Chris Pratt-Calhoun County FOIA Jail Records-06/07-01/08
Update- February 18, 2008- Several new developments are taking place in the Mary Lands case and we will advise you of details when the information may be released. Christopher Luke Pratt- MDOC Inmate-673261 just checked into his new quarters at Bellamy Creek Correctional Facility. Keep the tips and information flowing. We will bring Mary home. Nearly 100 hours of video has been reviewed and will soon be published. This is a short clip of our digging efforts in April 2006, which was just posted on YouTube. April 2006- Search for Mary- F Drive North digs
February 5, 2008- Anita Marshall felt strong and confident in her live interview with Jennifer Moss of She displayed Mary’s jewelry that was recovered in June 2007 and it was a poignant movement for all of us in the studio office. If you have not seen the YouTube video related in the jewelry it may be viewed with the link on the right side of this page.
We advised the anchors doing the story that although there appeared to be some crisis and chaos in the Marshall Police Department related to the departure of the chief and the deputy chief we are still positive Mary’s investigation is going forward. The Michigan State Police have advised us that they continue to be in the city each week and are aggressively working the investigation.
Throughout the day the family received positive response from the public on the WOODTV-8 presentations about Mary and even new leads, which will be passed along to investigators. Please continue to contact us with any information about the Mary Lands case even if you believe we might be already aware of it. We continue to believe the case will soon be solved and we will bring Mary home.
We are now focusing on March 12, 2007, which will be the 4th anniversary Mary’s disappearance. We would like to do something different this year and in a forum that Mary would have appreciated. We will keep you advised on those details in the next few weeks. If you have any suggestions, feel free to contact us. Ex-Chief Requests Secret Meeting-Battle Creek Enquirer, 02/17/08
Chief Mike Olson Resignation? Battle Creek Enquirer- 01/26/2008 Battle Creek Enquirer Editorial Opinion- Where is Chief Olson?- 01/30/2008
On March 12, 2008 Mary will have been missing for 4 years. We hope the WOOD-TV8 feature and the 4th anniversary date will propel closure to this case. Because of the recent conviction of Mary’s former boy-friend, on unrelated charges with a 4 1/2-15 year prison sentence, this was the first holiday season in the last four years that brought hope and optimism to the Marshall family. We continue our trust in law enforcement and the criminal justice system and we know that we soon will bring Mary home. Let’s continue to focus on Mary and how to achieve those objectives. We urge anyone who might have information to contact the proper authorities, and the family. Again, last week the law enforcement team spent hours in investigative interviews related to Mary's disappearance. They are just as vehement as we are in solving the case and getting the job done.

1 – 200 of 293 Newer› Newest»This is such postive news. Perhaps it will gain national media exposure on Mary's disappearance?
The answers are here in Calhoun County but it would help to spread the word on a family tragedy.
There could also be new tips from people who may have moved away?
I agree 100%. The answers are out there and maybe this interview will put some more pressure on those who know information to come forward.
To those who are withholding information, you will be held accountable.
There is a feeling of hope as we enter 2008. I think that a new resolve is taking shape right now as I speak. With the incarceration of Christopher Pratt, we have a sense of renewal. We are being given a chance to get to the bottom of what happened to Mary. My heart goes out to Mary's family as well as to Norrene, Su and their families. The truth will come out and one day, you will have closure.
I am saddened by what I have heard and read about the Pratt family. I am talking about Chris Pratt's immediate family, not the others who have no part in this. It amazes me in how you persist in not coming forward with the truth. Are you aware that you could be convicted for covering up the truth? You love Chris; however, you must realize that what he did was WRONG. What you are doing is WRONG also. Mary Lands will be found with or without your help. You will be held accountable for any information that you have in this case. What part of what has been said here and other places are you not getting? What is compelling you to silence? Loyalty or stupidity?
To talk about finding Mary and what happened to her, we need to talk about Christopher Pratt. It is as simple as that. If you continue to withhold important information, you will be charged with conspiracy. We all know that Chris has no conscience. Is this true of you also? Are you able to see what the right thing to do is, right now? I pray for your souls everyday. I am saddened by what I am seeing.
To Jim, Billy Jack and all of you who have championed the cause to find dear Mary:
Your efforts will be rewarded. You truly are wonderful people.
It will be wonderful to hear from Mary's mother. People need to hear the words from a mom who has suffered so much. How do you go to bed at nite not knowing? A witness must talk with police and provide the answers.
The Wood people are so kind to help in Mary's case. Thank you.
WOOD-TV and WWMT are the only two stations which have given consistent coverage to Mary's case. I wonder why the Lansing stations are barely mentioning it. I, too, am looking forward to Anita's interview. Anita, please know that you, Cliff and the family have more people supporting you than you can even imagine. God Bless all of you and happy new year.
I think that one would find some interesting things if they searched Mrs Louise Pratt's home. One might find, perhaps, some evidence linking Chris to Mary's murder. Perhaps, this may seem silly to mention at this point. One would think that a search has been done but it hasn't. My bet is on Billy Jack to get to the bottom of this. You want to know something really interesting? Jeff is involved up to his eyeballs just like Billy Jack said. Jeff will pray for mercy when Judgement Day comes for him.
I want to say something now to the Pratt who said I was crazy. You are a very ignorant man. If you would have ever spent any time with me, you would have never said it.
I have one other thing to say. Mary Lands will be found and mark my words, it is Chris who did it.
I think there are certain questions that can't be answered here, however the police are working very hard to close the case.
If anyone wishes to contact me with a question or information, please feel free to call or send an email. You all know my address and telephone.
Thanks again for the continued support of the family. Anita is looking forward to February 5th and her morning news feature about Mary's case on WOOD-TV8.
im looking forward to the wood tv special.and i have been throwing this around on court tv chat,nancy grace comes in from time to time and she lets people ask her questions and she makes comments,i think we have alot of good leads.also to cliff,i just ran into a good friend of mine on friday and was talking to him about mary,and he said you and he are related(ron marshall)and he told me to say hello to you and anita.hang in there folks i have a good feeling about this being over real soon.billy jack.
I enjoy reading the blogs from billy jack. They are providing hope to all of us that are advocates of Mary and her family. Keep talking billy jack. Stirring things up keeps the dialogue flowing.
to just jack..we are on the same page, i know jeff is up to his eyeballs in this and he knows very well he is.this is to that someone out there that also knows and maybe afraid to talk.please dont be intimidated by anyone.the thing about talking is the right people will be put away and who will be there to intimidate you then?scare tactics dont scare if you need to talk just let me know.i will be here long after we put all involved away for a very long time.and i cant wait till the day we bring our mary home.its comming!!!!BILLY JACK..
Billy Jack, keep on pushing forward. The key to this case lies in what you find in Louise's home. Jeff knows everything. See ya. Just Jack, you can call me Sam.
sam..we need to talk tis me can i BILLY JACK...get a hold of you?
So, what's this I hear about Chief Olson? Has he resigned? If so, do we know why? Who is the acting chief? I read the Battle Creek Enquirer article and when the city manager of Marshall (Chris Olson -any relation????) was asked who was covering, he wouldn't give a straight answer. Yes siree Bob, this is the kind of stuff that we, the citizens of Marshall, have come to expect from our public officials: talking in circles and never really answering our questions. So, what's next, folks?
maybe all the stuff in pd he is finally got the boot. Now they need to get rid of a few cops and it will help all Marshall.
It was confirmed this morning that Marshall’s Public Safety Director, Mike Olson submitted his resignation to the City Council on Tuesday, January 22, 2007 in a closed session.
Regardless of the circumstances of the chief's departure we wish him well.
We hope that the vacant positions of police chief and deputy chief will quickly be filled with a professional law enforcement management team that will aggressively continue the search for Mary Lands, and the other missing Marshall woman who was last seen on January 19th.
We will continue our endeavors to have the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands to be hled accountable in a court of law.
We will bring Mary home.
i never understood why chief olson would not alow any higher authories to come in and investigate the disappearance for mary lands. Marshall PD is just not equipped for something like that. But his not giving up juristiction makes me really wonder whats going on. something is. Does anyone know why for sure?
well at least thats a step in the right thinking its good news!!!!billy jack.
BILLY JACK, I would love to sit down and talk with you. However, I can't due to reasons beyond my control. What I can tell you is this. It is really important that you check on what I told you earlier. There is a lot of evidence waiting to be discovered. You must keep digging for the truth. Be open to everything I tell you. I will keep in touch.
ok there a problem where you cant get out?if so thats ok.its kinda hard to go into someones home un invited,but if you think theres something there and you are family couldnt you relay info?billy jack.
hmm,i wonder.ty for believing in billy jack.and ty again for keeping up on the blog,we need people like you posting and keeping the fight for mary going.i have to say that i believe in jim and he does such a great job.i also think there is someone out there that knows something!!and is afraid to speak.please dont be afraid anymore we have the right people on this and post to jim with any info you will go to the right people.billy jack..
Wow! What a difference a week can make. I thank God you are back Billy Jack, and that information from Jim and everyone will be funneled in the right direction. I am sure that many have already brought new info and more will follow.
Sam, I know you have been loyal to the blog. So do you remember quite some time back that an anonymous blogged said that Chris would not talk unless a particular family member would possibly be held accountable for covering certain information that would be important? Well, I truly think that it has to do with the item that the Pratt family refuses to return to the Mary Lands family. (The Cloak)
Jim remember the picture I showed you which shows that particular item? (The Cloak)
The cloak!! Everyone. What if that is the piece of evidence that would connect the dots. Who has it. Maybe the one person he might try to protect is his mother! Maybe she has this item. There is a reason that it has been kept from Mary's family. Maybe a Pratt family member who is not involved could recover that item and maybe clear up any wrong - OR - right thoughts!
I'm sure this is just the beginning of changes in MPD.
Remember to say a prayer for all involved. They are working as we speak.
BILLY JACK, let's just say that I am somewhere which prevents me from talking to you in person. I am not playing games with you, I am trying to help in whatever way I can. Please go back and read all of my blogs from the previous column (with 128 blogs) through today. You will understand who I am from what I have said.
Now, for today's tip. If you were to find the item of interest mentioned in these blogs, you would have the answer to some of your questions. Purpose Driven and Agnes are right about what they said about this item.
Another thing that I would like to bring up is Jeff Pratt. Jeff acts all innocent but believe me, he knows EXACTLY what his brother did. I will go one step further with this. Jeff and Mother Pratt are hiding Mary's belongings because Chris told them to do it. You should know that Jeff and Louise are very involved in this coverup. I will tell you, Billy, that the keys to this case are dear Jeff and Louise Pratt. You will see what I mean one day soon. Watch also what happens with the police department. It has EVERYTHING to do with this case. Until next time. Jack
You know reading this blog is starting to creep me out and just jack/sam sounds like either A; Hes full of it or B: he has some serious info and he needs to out hisself so we can bring Mary home this year.
P.S. I hope Chris ROTTS in his cell.
This is to "me", Sunday 1/27, 8:05 pm:
Don't be SPOOKED. From where I sit, the only thing to be SPOOKED about is what really happened to Mary and who all is involved. Jim Carlin provided some videotaped interviews on You Tube. Those interviews mentioned names of people involved with Mary's disappearance and death. I, myself, am SPOOKED about the number of people involved.
I am not full of you know what.
What I am full of is anger that a family member of mine could do this to Mary. I am full of genuine sorrow for Mary's family. I am full of disbelief that this case has not been solved yet. I am full of hope that Mr Billy Jack and Mr Jim Carlin will find dear Mary.
My thinking is that everyone has a right to share their thoughts here. I think that Jim and Billy Jack are on top of things, so no need to be SPOOKED. Until next time. Jack
to just jack...if i was rich, i bet you a million dollars you are not a family member and why do you keep using the name Sam,thats Chris's dads name you wierdo.You sound like you need help.
I have not blogged in a while and right now seems a good time to do so. First, I would like to address the comments made by "ANONYMOUS" today 1/28 @ 4:06 pm. Why the antagonism? Is what Jack/Sam saying hitting too close to home? I am guessing that you a family member of Chris Pratt. So, let me tell you something right now. There is something called CONSPIRACY and if you are knowingly hiding information or evidence from law enforcement, you will be held accountable in a court of law. It seems to me that this case may inclue a few characters from your illustrious family. I hope for your sake that you are not one of them.
Now, let's talk about Mary, shall we? Why is it that your family never participated in the search for Mary? Why is it that all you want to discuss is how badly Chris has been treated? You have chosen to defend a murderer and a perpetrator of domestic violence. One may love a family member but they do not have to defend horrible behavior. This is not about "poor Chris", this is about a woman who was taken from this earth in a violent way. She is deeply missed by her family and friends. How dare you attack someone who is trying to help find her! The day will come when Mary is found and those of you who had anything to do with this, God help you all.
Jim, do you have any idea who the acting police chief of Marshall is? Why the secrecy? Don't you think that this whole thing is odd? I know that it was said that Chief Olson's resignation had nothing to do with Mary Lands but it sure makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Its a sad thing but there is parents that would not admit thier children would do anything wrong even if they done something wrong right in front of them. Ive seen it too many times. If one of my family members isnt right and they know better I sure aint going to deny it or keep covering up for them and thats usually what they expect from a family member and at the same time they will lie right to your face wanting you to feel sorry for them and believe they are innocent. These type of people dont even really care about thier own family all they care about is themselves and who they can have power over and how much they get away with. Ive been there and I was the smart one that could see right through the lies and all it takes is common sense and when the persons bad history keeps repeating itself and you still dont see it ??? then you are one of those parents that dont care what your kid does as long as it dont affect you. To those people that know things and are afraid to come foward let me just say I know what you are going through but you will never be free. These bad people own you and they will have control over your life until you find the courage to come foward and free yourself. Your fate is in their hands. Ask youself how much longer do I have to live with threats and nightmares all because of some morons that think they are above GOD. If you dont free yourself it wont just go away.
Hey anonymous, 1/28, 4:06 pm:
It's probably just as well you aren't rich, because I would sure hate for anyone to lose a million bucks. Later. Jack
We have all heard various reasons for resignation and combinations of those reasons but until FOIA and papers release the material, we just won't know.
You would think that City Manager Chris Olsen (no relation to Mike Olson) would at least give a breakdown of even the temporary chain of command.
As I have previously stated, we all hope that it will be a highly professional outside law enforcement management team (Chief of Police & Deputy Chief) that will revitalize the MPD agency.
It is needed, and it would greatly enhance the present staff and keep the people of Marshall safe and protected. I hope we learn these answers sooner rather than later and it will lead to solving the Mary Lands case, and that of missing Courtney Cook.
Regardless of the reasons for Chief Olson's departure, we wish him good luck and the best of sucess in any further endeavors.
why cant we all just get a long? please my head hurts and im getting ready for bed.and i cant go to bed mad.i love u all pleasa,please,please.god bless us all even the pratts they need it most.u no when i pray tonight im going to ask god to make the pratts cute and then i think we might get somewhere with chris and the family cuz god dont like ugly. and ugly they r.
hay billy/jack was that u.that was a good one.the truth does hurt.
nope wasnt me.billy jack!!
just jack/sam i read that there was videos on youtube but they are not there anymore why not? i would like to see them. i also read that there is suppose to be 48 interviews in print on here in feb does anyone know when? i know some of the people in the videos ( are not friends with them in anyway) but i would like to hear what they claim to know
Jim, Yes - we do all wish Mr. Olson well. Retirement is always wonderful. I truly hope the right people go away from MPD howevwer, for the right reasons only and no more secrets. Maybe he will offer much needed information if he has it, to go with what has been shared this past week.
Everyone does need prayer - ugly, cute and pain in the butts and yes even Chris. However the prayers and answers will be quite varied.
Spooky - well, that a good one!! The thing most spooky is that some of these people who defend certain behaviours begin to think that abuse is "no big thing" or "normal". How spooky or scary is that???
The dominos are beginning to fall and I, for one - can't wait. Hang in there all of you loyal family and friends of Mary.
Lots of Light to all.
sam,just go to youtube and put in mary lands,there is alot of vidieos on there to check out.billy jack.
The videos of the interviews on You Tube were removed by Jim Carlin. All I can say is man, this case is more than it seems.
Billy Jack, my tip for today is this. Think about how Chris could have gotten away with murder. How does an out of control man commit the perfect crime? You and I know the answers to these questions. Right, Billy? When you think about it Billy, it's really quite obvious, isn't it? Use your intuition, Billy. See ya. Jack
there is no such thing as the perfect crime.u will see.
well if jim got rid of them im very sure it was for a good reason.and yes i do understand what you are saying,i think we all just waiting to see what happens now!!im sure that after the interview things will start happining might not seem like it for most people but they are really working very hard on this case.keep the faith.billy jack.
u no someone said long time ago what comes around gos around is it the pratts turn yet?well perhaps it is.
this is to all the pratts that r not talking. your souls may be restless,and u may fear eternity because of sin upon ur heart.come to jesus with ur whole heart and ask him to forgive ur sins and cleanse u from all unrighteousness.sin cannot enter heaven.the soul that sinneth,it shall die.BUT TAKE COURAGE COME NOW AND LET US REASON THAT MEANS ACKNOWLEDGE,STEP UP,SPILL THE BEANS ON CHRIYES IM TALKING TO U u read these words u may fell the spirit of god knocking so gently or not so gently saying now its time to talk.he is ready for u to deliver all the answers.JEFF.
ok with that being said..this is not about the bible.ok someone just text me and said some bad stuff..tis ok tho must mean we are making progress..was it you jeff and kandis?
call me back..billy jack.
dont be afraid,i heard the laughing in the back ground,call me ass hat im here to the end..billy jack
I heard from someone that the city has 8 days to announce who the interim police chief is. does anyone know if this is true? No one from city government seems to be saying much of anything about this. why all the secrecy??? Hmm, I wonder.
January 30, 2008
Chris is 40 and a birthday boy
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday Inmate Christopher…….
Don’t bend over for the soap..
And we all hope another 40 birthdays will be yours in prison.
Happy Days!
be a long time before this scummbag ever lifts his hand against a defenless woman again. Shopuld put all the Pratts on notice. There will be more good news soon.
The BC Enquirer has an article today wondering the same as most of us. Page 8A. A chief concern -lack of information!!! Another great place to leave an opinion in the reader's view. Steve Smith does a great job with that page.
hmm I wonder - This should not seem too strange as the past 4 years nearly has been all about secrets.
Looking forward to the future insight. I know it will bring closure soon.
Prayers still going out to Mary and all of her family, friends and loyal supporters.
This was an outstanding Editorial Opinon in the Battle Creek Enquirer, January 30, 2008
"A chief concern: Lack of explanation lets rumors flourish"
Marshall's public safety director apparently has been off the job for almost a week now with no explanation. Like the public, we have no idea what has happened to Mike Olson in his role as head of Marshall's police force.
Marshall City Manager Chris Olson - no relation to Mike Olson - has assured Marshall residents that "police command has been taken care of" and that Mike Olson's absence has had no effect on police operations.
We have to wonder how the lack of a director can have no effect on a police department, particularly since the deputy police chief left earlier this month for a new job in Coldwater.
But of greater concern is the attitude that the public is not owed any explanation.
Municipal government is not a private enterprise. It is funded by public money and therefore is accountable to the taxpayers who provide that revenue. The idea that the public does not need to know what is going on within its public safety department should offend residents who pay for a government which they expect to operate openly and efficiently.
We are sensitive to the fact that circumstances arise that need thorough investigation before they are publicly explained. But Marshall officials should at least be able to tell residents whether Mike Olson has been placed on administrative leave, paid or unpaid, until such time as a decision on his employment status can be announced.
To not do so only undermines public trust in government and contributes to a rumor mill fueled by rampant speculation. Such rumors often can be vicious and far from the truth, yet with no official explanation they are allowed to spread and damage reputations.
Marshall residents are owed an explanation about what has happened to their public safety director, and we hope that one is forthcoming soon.
Written by Battle Creek Enquirer Editorial Board, published in their apper. Published on this site, and by Jim Carlin,
Justinian Investigative Services
Jeff is trying to be all religious in the blog now. What a joke!!! I just want to laugh at his trying to come across as a "born again Christian". He is so far from being a true Christian.
My tip for today is not about dear Jeff. No, it is about someone else who not only knows the truth but is controlling the info about what really happened. I think that you know what I mean and you know who it is. With January coming to an end, I think about Groundhog Day. It may not be a groundhog this person resembles but close enough. You know what I mean. Keep up the good work, Billy. Mark my words, the winds have started to change in direction.
Until next time. Jack
Billy Jack,
Thank you for working so hard on this case. It has been frustrating, hasn't it? A man once said "There are many paths to where you want to go and sometimes the longer way yields the best results." No one could have guessed almost 4 years ago the chain of events which have occurred. I, myself, still can't believe what has happened. It has been very bittersweet, Billy. I mean that there was this horrible crime which was committed and there were terrible things which happened. Then, on the other hand, I have seen such love and caring from people who didn't even know Mary. It really shows how weird this whole thing is. I keep praying for you and the many who have shown such dedication to not only finding Mary but to being supportive of Mary's family as well. You are a true hero, Billy Jack.
Jim Carlin,you too, have been a hero and advocate for Mary and her family as well as a true friend.
Words simply cannot express my appreciation. I know that this has taken a toll on you. I ask you now not to worry. You have help and Mary will be found.
well welcome back mary d and ty for every sure that things are working out and thanks to jim and he is really doing a great job..i think it all lays now on mpd and what they do now.come on give me a break we have all the clues and answers,we need a back bone now that the chief is gone...who will it be?i vote for me...i will get it done im not afraid of the people involved and they are just scared and trying to make every one afraid also..billy isnt afraid of any one and if they think that bring it..i also see your pedifile friend went to jail also..tom!!!from the moose..stuff is catching up with you .time to get out..billy jack..
My vote is for Billy Jack for the new police chief. He will get the job done!
mary knew the stuff about them..and chris was a coward he didnt protect his girl he let her lay.......i hope he rots in jail...billy jack.....
ty humm i wonder..i like have great comments and thanx for voting for me..this has gone on to long and we need to bring mary home.its all i think about from morning to night.i see stacys face in my dreams and what he did to her and her mom,i wish i was his cell mate..billy jack..
ok one last thing..jeff do you remember the day when you drove up on miller drive?and almost killed a few people?i was there and to avants house?ya it was you..billy jack...
This town of Marshall is really something. You have two women missing and your chief and deputy chief of police have resigned. You have a city government which sucks. You people in Marshall pay high taxes and this is what you get for it. Wake up folks, you are being screwed.
Billy Jack, I have another tip so to speak. Today is the day we look for the groundhog to come out so we know if spring is on the way or not. Maybe there is someone who needs to come out of their hiding spot and start telling the truth. Spring symbolizes rebirth and looking forward to sunnier days. We cannot look ahead to closure and sunnier days until Mary's case is solved. It is like a dark cloud hanging over this town. There are several people who know what happened and they are all cowards. Jeff is the biggest coward of them all. Jeff is being controlled by his big brother, Chris. He is going to find his sweet butt in jail if he doesn't start talking. My tip for the day is to look out for a groundhog creature. I think that he is truly a bad egg so to speak. He might not come out of his hole unless he is forced to. The Pratts know him well but you already know that, don't you? Billy Jack, my bet is on you to get it done. Happy Groundhog Day. See ya. Jack
It is incredible to me that this town of approximately 7000 has so much drama in it. I am continually surprised at things that happen here. My gut feeling is that the resignations of both the chief and the deputy chief have EVERYTHING to do with the Mary Lands case. I expect a few others will be leaving as well.
I like this Billy Jack fellow. He is the best thing to happen to this case. If I were the characters involved in the disappearance and murder of Mary Lands, I'd be afraid, very afraid. There is a beacon of light in Billy Jack. God bless you, sir.
Hi everyone, I want to thank you all for your comment's for,and about Mary. My name is Sue I have been lucky enough to call myself Mary's best friend for over 28 some odd year's, and no you dont see me on here alot. But now that 4 years to the day (March 12th:) is coming up far to fast, it seems to me someone out there knows what took place that dark and cold night.And Im on here begging who ever know's anything, Please call Jim, he can be trusted.Mary's family and friend need this to come to an end, hell can only be lived for so long.
We all love & Miss her, and we just want to bring her home.
So if you dont want to give names, that o.k, just PLEASE tell us where she's at.We need her home...
P.S, Billy Jack, I would really like to talk with you...
I have never heard of a Sue --previous comment- in this case except for what was read in the papers about Sue Harrington?
So many people claim to hold Mary as their best friend however they only pop up on vigils and anniverary dates. Mr & Mrs Marshall need help each and every day not just on those especially difficult holidays and anniversaries. Where have you been Sue all this time? Probably involved in your own life?
I'm sure there are many like sue out there and this is a reminder the family needs help from everyone all the time not just each March.
well this sue does happen to be and always will be marys best friend.ok sue maybe we can meet some time would be cool!!!! billy jack!
To who thinks Im a so called friend of Mary's, well let me fill you in on a few thing's. I have been best friend's with Mary for over 28 year's. and if you knew anything about this case at all, you would of heard of me, I was all over the news and paper's when Mary went missing, I have steped back from the case, because my daughter was threaned. But I still stay very close to Mary's parent' untell you know the truth, DONT even go there... My heart breaks for Mary and her family each and everyday.Just because I dont post on here alot, dont even think not for one minute, Im not here for her family.
And to Billy Jack, Thank you for what you wrote, so if you know I was and will always be Mary's best friend, you must know me.
And if so feel free to get ahold of me at any time.
i know some things.and will keep quiet im working in the back ground,as to keep the enemies away,but yes i know of you sue b and i think its great that you were and still are such a great friend of mary, i only say still is because she is still here in our hearts.. the mistake that pratt made was he talked in past was always she was..not she is..even the first day he talked about her.he is in my mind the worst of the worst.and i will not stop until i make sure he gets hes just deserve..billy jack.
to agnes..ty for the comment and believe me,billy is talking to people every day..and the thing about me is im not afraid of any one involved!!i cant believe that people are so afraid of the hill billy mafia.i dont get billy jack..
Chris made one other huge mistake. He shot his mouth off to many people saying that he did it. The only reason that he has not been charged is that he has had protection. This leads to my tip of the day. If one were to figure out where Chris got his protection, then one would know who else is involved. The evidence is just waiting to be discovered. BILLY JACK, you are right about laying low because it's getting a little tense right now. Someone is getting mighty nervous if you know what I mean. See ya. Jack
I just read that Sgts McDonald, Bryant and Lankerd are assuming leadership responsibilities at this time and Olson is out. This was in the Marshall Chronicle blogspot forum. Any thoughts Jim or Billy Jack?
well if tim b is in charge its a bad thing because he is in it up to his boots..and i know this to be true ..ok why did he call chris on the morning that mary went missing?cell phone records say that he called his cell on the day after she went missing?that is y the marshall pd is missing in action..billy is all over this.
i dont really care for any law inforcement.....they only care for there own, im in this for mary and i dont give a care for the people that just wants a star on there badge..sorry my give a damn is brokin.this is for mary!!hugs to you my dear mary and stacy i will get this done !!!billy jack!!!!!!!!!!!!
one tin soldier rides away...
To Billy jack, how can someone contact you?
Oh my God!!! The City of Marshall sure knows how to provide comfort to the people in their town. This might just be the most interesting thing that has happened.
You go Billy Jack!!! Someone needs to be on this with Jim and all.
Prayers are with you. Stay safe.
Wonder if people will be still looking for Mr. Olson 4 years from now??
here something to cheww on. At a party the other nite and heard a story. ain't it odd that Adam has same lawyer that Chris used in the case when he claims was framed by norene parker? Adam hires a lawyner and then blows town and job with girlfriend to go out west. would you pratts be shocked he may be coming back?
maybe he will talk and make a deal.
he go back to felpash and she to Statefarm and they live happy ever after.
Who is Adam?
another hillybillyPratt cuzzzz
I have resided in Calhoun County for most of my life and never could understand the mystery and secrecy of Marshall and its inner politic. The city has been in crisis for years and it was magnified last week with our deputy chief going to Coldwater and now a missing police chief.
Deputy Chief Pherson was the most educated qualified officer in the Marshall Police Department, and he moved on. It is a loss to the city and an embarrassment to see the name of a Sgt. Tim Bryant, and others leading the department. He should have been fired years ago and you all know the reasons why. It is because no one is held responsible.
In my opinion for 30 years the city has never had any real authority and justice is a disgrace. The city manager is a baboon, the trustees are there for show, and we fight over power lines in an alley. If you live on one side of Michigan Avenue you are in. If you are on the other side you are out. God forbid if you live in a mobile home.
The Mary Lands case makes it perfectly clear. Where were all these people when Mary disappeared? Why did the then deputy chief just laugh about her disappearance and claim she ran off with some guy? Why did it take months for police to see this was a case of foul play? Chris Pratt has gone to prison for what he did to his girl friend. It was on the news what he did to a former wife. We all know he killed Mary Lands. And he will get away with it.
I hope the Cook woman can home to her parents. Mary never will and it is because of the elitist double standard in Marshall. We are all a part of it because we won’t stand up together and fight it.
I can’t sign my name to this because I will suffer from the ramifications. I’m not proud of it but we all know why we are afraid. It is because of crooked political hacks, bad cops, drugs, sex, alcohol, promiscuity, hate and fear. Marshall is supposed to be this quaint historic community that is such a great place to live. Marshall is the joke of southwestern Michigan and we need to make it right. I hope it happens in the time I have left on this earth.
Nobody could have said it better. You are exactly right about our little Pleasantville here. Everything looks ok on the outside but below the surface, one sees the hypocrisy, corruption and arrogance in this little place we call home.
got it right. its not gossipp and rumoros. look at the foia records from from Marshall's own department.
what a bunch of clowns. eat donuts, hump women and love dope. you got a love these cops
why can's some intelligent top cop clean up all this BS?
So, we have a known friend of Chris Pratt helping in the responsibilities of running Marshall PD. We also have the main investigator in the Mary Lands case from Marshall PD helping. The only one who seems decent and truly what most would want a cop to be is Sgt Lankerd.
Why, for God's sake, would the city manager and the mayor have a friend of Chris Pratt help with the interim responsibilities of running Marshall PD? What the hell are these two thinking? This whole thing is like an episode from The Twilight Zone. I am appalled and disgusted with this decision. Sgt Lankerd from what everyone tells me, is what every good cop should be. Thank God for him and the other truly good cops in Marshall.
Billy Jack, this is very disturbing. I stand by what I said a while back. When this is all said and done, the city of Marshall will be shook to its very core.
How about bring Ronald Ivey back to Marshall? He is a professional, an educator, and well respected. Maybe he can restore order to city in chaos?
We need to clean up a dirty house.
i will be there!!billy jack.
this is to all of the people that is follwing this blog..this has gone on way to long and we all want the same thing,bring mary home.its not getting done,with the new mpd people in power its a set back.its not brain surgery we have the right people but we cant get it calling on all people that is sick of this and wants to get something done!!lets pull together and get some answers.stop being afraid of the pratts,they can not bother us any longer.i have an e-mail just talk to me if you have any thing to say,i will listin and we will get answers im not the marshall cop flunkys..and it will not go to them.listin to me i have had it and i want this to end for mary and her family,its time ...billy jack..
Billy Jack,
I don't think that most people are afraid of the Pratts. I think that the citizens are more afraid of MPD and the power brokers of Marshall, including city officials. I think that navyguy is exactly right when he talked about ramifications. Help us, Billy Jack.
yes i have seen navy guy post to the bc paper and he is right.i think he knows things also and the mpd has him afraid is to bad that people are so afraid..i cant even imagine why people are so afraid of just dont make sense.i will call all of them out and i will stick to my guns.they only have a position and can be taken away at any time.if i was in charge i would fire them all and start over.billy jack
Jim & Billy Jack - I am going to try very hard to make the meeting tomorrow in between appointments for Dr.'s, School, here, etc. I had written to reader's view a very long time ago to have a "Town Meeting" - to bring everyone together with ALL their information and pool it. Then, I was "strongly encourged" to not attempt such a thing. Hope it works this time.
It amazes me that the very person that advised myself and another with MYF that if we got closer to the case - ahead of MPD - they would not hesitate to arrest us!!! It is all here and old news if you have watched the blogs from the beginning. Now, some of the very people that were there at that time are now missing or have been put in charge of the MPD :)
Wouldn't you think that police personnel Lankerd, Kelly, or Friend might have been put in the position of command?
Then there is certainly capable officers such as Becky, Shannon or Rachel that might have been named -Oh my God again!! I forgot they are only women. Far be it that they might be called upon by the City Manager.
Kind of makes you wonder who the real powers are that are pulling those puppet strings. Well guess what - that is pretty much known as well.
This should be an interesting week.
Would like to invite you to log on to at 9pm 2/4/08. The chat and phone lines will be open in the studio. Some of the other rummors may be part of the topic for the night.
purpose drivin,who told you not to speak your mind?thats what im talking about we can all speak and if you feel you cant! e-mail me i will get your message to the people that i am working with is not the mpd..i wouldnt tell them any thing!!and dont..e-mail me
This is my tip of the day, Billy Jack. When you look at the officers in charge of the police department now, only one is clean. The other two are involved with Chris Pratt. At the town meeting, pay special attention to the two I am talking about. You will get this sick feeling inside of you. Pay attention to it. A word of advice now, Billy Jack. Do not doubt your intuition, it is right on. This will be over soon. Take care. Jack
It is pretty sad when so many in Marshall's community have such a poor opinion of their city officials and police force. It is even more sad that many people are afraid to speak out due to their fear of retaliation. In Mary's case, I think that those who may have information are more fearful of the police force than the Pratt family. Someone like Billy Jack is needed to get to the bottom of this mess here in Marshall and to help solve the Mary Lands case.
I am starting to wonder if Billy Jack May be a certain State or FBI agent that i have heard moved to marshall around April 2006. This is still all so Crazy. I Guess i must be blind because I don't see officer B as being that type of a man.
Jim - sent you a copy of the e-mail I sent to Billy Jack. Best of Luck.
I have heard good things about and not so good about officer.
However, keep in mind if we all knew what preditors and criminals looked or seemed like we would never get involved with them, would we. I do like to think the best of someone until proven different. This must be handled all the way to the bottom of this (or all the way to the top) to be right. Hopefully it will not just be one fall guy. That may have already happened in the beginning!!
Prayers to all.
I just finished listening to WOOD-TV 8 and they had sent one of their reporters to the town meeting. Guess what!!! No new information was given. Isn't that a surprise? What are these city officials not getting? People in Marshall are getting angrier and angrier about the lack of information that is provided to the community on this and other topics. Billy Jack, you said that you were going to the meeting. What are your thoughts?
this only shows the incompetence of the city officials in the handeling of this,marshall tax payers should rally together and do something about it!billy
Wood TV is always there if they are just aware. This should certainly open their eyes. Or should I say KEEP THEM OPEN. Hopefully someone has remembered to advise Figer again. I'm sure he is keeping an eye as well. The Marshall's could use his or someone like him to represent them down the road.
Can people who do not LIVE in Marshall city help in the rally?
im sure anyone can.but the tax payers of marshall pay theses people and they have the right to know the answers.its just crazy!!billy jack.
☺☺☺☺☺ help is on the way!!good job today anita and jim and wood tv.billy jack.
ya but it only takes 1 hour to catch a dumb have 59 minutes!billy jack.
What a waste of time last night!!! No new news just more crap from Marshall's finest. Billy Jack, tell everyone your thoughts about what happened at the meeting. How did you feel when you saw those cops?
My tip for the day has to do with the powers that be in this town. You know who I mean: 4 men and a woman. Did you know that one of the men is a personal friend of Chris Pratt? Another one of the men is an acquaintance of Chris Pratt. The Mary Lands case is much more entailed than you thought originally, isn't it? My tip for today has to do with drugs that Chris provided to certain people. These people control what happens in Marshall. Billy Jack, find out the connection between Chris Pratt and law enforcement. Find out where this goes in relation to who is involved. I promise you that even you will be shocked by what you uncover. Giddy up. Jack
jack e-mail me real jack
to anita and cliff..i cant even imagine what goes on in your mind..but believe me as long as i am here .you have a friend in billy jack ..
to anita and cliff..i cant even imagine what goes on in your mind..but believe me as long as i am here .you have a friend in billy jack ..
So the people of the valley
Sent a message up the hill,
Asking for the buried treasure,
Tons of gold for which they'd kill.
Came an answer from the kingdom,
"With our brothers we will share
All the secrets of our mountain,
All the riches buried there."
Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend.
Do it in the name of Heaven,
You can justify it in the end.
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgement day,
On the bloody morning after....
One tin soldier rides away.
Now the valley cried with anger,
"Mount your horses! Draw your sword!"
And they killed the mountain-people,
So they won their just reward.
Now they stood beside the treasure,
On the mountain, dark and red.
Turned the stone and looked beneath it...
"Peace on Earth" was all it said.
Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend.
Do it in the name of Heaven,
You can justify it in the end.
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgement day,
On the bloody morning after....
One tin soldier rides away.
Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend.
Do it in the name of Heaven,
You can justify it in the end.
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgement day,
On the bloody morning after....
One tin soldier rides away.billy jack...
Billy Jack, I did as you asked. Check your email. More to come later in this blog. See ya. Jack
Billy Jack, please keep up your good work in this case. Today's tip: Watch what happens with Olson's job. Who wants his job from MPD? SOMEONE from outside of MPD must step up and apply for that job. Later, Jack
It seems to me that there is only two things that could make a policeman go into this deep of hiding. FEAR or GUILT
Both are equally concerning. Safety and/or morality.
This town needs help, not just MPD.
My sources lead me to believe that this will all come to a conclusion very soon.
Most important, the finding of Mary. And, everyone who is responsible for hiding information will be named. Chris P is not going to be back for quite a while. So what are people still afraid of?
This case still needs that hero who will step up and speak the truth and trust he or she will be protected. If not, time is running out for anyone to make a deal. You will all go down.
You Go Jim and Billy Jack. God Bless and stay safe.
I see that Billy jack did not deny my thoughts of who he is. But anywho i have been listening to and it is truly disturbing the MPD that is. How can they deny us the right of whats going on. It is still hard to Believe this certain officer everyone says is involved who is now one of the ones in charge really had something to do with this. I Pray not but it does smell a lil fishy. sam/just jack come out with it already stop these stupid hints each day and tell billy jack and jim what you know so we can get this over with and bring mary home this year.
I would like to take a minute to respond to the comments made by "me" today at 4:06 am. Evidently, you are forgetting that this is a place where ideas, tips and thoughts can be shared. You seem to have no problem SHARING your thoughts so why not be respectful of other people's. I have two tips for today and one is goes to you. You need to understand that not everyone shares the same thoughts and beliefs. Show some respect and it will be given back ten-fold.
Billy Jack, my tip for you is this. Be aware that the Pratt family is always one step ahead of law enforcement. Talk to you later. Jack
You ppl will never win. Councel will give McDonald raise as acting chief, no one will meet qualifiucations. In a few months they will give him permanent job as chief. He then prmote another from within a depity. The shellgame of hiding, coverup corrupton and lying continues.
Give it up. you have lost. forget about Pratt and all the other stuff.
Give it up.
you sound pretty sure of yourself.we have lost nothing!stand back and watch...billy jack.
and you need spell check!billy jack.
Just remember it might be easy to get to the top with your dubious activities but its a long hard fall to the bottom.
to pratt pride.have a coke and a smile and watch the rest of the show..were comming.billy jack.
just jack/sam yes this is a place for tips ,ideas and thoughts but if you have more then one tip come out with it so we do not prolong the bringing home of Mary which is what u are doing by playing the game clue on here. I thought we all wanted the same thing and that is to bring mary home. If i new something like you do i would come all out with it to billy and jim and be done with it because I want Mary to be found.
jack just sam.just keep up with what you are doing dont let the pratt pride people get to you..its because they know we are getting things done and they have to try to put fear in doesnt work with me.billy jack.
Well, well, well Adam or shall I call you "me"? I see you're back to playing both sides of the fence. Be careful, you might fall off and get hurt. Stop it, Adam. If you think that Billy Jack is oblivious to what you're up to, you are truly an idiot. I am wanting this to be over, not you. You are trying to get info for the Pratt family and believe me, it is pretty obvious. Your cousin Chris is a murderer, Adam and you know this for a fact. I suggest you talk with your lawyer about what you know.
to adam i understand that you ran into some trouble..damn apple and the tree thing again.i believe you are smarter then the others.its ok to stick by family,even when its wrong.i do to me and lets get this thing over with.its never to late do the right thing.then you can come back home.billy jack
So i see that this website has not changed and that it is still just for threating and cutting down the Pratt family instead of trying to help find Mary .Lets get this straight,i've known Adam and a few other Pratts for about 10+ yrs and one thing i do know is that out of all the Pratts he is the only one that has helped and supported Marys family from the beginning.He tried to help out for a long time but he always said that MPD always gave him the cold shoulder.So the last person that would be on this page looking at all these negitve comments about his family would be Adam.He is a very very positve person ,the only thing he has ever said about Chris is that he is a great guy and that he wishes all the luck in the world to the Marshall family on bringing there daughter home. P.S Jim i havent seen you on here for a new updates.
To ANONYMOUS 2/7 at 6:12 pm:
Your defense of Adam is a nice thing but is it a blind thing? Sometimes, you think you know someone real well and then you find out the real truth about them. Don't delude yourself into thinking Adam and the rest of the Pratts are all innocent. Believe me, they're not.
to billy are you related to the pratts?
Ok, let me get this straight. Adam said "Chris is a great guy." Now, most people's definition of a "good guy" is someone who is law abiding, treats others with dignity and respect and is someone others look up to. For someone to call Chris Pratt a "good guy", one must look at who said it and wonder what kind of person they are. Sorry, folks, Chris Pratt is NOT a good guy and I seriously doubt that Mr Adam is anything close to innocent. To Billy Jack and just Jack, keep doing what you are doing.
To anonymous,
I'm the one related to the Pratts. As to who I am, figure it out for yourself!!!
To just jack/sam;since you know so much about the Pratts,i think you are a Pratt and i think you are the one playing both sides of the fence playboy!
Wolverines baby, there is only one side of the fence that I am playing and that's for justice. As I said before, I AM related to the Pratts and I have no tolerance for the crap that's going on. As for you, what side of the fence are you on?
sorry i am not related to the pratts.i know of louise as she was a teacher in my school and i believe her to be a good person.moms stand behind there kids even if they are wrong..billy jack. that you dear?billy jack
To 6:12 ;You do have a point i noticed with Chris in jail they are all like hawks still going for all the Pratts and do you notice that they start with chris then jeff,jordan,adam ,alex,josh,jim,joe,jhon,clyde,sam,irv.Do you notice they go right down the list.They just cant stop.It would be real nice if they would focus on Mary and her family. This should be called the Pratt website!
As said before from several different sources, yes, this case is about Mary; however, it was Chris Pratt who murdered her. Several Pratts know information about this case who are not being up front and HONEST. So, to talk about what happened to Mary, one must talk about the Pratts. Pretty simple, don't you think? There are a few who are getting quite defensive. Why is that? Hmm, I wonder.
to hmm i wonder..i know of you.keep talking..e-mail me some time.i follow you on diff blogs..billy jack.
PRATT is a killer, what kind of person would be proud of that ? If my last name was Pratt, I would change it.You say Chris is a good guy, well hate to fill you in on this but I know him, and hes not good, for that matter he's baddddddddd. killing bad.
ok listin to me.all pratts are not really bad.sam was a very good guy,he was a great hunter and family man.and if he was here today he would not like what is going on with chris..its not about louise and sam.its about chris.and jeff..they know what happend and they have to sleep every night knowing what they did.i wish i could meet up with the both of them in a dark ally...billy jack
you show me a good Pratt, and I'll show you where Mary is. Because they know.
and in end ole dieing Sam new what Chris did and asked hime to come clean. Christ, he took Sams wallet and blamed kids in family. One day he'll show up and give it to mother saying he found it in a clost. Louise should frigure out how much money is missssing from where it was hid in books. She could used it for bail and lawyrs.
Yeh protect your kid. truth will soon come out.
Months ago I read that Chris Pratt would never hurt anyone. He was framed. The Pratt family all said he was innocent. What do you say now?
This site is not about Chris Pratt. It is about why Mary was murdered?
If one of your PROUD PRATT’s would come forward it would close all this and justice can be served.
Prove to the public it is not true about some of your dysfunctional family. Disprove the cliche that the “Acorn doesn't fall far from the tree”
Do the right thing.
i dont think anybody cares about the pratts anymore,thats old news,i think we need to focus on mary and the mpd and whats going on our perfect little town!
its in bigger hands now...billy jack
Billy Jack, thanks for your kind words. My advocacy for Mary and her family comes from an outrage over the fact that this case has not been solved as well as the deepest sympathy to Mary's family. I never met Mary and I do not know her family; however, I care deeply about them and what they are going through.
I am angered and outraged at the members of Team Pratt who attack fellow bloggers personally. To Team Pratt, we will continue to advocate for Mary and her family in spite of what you say. I wonder how you all would feel if it was one of your own family members who was taken from you in such a senseless, violent way. We have nothing to prove but some of you do. Some of the things that you people blog are downright ridiculous and even humorous. To have someone say "Chris is a great guy", is downright laughable. There is nothing "great" about a murderer and a perpetrator of domestic violence. Anyone who thinks so is just as bad. It has been mentioned numerous times in the different blogs that Chris Pratt admitted that he killed Mary. So, please, one of you explain to the other bloggers and myself, why you think that Chris Pratt is innocent. We are all waiting to hear what you have to say.
To Mary's family, you are in my prayers. Just know that there are many of us out there who care.
To Billy Jack, Jim Carlin and the "good cops" out there, thanks for what you do day after day. It is truly appreciated.
well ty humm,i dad always told me.he said billy jack the best thing about telling the truth is that you dont have to remember what you said,the truth is the truth.....
this case is about chris pratt.and we all know what he did.we cant get this done with the mpd.i made a call to mark schauer(a good friend)and he is going to get with me soon.he is our state senator.for the hillbilly mafia that is not good for team pratt!!its 4rth down and long i think you better punt....billy jack
nobody has anything to prove here ,Hell with Chris your making team PRATT stronger!
jeff your brother is gone now he cant take your your bone away from you any more.besides he has a few of his own now he doesnt need yours ant more.dont be a hater hes getting what he needs and then are going to be the next always wanted to be like big brother now befor long you are going to be just like him.youll have all the bones you could ever want good lickins.
What most people don't know about the Pratts is that there are some really good ones in the family. The sad thing is that there are some bad ones which give the family a bad name. There is something which I need to make clear now. Sam Pratt did not know what Chris did until right before he died. He found out from Chris himself. Sam had asked Chris to tell him the truth and Chris said that he did it. Sam asked Chris to come clean. Chris said he would never be caught because he made sure that Mary would never be found. Chris Pratt murdered Mary and both Louise and Jeff know it.
My tip for the day, Billy Jack, is this. Pay special attention to what some of the bloggers are saying; especially Purpose Driven and maryd. They are right on. Later, Jack.
team pratt sucks just like chris is right now jeff you dont have to get mad your the next one 2 brothers just alike.befor long they will be gettig it just alike to
exactly the same information that Jim Carlin has been saying. The police know it all too. How do you now charge them?
Scuttlebutt around town is that Olson is gone because of major money he cost city in lawsuits. Nobody may talk or they will lose their positions. Biggest case was a nasty sexual harassment incident they had to pay. Hmm, I wonder; if it some of this about demoted Sergeant Rebecca Libbrecht-Ivey now back in patrol as a regular officer? Everyone is close lipped.
More is coming.
not to mention the money he cost the tax payers shopping at louies bakery every morning..
just jack/ sam i just want you to know i am not pratt i am not even on no ones radar. u guys wouldn't know my name if i told ya it. i just can tell u know alot of stuff honestly by what u have said and i think u should come out with everthing u know. not ur idenity if u want to remain private just the info on whats going on not a clue at a time all at once so we can solve this for mary. and mpd does suck. they don't know jack crap about how to run a case. they need to remodel that place.
to me!i know who you are and i listin to the blog talk radio..keep up the good work.tis me billy jack.
this site is truly about mary.and i have set back and listened to everyone.mary isnt done she lives everyday in this sue b and shannon keep doing what you do.they say chris will not be caught,im here to tell you he will.jack keep posting im working with the info will take everyone that has said good things to me i thank you all.and to might be right on what you think...billy jack
Jim & Billy Jack
Are a few of you up to getting a meeting together with Mark Schauer and the bloggers? That might prove interesting. I've known him for awhile and think he might be open to it.
I hear Mr. Olson was in Marshall yesterday therefore, he must not be missing anymore. I am glad if he is safe however, I do wonder if he is as loyal to the town fathers or MPD anymore. He might just have some info to share. And hopefullly it would be with the two of you.
Since Shannon has not been blogging here, I'll let her know the radio blog talk show was listened to. Thanks! She's a phenomenal person with her many talents.
purpose driven..yes i am up to that and i will ask mark.this is what we need to get this done,billy jack
i know mark personally.and he has alot of here for a reason and im pulling out the big guns..billy jack.
Why is it that no one from Marshall City Council is talking about what happened to Chief Olson? I firmly believe that his departure is not solely due to the sexual harassment case. His department has failed miserably in the Mary Lands case. I am disgusted with the city of Marshall and how they conduct their business. I have family in Marshall and I am concerned about their wellbeing. Mary Lands is still missing and it has EVERYTHING to do with MPD and the city of Marshall.
agnes..i believe its a legal thing at this point.its not what i call justice..we shall see.but as a tax payer of marshall i believe you have the right to answers.i dont think olson and leaving has to do anything with mary.he knows alot of things that will bring her home.and im working on that as we speak.mark will be a big help..billy jack..
AGNES is right about Mary's case. Mary's case does have something to do with Chief Olson's resignation. I'm not saying that he himself covered up information. What I mean is that he looked the other way when word was out about certain personnel in his department being involved.
Mary is what we are concerned about. However, to get to the bottom of where she is, we need your help, Billy Jack. My tip today is more about something mentioned earlier in this blog column. This has to do with someone saying that the Pratt family is winning. What the hell kind of statement is that? I will tell you that it came from JEFF and it is truly a STUPID remark. Be careful Jeff. You are being watched and you may be in for a really rough time of it if you don't cooperate with law enforcement. I hear your brother is lonely. Maybe you can keep him company in prison.
Jeff is who has information. His cockiness is wearing thin right now. It is not about winning, Jeff. What the hell is wrong with you? Mary died at your brother's hands and you talk about winning? God help you, JEFF PRATT. You will need it. Later, Jack
Thanks for contacting America's Most Wanted. We value our viewers' comments and suggestions. Because we receive such a high volume of emails, a personal response may be delayed, but we want you to know that we received your email, and someone will get back to you as quickly as possible. In the meantime, thanks for watching, thanks for visiting, and thanks for wanting to make a difference.
John Walsh & the AMW Team
billy jack..
Although a Pratt relative, I've been a friend of the Marshall family for some time and acquainted with all of their past and present efforts about Mary's case. I wish I knew more?
It is nice to see all the comments by the many supporters and the BillyJack guy but I read that AMW was contacted long ago and for whatever reason declined interest.
All your work is commendable but you are huff and puff with talk. Get out and have the people who know do the talking.
Billyjack you can do more than just the talk. Do the walk.
You appear to know many people. Get those people to come forward.
they are comming forward.billy jack.
Why would America's Most Wanted decline to look into Mary's case? Is it not SENSATIONAL enough? For God's sake, it smacks of everything wrong in this world. Forgive me for what I am about to say, folks. But I have to say it. You have in your town of Marshall a real problem. You have no idea how corrupt your city government is nor do you have any idea what is going on with MPD. The Lands case has brought out the dysfunction of your city government. Furthermore, it has made people wonder who in the city of Marshall is friends with those in the drug world. All of my esteem for this town is gone. You have meth labs right under your nose and you have had two women disappear without a trace. This is what one reads in a crime novel.
My advice to you all is to get your heads out of your you know where and face the truth about what's going on here. All of what has happened is connected, mark my words.
I need to address something right now. The story of Mary Land's disappearance and murder is truly a disturbing one. What has gone on behind the scenes is almost as disturbing as the actual crime itself. I am not here to detail everything that has gone on; however, I am here to question several disturbing events and the people associated with them.
1) Why did MPD wait until after 2 weeks after Mary went missing to question Chris?
2) What happened to Elzinga? Why did he leave?
3) Why did TJ call Chris the morning Mary came up missing?
4) Who is protecting Chris Pratt and why?
5) Why has Mary's cloak not been returned to her family?
These are just some of the questions out there which deserve an answer from MPD. There are many more.
The reason I bring this up is that the Marshall family and the citizens of Marshall deserve to know the truth of what really happened to Mary. I believe it's time for MPD to come clean. I believe it's time for Jeff Pratt to step up and be a man and tell the whole truth. I believe it's time for Mary to come home to her family. I believe it's time we ask our CIVIL SERVANTS these questions, don't you?
A person has stepped up to help here. His name is Billy Jack. Thank you, Billy Jack for helping. It is truly appreciated.
Until next time, Jack.
Maybe, it's Fieger time. Geoffrey Fieger may not be popular to some but he tends to be an advocate for those who have been wronged by the system. He isn't afraid of anyone just like Billy Jack!
It certainly is Fieger time. Billy Jack - went back to read a bit about the movie. Did the last one come out? "Billy Jack Goes To Washington"
You know where I am when you want to talk. I am planted right here until the 15th of April.(at the very least)
Just like to take a break once in a while to think about Mary, her family and friends. Please know that this is not just "all talk". There are truly things happening to bring closure to this. Mary is and will not be forgotten. We know what happened - we just need one more piece to finish this horrible puzzle.
Amazing how high it goes and yet how low it is!
Lots of Light. God Bless You Mary, you remain in our thoughts and prayers.
im not sure on the movie.i did see a you tube on tom laughlin(billy jack)he is running for he is getting old,but i like what he stands for.i think i made a connection with fiegers people today.we shall see..and lets hope they call me back tommorrow.ok real good Purpose Driven i will try to get ahold of you some time.thanx again.billy jack.
Watch out for Jeff's crap, Billy Jack. He is one ignorant man when it comes to right and wrong.
The tip that I have for you today is this. If Fieger's office doesn't get back with you today, keep calling them. He is aware of Mary's case. He has had some people contact him already. You know who they are. These two have worked really hard to keep Mary's story alive. I think that they are as close to angels as one can get. They will help you, Billy Jack, if you let them.
Happy trails to you until we talk again. Sam, just call me Jack.
Creighton "Cricket" Burrows has been a supporter of Mary's family for nearly 4 years. The Marshall Chronicle published a "Letter to the Editor" this week and he asked that it also be published on Mary's Blog. Outstanding Comments.
Accepting your losses
Attending the trial of STATE OF MICHIGAN vs CHRISTOPHER PRATT was an eye opener, leaving me to ask the question. Is verbal abuse in the Courts by defense attorneys any different than verbal abuse by any one else? Some of the antics pulled off would leave many believing the victim was the one on trial. It was not the victim who admitted to, trashing the home, ripping the phones from the wall, throwing the victims keys out the door while holding her arm, not allowing her to leave it was the abuser who admitted to these things. The Court ordered not to allow the name Mary Lands to be mentioned during the trial, per defense request, even though it was used by the defense in an attempt to reduce bond at a hearing. I watched and listened as the defense verbally attacked the victim’s life prior to her involvement with Mr. Pratt, as if that would some how justify the actions of Mr. Pratt, when all he had to do was walk away. At one point referring to her as mentally ill, and a drama queen, she was accused of manipulating the system for making calls to police departments. Are we not taught from childhood to dial 911, call the police for help? The jury found the defendant guilty on all charges. At the sentencing the defendant tried to blame several people who attended the trial including myself of convincing the victim to do this to him. I did not even know the victim until the day after she reported the attack by him. After sentencing the defense attorney again brings up the name Mary Lands a missing woman who was at the time of her disappearance engaged to the defendant, as if it was her fault his client was found guilty. Good job Mary. For the defense attorney, without mentioning your name your comments about me at sentencing were totally uncalled for as they had no bearing on the sentencing outcome. It is my opinion that your comment was another verbal attack aimed, at my friend, the victim, which in my mind makes you no different than your client, as she had no way to defend herself against the verbal attacks that you directed at her during the trial, she was not the one on trial, required to defend her actions, she was and is the victim, required by the STATE to be its witness for the prosecution to take place.
It may be hard to except but no attorney wins all of their cases. If one did who would hire the losers?
Very good comments from Mr. Burrows and kudos on new You Tube video of the search for Mary.
Keep it coming and put out more videos as well of those previously published.
The public wants to know why Marshall PD and Olson didn't solve this case long ago? We want to know where is the chief too?
maybe Chris Pratt will wind up in Saginaw with his good buddy Randy Slone??? Birds of a feather bend over together. Welcome to prison Christopher. Hang on to your one bar of soap
Creighton Burrows' comments are right on. The defense attorney's behavior during this trial was reprehensible and was no different than that of his client. To stoop to the lowest level possible of insulting and verbally abusing the victim was uncalled for and the attorney should have been censured by the court. Obviously, this attorney knew that he really didn't have a leg to stand on for his defense of a man who has committed deomestic violence before. So, he chose to attack personally a woman who had the courage to press charges against a monster of a human being who as far as myself and many are concerned should spend the rest of his life behind bars.
Norrene, I am sorry that you were subjected to more of the same type of abuse when you were on the stand testifying. I am sure that in many ways, it was like reliving some of the times that you heard Chris say such horrible things to you. I hope that you are finding some peace in your life and that you and your sons are starting the process of healing. God Bless you, Norrene Parker. You are truly a hero to the many of those who have been victimized and abused.
Albion Pratt Fan.jim carlin private instigater!!!good job on frameing chris.jeff dont worry.he got his licence from babcock university.first time here and i see they dont like the on your team jeff.see you sometime around town.
Fascinating video on Mary's search.
You must believe, and the Pratt people must know, it is only a matter of time. I'll be there on March 12th and pray it will be the last vigil. Mary needs to rest in peace.
if you think he was framed tell them what you know or think happened.
well with that said..billy dont here to help.if you dont think so look at my telephone talking to people every day and im not a rich man i just want to bring mary home.billy jack.
Im going to be on here everyday reading all these positive comments you keep leaving on here about my family,let me remind you that your making us stronger,thank you,all of you.Billy Jack,and to you,sounds like your the guy that can solve this case.But i bet you can do it with out cutting the rest of us down!I pray to god that we can find out the real truth on Marys case so her family and my family dosent have to go through with any of this nightmare anymore.
it was said walk the walk.and i am going to walk.just watch me go..i am army and i have a mission and i will not fail my mission..billy jack is here to stay.
ok to pratt said, im sorry about the things i say but im only trying to get to the bottom of this.i take you to be louise?i hope we do get to the bottom of this a mom im sure its really hard on you also..please accept my opoliges.i have a mom also.and i will tone it down.i have said good things about you.look it just pissed that i believe that your son did a bad are a good mom and i believe that one day you will do the right thing..billy jack..
Happy Birthday Anita,
Congrat's on being a birthday girl today, Tuesday, February 12, 2008.
This must be the big 50??????
We all wish you the best and hope you enjoy many more to come.
Keep positive and strong.
We are all with you and your family.
Happy Birthday, Anita!!! My thoughts are with you on your special day. God bless you.
Anita, our best wishes on your special day. Happy Birthday.
you are in our prayers.
I would like to discuss this "PRATT PRIDE" crap. PRATT PRIDE, for what? Ok, let's see. Are we talking about pride that a PRATT is in prison for domestic violence? Or are we talking about pride that this same person murdered Mary Lands? Or is it pride that you have kept the police from solving this case? Wait, maybe, it's pride that you are above the law. You people make me sick You have not one ounce of decency left in you.
Louise, I expect better from you. You are a decent woman; however, this is downright ridiculous that you have taken on this PRATT PRIDE crap. And what is it with this "we are getting stronger" crap? Stronger for what???? You didn't lose a loved one to murder. Wait, I guess you did, didn't you? Chris is not coming back, Louise. YOUR Chris murdered Mary Lands, Louise and he will be locked up for many years. If Jeff plays his card like he currently is, he will be joining dear Chris. I suggest you have a nice little talk with dear Jeff and encourage him to start cooperating. Open your eyes, Louise and stop denying the TRUTH. I pray for you everyday and believe me, you need my prayers. Jack
BILLY JACK, my tip for the day is this: READ YOUR EMAIL. Giddy up! Jack
I have to say that I, too, don't understand this Pratt Pride. Folks, what is there to be truly PROUD of? Many people take offense and are outraged that members of the Pratt family have made so many insensitive comments about this case. I would like to ask Louise Pratt something right now? Can you truly 100% without a doubt believe that Chris Pratt didn't murder Mary Lands? If you can say "yes" to this, then who do you think did it? If you can say "yes" to Chris's innocence, my guess is that you don't think that Chris was truly guilty for domestic violence, either. I understand about the unconditional love a mother has for her children but you can love a child even though you know that they are guilty as hell for something. Tell me, Mrs Pratt, if the shoe was on the other foot and one of your children was murdered at the hands of a violent person, wouldn't you want justice to be served? Wouldn't you want every stone turned to find out their killer? Mrs Pratt, we need to bring Mary back to her family. Can you not find it in your heart to help in this case? Can you not face the truth about your son? You know, I truly feel sorry for you because when the day comes when the truth comes out about what Chris did to Mary, you will not only have to accept it but you will learn a lesson in humility. Please do the right thing, Mrs Pratt and tell the police what you know.
question???Why are you still attacking louise pratt ?and who ever made up this pratt pride sounds like a retard.since everybody here knows more then the fbi on this case and still knows for a fact that it was chris id like to know what are you people going to talk about when you find out it wasnt chris,i bet you havent thought about that!one thing ive learned in my life ,IT SURE IS EASY TO POINT FINGERS,sounds like to me by some of the comments and hitten to close to home or hitten a nerve --just jack--billy jack--mary d--you were there the night it happened!or you dont know enough about the case and all you can do is go on small town big talk rumors.i bet you had a hard time leaving high school? ps to billy jack,easy on making the threats and saying your kickin ass and taking names and coming for people?i can have your internet shut down pretty fast and then you can go back to the old fasion way and start writing letters!
TO ANONYMOUS 2/13 at 1:59 am:
QUESTION: If you are so sure that it wasn't Chris Pratt, then who did it?
I think that it is getting mighty hot at police headquarters. Wonder why? Is the talk about getting Mr Fieger involved rattling some nerves? Be very careful, MPD. Big Brother is watching you. Enough of the threats, ok? This case is filled with threats from some of your officers. I would stop if I were you. Jack
You can have their internet turned off?? Wow. That's pretty impressive. You must have a lot of pull around these parts.
"i bet you had a hard time leaving high school? ps to billy jack,easy on making the threats and saying"
I bet you had a hard time graduating from high school.
to all the good people helping in this case,to bring mary home.good luck with all done on this blog site,will work on this behind the cliff and anita keep believing it will some day happen.thanx again to all.billy jack.
BILLY JACK, do not stop blogging. You have provided Mary's advocates with a lot of hope. Your leadership in this is CRUCIAL. Please continue blogging. You are truly appreciated.
My tip for today is this. Who would get so rattled that they would try to threaten you with disconnecting your internet? Who is getting really nervous right now? Who has a lot to lose professionally? This person has kept this case from being solved. The other one who has kept this case from being solved works with this person. BILLY JACK, keep up the good work. It is a source of inspiration to everyone here. G'Day. Jack
Billy Jack, please don't leave this blog. You have been a delight to read and hope has been reignited in this long case. Please continue to do the good work that you do and please continue to blog.
to 2:37am;i dont know who did it,but i do know that i dont go pointing fingers off of rumors.and i dont have pull,its just that when you make threats to people on line thats what just jack,i have not made one threat on this blog,i think you should speak your mind and help find mary,not cut people down.i can tell your a very down person.
too bad the sick turd Pratt isn't at some solitary federal prison so he can think about all the harm he's done to women? His victims are suffering, his family and kids are suffering and he deserves to suffer. God will see that he pays for his crimes.
I'm sure he'll act up in prison like he did in jail in Battle Creek. Slam the door and never let him out. Good riddence to this vermin.
yeh then it will be another Pratt that has found Jesus
I guess chris pratt cant do much fishing at Bellemy Creek??
Oh well maybe in 15 years if not charged with crime against Mary.
he is in ionia easy for him..billy jack.
Got a chance to read tonight!! My God - talk about Pratt Pride? Sounds like Pratt Poop to me!!
Let's remember Mary. Chirs is in Ionia I hear. Now is time for that HERO to appear, and give the last bit of info needed.
Gee I almost made a poem.
God Bless!
jeff do you remember being with chris and tj at the moose?humm i do i was there..?its to bad when the rabbit has the gun....billy jack.
Anonymous Wed 2/13 @1:59am
Did you ever think that CP started his own rumors! He was the one talking in past tense about Mary from the beginning. Or maybe just because he told so many people he worked with that he did it. Being so proud that no one would ever find her!! And even offerd advice to some on how to do it!!
Give me a break! Pratt Poop strikes again.
However your brightened my day with you ignornance.
Lot of light and prayers to Mary, her family, friends, Jim and Billy Jack.
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