He is now incarcerated in Level IV at St. Louis Correctional Facility and is eligible for parole in February 2012. He has not been charged in any crimes related to Mary's disappearance.

A new top cop has now been appointed in Marshall to lead the investigation. Chief Jim Schwartz takes over on September 8th and plans to work closely with the Michigan Attorney General, Michigan State Police, and the Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office to bring to justice the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands. Chief Schwartz was a homicide investigator and Commander of the Collier County Sheriff's Office, Crime Scene Bureau, in Florida. He is an educated police professional who knows how to solve crime. As we
D/Sgt. Scott McDonald, Marshall Police Department, 269.781.2596
D/Sgt. Mike Scott, Michigan State Police, White Pigeon Post, 269.483.7612
D/Sgt. Mike Salmen, Michigan State Police, Battle Creek Post, 269.968.6115
Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office, Battle Creek, 269.969.6980
or you may also contact;
Jim Carlin, Justinian Investigative Services, Battle Creek, 269.963.7068
"Please Help Us, Bring Mary Home"
For those who may not have viewed or listened to our popular YouTube video from Mary's 4th Anniversary Vigil (March 2008), we have posted a new link; "Oh Mary, Don't You Weep" by Jersey boy, the Boss Springsteen
You might like to take another few minutes to listen to Country Gentlemen- "Bringing Mary Home." Cliff & Anita truly loved it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQ0_82boXUM
Together we will bring her home!
Jim Carlin, JustinianLaw@sbcglobal.net
Happy Birthday Mary.
You will always be in our hearts and in our minds.
We will bring you home to be properly laid to rest.
We'll never give up.
A friend
God Bless you Jim. You have made me cry so many times since I learned about Mary's case. I wept again tonight.
Some person out there knows the answer. Please help Anita and Clifford Marshall bring Mary home for a proper burial. Please.
why wasnt timothy j bryant listed as a contact point for marys lands search information, i thought he was a cop we could trust
To my very best friend Mary, Happy Birthday, I love and miss you so much. Sept3th wont be the same, and I know on my B-day Sept.14th just wont be the same without you.I've spend the last few years without you on our B-day's.and far to long without you in my life, we've been friend's since we were just 13, I never thought I wouldnt have you around, I miss not having your smile your kindness,and our talks but above all else your fiendship, never thought i would not have you in, and apart of my life.Not a day goes by that I dont stop and think about you,you were apart of my family, and myself and family will always love and miss you....it's stll just so hard to believe Im writing you this letter, We were suppost to go out for our B-day's, not trying to find you,,,I have never cried so much,you are the BEST friend anyone cold have ever wanted...(Remember Mary,Friend's Forever:)
Missing you more and more as each day pases, Friend's Forever Sue.
P.S> Cliff and Anita, I pray sooner then later, Mary will be brought home to you guys. I'm alway's here for you, if you ever need me, just call.All my love, Sue.
Happy birthday Mary and prayers that Cliff and Anita will be able to bring you home soon. God bless the Marshalls and Jim and all who are helping to make it happen.
Lets hope our new police chief brings justice to the marshall family and all of mary's friends.I also hope he cleans up the police dept. and make the city of marshall a better place. mike
By now I am sure most of you have heard that we were out again today with 3 cadaver dogs from Indiana searching for Mary. It was a productive day and we are continuing to prepare for the Sept. 26th search.
Today's search went very well. We need you to please go to www.trackmissing.org and fill out the volunteer application for Sept. 26th. This search will not be a waste of your time.
Please help us bring Mary home in 3weeks.
Where are we meeting at for the sept. 26 search? mike
please send me an email about the search and the meeting location at trackmissing@gmail.com
Im sorry I wont be able to join the search..My cousin is getting married on that day but you will all be in my prayers..Good Luck to all.
Theresa W.
I just wanted to wish you all,
All the best in the search for Mary, if their is anythng what so ever I could do to help, please let me know....you are always in my heart, and thought's. Love,Sue.....
I also missed is wishing Mary's sister Gina a Happy Birthday 9/4/09
Let's just hope this search will bring us all the best birthday gift of all.(Mary Home)Love, Sue
I just received a notification from MDOC dated September 10, 2009 that Randy Tilman Slone, Inmate # 656705 was scheduled to be released on parole on/about September 9, 2009.
A check of OTIS indicates he is still being held in Level I at Cooper Street Correctional Facility in Jackson.
Inmate Slone served just a little over 2 years on a 20 year maximum for convictions in Calhoun County of "Controlled Substance-Possession of Methamphetamine" and "Operating/Maintaining a Lab Involving Methamphetamine"
Lets all keep our eyes and ears open with this person back on the street.
Jim please keep us posted on Mr. Slone. The public needs to know where he is living and I am sure it will not take this guy long to screw up and go back to the big house.
David Lohr ran a story on Mary today on Investigation Discovery.
The meeting locations for Saturdays search are as follows:
Albion: Sheridan Fire Department
Marshall: Marshall Moose
Sign in times are 7 AM to 8 AM. Please do your best to not arrive at the last minute as it will slow everything down and cause delays.
At apx. 8 AM all volunteers will be briefed on what is going on, what we are looking for, ect.. All questions will be answered at this time. Basically, everything you will need to know will be gone over at this time.
At apx. 8:30 we will head to the search locations. Those areas will not be disclosed until the last minute.
You will need to wear proper clothing such as long pants, boots or proper shoes (flip flops are a very bad idea). If you have bug spray, water, ect. please bring that as well.
We look forward to seeing everyone this weekend.
David Lohr of Investigation Discovery will be helping in the search for Mary on Saturday.
Investigation Discovery Producer David Lohr will be meeting with Cliff and Anita tomorrow to discuss Mary's case. Mr. Lohr will be running additional articles on Mary on the Investgation Discovery website following this weekends search.
We would like to thank David for taking Mary's case to a National Media Outlet level and now activly helping everyone in searching for Mary. The experience, tools and resources he brings to the table are invaluable.
Mary will never be forgotten, she will only become known by more people everyday.
A few may be able to fool a few but they can never fool our Country and the attention of our Country is shining down on those few. The cameras will go away only when Mary is returned to her family. The fear is gone and this weekend proves that people across the Country want to find Mary and are willing to do what it takes to make that happen.
There is an end to every game and this game has become so large and getting even larger. We do or will have ANY personnel and resources needed to find Mary and they will be used. The only questions is how your game will end.... do you return Mary for a plea or do find her? Keep in mind that the few are now hundreds and if needed in the spring will be hundreds more.
Mary your Country is coming for you.
Stephen Mirle Pratt, DOB- 03/27/1968,
Also goes by the alias- Craig Eugene Ballington
Another outstanding member of the Pratt Clan that was just released from prison. Sentenced up to 15 years in 2007 for identity theft and perjury. Did two and he is out.
speaking of egghead Pratts, where is born again John Pratt. Isn't this the school counsel guy? Is he allowed in school???
My apologies to chad,the marshalls and mr carlin. I was unable to attend the search today 26th because ive been ill. i hope the search turned up good results. mike
Hey Mike,
We all understand. For the people who couldn't make it we know you are with us in spirit and support.
Chad Scott & TrackMissing had a great response from search and recovery personnel and numerous locations were visited, and re-visited. We are not able to discuss the findings at this time but law enforcement has been cordial and fully cooperating. The police and prosecutors want to bring Mary home as much as all of us.
It's going to happen, and the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands will be held accountable in a court of law.
Thank you to all for your participation.
A special thank you must also go out to D/Sgt. Scott McDonald and Chief Jim Schwartz of the Marshall Police Department.
Their agency continues to provide support in Mary's case, and solving this crime remains a priority of MPD.
video news link to latest search.
Today I received another inmate report from the Michigan Department of Corrections.
Randy Tilman Slone, Inmate # 656705 will be released on/about October 7, 2009.
He will be under parole supervision until October 7, 2010. His Parole Agent at the Battle Creek Office is Joseph Beaman, Tel; 269.965.7236
Another local meth head gets busted- Gino Klisiak
to the person who left a mess. about steven pratt. He is actually not a relative of the pratt family.
VINE, the Kentucky based inmate notification system advised me this morning that Randy Slone was released on parole today. He is technically under "boot camp" supervision, and that of the Calhoun County Probation/Parole Office, Agent Joseph Beaman.
Tel; 269.965.7236
Please...Lets keep this related to Mary and how we can bring her home to her family.
We don't need vulgarity and vicious remarks.
Because we continue to hear from illiterate hillbilly fools who spout hatred and ignorance all comments will again be moderated. We know who you are from the IP addresses, and you just prove your ignorance by posting lies and vulgarity.
Why don't you get in your truck and come talk with me. Everyone knows my address and phone number, but I will include it again for you.
Be a man, Anonymous, I'm waiting to see you and your kin.
Jim Carlin
344 Clayton Avenue
Battle Creek, Michigan 49017
Email- JustinianLaw@sbcglobal.net
whaats the story on jeff pratt
there is no story on jeff pratt!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rumor mill buzzing that young Jeff is a "person of interest" in a sexual assault againt his girlfriend. Maybe another mug shot for the family album is in the works?
What is it with these Pratt guys anyway? And isn't it about time they stopped getting away with it?
you have your sory or fable so wrong its pityful!!!!
I see a story but theres been a change of rules so watch out shes coming for you. Creeper my A__!!!!
carlin dont go under anonymous it shows your real color. by the way who is she and is that a threat and it only goes to show how creeper carlin needs a women to do his work because he's scared yellow!!!!!!!!!!
she is the mother of assumptions!!!
she is looking for you!!!!
and your a mother ------ for taking advantage of the Marshalls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fort Hood, Texas Shooting Casualty
My good friend and colleague, former Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary in Orlando announced that one of the critical casualties at the Ft. Hood, Texas military base shooting was his nephew, Patrick Zeigler. His nephew, an Army NCO was preparing for a transfer to officer candidate School (OCS).
Our prayers are with the Beary family for a speedy recovery of their loved one.
Sheriff Beary was able to close the Caylee Anthony disappearance case in Orlando before he retired in January. The child's body was recovered and her mother, Casey Anthony is about to stand trial for the murder. She faces the death penalty in Florida.
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
344 Clayton Avenue
Battle Creek, Michigan 49017-5218
Tel- 269.753.1181
Fax- 888.221.4931- Toll Free
Email- JustinianLaw@sbcglobal.net
What a tragic homecoming after two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. Prayers and best wishes to the Zeigler and Beary families, and much gratitude for Patrick Zeigler's service. God bless.
God Bless Patrick, and all who serve our country.
i think all of us should take time today to reflect on all that our service men and women have givin up to protect us and the USA!!!!GOD BLESS THEM AND THEIR FAMILIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Follow-up story on the nephew of former Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary)
Rochester native: 'Determination and courage' at Fort Hood
Tue, Nov 10, 2009 PB Online
By Laura Horihan
Post-Bulletin, Rochester MN
When Rochester native Jessica Hansen read the news ticker on her cell phone and realized that there had been a shooting at Ford Hood, her heart sank.
Only an hour before, she had been talking to her fiance, Staff Sgt. Patrick Zeigler, while he was working at Fort Hood's Soldier Readiness Processing Center.
She recalled his saying that the building was packed, and that some soldiers were angry about having to go back to Iraq.
Even though she had few details about the shooting, she knew Zeigler was in that building.
"When he didn't respond to my phone calls, I booked the next flight for Texas," the 21-year-old said. "I just knew something happened to him."
Hansen's suspicions were correct.
Zeigler, 28, was one of the most critically wounded after being shot four times during the attack by alleged gunman Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army psychiatrist.
When Hansen left for Texas, her fiance's prognosis wasn't good.
"I thought I was coming down to say goodbye," Hansen said. "I packed a dress for his funeral."
Hansen said Zeigler was shot in the back of the head, shoulder, forearm and side, just above the hip.
"He doesn't have any movement on his left side," Hansen said. "We're waiting for the swelling to go down in his brain and hoping for the best."
Hansen's grandmother, Darlene Quandt of Rochester, offered to meet Hansen in Texas, so she wouldn't have to go through it alone. Zeigler's family has also been there for support.
"I haven't left his bedside since I got here," Hansen said. He remains in the intensive care unit.
She said Zeigler returned from Iraq two weeks ago and was planning to go to officer candidate school.
Hansen said her fiance is talking and remembers what happened.
"His personality is definitely intact, but physically he has a long way to go," she said.
Zeigler comes from a military family and moved around a lot as a kid. The couple met when Hansen was vacationing in Hawaii, but he calls Florida home.
Hansen is a 2006 graduate of Mayo High School and is attending Boston University. She was planning to graduate at the end of the year, but school has been put on hold for now.
"I'll stay here as long as he needs me," Hansen said.
Zeigler will likely undergo several months of rehabilitation.
"He'll never be the same," Hansen said. " We don't know the future of his military career, we don't know if he'll walk or use his left arm, but he's determined."
What happened: Mayo High School graduate Jessica Hansen's fiance, Staff Sgt. Patrick Zeigler, was among those shot by a gunman at Ford Hood military base Thursday.
What's next: Zeigler remains in intensive care as doctors wait for the swelling to go down.
What you can do: A trust for Patrick Zeigler is at this address: America National Bank, SSG Zeigler, Patrick Trust Acct., 5908 Wesley St., Greenville, TX 75402
Post-Bulletin Company, L.L.C.
To All of you ignorant people who decide to base their convictions about Chriss Pratt on the "so called allegations" based on Mr. Carlin's non findings and the fact that there is absolutely NO PROOF that Mr. Pratt had anything to do with her missing may all of you burn in hell for convicting someone on suspicion. Also, my nephew, Alex Pratt I would strongly suggest that you leave the two cases seperate. If Chris Pratt is all of the things that you say that he is, how is he just that smart to pull this off? I still have yet to get an answer to that. When werre ther be some proof of all of these allegations against Chris be brought forth. Anytime soon?? Besides, Mary was a coke head and pot head so really anything could of happened to her. I mean what kind of mom doesn't even have custody of her own kids?? Obviosly her priorities were not on family but getting high. And for anyone to even say that my nephew deserves to be in prison... well I guess everyone gets what they deserve.. RIGHT MARY LANDS!!!!!!!!!! Aunt SARA
Wow Mr. carlin what an investigator- Can prove NO facts about Chris Pratt. Hey where can I hire u at? I have a lost boot I need found. Have u tried any local crack houses for Mrs. Lands? U say he's a hillbilly and such but seems to be a whole hell of a lot smarter than you!! Get a life or presents some facts until then maybe u should shut the hell up.
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