He is now incarcerated in Level IV at St. Louis Correctional Facility and is eligible for parole in February 2012. He has not been charged in any crimes related to Mary's disappearance.

A new top cop has now been appointed in Marshall to lead the investigation. Chief Jim Schwartz takes over on September 8th and plans to work closely with the Michigan Attorney General, Michigan State Police, and the Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office to bring to justice the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands. Chief Schwartz was a homicide investigator and Commander of the Collier County Sheriff's Office, Crime Scene Bureau, in Florida. He is an educated police professional who knows how to solve crime. As we
D/Sgt. Scott McDonald, Marshall Police Department, 269.781.2596
D/Sgt. Mike Scott, Michigan State Police, White Pigeon Post, 269.483.7612
D/Sgt. Mike Salmen, Michigan State Police, Battle Creek Post, 269.968.6115
Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office, Battle Creek, 269.969.6980
or you may also contact;
Jim Carlin, Justinian Investigative Services, Battle Creek, 269.963.7068
"Please Help Us, Bring Mary Home"
For those who may not have viewed or listened to our popular YouTube video from Mary's 4th Anniversary Vigil (March 2008), we have posted a new link; "Oh Mary, Don't You Weep" by Jersey boy, the Boss Springsteen
You might like to take another few minutes to listen to Country Gentlemen- "Bringing Mary Home." Cliff & Anita truly loved it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQ0_82boXUM
Together we will bring her home!
Jim Carlin, JustinianLaw@sbcglobal.net