In my personal and professional opinion, had Mary Denise Lands never developed a relationship with Inmate # 673261-Christopher Luke Pratt she would be alive and well today. Her birthday was September 3, 1964, and had she not been murdered she would have been with family, friends, and grandchildren celebrating her 46th birthday.
Please help the Marshall family bring Mary home.
It has now been 6 years, 5 months, and 21 days since Inmate Pratt claimed his fiance went for a walk and disappeared forever.
Michigan MDOC OTIS link
Christopher Luke Pratt- Law enforcement and the prosecutors need your help to close this case. Contact any of the following; Chief Jim Schwartz, Marshall Police Department- 269.781.2596
D/Lt. Scott McDonald, Marshall Police Department- 269.781.2596
D/Sgt Mike Salmen, Michigan State Police, Battle Creek Post- 269.968.6115,
D/Sgt. Mike Scott, Michigan State Police, White Pigeon Post- 269-483-7612
Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office- 269.969.6980
Office of the Michigan Attorney General- 517.241.6565
"A violent evil preditor offender may soon be returning to a community near you"
In January 2008, Inmate Christopher Luke Pratt was sentenced by a Calhoun County Circuit Court, after a jury trial, for convictions of Unlawful Imprisonment, Assault with Dangerous Weapon (Felonious Assault), Interfering w/Electronic Communications Causing Injury/Death, and Domestic Violence, which incarcerated this criminal in the custody of Michigan Department of Corrections for 4-15 years in prison. His earliest possible release date as noted on MDOC OTIS is February 24, 2012.
It now appears that this offender may be released much earlier because he is classified by MDOC as a Level II inmate with a very low risk for violence. Freedom of Information Act materials ascertained that he has only received one "ticket" during a stay at a previous facility and there is no valid reason why the MDOC Parole Board would deny his parole. Anyone who is aware of the sociopathic characteristics of violent individuals know how they utilize manipulation and deception to attain their goals. Those characteristics permitted Inmate Pratt to engage in violence and inappropriate behavior with an ex-wife, Mary Denise Lands, and the more recent girl-friend who testified against him in 2007. Two out of three of these individuals are alive today because they escaped the grasp of this evil deviant. Mary Denise Lands did not survive and although Inmate Pratt is a suspect in her open homicide investigation there is a good chance he will soon be free.
Try telling victims or the members of their families that they are safe and Inmate Pratt has been rehabilitated. He has now been in custody since June 24, 2007 and further honing his skills of manipulation. He fully knows what the parole board wants to hear. I'm sure that as he now portrays himself as having found God, and one who reads and writes letters containing the word of the Holy Scripture he will be tossing his Bible out the car window as he drives over the Mackinac Bridge and away from the Chippewa Correctional Facility in Michigan's UP.
I was at the prison yesterday in an attempt to talk with Inmate Pratt. When correctional officers asked him if he wanted to come out of his dormitory setting to speak with me, he replied, Jim Carlin? "I've never heard the name before and I don't want to talk to somebody I don't know."
As most of you do know, we have been distributing the MDOC Crime Victim Notification Request Form. We are hoping to have 1,000 people sign up as "concerned citizens" who can express their opinions to oppose parole for Inmate Pratt. We initially believed that most of these forms could be submitted in late 2011 so they would be in the hands of the Parole Board for his first hearing. Because of the possibility of a much earlier parole board date we need to have these forms submitted to the Parole Board as soon as possible. A link to this form may be found to the right on this page.
Something must be done to keep Inmate Christopher Luke Pratt in prison until he is charged in Mary's disappearance and murder or until the expiration of his current sentence in June 2022. Anything less is unacceptable to the victims and their families, and to the legacy of Mary Denise Lands. Her body is somewhere in an unmarked and unknown location, but her spirit is yearning for a proper Christian burial that may permit her family to have some type of closure in this horrible tragedy.
Today, Mary Denise Lands has been missing for 6 years, 5 months, and 7 days. Inmate Pratt has only been incarcerated for 3 years, 1 month, and 25 days. Maybe if he is kept in prison until 2022 he may have read more of the Holy Scripture that will convince him to admit his crimes, express true remorse, and tell the investigators where Mary may be found. However, sociopathic behavior developed over his miserable and unhappy life will probably never allow him to do so. He will be a sick, twisted, and evil individual till the day he dies, and he will be a recidivist in the criminal justice system.
We need your help now, more than ever. Please help Cliff & Anita Marshall in any way possible to assure them that Inmate Pratt will not be released. Call the Victim Advocates Office for the State of Michigan in Lansing; Toll Free; 877.866.5401, and submit the notification form. You do not have to be a direct victim to respond. Any concerned citizen can complete the form and your opinion will be included in the record of the Parole Board. The inmate does not know the identity of anyone who expresses their opinions so your anonymity is protected.
As we have done in past, we are including the contact information for law enforcement if you wish to contact them and/or provide a tip on Mary's case. Please remember, "Together, we can bring Mary home".
Chief Jim Schwartz, Marshall Police Department- 269.781.2596 D/Lt. Scott McDonald, Marshall Police Department- 269.781.2596 D/Sgt Mike Salmen, Michigan State Police, Battle Creek Post- 269.968.6115, D/Sgt. Mike Scott, Michigan State Police, White Pigeon Post- 269-483-7612 Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office- 269.969.6980 Office of the Michigan Attorney General- 517.241.6565
Jim Carlin-269.753.1181 Email-