In follow-up investigation of the Mary Lands case I received first-hand direct information that a neighbor was attacked by a dog owned by Sgt. Bryant and as a result of extensive injuries had to be treated at a local hospital. Because of the bite and laws related to quarantine, hospital officials are required to notify the police department. Sgt. Bryant responded and he then learned that it was his dog that bit the victim. It is alleged that he told the victim to lie about the incident and paid her to state that the animal that caused the injury was a stray. He further advised the victim to say there were tags on the stray animal which could infer to the hospital that there were no need for shots? It is further documented that a ring worn by the victim had to be removed at the hospital and was damaged. It is further alleged that Sgt. Bryant paid a local jewelry store for the repair or the ring and all the medical expenses. There never was any written police documentation that Sgt. Bryant was the owner of the dog. Later that day the animal was then transported to Battle Creek and hidden so there would be no connection to Sgt. Bryant. A police report was completed which at this time could appear to be a false police report.
Although the statute of limitations would have expired on criminal action for filing a false police report this obviously should be of interest to the Marshall Police Department as it affects the integrity of the entire department. I have requested Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reports related to the incident. Sgt. Scott McDonald has answered my request that he presently is unable to locate any information of the incident. He responded;
Jim, got your FOIA today on the dog matter. At first glance, I am not having any luck. Can you get me any more particulars? We have been through four computer systems in the past 12 or so years, and each system has it searching quirks. We also had some paper logs, but it will take a long time to research them. If you could get either an exact date, an exact location, or anything more, it would make my search of the records more useful for you. I would also suggest checking with either the Health Department, or perhaps the Humane Society. I say this because if a dog bite occurred, the officer would have had to file a Quarantine Notice, which is eventually filed with the County Health Department. I'll continue looking and respond soon.
Sgt. McDonald is obviously trying to locate the documentation and he will be provided additional information. As he suggested, I have already submitted further FOIA inquiries to the Calhoun County Health Department and Humane Society. It also appears that the same animal may have previously bit another elderly resident and I have requested information on other incidents.
July 23, 2008- When will it end?
Interesting developments on the dog bite caper.
Additional witnesses confirmed the facts as presented but an unusual response from the City of Marshall, FOIA Coordinator, Chris Zuidema.
Your FOIA request of July 16, 2008, for information regarding a dog bite has been processed. Because of the lack of detail and age of the information requested, there was over 2 hours of research involved. Therefore the charge for this FOIA request will be $27.00 (2 hours at $13.50/hr). The FOIA response is at the reception desk at City Hall for you to pick up at your convenience.
I inquired what documents were found and was their cost included in the $27.00 fee?
Ms. Zuidema replied;
Mr. Carlin,
No reports, complaints or records were found when the individuals were run through the database and nothing was found in the paper records that match your request.
Ms. Zuidema has always provided in a timely manner the FOIA documents I have requested and this obviously has nothing to do with her efforts to find the dog bite report.
However, the dubious plot continues.
Not only was this particular incident not handled properly with another officer taking the call and completing a report, but it appears that Sgt. Bryant never even wrote one? I imagine this is totally consistent with his lack of writing reports for which he was suspended in 2007.
As Acting Chief McDonald suggested, I have submitted FOIA requests to the Humane Society and the Calhoun County Health Department. and awaiting their response. It was also determined that the ring which was damaged was repaired by David Jewelers, which has now closed its doors and no longer doing business in Marshall. I have however, requested Duane Mestemaker to provide details of the repair. He should have no problem in doing so unless there is a claim of jeweler/client confidentiality?
Latest Update, July 26, 2008- Today, July 26, 2008 I received a certified letter from Officer Rebecca Ivey of the Marshall Police Department with a no-trespass notice. It cost the taxpayers of Marshall $5.32 to be mailed. It states that I left "a business card at residence to victim identifying self to victim." Because of my actions of harassing and annoying the victim I am hereby forbidden to enter into or onto the premises of 330 N. Marshall Avenue in Marshall, Michigan. If I am found in violation I may be subject to arrest and prosecution for trespass under Michigan City Ordinance (Chapter 133, Section 133.03, State Law reference MCLA 750.546. This will remain in effect for one year. It is signed by the property agent, Barbara Ruddock.
My intent for stopping at the home was to speak with Laura Engle, the woman who was bitten by Sgt. Bryant’s dog. Ms. Engle is the live-in significant other of Ms. Ruddock. I wonder if this means that despite all the other verifications that Laura Engle was bit by Sgt. Tim Bryant’s dog she will now deny it? Is this the real reason I was issued a no-trespass notice?
We still would like to know, "Who let the dog out?"
07/23/08- At approximately 8:00 P.M. this evening I received a voice mail from Officer Rebecca Ivey of the Marshall Police Department asking that I call her back about a complaint she was investigating. I returned her call and after a brief wait spoke to the officer. She advised me that I was the subject of an investigation involving one Barb Ruddock. She stated she would like me to come in and pick up a no trespass notice. I declined and she then advised me she would be mailing the no trespass notice in the mail. Ms. Ruddock was interviewed earlier today about the dog bite incident and Sgt. Bryant. I actually was trying to speak with her room-mate, Laura Engle. The interview was pleasant and cordial and took place on the sidewalk in front of her residence of 330 N. Marshall Street in Marshall. She told me how she was struggling to take care of her friend, Laura and her daughter. She was about to be homeless for not paying rent and was holding a garage sale on Saturday to raise money. She confirmed many of the details herself including that Sgt. Bryant took paid Ms. Engle for the injury, but added, "So what, big deal, forget it." She claimed she was a good friend of Sgt. Bryant and would not ever say anything on the record against him. She stated the position of Ms. Engle was the same. Later I also spoke with Cam Engle who resides two houses west of Sgt. Bryant at 629 Mansion Street. Mr. Engle also confirmed some details of the dog bite but did not wish to become involved because Sgt. Bryant was a neighbor and his friend. Mr. Engle is now divorced from Laura. A sidebar, Cameron Ray Engle, DOB-05/31/1966, age 42 is also on the Michigan Sex Offender Registry.

He was convicted in November 2007 of Criminal Sexual Conduct. It should also be noted that his residence is directly across the street from Sherman School, which also has a child day care facility, Shamrock Center. How is it that this person is permitted to reside so close to a school as a registered sex offender? Is it because he is a friend of Sgt. Tim Bryant?
If you will recall, it was former Sgt. Rebecca Ivey (demoted last year to patrol officer) who in June 2006 requested that the leasing manager of Waldon Pond Apartments, Cliff, Anita and myself to come in to MPD to discuss crimes she was investigating, as we were suspects. Chris Pratt claimed that we committed a home invasion, theft and burglary from his apartment. In fact, the leasing manager permitted us to enter with her after he failed to pay rent and legal action was taken against him. He had vacated the apartment and it was empty. Former Sgt. Ivey spent a considerable amount of time trying to make a case against us despite assurances from former Chief Mike Olson, with a "wink and a nod" to the Marshall's that "this was nothing and not to worry about it." Former Sgt. Ivey maintained we were suspects in those crimes. Clifford & Anita actually went down to the station and were read their rights by Sgt. Ivey. We all declined to speak invoking our rights under Miranda and would not speak with the officer unless an attorney was present. Sgt. Ivey eventually issued a warrant request against us for various felonies but the prosecutor declined to charge us with any crime and the matter was dropped.
I don’t know if this is more harassment and intimidation from the Marshall Police Department and who might have put Ms. Ruddock up to asking for a no-trespass notice to be issued?
I can state one fact from my conversation with Ms. Ruddock. She advised me that she has a son living in the home. Her friend/room-mate, Laura Engle and her 14-year-old daughter also live there.
If you will recall, it was former Sgt. Rebecca Ivey (demoted last year to patrol officer) who in June 2006 requested that the leasing manager of Waldon Pond Apartments, Cliff, Anita and myself to come in to MPD to discuss crimes she was investigating, as we were suspects. Chris Pratt claimed that we committed a home invasion, theft and burglary from his apartment. In fact, the leasing manager permitted us to enter with her after he failed to pay rent and legal action was taken against him. He had vacated the apartment and it was empty. Former Sgt. Ivey spent a considerable amount of time trying to make a case against us despite assurances from former Chief Mike Olson, with a "wink and a nod" to the Marshall's that "this was nothing and not to worry about it." Former Sgt. Ivey maintained we were suspects in those crimes. Clifford & Anita actually went down to the station and were read their rights by Sgt. Ivey. We all declined to speak invoking our rights under Miranda and would not speak with the officer unless an attorney was present. Sgt. Ivey eventually issued a warrant request against us for various felonies but the prosecutor declined to charge us with any crime and the matter was dropped.
I don’t know if this is more harassment and intimidation from the Marshall Police Department and who might have put Ms. Ruddock up to asking for a no-trespass notice to be issued?
I can state one fact from my conversation with Ms. Ruddock. She advised me that she has a son living in the home. Her friend/room-mate, Laura Engle and her 14-year-old daughter also live there.
Poor police work, someone trying to send a message? I don't know? I do know that I didn't do anything wrong and if people don't wish to speak with me about Mary Lands, Sgt. Tim Bryant, or Santa Claus all they have do do is refuse and I'll be on my way. In this case certain people seem to now be aware of what we know about a dog bite and they are trying to stop others from knowing. This appears to be another cover-up, of yet another secret in Marshall, Michigan. Could actions or inaction’s of Officer Ivey be yet another reason why people in Marshall refuse to make statements to members of law enforcement? Why do the same people who are willing to tell their version of what took place to me but others refuse to talk to the police? Are we to believe if someone does a wrong they should get away with it? If they are a friend or neighbor of that police officer should they also get away with wrongs?
The persons having direct knowledge of this incident and the actions of Sgt. Bryant are reluctant to come forward because of fear. This unfortunately seems to be the prevalent attitude of many citizens about questionable conduct especially involving Sgt. Bryant. They may be willing to provide details to some law enforcement agency if the allegations are taken seriously? Good people want to speak out and tell the truth about certain things but many are afraid.
If you have any information about questionable actitities of a police-officer or any person in this matter or that of the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands you are urged to contact law enforcement authorities.
My thought is that if any of this is accurate and a police-officer falsified an official police report on a minor incident like a dog bite, or did not follow proper procedures of the department, what else has that officer been involved in, and what else has he lied about?
My thought is that if any of this is accurate and a police-officer falsified an official police report on a minor incident like a dog bite, or did not follow proper procedures of the department, what else has that officer been involved in, and what else has he lied about?