Friday, December 22, 2006

March 12, 2007 marks 3 years since Mary was reported missing by her fiance, Christopher Luke Pratt. Why did he he wait 44 hours to notify the police?

While most of America enjoyed the holidays and the New Year of 2007 the Marshall family continues to ask, Where is Mary? And, When will we have justice for Mary? The investigation goes on and we all will never give up until the person/s responsible for Mary’s disappearance and murder is held accountable.
Mary Denise Lands- Video We could never have come this far in our search for Mary without all the support of so many good people. We will bring Mary home in 2007 and justice will be served.
One of the great tools of law enforcement and civil and criminal investigators are dumpster or trash dives. Once a person places their trash or garbage at the curb for disposal they lose any expectation of their right to privacy. It can be retrieved by anyone and often the police can utilize the contents of trash in their investigation of any criminal activity. People should be extremely careful of what they discard in the trash because criminals can use the information in fraud and identity theft. Use a shredder to protect yourself and family so that documents and papers you don't want to be found by others, will not be found.
I have done hundreds of these trash dives in my career and they are often wet, messy and odorous, but they do yield valuable results. On the left is a note and just one piece of information that was retrieved from trash placed on the street by Mary’s former boy-friend, Christopher L. Pratt. He now resides in a rural residence at 9018 15 1/2 Mile Road, Fredonia Township, in Marshall, Michigan with his new girl-friend. One has to wonder if there might be domestic violence now occurring within the Pratt home, and if his girl-friend and her children are safe?
Here is an interesting observation that may be accurate in this case…
People who engage in sociopathic behavior want to be in control and manipulate others. They often resent pets and animals that might be receiving attention and affection that they believe is only meant for them. I have ascertained that many pets and animals in the households of the women involved with Mr. Pratt have mysteriously disappeared or been injured over the years. This is well documented and can be proven. I find it strange that this same unusual occurrence might have happened in his girl-friend's life as she moved in with Mr. Pratt. The story goes that she had two lovable cats as pets, "Banjo" and "Nipper". One of the cats was poisoned, and the other disappeared, however neighbors reported that Nipper eventually returned to a previous residence occupied by his girl-friend. That would appear to be great news, but Nipper never was relocated to their new house on F Drive & 15 1/2 Mile Road. Mr. Pratt reportedly did not want her pets in their home. I don’t know how true this is, but it doesn't say much for the way someone should act in a relationship? Is it that Chris Pratt doesn't like cats, women, or people in general?
In my opinion, his girl-friend should not only be worried about pets, but concerned for her own safety and that of her children. After this remark, please note the following:

April 13, 2007- Chris Pratt is telling friends and relatives that his girl-friend had to go into the hospital because she lost feeling in her hands and feet. It sure is a strange coincidence that this makes the 3rd woman with whom he has had a relationship to experience this type of unusual medical anomaly. What could it be? Oh, what could it be?
Chris, you don’t seem to be working much anymore, and your girl-friend is the one employed, with a viable income and taking care of the house. It must be rough on her having to do so many things and take care of you and her own children? I plan to return to rural areas of Calhoun County and continue the search for Mary as soon as the weather clears next week. We will have more cadaver dogs and since you have all this idle time on your hands I wondered if you could meet with me and help in the search? As an experienced hunter who claims to know every piece of land in Calhoun County you would know where we could look.I hope you will consider my request and I look forward to talking with you again. Give it some thought?
Jim Carlin

If Mary was here today she would want to promote public awareness on the national tragedy of domestic violence, and speak to people on this issue. Take a few minutes and think about Mary Denise Lands as you read a few facts about physical and emotional abuse and domestic violence.
Domestic violence can be physical, sexual, or psychological. Physical and sexual violence by an intimate partner are common problems, affecting 20-50% of women at some stage in life in most populations surveyed globally. Between 3% and 50% of women have experienced it in the past year. Domestic violence has a profound impact on the physical and mental health of those who experience it. As well as injuries, it is associated with an increased risk of a range of physical and mental health problems and is an important cause of mortality from injuries and suicide.
Review of international literature on risk of domestic violence shows that although it is greatest in relationships and communities where the use of violence in many situations is normative, notably when witnessed in childhood, it is substantially a product of gender inequality and the lesser status of women compared with men in society. Except for poverty, few social and demographic characteristics define risk groups. Poverty increases vulnerability through increasing relationship conflict, reducing women's economic and educational power, and reducing the ability of men to live in a manner that they regard as successful. Violence is used frequently to resolve a crisis of male identity. Domestic violence is often associated with heavy alcohol drinking. Research suggests that the different factors have an additive effect.


Domestic violence is not a problem in my community.
Michigan State Police records from 1997 show that a woman is killed by a partner or former partner about once a week in Michigan.
In 1998, the Michigan State Police reported more than 5,000 victims of domestic violence in Oakland County.
Domestic violence only happens to poor women and women of color.
Domestic violence happens in all kinds of families and relationships. Persons of any class, culture, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, age, and sex can be victims or perpetrators of domestic violence.
Some people deserve to be hit.
No one deserves to be abused. Period. The only person responsible for the abuse is the abuser.
Physical violence, even among family members, is wrong and against the law.
Alcohol, drug abuse, stress, and mental illness cause domestic violence.
Alcohol use, drug use, and stress do not cause domestic violence; they may go along with domestic violence, but they do not cause the violence. Abusers often say they use these excuses for their violence. (Michigan Judicial Institute, Domestic Violence Benchbook, 1998, p. 1.6 - 1.7)
Generally, domestic violence happens when an abuser has learned and chooses to abuse. (Michigan Judicial Institute, Domestic Violence Benchbook, 1998, p. 1 - 5)
Domestic violence is rarely caused by mental illness, but it is often used as an excuse for domestic violence. (Michigan Judicial Institute, Domestic Violence Benchbook, 1998, p. 1 - 8)
Domestic violence is a personal problem between a husband and a wife.
Domestic violence affects everyone.
About 1 in 3 American women have been physically or sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives. (Commonwealth Fund, Health Concerns Across a Woman's Lifespan: the Commonwealth Fund 1998 Survey of Women's Health, 1999)
In 1996, 30% of all female murder victims were killed by their husbands or boyfriends. (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1997)
40% to 60% of men who abuse women also abuse children. (American Psychological Association, Violence and the Family, 1996)
If it were that bad, she would just leave.
There are many reasons why women may not leave. Not leaving does not mean that the situation is okay or that the victim want to be abused.
Leaving can be dangerous. The most dangerous time for a woman who is being abused is when she tries to leave. (United States Department of Justice, National Crime Victim Survey, 1995)

Excerpt from Oakland County Coordinating Council Against Domestic Violence

Sunday, October 8, 2006

If this is "secured evidence" at the Marshall Police Department you can only imagine how they are handling the rest of the investigation?

Many people across the country have written and called asking about the condition of Mary's vehicle and the position by Chief Mike Olson and Marshall Police Department that it has always been held in a secure location and is legal evidence?

The family and I have no idea if anything of evidentiary value was found in the vehicle when it allegedly was examined by the Michigan State Police Crime Lab in Lansing, Michigan in early 2004? Under proper law enforcement protocol it is understandable that any information remain confidential. If any forensic evidence was found it hopefully is properly stored by the Marshall Police Department.

However if this is the manner in which the chain of custody and the continuity of evidence is preserved by the Marshall Police Department the entire 15 sworn officers should go back to the police academy and learn about evidence preservation. The department should also think about the position of detective. None are listed in the official web site for the city

For quite some time the family of Mary Denise Lands has been asking that the Marshall Police Department give up jurisdiction of their daughter's investigation to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The incompetence and inability of the Marshall Police Department to even want to properly investigate Mary's disappearance and murder defies logic. Would you want these type of individuals investigating any crime in which you were the victim?

After another inquiry on October 2, 2006 on behalf of the family concerning the status of this vehicle it was quietly relocated on October 3rd from the open yard of the tow company to an undisclosed location. On October 6, 2006 a family member personally spoke to Chief Olson and was advised that the vehicle is being held as evidence. I'd like to see the evidence log and documentation for this article that has been retained as evidence for nearly 2 1/2 years. It may be under Chief Olson's, "Marshall Law" but no court in the United States of America or any prosecutor could conclude this is legal evidence.

December 18, 2006- Today the family received a letter from Chief Olson regarding the disposition of Mary's Dodge Durango. This was in response to my correspondence of December 9th, which actually was the 3rd letter concerning Mary's vehicle. A recent article in the Marshall Chronicle made reference to the position that the Marshall Police Department wanted to continue retaining the vehicle as it might contain evidence. Chief Olson reiterated that no decision has yet been made and he would review the matter with his investigators and John Hallacy, Calhoun County Prosecutor later in the week to see if it could be returned? His belief is that the vehicle may contain "trace evidence." Although we maintain that it would be impossible to legally use any contents on this vehicle as evidence after two years in the open storage lot of Bud's Towing we do appreciate the fact that Chief Olson is seriously reviewing the matter.

Friday, October 6, 2006

Are these more shenanigans by the Marshall Police Department or policy in the Rules and Regulations of the MPD?

October 6, 2006- Today's latest shenanigans by the Marshall Police Department have trumped their numerous blunders and incompetent conduct over the last 30 months.

Mary Lands' vehicle has been unlocked in an open and unsecured yard of Bud's Towing in Marshall, Michigan. According to Chief Mike Olson the vehicle has been considered "evidence" since March 2004 and would not be released to the family. Mary's parents have been trying to document its status and work with the lien-holder in an attempt to keep Mary's vehicle within their family. Chase Bank has been kind enough to also examine the circumstances and provide assistance to the parent's. After the Marshall Police Department received yet another one of my inquiries on behalf of the family on the status of the vehicle this week it was immediately removed from the property of the tow company and is now in a secure location.

The Marshall Police Department claim today that the vehicle is being retained by their agency because it is evidence. Evidence and its documentation is a crucial responsibility of any law enforcement agency. Is the Marshall Police Department going to falsify some evidence tag to show that the chain of custody for this vehicle will verify that it is a piece of evidence?
There is no court in the United States of America or any prosecutor that would take this position especially after the way the vehicle has been improperly stored for over two years. It appears that the Marshall Police Department are doing even more to botch any successful future prosecution of the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands.

In looking at this situation objectively it could be concluded that there was some type of scheme in place to defraud the lien-holder of the payments of this vehicle, and deprive Mary's family to ever come into possession of something that once belonged to their dear daughter.

I know that someone reading about the Mary Lands case might have doubts to our statements and theory. No law enforcement agency in 2006 would ever operate with such incompetence, and lie and deceive parents who have suffered so much. The one thing that the family and I have always done was to be honest with the public and all the media. You couldn't even begin to make up these type of ludicrous circumstances, but they are all sadly very true. People ask us all the time, why do you feel that the Marshall Police Department must turn over jurisdiction of this case to the Federal Bureau of Investigation? If you have followed the story for any amount of time you would see why? As I have said many times before, and it is once again verified today, Barney Fife of Mayberry would have done a better job than anyone in the Marshall Police Department.

Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Service

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Grand Larceny? Lack of Professionalism? Arrogance? You can make the decision.

Update, October 3, 2006- The latest antics of the Marshall Police Department. It gives a new meaning to the term "Marshall Law." If any citizen had engaged in similar conduct they could be charged with conspiracy to commit grand larceny. A police-officer failing to turn in recovered property/evidence such as a knife or IPOD, and converting it to their own would be fired and criminally charged. This is very similar but on a grandeur scale.

----- Original Message -----
Jim Carlin, Justinian Investigative Services
Chief Michael C. Olson, Marshall Police Department
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: 1993 Dodge Durango, Vehicle of Mary Denise Lands

Dear Chief Olson:

This correspondence was originally sent to the City Clerk under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. It was denied and being re-submitted to you, your department, and the City Attorney.
I have previously submitted written communications to you regarding the release of the vehicle of Mary Denise Lands, which has now been stored in the open tow yard of Bud's Wrecker in Marshall. The vehicle has no wheels and the location of the four tires are unknown. It was unlocked and numerous individuals have been in and out of the vehicle in the periodically unsecured storage lot.
On behalf of the family I attempted to ascertain the status of the vehicle. You have informed individuals that the vehicle was no longer evidence and in the improper manner in which it is being presently stored that statement would appear to be correct. You have previously advised the family that it is evidence. Bud's Wrecker claims it is evidence, according to your position, and under the control of the Marshall Police Department. Depending on the listener, you alternate between statements the vehicle is evidence, or no longer considered evidence? The proper chain of evidence and the securing of that evidence clearly indicate that if the vehicle was once of evidentiary value, it has now been breached. Further, we cannot ascertain why the wheels were removed and where they are presently located? In a previous written response you further responded that the vehicle is not a concern of the family, or myself and it is a matter between the lien-holder and Bud's Wrecker.
We vehemently dispute that claim, and it is on record that Clifford Marshall, Mary's father, is the conservator of her estate, and we ask for the vehicle to be released, as according to Bud's Wrecker, it is in the control and possession of the Marshall Police Department.
I have spoken with the owner of the dealership where the vehicle was purchased and they report the lien is with Chase Bank. Sgt. Scott McDonald was provided all the documentation related to this vehicle.
It is nearing the 3rd winter that this vehicle has been stored outdoors and Mr. Marshall would like to have a statement and release so that he may be able to contact the lien-holder and resolve the issue. It makes no sense for this vehicle to be up on jacks in the rear of an open storage lot.
The Marshall Police Department has acted arbitrarily and callously for over two years in not working with the family to release this vehicle. You and your employees should have had more empathy for the family, especially in this particular matter. Clifford and Anita Marshall have very few items that belonged to their daughter. They would like to have this vehicle released and if they can manage it would like to give the vehicle to Mary's children and keep it in the family. If this issue had been addressed two years ago the family would have been able to work with the lien-holder and Bud's Wrecker to pay the costs for towing and storage. The Marshall Police Department should actually pay these fees and the family is asking for you to do so. A 1993 Dodge Durango with approximately 11,000 miles on it is today valued at approximately $13,000.00. If your agency had examined this issue properly two years ago it would have been one less piece of frustration for the family.
We understand that the files of the Mary Lands case are not subject to inspection or FOIA because the Marshall Police Department claims it is an open investigation. If the vehicle is not evidence we would like the tires to be returned and for the vehicle to be released. We also request that the contents of the glove compartment and vehicle documentation also be returned. The charges for towing and/or storage should be paid by the City of Marshall. The Marshall Police Department has absolutely no legal standing at this time and should not be involved in any civil issues related to this vehicle, Mary Lands' estate and Bud's Wrecker. Any other issues regarding the vehicle could then be resolved between Mr. Marshall, Mary's conservator, the lien-holder and Bud's Wrecker.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
344 Clayton Avenue
Battle Creek, Michigan 49017-5218
269.441.7068 (Voice/Facsimile)


Saturday, September 30, 2006

This anonymous comment on behalf of Mary needs to be read by more citizens of our community

Anonymous said...

When you first meet the charming man, that lives behind the haunted soul (Christopher Pratt), you are taken aback by his kindness and generosity.

His smooth way of making everything in your life alright ... that is until you're sucked into his world of darkness. Then the shock of there being "NO WAY OUT" is a daily fact that you must live with. Chris would chuckle and say "It's because of your own stupidity ... or ignorance." Or maybe that ... "You're being so dramatic." He has such a solid way of turning everything around on his abuser.

If and when you ever get away from his claws ... you walk away believing that you are FREE ... only to soon realize that his grip is still on you every second, of every minute, of every day.

There will be NO justice for Mary, or his current girlfriend, or his ex-wife, or his children, or this town, not even our society in a whole ... until he is put behind bars where he belongs.

This is speaking from a person who probably knows him better than anyone, for I am still haunted.

The comment that anonymous wrote about: "Why would anyone protect this guy if they knew he killed her?"

My comment is: "Awh duh, probably because they fear him?" Obviously this person has never been abused, or in Chris clutches.

Here's another question ... Why is it when you see him downtown, or at a football game, or at the town's grocery store, that everyone smiles at him? Is it because they are all his best friends? "AWH Duh! It's because the townspeople FEAR him."

The comments about him being a sociopath, (see below)I can tell you from persnal experience the one's that Chris possess':

Glibness/Superficial Charm: (OH YES! He drips charm.)

Manipulative and Conning: (You will never know you're being manipulated from Chris, until it is WAY TOO LATE!" He is a professional manipulator.)

Grandiose Sense of Self: (Chris believes he's WAY above everyone else, and he chuckles often over how smart he is compared to everyone else. Because you see? No one knows what game he is playing with them next, and he loves that control.)

Pathological Lying (He would lie about what brand toothpaste he uses.)

Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt (He's good at crying and "pretending he's upset" Don't let him fool you.)

Shallow Emotions (No, Chris is very good at Emotions, he'll make you believe anything. By the time he's done with you, you'll think he's the most caring, sincere man in the world ... oh wait a minute, I almost forgot ... that's another one of his games.)

Incapacity for Love (Yes)

Need for Stimulation (Yes, in every sense of the word.)

Callousness/Lack of Empathy (When he's abusing you ... yes)

Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature (If you talk to Chris for any length of time, you soon realize that there is something that just isn't right about him. Especially his alluding sexual comments.)

Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency (yes, but that's kept all within the family).

Irresponsibility/Unreliability (yes, I could go on about this one, but then I wouldn't be very anonymous)

Promiscuous Sexual (Yes)

(Behavior/InfidelityLack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic LifestyleCriminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility (Yes, yes, yes)

Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them (No one will truly understand him ... because he lives in a world that is not normal/or natural to the average human. He has created his own world, his own rules, and his own timeframe. It's Chris' world, and there is no understanding it.)

Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them. (No, not to mention everything is "everyone elses fault" He never does anything wrong, and he always has a crazy reason why he did what he did, and you better just deal with it.)

Authoritarian (Like I said, "You better just deal with it!")

Secretive (Again ... I would no longer be anonymous.

Paranoid (LOL!!!!!!!!! Totally)Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired (Does he have a record?)

Conventional appearance (yup.)

Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)(I hope you are never one of his vicims to find this one out)

Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life. (Every single last aspect. Remember ... you don't realize he's doing it, until his claws are already in you.)

Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation, respect, gratitude and love.(Another reason why he is so good at crying, and showing his emotions. By the time he's done manipulating you ... you're feeling sorry for him.")

Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim.(Look out, you better darn well be careful. Why is his current girlfriend with him again? Is it because she loves him, or because she "can't" leave him? Who knows, maybe she's still at the "he's wonderful" stage. Chris can't keep this up for too long though, before long you start seeing his true colors; so to say. But then will she be able to get away from him? Only one girl has ... but he's probably still destroying her life too.)

Incapable of real human attachment to another (yes, as already stated.)

Unable to feel remorse or guilt. (Never, ever, ever would he feel guilty. If he was showing you guilt ... it would be part of his game.)

Extreme narcissism and grandiose. (Yes ... just listen to his lies. I "heard" he was an Eagle Scout ... what a laugh!")

May state readily that their goal is to rule the world. (actually, I've never heard this from him, but who knows? Maybe that's part of "his" world he lives in.")

To the person who wrote:
"It is hard to believe someone you love and care for is guilty of even having the slightest knowledge of such a horrific crime. We love him, but we want justice for Mary too."
I understand what you are writing, everyone in this world has someone who loves them. I just hope for your own mental health, that you are open to what is most likely the truth in this case.

My biggest prayer, is that Hallacy is taking this "long" amount of time, STUDYING CHRIS. His ways, his ethics, his deviousness. So that when Mr. Hallacy finally decides it's time to go forward in this (and God I hope it's soon), that he will WIN THIS CASE! PLEASE MR. HALLACY! PLEASE FIND JUSTICE FOR MARY,FOR MR. AND MRS. MARSHALL & FAMILY, FOR HIS EX-WIFE AND KIDS, FOR JIM CARLIN, AND FOR THIS TOWN.
Still Haunted.

Friday, September 29, 2006 - A new web site totally dedicated to the disappearance of Mary Lands

September 29, 2006- Justinian Investigative Services has created a new web site totally focused on Mary's disappearance. It is in the process of being developed, however many pages of are ready for viewing.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Maybe this is part of the answer to our question, Where is Mary?

Many people have asked about Chris Pratt, Mary's former boy-friend? Where is he, what is he doing to help the case, why doesn't he participate in helping the family and law enforcement solve the case, and many other questions? One person posted a comment about why Chris would be at a flea market selling Mary's clothing, family pictures, and other intimate items that most people would cherish from a relationship that ended in such tragedy. I can only provide my opinion. Those who know Chris might be able to connect the dots.

A Sociopath
Here is a list of ways to identify a sociopath. This list is from "Profile of a Sociopath". Is is an excellent list of sociopathic indicators.

Glibness/Superficial Charm
Manipulative and Conning
Grandiose Sense of Self
Pathological Lying
Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
Shallow Emotions
Incapacity for Love
Need for Stimulation
Callousness/Lack of Empathy
Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them
Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them
Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired
Conventional appearance
Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)
Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life
Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)
Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim
Incapable of real human attachment to another
Unable to feel remorse or guilt
Extreme narcissism and grandiose
May state readily that their goal is to rule the world

Here is more input and personal anecdotes from others to help you know if someone is a sociopath:

First, you'll know a sociopath from the description/list posted above here. Also, as another poster wrote, get a book on Sociopaths and it will help you beyond belief. Even a book or article on controlling personalities or borderline personalities will help you. Once you can identify the pattern you will begin to "see the light." Sociopaths are charming at first and may seem charming and normal to everyone around them. But they have an almost scary need for control. They will isolate you from friends and family and you will be tangled in your web before you know it.
The key characteristics of a sociopath include: (1) having no conscience, (2) inability to treat others as human beings, with feelings and rights and (3) inability to learn from experience, from life. One result of this last is gross immaturity, though it may be hidden unless one knows the person well. A sociopath behaves as if he/she were the only person in the whole world and as if everyone else just existed for their benefit and had no existence in their own right. (4) Sociopaths treat other people as toys and hanker after the power to control and hurt their 'nearest and dearest'. (5) Many are monumentally self-important: they may pretend to be millionaires when in reality they are sliding towards financial disaster. (6) Habitual dishonesty.
He will charm his way into your life and heart, then take complete advantage of you - your emotions, your finances, your intellect. He will make you think you are the crazy one. Your friends will see right through him. He will isolate you from your friends and possibly your family. He cannot hold a job and will probably commit crimes - theft, fraud, forgery, and spend time in jail or prison. He will abuse drugs or alcohol. He may abuse you.
My mother is a sociopath, and from all accounts, has been since she was a very young child. She's caused non-stop turmoil in our family, through three generations, and is a charming and frightening menace. I'm the only one to have gotten any counseling on the issue, and the only child so far not to be controlled by mental problems resulting from our upbringing. As such, I'm the 'parent' as far as anybody in our family is concerned, and the dumping ground for complaints about her shocking awful hurtful behavior. I can recognize she never had any kind of 'close' relationship with her father, but it pales in comparison to the way she treated and treats my siblings and myself. Her bad choices in male companionship have contributed to our family grief, but clearly aren't her fault.
The book "The Sociopath Next Door" saved me thousands of dollars in therapy!
It is very difficult to recognize a sociopath but in a nutshell, a sociopath is a parasite. There is no help because a sociopath does not want to be helped. A socipath will attract you with his charm and bring you to his side, then he will toy with you, lie and show no remorse. Sometimes there will be a fake smile in his face while he engages in his malicious ways. When confronted, he will deny any responsibility, then back away from you and blame you for whatever wrong he did. What is worse, everybody will believe him because he is able to gain sympathy in a cunning and calculating way.
My nephew is a sociopath. Growing up he would torture my cat, throwing lighted matches into her bed while she was resting. He would break and hide my mother's belongings and lie about it. One day, she caught him hiding the broken pieces of a porcelain figurine with the other missing objects. He lied to his parents accusing her of hitting him. He came to live with me when he started college. For six months I worked hard trying to make him feel at home. I helped him with his college work, and to get a job. For months I was lied and manipulated. I defended him when his boss accused him of lacking respect and attendance. I believed him when I accused of starting fights, drinking and smoking pot in campus. I even offered to pay for a week's vacation once the semester was over to celebrate his good grades, or at least the good grades he made me believe on. At last I found out he had quit college, had no job and had spent the vacation money. He just turned twenty years old. When I told him that he needed to keep a job and/or study if he wanted to stay with me he moved in with his current girlfriend and told everybody, including my family, that I had thrown him out of my house. Unfortunately they believe him. When I confronted him about his lies he smiled and said nothing.
I'm a little concerned that some people may be labeling everyone who has treated them badly as a 'sociopath'. Here are some examples of sociopathic behavior: 1. A member of the family develops a nose bleed. The sociopath's first reaction: 'How dare you bleed on my carpet?' 2. Husband faints in wife's presence. Her sociopathic reaction as she steps over his body: 'Hell! That means I'll have to collect the kids from school today'. 3. Mother makes singularly vile false allegations, such as rape, against her own son and calls the police. When the police point out there's no evidence to support her accusation, she says, 'But I feel just oh-so-violated', as if that constituted evidence. 4. Teenage daughter is diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia. When the psychiatrist orders inpatient treatment at a mental hospital with a special unit for teenagers, the sociopathic mother tries to prevent her going to hospital. When the father takes their daughter to the mental hospital, the mother threatens to abduct her! She tries to phone her daughter in hospital daily and subjects her to emotional blackmail.
A number of mind-controlling cult leaders may exhibit many of the behavioral characteristics of a sociopath -- an outstanding ability to charm and seduce followers. Since they appear apparently normal, they are not easily recognizable as deviant or disturbed. Although only a trained professional can make a diagnosis of whether or not someone is a sociopath, it is important to be able to recognize the personality type in order to avoid further abuse. These traits also apply to a one-on-one cults relationship. ... Glibness/Superficial Charm ... Manipulative and Conning ... Grandiose Sense of Self ... Pathological Lying ... Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt ... Shallow Emotions ... Incapacity for Love ... Need for Stimulation ... Callousness/Lack of Empathy ... Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature ... Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency ... Irresponsibility/Unreliability ... Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity ... Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle ... Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility

A sociopath does not have to be a person that is constantly in and out of jail, failing in being able to keep a job, nor constantly being broke. Sociopath's can be wealthy, have a great history in the work place and have never had any run in with the police. What they do have is the ability to manipulate each situation to where nothing is their fault. They are quick to give praise to someone, but use that as another way to draw them further under their control. They truly have no capacity to believe that anything they have ever done is wrong - even when caught in a bold faced lie.
They don't preplan their "sociopathness" and how it will effect what they want - sociopath's are naturally that way. They are the way they are - to everyone in their lives - from when they were a child, throughout their entire lives. They do not have the ability to change the way they are. They may "mellow" as they age, but their need to have control over others, the need to be impulsive, their feelings that, even in lying, they never do anything wrong, and their ability to charm everyone they think they need to charm, does not leave them as they age.
It's also very hard for someone involved with a sociopath to be able to see what they know is happening, even after catching the sociopath in the lies and manipulation. It's incredibly hard to decide to leave a sociopath, as well as stay away from that sociopath.

This article was from Profile of a Sociopath

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Marshall Historic Home Tour, Protest Walk for Mary helped gain more support for her family

Update, September 13, 2006- Our protest Walk for Mary throughout the weekend during Marshall’s Historic Home Tour was a huge success. Many visitors stopped and spoke with Mary’s parent’s, Clifford & Anita Marshall. We all discussed the bungled investigation and numerous people offered to write letters to members of law enforcement about their poor handling of the case. As visitors and members of the community got off tour buses we handed out flyers and information about Mary’s disappearance. Hundreds of people honked their horns and waved as they drove around the Brooks Fountain Circle in support of our efforts to answer the question, When will we have justice for Mary?
The family, friends and supporters of Mary Denise Lands will continue to promote public awareness about the case. We will again walk at the Criminal Justice Center in Battle Creek in the near future and have a strong presence in Marshall during the upcoming Scarecrow Festival.
Come out and support us.

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

"Annual Night-Out Against Crime" Protest Walk for Mary a huge Success

Update, September 6, 2006-
The “Annual Night-Out Against Crime” protest walk for Mary was a great success. The family, friends and supporters of Mary Denise Lands again carried signs in front of the Marshall Police Department and the Brooks Fountain Circle. The activities conducted by the police department were not crowded and most of the traffic on the Fountain were from the members of the police and fire department, and others in law enforcement. The children who did attend appeared to have a great time. The low turnout was probably attributable to the fact that the event had to be rescheduled from the original date in August. When the event was concluded the last person to leave the Fountain was Chief Mike Olson who rode off on the Marshall Police Department's new Harley-Davidson motorcycle that he drove to the event earlier in the evening. We will soon post photographs of the event and participants.
Once again, members of the community stopped and spoke with Cliff & Anita Marshall and offered their support about Mary’s disappearance. As on other protest walks, people honked their horns and waved as they drove around the Fountain Circle.The family continues to ask that the Marshall Police Department turn over the investigation of their daughter’s disappearance and murder to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The family and friends will continue protest walks during the Historic Home Tour, the Scarecrow Festival and other events in Marshall to promote public awareness for Mary’s case.

Friday, September 1, 2006

Happy Birthday Mary, your spirit will always be with us

Update, Letter to the Editor- Battle Creek Enquirer- Mary's Birthday -
On September 3, 2006 she would have been 42 years of age,
For over two years I have worked on behalf of the parent’s of Mary Denise Lands on the circumstances of their daughter’s disappearance in March 2004. I am privileged to know these good people and feel like a member of their family.
Anita Marshall, Mary’s mother, said many months ago, “We never had a manual to follow about what to do or not do when your daughter turns up missing.”
The family has provided law enforcement with hundreds of documents, videos, and the bomber jacket that Mary wore on the night of her disappearance. The latter was recovered at a flea market as it was being sold along with many of Mary’s other personal belongings.
The problem today is that the Marshall Police Department lacks the ability to solve this case. Marshall, Michigan is a wonderful and lovely place to live and work, but evil things can and do occur in the best of places. Something very evil occurred on March 12, 2004 and that evil lingers to this date.
We reiterate our request that the FBI take primary jurisdiction of the investigation. Chief Olson’s latest claim is that two officers are now working the case 3 days a week. Nothing can be solved on that timetable especially if you take into account interruptions for vacation, training, lunch, and other daily priorities. Today we doubt that Mary’s case even receives 12 hours a week.
It is easy for people to criticize our efforts, but if this was the wife, daughter or loved one of a local politician or police official the case would have been solved long ago.

Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Join our Walk for Mary at Marshall's Annual Night-Out Against Crime

Update, August 29, 2006- The Annual Night-Out Against Crime for the City of Marshall originally planned in August has been rescheduled for Tuesday, September 5, 2006, 7:00 P.M.-9:00 P.M. It will be held at the Brooks Fountain Circle. On hand will be the family, friends and supporters of Mary Denise Lands who continue to protest their displeasure with the way the investigation has been mishandled by the Marshall Police Department. Come out and support the family, carry a sign, and meet Clifford & Anita Marshall, Mary’s Mom and Dad. Join us as we continue to ask the questions, Where is Mary? and, When will we have justice for Mary. The family and friends will maintain a notable presence in Marshall and Battle Creek and talk about this case in the upcoming months. We plan appearances in Marshall at the Historic Home Tour, the Scarecrow Festival, the Christmas Parade and at any event where we can ask for help from the public. We would be privileged if you would join us and talk about Mary Lands and why Chief Mike Olson and the Marshall Police Department have not solved this case.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Donald Wright of Battle Creek offers comments on the Mary Lands investigation

Sunday, August 27, 2006- Response- Letter to the Editor-
Thank you for your letter Lt. Wright, but you are quite Wrong! It is interesting to note that you seem to have information that the family of Mary Denise Lands did not have related to activity on her bank records. I don't mind anyone with ties to law enforcement supporting Chief Mike Olson. However, I have never made any comments about Sheriff Al Byam and the Calhoun County Sheriff's Department because that agency never had the chance to solve this case, which they could do. My facts are accurate and my qualifications to do need to be displayed just to show that I know what I am talking about. You do need to learn the definition of defamation, whimsical or otherwise, because I would welcome such a lawsuit. From the very first day that I inquired about the Mary Lands case from people in Marshall I came to realize the blatant fear in that community not only of certain persons who may be involved in Mary's disappearance, but in the fear that so many citizens have of their own police department. We all know of the police "Blue Wall of Silence" and how pervasive it is in our society. I have accomplished inquiries to the Marshall Police Department under the Freedom of Information Act and you should do the same. What I found was appalling and it has a direct correlation to the management style of Chief Olson and the credibility of that agency. You for one should know how important it is for citizens to trust police-officers. I am correct in my facts and almost immediately the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Task Force was told by the Marshall Police Department that their resources were not needed. The family of Mary Lands is very aware that law enforcement does not release police information and we have no problem with that protocol. What we do have a problem with is when police officers lie and do not keep their word. The MPD has treated the Marshall family with total disrespect since the beginning of this case. The word empathy is not in their vocabulary. We believe that this will all come out soon when a major media brings this story to national attention. Two years ago I stated that Marshall, Michigan is a beautiful and wonderful place to live and work, but evil things can and do occur in the best of places. Something very evil occurred on March 12, 2004 and for whatever reasons that evil lingers today. However, soon the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Lands will be held accountable. We also believe others will also be held accountable for their failures. I have donated my time and resources to Clifford & Anita Marshall in the search for their daughter. As a licensed private investigator in Michigan I could be doing many other things but I choose to help this family. When this case is concluded I have no plans to continue in this profession. I certainly would never take on another missing persons case and I limit myself to specific cases at this time. My reward and remuneration will be to see that justice is served. I would be the first person to shake the hand of Chief Olson if he stepped up and did the right thing. Lt. Wright, Why don't you come out and join us on Tuesday, September 5, 2006 at 7:00 P.M. and meet the family of Mary Lands. We all will be there for Marshall's "Annual Night-out" asking "When will we have justice for Mary?" We will also be there in Marshall for the Historic Home Tour, the Scarecrow Festival and the Christmas Parade. We won't go away until this case is resolved. Thank you for your comments, Lt. It is discussion like this that permits our community to understand the real tragedy in Mary's case. We need more people like you.

Update, August 27, 2006- Letter to the Editor, by Donald Wright, to Battle Creek Enquirer
Case continues to be investigated
I have been following the Mary Lands case since the beginning. My heart goes out to the family; I too believe that she deserves justice. That said, I take great umbrage with an individual who makes public statements maligning both Chief Mike Olson and the Marshall Police Department. The letter to the editor printed Aug. 22 in the Enquirer ("Protest Wednesday in missing-woman case") is another example that does nothing positive to bring closure to this investigation. I feel compelled to respond to these "cheap shots." Mary Lands was first reported missing on a Sunday. Investigators uncovered information showing possible activity on her bank records as late as Monday, but that was found not to be the case. The Calhoun County Major Crimes Task Force was activated the very next day. This team consists of representatives from the FBI, the Michigan State Police and all of the larger law enforcement agencies in the county. Contrary to all previous information provided by this individual, the FBI and the Major Crimes Task Force were very involved. Marshall PD and the state police continue to have investigators assigned to follow up on leads. They spend a large portion of their time following these leads and adding them to the investigation. This person should know that a police agency does not release police reports on any active investigations. The Marshall Police Department certainly does not deserve to be whimsically defamed as this person's reference to having doughnuts takes precedent over an important investigation. Who is Jim Carlin and what are his qualifications for making allegations that are such tripe?
Donald Wright
Battle Creek

Update, August 22, 2006- Letter to the Editor, by Jim Carlin, to Battle Creek Enquirer
Protest Wednesday in missing-woman case
Once again, the family of Mary Denise Lands is asking for help from our community. We plan to conduct a day-long protest walk at the Criminal Justice Center in Battle Creek on Wednesday, Aug. 23, beginning at 8 a.m. Mary Lands disappeared under suspicious circumstances from an apartment she shared with her boyfriend on March 12, 2004. The Marshall Police Department initially botched this investigation and rejected the resources of the FBI and a major task force to break the case. Today, MPD continues to stumble and fumble its way through a sloppy investigation that has failed to produce arrests of the person(s) responsible for Mary's disappearance. Calhoun County has had a large amount of violent crime in the last two years and we do not fault any agency for its inability to solve crimes. The investigators of the BCPD have an extremely difficult job but at least they show effort. We adamantly do fault the Marshall Police Department and Chief Mike Olson for their incompetence and inability to solve Mary's case. This is not rocket science, and basic Police Procedure 101 could provide the answers. MPD should put away the doughnuts and do some real police work! We have the support of the Marshall community, but we need citizens throughout Calhoun County to come out and walk with us on the 23rd. Meet Mary's mother and father and see these two good people who are only trying to answer one question, "When will we have justice for Mary?"
Jim Carlin

Thursday, August 17, 2006

When is someone in law enforcement going to put away the donuts and do some real police work?

Update- August 17,2006- The Marshall Police Department responded on our request to ascertain why Calhoun County Prosecutor John Hallacy refused to issue warrants against Christopher L. Pratt. That agency clearly has a letter or explanation on why our complaints had no merit and we wish to receive it. Other individuals have been charged and convicted under these statutes and we believe the complaints we signed did have merit.
The family, friends and supporters of Mary Lands continue to be disappointed in all the events related to this case. Again, we intend to express our displeasure with the manner in which the Marshall Police Department have conducted their investigation. We will conduct a day-long protest walk near the steps of the Calhoun County Criminal Justice Center at 8:00 A.M. on Wednesday, August 23, 2006.
We also plan to protest on Tuesday, September 5, 2006 at the Brooks Fountain Circle in Marshall (7:00-9:00 P.M.), which is the rescheduled date for the Marshall Police Department's, Annual Night Out. The original event previously planned for August 2nd was cancelled because of the heat. Please come out to both protest walks and help support the family of Mary Lands.

----- Original Message -----
Michael Olson
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 4:20 PM
Subject: Complaints against Christopher Pratt
I reviewed the email you sent to Deputy Chief Pehrson regarding the disposition of the investigation involving Christopher Pratt. As investigators, my officers collected the facts of your allegations and the documentation regarding the lease. The information was reduced to writing and then a warrant request was sent to Prosecutor Hallacy. After reviewing the information, Prosecutor Hallacy determined it to be a civil matter revolving around the lease of the apartment.
Regarding the formal reply from the Prosecutor that you referred to in your email, that is not the customary manner in which notification is made. In nearly every case that I am aware of, the Prosecutor responds to the investigating agency informing them of his decision regarding the case. The law enforcement agency then makes contact with the complainants and informs them of the decision. As I am sure you know, the Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office reviews well over 6000 complaints annually and they simply don't have the resources to individually notify the complainants. That is not to say that Prosecutor Hallacy is not responsive. In fact, I find him to be just the opposite. He has met with Clifford and Anita in the past and continues to be willing to meet with them. He has provided his knowledge, experience, and guidance on this case and I feel fortunate to work with him.
If you have further questions or I can be of further assistance, please contact me.

Michael C. Olson,
Public Safety Director
Marshall Police & Fire
323 West Michigan Avenue
Marshall, MI 49068
Office: 269-781-2596
Fax: 269-781-6414

----- Original Message -----
Jim Carlin, Justinian Investigative Services
Deputy Chief Brett Pehrson, Marshall Police Department
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 6:37 PM
Subject: Fw: complaints against Christopher Pratt
Deputy Chief Pehrson,
Officer Kelly called me this afternoon and related the decision by Mr. Hallacy not to prosecute Mr. Pratt in our complaints. He read from Mr. Hallacy's letter that this was a civil matter related to the lease. Officer Kelly stated that if I request the information under FOIA I could obtain the decision.
As you may know, I did so with Mr. Pratt's original complaint and had to pay $24.00 for 24 pages of the material.
As the complainants, I feel that Mr. & Mrs. Marshall and myself should receive the formal reply of the prosecutor and his reasons for not going forward.
It would be appreciated if those materials and Mr. Hallacy's decision be sent to each of us as this is something out of the scope of FOIA since we were the victims.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Jim Carlin

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

The annual "Night Out" Walk for Mary was a great success, but it seems that the Marshall Police can't take the heat

Update- August 2, 2006 Once again the family, friends and supporters walked in peaceful protest for Mary Denise Lands. Despite a request from the Chief of Police that the annual "Night Out" was not appropriate for such a demonstration, it was held with a huge response. It is ironic that the only time the police chief shows up at the Marshall home is to dissuade the family from some public awareness efforts for their daughter. If that agency had spent as much time working on the investigation in 2004 the case would have been solved by now. It appears that the chief of police is trying to also play the part of a politician, however he fails miserably in both jobs. The good people of Marshall stopped and once again offered support and hundreds honked their horns for Mary during the 3-hour walk in front of the Marshall Police Department. We are asking that the case be turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and that a grand jury be convened to bring the person/s responsible to justice for Mary's disappearance.As usual our group was friendly, dignified and lawful respecting the rights of all. We believe that "Night Out Against Crime" was an outstanding opportunity to continue the public awareness efforts in Mary's case. Many of the residents who stopped asked about why "Night Out" events were not being held? A dispatcher later told a resident that it had been cancelled because of the weather. The function was to be held under trees at the Circle Fountain but evidently the police department could not handle the heat. We all had a pleasant evening and the heat was not a problem. Why is that agency so keen on not wanting their residents to view a legitimate demonstration on behalf of Mary Lands? What are they trying to hide? Why don't they want to solve the crimes involving Mary's disappearance and murder. We are only asking that the mishandled criminal investigation be turned over to an agency having the ability, resources and desire to prosecute Mary's case. Annual "Night Out" has been rescheduled for Tuesday, September 5, 2006 and we will be back. There are also other events for the late Summer and Fall in Marshall where we will continue to walk with our signs that ask the question, When will we have justice for Mary?

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Join our Walk for Mary, "America's Night Out Against Crime"

On Tuesday, August 1, 2006 communities throughout the United States will be celebrating "Annual Night Out Against Crime." It is a national program to demonstrate how citizens can play a vital role in assisting their police departments through joint crime, drug and violence prevention.
The Marshall Police Department will hold their event from 7:00 P.M.-9:00 P.M. at the Brooks Fountain Circle.
The family, friends and supporters of Mary Lands will also be on hand in front of the police department for a protest demonstration handing out literature about Mary's disappearance. It will be similar to the highly successful protest that was conducted over the long Memorial Day weekend.

We will carry protest signs asking that the Federal Bureau of Investigation take over the primary investigation of Mary's case from the Marshall Police Department. It has been nearly 29 months since Mary Lands disappeared and that investigation was mishandled by the local police department from its initial stages. We all would like to promote anti-crime efforts in our neighborhoods, but we also need to demand thorough and complete investigations of any crimes that are ongoing. There are too many murders and violent crimes in Calhoun County and law enforcement barely has enough time to investigate current offenses much less older cases. When criminals realize they will be held accountable for their actions, that in itself will reduce crime and violence.
Please join the family of Mary Marshall Lands during our protest walk and carry a sign.
For two years we have been asking, Where is Mary? We continue to also ask, When will we have justice for Mary?

Jim Carlin

Monday, July 10, 2006

Marshall Police Department Release FOIA Request Concerning Charges of Home Invasion.

The Marshall Police Department today finally released a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request that I filed concerning a complaint by Chris Pratt, the former boy-friend of Mary Denise Lands. In the complaint Mr. Pratt alleges that Mary's parent's, Clifford & Anita Marshall, the leasing manager of the apartment complex where she once resided, and I broke into the apartment and stole property. After an investigation by the Marshall Police Department a warrant request was then submitted to Calhoun County Prosecutor John Hallacy. They cited crimes including Home Invasion, Burglary-Forced Entry, and Theft. After a review of the complaint and the investigation by the Marshall Police Department the Calhoun County Prosecutor declined to issue any warrants in this case.
The 24 pages of documents clearly indicate that during the first three hours of this investigation the Marshall Police Department was fully aware that no crime had occurred, however on June 20, 2006 they still requested that Mr. & Mrs. Marshall come into the police department for an interrogation. Upon arriving and being advised they were the subjects of a criminal investigation the Marshall's were asked to waive their rights under Miranda. They then declined to speak with any officer without their attorney present and departed. For the first time in my life on the previous day, I also had to invoke my rights under Miranda and refused to speak with any officer without an attorney being present.
This is just more documentation that Chief Mike Olson and the Marshall Police Department continue to utilize harassment and intimidation against the family and I because we have been highly critical of their mishandling of Mary's case. Any individual in law enforcement would have immediately recognized after speaking with the leasing manager that the claims by Mr. Pratt were not only unfounded, but also totally false. He failed to pay rent and was considered a "skip" by management yet after giving permission to Mr. Marshall to take a few small items from his former vacant apartment he signed a complaint that the property was stolen. These were small items once possessed by their daughter which were abandoned by Mr. Pratt after he vacated the premises. How can an individual be a suspect of a home invasion when the premises were vacant and unoccupied, and Mr. Pratt had no legal standing to even be there himself? It will be interesting to see how quickly the Marshall Police Department might seek a warrant request against Mr. Pratt for filing a false police report.
On July 12th Mary Lands will have been missing for 28 months. If the Marshall Police Department would have aggressively pursued the person/s responsible for Mary's disappearance as they did against her parents for an alleged Home Invasion the case could have been solved two years ago. They continue to display their incompetence and these keystone-kops antics by members of any police department are a total disgrace. Where is the leadership and professionalism of the police management in this agency? Their actions display just how truly incompetent they really are in the performance of their sworn duties. With this type of attitude it is no wonder that the Marshall Police Department cannot solve Mary's case. Barney Fife wouldn't have ever even considered these frivolous charges against the parents of a woman who is missing and now presumed murdered. Chief Olson and some members of his department continue to demonstrate that they have absolutely no empathy or respect for the family.. Their sole objective today is not to solve the Mary Lands case, but to make the family go away and forget that it ever happened. Mr. Olson, that will never occur and you need to wake up and do the job for which you are being paid. You receive a salary of $65,352,00, and are supposed to be Marshall Police Department's top cop, After all your years on the job, try to be one!

Jim Carlin

Monday, June 26, 2006

Even under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the intimidation continues....

Update- June 26, 2006 This is the email response from Chief Mike Olson and the Marshall Police Department concerning our Freedom of Information Request about the family and I being granted permission to be in the previous residence of Mary Lands after the apartment was vacated by former boy-friend, Chris Pratt. On June 19, 2006 he evidently filed criminal complaints against us for entering the abandoned apartment, although we had permission from management.

----- Original Message -----
Michael Olson
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 8:03 AM
Subject: FOIA Request
I am in receipt of your FOIA request. It was forwarded to the Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office on Friday, June 23, 2006. The complaint remains under investigation and will not be released at this time.

Michael C. Olson,
Public Safety Director
Marshall Police & Fire
323 West Michigan Avenue
Marshall, MI 49068
Office: 269-781-2596
Fax: 269-781-6414

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Harassment and Intimidation against the family of Mary Denise Lands

Update- June 22, 2006 On June 19, 2006 the leasing manager of the apartment complex where Mary formerly resided permitted Mr. & Mrs. Marshall and I into the unit to take photographs, video and recover a few small items abandoned there after her boy friend vacated, and had not paid any rent.
Acting on a complaint from Chris Pratt, a sergeant from the Marshall Police Department attempted to speak with me prior to a city council meeting. Mr. Marshall and I were in attendance to speak about Mary's disappearance and ask 20 questions concerning the mishandling of Mary's case. The officer came upstairs to the City Hall and requested that I accompany her to the police department for questioning. I declined to speak with her or any police-officer until my attorney was present. The Marshall Police Department then spent several hours at the vacant apartment and verified with the leasing agent that Mary's name was on the lease and, in fact, Mr. Pratt had vacated without paying his rent. One would presume that the issue was over, however on the next day the Marshall Police Department required the Marshall's to come into the Police Department and be questioned about "some criminal matters". They complied and were brought into an interrogation room. They were then informed of their Miranda Rights and they too then stated they would not speak to the police until their attorney was present. The next day, Chief Mike Olson called Mr. Marshall and said there was no problem.
This is just more of the same attitude of arrogance and incompetence within the Marshall Police Department. They knew Monday night that no crime ever occurred with us going into the empty apartment with the permission of management, and while they were present. The Marshall Police Department purposely intended to harass and intimidate the family in an attempt to have us cease our criticism of their mishandling of Mary's case.
How ironic it is that nearly 28 months after Mary disappeared that her own parents were being read their Miranda Rights just for being in her former home. One has to wonder how many times Miranda has ever been read to anyone in the actual Mary Lands case?
Thank you to the management of this great residential complex for standing up and helping the family. The community has been so supportive of the family and it is deeply appreciated. This is just another example of one of the reasons that primary jurisdiction of the Mary Lands case should be taken over by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and a grand jury.
Jim Carlin

Thursday, June 15, 2006

A Father's Day Plea to Bring Home his Daughter

Detroit News- June 17, 2006

Update- June 17, 2006 by Clifford Marshall
Can anyone help me with questions about my daughter, Mary, who has now been missing for over 27 months? Mary was 39 years old when she disappeared from her apartment in Marshall, Michigan. She was my adult daughter, but she will always be my “baby.” These are just some of my questions and those of our family:

1. Why were non-certified civilian dog handlers permitted into the original police investigation by the Marshall Police Department, which gave the impression to ourcommunity that my Mary was just another adult runaway?
2. Why did the Marshall Police Department within the first week of Mary’s disappearance tell the Federal Bureau of Investigation that their resources and those of a task force were not needed in the case?
3. Why were family members ridiculed, embarrassed and told outright lies by the Marshall Police Department during interviews about Mary’s disappearance?
4. Why did it take 6 months for the Marshall Police Department to declare Mary a “victim of foul play?”
5. Why did it take 9 months for a search warrant to be executed at my daughter’s home?
6. Why was Jim Carlin, a man volunteering his time and experience to our family threatened with arrest simply for asking questions about Mary?
7. Why was it that 9 months later the police didn’t have any problem with Mr. Carlin working on behalf of our family on this case?
8. Why have the Marshall Police Department refused to interview Mary’s daughter as she obviously has a great deal of first-hand knowledge about her mother’s life and Mary’s relationship with her boyfriend?
9. Why was it that our family did not realize our daughter was a severely battered woman?
10. Why after 27 months have the police failed to name a suspect or at least a “person of interest” in Mary’s disappearance?
11. Why after working with the Marshall Police Department and providing information and tips to them was Jim Carlin, our private investigator, who continues to donate his time and services again threatened with arrest because he wanted to interview Mary’s daughter?
12. Why is it that Mary’s favorite winter brown leather jacket worn on the night of her disappearance was recovered at a flea market in Homer yet the Marshall Police do not seem interested in who was selling it along with many of her other personal items and property?
13. Why have the Marshall Police not done more to inquire about Mary’s boyfriend and other associates who might have information about this case?
14. Why does the Marshall Chief of Police refuse to permit the Federal Bureau of Investigation to take over primary jurisdiction of this case?
15. What is the Marshall Police Department hiding and who are they trying to protect?
16. Why is it that so many people in our community distrust the Marshall Police Department?
17. Why is it that only once in 27 months has any member of law enforcement ever visited our home to give us support? This single instance occurred for just 20 minutes last month and it was only after a plea by Jim Carlin to the Marshall Chief of Police, Mike Olson.
18. It is well known that the Calhoun County Prosecutor will not criminally charge anyone in a case without a body. Why did Mr. Hallacy state to the editor of the Marshall Chronicle he has prosecuted at least twice, but those cases cannot be verified in court records? If he has done so, why won’t he consider such a prosecution in my daughter’s case?
19. Why is it that it appears there are so many intertwining criminal activities related to Mary’s disappearance, but the Marshall Police Department can’t seem to connect the dots?
20. Why does the Marshall Police Department have such a lack of respect and compassion for our family in this unbearable tragedy?
For over two years we have been asking, “Where is Mary?”and “When will we have justice for Mary?” Please help our family in this tragedy.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Father's Day 2006

just another day searching for Mary.....

Clifford Marshall, Mary's Dad, will not be celebrating this Father's Day with the normal pleasures that most fathers enjoy on this special holiday across the country. On June 18th he will once again have a shovel in his hands and be digging ground on a piece of property in hopes of locating his daughter, a daughter that the family believes has been murdered. Although Mary was a 39 year old adult at the time of her disappearance she will always be Cliff and Anita's "baby." He will be joined by many other fathers, friends and supporters volunteering their time and energy to assist the family on Father's Day in further excavation to find Mary Denise Lands.
The Marshall Police Department have consistently lied and misled the family since March 2004 when Mary allegedly walked away from the apartment she shared with her boy-friend, Chris Pratt. He stated that on Friday, March 12, 2004 at approximately 10:00 P.M. Mary went for a walk on a cold winter evening after a minor argument. 44 hours later Mr. Pratt telephoned the family in California to report that Mary was missing.
One of the signs that was carried in front of the Marshall Police Department during a 5-day protest walk on the Memorial Day Holiday read, "Barney Fife could have solved this case" and that statement says it all. For whatever reason the local police department has not properly investigated this crime? People throughout the community have a mistrust of the department and that lack of confidence has clearly affected the investigation.
We are again asking that the Federal Bureau of Investigation be permitted to take over primary jurisdiction of this case from Chief Mike Olson and the Marshall Police Department. That department has no business conducting an investigation of this this magnitude and importance. They do not have the personnel, resources, initiative or ability to solve this case.
The family needs your help! Do whatever you can to talk about the Mary Lands case. Contact any public official, friend, neighbor, attorney, reporter, or anyone who might be in a position to assist the family in this failure of law enforcement to their job.
This week the Battle Creek Enquirer is going to publish an Open Letter from Clifford Marshall about his daughter's disappearance. For 27 months he has been asking, Where is Mary? and When will we have justice for Mary? In his letter he will now be asking many more questions.
When the article is printed in the Enquirer it will also be published on this forum.

Friday, June 9, 2006

Marshall Police Department return bone.....

but now there are still more questions?

Update June 9, 2006- Today, the Marshall Police Department returned a bone to the family that was recovered while digging on a suspicious area of property in Sheridan Township, Michigan. The item was turned over to a Marshall police-officer on May 6th and secured as evidence for examination. On May 8th the police reported to the family the bone was not that of a human after it was examined by a university anthropologist. After numerous requests the police returned the bone but Marshall Police failed to provide a copy of the official results to the family. Furthermore, the chain of custody noted on their own evidence envelope presents more questions than answers? The family will now attempt to conduct an independent examination of this bone and others that have been recovered. All of these excavation efforts have been done by family, friends, and supporters at their own expense and without any assistance from law enforcement. The family continues to advocate their position that the Federal Bureau of Investigation be permitted to take over primary jurisdiction of this case so that Mary can be brought home.

Sunday, June 4, 2006

The Disappearance of Mary Denise Lands, March 12, 2004, Marshall, Michigan

Michigan State Police-Missing Persons Bulletin

We have all been striving for nearly 27 months to bring Mary home and to have the person/s responsible for her disappearance held accountable. We have constantly been misled and lied to by the Marshall, Michigan Police Department concerning Mary's investigation. Barney Fife of Mayberry could have solved this case yet despite all the tips and documentation provided to law enforcement no arrest has been made. If it was the daughter of the chief of police who was missing you can guarantee that the case would have been solved. For months we have been asking, Where is Mary? and When will we have justice for Mary? We now have another question, What is the Marshall Police Department trying to hide and who are they protecting?

In the June 4, 2006 weekly edition of the Marshall Chronicle there is a comment concerning the lack of criminal charges being filed in this case because no body has been recovered. It is well known within the courts and among law enforcement officials that Calhoun County Prosecutor, John Hallacy will never file charges without a body. This is one of the issues that further frustrates the family and friends of Mary Lands. In the article, Mr. Hallacy stated those decisions would be made based on available evidence and that he has prosecuted for murder at least twice in the past without a body.
I have personally researched that issue for over one year and have never been able to locate any prosecutor, defense attorney, court official or record to confirm that statement.
Mr. Hallacy, if your statement is true we would like you to cite the cases in question? Murder convictions without a corpus have been achieved by prosecutors throughout many counties in Michigan and throughout the United States. No record of any such case has been prosecuted here in Calhoun County, and we want to know why?
Where is Mary? When will we have justice for Mary?

Mary Denise Lands has now been missing for nearly twenty-seven months. In the first 6 months of her disappearance "Barney Fife of Mayberry" would have conducted a better investigation than that of the Marshall Police Department. Not much has improved. That agency today still continues to stumble and fumble in even basic investigative techniques needed to solve this crime. One question is why after two years have the police failed to make an arrest of the person/s responsible for Mary's disappearance? Other questions are why are they not even interested in trying to solve this case, and what are they trying to hide?

WWMT-TV- Kalamazoo- 05/30/2006
WWMT-TV- Kalamazoo- 05/20/2006
WOOD-TV- Grand Rapids- 05/26/2006
WWMT-TV- Kalamazoo- 05/08/2006
WOOD-TV- Grand Rapids- 05/08/2006
WLNS-TV- Lansing- 05/07/2006
WOOD-TV- Grand Rapids- 05/07/2006
WWMT-TV- Kalamazoo- 05/07/2006
WXMI-TV- Grand Rapids- 05/07/2006

UPDATE- Mary Denise Lands- Join our community team to promote public awareness about the disappearance of Mary Denise Lands. We are giving away white caps that display an image of Mary Lands with the words, Where is Mary? There is no cost for them, however friends and supporters are urged to make a donation to the reward fund. By wearing a cap you will signify your support in helping to solve this mystery and building the reward fund that eventually might provide needed answers for the police and the family. Wear the cap, and each and every day ask the question, to as many people as possible, Where is Mary? Talk to your friends and neighbors about Mary's disappearance, and contact law enforcement authorities if you have any information on the case. Remember, someone can provide a vital piece of the puzzle that will solve this investigation. Something trivial and unrelated to you might be the answer to this mystery. For more information contact Jim Carlin at 269.441.7068 or email Photo-Mary Lands Cap
Update- March 30, 2006- The Memorial Day weekend traditionally signals the start of a great boating season and a summer of fun. However, this weekend was the 3rd Memorial Day that Mary Lands was not present to celebrate this holiday with her family. The investigation by the Marshall Police Department has been a total disgrace from the beginning and nothing seems to improve as we approach the 27th month since Mary disappeared from the home she shared with her boy-friend, Chris Pratt. Mr. Pratt indicated that Mary went for a walk after a minor argument at approximately 10:00 P.M. on the cold winter evening of March 12, 2004 still attired in her medical scrubs uniform with flat shoes. She reportedly took her purse, however left a cell telephone and the keys to her newly purchased Dodge Durango. 44 hours later Mr. Pratt notified her family in California that their daughter was missing.
Two weeks ago the family had to wait 52 hours before the Marshall Police Department notified us that a suspicious bone found on a property we had to dig by ourselves, was not that of a human. Only once in 27 months has any police-officer, investigator, prosecutor, victim advocate or any high ranking member of law enforcement ever visited the home of Mary's parents. This attitude demonstrates a lack of empathy and compassion and it is disrespectful to the family. On Friday, September 26th, the family, friends and supporters of Mary Denise Lands commenced a protest walk in front of the Marshall Police Department and the Brooks Memorial fountain circle over the long holiday weekend. "Clifford Marshall, Mary's Dad, Walking for his daughter"
Supporters carried signs expressing displeasure with the way this case has been handled and we are once again demanding justice for Mary. We also are asking that the Federal Bureau of Investigation be permitted to take over primary jurisdiction of this case from Chief Mike Olson and the Marshall Police Department. They do not have the personnel, resources, initiative or ability to solve this case. It was a very long hot humid 5 days for all of us, but the Marshall family is strong. At the conclusion of the 5 day walk numerous family members, friends and supporters will have volunteered approximately 400 hours of participation. We also have personally observed a gracious public display of support from citizens stopping and wishing the family their best. People were honking their horns, bringing water and food, and welcome words to a family who only wants to obtain justice for their daughter. We will continue all our efforts in search of an answer to our question, "Where is Mary?"
We fully realized that many people were away for this long weekend and enjoying the start of summer. However, the Marshall family has not been able to enjoy any happy holidays in the last two years. We have a job to do and it must be done. We will continue now, and in the future to ask, Where is Mary? and, When will we have justice for Mary?
WWMT-TV- Kalamazoo- 05/30/2006

If you have any information, please feel free to contact the family or myself.

Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
344 Clayton Avenue
Battle Creek, Michigan 49017-5218 U.S.A.

Tx- 269.441.7068
Email or or