As we have asked in the past, if you object to Inmate Pratt's release and parole you are urged to

Inmate Christopher Luke Pratt # 673261 MDOC Otis Link; http://www.state.mi.us/mdoc/asp/otis2profile.asp?mdocNumber=673261
A letter dated November 5th from the Michigan Department of Corrections states; that Inmate Pratt has been transferred to a minimum security facility. Some minimum facilities house prisoners in a camp or dorm setting which have a single security fence. Some prisoners are eligible for the Public Works program. In this program prisoners are allowed to provide labor to the public and work at supervised public works projects away from the facility. The prisoners are usually in crews of eight to ten prisoners and are supervised throughout the project. They work on renovations of nature areas, clean up parks and cemeteries, help remodel buildings and sandbag during floods, among other projects.
I, for one, vehemently oppose this program for Inmate Christopher Luke Pratt. This perpetrator is a vicious deviant who preys upon innocent women. He has expressed no remorse for his violent felony crimes against Norrene Parker, a more recent girl-friend who continues to live in fear of this criminal's release and parole. Numerous witnesses and victims also are in fear of this evil offender. We ask all our friends and supporters to contact the Michigan Department of Corrections and request that Inmate Pratt's level of status be raised and that he be incarcerated at another more secure facility. We don't want him out of any Michigan prison unless he is being transported in shackles on a prison van to the Calhoun County Jail to stand trial for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands. For now, his victims and our community will not be safe until we are assured that he will remain in prison until the expiration of his sentence in 2022. He certainly should not be in a minimum security facility at level I.
Call 517.373.0287 or 517.373.4467 and express your opinion to the MDOC, Crime Victim Services Coordinator. Ask to speak with a representative of the Parole Board. Register with them to be kept advised on Inmate Pratt or any other inmate in which you have an interest.
Jim Carlin, Justinian Investigative Services, 269.753.1181, Email; JustinianLaw@sbcglobal.net