August 19, 2007- The motorcycle benefit ride on behalf of Mary Denise Lands was held and exceeded our expections. A Google Video is now available and others will soon be published. A special thanks to Chief Mike Olson of the Marshall Police Department, the Michigan State Police, the Battle Creek Police and the other law enforcement agencies who made the "Ride for Mary" safe and successful.After two months of planning for the event it was a great day for a bike ride. The weather was bright and sunny day and Mary was smiling down upon us all. Many people across America have heard about the family’s anguish in Mary’s disappearance and how this tragedy has affected our community. 300 participants came together for the 55-mile "Ride for Mary" tour. We will bring Mary home in 2007.Last year in another event for a different cause 150 bikers participated from a starting point at Godfather’s Pizza/Ball Joint Sports Bar & Grill and toured throughout Calhoun County. We hope to double the number of bikers this year with a similar itinerary. Motorcyclists from Detroit, Coldwater, Kalamazoo and other parts of Michigan joined us on the tour. The August 18, 2007 route included a 55-mile ride from Battle Creek to Battle Creek to Marshall and Burlington. There were breaks at at the Whistle-Stop in Burlington, the Riverside & Place Next Door in Marshall and festivities back at Godfather's Pizza/Ball Joint in Battle Creek. Ride for Mary-FlyerWe all wish to thank you for your support. The event was open to the public and proceeds will be donated to the Mary Lands Trust Fund at Monarch Bank in Marshall. An autographed Dale Earnhardt, Jr. jacket was raffled. Tickets were $1.00 each. Dale Earnhardt Jr-Jacket Where is Mary? t-shirts and caps will be available.Ride for Mary T-Shirtsin sizes M, L, XL for $10.00, the 2XL -$12.00, 3X & 4X-$13.00. Where is Mary? caps will be sold for $3.00. Shirts can still be ordered. Cliff & Anita Marshall thank you all for stopping by and saying hello. We believe this event will help generate more tips and public interest in the Mary Lands investigation and will result in the person/s responsible for Mary’s disappearance and murder being held accountable in a court of law. Thank you to the many supporters of the 2007 “Ride for Mary” including Godfather's Pizza/Ball Joint Sports Bar & Grill, Battle Creek Harley-Davidson, Atlas Sales/Anheuser-Busch, Progressive Printing, Christman Screenprint, and others in Battle Creek and across America. It is through the kind efforts of good people in our community that Cliff & Anita Marshall are able to find comfort in their difficult times. l- Jim Carlin, 269.441.7068 or email-- You may also contact the family at 269.781.4508, or write- PO Box 63 Marshall, Michigan 49068 . Thank you again for your support on the "Ride for Mary" and in your help to bring Mary home.