We have posted a brief video of the event on YouTube for your interest and perusal.
We would also like to call your attention to another video pertinent to Mary's case; " Oh Mary, Don't you weep"
Please take a few minutes to view the videos and help us in our efforts to bring Mary home. Next month, on March 12th, Mary will have been missing for 6 years. We hope and pray that this will be the year we can bring her home and the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands will be held accountable in a court of law.
On behalf of the Marshall family, we again thank you for your help.
Jim Carlin
Tel- 269.753.1181
Fax-888.221.4931 (Toll Free)
Email- JustinianLaw@sbcglobal.net
The YouTube video also includes the following information. We hope that someone will come forward and help law enforcement close this case.
A Valentine's Day tribute on behalf of Mary Denise Lands, who disappeared from Marshall, Michigan on March 12, 2004. The event was held on February 13, 2010 at the Gary Fields Comedy Club, BallJoint/Godfather's Pizza in Battle Creek, Michigan. Nearly 200 friends and supporters of Mary filled the audience. Entertainment was also provided by Dwayne Gill, America's funniest cop. Dwayne is a 17-year veteran of the Michigan State Police. The introduction is provided by Jim Carlin, the professional investigator who has donated his time and resources to the family over the last six years.
Next month on March 12th will mark 6 years since Mary was last seen by her fiancé, Christopher Luke Pratt, after he alleged she walked away from her Walden Pond apartment on a cold snowy winter night. 44 hours later he called the family in California asking if Mary was there? The family then notified the police since her boy friend had not done so.
It has been a long and arduous struggle for Mary's parent's, Cliff & Anita Marshall. There have been 6 holiday seasons without knowing the fate of their daughter, and they need your help. This has gone on far too long and Mary needs to be brought home. The person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder must be held accountable in a court of law.
In 2007, Chris Pratt was convicted of felony domestic violence crimes against another girl-friend. He was sentenced to 5-15 years in prison and is not eligible for parole until February 2012. The family and our community plans to send over 1,000 letters to the Parole Board of the Michigan Department of Corrections to keep Inmate Pratt in prison for his full term. He is now listed as the "suspect" in the open homicide investigation of Mary Denise Lands. View the MDOC link for Inmate #673261, Christopher Luke Pratt-

The Marshall family thanks you for your support. We will never cease in our mutual efforts to achieve Justice for Mary and to bring her home. If you can help, please contact:
D/Sgt. Scott McDonald, Marshall Police Department- 269.781.2596
D/Sgt Mike Salmen, Michigan State Police, Battle Creek Post- 269.968.6115
D/Sgt. Mike Scott, Michigan State Police, White Pigeon Post- 269-483-7612
Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office- 269.969.6980
Office of the Michigan Attorney General- 517.241.6565
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
Email- JustinianLaw@sbcglobal.net