He will be eligible for parole the first time in February 2012, however because of the nature of his felony domestic violence crimes against another former girl-friend he cannot be released by MDOC prior to that date. In January 2008 Calhoun County Circuit Judge Stephen Miller sentenced him to 5-15 years. http://www.state.mi.us/mdoc/asp/otis2profile.asp?mdocNumber=673261
Inmate Pratt has now been incarcerated for nearly 24 months. He did received credit for his county jail time while awaiting trial and has been in custody since June 24, 2007. Before you know it, he will be considered for parole.
We expect that charges will be brought against the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands within a short time. In the interim, we must do everything we can to assure that Inmate Pratt is never paroled.
Every citizen has the right to provide their input to the MDOC Parole Board concerning the possible parole of any inmate. You are not required to live in Michigan. All one has to do is complete a Crime Victim Notification Request Form and send it to Crime Victim Services in Lansing. After your name and address is placed in their confidential records you will be notified of inmate transfers and pending parole hearings. You have the right to respond with your position in opposing or favoring a parole of any inmate. The Parole Board takes every one of these letters from victims and concerned citizens into consideration so it is important that you express your opinion. The inmate does not view these letters nor are they aware of your identity so your safety and confidentiality is guaranteed. I know this system works because in the last several years I have submitted letters of opposition on other inmates and they remain in prison.
MDOC Victim Services- Inmate Notification Request Form http://www.michigan.gov/documents/CrimeVictimNotificationRequest090402_57232_7.pdf
To complete the form, include the inmate's name and MDOC number. Fill in the section with your information (victim), sign, and mail or fax to MDOC Crime Victim Services. If you are not the victim there is a box you can check as "a concerned citizen". It does not matter what your your relationship is to any inmate. Any person has the right to express their opinions on why an inmate should or should not be granted the privilege of parole.
Our community is at risk if Inmate Christopher Luke Pratt is released. Not only is he an eminent threat to his previous victims but he is a threat to others. Because of the nature of his crimes he should remain in prison until the expiration of his sentence in 2022. You can help make that happen.
We now have a large number of people on record who have sent in their notification forms to MDOC so they will be able to make their opinions known to the Parole Board. Our hope is that when Inmate Pratt’s parole hearing is scheduled that we will have 1,000 letters sent to the Parole Board opposing his release. You can help keep this vicious criminal in jail until 2022 or until there might be other action by law enforcement for allegations of other crimes.
If you need help completing the form, please feel free to call and I would even be glad to personally deliver the notification form if requested. I have a considerable amount of them available and pass them out on a daily basis to those who are interested. Help the Marshall family keep this evil person in prison. Had he been sent there years ago for his pattern of violence Mary Denise Lands would be alive today.
The forms may also be obtained by contacting MDOC Crime Victim Services. Their office has an outstanding professional staff that wants to help and answer all your questions.
Update- June 10, 2009- Don't let anyone tell you that writing letters of opposition for parole on any inmate isn't a good idea.
I submitted one opposing parole for this person and the Parole Board just made their decision.
Although Randy Tilman Slone, Inmate # 656705 was moved from the UP to Robert Cotton Correctional Facility in Jackson his parole was denied. He will not be eligible again until May 1, 2010. Keep sending those letters to MDOC Crime Victim Services. They do help protect our community.
Inmate Slone’s convictions:
Controlled Substance-Possession of Methamphetamine- 0-10 years maximum, CS - Operating/Maintaining a Lab Involving Methamphetamine- 2-20 years maximum.
He has only been in prison for less than 2 years. He deserves to remain their for another 18 years.
Michigan Department of Corrections
Crime Victim Services
PO Box 30003
Lansing, Michigan 48909
Toll Free- 877.886.5401
Fax- 517.241.0536
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
Email- JustinianLaw@sbcglobal.net
Mr. Carlin authored this on another site. It is fitting here too.
We don’t have a problem with people wishing to express a theory and even some members of the Pratt family who feel their relative could never have been involved in such a horrific crime.
We are however, tired of the same Pratt hillbilly mafia kinfolk who go on and on with garbage and trash talk. You are so uninformed and intellectually dim that it is no surprise that some Pratt’s turn out as they do.
One perfect example is your own, now Inmate Christopher Luke Pratt who although listed as an Albion High School graduate he can’t put three words together on a piece of paper. That is not just my observation. It is that of demoted former sergeant, now Officer Rebecca Ivey. She had to write his statement in a police report after he reported a home invasion and larceny to the apartment he vacated, and for which there was an eviction notice issued. Officer Ivey attempted to charge the Marshall's, the Waldon Pond Leasing Manager and myself with home invasion and theft based on the complaint of Chris Pratt. Cliff & Anita Marshall were brought to the Marshall PD and asked to waive their rights under Miranda. She asked for a warrant request to the prosecutor, however it was denied.
First of all, get your facts together. Anyone who really knows Inmate Pratt’s ex-wife would be aware that her name is spelled “Su” not Sue. Also if you knew anything about this case other than trash talk would know that on the weekend of March 12, 2004 it was the perfect climate for someone with a twisted, warped and dubious mind to plan a disappearance and murder.
Cliff & Anita Marshall had left 5 days earlier for California. Mary’s brother and daughter-in-law were with them, Su Harrington, her husband, Steve, and her two boys were six hundred miles away at a sports tournament.
It would have been the perfect storm of opportunity for Mary Denise Lands to be murdered on the 12th and 44 hours later for Inmate Pratt to call Mary’s parent’s in California asking if Mary was with them? As they say with any crime, Inmate Pratt had the motive, the means and the opportunity.
The Pratt family can support your prodigal relative, but do it with facts not trash talk. Ironically, it is some of you who today could solve this case and bring Mary home.
You would be wise to do it on your own before the police come knocking on your door. Inmate Pratt doesn’t have the brains to have pulled this off alone. He needed help. That is something law enforcement will soon prove in a court of law and rest assured he will be charged.
WOOD TV-8 just announced that Monday night on DateLine the Julia Dawson murder case will be aired. As you know the State Attorney Generals Office handled the prosecution in that case, the same office that is now looking into Mary Lands disappearance.
The latest on his automatic appeal process to the Michigan Court of Appeals for his convictions related to the violent assault on Norrene Parker.
He was convicted in Calhoun County in December 2007 and now incarcerated at the Mound in Detroit.
Updated on 5/26/2009
Case Call
June 2009 Session
Panel 3 at Lansing
Karen M Fort Hood, PJ, and Mark J Cavanagh and Kirsten Frank Kelly, JJ.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009 at 10:00 AM
Lansing Courtroom, Hall of Justice, 925 W. Ottawa, Second Floor, Lansing
PL-AE JENNIFER KAY CLARK Oral Argument Preserved
You may read more about the Michigan Court of Appeals;
Just a matter of weeks before we learn that Inmate Pratt will have lost his appeal and will be back to pondering his fate at Mound Correctional Facility in Detroit.
Next step, keep those registration letters going to MDOC so that when any parole hearing is scheduled the Parole Board will be able to hear from all of you. We hope to have 1,000 letters of oppostion to Inmate Pratt's parole sent to Lansing by 2012.
If you are interested, write or go online;
State of Michigan
Crime Victim Services
PO Box 30003
Lansing, Michigan 48909
Re: Christopher Luke Pratt, Inmate # 673261.
Tel- 517.373.0287
Chris Pratt, Inmate #673261 was just transferred from Mound Correctional Facility in Detroit to Pine River Correctional Facility in Gratiot County, St. Louis, Michigan. This prison expanded to include Level II inmates and Inmate Pratt is listed as a Level II in this facility.
Imagine that....Su Harrington was 600 miles away when Mary came up missing.huh..My question is, what happens when everything is said and done and its someone else that was involved with Mary comming up missing? Looks like everybody is so talked into Mr.Pratt taking the rap, is there anybody else? It seems like if there was enough evidence he would be locked up for Marys disappearance, not for domestic violence! This is the first time ever hearing somebody locked up for 10 to 15 years in prison for something like this.huh
huh? you dimwit, huh? you don't even make sense. huh? The turd Pratt is in jail because of what he did to Parker. They will be slapping cuffs on his hillbilly ass soon to bring him here for court. huh?
Here's another observation for you, huh?
The guy they just charged with murdering his wife and two kids
Christopher Coleman in St. Louis. Coleman is accused in the strangulation deaths of his wife Sheri and sons Garett and Gavin.
Why don't you take a close look at this guy? huh? huh? The similarity to the Creeper is uncanny.
The dented ears, egg head and general appearance are a match for Chris Luke Pratt. Maybe a team of doctors should look at both of these low lifes? They are control freaks who hate women and no doubt both are the MURDERERS of the women in their life. Harrington is lucky Pratt's in prison. Just to have control he's the type of guy who would kill his own kids. Look how he barbecued up his brother Jeff when they were young? (Without the hot sauce of course)
Who say’s crime don’t pay?
Randy Tilman Slone back from a prison in the UP and now awaiting discharge in July at Robert Cotton CF in Jackson, Level II. He was sentenced in August 2007 and will have served less than 2 years.
Bet the Lorenz brothers & Pratt's are happy. It will be a big weed burn reunion on T Drive in Homer.
Controlled Substance-Possession of Methamphetamine
Minimum Sentence: 0 years 6 months 0 days
MCL#: 333.74032B1
Maximum Sentence: 10 years 0 months
Court File#: 070000001453-FH-JCK
Date of Offense: 02/10/2006
County: Calhoun
Date of Sentence: 08/24/2007
Conviction Type: Nolo Contendere
CS - Operating/Maintaining a Lab Involving Methamphetamine
Minimum Sentence: 2 years 0 months 0 days
MCL#: 333.7401C2F
Maximum Sentence: 20 years 0 months
Court File#: 070000001453-FH-JCK
Date of Offense: 02/10/2006
County: Calhoun
Date of Sentence: 08/24/2007
Conviction Type: Nolo Contendere
A friend in Arizona recommended this book as a resource for the families of missing persons;
"If I am Missing or Dead", written by Janine Latus. She wrote the book after her sister was murdered by her live-in boyfriend that she'd met online. It deals with domestic violence that occurred in Janine's relationships, but no one knew about the violence in Amy's relationship until after she was murdered. Basically, it let's
people know that there is a way out, there is someone who can help.
Although it's a painful read, it shows how a family gets through
something so horrible.
Thanks Anne,
TrackMissing has been working with Gina for the Missing out of California to have "The Squeaky Wheel Tour", their Natioanl Missing Person Concert Tour come to Michigan. We spoke to Janell Rapp and confirmed that her Tour will in fact be coming to Michigan in Oct. or Nov.. We will have the date in about 2 weeks and will have the venue booked shortly after.
Mary Land's, Ida Richardson and as many as 20 or so other Missing Michigan Cases will be part of the concert.
We will also be obtaining 3 Michigan acts to open the show for her. 1 will be a 13 year girl from Marshall performing Country Music.
There is much more to this tour and we will provide that information soon. Anyone who knows a family that would like to take advantage of this opportunity to bring awareness to their missing loved one is asked to contact us.
Information on last years tour is avaliable at www.411gina.org . Michigan updates will soon be avaliable at www.trackmissing.org . We are very excited to be able to bring this awareness opportunity to Michigan.
In addition, several volunteers of TrackMissing will be traveling to Nashville, TN to attend the concert there to support Danny Borgers, son of Ida Dean Richrdson, who went missing in 1958whom we helped sucessfully file a missing person report nearly 51 years after she was last seen or heard from. Details of her case will also soon be avaliable on our website.
It was confirmed this morning that the Michigan Court of Appeals will hear the case, People of State of Michigan v. Christopher Luke Pratt on Tuesday, June 2, 2009 at 10:00 A.M. Judge Karen M Fort Hood, PJ, Judge Mark J Cavanagh and Judge Kirsten Frank Kelly, JJ will preside.
Jennifer Kay Clark will represent the Calhoun County Prosecutor’s Office and Suzanna Kostovski is the court appointed attorney for Inmate Pratt.
The public is able to view this court proceeding, which will be held at the Hall of Justice, 925 West Ottawa Street, Lansing, Michigan.
Several supporters of Mary Lands have expressed their intention to be present and I will also be attending.
Yep, the lady with blindfold is coming for the Creeper. Now he is Level 4 at St. Louis? What's up with that? What will our family say when he loses appeal tomorrow? Try telling our relative to confess. Sam would want it. Look at how Luke is turning out. A chip off the old block. It is all a disgrace. End it so all the family can have peace. Clyde you can help.
come on please, Clyde you can help !! do you know how stupid you sound. AGAIN minors should be left out of this blog.
Who is this clyde? Another cousin?
Don't let anyone tell you that writing letters of opposition for parole on any inmate isn't a good idea.
I submitted one opposing parole for this person and the Parole Board just made their decision.
Although Randy Tilman Slone, Inmate # 656705 was moved from the UP to Robert Cotton Correctional Facility in Jackson his parole was denied. He will not be eligible again until May 1, 2010.
Keep sending those letters to MDOC Crime Victim Services. They do help protect our community.
Inmate Slone’s convictions:
Controlled Substance-Possession of Methamphetamine- 10 years maximum, CS - Operating/Maintaining a Lab Involving Methamphetamine- 2-20 years.
He has only been in prison for less than 2 years. He deserves to remain their for another 18 years.
Busy couple of weeks for you guys. Chris is a level 4, Slone is doing another 18 months, 1 Lorenz is in Waterford in Oaklawn County, 1 lorenz is still bouncing around Homer, Concord, Jackson areas and the other one is not very well hidden out of State.
And people think after all these years the good guys had forgotten to keep eyes them.
Wow how exciting to see that things are getting closer to a conviction, trailer trash can never keep quite they live for drama! I know all involved in the disappearance of Mary will pay the ultimate price for what they have done to her, your time is coming. Karma is going to get ya!!
If Karma doesnt get them Jim will.
grow up and go back to school. you may soon see jeff pratt's kid in joint with christopher. he attacked his own sister and in juvy home no bail for csc. sick bunch of pervs in pratt family. you should care about the innocent. apples dont fall far in the sicko pratt bunch
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