March 18, 2009- Karen Kraemer of the Broken Wings Network from Wisconsin recently appeared on the Tyra Banks Show and spoke about the disappearance and murder of her own daughter, Becky Marie (Kraemer) Marzo, of Milwaukee in 2003. Karen is helping in Mary’s case and is a great advocate for battered woman and the national tragedy of domestic violence. She commented many times on the similarities of her own daughter’s case and the circumstances of Mary’s disappearance. She will appear on a segment of the show on April 2, 2009. Check your own television listings for the exact time and station that will air her story. Don’t miss this great feature.
Battle Creek Enquirer- Letter to Editor, Inmate Christopher Luke Pratt- Prison Transfer- 03/18/09
WOOD-TV8 News- Where is Mary? Five years later? 03/12/09
WWMT Channel3News- Mary Lands, 5th Anniversary Vigil- 03/12/09
Battle Creek Enquirer- 03/13/09
Thursday, March 12, 2009 marked the 5th anniversary of the disappearance of Mary Denise Lands, and the family will hold another vigil at the Brooks Memorial Circle Fountain at Noon in Marshall, Michigan. Each year on March 12th since Mary purportedly walked away from her apartment Cliff & Anita Marshall have held a vigil on this date.
Mary's fiancé, Christopher Luke Pratt claims she went for a walk at 10:00 P.M. on a cold wintry night still wearing her light-weight medical scrubs from her job at Day One Family Healthcare in Battle Creek. He claimed she walked off wearing her favorite brown leather jacket and left her

A new reward was recently reinstated in Mary’s case and the law enforcement community is working aggressively to solve the case. Christopher Luke Pratt is now serving a 5-15 year sentence for a violent assault against a more recent girl-friend. His earliest possible parole eligibility date is February 2012.
http://www.state.mi.us/mdoc/asp/otis2profile.asp?mdocNumber=673261 Chris Pratt has been named a suspect in the open homicide investigation of Mary Lands, but has not yet

March 12, 2009- 9:00 A.M.- Well this is not a good sign and obviously came on a sad day for the family, the 5th anniversary of Mary's disappearance. Chris Pratt was just moved from Level II at Mound Correctional Facility in Detroit to Cooper Street Correctional Facility in Jackson. He was reduced to the minimum standard of MDOC and reclassified as Level I. Next we will hear that because of prisons closing and staff reductions he will soon be released. Because his convictions were related to domestic violence he should not be eligible for parole until February 2012. You have to wonder if that criteria enacted by the Michigan legislature will be thrown out and he is looking at a release in the very near future? Norreen Parker, his most recent victim, better be concerned about these new developments.
March 12, 2009- 5:00 P.M.- Thank you to all the good people who today called MDOC, the police and the media about Christopher Luke Pratt being transferred to Cooper Street CF in Jackson and a reduction of his Level II to Level I. It just shows the power of our community. Inmate Pratt will be shuffling off to another prison and his Level II status will be put back in place. Maybe if we are lucky it will be the UP for the rest of the winter.Thank you again to WOOD-TV8 and the viewers for all the calls. It really gave some relief to Mary's parents to know we all will be safer. Kudos to our community to keep this alleged killer in a more secure location. In my opinion, I believe he killed Mary Lands and so does the law enforcement community. Chris Pratt needs to remain in prison for the rest of his life unless he makes a deal and tells the truth. It better be soon because some other perp is going to drop a dime on him first.
March 13, 2009- 7:45 A.M- Within 24 hours of MDOC learning that Christopher Luke Pratt is an inmate who is a suspect in an open homicide investigation his classification was changed back to a Level II. Cooper Street Correctional Facility in Jackson is a Level I facility so we presume he will be transferred to a Level II correctional facility. There is a saying that the wheels of justice turn slow, but grind exceedingly fine. Chris Pratt, you can try to use your sociopathic charm on prison officials, family and friends to believe that all this is going to go away and you will soon be free. In your deluded thinking you feel no remorse or empathy, but that is just another symptom of your mental defects.
People know what you did to Mary Lands and one day you will allocute in a court of law and be held accountable for Mary’s disappearance and death. You have seen our billboards and efforts to find Mary. Your earliest possible parole date is February 24, 2012. Let me assure you that we presently have at least 220 individuals who will be writing the Parole Board to ask that you not be released until your scheduled discharge date in 2022. By the time of your review in 2011 we will have at least 1,000 letters sent to Lansing opposing any release.
We are not going away, and we will bring Mary home.
March 16, 2009- "Top of the morn'in to you all". As we have previously mentioned, there is a saying that the wheels of justice turn slow, but grind exceedingly fine.This morning, Christopher Luke Pratt, Inmate # 673261 is now back at his old digs in Level II, Mound Correctional Facility in Detroit after a brief transfer to Cooper Street Correctional Facility in Jackson that MDOC acknowledges was an error. His minimal status to Level I has also been changed back to Level II.
Happy trails Christopher, & Happy St. Patrick's Day.
Welcome back to the Mound!
Jim Carlin
Help us bring Mary home.
Oh Mary Don't You Weep- 2008 4th Anniversary Vigil

(Photo-Trace Christiansen, Battle Creek Enquirer)
im disgusted that at the nearly 5 year mark that mary hasnt been found.how can people live each day knowing where mary is at,but yet not saying a word? i hope that the people involved all get what they deserve on day....i also cant believe that the marshall police department have never released anything on their findings in this case.how long do we have to wait to know if your dept. is even done anything? my heart goes out to the entire marshall family.i hope you all know that ive personally have spent many hours searching and talking to people about mary. i will not ever stop looking until she has been found. MIKE
Thanks Mike. The family has appreciated your support over the last 5 years.
Hang in there. We all believe good things are about to happen and we will finally have some answers.
Does anyone know this name?? GEORGE LLOYD CHASE? 37 yearsold, lived in Emmett Township at triangle trailer park. & worked at pickle factory off Verona in Marshall.
Jim Carlin helped us and George was again just rejected for parole. He wrote letters to parole board & prison opposing release.
George is a danger to many people in Battle Creek. Many victims are scared. People like George Chase and Chris Pratt deserve to be in prison for rest of their life.
Thanks Jim for all your help.
Our family praying for Mary’s family.
Keep the faith.. keep pushing.. never give up until she is home
Go Jim Go
Current appeal process of Inmate Christopher Luke Pratt.
This is public information and listed online.
COA Case Number: 284299
Oral Argument: Y Timely: Y
Oral Argument: Timely: Y
SUITE 1015
DETROIT MI 48226-1874
Status: Open 58
03/17/2008 1 Claim of Appeal - Criminal
Proof Of Service Date: 3/14/2008
Register of Actions: Y
Fee Code: PI
Attorney:39535 - KOSTOVSKI SUZANNA
01/07/2008 2 Order Appealed From
Case Number: 2007-002395-FH
Trial Court Judge: 23152 MILLER STEPHEN B
Nature of Case:
Felonious Assault
Criminal Miscellaneous
Domestic Violence
03/17/2008 5 Transcript Ordered by Trial Court
Date: 3/13/2008 Timely: Y
Reporter: 3000 - REPORTER UNKNOWN
11/27/2007 Jury Trial
11/28/2007 Jury Trial
11/29/2007 Jury Trial
12/3/2007 Jury Trial
12/4/2007 Jury Trial
12/5/2007 Jury Trial
12/6/2007 Jury Trial
1/7/2008 Sentence
03/31/2008 6 Appearance - Appellee
Date: 3/27/2008
Attorney: 53159 - CLARK JENNIFER KAY
04/18/2008 7 Invol Dismissal Warning - No Steno Cert
Attorney: 39535 - KOSTOVSKI SUZANNA
Due Date: 5/9/2008
04/24/2008 8 Steno Certificate - Tr Request Received
Date: 4/21/2008 Timely: Y
Reporter: 5087 - HOWIE JACQUELIN
11/27/2007 Jury Trial
11/28/2007 Jury Trial
11/29/2007 Jury Trial
12/3/2007 Jury Trial
12/4/2007 Jury Trial
12/5/2007 Jury Trial
12/6/2007 Jury Trial
1/7/2008 Sentence
04/24/2008 9 Transcript Not Taken by Steno
Date: 4/21/2008
Reporter: 3000 - REPORTER UNKNOWN
11/27/2007 Jury Trial
11/28/2007 Jury Trial
11/29/2007 Jury Trial
12/3/2007 Jury Trial
12/4/2007 Jury Trial
12/5/2007 Jury Trial
12/6/2007 Jury Trial
1/7/2008 Sentence
06/20/2008 10 Notice of Filing Transcript
Date: 6/18/2008
Reporter: 8010 - FARNHAM STACY L
11/27/2007 Jury Trial
11/28/2007 Jury Trial
11/29/2007 Jury Trial
12/3/2007 Jury Trial
12/4/2007 Jury Trial
12/5/2007 Jury Trial
12/6/2007 Jury Trial
1/7/2008 Sentence
06/20/2008 11 Transcript Not Taken by Steno
Date: 6/18/2008
Reporter: 5087 - HOWIE JACQUELIN
11/27/2007 Jury Trial
11/28/2007 Jury Trial
11/29/2007 Jury Trial
12/3/2007 Jury Trial
12/4/2007 Jury Trial
12/5/2007 Jury Trial
12/6/2007 Jury Trial
1/7/2008 Sentence
08/01/2008 12 Stips: Extend Time - AT Brief
Extend Until: 9/10/2008
Filed By Attorney: 39535 - KOSTOVSKI SUZANNA
09/09/2008 13 Motion: Extend Time - Appellant
Proof Of Service Date: 9/8/2008
Filed By Attorney: 39535 - KOSTOVSKI SUZANNA
Fee Code: PI
Requested Extension: 10/8/2008
Answer Due: 9/15/2008
09/16/2008 14 Submitted On Administrative Motion Docket
Event: 13 Extend Time - Appellant
District: G
09/19/2008 15 Order: Extend Time - Appellant Brief - Grant
Click here to view document in PDF format.
Event: 13 Extend Time - Appellant
Panel: JPH
Attorney: 39535 - KOSTOVSKI SUZANNA
Extension Date: 10/8/2008
10/08/2008 16 Brief: Appellant
Proof Of Service Date: 10/8/2008
Oral Argument Requested: Timely Filed: Y
Filed By Attorney: 39535 - KOSTOVSKI SUZANNA
10/08/2008 17 Presentence Investigation Report - Confidential
Date: 10/8/2008
Attorney: 39535 - KOSTOVSKI SUZANNA
10/24/2008 18 Notice of Filing Transcript
Date: 10/20/2008
Reporter: 8010 - FARNHAM STACY L
1/7/2008 motion
10/27/2008 19 Stips: Extend Time - AE Brief
Extend Until: 12/10/2008
Filed By Attorney: 53159 - CLARK JENNIFER KAY
12/08/2008 20 Motion: Extend Time - Appellee
Proof Of Service Date: 12/5/2008
Check No.: 26325 Fee: $100.00 Receipt #: 2842991
Filed By Attorney: 42351 - HALLACY JOHN A
Requested Extension: 1/7/2009
Answer Due: 12/12/2008
12/09/2008 21 Submitted On Administrative Motion Docket
Event: 20 Extend Time - Appellee
District: G
12/10/2008 22 Order: Extend Time - Appellee Brief - Grant
Click here to view document in PDF format.
Event: 20 Extend Time - Appellee
Panel: JPH
Attorney: 42351 - HALLACY JOHN A
Extension Date: 1/7/2009
01/07/2009 24 Brief: Appellee
Proof Of Service Date: 1/7/2009
Oral Argument Requested: Y Timely Filed: Y
Filed By Attorney: 53159 - CLARK JENNIFER KAY
01/08/2009 23 Noticed
Record: REQST Mail Date: 1/9/2009
01/22/2009 25 Record Filed
Comments: FILE; 10 TRNS
02/23/2009 28 Correspondence Sent
Attorney: 39535 - KOSTOVSKI SUZANNA
Comments: L3 rec req: cassette tape of recording btwn df & mother 6/25/07 (PX 28)
02/27/2009 29 Telephone Contact
Attorney: 53159 - CLARK JENNIFER KAY
Comments: copy of cassette will be sent to COA (sending out Monday 3/2)
03/03/2009 31 Material Received by Record Room
found this online, Norreen Parker- MySpace website. Ms Parker should remember others in her life that helped her too.
We pray she avoids mistakes of the past including her relationship with Chris Pratt. She is lucky to be alive today.
Tommorrow's Vigil is coming along great. It appears there will be a nice turn out and there will be people in attendance that have never been to any of Mary's past Vigil's.
I did receive an email confirmation that there will be NAPWDA Certified k9's and Handlers present for support, talk to people that attend the vigil and answer their questions. There will also be law enforcemnt, media and many others in attendance.
We hope to see everyone there to show their support of Mary and her family.
Chris Pratt was just transferred to Cooper Street Correctional Facility in Jackson and is now a Level 1 inmate.
Looks like he is about to get out?
great justice!!!
Well this is not a good sign and obviously came on a sad day for the family, the 5th anniversary of their daughter's disappearance.
Chris Pratt was just moved from Level II at Mound Correctional Facility in Detroit to Cooper Street Correctional Facility in Jackson. He was reduced to the minimum standard of MDOC and reclassified as Level I.
Next we will hear that because of prisons closing and staff reductions he will soon be released?
Because his convictions were related to domestic violence he should not be eligible for parole until February 2012. You have to wonder if that criteria has been thrown out and is is looking at a release in the near future? Norreen Parker, his most recent victim, better be concerned about these new developments.
Sue Harrington, Pratts other wife, Norrie Parker, Marshalls & Jim Carlin ought to be worried too. The CREEPER will soon be knocking on a lot of doors in Marshall with that evil smirk on his face saying, I'm back.
This piece of puke should never get out of jail because many more will be hurt or killed.
I guess it is a good thing that there are people working very hard to make sure none of this happens. I would not freak out yet Chris isn't coming home anytime soon. He is also in a secure level 1 and not a camp so at least he can not easily escape.
Great news, everyone can stop worrying about Chris being in a level 1. The problem is resolved and he will be placed in an appropriate institution. Thank you to everyone who has been on the phone making this development happen.
Until Mary is found i do not think the CREEPER has much chance of getting out. It is political suicide and it puts the paroll board and MDOC in a high risk situation. Not to mention all the people who will appose his release. After all the MDOC has a duty to protect the community. Chris made his bed and now he has to sleep in it.
Thank you to all the good people who today called MDOC, the police and the media about Christopher Luke Pratt being transferred to Cooper Street CF in Jackson and a reduction of his Level II to Level I. It just shows the power of the community.
Inmate Pratt will be shuffling off to another prison and his Level II status will be put back in place. Maybe if we are lucky it will be the UP for the rest of the winter.
Thank you again to WOOD-TV8 and the viewers for all the calls. It really gave some relief to Mary's parents to know we all will be safer. Kudos to our community to keep this killer in a more secure location.
We know he killed Mary Lands and so does law enforcement. He needs to remain in prison for the rest of his life unless he makes a deal and tells the truth.
Jim Carlin
This letter was written by Marshall family members and read today at Mary's 5th Anniversary Vigil;
Mary loved life. She was fun loving, fun to be around, very protective of her family and one of the most outgoing persons I knew. Her life was cut short at too young of an age with so much life left in her to share with others. Mary seemed destined to help others who were down trodden or in need. As a child growing up, she followed her big sister Gina around everywhere. They spent many hours together playing house, playing Barbie’s & playing in the leaves. They were best friends. When they moved many times over the years from Michigan to California, there were many times when they had only each other to talk to and keep each other company until they made new friends again. They confided secrets with each other and always shared their birthdays together which were a day apart. Mary was always the more outgoing sister, easily making new friends any place she went. She was always fun to be with. During the summers, Mary and her sisters would roller skate every day around the neighborhood in their metal wheel roller skates. They had so much fun.
As a young woman, she easily fell in love with Josh and they seemed to fit so well together. They won several high school dance contests because they were so in sync. When Mary’s son Josh Jr. came along she was so happy. She doted all of her love and affection on Josh. He was the apple of her eye. Josh and Mary eventually went their separate ways. Mary moved to Georgina, met and fell in love with Gary. They were married a short time later. Mary became pregnant and her beautiful daughter Stacy came along. During her marriage to Gary, she traveled the world, even making a trip to beautiful Greece. She flew her sister Gina and Chris out to Georgia for a reunion just before Thanksgiving one year and then she took them to Florida for the weekend. They had so much fun driving, travelling, swimming in the ocean and just being together. In Georgia, Mary decided to go in business for herself and had a medical billing business that she set up all by herself. She was very successful with her business and enjoyed something that she created on her own. She was a hard worker from a very young age and it showed in the successfulness of her business. Also while she was in Georgia, she helped her sister Chris buy a house.
Sadly, Mary and Gary later divorced and she moved back to her home State of Michigan. Making friends was so easy for Mary and she always had so many friends in Michigan that when she came back, it was like she never left. Many of her childhood friends were still her friends the day she disappeared. After she came back to Michigan, every year she flew out to California to spend a week celebrating her and her sister’s birthday. They had so much fun going to San Francisco and riding the cable cars, spending the week at the ocean, visiting light houses and other exhibits. Mary loved to shop and she, Gina & Gina’s daughter would go shopping for hours.
She met Chris Pratt about 3 years before she disappeared. Little did she know how abusive he could be and it would eventually lead to where we are today. Mary was so full of life and that life was taken from her, her family and her friends. She was a friend to many and would give someone the last dollar she had even if it meant she wouldn’t eat. There were times she worked three jobs just to support herself and her children and to have a little extra money for herself. She loved spreading candles throughout her house, lighting them and basking in their warm glow. She is missed by everyone she knew, but mostly by her mom, dad, sisters, brother, son, daughter, grandson, nieces, nephews and cousins.
Mary was also close to her brother and sister-in-law living only a few doors down. They loved to spend time together. She loved her niece and nephew. Mary also loved to spend time with her parents and family by cooking during the holidays. She was always the one who put everything together.
Mary, your light shines bright from all that you did for others and for those you helped throughout the years. Know that we’ll never give up our search for you. We love and miss you.
Update- March 13, 2009- 7:45 A.M-
Within 24 hours of MDOC learning that Christopher Luke Pratt is an inmate who is a suspect in an open homicide investigation his classification was changed back to a Level II. Cooper Street Correctional Facility in Jackson is a Level I facility so we presume he will be transferred to a Level II correctional facility.
There is a saying that the wheels of justice turn slow, but grind exceedingly fine.
Chris Pratt, you can try to use your sociopathic charm on prison officials, family and friends to believe that all this is going to go away and you will soon be free. In your deluded thinking you feel no remorse or empathy, but that is just another symptom of your mental defects.
People know what you did to Mary Lands and one day you will allocute in a court of law and be held accountable for Mary’s disappearance and death.
You have seen our billboards and efforts to find Mary. Your earliest possible parole date is February 24, 2012. Let me assure you that we presently have at least 220 individuals who will be writing the Parole Board to ask that you not be released until your scheduled discharge date in 2022. By the time of your review in 2011 we will have at least 1,000 letters sent to Lansing opposing any release.
We are not going away, and we will bring Mary home.
Jim Carlin
"Creeper" - - an alternative name for the Dario Argento 1985 horror film Phenomena.
He creeped to a level 1 then got creeped right back to a level 2. For those who fear the Creeper I can only say, he is not going anyplace for many years to come. Even with the prison closing and cut backs the power of the people will keep him where he belongs, just as the power of the people put him back where he belongs.
The best part is all he has to do is give up Mary and his boat will sail so much smoother. Too bad he is too stupid to do it. Gotta love people that think they are John Gotti.
As Jim Carlin has said for a couple of years. Creeper thinks he the head of a Hillbilly Mafia.
He will be bending over for the soap for years to come and he is where he belongs.
Keep up the pressure. He'll roll because he is not man enough to survive. Belongs back in Mound being somebodys bitch. Let him know how it feels to beat on a woman.
you make like you knew her jim ya old chicken hawk....you and the mpd screwed this case up from the beginning , may god have mercy on your soul and hopefully the professionals can bring her home to rest.
Put your real name and identity down if you are going to talk trash again. You are a miserable and lonely turd that doesn't know crap about this case or what is really going on. Get a life.
If you are so smart get out and find Mary Lands yourself or tell where she may be recovered.
I get the feeling its an older woman that keeps calling you a chicken hawk....LOL
For those who think they know everything here is what you dont know. 10 months before Jim there were others involved who screwed the case up so bad it had a 5 year ripple effect. False claims and confirms mislead the investigation from day 1. They know who they are and they are behind most of the attacks on Jim and others. There is a reason Mary was treated as a runaway. there is more to the sotry from the start than people who screwed up are telling. They claim they are the only ones who did it right, they in fact are much of the reason 5 years has come. Dont blame Jim blame 3 or 4 others.
setting fires; bedwetting; maim & kill animals & chris did it all and sam & louise didn’t care. He always needed help. he lit up jeff, would cut off buck genitles and play oral sex w/deer nail them up on fence to see & in front of sons. He is one sick man. You all better run when he gets out of jail cause he will be door of parker, harrington & other ppl. If we could have helped we wanted to.
Chris will never get out of prison. The only way that will ever happen is if he gives up Marys body before we find it or someone else tips off where it is. The question is no longer if Chris will be charged, it is when. Chris will be charged with murder and there is no doubt that any jusry will convict, with or without a body. Any fear of Chris is unfounded, he will never be able to hurt anyone else again.
The delay is not lack of reasonable doubt, it is make sure ducks are in a row and nothing has been over looked. Sadly, Chris is not smart enough to be a man. There are those in his family who have information but they will not take at this time. It is not loyalty to Chris, it is the effect the truh will have on his mom.
I feel for the innocent victims of both mary's family and the Pratts. Not all Pratts are involved but they are victims of Chris's lies, anger, violence and plain stupdidty. Sadly, Chris continues to victimize a great many people and even more sadly some people continue to allow this to happen.
Family and freinds of Chris, you know which ones you are, you have information that can end all of this, for the sake of Mary's family and that of your own family end it today. I know of 4 ways you can do this... Call the family, Jim, police or track missing. Make a fake email account and submit a tip, thats one way you can remain annonmouse. I could not find emails for the family but I did find them for Jim, the police and track missing had a couple email links on there new website.
$10,000.00 is plenty of reasons to screwChris after the way he has screwed all of you and played you like a bunch of little bitches. of course if you like being Chris' bitch you wont pay him back. Glad noone controls and commands me the way he does you.
Again things are getting out of hand and people are taking everything as a personal attack. This is going to be the last time we spend any time making the same point claer. Track Missing has nothing to do with any blogs on any site, when we blog we have the courage to use our name. Those of you who continue to accues us of things that we are not involved in need to understand something, we do not use your name in a negative manner nor do we engage in attacing you. Notice your name is not mentioned anyplace in this blog.
We sre working full foce on Mary's and Becky's case, we do not have time to spend on blog attacks or lettng egos and power struggles get in the way of progress. We are here for one thign only, to help families of the missing and victims of domestic violence. We offer to work with others to promote awareness on a goodfaith basis only to be attacked and accused. Throw all the mud you want, but you are in a one sided battle with yourselfs, we are not involved.
I am sure there will be some who are going to be realy ticked by this but this is no productive in any way to helping those in need and time needs to be spent working cases not defending every blog put up that people think we are behind.
Enough is enough, this is not a competition or power stuggle so why is it viewed as that? Attacking us is attacking Mary's family, the fact is track Missing is an extension of Mary and her family, it is in memory of Mary. It is time for attacks on us to stop, we do not attack you so back off us ad let us do our job, which we have bee nextremly successful at so far.
Update, March 16, 2009- "Top of the morn'in to you all"
As we have previously mentioned, there is a saying that the wheels of justice turn slow, but grind exceedingly fine.
This morning, Christopher Luke Pratt, Inmate # 673261 is now back at his old digs in Level II, Mound Correctional Facility in Detroit after a brief transfer to Cooper Street Correctional Facility in Jackson that MDOC acknowledges was an error. His minimal status to Level I has also been changed back to Level II.
Happy trails Christopher, & a Happy St. Patrick's Day.
Welcome back to the Mound!
Jim Carlin
another great step for justice and Mary Lands case. We are all safer with CREEPER in Detroit. Kep up good work and find Mary.
Karren Kraemer will be in Albion on March 24th and 25th. IF anyone would like to meet her or have her do a presentation for a group, school, orginization, ect please contact Chad at trackmissing@gmail.com
Her and I will be tied up on the 25the until around 1:00 PM but we have time allocated to meet people, ect.
I would like to note that her visit is for a very important reason and to benefit Mary's case. I will post deatils at the end of the month. Until then everyone keep up the good work and Happy St. Patrcik's Day.
Battle Creek Enquirer
Your Opinions: Inmate Transfer Causes Distress
March 18, 2009
The fifth anniversary vigil for Mary Denise Lands was a great success. The only downside is that we learned Chris Pratt had just been transferred from Mound Correctional Facility in Detroit at Level II to Cooper Street Correctional Facility in Jackson. His classification was reduced to Level I.
Needless to say, this unexpected transfer caused much distress to the Marshall family and to his latest victim and her family. She had not been informed of any transfer. MDOC officials were immediately advised. When they verified that he indeed is a suspect in the open homicide investigation of Mary's case, they immediately returned him to Level II for safety and security reasons. Since Cooper Street CF does not have a Level II, he should be returned to Mound since they would be responsible for the transfer error. The transfer is expected early this week.
By the way, we now have at least 200 people who intend to write letters to the Michigan Parole Board to oppose any possible parole date in February 2012.
By 2011, we anticipate having 1,000 letters sent to the parole board from people in the community opposing any release for Christopher Luke Pratt.
Happy trails, Mr. Pratt!
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
Battle Creek
Note: Christopher Luke Pratt was returned to his original Level II status at the Mound Correctional Facility in Detroit and checked back in to his old digs on Monday morning at 8:00 A.M. He will not be permitted to provide labor to the public or work at public works projects away from the facility. That might have happened had he remained at Cooper Street & Level I, but now we are all much safer.
Any interested persons may write to register and receive information on Inmate Pratt or any other inmate at MDOC. You also will be able to express your opinion on parole eligibility.
Contact: Michigan Department of Corrections, Crime Victim Services Department, PO Box 30003, Lansing, Michigan 48909.
You also may call them directly; 517.373.0287
This agency does great work keeping the public informed about prison inmates. They can answer any of your questions.
Shane Allen Lorenz, 25, of 14200 18 1/2-Mile Road, Marshall, pleaded no contest to assault with a weapon: 12 months in jail with credit for 41 days, must serve 60 days with credit balance suspended; 24 months probation; $3,366.50 in fines, costs and fees. 01/09/09
It is amazing when you have the right people doing the right things good things happen. Keep up the good work and there will finally be closure and results. Keep Chris locked up everyone send a letter.
yes, even the people on the Enquirer who blog about various issues are supportive. Pratt tells family he gets the paper from another inmate. GREAT!!!
Let him know thousands of people are following this case.
He should wake up and do the right thing. It is in his best interests if he ever wants to see his kids and family again.
Cant wait till he reads "Pratt charged with murder" in the Enquirer.
Update- March 19, 2009- Karen Kraemer of the Broken Wings Network from Wisconsin recently appeared on the Tyra Banks Show and spoke about the disappearance and murder of her own daughter, Becky Marie (Kraemer) Marzo, of Milwaukee in 2003. Karen is helping in Mary’s case and is a great advocate for battered woman and the national tragedy of domestic violence. She commented many times on the similarities of her own daughter’s case and the circumstances of Mary’s disappearance.
She will appear on a segment of the Tyra Banks Show on Thursday, April 2, 2009. Check your own television listings for the exact time and station that will air her story.
Don’t miss this great feature.
Karren and I are so excited about Wednesday's meetings. If all goes well Mary's name will forever live on in Michigan.
I am also excited about the rapidly growing network we are establishing and all the new people who are hearing about and learning about Mary's case. hundreds of new people now know the name Mary Denise Marshall Lands.
Our trip to Lansing was a huge success. Karren, Jennifer and I made great headway in our mission and it will have a huge benefit to future victims of Michigan. Mary's case was brought up several times with several different people as well.
Tm is not sitting back and watching, we are very aggressivly and succesfully moving forward and making a difference. Mary will never be forgotten and today is another step on that mission.
May the name of our Angel Mary forever live and touch the lives of Michigan's future.
way to go, Albion PD...Clean it all up. The names will be known to people following Mary's web.
Police conduct 12 drug raids
March 26, 2009 - 6:07 PM
ALBION, Mich. (NEWSCHANNEL 3) - Authorities have conducted a series of drug raids in downtown Albion netting hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of drugs.
Albion Public Safety conducted nearly a dozen raids and found an estimated $500,000 worth of drugs and large sums of money.
The raids took place in homes throughout Albion and is part of a two-year investigation. Police were able to seize marijuana, crack and powder cocaine. At one location there was as much as a half a kilo of cocaine.
The Chief of Albion Public Safety said they arrested 13 individuals including six female adults and seven male adults. They will be facing numerous charges including: possession with intent to sell, money laundering and conspiracy.
All 12 raids were done at the same time today and the Chief said although it was difficult they were able to pull it off without any serious troubles.
What are the names?!
The Becky Kraemer Act from Wisconsin was presented to State Rep. Kate Segal on Wendnesday. While it is written in Wisconsin language, it will ony need to be changed to Michigan language. It was propsed in Michigan as the Mary Denise Lands Bill.
A downloadable copy of the Becky Kraemer Act and hopfully the near future Mary Denise Lands bill is on www.trackmissing.org
Karren and I also presented her Prion Re-Entry Program she does in Wisconsin and her friend does in Ohio to the MDOC. In Ohio there has been a 24% degress in repeat violent offenders who go back to prision of those who went through the Ohio program versus those who did not. There are still tracking Karren results in Wisconsin, however, they are thought to be just as effective.
While we are still waiting to see if the MDOC is interested in us implimenting this re-entry program in Michigan, our meeting with them went very well.
We will continue to press forward to not only improve how the missing are viewed and investigated in Michigan, but to keep attention and awareness on Mary's case until she is brought home.
The Marshall Police Department, Jim and all others have been working as a great team the last couple months and it is making a major difference in the case. Great job guys.
New News link:
Sorry that link did not come out very well. Go to news channel 3 website and look up Mary Lands Bill or click the link on the TrackMissing Home Page. We hope everyone contacts the proper people and shows their support for this much needed Bill.
Tyra Show is on at 9:00 AM on Fox 17.
Sent to Tyra Banks Show on follow-up to appearance by Karen Kraemer, Broken Wings Network;
For over 5 years I have been working pro-bono of the case of Mary Denise Lands who allegedly walked away from her apartment in Marshall, Michigan on March 12, 2004. Her fiancĂ©, Christopher Luke Pratt is now considered a suspect in the open homicide investigation of Mary’s case. Chris Pratt is now serving 5-15 years in a Michigan prison for domestic violence crimes against a more recent girl-friend. His earliest possible release date is February 23, 2012. He has not yet been charged with Mary’s disappearance and murder.
Mary’s parent’s, Clifford & Anita Marshall and I met Karen Kraemer last month and there are so many similarities to the murder of her own daughter, Becky Marie Marzo and Mary’s case.
Please take a view minutes to review Mary’s site and if you have any information on the disappearance of either woman you are urged to contact law enforcement authorities.
If you are in a domestic violence situation you need to immediately leave and seek help. The patterns of abuse will not improve and you are placing your life as well as your children’s at risk.
If you would like to speak with me, please feel free to call.
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
344 Clayton Avenue
Battle Creek, Michigan 49017-5218
Tx- 269.963.7068
Fax- 888.221.4931- Toll Free
Email- JustinianLaw@sbcglobal.net
Yesterday I wrote a very fair comment about Karen’s case and a similar one here in Marshall, Michigan, Mary Denise Lands. For some reason it was not published. A copy was also sent to the producer of the show. I’ve donated numerous hours to help Mary’s family and both cases are very similar. What is also similar is so much of the hate comments by people who really do not know the circumstances of both cases. Yes it is tragic that Mr. Rogers killed himself but that is not the fault of anyone in the Kraemer family. Their goals then and now are to locate their daughter. That is what we are trying to do in Mary’s case. Take a few minutes to chill and try and understand the frustrations of all the families. The past cannot be undone. We can only hope that victims of domestic violence in the future will have a place to go and realize this is a violent disease in our society. Focus more on how to avoid DV and how the police can improve their abilities to handle these crimes. Search- Mary Denise Lands, you will see a similar frustration with the family of this murdered woman.
Posted by Jim Carlin, Battle Creek, Michigan 04/03/09 3:42 PM
Sad but true article. Exactly why changes must be made in the epedemic of the missing. Luckily, many people have fought tooth and nail to make sure Mary is not forgotten.
Carlin got it stuck to him again in todays paper.
• To Jim Carlin for his pathetic attempts to convict Chris Pratt (whom there is no evidence against) through the media. The only thing Carlin has yet to offer is conjecture. Sorry, guesses and "gut feelings" aren't facts - are they? - Dan Mills, Albion
Send items to "Roses & Raspberries," Battle Creek Enquirer, 155 W. Van Buren St., Battle Creek, MI 49017; fax them to 964-0299 or e-mail them to ssmith@battlecr.gannett.com .
Dan Mills of Albion,,,another follower of the Pratt hillbilly mafia posse.
Enquirer should check into his background before pinning a raspberry tag on a person.
This guy should know about evidence. He is on Michigan prison offender site, OTIS for what else? Drug crimes?
No wonder he is pro-PRATT.
Look him up if you have any doubts.
Mills is in fact personal friends with Pratt.
MDOC Number: 511810
SID Number: 2416332M
Racial Identification: White
Gender: Male
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 226 lbs.
Date of Birth: 11/26/1968 (40)
Image Date: 11/15/2004
Controlled Substance-Del/Manuf-Narc/Coc 50-449 Grams Minimum Sentence: 2 years 6 months 0 days
MCL#: 333.74012A3 Maximum Sentence: 20 years 0 months
Court File#: 040000002356-FH-JCK Date of Offense: 12/11/2003
County: Calhoun Date of Sentence: 10/29/2004
Conviction Type: Plea Discharge Date: 09/14/2008
Discharge Reason: Offender Discharge
birds of a feather smoke together.
If it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck,
then this duck is a drug dealer
Enquirer comment
this clown is known on Mary case. check his photograph. if you recognize him and have any information call state police or mpd. he should have stayed hid under rader with rest of dirtbags
Was Dan Mills in jail or free when Mary went missing
you cant tell from OTIS but devildirtydan mills of Albion could have been out? scumbag should be in jail--
Controlled Substance-Del/Manuf-Narc/Coc 50-449 Grams Minimum Sentence: 2 years 6 months 0 days
MCL#: 333.74012A3 Maximum Sentence: 20 years 0 months
Court File#: 040000002356-FH-JCK Date of Offense: 12/11/2003
County: Calhoun Date of Sentence: 10/29/2004
Conviction Type: Plea Discharge Date: 09/14/2008
Discharge Reason: Offender Discharge
I am not sure if Dan was free or not. While I have not said anything on this topic in the past, since Dan is related to my wife, after yesterday I will.
I was standing outside work yesterday smoking a cigarette and Dan drove by, pointed at me and yelled "I am going to kick your a**". I have known Dan for a long time and there is no doubt that he wants to, intends to and if given the opportunity will try to come after me. Instead of living in fear of Dan it has energized me to fight even harder to find missing loved ones.
It also reinforces the fact that when a person goes missing Law Enforcemnt (LE) needs to take the investigation seriously from day 1.
While I do feel Sgt. McDonald is truly working to find Mary and resolve her case this effort was not made from day 1. Now people like Dan Mills are putting other people in danger. Had the original investigating officers put the effort into Marys case that McDonald is I truly beleive Mary would be found by now. I want to make something clear, I support Sgt. McDonald and his current efforts, I feel he is doing a good job and handling this case properly.
I am not the only person helping a family to try to find there missing loved one who has been threatened. Another family we are helping has received threats as well. In that case LE is doing nothing in the case and the family is doing virtually everything on their own. If LE in that case would work the case the family would not have too and they would not be receiving threats.
People need to be aware that when a person comes up missing there is a strong possibility of residual crime and violence if LE does not stay on top of things. Families, P.I.'s, citizens, ect will step up and do what LE did/will not, which endangers the family and their help. This is a perfect example, I simply want to help bring Mary home and lay her to rest and in exchange my safety has been threatened.
Dan, I know this will piss you off but I have never said anything about you or "crossed" you in any way. You chose to come after me and I am not going to just sit back and hide in a corner. If anything I should thank you for pointing out the severity of finding Mary before the search for her turns into violent outbrakes by people such as yourself.
Peanut Shane Lorenz
SexOffenderList registered last week in Oakland County at 1435 N Oakland Blvd Waterford MI 48327
any one know why chris's pratt kid, the honor student luke pratt is not at MHS any longer??? cause hes a much of a loser as the father. kid dont change his ways he be bunkie with is father. if it keeps it up might be a Pratt wing for the misfitts.
what the hell is wrong with you! what is your conern with luke! he a kid and it none of your business about him. yes i'am part of the pratt family and my conern is what your saying about my family. well I forgot this marshall and everyone talks about everyone.
It would seem that some of you should be ashamed of yourselves, speaking about Chris`s son or any other minors.They should not even be mentioned here. I blame their mother for the problems her job is to protect not expose. if she would take her bi-polar medication maybe she would get along with her children. As for Sue hamm/harrington she is good at playing the vitim. Mary would be pissed off that sue has anything to do with her at all. Mary could not satnd sue. Due to all the trouble she caused in Chirs and her realationship. Anita would know that is the truth.
So whats this all about milf? Are you just bored littering up the blog or is this suppose to mean something? What kind of name is milf or is that an abbreviation for something?
At times some of that spam trash and tag lines gets through the blogspot system. I don't think it was done maliciously but only to hyperlink those certain names.
The entries have been removed.
Most of the time I can catch it so if you see anything like this again just let me know.
Thanks, Jim
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