Update-April 11, 2008- Update- 04/11/2008- Chris Pratt MDOC FOIA
March 12, 2008- Mary's Vigil- YouTube, 03/12/08 Words cannot begin to express the appreciation to our friends and supporters who attended the Noon vigil at the Brooks Memorial Fountain in Marshall on behalf of Mary. This was the best response we have ever had in 4 years and what also made it special was the presence of professional members of the law enforcement community. Thank you to Steve Harrington for his presentation, and Deacon Bernie Mileski of St. Philip Catholic Church in Battle Creek for the prayers. Cliff, Anita and family were deeply pleased and comforted by your comments.
Our sincere thanks to Prosecuting Attorney, John Hallacy, Chief Assistant Prosecutor, Dan Buscher, Sheriff Al Byam, Acting Chief Scott McDonald of the Marshall Police Department, and Lt. Dale Peet and other members of the Michigan State Police. I also invited former chief Mike Olson to attend and he did so.Thank you so much to you all.
It is because of our unified effort today, we know that we soon will bring Mary home.
March 29, 2008- New YouTube Video Anita Marshall talks about Mary-02/05/08
"We're not going to take it anymore" Jeff Pratt, Happy St. Patrick's Day 2008
1 – 200 of 272 Newer› Newest»Michelle said...
I really wish i could've been there to support Mary and her family, while i was at work i said a little prayer for her and i told god to bring her home, and this i know he will! I'm not sure if this brings any compfort at all considering the circumstances,but i am a Pratt everyone calls me Michelle, you the Marshall family are in my prayers!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 4:01:00 PM
Justinian Investigative Services said...
Thank you Michelle. I know there are many good people out there in the Pratt family.
It gives us all comfort that our prayers will be heard and we can soon bring Mary home.
Thank you again.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 4:21:00 PM
to cliff and anita..we are thinking of the both of you on this day.it was a great turn out.we have much love for you and your family.she was watching from above..billy jack♥
What a beautiful day and a great turn out for Mary and her family! It warms my heart to have an opportunity to let all of you know that we still care.
Thank you for the words from Michelle. We all know there are many good Pratt family members and our prayers are with you as well.
Thank you Jim for keeping this blog site open for all of us to share thoughts and concerns.
It was an unusually good showing of police and authorities today. I am thankful for that as well.
It was good to see Mike Olson show up - maybe in the end he will be the hero we have needed!
All around good day, the only one better will be the day Mary is brought home.
I first want to say that this year's vigil was a truly special one. I think that some of you know the significance of this event due to WHO was there. One PERSON was not there.....my friend SARGE. Sarge could not attend, folks. He was too busy hiding from the truth. It was a beautiful day and the sentiment was encouraging.
Back to who was not there. Did you notice that neither the city manager nor the mayor were there? They were busy covering up things which would make Marshall look bad. What a truly special twosome they are.
My tip for today is that Mr City Manager is protecting someone involved in this case.
See ya, Jack
This was a comment on another page and the family wanted to add it to the current post about the vigil.
I was at the vigil today and it was a beautiful day...I have to tell you what happened to me that proved to me that Mary was there... while a prayer was being said in Mary's honor..I prayed during this time for Mary to give me some proof that she was there with us...I could feel her energy .... then when it was time to stand in line for a balloon to release I stood aside to take pictures..1 balloon accidentally escaped I looked up and took a picture.. then the next one escaped and it was like Mary walked it right to my hands I reached out and My first response was .."I think that one was ment for me" , my smile was BIG because i knew with the way the wind was blowing and the way the first one went straight up..this one came directly to me..... and thats when I knew she was truly there with us all.. My prayers and thoughts are with you all...I believe Mary will be home soon....~Theresa~
Talk about quick travel….
I just had a telephone call from a gentleman who wanted to offer support to Mary’s family. He didn’t know anything about the case, but one of Mary’s balloons came down in a cornfield yesteday evening in Ohio near his home on the Michigan line. He listens to a station in Adrian. The man was going to call his local paper to mention his find and promote talk about Mary’s case.
Our thanks.
a cornfield?
Could this be yet another good omen from Mary up in heaven?
That sad last weekend her Durango was littered with dirt and cornstalks after being driven by Chris Pratt.
hmm, I wonder, Where he was driving?
It was a wonderful day Wednesday at Mary's vigil. One thing that caught my attention was the balloon caught in the tree. It was the first balloon released. I feel that it represents the fact that Mary is here in Marshall waiting to be found. As the other balloons soared towards the heavens, one balloon stayed behind.
As I paid my respects to Mary, I felt a renewed sense of hope and determination on the part of everyone gathered to go forth and find Mary. I saw Su and Norrene there and my heart goes out to both of them. These fine women have helped this case tremendously. I saw Cliff and Anita surrounded by people who truly care. I felt Mary's smile shining on all of us gathered there. It was a great day. It was the first sign of spring. It is a sign that healing will come soon.
My prayers are with the Marshall-Lands family, and with Su, Norrene, Jim and Billy Jack. God bless you all.
Nobody wants a 5th vigil,we all know about tim bryant,but who is the other officer?lets get the ball rolling and get this done.....
Who is Sarge?
Body found in Ottawa County
Posted: March 13, 2008 04:49 PM
Updated: March 13, 2008 09:24 PM
GRAND HAVEN TOWNSHIP, Mich. (WOOD) -- Authorities are searching for more clues in an area in Ottawa County after a body was found late Thursday morning.
A property surveyor was doing work around 11:30 a.m. on some recently purchased land. He came across the human remains in the wooded area near Pierce Street west of 160th Avenue in Grand Haven Township and called police.
Detectives arrived and an investigation ensued.
Mike Lepo, who lives nearby, says the home adjacent to the land where the body was found was often rented out but it had been vacant for six or eight months.
He came home from work and found "seven, eight cop cars, detectives, and the coroner over there."
"They pretty much didn't have to tell me, you figure out what's going on, but obviously a surprise. You don't like to see that on your street," he told 24 Hour News 8.
The victim appears to be a female whose age is unknown at this time. It is also unknown how long the body has been there.
An autopsy will be performed Friday.
Detectives from the Grand Rapids Police Department were then called to the scene.
"We notified them by virtue of the fact that we believe the body to be a female and they have a missing female, but at this point that's the only definitive correlation we have," said Lt. Mark Bennett of the Ottawa County Sheriff's Department.
That missing woman is Janna Kelly, who was last seen December 4, 2007. Her wallet and purse were found that same day at a car wash, and her car was found two days later.
At one point, a tip in the Kelly case led to a search more than 10 miles south of the scene of Thursday's discovery.
Kelly's daughter told 24 Hour News 8 the family has gathered together for support. She said it is tough for them to hear news like this and not know all the answers.
24 Hour News 8 has a crew at the scene and will have more information as soon as it becomes available.
A few of you have asked me "who is Sarge?". The answer has been provided by other bloggers so read back and see who it is. As for the other police officer who I claim is also involved, he was at the vigil, folks. We are not supposed to mention names of law enforcement so I will abide by this. I will say, however, that it strikes me as funny that this person is in the position that they are in. This case has so many ironies in it.
I believe that we will have answers very soon to "where is Mary?" and "who all are responsible?". There are others involved with Chris in carrying this out and covering it up. We all know this, folks. There is NO WAY that Chris could have gotten away with this for so long unless he had help. Now, I know that a few people have info which could solve this case right now. I am not talking trash. Two are police and one is Jeff. Jeff Pratt is living here in Marshall. Can you believe this? He lives here so he can keep his eye on things. Jeff, I am telling you for the last time; come clean or you will be following your brother to prison. You can tell your mother that she will be in trouble, too, if she continues to keep quiet. Your time is running out, Jeff.
I am deeply sorry for the actions of Chris, Jeff, and yes, Louise Pratt. It is a sickening thing to be so ashamed and horrified of what your family has done. I am wanting you to stop this covering for Chris, Louise, right now. Go to the State Police and come clean.
i bet you are deeply sorry for chris and jeffs actions. you are still playing games on here i see and still trying to make everybody think your related to the pratts.well guess what.i know who are.you dont have much family anymore oldman, so stop all the negative bullsh#!!! Since you know for a fact that chris, jeff, louise, tb and mo had something to do with mary.heres some advice, call jim or the state boys up and they would be glad to help!!!bye- bye...........the real samule.
I want to say something about "SARGE". I have a hard time understanding how a person can call themselves a close friend of Mary's yet be the one who told Chris about her reporting Chris's activities to the police. I have read the blogs dating back to the beginning. I think that what happened back then in the early days of Mary's disappearance is the key to solving this case. I am no expert in detective work; however, what strikes me as very weird is how come it took MPD 2 weeks to interview Chris Pratt about Mary's disappearance? Why did "SARGE" place a phone call to Chris Pratt the morning after Mary came up missing? Why did MPD refuse help from other sources?
This case is 4 years old. However, some of the most compelling information and questions come from what happened in the beginning. With the State Police now handling this, I feel confident that this case will be solved.
To Jim and Billy Jack, look back to the beginning. I believe the answers will be there. This case is complex; however, the story of what happened to Mary is not being focused on. Her story needs to come first, the rest will follow. I agree with just jack about Jeff Pratt needing to come clean. He is the one who can help get this case solved.
To anonymous 3/14 6:27 pm:
Your ignorance is showing. You know nothing about who I am. If you did, you wouldn't be saying this crap about me. It is time for the Pratts who know the truth about what happened to Mary to come clean and to stop attacking those who are advocates of Mary. And you are not the real "samule".
i can see that we have touched some people..struck some nerves!!to jeff and mo and your clan,we r comming i told you i was comming...time is growing short for you and the hillbilly maffia,im watching you..billy jack☺☺☺
hey jeff i saw you at the battle creek gane with your girl..i was watching you..billy jack☺☺☺
I'm still waiting for someone to answer the question about the phone call that Sarcarstic ask.
Any input?
It does appear a nerve was struck!
Did anyone notice, at the vigil,the quiet or feeling that there is alot of info out there now just ready to bust open? I sure did. Hope my feelings is accurate.
Lots of light to all.
The Marshall family and I totally agree, and I mentioned this to Anita earlier in the week. These last 48 months have been like crawling up a mountain on our hands and feet striving to find answers. At times we thought we had progressed three steps forward, only to find we were two steps back. On Monday I had a good feeling, and Mary’s 4th Anniversary Vigil proved we have reached the mountaintop.
There is no doubt that the Michigan State Police and the Prosecutor’s Office have much more knowledge than we know and each day is actively and aggressively working on this case.
Chris Pratt will be charged and others will be implicated. If accomplices and accessories don’t wish to come forward trying to make a deal, that is fine. Either way the exact set of circumstances of what happened to Mary will soon be known.
If you recall, the video of Chris Pratt, “Fish’in & Fired in 07, Fret’in in Prison in 08” was first published on YouTube on April 20, 2007. Within 2 months he was in jail for domestic violence against his former girl-friend. 7 months later he was sentenced for up to 15 years in prison at Bellamy Creek. That video has now had over 11,200 viewers. It can be found on Mary’s site here and the URL is;
There are many good people in the Pratt family and we thank them for caring about Mary and we know they also wish that this case would close and she may rest in peace. It will happen.
The other people involved will soon see themselves on YouTube. You’d be surprised at where you have been publicly recorded and it is all in places where you never had any expectation of privacy. Sit back and smirk and think all you have to do is wait because Mary’s family will eventually go away. You are so incorrect. We will never go away until Mary is brought home. If you wish to provide that anonymous tip on where she may be recovered it will end it. The rest will be up to law enforcement.
Today is the Ides of March, which has come to be used as a metaphor for impending doom. Monday is St. Patrick’s Day, a celebration for the Irish. This year it is unusual because it falls during Holy Week, which commemorates the last week of the earthly life of Jesus Christ culminating in his crucifixion on Good Friday and his resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Although I was a Catholic altar boy and can still recite the Mass in Latin, I’m not deeply religious or superstitious. I would say with certainty however, if you are a person involved in Mary’s disappearance and murder your days are numbered.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all.
great story in papers today. Maybe they will prosecute creeper for Mary's murder without a body?
Our prayers are with you Marshall/Lands.
For those involved; your own worst enemy has come to town.
God Bless
I first want to say that the ANONYMOUS person who yesterday claimed that they were the "real samule" is none other than Jeff Pratt himself. Son, you have a lot to learn about the way that this world is. Unfortunately, Jeff, you will never have a chance to understand it because you will be spending a long time in prison.
I would like to address Agnes's comments about Mary's case now. Agnes, you are absolutely correct that the key to solving Mary's case starts in the beginning. Because this case involves corruption and drugs, these two things have overshadowed "where is Mary?" and "what happened to her?".
If one would start at the beginning and look at what was first discovered, one would see this mystery in a whole new way. I think that with the State Police taking over this case, this is what is happening. Rest assured, Mary will be found and justice will be served. I believe that if we focus on Mary FIRST, all the rest will follow. For now, we wait but the wait won't be much longer. Later, Jack.
Jim as always you seem to have a good handle on or feel for what is going on. I truly feel there is something up with the athorities that did show up. And we do thank them for that. We all know that the trial for Chris brought out some important phone calls that parts were left out of for the trial. "Wonder what info they have come up with through those calls". I'm betting there is lots known, as well that they have not shared. Time is and has probably run out for those who might have made a deal at some point. I say to our own little dream team "go get him" - Maybe he will have incriminated himself to proceed with out the body. That may bring her home in the long run. He will deal or try to implicate someone else. It's just tipical for who he is.
It does boggle my mind that the City Commissioner and Mayor did not take 30 minutes out of their schedule to show up - wonder who gives their orders or advice. I'm sure there will be suprises everywhere in the system very soon.
I wonder why the e-mails did not surface until MO had left his post. Maybe to attempt to discredit his word or information if he is able to point cover-up's on a higher level than him. something to think about!
I'm telling you that CP was not smart enough to pull this off by himself nor is his brother. Keep reading between the lines or outside the box.
Happy St Patrick's day
Keep the faith - this is coming down! Soon!
I have to agree with the opinions of the bloggers who feel that we are getting closer to bringing Mary home. Both the State Police and the advocates for Mary are working very hard to help solve this case. I also agree that the answers lie in what happened in the beginning. To Jim, Billy Jack and the State Police, let's bring Mary home. Happy St Patrick's Day.
All personnel, with the exception of the Director and Deputy Chief, are represented by units of the Police Officers Labor Council.hummm must be why tj,still has a job!♣
to the real samule".nice spelling!!with out asking your brother,can you spell prison?billy jack☻☻☻
jeff, your bro nearly burns you up and you still a stooge for him.
two of you don't have iq of 40.
you going to prison but family not allowwed together. you better visit him now cause you soon wont ever see him again
with luck of irish maybe st patricks day will see people in jail and Mary can come home.
I am in Marshall. Can you tell me exactly where Pratts brother lives? I want my family safe and if I see anything would report it to State Police. It is difficult to be here with so many bad people around.
To anonymous, 3/16, 12:44 pm:
Near the river, my friend; that's where you'll find him.
what the actual addrss? Is he off River drive or apartments on river where VannessaLindsay and Jake used to live?
ASK TJ, HE'LL KNOW..........
Thanks for the answer on the Police Officer's Labor Counsel. I knew there must be someone keeping him there. That may be something to be addressed with questions in our report. I'm sure they don't have to explain to us however, they may need to explain to a higher authority. The report requested needs all these little bits of info. Citizens are not unaware. If we all come together it does help.
It is a beautiful day.
np purpose drivin.i just found that out today.thats why he is still working there for sure..billy jack♦♦♦
who is TJ
can't wait for jim to get all of this info on utube. how much longer jim?
It is indeed a beautiful day. I am done warning Jeff, Sarge and those others involved in Mary's disapearance and death. If they haven't heeded my warnings as well as the warnings of others, then they deserve whatever comes their way. In other words, they are a sad bunch of losers who deserve to end up in the same type of place Chris Pratt is in. They will soon face their own hell on earth.
Mary Lands was a wonderful, beautiful human being who was beloved by family and friends alike. She was a truly decent human being who loved Chris Pratt and what did she get in return? She didn't get love because he is incapable of loving another human being. She didn't get respect because all Chris is about is tormenting and belittling his women. She didn't get to be here for her grandchild's birth because he took her life away from her.
I am sick and tired of the trash talking from some of my family, particularly Jeff. Keep it up, all of you and you will find that the rest of us here in this blog will have the last laugh. For, one day soon, you will hear a knocking on your door and you will then find out that justice always wins out in the end.
MO this is all about you and what you know...be the true hero..billy jack♦♦♦
Another has a chance to be that HERO. You are right! MO your word is still good over the town fathers. However, they would like to discredit you but possibly for all for the wrong reasons as I see it! My mind is open.
Happy St.Patrick's day.
Top o'the morning to you all. Happy St Patrick's Day. May the luck of the Irish help us in our mission to find Mary. As I've said many times, the answers are out there. We just need to put all the pieces together.
MO, if you are that one who can help us, please help us bring this case to a close and bring Mary back to her family. Help us bring the bunch of losers responsible for her disappearance and death to justice.
What is this site coming too, people posting names and telephone numbers. Just terrible, you have many good people out there trying to bring mary home and some of you obviously have nothing better than do then to post other people names and phone numbers. I think you need to grow the hell up. And think why this site is here to help Mary. Get your head on the right way and think if this was your daughter mother, etc.
We have said before no names or telephone numbers. Those comments will be deleted.
If you want to call the family or myself, please do so but lets focus on the big picture.
I think that phone number was quite relevant. That person called someone IMPERSONATING someone investigating this case. They deserve all the crap phone calls they get.
Funny how you post a phone number and it is not even in service, so who looks like the ass here, you do. So if you are going to make up stories at least make up real ones.
If you are so into trying to give out others peoples numbers and names why are you keeping yourself Anonymous, are you afraid to make yourself known, because you are lying. We know you are lying and no one believes you in the least. So I think you really need to find something better to do with your boring life instead of posted lies on a case like this one. Urs
have any of you tried that number that you keep posting, it is not even in service.
i guess the video got to you jeffie...try as you like to find me.good luck with that!!billy jack♦♦♦
Hey there Billy Jack, I just want to thank you for everything you have done to get the case where it is today, if it were not for you we would never of had that meeting, would never be so close to bringing mary home like we are today. These people are just running scared now and posting stuff like this because they know they are busted. Well continue with the great job you are doing Billy and with you working on this case I know Mary will be home real soon. Great job. I am very proud of you. Urs
great video btw.im sure the people of marshall will be happy to know where the bad people live and work.keep up the great work jim..
I have a good friend and her husband works at the business.
She told me something and I will contact authorities with that tip.
My heart is with Mary.
everyone needs to stop talking a bunch of bs and focus on Mary.
A great friend of the Marshall family wrote this poem about Mary. She and her own family have given much comfort to Cliff & Anita, and permitted the poem to be placed on Mary's site.
"Remembering Mary"
Mary’s been gone
Since March of ‘04,
And you’ve not heard her voice
Since a few days before.
One of your babies
Who’d long since been adult,
Has disappeared forever
And it’s somebody’s fault.
Victim of foul play
It’s murder, you’re sure,
It’s made four years
Go by in a blur.
Pratt is in prison,
It’s a small victory,
There’s somebody out there
Who still holds the key.
The key to the secret
Of where Mary can be found,
The place she’s been kept
Unable to make a sound.
She lived in silence, too,
A domestic violence hell,
Paralyzed with fear,
Left her unable to tell.
You shouldn’t live your lives
Based on the what ifs,
Focus instead
On all the great gifts.
The love that she gave
And the grandchildren too,
Her legacy lives on
In the hearts of all you.
So for Mary, you need
To keep fighting the fight,
Justice for her
Seems to be within sight.
Love and remember
Her as before
She never meant to hurt you
In the Spring of ’04.
Jennifer Collins
Marshall, Michigan
Great Video Jim.
A Beautiful Poem - Thank you to Mary's family and friend for sharing.
Haven't read this blog for a couple of days. Am always amazed at the "secrets". Little jabs at one another. Would be great if all would just put their information out there and bring Mary home to her family and friends.
Abuse comes in many forms and guises. It continues for Mary and her family in many ways. Hopefully the love and prayers from those who truly care off sets it for them.
Please get your information to the proper authorities with the others that are doing so. Be part of the solution and not part of the problem.
God Bless
works Albion. he is J.
Thank you Jennifer for your beautiful poem. It is so wonderful that you are with Anita and Clifford in their time of need.
God Bless you.
I have followed this case from Oregon for about 3 years. You will all prevail over evil in the end and have the answer to all our prayers.
There has been very few problems with this site since its inception.
To the anonymous comments by those making mischief, Gene, Joey, Billy Jack or Billy Bob please spend more time on doing and less time of talking trash and names.
The family also sees all these remarks. I do not enjoy having to spend my valuable time reviewing or moderating the site. We have only had to do it a few times in the past and it was because of certain people and their abuse.
We appreciate all of the help but if this is your limit find another place to talk.
We are progrsssing quite well and we need to continue the focus on Mary, bringing her home, and holding the person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder accountable in a court of law.
Be positive and only publish information that might help in the case. The alternative is for you to find another site. That is your right on the Internet. Here, you need to help not hinder.
Thank you to all.
jim i am not hindering.i am here to help also,its the people that are posting names and #rs that are.thanks.billy jack♦♦♦
Then let us stop talking about names and telephone numbers of the past.
We need to focus today on the names of the people involved in Mary's disappearance and others who can help bring her home.
Lets get it done.
Jim - Billy Jack - All friends and family of Mary
This must be difficult for you to continue to read at times and I do have an additional worry. That being - we are all here to help Mary's case. If you are not then I agree with Jim, leave this and go to a different site.
The using of names, initials, Cities, and phone numbers under the ANONYMOUS COVER could potentially be anyone using another's information and may not be the person you think you are hearing from or talking to. Be very careful as this is not about each other but about Mary. We do no want any others harmed along the way to solving this crime.
All of you know the proper people to get you information to. I must remind you that while one suspect is in prison there is likely more involved that are out and about.
Be VERY careful as Mary would not be pleased if others hurt in her search.
Lots of Light Stay Safe.
urs and billy jack sitting on a tree.........
Grow up people stop posting names and information that have nothing to do with the case. As we are looking into who you are. If you have problems with people stop being a 2 year old and let them know to their face rather than putting it onto a blog. Then again you guys rather just talk behind peoples back and play games. Because none of you have a life and rather just be sitting in a chat room talking about people. Get a life and only come here if you care about bringing mary home, if not please stay out.
to purpose drivin,agnes,sam,and jim carlin.the blog is getting out of hand,i wish you all luck in the quest to bring mary home.i will follow this from the newspapers.me and my family are returning back up north this weekend.i think you are very close in getting this solved and i hope that in some small way i helped.keep up the fight and bring mary home.cliff and anita you will be in our prayers,thank you to everyone that is helping in this case and dont stop until you bring her home.jim keep up the fight.billy jack♦♦♦
BILLY JACK, I ask of you not to leave this blog. Some people are getting mighty testy here and that is their problem. What I do know is that we are getting closer and Jeff Pratt is getting mighty scared. As I said before, the real answers and the truth lie in what happened in the beginning. Later, Sam
I hope for the sake of Mary and her family - no one leaves the blog as things are getting closer and closer. My God - it is the talk of the town. Can't believe that it is taking this long. But it is important to cross t's and dot I's for obvious legal reasons.
God bless Mary and her family as we pass thru another holiday. Truly something you get through - not something you can get over. Closure would be a great beginning for you.
Today is Easter Sunday. It is the fifth Easter holiday since Mary disappeared on March 12, 2004 and another difficult day for Cliff and Anita Marshall.
Chris Pratt is in prison today because of what he did to another woman and he will not see any holidays for many years to come, if ever.
The Michigan State Police and their investigators are making progress and we are again asking for that one anonymous tip that can bring Mary home.
It is going to happen sooner or later. Help the family and let it happen sooner.
Happy Easter to all our friends and supporters.
just about 3000 hits on Jeff Pratt You Tube less than week.
Is ur business down? hope so!!
A student at Marshall HS
we may be young and students but most of us all know what is right and wrong.
this person has it right and we're not gonna take it anymore.
Make the call before the police call on you.
Almighty God knows what happened to Mary, who did this to Mary and where she lies...For nothing in all creation is hidden from His sight and He even knows when the sparrow falls. The person or persons responsible for Mary's disappearance will stand before the Lord on their day of judgement...For it is destined for man to die once...then the judgement!!! The Bible says that God holds our breath in the palm of His hand...You could face judgement before you finish reading this blog...And it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God if you are not right with Him...If you don't believe in God...the Bible says that creation is His witness and you are without an excuse...The Bible also says...even the demons believe in God...and they TREMBLE...I would not want my worst enemy to spend five minutes in hell much less all of eternity...I'd plead with them just as I'm pleading with whoever knows something about where Mary is at...to at the very least please call or tell someone anonymously and let them know where Mary is at...Would you not want the same for your own loved ones??? It is time for you to do what's right in God's sight...
You students are our future!!!
Please stay safe - If you have any information, don't take the chance of discussing it with others, take your information to the State Police or to Jim, call me if you'd like but do something with it.
This world will belong to you very soon we can work together to make it a safer place for your families.
That advice to students was from me. Sorry I did not sign
ok to jim and all others..my name is jamie jones and yes i live in albion,they call me billy jack..im really not afraid of any of you,i just want answers for a family that wants there daughter home!!people have forgot the real reason why we are here but i havent!ok now the seceret is out and watch out because im not giving up,so to tj,look me up.im not running!!you do know whats up,like i said before i hate it when the rabbit has the gun!!!!tis me billy jack!!and yes im back and im pissed!!
Glad to have you back Billy Jack!
You are right - This is and has always been for Mary and her family!
God Bless
sounds like a plan to all of us. Jeff Pratt has got be be under the eye of everyone with the video. Last time I looked it was over 3500 hits on You Tube in less then week.
Wasn't it trash day for Carlin out there again??
Someone is going to talk. Woulnd't it be something it it was his girl friend Candice.
or an old mexician buddy of the pratts.
lol @mexican buddy!!billy jack♦♦♦
i cant believe how lame the marshall cops are from day one!!give me a break,my god did they even look?did they want to?i dont think so!!MO its time to man up and do the right thing!we believed in you make us right!!i saw you at the vigil and i looked in your eyes and i saw some one that wants this to end.bring her home!!!!billy jack♦♦♦
Thank God the blog is alive again!
Good Luck to all.
Welcome back, Billy Jack. You are right, my friend. This is about doing the right thing. Right now, we must focus on Jeff. Sarge is too scared to come clean which is too bad for him because he will go down with Jeff and Chris. We're getting down to the nitty gritty and people's nerves are getting a little testy. More later, Jack!!!
almost time for the second part of our meeting!!see you there...billy jack♦♦♦
Second part of what meeting, did I miss something?
who are you?
must be the other side asking?billy jack♦♦♦
Jeff Pratt owns a 1997 Dodge Caravan, light blue/green, Michigan Reg; 6EBA16. Note the obvious damage to the rear hatch door. It is very visible. If anyone observes any suspicious activity you are urged to report the incident. This vehicle is often in Battle Creek, Albion, and Jackson at the Holiday Inn.
is jeff pratt a suspect?
when chris was selling marys things at thurstons flea market,im sure he was forced to do so.im very sure he wasnt the king pin in this he isnt that smart.they told him to get rid of things.i dont believe chris did the deed.he did know but he wasnt the main man.and jeff does know things but he wasnt involved.carlin you will never get anywhere with jeff he is family.look at the real bad people,you know them..post tj in you tube!!billy jack♦♦♦
look where the dogs hit!!
The dogs hit more than one spot. They all need to be looked at again! The snow will be gone soon and make that easier. We'll be out there. Talked to the handlers yesterday as a matter of fact.
Jim - let me know if you're interested in going or just want the report.
I'm up for any meetings! Just let me know time and place or is it the same?
Getting ready to finish this up for Mary and her family.
When the weather breaks will there be any organized searches? Does anyone have that tip of the suspects favorite hunting or fishing spots? Keep the heat on and something will come out eventually and Mary will be found.
Stay focused and attack the problem and it will be solved.
(commenting on my March 27th 4:04email)
You guys aren't making any sense anymore. I signed my name anonymous just like 80% of you do, and I'm a HUGE supporter of Mary, Cliff, Anita and Jim. I just thought I had missed something on the blog that might have gotton erased or something? The problem is that Purpose Driven, Just Sam, Billy Jack,obviously are on the same page. But for the outside supporter, we have no idea what the heck you guys are talking about? None of this is even making any sense anymore? Excuse the 80% of the population that is supporting and just wants to ask a simple question without being attacked. You talk about a second meeting without even bring up a first? Some of us are psychic, but I'm not one of them. And Billy Jack, if you don't believe that I'm a Mary Supporter than I will call you personally and verify who I am. I would like to just be able to read the blog as a silent party, and I've only on this blog a couple times since it's started. But that doesn't mean I'm not interested or don't care. I love Cliff and Anita with all my heart and I want Justice just like the majority of you do. I think that everyone on this blog is becoming so jumpy.
I missed a word from the above paragraph,
I meant "I've only written on this blog a couple of times since it's started"
Very positive remarks from a supporter of the Mary Marshall Lands family.
It could not have been said any better.
Thank you.
Thank you. Finally someone with a kind heart.
I know that what is said on this blog is confusing to some but for the sake of solving this case, not everything can be explained so openly. What I can be open about is the fact that Chris Pratt did murder Mary and he had help. He had help from Jeff. He had help from Sarge and others in MPD. One thing must be made clear here. There were things that happened in the very beginning in MPD's handling of the case. Many have said that there were mistakes made by MPD. These were not mistakes, people. These were purposeful acts that led to things being covered up. Mistakes are made when one does something without knowledge or intent. There was intent involved in the murder and there was intent in the coverup. REMEMBER, Chris is not SMART enough to do this on his own. How many people who know Chris have to tell you all this? Chris told many in the past few years that he did it. So, the reason why this case has not been solved is because there are others involved who do not want it solved. It's as plain and simple as that.
To Mary's family, please know that your daughter will come home to you soon and those responsible will be prosecuted.
To those of you who defend Chris and Jeff Pratt, you are either as sociopathic as these two or just plain stupid.
As I've said before, no more warnings to those who are responsible for Mary's disappearance and murder. If you are too arrogant, weak and stupid to pay attention to advice, that's your problem. As for me, I look forward to seeing your butts in jail. Later, Sam
It amazes me that those who are involved with Mary's disappearance and murder have the audacity and arrogance to think that they will get away with this. Many people have asked that those who have information to come forward and let the truth be known. I don't know if it is sheer stupidity or cowardice that is keeping these people from coming forward. I have to agree with Just Jack that there have been enough warnings given to those to come forward. Now, they will suffer the consequences for not coming forth with the truth. Life is about choices. One will face the consequences of their choice whether it is good or bad. In the case of those who participated in the actual act or the coverup, you will find that your consequences will be severe. From our perspective, they will be well deserved.
It is becoming more and more apparent that Jeff Pratt has more of a part in all of this than most originally thought. Obviously, he possesses the same sociopathic trait that his dear brother has. Hopefully, he will be joining Chris in prison one day soon. It will be the efforts of Michigan State Police, Jim Carlin, Billy Jack and other concerned citizens who will solve this case and bring Mary home. I pray for that day.
The meeting was not a secret. If you go back and read the eariler blogs you will find that it was with a representative of the Senator's office. You were welcome before and will be welcome again when the time and date are set.
Thanks for caring!
I've been reading this blog for the past 2 weeks and I am wondering what the hell is going on here. This is about Mary and trying to find out the truth and bring her home to her family. I am not understanding why people's names are being divulged here and I am talking about those who are trying to help this case. This is a very dangerous thing to do considering the parties involved in Mary's disappearance, death and coverup. Let's keep one's ego out of this. Work together as a team. There is nothing more that those responsible for what happened to Mary wants than to cause a split among Team Mary; pitting everyone against each other. So, let's get back on track and find the truth and hold those responsible accountable.
I have no doubt that Mary will be found. Let's stop squabbling and make it sooner rather than later.
welcome back agnes.i havent seen you in a while.and to march 28 blog 12.22 no need to call i know who you are and if i offended,it wasnt my intention i never know whos asking the questions.please post again .billy jack♦♦♦
Thank you Billy Jack. Has anyone heard yet who's body was found in the river in Marshall? I hope they have more on it on Wood TV 8 tonight at 11:00. I'm praying hard.
when was this?billy jack♦♦♦
ok we think this is courtney cook..billy jack♦♦♦
Prayers out there to all concerned. No matter who's body it is - it is someone's family member.
God Bless
yes you are right and god bless the family..billy jack♦♦♦
We were aware earlier today that a body was recovered late this afternoon, however there is no comment on identity or even gender.
If this is Ms. Cook our hearts go out to their family.
I'm sure that Marshall PD will soon be issuing press releases and within 24 hours we should all know the answers.
If it is Courtny Cook we must all come together to support their family and help them heal.
I mentioned to Anita that I was working on her WOOD-TV8 interview where we brought up Courtney's case. It was also noted by reporters at the end of the video.
Maybe that one gold balloon sent aloft on March 12 with Mary's balloons pointed a boater to look in that particular area of the water.
Lets all just pray for the family of this victim, and as we do remember our own beloved missing Mary Denise Lands. We will bring her home.
It sounds like you already have ruled out that it's Mary. Must be you've heard more than we have.
Prayers of love and healing to the victom's family and friends. My heart goes out to them and to Cliff and Anita. I pray that they too will get some much deserved closure in the days ahead.
Bless all of you during these difficult times.
I pray that they will find no foul play and that this is just a horrible accident no matter who it is.
Lots of prayers.
Hey everyone, I really like what the person said on the Mar 28 blog
@ 9:20am. If anyone knows of one of those spots please don't hestitate to call it in, even anonymously. That person is right and we all need to stay focused on finding Mary and generating that one tip that will resolve this.
My heart and prayers go out to the recent victims family and friends.
Hello Everyone...
My heart along with many others is
heavy and aches for this family who has had to endure this horrible
ordeal. My prayers are with them.
I have spent many hours in the town
of Marshall,enjoying all the unique
antique shops and I have never felt
unsafe at all. However now if I ever do visit Marshall again I will never feel the same. Scared of some stranger on the street? NO!
My fear is if something did happen
is there a police department that would do anything about it!
It is utterly disguisting how this case has been handled and quite obvious that the dirty police dept
has alot of junk within thier own department they don't want to ever come out.
I am very angry right now! They know what happened to Mary and it is just one big cover up. They are just as guilty if not more so than the person who did something to Mary.
I am so sorry for this family who has suffered so much, not knowing where thier daughter is and on top of that the officials who are being paid to help are DIRTY!!!
They all should be fired!!!!
This is me just venting...Thanks for listening.
To anonymous 3/30 at 1:28 pm:
So many people share the same beliefs that you do. There are a lot of us who have lost all confidence in our police dept and in the city government. They have broken our trust. It's not only a fear that Marshall PD will not be there to protect us, it's a fear that we could be targeted and harassed. It has become a sad time for all of us to not only to have lost trust in our local government but to have lost good feelings about this community we live in. You can't judge a book by its cover and as many have said, Marshall is a pretty town on the surface with so much ugliness beneath. Will we ever feel the same about this town? I really do not know because so much damage has been done. The behavior of the city manager in this matter and other matters has been disturbing to say the least. Maybe, it's time to clean house and get rid of those civil servants who are not truly representing us, the taxpayers. After all, they work for us when all is said and done.
One thing that I do believe in is that we will find Mary and bring her home to her family. There are many dedicated people out there, both police and concerned citizens, who are doing all they can to find Mary and to hold those involved accountable. Time is running out for the cast of characters who participated in and covered up her death. Justice will be served, just wait and see.
the body most be farely rescent for them to rule out it being mary.
all hell will break loose soon for sure jack.the blog is really picking up,maybe that one person will come forward and post the piece of the puzzle we need.i know somebody knows.keep up the post people.billy jack♣♣♣
Listen to the Sarcastic Crime blog talk radio show on Monday nights at 9 pm. Mary's case is discussed there regularly as are other crime stories. You can access it throught the website: www.sarcasticcrime.com.
The family and I understand what is being said and we believe in those theories too, however we ask that you do not use names. If you want to refer to an officer or a person, and a theory that is fine but the previous comments must be deleted.
If you would like you may post it again in the same content but leave out the names. You have no proof that can be supported today. If you do, contact the Michigan State Police***
Jim, I want to make something clear now. Nothing I had said in my blog that you just deleted was any different than the names and theories put out there by others. Obviously, I stepped on someone's toes and you had to do what you had to do.
That being said, I will make this brief. Help is coming in this case from unexpected sources. Those involved in Mary's disappearance and murder will wish that they had spoken up and come clean earlier. These helpers will show no leniency or sympathy towards those responsible for this horrible crime. Time is running out for the core characters. May you all suffer for what you did. Jack!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with everything that just jack/sam said, and I sure am glad I copied it before it was erased. I don't see any difference in what you wrote just jack/sam and with things jim has done and wrote in the past. I think you're both great and you're both doing the right things. You didn't put any of the police officer's names down or anything! Don't be ashamed with what you wrote. I can't wait to find out who this person is who is coming forward. Thank you, Jim, and Billy Jack for all you're doing! (Everyone's been using Jeff and Louise's names, goodness)
I think he means, TJ or Jeff alleggedly did this or that. ppl have right to expressed opinons. we just now cant prove it yet.
for freedom in blogging and saying what's on your mind, go to www.missingyoufoundation.org.
blogs are all about oppinions.if this was only about facts jim would be the only one posting anything.
exactly! There was no harm with what was wrote at all!
I agree that there was no harm with that post at all. But some people need to look better than others and are just scared for the truth to come out, which will be really soon.
Jim, gotta tell ya. I didn't see anything wrong with what just jack said. those names have been brought up before and to tell ya the truth, your video about Chris's brother on You Tube raised people's eyebrows more. it seems like I'm not the only one feeling this way, either.
I just want to point something minor out here...
I can't help but to notice that there's a few posts missing. I also can't help but notice that the one post that I read a few days ago that's missing had some names in it.
The thing that I'd like to point out is that the very owner of this blog has no problem whatsoever driving around and obsessively videotaping a suspects home, vehicle, place of employment and person...and that's still up...
Why are we being so selective about what is allowed and what's not? Why is it ok to videotape Jeff, but not ok to mention names that are otherwise related?
Here's my point: Anyone who has information or is believed to have any connection needs to come forward. Let us not pick and choose who it's ok to harass. Instead, let's concentrate on the facts and what's there. The answers are in our hands. It's in the puzzle. We just have to put it together.
A murderer is among us. Who is it? Is it Jeff? Is it one of the names that has been removed from this blog?
Chris didn't do this alone. Let us not forget a murderer is among us. It's our responsibility as a society to figure out which one it is beyond a shadow of a doubt.
AMEN TO THAT!!! I agree 1000%.
It's come to my attention today that www.missingyoufoundation.org has an old shell site of our old website. This is NOT our website. www.missingyouorg.com is our website. DO NOT send any facts, tips or otherwise to www.missingyoufoundation.org. Please either go to the State Police, Jim Carlin or you can email me at my work address at shannondingee@blogtalkradio.com rather than do anything on that site. As far as we're concerned, the address www.missingyoufoundation.org has been stolen, and the information which is covered under our copyright and our incorporation and 501c3 documents is being stolen by what appears to be a Middle East type organization (see the bottom link on that address.)
Anyway...be safe. If you would like to donate, donate to Jim. I will help with any writeoffs if necessary.
Shannon Dingee
Missing You Foundation
We made our point known and it was a significant reason expressed by Cliff & Anita.
The only alternative is to return to moderating the blog.
If a few wish to go elsewhere that is your choice?
I'd be glad to explain further if you contact me on the phone.
We do all appreciate the help and as I told someone yesterday, we believe the case is about ready to be solved and Mary will come home.
no news on courtney cook from papers or wood-tv. This is 3rd day since the body is recovered. Both marshalls and cooks need to learn results just as community. Anyone heard more?
nothing yet on courtney.we are still waiting for the results.but whoever it is pray for there family and loved ones.billy jack♣♣♣
Well, well, well Jim. Here we go again. Your ego is interfering again with what is being written on this blog. Let's be honest, Jim. What was expressed by just jack yesterday is nothing that hasn't been said before. Jack just expressed it in a way that made sense, didn't he?
I have followed all of your blog columns since the beginning. I admire all of the hard work that you have put in to solve this case. What I don't understand is why you feel the need to expose the identities of the contributors to this blog or delete someone's theories about what happened. It disturbs me and it confounds me that you alienate the very people who you need to keep the momentum going. There were several people who read Jack's comments yesterday before you deleted them and not one of them saw anything wrong with what he said. It was your ego which got in the way again.
Now, having said this, I will watch and see if you delete this, too.
We don't have any problem with the names and theories. It was this one particular point that the Marshall's asked not be there. I informed others about it and it is fine if you re-publish the comments.
If you need further explanation, please call.
Working together we can do it.
For sure it is a double standard if it is not Jim posting the peoples names or making movies of peoples homes and place of employment no one else is allowed to do it. It is him only trying to make himself look good and he doesnt want anyone else looking better than himself. For sure there was nothing wrong with what was posted yesterday it just wasnt Jims posting. So I hope each and everyone of you keep up the amazing job you are doing and keep the posts coming. I see now that Jim has upset quit a few people here who are just trying to bring Mary home. Keep it up everyone and dont stop!!
I agree, and I think that's why he got upset with some of Billy Jack's logs also.
Jim we all know how much you do, did, and continue doing ... but remember the main purpose here, and I don't think it's Cliff and Anita who were having the problem.
Let's just all play fair and bring Mary home. Our hearts are all with the Marshall's Jim, our purpose is for Mary and for Cliff and Anita.
Thanks to everyone for all of the support you have offered me here. I have 2 intents. One is to bring Mary home to her family and the other is to make sure that those responsible are held accountable in a court of law.
I may piss people off now and then but I say what's on my mind. I don't BS people, I never have. Mary Lands did not deserve to die and she did not deserve Chris's abuse. Mary DOES deserve the effort that we, her advocates are making to solve this case and bring her home. We need to work together in order to make it happen.
My tip today has to do with FOOLS as it is April Fool's day, you know. Those responsible are FOOLING themselves if they think that they are going to get away with this. Which one is the biggest FOOL? It's our friend in MPD. You know, the one whose name has been posted in this and other blogs. He was Mary's friend and look what he did to her. HE BETRAYED HER! In my book, he is responsible for INSTIGATING Chris's final abuse of Mary. I am wanting to make something perfectly clear now. I am NOT saying that Chris isn't responsible because oh God, he is. What I am saying is that this officer knew of Mary's abuse by Chris. He knew that Chris would abuse Mary once he knew. He did it anyway, folks. HE DID IT ANYWAY! Not only didn't he serve and protect, he betrayed her. It is time for this FOOL of a man to face his part in this. Then he, Chris and Jeff can live out the rest of their lives in prison. I dare this officer right now to deny what he did. In the end, it doesn't really matter because he will have to live with the guilt of what he did for the rest of his life.
I challenge everyone who is not involved with this but who has info, to contact the MIchigan State Police. You may think that what you know isn't important but it could be that last tiny piece that will solve this case. Until then, Jack.
i dont care if my posts get deleted.im just here trying to help,unlike someone im not in it for self gratification,im only here with others trying to keep the fight to bring mary home!and if people dont like my post just skip over them and go to the next one!we know who the main character is in the dissapperance of mary,as for others we can only speculate on!but there day of judgement will be comming soon so lets keep trying to work together as a community again.i think by keeping marys case in the publics eye is a good start.i think that this case is working on alot of hearts and minds and we are at our breaking point at times,but lets keep focused on the mission here and that mission is to bring mary home to rest.thank you.billy jack♦♦♦
If you dont like it, dont read it. Just leave!!
The Marshall family & I wish to express our deepest condolences to the family of Courtney Cook. As many of you may have just heard, and the Battle Creek Enquirer is reporting, it was Courtney who was recovered over the weekend by public safety personnel at Rice Creek.
May she now rest in peace.
ty jim for the report.and it brings great sorrow to me,i will say a prayer for the family and god bless sweet courtney.god be with the family at this time.billy jack♦♦♦
i didnt know courtney as a person but i have heard she was a very special girl,and to her fine family my heart goes out to you!peace be with you at this very hard time in your life!and may you always be with your sleeping angel♥we love you!!tis me billy jack♦♦♦
If anyone would like to send a card to the family, the Cook family resides at, 212 N. Eagle Street, Marshall, Michigan 49068.
I understand the circumstances and stuff but how can one not post a name and now we have an address up here of a family whos daughter was just found. At this time I want to send my condolences to the Cook family. May god be with you during this time. RIP Courtney.
Ok - Ok we get it. When there is an opportunity to jump on somesone this really gets lively. Well bloggers we are still together as a team. It is a team for Mary and her return. Therefore if something is removed - there must be a reason. We have had pretty much our freedom to say what we want and it remains that way. Some days we might not all agree about what is written but that is a small thing compared to the big picture. Therefore, any of you who think there might be a problem between Mary's Team - think again. We are united - we respect each other's opinion and are very caring of Mary's family and friends - so let's not make a big thing out of something we might not have all the facts about.
God Bless - and let's get back on track.
Please refer to Shannon's blog on 4/1/at 12:41am. Seems that we have contacted a virus or bug of some kind. It is being worked on as we speak. That too may take a couple of days to straighten out!
Please refer to MissingYouorg.com due to circumstances beyond our control!!!! Thanks
Many prayers to the Cook family. You are in our thoughts.
If anyone hears what the preference is for the family would you post it?
Courtney's funeral arrangements are pending at Craig K. Kempf Funeral Home.
Thanks for the information Billy Jack. It was passed along to the family and sounds promising.
great looking forward to it.
Most of us here on this blog are advocates for Mary and her family. There are a few who continue to support Jeff and Chris. I think that we, the advocates for Mary, are stronger when we are united. So, this being said, let's try to get along here, ok?
My tip for today is about the corruption here in Marshall. It is in every way tied to Mary's case. What must happen now is to solve Mary's case first. Everything else will fall in place afterwards. I spoke of unexpected sources yesterday and I will say it again. Help is coming, my friends. It will shake up the town of Marshall. You all will see just how far reaching the corruption is here. When it is all said and done, you here in Marshall will not know what hit you.
To Cliff and Anita, my intent, as always, is to bring Mary home to you and expose those responsible for what happened to her. I do not mean to offend and if I have, I am sorry. I speak what's on my mind and sometimes I come off as pretty harsh.
So, let's roll now and do what we have to do.
Later, Sam
My thoughts and prayers are with the family of Courtney Cook at this very difficult time.
I continue to keep Mary's family in my prayers, also. Please know that we won't give up until we bring Mary home to you. The truth will come out and those responsible will pay dearly for what they did. If any of those responsible actually have a conscience, then they are already starting to pay dearly. The truth always wins out in the end and I, for one, can be very patient.
Battle Creek Enquirer, Obituary
Courtney H. Cook,
Marshall Courtney H. Cook, age 28, died January 19, 2008. Visitation at Craig K. Kempf Funeral Home on Friday, April 4 from 5-8 p.m. Memorial service on Saturday at 11:00 a.m. at the funeral home. http://www.kempffuneralhome.com
Just Jack/Sam, you speak of unexpected sources and of help coming ... can you tell us when? Is it soon?
You know, people are saying that Jeff may be apart of this, but I always thought that Ado had a part in this too. (And you being a Pratt know who Ado is.) Because Ado and Chris were together every second after Mary came up missing.
He was always driving Chris' car, and they went away together for a few weeks (I think two)after Mary disappeared to Ado's girlfriends.
I remember Chris acutally telling "me" that he "made it" with Ado's girlfriend's sister, as he smiled and winked. I was so upset because Mary hadn't been gone very long AT ALL, and he was talking about "making it" with another girl.
This was only weeks after Mary was gone, I told all of this to the police a long long long time ago ... so I'm sure they checked into everything. But I always thought it very weird that you never seen Chris with his own car ... only Ado.
I know the cops took Mary's Durango, did they also take Chris' car? What was he hiding in his car?
so we must still be using names on here huh!!well lets get this straight, ado is adam,another family member of the big pratt family, his little brother gave him that nickname as a little boy.and he is another one the only pratts that are very good people. now for chris kissing his girlfriends sister,thats the dumbest thing ever.let me guess you believed him when he told you that.ha..anyway to mary's family,we said a prayer for your family and mary at church on sunday and wish you the best. jim, any new news keep us posted.thanks....
you always say ha!and then again you ask for answers,i know who you are!!good luck.we will catch you in the end,your not really smart its always ha or haha hello candice!!the rabbit has the gun!!
well if my girl came up missing,would i sell her stuff at thurstons flea market?umm no..so if chris was such a stand up guy why in the hell would he sell marys things?did he also sell his hunting things?umm nope again..he kept all his stuff!!answer that pratt crew!its an easy answer did he sell his stuff or just hers?what a sick man you are protecting its time to give up and do the right thing!its a sick wourld we live in and pray to god it doesnt happen to you but if it does we will be here helping you just like we are trying to bring mary home!!think about that!!you know who♦♦♦
It just really makes me laugh when some of you Pratts try to figure out who I am. You are asking me stuff so you can stay one step of the game. You are foolish if you think that I would tell you anything which would hurt this case. BILLY JACK, you are right on about dear Candice.
Now, my tip for today is about asking a single question. Why is someone bringing up Adam's name right now? I think that SOMEONE is trying to set Adam up so the focus shifts to him. Keep it up, you fools. The truth is known to some of us and who is responsible will be found out. Tick-tock, tick-tock, the countdown continues.
Giddy up. Jack
for nothing to hide Ado and his girlfriend haul ass outa Michigan when cops ask questions about car and Mary. She left State Farm. Who did family pay as lawyer for Adam?? same lawyer who defended chris against parker case.
humm...i wonder about that?
Tick tock tick tock
I want to address the blogger who insists on discussing Adam further. Adam is no saint and he may know some stuff; however, he is not the one responsible for Mary's death, Chris is. You are barking up the wrong tree trying to switch the focus to Adam. You are not fooling any of us here in this blog. I'm sure that you are scared right now because everything is closing in on you and your family. It's a shame, isn't it? You are going to find out really soon about "what goes around comes around". I feel nothing but ashamed of Chris, Jeff and the rest of you. How you look yourselves in the mirror everyday is beyond me. A word of advice to you all. Sometime, somewhere, when you least expect it, you will be found out and then true healing can start for Mary's family.
Tick-tock, tick-tock, time is catching up with you. Sam
OMG! You ask for anyone to give any tip that they can to help this case. "No tip is too small it may be the one that leads to solving this case". Then as soon as "anyone" tries to bring any information to this blog, you automatically assume they are from the other side.
Just Jack/Sam, please quit asking people to come forward and to help and then ridiculing them when they do, or people are not going to give us any tips! I know that we are close in solving this case ... the State Police know which tips to look at and which one's aren't important so quit assuming everyone is on the "other" side that voices an opinion!
It's not like you give us any new information with your "Tip of the day"! It's the same ole' crap everyday. It's like you think you own this blog or something. And laughing about people trying to figure out which "pratt" you are? Who cares? We care about Mary, not which "pratt" you are. Sounds like you have a pratt ego to go along with your name. Quit dissin' on people and let people come forward with whatever TIPS THEY HAVE. The cops and Jim know which ones to look at and which one's have already been looked at, so leave it in their hands.
I think ANYONE who has any tip should write at ANYTIME.
And Billy Jack ... I'm proud of the work you are doing.
I am a little baffled as to why this Adam is being discussed here. It seems to me that there is some inner squabbling among the Pratts and people are pointing fingers at each other. My guess is that things are heating up and family members are feeling that the heat is on them. This makes one wonder who all knows things in this family. It sounds like this Candice knows things or she wouldn't feel the need to shift the focus to Adam. Well Candice, if I were you, I would be very careful to not stir your family members up. You just never know what could come out of a hornet's nest.
Billy jack, you keep on plugging away. The truth will come out soon.
Anonymous - Thurs at 1:00
I cannot speak for Jack/Sam but you ask when help is coming - Be sure it is in process. We were told April and April is here. So, say a prayer that it will help to bring this case to closure. With the help of Jim, Mary's family and all other advocates we will not fail. There ae two sources that have offered and will make themselves known soon. Jim I will e-mail you first as soon as we have dates. Then we can notify authorities, Billy Jack, Sam, family and all.
Sounds like all of you are working very hard.
God Bless
Well, well, well, I must have touched a raw nerve. First of all, I will just say that tips are important. The problem with the tip about Adam is why it was given. Adam has knowledge but he is not who we should be focusing on. There is plenty of blame to be spread around in this family.
Now, as to the comment about me acting like I own the blog; well, we all know who really owns the blog, don't we? It's definitely not me! I feel badly that my intent is being misunderstood. In looking back through this blog and others, I can see that I am not the only one who has been misunderstood. So, I will continue to speak my mind whether it upsets the EGOS of some or not. If you have issue with it, it's your problem, not mine.
There are many caring people who are working hard to bring Mary home. They are working on their own time as well. Their motive is to bring Mary home. They don't want any praise or publicity. They do it because they CARE. So, to the one who thinks it's my ego in question, think again. It's your ego which has reared its ugly head on more than one occasion. Let's just focus on why we all are here for and that is Mary and her family.
you are so extremely full of it, and by the way, I am one of those people you are talking about, who has put many hours to help this family. If you even knew who you were talking to right now. My My...
Enough with this blog, I'll stick to talking to Jim personally.
Well, guess what? i do know who you are! Giddy up, Jack.
oh no you don't, if you know who I am why don't you call me right now personally? You have no idea who I am. I'm one of the biggest Mary supporter's there are. So giddy up right back to ya.
For the LORD shall send HIS servant IN THE NAME OF THE LORD and he will ride in on a white horse to deliver these people, so that YOU ALL MAY BELIEVE IN THE ONE who sends him.
lets keep focused!billy jack♦♦♦
I am FULL of it, all right. I am
FULL of hope that we can bring Mary home to her family. I am FULL of rage that Chris did this to Mary. I am FULL of concern for Mary's family.
BILLY JACK, we are almost there, my friend. Thanks for your support throughout this. YOU have kept the momentum going.
Tick-tock, tick-tock...............
Jack, ha!!!!!
i will continue to do so until we reach our mission,i believe in the tips we recieve from you sam,just jack!and please know anything at this point is well recieved.i have to ask tho that we dont make this a personal matter between bloggers on here.lets focus on the important things at hand.you know me i know you!!it doesnt matter really.lets listin to all blogs with a clear head.jim has really worked hard to keep this clean and lets respect him,and marys blog also!i think right now someone is reading this blog and knows things,we have to keep this professional or they will never talk.im asking that one person to step forward.i have to say thank you all for your words of encouragement but im only 1 of many that are doing everything to bring mary home.lets not forget the big picture here.BRING MARY HOME IN 08...BILLY JACK♦♦♦
This may seem kind of odd for me to say but please hear me out. I wonder why some people are not getting it that what is not being said is perhaps the most important. Awhile back, someone had mentioned that Mary had called the police to report Chris's drug activities. Shortly after, she disappeared. Since then, everyone has speculated about the role of law enforcement and how it has handled this case. It seems to me that anyone with the slightest bit of common sense and intelligence would question what happened in the beginning. It was mentioned by a blogger that the beginning holds the key. It makes sense to me. I think that with so much time having passed, we need to go back to square one. This case is complex but maybe if we focus on the core issue of Mary perhaps the answer will be more apparent. I have no knowledge of detective work but it seems to me that we are geting off track.
ty hope said!and i have gone back time and time again and yes you are so right!im sure that the right people have that info,they dont post the things that they know but rest assured they are truly working on all the info from day 1.im glad to see you again on the post keep posting and ty.billy jack♦♦♦
there is speculation that a few of the mpd is involved!!!and they do post on here.i always believed to serve and protect was the meaning of a good cop.and we do have good cops but with the good we have bad.they know who they are!!billy jack♦♦♦
with spring comes hope!and change!!april will be a starting point for new hope.great minds will prevail!!THE THING ABOUT TELLING THE TRUTH IS YOU DONT HAVE TO REMEMBER WHAT YOU SAID!☻
well well what a hero you are billy jack..damn shame they dont know the real you like some of us do im sooooooo proud of you!!!your a fake
well thank you for your coment!!billyjack♦♦♦
like i said before ..this is about mary not me and i never said i was a hero!!im here to bring mary home.you dont know me and if you really did you would know how much this means to me!!im here and im not going away!!i will listin to all posts.ty..billy jack♦♦♦
I think someone should look at the current detective of the MPD, is he doing the job correctly.or is he just buying time for the person of interest?
To anonymous 4/5 @10:15 pm:
In your blog, you referred to the current detective. Are you referring to the current investigator from MPD or someone else?
anybody know what is going on?? jeff pratt YouTube video says carlin was at sam&louise's place in albion today. would be good if louise woud permit a search, Why not let the cops bring in forencics and check it out, I can't hurt, Lets get a group and check it tomorrow, Get it done
Im talking about the current acting chief,he has been investigating this case.we have heard that he found bags of evidence at mary and chris apartment,so what im asking is,has he been destroying evidence to help chris?
Regarding comments made by ANONYMOUS 4/6 @ 7:33 pm:
I agree with you. It's been my belief all along. When the truth comes out, a lot of you will be shook up. I have said all along that there is more than 1 cop involved in this mess and now, you have mentioned it,too. I wonder how many others think this way. I believe that someone out there has that piece of proof to support our claims.
Someone does need to search Louise's home. I know, I know that you have to have a search warrant and it has to be based on a strong claim that there is evidence there. I have said before to please search it. That's all I can do is to suggest it.
BILLY JACK, I believe it's getting mighty interesting, don't you think? See ya, Sam
what YOU TUBE video are you talking about that had Jim at Sam and Louise's house today?
It seems to me that a few of us share the same feelings and thoughts about Mary's case. So, what I am wondering is why there isn't anything being done about these officers? Ok, I know what is going to be said. We need strong facts and evidence. Well, with one of them, time after time, we are hearing stories of his actions and activities. He should have been fired a long time ago. His relationship with Chris Pratt continued even after Mary's disappearance. Why wasn't he reprimanded for having contact with a person of interest in this case? I think that this police union has protected the wrong man, don't you think? I don't have one bit of respect for MPD nor do I have any confidence in them. I hope that those who are coming to help will expose all of the dirty deeds done by those involved. I am glad to see that bloggers like Billy Jack, Sam, and Purpose Driven have continued to express their opinions and work diligently to find Mary and bring her home. God bless you all.
Hope everyone is staying alert - I have been very busy the past few weeks but will be very un-busy soon and can devote more time to Mary and her family again.
Am praying and working for this to have closure soon.
This is the calm before the storm. Soon, we will have help in solving this case and bringing Mary home to her family. To those of you involved with Mary's disappearance, we know who you are and time is running out for you. Tick-tock, tick-tock.
Later, Sam
Purpose Driven Asks
If anyone plans a meeting - please make it after the 15th if possible. I would make it anyway somehow but would just be easier for me if it works for others.
God Bless
carlin is out near pratts house last week end and then chris's camo truck was towed away yesterday?
looks like ppl and cops are at it. Everybody says it now; were not gonna take it anymore.
TICK TOCK JEFF ticktock. You're hillbilly mafia is falling down
yeh over 8100 views of jeff pratt is 3 week. pretty good stuff. bet dopedeals and weedburns are low.
hey Scotty, how you and your buddy
lots of eyes on MKD. were not gonna take it anymore.
no work jeff again. seen you yesterday driving your rustbucket. shouldnt you be at work? trip to prison to visit the bro or Albion? everybody nos what you do.
what a crock of crap by pratt to prison. According to the FIOA he was manager of ponderosa restraunts, gave up wanting to be cop cause of rodney king? doesn't do drugs or drink for over 2 years? and all the stuff in court from his victims was lies.
how does this turd talk to jeff pratt on a cell number from prison? that is shown in records? he says jeff is a brother he would die for? Give me a break.
how do you get away to lieing to prison officers?
2 yrs college? Chris Pratt can barely read or write. Did they have MEAP in Akbion in 86?
A functional illiterate but knows hgow to sell a dime bag
Well after hearing a few rumors..I think the property on F Dr. next to I69 should be check again...I used to travel that road alot back when Mary came up missing and 2 people pluss myself believe there was a bulldozer or something like that..I also believe that any wells, and septic tanks or any type of drainage spot from the water around the property should be drained and checked.....isnt there some type of sonic thing that can determine if anything is in the ground and what it is????
I believe that house was set on fire for many more reason than you know...or even maybe you do!!!
There is sonar available - you can check with U of M. I'm sure Jim is up on all of that as well. But you are right that all things should be checked. Can't believe it hasn't been already.
Any input anyone?
Well, this blog has been awfully quiet the past few days. Why is it that no one is looking at the beginning of this case? I have said several times that the key is in the beginning. MPD did not mishandle info; they ignored it, folks. Chris was not interviewed until 2 weeks after Mary disappeared. Numerous tips came in at that time and they were swept under the rug. Documents regarding the case came up missing. This was not due to inexperience or stupidity; it was due to intent to coverup. The 2 men who have investigated this case for MPD have done nothing but coverup key info. So, to those of you in Marshall who wonder why this case has not been solved, just look at your local law enforcement.
I read the recent FOIA on Chris Pratt and let me tell you something. He is a LIAR. Here is the truth.
1) Chris burned his brother Jeff and he was sent to live with his grandmother.
2) He did not have a PERFECT life.
3) His ex-wife is not Bipolar, he is.
4) He made most of his income selling drugs. The actual jobs were just covers.
It disgusts me that he lies and makes up things. He has put his family through hell and continues to do so. I challenge anyone to say what I just said is wrong. Later, Sam
You have all that right Sam. My husband is employed at the hospital in Battle Creek. I heard people talking about Jeff, the video and fact the police went up there to talk wityh his girfriend who also works there.
She is a battered woman. It sounds as if Jeff treats her the same way Chris treated Sue, Mary. Norene and the others. Karma is coming for them all.
I just can't figure out why the city of Marshall keeps doing the things that they do. Why is it that they keep on their police force an officer who is associated with people in this case? I am talking about people like Chris Pratt and his drug buddies.
Next, I wonder why the police force is currently being run by someone who has raised some eyebrows with his investigation of Mary's case. I wonder why Chief Olson really resigned. There is more to this story than we know; I am positive of that.
Then, of course, you have this city manager who has shown what a jerk he is in how he has treated Mary's family.
It amazes me how the city government of Marshall conducts their daily business without anyone at a higher level raising their eyebrows and wondering what the hell is going on here. I agree with the blogger who said that "BUBBA" is in charge here. So, who is Marshall's "BUBBA" and what is their relationship to what is going on here?
I feel sorry for the citizens of Marshall who live in a town which is corrupt and which is governed by people who are just plain full of themselves.
Rumor has it that the acting chief of MPD is interested in seeking the position full time. God help us all!!!!!
Thank you Just Jack/Sam, you are correct on so many levels. And also thank you for pointing out that I'm not Bipolar, he always used that to try to get my boys away from me, even though I have proved in court time and time again that I'm NOT Bipolar. I can't believe he is still using that line, it never ends. Mr. Schaffer tried pulling that on Norene in court also, and it didn't work! Next thing he'll be saying Mary was Bipolar too!
When he put Mary down as his "Significant Other" on the form, I about had a heart attack! I can't believe how low he continues to go. Well, actually I can and so can you; I know. I can't believe the man that I once loved so much, the father of my cherished boys has gotton so sick over the years. He just gets worse and worse, but I guess when you're a psychopath you can't hide it forever.
What pained me the most was when he put that I was married to another man when I got pregnant with my oldest. I started shaking and crying the minute I read that line. With everything my two sons have been through the last thing that my oldest needs to think is that I was married to someone else when I got pregnant with him. It pains me to the core. He has never cared about the mental damage he does to our children, but hopefully they will know the truth when it goes around ... because you know it will.
When they wrote down that they didn't think he would be a user of drugs, I just stood there in disbelief. See everyone? See how he can lie, and people actually believe him? Who is this? A psychologist or psychiatrist that he told these lies to? I just can't believe that they couldn't see through him.
Thank you everyone for everything you're are doing for the Marshall's, Norene, and I ... I will be FOREVER indebted to you all.
Much love!
God bless you, dear Su. You are one of the most decent human beings I have ever met. You are a shining light in both of your sons' lives. I thank God for you everyday. Always, Sam
great post SU.see where lying got him so far!and much more to come his way.he can BS them all he wants but he cant BS us.hang in there SU and ty for posting!!billy jack♦♦♦
Su, I was so touched by your post. Thank God, your sons have you in their lives to show them what is good and decent in this world. You are right; he is one very sick man but that doesn't excuse what he has done and the hell that he has put you, your family, Mary's family and Norrene and her sons through. You all are in my prayers.
Su, I'm so sorry for everything that you went through. I didn't realize until a few days ago that it was you. I didn't make the connection until I read the new FIOA. I was in shock. I never got chills the way I did when I read your name. I was in tears for you and your boys. I just wanted to say I'm thinking about you and miss you. Hope to see you soon.
Love ya Deb...
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