March 12, 2010
MDOC OTIS link- Inmate Christoper Luke Pratt, #673261-
We welcome you to gather with us at the Brooks Memorial Fountain at the circle in Marshall on Friday, March 12th at 11:00 A.M. As we have done on five previous anniversaries, Cliff & Anita and our good friends and supporters will release balloons in honor of Mary's memory. 45 red heart-shaped balloons will be released to signify the 45 years since Mary was born. 6 yellow heart-shaped balloons will also be released, one for each year that we have had to hold these vigils on her behalf. It appears that the winter weather will not present a problem, and the forecast is for a clear and sunny 60 degree day.
An introductory prayer will be given by Rev. Robert F. Craegan, Pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Battle Creek. We have asked members of law enforcement, Michigan Attorney General, Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office, representatives of Safe Place Shelter, and others to join us. Mary was a tragic victim of domestic violence and each year we use her anniversary not only to keep her name in the mind of the people in our community, but to remind us all about the crucial issue of domestic violence. Let's make 2010 the year that we can bring Mary home, and be assured that the person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder will be held accountable in a court of law. One person in our community can come forward and provide that final piece of the puzzle in this case. We urge you to do it now! Help us, "Bring Mary Home".
On February 24, 2010 the Marshall family attended the "2010 Summit to Fight Interpersonal Violence". The event was sponsored by Safe Place, and The Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Coordinating Council and was held at the Crossroads Church & Ministries of Marshall. Crossroads Church graciously provided a warm and comfortable setting for the day-long seminar.
Karren Kraemer of Broken Wings Network was among the speakers and Anita also spoke to the nearly 100 professionals in the audience. They included social workers, counselors, advocates, law enforcement, attorneys, and many others who share an interest in public awareness on the national tragedy of domestic violence. Anita shared numerous photographs and a video of Mary and tearfully talked about her missing daughter.
(Cliff & Anita, with Karren Kraemer
For additional information contact Jim Carlin
Tel- 269.753.1181
With every March 12th. thats comes and goes, I seem to going get mader and mader, because as we all know. Their is one person out there that could put a end to all this hurting, and wondering. That one person, (and you know who you are:)could put a end to all this,and bring Mary home to her family and friend's...And for what ever reason you have, You just cant seem to bring yourself to do it. I have never been one to beg, But to that one person, Iam begging you to tell us where, and what happend to Mary. I know you have to have a heart, god has gaven each and everyone of us that. So I beg to your heart, please come forward. you've got to realize what this is doing to the people who love and miss her so dearly.and if you cant find it in your heart to come forward, then please do it by a letter, a phone call, anything, to help stop our hearts from breaking any more. See she just may be another face to you, But Im here to tell you shes my best friend, and I love and Miss her so much....As well as for her family.So I do beg of you let us have her back, we need her. Always and forever love Sue B.
Mary,just wanted you to know(Witch Im sure you do:)Not one day goes by without a thought of you, I miss you so much,I wish could do something to help your family with their pain,(and mine.) I never thought i would go through life without you in my life.I never knew how loney it would be.I'd give anything I had to have you back. because life just hasnt been the same with out you.with you misssing apart of me is missing.and I just want you back.My heart hurts so much.I miss you Mary.....
It is so hard to believe that 6 years have passed. God have mercy on the soul of every Pratt who hides the truth. Hell is not hot enough for their sins.
God bless the family and pray for the police to solve this case so she may come home.
We all know who did it, ask the Lord for help.
To cliff and anita,I agree with sue b. that after 6 years this has gone on way too long.It disgusts me that no one has stepped forward to disclose of mary's whereabouts.But we cannot stop looking for her until she is found.Hopefully one day soon someone will grow a heart and tell you where she is.I was looking forward to seeing you at the vigil but i have to have some tests run at oaklawn hospital that morning,and will be unable to be there.My heart and thoughts go out to the entire marshall family and mary's friends during these trying times. mike v
Thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday, and days before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name. All I have are memories and a picture in a frame. Your memory is a keepsake, with which I'll never part. God has you in His keeping, I have you in my heart. Repost if you have a loved one in Heaven.
Always and forever,
Sue Burkwalt
Your case will be closed and the police will soon make arrests. It took time but you will have a degree of closure from this crime.
God bless.
a great vigil. please help this family and call Marshall PD with the tip to close case.
You've got to be kidding me...
Is Emmett Township Director of Public Safety..Mike Olson..The same man I think it is???
Cut the guy some slack. We have all made mistakes in the past. I'm sure he has learned and will surprise many as the new "Top Cop" in Emmett Township.
If we can live, learn, and go on, you might try to do the same. Judge the man on his record as he goes forward in his new job. If he fails then you may be critical.
We've had our differences in the past, but I'm proud to call Chief Mike Olson a friend. He wants to solve this case as much as the new police chief in Marshall, Jim Schwartz.
The Emmett Township Department of Public Safety has a lot of jurisdication out there....32 1/2 miles.
You never know? We may soon need Chief Olson's help once again!
Has anyone considered Barton Corbin a suspect in Mary Denise Lands' disappearance? He is presently in a Georgia prison but will be eligible for parole in the future. I read that he and his wife used to travel with Mary Denise Lands and her husband.
The issue of the dentist in Atlanta has been fully investigated and both local authorities and the police in Georgia believe Corbin was not involved. His movements were verified, and although he knew Mary and her former husband there was no connection.
Bart Corbin's movements were verified I read and that he is not considered a suspect in Mary Denise Lands disappearance. Is this a definite? Has his whereabouts at the time of her disappearance been confirmed for sure? Where was he at the time????
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