet have they steped up their efforts to find Mary? Have they tried to contact the family? Have they done one single thing to show the public at large that they actually care? NO NO & NO. Outside of 1 interview about a week and a half ago on channel 3 the only thing I have heard from MPD is "no comment" (I highly doubt that is going to fly with the AG).
To the Marshall officials, wake up, you are letting your city go to hell, how much longer is it going to take you to do the right thing? Your local money and power is worthless at this point, yet you stay the course. Do you people not have a clue what an investigation by the AG will do? I have even heard more than 1 "rich" person who is part of the "in" crowd of cronies speak of enough is enough. What are going going to do when you turn on your TV and find Marshall on a National broadcast over all this crap? Step up and put an end to this crap you people are pulling.
To those involved in the crime. You may or may not have people on the inside on your side, but do you for a second think that anyone is going to take the fall for your sorry asses? The AG will crack someone and that someone will take all of you down. There are people who did not help in Marys disapperance that know who did it and where Mary is, well guess what, in the end you can be charged and found guilty (it happens all the time). The good news is that if you speak up you seperate yourself from this crime and do not face charges. I know some of you are having trouble sleeping at night, wondering if tonight is the night they kick your door in. Do you catch yourself looking behind you as you walk? looking around everytime you leave home or a store? When you see a cop do you think "are they looking for me"? Well, one day soon the answer will be YES. Some of you have to be smart enough to know when the gig is up, but are you smart enough to speak up and save your ass? Would you rather have Chris pissed at you or your prison bunkie giving you the old high hard one?
How deep does the hole in Marshall go? Seems like every other day some new questionable act comes to light. I'm no cop, but I bet if I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express I could out perfom these guys. Didn't they once say that there was no evidence in the Durango? I also recall a hole in the tow yard fence where it was being stored, it was left unlocked and someone even opened the door. Im also not a lawyer, but if I went to law scholl for one day I could get that thrown out of court as evidence.
I think at this point I will be making a fake & portable fire hydrant and giving it to MPD for Christmas, it seems to be the only thing there missing (they may already have one).
I hear alot of talk in marshall about Mary's case and the MPD's apparent mishandling of it. Anyone else wonder why they can't find a Police Chief? If this type of crappy cop work by them keeps coming out it will not be long before the National Media level jumps on it, what then, more lies?
MPD all you have to do is find Mary's body and hold her killer accountable, if you need help ASK. Asking for help has to be easier than the constant "no commnt", cover up, screw up and everything else. Your hard headedness to refuse to ask for help makes ALOT of people MPD hiding something? Right now in the public image it cleary looks like you are, and let it be known I am not even close to the only peorson who thiks so. Even some of your "closest backers" in the City have had some not so supportive things to say. People are distancing themselves from your department, do they see your future doing the same thing the insiders in the stock market did when they all sold off......the bottom falling out of a sinking ship?
One has to wonder, with the refusale to answer questions, the constant shaddy work coming to light, the fact you still to this day have not contacted the family with an update and everything else surrounding your department and this case, is there something even worse going on that has not come to light yet? If a suspect was acting as you are they would be deemed guilty by the cops and public opinion, tell us, how is what your doing any different that that of a suspected criminal? It seems the same to me, yet your suppose to be "better" than them, Please, tell us how........
We are glad people are asking questions about Mary. We are glad that we hear her name everyplace we go. We are glad professionals are coming in to help find her. Mostly we are glad to see Marys parents smiling. Everybody keep asking questions.
Keep hoping Cliff and Anita.. good people are behind you.
Good work Jim
Mary... through the years of search we have all become your friends... you are not forgotten
Pratt.. clear yourself.. take a voice stress analyzer... assist with the investigation... cooperate with upcoming interviews.. contact the AG beforehand and demand to be interviewed ..innocent persons would do this immediately
Why not make a good effort for your parole hearing one day
The truth is what the truth is Chris...
After reviewing some old posts on the site it came to mind that there were FOIA filed with MPD but I can not find any responses to them. Were they ever replied to?
The Police in this Country are here to serve and protect the community. They are here for us, we are not here for them. They answer to us, we do not answer to them. MPD is not answering to the public, they are not serving the public, they are not holding up to what they swore to when they took the officers oath. This is America, not Iran, North Korea, Russia, Cuba or any other communist Country. Each of you swore to uphold the laws and to serve and protect.
What I am seeing is none of the above. I see laws being broken and you serving and protecting yourselves. I want to see the Sheriff come into Marshall and take over the MPD pending a through investigation into the activies of the departments officers. I want to know that I live in a safe community where I am protected by the police and not living in fear of them and their retributions. I want answers and so do many others.
Anonymous Wednesday, December 03, 2008 2:45:00 PM
Unfortunatly the answers you are asking for will not come from MPD. They do not feel they have to answer to anyone, that has been proven time and time again. There are orginizations across the country that would be willing to look at information about MPD and determine if the issue should be pursued. From what I have seen and read I think that people in and around your city should contact them and let them know what is going on.
There are people in this country that want to help victims, you only need to find them (google is a great place to look) and contact them. Police misconduct is not at all uncommon and contrary to their own beleifs they are not above the law or immune to repercussions for their actions.
dude take A chill pill.its not about the mpd anymore or anyone else its about the AG LET UM WORK. all of the work trying to make someone talk will not work.let this work out for the AG they will get sure they will talk to tim b and chris and get some answers,maybe chris will take a plea?take A 15 instead of life to tell what happened,and tell us where mary is!its so crazy because if someone was breaking in your house,who would you call?maybe the MPD?its really hard to judge.i only hope that the AG will find the answers and get this family some closure.
You are correct.
Look at this url. It should be FW to Marshall Police Department.
They could do a entire chapter on the police corruption by officers and city officials in that town.
It gives the public a place to go and alternatives.
The trap will snap on MPD one day soon!!!
What is a bad cop?
Bad cops are law enforcement employees that are not meeting job requirements. Many of the employees who fall into this category are not bad people, but rather they just need quality oversight to keep them on the right path.
On one end of the spectrum, bad cops are criminals with badges. On the other end of the spectrum, bad cops are employees who are not qualified for their jobs. For example, they have difficulty authoring accurate police reports, they have difficulty keeping their personal biases at home, wow who does this sound like?
Sgt TJ Bryant, demoted sgt Becky Ivey. first she marries a fire chief, then a police chief, next it will city mgr.
The chief now missing for a year dabbled in romantic email with a city employee & left. Ain't love grand during holidays at Marshall PD or anytime.
They should put it all on afternoon TV soaps, misfits with a badge, MPD dysfunctional blue, barney's boys and girls, ole mcdonald had a crew, law & disorder,
Yep people you have something to be real proud of at MPD
The MPD needs to go on tour...
It could start at Town Hall, on Fountain Circle, which was originally a stagecoach stop and livery before it became a roller skating rink and then a gasoline station. In 1929, Harold Brooks offered to pay 80 percent, if the city paid 20 percent, to have the city's government, police and fire services moved there from atop what is now Herman's Marshall Hardware, farther down Michigan Avenue. Brooks commissioned Kalamazoo architect Howard Young to do the work, designed in the Greek Revival style.
Brooks and Young teamed up for several other projects, including the Marshall Post Office and Brooks Memorial Fountain, built in 1930 and modeled after the "Temple of Love" in Versailles, France.
No doubt Brooks & Young are rolling around in their graves today as they listen to the turmoil.
ironic, City Hall building,
Temple of Love
Update- December 4, 2008- Christopher Luke Pratt was just transferred from Bellamy Creek and is now incarcerated at Mound Correctional Facility in Detroit. Mound and Ryan are two state prisons in the city of Detroit that are rare because of their placement in a densely populated urban setting. Mound Correctional facility is on the east side of the site; Ryan Correctional Facility is on the west side. The maintenance/warehouse functions are shared by the two facilities. Mound sits on 39 acres previously owned by the Daimler Chrysler Corporation which used the area to store new cars prior to shipping. It now contains buildings to house prisoners as well as those to provide educational programs, food services, health services, and administrative services. The prison has a small segregation unit. The prison's academic programs provide for special and remedial education through completion of General Education Development certification for prisoners including those in segregation. The priority is to develop reading skills for each prisoner at least to the eighth grade level. Most prisoners are required to obtain GED certification prior to release from the facility. The career and technical education programs include horticulture, building maintenance, building trades, and computer literacy.
Mound Correctional Facility has four gun-towers to complement double 12 foot fences that are topped with coiled stainless steel razor ribbon wire. As at all secure facilities, an electronic detection system is inside the inner security fence. An armed vehicle patrols the perimeter in response to emergencies 24 hours a day. Buffer fences separate the surrounding area from the prison and help to keep intruders away.
and they say there is no Santa Claus:);):)
Could the dominos be falling? Someone is talking at Marshall PD, a lot of police activity at City Hall, Pratt has been moved, a new search, another Pratt family member has hauled ass, AG is now involved. It could all mean good news for Mary’s family.
This may be coming to an end. It will be good for family and good for people of Marshall, Michigan.
What does OJ Simpson & Chris Pratt have in common?
Justice may have been delayed but it will eventually arrive at their door.
He better watch his own mound
With all this going on people are still too arogant to think they will never get caught. if it were me I would be making a deal.....Mary for less time so one day I would be able to come home.
There has to be a good cop or 2 in MPD who have been turning a blind eye to whats going on because they felt there was no other choice. Now there is a choice, if your a good cop do what right, call the AG and come forward. Think of your reputation and future, do you want to go down with the rest of the bad ones? There is still time and you still have a choice.
There is no secret that drug and alcohol abuse is a major concern in the Marshall Police Department. If I was a professional honest officer in Marshall I would willingly ask to be drug tested.
If the department ever gets a real chief the first order of business should be every public safety employee and civilian dispatcher be asked to take a drug screen.
Businesses can do it randomly with people in the health industry who prohibit smoking. Why can’t it be done in the City of Marshall? These men and women carry badges, guns and drive city equipment They are supposed to protect us.
Cleaning house needs to be a priority of solid police leadership. I believe at least 20% of the department today would test positive for drugs. Those are people I know. Who knows how many others?
You don’t have to fire these employees. Put them all on notice and demand that they get rehab & counseling. If they test positive again then fire the person.
Search Mary Lands internet.
It proves you all do need to go back to the police academy.
senior PO Steven Kelly now leaving Marshall PD.
everybody is jumping ship.
taxpayers could save all kinds of money and have county sheriff police the town.
Does this now make demoted cop Sgt Ivy senior cop?
or if she next in line for chief
This happens more than we than we know;
Officer William Patrick Jordan indicted on federal drug charges
Investigators say he sold painkillers to teenage girls
He faces up to 5 years in prison and a $250,000 fine
(BOLIVAR, TN 10/20/2008) A Mid-South police officer finds himself on the other side of the law after he's accused of selling drugs to young girls in a fast food parking lot.
Officer William Patrick Jordan of the Bolivar Police Department has been indicted on federal drug charges. Investigators say he'd been dealing drugs for at least the past 5 months.
The drug that investigators say he was dealing was a painkiller called hydrocodone. It has a potency similar to morphine. They say he bought as many as 50 to 70 tablets a time and then sold them in a Sonic parking lot in Bolivar.
Workers at Sonic couldn't believe it.
"I think it's really sad," said worker Ariel Mitchell.
"I feel sorry for his family, the family suffers," said worker Crystal Barrett.
The investigation into the married father of two started more than a year ago. According to the indictment, a confidential informant told the feds he'd been delivering hydrocodone to Officer Jordan twice a week for as long as 6 months.
Last week, investigators taped a phone call between the two in which Jordan agreed to buy 10 tablets from the informant. The feds say he later increased that order to 40.
They set up a meeting in a grocery store parking lot and when Jordan showed up, the feds arrested him.
Folks all over town were stunned and angry.
"He needs to do his time, he's making everyone else do their time, he needs to do his time," said resident Josh Overton.
"Getting kids hooked on that stuff, that's terrible, he's supposed to uphold the law," said resident Carolyn Bolden.
Officer Jordan's out on bond. We went to his house to talk to him, but were asked to leave.
Court documents state the veteran cop admitted to the feds: "I done wrong. I have a problem."
There are those who are sympathetic, who say he simply made a mistake.
"In bad times, hard times, people do things they wouldn't normally do," said resident Terry Mills.
According to the Bolivar Chief of Police, Officer Jordan's been suspended without pay until further notice. He faces a maximum of 5 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
yes, this is all just a mistake.
and could never occur in Marshall Michigan
it is about time this investigation takes a positive turn. 4 years and 9 months of bad news and no progress and now good news and progress. Sad it has taken this long, glad it is finally here.
The reason Chris moved is because won his appeal and coming home in 2 weeks. He told boys they can move in with him at house. See he was framed and nothing to do with Mary. He is home for Chritmas.
December 8 @ 7:30. Nice use of the English language, maybe you can get involved in the program at Mound with Chris.
hes not in for mary dingledorf...but he soon will be.
I do not for a minute think Chris will be home in 2 weeks. First, even if you do win an appeal they do not send you a get out of jail free card. Second, if he did in fact win an appeal, the prosecutor has the right to appeal the appeal. In order for him to get let out pending that appeal they have to have a damn good case of injustice or something along those lines. In Chris' case the only injustice that has been done is that he has gotten away with Mary this long.
he is getting out. lawyer made mistake in him taking stand. He was framed. Now framing him on Mary. Chris is good person.
you will all prove that. This web is trash. Sue Harrington is in it with other girl friend just to keep his boys away.
I will keep an open mind that Chris is innocent, if he is willing to take an independent polygraph test. His refusal to take one will clearly indicate guilt to me and many others. We all know he wont take one, but if is as innocent as you claim then he will.
Now entertaining he did win an appeal for his lawyer putting him on the stand, thats still not a get out of jail free card. In this situation it would be refered back to the lower court for a new trial. Typically, that means the court would determine if a bond is appropriate pending the new trial. I can understand the wishful thinking on your part, however, inless someone made an error so huge that a major miscarriage of justice incured the Court is not going to just send him home. If the Court does in fact do so and Chris commits more violant crimes while out than theres even more problems, which is why it typically does not work the way you are stating it is going to.
he not get out.he lawyer cant help he now.he wont be home for critmas.:)
Noone on this site is trying to keep Chris' boys from him, we are trying to find Mary and bring her home. Chris knows where she is and what happened to her and soon the rest of us will as well. Chris has kids and he should understand what the family has gone through, what if it was one of his kids missing? What would he think if his sons girlfriend was acting like Chris is over Mary? Would he think she did it? Would he be looking for his son? Chris is violant and been caught lying too many times to have credibilty, its time for him to be a man and a father and tell the truth. He has brought all of this upon himself and it is completly his fault that Mary is still missing and people are talking about him the way they are. He will not cooperate with finding Mary nor will he tell the truth. Don't blame Sue or anyone else for whats going on, blame Chris, he started it and he is letting it continue. If you people want this to stop give us Mary back, until then we will never forget and we will never quit looking. We will find her!!!!!!!!!
Oh my God...Chris is NOT coming home in 2 weeks, who ever started that is so full of BS it's just to funny.... And he shouldnt see his kids, Mary doesnt get to see hers. Why do you people feel the need to lie on here, Chris was moved because he soon will be going time for Mary, GET IT RIGHT...
Interesting news today:
Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was taken into federal custody today on corruption charges stemming from the appointment of President-elect Barack Obama's Senate replacement. Blagojevich and his Chief of Staff John Harris are charged with conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and solicitation of bribery, according to a statement from the U.S. attorney's office for the Northern District of Illinois.
It is refreshing to know that people in position of power are not immune to arrest or above the law.
get use to the pratt name.we will be here 4 ever....we love u chris..jim it looks like your still fishin ya old chicken hawk....your just lettin everybody down.and sue leave the witch craft alone and quit casting on your bi-polar will see jail just takes time.promise!!!!!
What is wrong with you Pratt's, I would be ashamed of that name, Chris is nothing but shit on my shoe, he's not getting out of jail, if nothing hes going to spend the rest of his messed up life there for killing such a great person, your time is coming, can you feel it Chris, and hahahaha you wont be home to spend christmas with your family, To bad, so sad.get use to it, you were moved for a reason, and sooner then you may all think, you will come to know that reason...then I will hahahaha in all your Pratt's faces. How does Chris like his new home? GET USE TO IT....
Pratt's may be around for ever, but along with that name, the whole world will know chris PRATT is a KILLER..
I understand that Chris still owes his attorney thousands and thousands of dollars and that his mama's land could be signed over to his atty. He would have to hire a new atty to appeal on the fact that his atty put him on the stand and really, what atty is going to take that case when there is no money or collateral left to put up for his fees??
you goofballs just do not get it. chris was moved for security reasons not because he is coming home. marys case has been all over the news and everyone in ionia has seen and heard about it. they moved chris out of the coverage area where prisoners do not know he is a high profile suspect. the only reason he did not go north is so he is still close to the ag. you go to jackson before you go home not detroit.
you will see. people going to jail because lyes they told. Chris is innacent. He told truth and framed.
Did you know he undercover with police. He will free soon you asses will see. He is innacent as Officer Bryant.
Chris Pratt has damaged so many families and people in this community. He has been hurting people for so many years, it would seem he would want to stop. He continues to mentally abuse his children by making false promises that he will be comiung home. That he will be reunited with the promise of a family. If anything it would seem that he would at least have the dignity to be truthful to his sons. They are getting older and in private discussions they know what the deal is and quite frankly feel sorry for their dad. I think they would really like their father to come forward with the truth. I know that if this case progresses and he is found guilty of such a terrible crime, his sons will never forgive him. They have been hurt time and time again and they are exhausted of the lying, hurt, deception. They have a great life and are extremely protected by many people in high places. They want peace, they want to fix their dad, they want forgiveness. They are great boys looking for answers. Its too bad the boys,The Lands, The Pratts, Susan and the entire community has to live with the abuse of one person. Chris did hurt his wife, Chris did hurt his girlfriend, Chris did hurt Mary, Chris has injured in some way many people, I pray he stops hurting his children, they don't deserve it.
I am still not getting how Chris was framed. And are also claiming he is an undercover cop or is working with the cops?
Luke and Josh Pratt visited father only 1 time in Ionia in a year. What father would want to have kids come visit him at Mounds Prison? Only a abusive and lying father. He should rot there.
I dont recall anyone accusing Bryant of a crime I only recall people questioning some of his behaviors and activities.
So are we to now beleive that Chris went so deep undercover that he staged his alleged beatings of his wife, hes been hiding Mary out for 5 years and he never really did anything wrong or violant against his last girlfriend. So someone else did thes things and framed Chris to ruin his cover. But instead he kept his cover to be sent to prison for crimes he never commited. Does the ending have something to with him saving the world by uncovering some massive plot? Sorry but that version is way too hollywood for me.
The last 5 years of uncovering and showing other options is by far more realistic and beleivable. Someone call Michael Moore its all a big conspiracy.
Will political corruption ever stop? For those who beleive it never happens read this:
Pratt can smirk and lie all he wants and have relatives think he did nothing wrong.
They found Caylee Anthony body less than a mile from home. They will find Mary too and Pratt smirks will be replaced with reality of life in prison.
Put that in your Pratt pipe and smoke it!!!!
it hasnt been confirmed that is was caley..
your time is due Christopher.
you'll be back in court room in Calhoun
Got the pratt word. a crack in the family tree Jeff. hillbilly maffia blood run dry. oops
If you are a crime victim or someone who knows about an injustice or case that needs a spotlight, call "Nancy Grace" at 1-888-GRACE-01 or send information via e-mail to "Nancy Grace."
Marshall PD This is the way real cops handle real evidence.
you all need to go back to school.
This is police work not clown work.
Take lessons from Florida police
How many Marshall police officers
does it take to change a light bulb?
1 of course. In Marshall, one officer can handle anything.
Proof of that is the Mary Lands case.
If Pratt can swing a work furlough he would fit right at at police department in Marshall:)
Check this out.
Pretty sad and disgusting. Today Mary missing 4 years and 9 months and look at the garbage MPD has pulled. Freedom information today shows more incompetence. I bet Ivey's old man the former chief kept her on the job.
Business as usual in Marshall.
When will it end?
An Albion connection with Chris Pratt, Jeff Pratt and others.
Help take a bite out of crime in Albion, Michigan near E Pine & N Ionia. New YouTube video.
No child left behind,
Pratt tells everyone he did so well in Bellamy Creek as a counselor and mentor to guys in the joint DOC transferred him to Mound prison as an instructor.
Yes, those many characteristics of a sociopath can even be seen from prison.
Glibness/superficial charm.
Grandiose sense of self-worth.
Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
Pathological lying
Sets fires
Enjoys killing small animals
Lack of remorse or guilt
Shallow affect
Callous/lack of empathy
Parasitic lifestyle
Poor behavioral controls
Promiscuous sexual behavior
Early behavior problems
Lack of realistic, long-term plans
Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
Many short-term marital relationships
Juvenile delinquency
Revocation of conditional release
Criminal versatility (Hare, 1986)
He needs to get back to Calhoun County jail for real learning in a court room. While waiting for trial he can do work furlough at Target Distribution Center? Hell, if he's a good boy let him fish at Ceresco.
Jim this should be on front page of Mary as post for all to read.
Justinian Investigative Services said...
This has to be the best editorial that was ever published by any editor at the Marshall Chronicle.
No management muzzle on this writer's opinion.
Great job Mr. Hendler!
Editor's Corner,
by John Hendler,
Marshall Chronicle,
December 20, 2008
Where did everybody go?
So, now City Manager Chris Olson is on the clock. Six months and 10 days (or maybe sooner) before he moves on and hopefully we'll have a new Police Chief in place by then or people might start to wonder who's running the city and keeping us safe.
People think that already.
Oh, sorry.
Don't get me wrong; I like Mr. Olson and have enjoyed the opportunities when we've had the chance to talk and I know that he has been interviewing candidates for the position.
It just seems as of late, however, too many people have left Marshall or are about to leave.
It's been almost a year since Mike Olson left his position as Public Safety Director, leaving quietly into the night, never to be heard from again. like he was in the witness protection program,
Actually, I ran in to Mr. Olson (Mike) at a U of M football game in August. When I turned and saw him, he gave me a look like I was in the witness protection program. We exchanged pleasantries and after watching a play, I turned to say something to him and he was gone like a phantom.
So, we need a Police Chief, a City Manager and a new Superintendent for Marshall Public Schools (MPS). Oh, and also an Assistant Superintendent and a new Director of Finance and a new Director of Operations,
Not to mention the 100 or so students who've left MPS in the past year.
Instead of the pineapple as a symbol of Marshall, maybe the new symbol should be a U-Haul or a change of address card, It
does seem like everyone is leaving.
This is how it must have felt on "Happy Days" (if it weren't a fictitious television show, of course) when Fonzie. Ritchie and Ralph Malph were gone and we were reduced to watching a shell of a show with Potsie, Jenny Piccolo and that Ted McGinley character.
Hopefully, 2009 will mean an influx of new blood.
For one thing, we'll at least have new gamblers coming to town as the new casino is set to open next door,
Hey, you've got to start somewhere.
There'll be new blood on the Marshall City Council with Nick Metzger. Kathy Miller and Ryan Traver and of course, the new city manager.
And over at MPS, we should have a new superintendent by the spring and that person will have a say in who becomes assistant superintendent.
And maybe, just maybe, people will start to come back to Marshall and sit a spell and take their shoes off.
Hopefully, jobs will become available and those student enrollment numbers will start to increase.
We've got to have faith and believe that Marshall can be what it used to be.
Unlike "Happy Days" we can have Fonzie and Richie back.
You've just got to believe.
Y'all come back now, you hear?
By January 31, 2009 charges will be filed and arrest will be made in Mary's case. By mid February additional charges of accessory and hindering will be filed against others and additonal arrest will be made.
Well I hope something happens soon...Mounds is a Rehab Prison that prisoners are sent to and have to learn a skill before being released from prison..this cant be good ..I personally hopes he rots but these are facts..If you go to the Branch wensite about mounds u can see for yourself ..It is not a prison they just are held at.. They get their GED among other things ..I stress before being released...Someone has to come forward before he get released..I think Im starting to believe the Pratts when they say he's going to be out soon...
Mound is a Michigan Prisoner Re-entry Initiative (MPRI) facility and has the capability to place 120 prisoners in the program at a time. MPRI offers a wide variety of programming to assist prisoners with their transition into the community.The prison's academic programs provide for special and remedial education through completion of General Education Development certification for prisoners including those in segregation. The priority is to develop reading skills for each prisoner at least to the eighth grade level. Most prisoners are required to obtain GED certification prior to release from the facility. The career and technical education programs include horticulture, building maintenance, building trades, and computer literacy.
As with most Michigan prisons, volunteers help staff in providing prisoners with religious and other life enrichment programs.
Minor health care services are provided at the prison. Serious cases are treated at the Duane Waters Health Center in Jackson as well as at local facilities.
now you still say Chris is guilty. He is getting out moving in with his boys and Norrene. ask her or Luke and Josh. She admitted it was lies and he was framed. He never hurt Mary or anyone. never took drugs. you will all be sued now amd Chris will get job back at Target. We all know he was framed.
To say Chris never used drugs is a flat out lie, I know, I have been there more than once when he did. As long as I have known Chris telling the truth is one thing he always had a problem with.
If Chris had nothing to do with Mary then why wont he help find her? Why has he been caught in lie after lie? Why was he selling the coat he said she left in? Why did he file a false police report against Mary's parents? Why did it take him so long to report Mary missing (thats right, he didnt her parents did). You claim he is innocent, yet everything says he is hiding something.
I understand from being his family you deeply want to beleive he is a perfect person, but I think he has been lying to you so long you actually beleive him. I feel sorry for his kids, he can't even be honest with them. It is not their fault for what Chris may have done but he is making them victims every time he lies to them and fills them with false hope. He appears to like to spread the pain, even among his own family. I guess the 12 jurors will be the final decision if he is actually innocent.
If someone would just give up Mary a great deal of the people working on this case would go away, much pressure would be off Chris family and friends. Each of you is letting Chris put you under a microscope, his actions and lack of actions are effecting everyone of your lives on a daily basis, I hope he is worth the hell is he causing everyone. We are not going anywhere until Mary is home, give us Mary and we get off your backs.
Enquirer had a story that incoming prosecutor Mladenoff appointed Albion attorney Eusebio Solis, chief assistant. Dan Buscher who convicted Chris Pratt will also stay on in the prosecutor’s office.
Mladenoff, Solis and Buscher will be great team fighting crime in Calhoun County. Hillbilly drug dealers, pervs, and crooks. You are all on notice.
I don’t know if prior prosecutor would not or could not charge in Mary Lands case but I have a feeling that new team and Attorney General will get the job done and give the family closure. If Pratts or anyone has information on the murder of Mary Lands you ought to be calling prosecutor- (269)-969-6980. Call them before they knock on your door.
Not much time left for those involved. You can BS idiots in Marshall police but not real cops who are coming to solve this case. They got Chris Pratt in joint for 15 years only a matter of time before they get the entire bunch for what happened to Mary.
Well if Chris does get released it will only be time before he returns but as Far as the boys living with him ..well think about it Sue would be crazy to let them boy's go through that and so would know that everyday all day long Chris will be followed and watched why would anyone want to put their children through that..his best bet as a good father would be ..just to try to be there for them and explain to them that at this time it really would be a bad time to bring them into an enviroment like that, just until Mary is brought home, just because their not in his home doesnt mean he's not a good father...what happens when their not around should be brought on them ..they didnt kill Mary ...poor kids..nobody should even be asking them questions..period ..I feel this case can be solved without the boys being involved there is no way they would ever turn on their dad and its really not far to ask them...Have faith Chris or whoever killed Mary will definately get whats coming to them but as far a s the boys cudos to them for being soooo strong during this time...I pray fro Mary's family everyday and Mary will be home soon!!!
Chris' trail has lead to Albion and is causing quite a bit of stir. The Youtube video is the talk of the town and has a couple "alleged dope dealers" in a huff. When will those responsible for Mary learn the only way to make people go away is to give up her body. People are smart enough to sell dope for many years and not get caught but too stupid to get people off there ass. Personally, I would be pissed as hell as Chris and cohorts for brining all this heat and attention on me.
More lies and misinformation.
Missing report from Sgt. Ivey and other police personnel.
This is also on Links to Mary
If this is the same Ken Morgan from Washington State, deputy chief at Portage Police, and graduate of 204th FBI class everyone should jump up and cheer.
MPD has never had a police professional of this respected quality and it is indeed a positive for Mary's case and community.
The ongoing shenanigans by some in that department are in for a rude awakening. For those who need it you better start losing some weight, working on your degrees, and act and look like real police officers. Might be a good idea for all of you to start thinking about zero tolerance for drugs.
This incoming top cop will not stand for what has gone on in the past.
Mr. Morgan, we welcome you to Marshall.
The Creeper will be 41 tomorrow, January 30th. It will be 2nd birthday in the joint.
He should rot in prison until he tells all and helps to bring Mary home so she can rest in peace.
Take 3 minutes to listen to this You Tube video, "Bringing Mary Home"
It's not our Mary, but it still works and we will bring our Mary home.
Great music! If you've heard the story of Mary Denise Lands in Marshall, Michigan this song and others are inspirations for many especially her family.
The 5th anniversary of her disappearance is March 12, 2009.
Take a moment to learn more about Mary's case.
Search- Mary Denise Lands
Were going to pass this song along & maybe, just maybe, this song will touch the heart of one witness, who will call the Michigan State Police and answer our question, Where is Mary?
Thank you.
Jim Carlin
Current appeal process of Inmate Christopher Luke Pratt.
This is public information and listed online.
COA Case Number: 284299
Oral Argument: Y Timely: Y
Oral Argument: Timely: Y
SUITE 1015
DETROIT MI 48226-1874
Status: Open 58
03/17/2008 1 Claim of Appeal - Criminal
Proof Of Service Date: 3/14/2008
Register of Actions: Y
Fee Code: PI
Attorney:39535 - KOSTOVSKI SUZANNA
01/07/2008 2 Order Appealed From
Case Number: 2007-002395-FH
Trial Court Judge: 23152 MILLER STEPHEN B
Nature of Case:
Felonious Assault
Criminal Miscellaneous
Domestic Violence
03/17/2008 5 Transcript Ordered by Trial Court
Date: 3/13/2008 Timely: Y
Reporter: 3000 - REPORTER UNKNOWN
11/27/2007 Jury Trial
11/28/2007 Jury Trial
11/29/2007 Jury Trial
12/3/2007 Jury Trial
12/4/2007 Jury Trial
12/5/2007 Jury Trial
12/6/2007 Jury Trial
1/7/2008 Sentence
03/31/2008 6 Appearance - Appellee
Date: 3/27/2008
Attorney: 53159 - CLARK JENNIFER KAY
04/18/2008 7 Invol Dismissal Warning - No Steno Cert
Attorney: 39535 - KOSTOVSKI SUZANNA
Due Date: 5/9/2008
04/24/2008 8 Steno Certificate - Tr Request Received
Date: 4/21/2008 Timely: Y
Reporter: 5087 - HOWIE JACQUELIN
11/27/2007 Jury Trial
11/28/2007 Jury Trial
11/29/2007 Jury Trial
12/3/2007 Jury Trial
12/4/2007 Jury Trial
12/5/2007 Jury Trial
12/6/2007 Jury Trial
1/7/2008 Sentence
04/24/2008 9 Transcript Not Taken by Steno
Date: 4/21/2008
Reporter: 3000 - REPORTER UNKNOWN
11/27/2007 Jury Trial
11/28/2007 Jury Trial
11/29/2007 Jury Trial
12/3/2007 Jury Trial
12/4/2007 Jury Trial
12/5/2007 Jury Trial
12/6/2007 Jury Trial
1/7/2008 Sentence
06/20/2008 10 Notice of Filing Transcript
Date: 6/18/2008
Reporter: 8010 - FARNHAM STACY L
11/27/2007 Jury Trial
11/28/2007 Jury Trial
11/29/2007 Jury Trial
12/3/2007 Jury Trial
12/4/2007 Jury Trial
12/5/2007 Jury Trial
12/6/2007 Jury Trial
1/7/2008 Sentence
06/20/2008 11 Transcript Not Taken by Steno
Date: 6/18/2008
Reporter: 5087 - HOWIE JACQUELIN
11/27/2007 Jury Trial
11/28/2007 Jury Trial
11/29/2007 Jury Trial
12/3/2007 Jury Trial
12/4/2007 Jury Trial
12/5/2007 Jury Trial
12/6/2007 Jury Trial
1/7/2008 Sentence
08/01/2008 12 Stips: Extend Time - AT Brief
Extend Until: 9/10/2008
Filed By Attorney: 39535 - KOSTOVSKI SUZANNA
09/09/2008 13 Motion: Extend Time - Appellant
Proof Of Service Date: 9/8/2008
Filed By Attorney: 39535 - KOSTOVSKI SUZANNA
Fee Code: PI
Requested Extension: 10/8/2008
Answer Due: 9/15/2008
09/16/2008 14 Submitted On Administrative Motion Docket
Event: 13 Extend Time - Appellant
District: G
09/19/2008 15 Order: Extend Time - Appellant Brief - Grant
Click here to view document in PDF format.
Event: 13 Extend Time - Appellant
Panel: JPH
Attorney: 39535 - KOSTOVSKI SUZANNA
Extension Date: 10/8/2008
10/08/2008 16 Brief: Appellant
Proof Of Service Date: 10/8/2008
Oral Argument Requested: Timely Filed: Y
Filed By Attorney: 39535 - KOSTOVSKI SUZANNA
10/08/2008 17 Presentence Investigation Report - Confidential
Date: 10/8/2008
Attorney: 39535 - KOSTOVSKI SUZANNA
10/24/2008 18 Notice of Filing Transcript
Date: 10/20/2008
Reporter: 8010 - FARNHAM STACY L
1/7/2008 motion
10/27/2008 19 Stips: Extend Time - AE Brief
Extend Until: 12/10/2008
Filed By Attorney: 53159 - CLARK JENNIFER KAY
12/08/2008 20 Motion: Extend Time - Appellee
Proof Of Service Date: 12/5/2008
Check No.: 26325 Fee: $100.00 Receipt #: 2842991
Filed By Attorney: 42351 - HALLACY JOHN A
Requested Extension: 1/7/2009
Answer Due: 12/12/2008
12/09/2008 21 Submitted On Administrative Motion Docket
Event: 20 Extend Time - Appellee
District: G
12/10/2008 22 Order: Extend Time - Appellee Brief - Grant
Click here to view document in PDF format.
Event: 20 Extend Time - Appellee
Panel: JPH
Attorney: 42351 - HALLACY JOHN A
Extension Date: 1/7/2009
01/07/2009 24 Brief: Appellee
Proof Of Service Date: 1/7/2009
Oral Argument Requested: Y Timely Filed: Y
Filed By Attorney: 53159 - CLARK JENNIFER KAY
01/08/2009 23 Noticed
Record: REQST Mail Date: 1/9/2009
01/22/2009 25 Record Filed
Comments: FILE; 10 TRNS
02/23/2009 28 Correspondence Sent
Attorney: 39535 - KOSTOVSKI SUZANNA
Comments: L3 rec req: cassette tape of recording btwn df & mother 6/25/07 (PX 28)
02/27/2009 29 Telephone Contact
Attorney: 53159 - CLARK JENNIFER KAY
Comments: copy of cassette will be sent to COA (sending out Monday 3/2)
03/03/2009 31 Material Received by Record Room
I only going to say this once. sue harrington is crazy and what makes you think that she did'nt do it. sue hated mary alot. Sue not mrs. perfect. she two faced and she puts on a good show!she so off that she don't know if she taken her bio poler meds. time will come and she will be in jail! I promise!
We don’t have a problem with people wishing to express a theory and even some members of the Pratt family who feel their relative could never have been involved in such a horrific crime.
We are however, tired of the same Pratt hillbilly mafia kinfolk who go on and on with garbage and trash talk. You are so uninformed and intellectually dim that it is no surprise that some Pratt’s turn out as they do.
One perfect example is your own, now Inmate Christopher Luke Pratt who although listed as an Albion High School graduate he can’t put three words together on a piece of paper. That is not just my observation. It is that of demoted former sergeant, now Officer Rebecca Ivey. She had to write his statement in a police report after he reported a home invasion and larceny to the apartment he vacated, and for which there was an eviction notice issued. Officer Ivey attempted to charge the Marshall's, the Waldon Pond Leasing Manager and myself with home invasion and theft based on the complaint of Chris Pratt. Cliff & Anita Marshall were brought to the Marshall PD and asked to waive their rights under Miranda. She asked for a warrant request to the prosecutor, however it was denied.
First of all, get your facts together. Anyone who really knows Inmate Pratt’s ex-wife would be aware that her name is spelled “Su” not Sue. Also if you knew anything about this case other than trash talk would know that on the weekend of March 12, 2004 it was the perfect climate for someone with a twisted, warped and dubious mind to plan a disappearance and murder.
Cliff & Anita Marshall had left 5 days earlier for California. Mary’s brother and daughter-in-law were with them, Su Harrington, her husband, Steve, and her two boys were six hundred miles away at a sports tournament.
It would have been the perfect storm of opportunity for Mary Denise Lands to be murdered on the 12th and 44 hours later for Inmate Pratt to call Mary’s parent’s in California asking if Mary was with them? As they say with any crime, Inmate Pratt had the motive, the means and the opportunity.
The Pratt family can support your prodigal relative, but do it with facts not trash talk. Ironically, it is some of you who today could solve this case and bring Mary home.
You would be wise to do it on your own before the police come knocking on your door. Inmate Pratt doesn’t have the brains to have pulled this off alone. He needed help. That is something law enforcement will soon prove in a court of law and rest assured he will be charged.
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