We also will hold another Mary Lands "Walk for Justice" at the Marshall Police Department and the Brooks Memorial Fountain soon and further walks in Marshall and other locations are planned for 2007. A new feature on the Mary Lands case will also appear on ABC News television in May, and we will keep you advised when that date if finalized.
We would like to express our thanks to the many friends and supporters who have helped us over the last two years. We also would welcome their help again and the support of others. If you would like to assist us in any way and join in our walks, sign petitions, and hear more about Mary's case on what the Marshall Police Department have and have not done, please call- 269.441.7068 or write, Cliff & Anita Marshall, PO Box 63, Marshall, Michigan 49068. You may email me directly at JCarlin@JustinianLaw.com or post anonymous comments on this web site.
----We also are extending an invitation to Christopher Luke Pratt. He has never been willing to participate in the many searches for his former fiancée, but I would like to ask him to help. Everyone is aware that he is a hunter and claims to know all the rural environs of Calhoun County. Perhaps he can point us in the right direction to bring Mary home?

May 13, 2007 is Mother’s Day. Lets all work toward solving Mary's case and bringing some closure for the family. Keep your many calls, emails, and tips coming in so that Mary’s case can be concluded. They are greatly appreciated and as always we will keep your name confidential.
By the way, Mr. Pratt stopped Anita Marshall while she was working last week and asked directions to Customer Service. He has been in this store many times in the past although not in the last three years. In my opinion this is more of the arrogance observed in sociopathic behavior. Why would Mr. Pratt take this action? Is it to intimidate Mary’s family? Is it to intimidate people helping the family? Anita Marshall stood her ground, politely pointed him to the service desk, and walked away. You have many problems, Mr. Pratt, but you can no longer intimidate good people.
Last Mother’s Day, 2006, Chris Pratt showed up at the home of the Marshall’s and gave Anita a dog-eared-folded wallet size birth ID, and folded original birth record for Mary Lands. He claimed he found them in a file and wanted Anita to keep them as a gift for Mother’s Day. My opinion and those of family and friends who knew Mary’s mannerisms were that these two documents were always kept folded in her own wallet. How did you get them Chris? And, why would you give something like this to Mary’s mother on Mother’s Day? Your own father, Sam Pratt died last year in the hospital after fighting a long illness. Would it be appropriate for you to give your mother, Louise, his birth certificate? I think not!
It is about time that you talk to me and members of law enforcement about what you know. Go on record with your statements and help bring Mary home? For once in your life try to do the right thing. Bring your lawyer, bring your friends, but talk about what really occurred on the weekend of March 12, 2004. Talk about Mary’s birth certificate, why you have her engagment ring, her favorite bomber jacket you were selling at a flea market in Homer, which was recovered and turned over the the police? Explain why you were selling off so many intimate items without even offering them to the family first? Family pictures still in their frames, Mary's jewelery and clothing? Explain how Mary was so mentally and physically abused? Explain how her bones were broken? Explain the court documentation of domestic violence on other women in your life? Explain Mary's disappearance so that we can all understand what might happened to your fiancée? Do you have a problem with anger management and control? We will listen.
You may have moved on,but you cannot hide from your past and events will repeat themselves. When you wish your own Mom a Happy Mother’s Day this year think about the other Mother’s Day events you spent with Mary Lands? Think about how it will be in the Marshall home this Mother’s Day 2007 without the presence of their beloved daughter, Mary? Think about your own children, think about your mother, Louise Pratt, a former school teacher in Albion, and think about what your legacy will be? Think about all of this Mr. Pratt?
April 24, 2007 1:00 PM- No work again today...Christoper is back at Ceresco Dam enjoying the weather and fish'in. Today, however he is with his brother Jeff Pratt.
April 20, 2007- It must be another day off work at the Target Distribution Center in Galesburg, Michigan because the sun was out and Mr. Pratt went fish'in. Pike minnows were the bait of the day. In about two weeks, over 5,600 viewers have seen the Chris Pratt Fish'in Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7u21C1dJOHk

Someone must be held accountable. Two years ago I wrote that Marshall, Michigan is a lovely and beautiful place to live and work, but evil things can and do occur in the best of places. Something very evil occurred in Marshall on March 12, 2004 and that evil lingers to this day. Let us end this evil and bring this investigation to a close. You can help and those answers are out there and known by good people with a conscience. Call us, email, or write if you have any information.
I have been often criticized by law enforcement for not providing the names of people who have provided tips and other information. Many will talk to me, but not to the police. I have never divulged the name of any person if they wished to remain anonymous. In over two years I have interviewed dozens of individuals throughout the country in prisons, county jails, in their homes or at work. I will go anywhere to speak to anyone with information about Mary’s case and if you ask, your name will remain anonymous. Clifford Marshall has often said that many people seem to trust me more than the police. Unfortunately, I have also come to the realization that I have more respect for some individuals in prison than for some police-officers who I know. That probably explains the reluctance of so many people to trust some in law enforcement.
If you have any information, concerning the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands, please contact me- JCarlin@JustinianLaw.com
Mary Denise Lands Tribute Video- http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5453491744213013506