WOODTV8-Chris Pratt- 4 1/2-15 years in prison
WWMT-TV3- 01/07/08
Battle Creek Enquirer- 01/08/08

Update- January 13, 2007- Norrene Parker wished to publish the letter she sent to Judge Miller concerning Mr. Pratt's sentence. If anyone is in a domestic violence situation it will not get better. You need to remove yourself from that environment and keep yourself and family safe. Her remarks are quite poignant.
January 1, 2008
Re: Sentencing of Christopher Luke Pratt
Dear Honorable Judge Miller:
We see it every day on the news, "women battered, women killed, and women missing"….Looking back on June 24th, 2007 I realize I was one of the few women that walked away from the enraged hands of a controlling individual, such as Christopher Pratt. It’s true, loving Christopher Pratt does hurt; it hurts a lot and it is a hurt that does not go away once the relationship is through. People tell me how lucky I was to get away and how proud they are of me standing up and facing him. Although I did walk away physically that day I do not know if I will ever escape him mentally; myself and my children included. The humiliation of what I have gone through during this trial has been an embarrassment I will never forget, nor will my friends, family and co-workers.
Christopher’s doing caused me to move out of the home we shared, moving myself and my children three times in six months before we finally settled. I have incurred medical bills, as well as counseling costs as well. In addition my employer hired extra guards to make sure I came and went from their facility in a safe manner while his bond was active.
He has destroyed my trust, my solitude of feeling "safe" as well as my children’s sense of safety. "If he comes home will he find us?" is a common question from the mouth of my nine year-old son. My nightmares of Christopher and that day wake me in the night, as does the little one standing beside my bed. "Can I sleep with you…are you sure Chris is still in jail?" His shadow will forever lurk in our minds.
Christopher recently made a comment from his jail cell, which entailed, "Make sure she doesn’t make it to the witness stand or I am fucked". What exactly was his evil intent behind this? Although he is locked up now, I am constantly looking over my shoulder and seldom go out at night, especially if no one is with me. I am fearful of anyone I don’t know that approaches me..fearful it’s someone that is doing Chris’ dirty work for him. Christopher is a man of trophies, of possessions, and I, in his eyes, am his forever. He has made the comment, "If I can’t have you, No one will"….and to my father, "If your daughter leaves me I will hunt her down and get her back". This behavior is not normal and for the most part, unsettling. His intents and his so-called empty threats…are too real for me..real because I know he is fully capable of fulfilling each and every threat he made to me…capable because he is one that cares not what he does, but that in his eyes, he wins at doing it.
Christopher is, in my opinion, a narcissistic evil and one of the world’s best liars. But the problem for him and a blessing for us is, he forgets what he has lied about and walks into his own net eventually. Although Christopher will tell you he is never wrong, all his problems are caused by other individuals. Christopher is fully aware of his own evil. He has told me in a fit of tears on more than one occasion that he has done things to make himself sick, that I should not be with him, however he added, "I am too selfish to let you go". Christopher also noted to a letter to his son,…"It’s because of Norrene I am here, if she hadn’t provoked me I wouldn’t have lost my temper, however Son, the good thing is that God has a place for men like me and its called prison." He knows he is a danger to me.
Christopher promised me a long and happy life with him, stating we will be sitting in our rocking chairs side by side one day…if that was the case, why was he throwing chairs at me? Simple in my mind today, he was trying to make sure I never left him…even if he had to attempt to break my ankles doing so, he would never allow me to leave him.
Your Honor, I am asking you to consider maximum sentencing possible. Letting him go on anything less, will most certainly bring dread to my family and our community. Even if he is let out with a "no contact condition", I can guarantee within an hour of his release, he will be at my doorstep. He has no authority for the guidelines for which you set, as he proved by attempting to contact me within minutes of being released from your courtroom the same day you issued a "no contact" guideline between him and me. Christopher taunts authority and does not like to be told what to do, more so, he resents the word "No".
Christopher harms children, women and animals without considering the repercussions of his actions. Do you think they forget as easily as you do? Well, they don’t. Christopher I never will and I know my children will not forget the wake you have left behind in our lives. Christopher is a man that will not learn his lesson with a slap on the hands, he is someone who has the potential to harm others for the sake of his own well-being. He is habitual. I honestly believe Christopher is lacking a human conscience, and because of this I pray for him. I pray that he finds it in himself to consider every evil thing he has done and come clean with it. Christopher can’t take back the tears he placed in my sons eyes the day he put us through this, nor can he take away the emptiness he placed in their hearts with the betrayal he brought out after promising to be so good to them and to their Mom. In my eyes, no sentencing handed to him is justifiable enough, but I know God will sentence him one day and when that day comes…God have mercy on your soul Christopher Pratt.
Again, Your Honor, please consider the maximum sentencing that is reasonable and prudent to this manner, and do so with the thought of myself and children in mind, of every soul he has waltzed upon without hesitation to their lives, their feelings, their well being. Anything less will result in a profound nightmare.
Norrene Parker
Please, no vulgar or obscene comments may be posted on our sites regardless of your position on Mr. Pratt’s conviction. They will be deleted.
The real obscenity today, however was a defense attorney with the position, "Be it not for Mary Lands this would be just another 93-day domestic violence misdemeanor."
Today, was a great day for justice and it could not have been accomplished without the aggressiveness of law enforcement, the Calhoun County Prosecutor’s Office, and the entire criminal justice system. Thank you to all who supported the families of both Norrene Parker and Mary Lands. Without your help we could never have come this far.
The sentencing of Mr. Pratt should serve as a vehement deterrent against those who would physically, emotionally, and sexually abuse a domestic partner.
An evil person will be now off the streets for many years and we believe in our hearts that the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands will soon be held accountable. We will bring Mary home.

Mary Denise Lands, Christmas 2007 You Tube Video
Christopher Luke Pratt, age 39, will soon be a guest of the Michigan Department of Corrections after a jury of six men and six women concluded their deliberations last month. Mr. Pratt was found guilty of domestic violence, felonious assault, interfering with a communications device and unlawful imprisonment. He faces 15 years in prison and will be sentenced today, Monday January 7, 2007 by Judge Stephen B. Miller.
It is now time to get back to Mary Denise Lands, and questions about her disappearance and murder? This photograph was taken about two years before she allegedly walked away from her apartment after a minor argument with Mr. Pratt. We also have two short videos of Mary Lands where one can view and hear her in a family setting.
Mary Lands & Family Video, Atlanta-1998
Mary Lands & Family Video- 1999
We have now documented in court proceedings a severe and tragic pattern of verbal, physical, and sexual abuse by Mr. Pratt. It includes a period of over 15 years starting from 1992 to June 24, 2007, the date of his arrest. It is very interesting that there is about four years that are not accounted for, and coincidentally the period of time in which he was involved in a relationship with Mary.
Within hours of Mr. Pratt’s conviction on all four charges of domestic violence against his former girlfriend the Marshall family received new tips about their daughter. We continue to urge the public to come forward and provide any information about her case. It may be done anonymously to the family or myself. The contact information for law enforcement authorities will again be noted in the "comment" section of this post. The Marshall family will not cease in their efforts to bring their daughter home, nor will the law enforcement team investigating her case. We are not going away until Mary can rest in peace.
If there is anyone reading about Mary's case and enduring crimes of domestic violence please know that you can be helped. Two women in Mr. Pratt's life were strong enough to come forward and end years of torment. There are many options for you to escape from this type of fear and violence. If you need any advice please contact us and you will be directed to a professional who can help you and your family. This photograph of Christopher Luke Pratt proves it all. "You can be safe from a violent batterer".
