BREAKING NEWS- The Michigan Court of Appeals in a 9-page decision affirmed all the charges and the convictions of Christopher Luke Pratt. The full decision may be read at the Michigan COA website; http://coa.courts.mi.gov/documents/OPINIONS/FINAL/COA/20090611_C284299_48_284299.OPN.PDF
The decision at the end read; In our view, the trial court did not abuse its discretion in considering the entire course of conduct beginning before and continuing through the unlawful imprisonment.
The trial court considered the entire course of events during the 15 or 20 minute incident, during which defendant, who was over six feet tall and weighed approximately 300 pounds, demanded that the victim, who was five feet, two inches tall and weighed just over 100 pounds, give him the cordless telephone; slammed the telephone on the ground, telling her that she would never discover who he was talking to; informed her that he cheated on her and laughed; grabbed her in a bear hug, lifting her feet from the ground, and squeezed her so hard that he cut her finger on her ring; cursed at her and used derogatory names; pulled down a baker’s rack full of items that scattered near the victim; ripped the telephone cord out of the wall when the victim ran to the telephone and tried to use it; and pushed the microwave oven off of the kitchen counter near her feet. When the victim then attempted to run out of the house, defendant grabbed her keys, threw them outside, blocked the doorway and restrained her. He then left in his truck when she told her son to call the police.
The threatening, anxiety-producing conduct continued throughout the commission of all the crimes, including the unlawful imprisonment. Under the facts of this case, the fear and anxiety during the short time of the unlawful imprisonment could not be separated from the incident. In the present case, the trial court did not abuse its discretion in determining that defendant’s conduct was designed to substantially increase the fear and anxiety the victim suffered during the unlawful imprisonment.
/s/ Karen M. Fort Hood
/s/ Mark J. Cavanagh
/s/ Kirsten Frank Kelly
MDOC Information, Inmate # 673261-Christopher Luke Pratt
This is terrifc news. Wonderful when the right thing happens for a change.
We didn't want this news to be delayed for Inmate Pratt now being held at St. Louis Correctional Facility. With the cutbacks in the State of Michigan it might be some time before he receives the official decision.
I sent him a letter this morning advising that the Michigan Court of Appeals affirmed his convictions. He can wait to read the full decision from the Court.
what's up?? called jeff pratt at MKD at park in Marshall to let him no about brother. he does not work there anymore. anyone no where he is?
Kudos to Jim Justinian for being the bulldog... justice may be slow but for you Pratt.. we'll be eternally patient
At least know we can stop hearing how Chris is coming home in 2 weeks. The only way he will ever come home is for him to give up Mary's body.
carlin told lies to court and Chris never had a chance to give his side. he will be proofed inocent when supremes court hear case again. he will come home.
carlin told lies to court and Chris never had a chance to give his side. he will be proofed inocent when supremes court hear case again. he will come home.
these comments above this one are so much proof of the inbred ideals of the pratt family that i had to comment on it...listen...the word is proved not proofed........and the word is SUPREME not supremes this is not motown and pratt is well maybe he will become a supreme in the big house to another inmate......when he and his police insider friend who knows what pratt did and is covering for him are found out and we can stop being ashamed of ourselves for allowing the officer to bring shame to our town.
I wonder what is going on now. Today Chris had his appeal denied and about an hour ago I saw Jim following Jeff and his red Cadillac around Albion.
Good work mr carlin
pratt can keep his hopes alive in thinking he will be out soon. let the creep wait to find out how long he will be spending in his cell.
is it possible to connect a police insider to pratt. is it possible to prove a police officer is covering for pratt, and if so how can we help
Something must be going on?? Does anyone know if cops are about to break case? There are lots of rumors. Slone stays put in jail, Pratt appeal is out and now he's level 4, Lorenz crew is being watched, Carlin in Albion following Jeff. JL in Marshall is low key.
The end could be in sight for the hillbilly maffia.
Come on AG clean up this dirty bunch.
I've been following this story for quite some time. Let me add some food for thought. A new chief is coming to Marshall and this police professional very much wishes to close the Mary Lands case. He is not going to tolerate corrupt or incompetent cops. He will gain the trust and support of the people in Marshall restoring pride in the department.
Just watch and see the changes.
What ever cop steps up and cracks the case will go down as a hero. The puzzle is there we just need 1 to put that last piece in place. This is not the perfect crime and I hope it is solved before Chris or anyone else talks for a deal.
Well, I wonder how Chris feels now that he will be behind bars where he cant hurt another woman.. I have to say to Jim Carlin that he did a great job on this case and soon it will be over and then we need to place it all to rest and let the bad stay where they are and the good go on with life, praise to Carlin and all whom helped in this case with informatin ,,, woo hoo,
"I am innocent and I still love Norreen Parker with all my heart," Pratt told Judge Miller on Jan. 7, 2008, the day he was sentenced.
He beat the shit out of Harrington his ex, Jeff's old lady has had knuckle sandwichs, ask people at the hospital, Sam Pratt abused his wife. They are all one sick sociopathic bunch of hillbillys.
The Appeals Court wrote, We nevertheless note that we considered the claims and found them to be without merit.
The evidence did not preponderate so heavily against the verdict that a miscarriage of justice
would result if the verdict is allowed to stand. People v Musser, 259 Mich App 215, 218-219;
673 NW2d 800 (2003). The testimony, including defendant’s own statement in a telephone call
to his mother where he admitted ripping the telephone cord out of the wall, reasonably supported
that defendant maliciously prevented or obstructed the victim’s attempt to use the telephone to
call for help during the course of the increasingly violent domestic dispute, when he threw a
chair, came “barreling” at the victim as she ran to the kitchen and picked up the telephone, then
ripped the telephone cord out of the wall as she had the telephone in her hand, asked her what
she was doing, laughed, and continued his path of destruction by dropping the microwave at her
feet. MCL 750.540(4); see People v Hotrum, 244 Mich App 189, 193; 624 NW2d 469 (2000).
Although in the present case the victim and defendant presented conflicting testimony, this is
insufficient ground for a new trial and the resolution of credibility issues are left to the jury.
People v Lemmon, 456 Mich 625, 642-643; 576 NW2d 129 (1998), We further find that based
on the same evidence there was sufficient evidence to enable a rational trier of fact to conclude,
beyond a reasonable doubt, that defendant interfered with electronic communications resulting in
injury. People v Wolfe, 440 Mich 508, 513-514; 489 NW2d 748 (1992), amended 441 Mich
1201 (1992).
They added. Finally, defendant challenges the scoring of OV 7, contending that these points should
not have been assessed for the unlawful imprisonment charge because that offense did not
contain the fear and anxiety element of this variable. MCL 777.37 provides in part:
(1) Offense variable 7 is aggravated physical abuse. Score offense variable 7 by
determining which of the following apply and by assigning the number of points
attributable to the one that has the highest number of points:
(a) A victim was treated with sadism, torture, or excessive brutality or conduct
designed to substantially increase the fear and anxiety a victim suffered during the
offense . . . . . 50 points
The trial court held that there was no “sadism, torture or excessive brutality,” but there
was “conduct designed to substantially increase the fear and anxiety a victim suffered during the
offense[,]” and scored 50 points. We agree. The trial court considered the entire course of
events during the 15 or 20 minute incident, during which defendant, who was over six feet tall
and weighed approximately 300 pounds, demanded that the victim, who was five feet, two
inches tall and weighed just over 100 pounds, give him the cordless telephone; slammed the
telephone on the ground, telling her that she would never discover who he was talking to;
informed her that he cheated on her and laughed; grabbed her in a bear hug, lifting her feet from
the ground, and squeezed her so hard that he cut her finger on her ring; cursed at her and used
derogatory names; pulled down a baker’s rack full of items that scattered near the victim; ripped
the telephone cord out of the wall when the victim ran to the telephone and tried to use it; and
pushed the microwave oven off of the kitchen counter near her feet. When the victim then
attempted to run out of the house, defendant grabbed her keys, threw them outside, blocked the
doorway and restrained her. He then left in his truck when she told her son to call the police.
In our view, the trial court did not abuse its discretion in considering the entire course of
conduct beginning before and continuing through the unlawful imprisonment when scoring OV
7. The threatening, anxiety-producing conduct continued throughout the commission of all the
crimes, including the unlawful imprisonment. Under the facts of this case, the fear and anxiety
during the short time of the unlawful imprisonment could not be separated from the incident.
In the present case, the trial court did not abuse its discretion in determining that
defendant’s conduct was designed to substantially increase the fear and anxiety the victim
suffered during the unlawful imprisonment.
Read the transcript yourself. This prick killed Mary Lands. You know it, I know it, and so does the entire dysfunctional Pratt bunch.
Give up Mary's body and give closure for everyone. These people will never give up and deserve it all to end for their loved one.
Do it not just for the Marshall's but for Pratt's own 2 kids, Josh and Luke. Let them be proud of a father who finally stood up and told the truth.
Chris is taking down his own family and his friends. They are being watched, some arrested and others to be arrested for variouse illegal activities. Until Mary is given back to her family this will continue. If Mary is not given back Chris is not going to be the only one in prison. Chris is ruining your lives, give up Mary or face charges. If you think I am kidding look at the Pratt kid already with charges pending. Many of you have been watched and already caught and the warrants will be coming. Stop covering for Chris or you too will be convicted.
Dan Mills again today seen me and felt it necessary to yell things at me. Dan I never did anything to or against you yet you choose to continue with me, that's twice now.
Did you ever notice all these Pratt associates look, act and play the role like they are big bad asses?
This one continues to write on Enquirer blog about cops and crime and criticizes the system.
Dan Mills in Albion, you are just another twisted turd with crap on your face laying in the bowel and waiting to circle the drain.
Look it up people if you have any doubt?
MDOC Number: 511810
SID Number: 2416332M
Racial Identification: White
Gender: Male
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 226 lbs.
Date of Birth: 11/26/1968 (40)
Image Date: 11/15/2004
Controlled Substance-Del/Manuf-Narc/Coc 50-449 Grams
Minimum Sentence: 2 years 6 months 0 days
MCL#: 333.74012A3
Maximum Sentence: 20 years 0 months
Court File#: 040000002356-FH-JCK
Date of Offense: 12/11/2003
County: Calhoun
Date of Sentence: 10/29/2004
Conviction Type: Plea
Discharge Date: 09/14/2008
Discharge Reason: Offender Discharge
I will be on Blogtalk Radio tonight at 9 PM EST on Crime and Mystery hosted by Kim and Kjel. This will be a 1 hour show with the primary focus being Mary Land's. We hope you will be able to listen to it live, however, if you can not the taping will be avaliable at the link tommorrow.
FYI for anyone who might also wish to write to the Parole Board, Victim Services on Inmate Slone, Inmate Pratt or others; Here is the MDOC link on Inmate Randy Tilman Slone #656705
June 17, 2009
Michigan Department of Corrections
Attn: Parole Board Victim’s Coordinator
PO Box 30003
Lansing, Michigan 48909
Re: Pending Parole Hearing, Inmate Randy Tilman Slone, #656705
Dear Sir/Madam:
I am writing in response to your letter of June 15, 2009 concerning an upcoming parole board hearing on the above noted inmate. I am aware he was recently rejected for parole, however MDOC Victim Services sent me another letter asking if I wished to submit a written statement? I absolutely do.
As a private investigator in Battle Creek Inmate Slone has been a person of interest in various investigations I have completed that include a homicide, drug violations, cooper thefts, and even child neglect/abuse crimes. I am sure over the years he has been a suspect in other crimes by various police agencies. I am well aware that Inmate Slone manufactured methamphetamines on a piece of farm property occupied by his girl friend and young children in Marshall, Michigan. I also personally observed another piece of property that he rented at the physical location of F Drive North & 24 Mile Road in Albion, Michigan. Inmate Slone resided there for several years and that 3-acre parcel was littered with the remnants of methamphetamine obviously being manufactured for a long period of time. The entire area was a hazardous waste dump from the meth residuals being buried on the property. It was well known that Inmate Slone was the perpetrator of these drug crimes for many years.
In 2007 he pled nolo to Controlled Substance-Possession of Methamphetamine and CS - Operating/Maintaining a Lab Involving Methamphetamine. He was sentenced to 20 years on both charges. I find it a disgrace that this person would even be eligible for a release so soon after his convictions. I am aware of at least 15 people who are afraid of the man and in my opinion he should remain incarcerated for at least another 15 years. He is a danger to the community and will no doubt return to his lifestyle of crime. I adamantly oppose any release for Inmate Slone until 2025.
Page Two
Ltr, MDOC Parole Board Victim Services
June 17, 2009
Thank you for any consideration you may express in this matter and I appreciate that the Michigan Department of Corrections permits me to submit my comments on Inmate Randy Tilman Slone.
In closing, I might add, this inmate has a tattoo on his left bicep of a snake & 8 ball, and tattooed on both forearms are the words, “trust no one”. That might account for why he was able to go for so long without raising the suspicions of law enforcement about his life long pattern of criminal behavior. Why should we as a society “trust” this person to leave prison and be a productive member of society. In plain English, “It ain’t gonna happen!!” He will return to his violent and criminal ways. We need to be protected and he must remain in prison.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
cc: Inmate Randy Tilman Slone
Excellent letter, Jim. It's good to know that he will stay where he belongs for a while longer, thanks to the efforts of good people like you. mm
does anyone know what is going on? Jim is still following people and that karren lady is coming back from wisconsin again. there seems to be alot of movement the past couple weeks.
Great story by Channel 3 WWMT on search continues-
F.B.I agent Karen Kramer was in town .
Come on people, things have been decent without the BS in the comments.
Karen Kraemer nor anyone else ever represented themselves as an FBI agent. Go back to the source and you will see that for yourself. If the FBI chose to look into this they would determine the same facts.
Sounds like a little jealousy from people who can't get along. Don't you think you should try to do so?
Any help is welcomed but not the aggravation and rumor whisperings.
We are very well aware of who started the FBI rumor as well as the person who made that post. PLEASE call the FBI and tell them of the accusation that we are pretending to be FBI agents.
Also, it is by far in your best interest to stop dogging and attacking Karren kraemer, she is a mother of a missing girl and you are doing nothing more than taking information of blog sites and spreading them as facts. You are not only commiting slander you are pissing off many many people in the missing person/domestic violence world.
Your petty ego, power struggle and total un-professionalism is not needed or wanted. You claim to be there for families of missing persons and you are now attacking a mother/victim. You need to stop further victimizing these families. We fully expect retaliation from you and we are prepared. This is not a war you want to start nor one you will win.
We present 2 offers, properly and effectivly help in Mary and others cases or stop blogging on Mary's site. Everytime you come on here and attack us, Karren, Jim or anyone else you are causing additional pain to Cliff, Anita and their family.
I do not need to hide behind Anonymous.
There is another great front page article on the search for Mary in the Albion Recorder this week. Thank them for caring and coving this event to help insure they continue to help keep Mary's case and face out there. I look forward to reading this weeks Marshall Chronicle.
This is for jim or chad,did anyone search the two track off of 15 mile rd. near the rail road tracks? ive spent some time looking in this area that has many areas that could be a dumping site.if not,i believe we should get together with cadever dogs to look into this area.
We can not disclose any locations that may or may not have been searched last week, however, we are interested in talking to anyone who knows of an area that needs to be searched. Please contact Jim or I. My email is trackmissing@gmail.com or you can call me.
We appreciate everyone who is helping in the search for Mary. Any information on her possible location will be gladly accepted.
To preserve the integrity of future searches, we would like to ask everyone to please notify Marshall P.D., Jim or TrackMissing of any private search efforts, findings, ect.. We would also like to ask that if anyone plans on using cadaver dogs that we be contacted before hand. All efforts to help find Mary are greatly appreciated and we need to insure the search planners are kept up to speed and on the same page.
The search efforts are going well and are productive. A great deal of time, work and credibility have gone into the search efforts and to overcome hurdles. Thank you for your understanding and as a team all of us will bring Mary home.
i over heard some men talking at a card hall about the case. i heard him say that pratt told his causin he took care of her at the farm.
who did you hear it from one of the leprechaun lepers followers or a meth dealer of marys?
i feel so sorry for anita because look what kind of family she has, no wonder she drinks alot and the whole family and carlin has their own reserved bar stools so they can drink and drive!!!!! its a good thing marys kids arent in that abusive atmosphere!!!!
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