Sunday, February 28, 2016

12th Anniversary Celebration of Life Vigil, Mary Denise Lands

As you know, the Marshall family did not wish to do anything related to a vigil last year as they have been extremely frustrated that there has been no progress or an arrest in Mary's case. Unfortunately both of them are getting older and ailing from the mental and physical stress of Mary's disappearance. They do not care about an arrest or a sentence in this case, and they only wish to be alive to see their beloved daughter at peace in a cemetery. They do wish to hold another vigil this year, and it is planned again at the Craig Kempf Funeral Home on Saturday, March 12, 2016 at 2:30 P.M. This event might be able to bring forward that one witness who can break the case. We need your help.

As many of you probably may know, I accepted a position during the summer in Daytona Beach with a healthcare agency helping veterans and the community with mental illness and substance abuse issues. I may be 1,200 miles away from the Cereal City, but I am still vehemently committed to the Marshall family and helping them in their quest for "Justice for Mary". My plan is to fly up to Michigan on Thursday, March 10th and be there until the 14th. As well as noticing the local media, we have posted the event on my own Face Book page under Jim Carlin.

The community has been wonderful in helping the Marshall's promote public awareness for Mary's case, and I hope you all might be able to be present on the 12th. The Craig Kempf Funeral Home is located at 723 Old Highway 27 North in Marshall, Michigan, and just south of I-94 leading into downtown Marshall.

 Again, we hope to have a significant number of law enforcement and governmental officials present, as well as a representative of Safe Place Shelter to talk about the issues of domestic violence. I have said it for a long time, but I truly believe we soon will have Justice for Mary, and the person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder will finally be brought to trial.
If you have any information, please contact myself, Chief Jim Swartz of the Marshall Police Department, or Calhoun County Prosecutor David Gilbert.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Mary Denise Lands, 11 Years and Still Missing, WOODTV8 News

Mary Denise Lands, WOODTV 8, News March 12, 2015
Today, marks 11 years since Mary Denise Lands has disappeared. The family and I are committed to bringing her home for a proper burial, and for the person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder to be held accountable in a court of law. We also know that someone can help lead us to her body. Please contact me at 269.753.1181, Email- or notified law enforcement.

Mary Denise Lands, 11 Years and Still Missing, WWMT Channel 3 News

Mary Denise Lands, WWMT Channel 3 News, March 12, 2015
Today, marks 11 years since Mary Denise Lands has disappeared. The family and I are committed to bringing her home for a proper burial, and for the person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder to be held accountable in a court of law. We also know that someone can help lead us to her body. Please contact me at 269.753.1181, Email- or notified law enforcement.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

11th Anniversary Memorial Tribute, Mary Denise Lands

On March 12, 2015 Mary Denise Lands will have been missing for 11 years, and it has indeed been a sad period in which Cliff & Anita Marshall have suffered in a way that no one else can understand unless you have lost a son or daughter in such a horrific tragedy. The Marshall family have lost their beloved daughter, a victim of domestic violence, and all they have left are photographs, personal items, and memories of their wonderful times together. If Mary were alive today, she would be 49 years old.

Last year, Craig Kempf Funeral Home Services graciously permitted us to hold Mary's 10th year tribute at his comforting facility in Marshall, which was a god-sent, especially with the unexpected snow storm that occurred earlier in the morning. Despite the adverse weather, we still had a good turnout of local officials including members of law enforcement and representatives of Safe Place Shelter. Unfortunately because of a personal situation the Marshall's could not attend, although they were with us in spirit.

This year, especially because of the problematic late winter weather, we have decided not to hold Mary's tribute on March 12th, although Mr. Kempf did agree to again permit us the use of his comforting home in Marshall. To make it easier on everyone, Cliff & Anita would like to wait until the warmth of Spring, and return to the Brooks Memorial Fountain in Marshall to hold Mary's 11th Anniversary Memorial Tribute. That date will be announced in the near future.

The Marshall's and I are more committed than ever to bringing their daughter home to a proper resting place. Time will not alter our commitment. Since I volunteered to help the family in 2004 there have been hundreds of thousands of features read about Mary's disappearance, with millions of Internet viewing related to her life. We maintain, as we have done so for over ten years, that there are one or two individuals who have the information that can help us bring Mary home. We also have no doubt that Chief Jim Schwartz and the law enforcement community are totally dedicated to solving this case, and it will be solved! We vehemently believe that 2015 will be the year that this will occur, and the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands will be held accountable in a court of law, and we finally will have "Justice for Mary"..

If you can help, please do so, because this wonderful family has suffered long enough and they need to bring their daughter home.
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
Battle Creek, Michigan

* Please take the time to review a YouTube video that was published in 2008, after Christopher Luke Pratt, Mary's former fiancé was convicted and sent to prison for assault  and domestic violence on a more recent girl-friend including Unlawful Imprisonment, Assault w/Dangerous Weapon, and Interfering w/Electronic Communication causing Injury or Death. Inmate Pratt was released from prison on 11/06/2013 after serving nearly 6 1/2 years for his crimes. He is on parole until 11/06/2015.
There are many videos on YouTube related to the Mary Denise Lands case. We urge you to review them, and if you have any information that can help in this case, please contact the Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office or the Marshall Police Department.


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Some thoughts about Teleka

It has now been two weeks since I had the privilege of attending the "Celebration of Life" for Dr. Teleka C. Patrick in Orlando, Florida. It was indeed a moving and profound service, and especially notable because as a Catholic I had never been to a Seventh-day Adventist funeral in the past. However, even including the many veteran funerals I that have attended as a district, and now zone commander of the American Legion, it was an inspiring experience. Although each of the veteran funerals are similar, I always leave with a heavy heart, and each of these services have special meaning. The folding of the American flag by military personnel that is presented to  a family member is the highlight of that greatly honored ceremony. Near the completion of Teleka's service a similar protocol was followed with a cloth drapery that displayed her now famous doctoral picture. It was folded and presented to the Patrick family just as the American flag is presented at a veterans burial.

I had the privilege of speaking to the people in attendance, and those who viewed the ceremony as it was streamed across the globe to friends and family of Dr. Patrick. I was a tad uncomfortable because the others speakers were esteemed university presidents and clergy of the Seventh-day Adventist Conference, however the family was grateful for me to be present, and I was honored to attend, and be considered part of their family.

Many people came up to me and said we cannot give up on our quest to find justice for Teleka. I have assured the family that after listening to her celebration of life, the video presentation, the vehement comments by siblings and  pastors, that we will not give up. Kalamazoo County police officials may consider this case closed, but I will guarantee you all that it is far from closed!

Groups across the country are still asking questions and offering information and support. Just a few days ago I had a lengthy conversation with a lovely lady who went to school with Teleka. I will continue to ask for help, and will examine any piece of information that could have relevance. There is an old saying in police work that I have followed throughout my life; You don't know what to look for until you find it, and you won't find it until you look." I'm in this for the long run for Irene and Matthias Patrick, and we, working as a team, will never give up.

One of the reasons that continues to inspire me is something that was found among Teleka's  journal entries; My image of God is rich. He is a loving, merciful, accepting , and benevolent Father. He loves me so much. That's why he takes care of me every day. He is also a high and exalted God who should be worshipped--just because He is God. She also said; "Thanks God, that I belong to You. J There are lots of words to say and I don't know which ones will make your day--but I'm just a little kid--a little girl--a little squirt--a little tot--in awe of You, Lord. Love Ya! J xoxo

I can tell you all one thing. Something caused Teleka to be distressed on December 5, 2013 and she did not run to kill herself or get off the grid. She was in deep fear and we will find out the true circumstances of what happened that night. To the person/s responsible for this tragedy, "you can run, but you can't hide."

If anyone wishes to contact me about Teleka's case, please feel free to do so.

Jim Carlin

Justinian Investigative Services

Battle Creek, Michigan

269.753.1181- Email-

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Law Enforcement Looks into New Developments on Murder of Mary Denise Lands

WWMT- Channel 3 News Video Link, April 23, 2014

FOX17, News Video Link, April 23, 2014

Full 9 minute- You Tube Link related to the jewelry recovered in the home that Chris Pratt occupied before going to jail in June 2007.

On You Tube there are approximately 15 videos related to the Mary Lands Investigation, Search:  Mary Denise Lands or JustinianInvest

CALHOUN COUNTY, Mich. (NEWSCHANNEL 3) - New developments in a high-profile cold case in Calhoun County.

39-year-old Mary Lands was last seen in her Marshall apartment ten years ago. Lands was legally declared dead in 2011. However, her loved ones and investigators haven't given up hope that justice will be served. Calhoun County Prosecutor David Gilbert tells Newschannel3, right now the case is being reviewed by a fresh set of eyes, and investigators are following up on new leads. The prosecutor, as well as detectives are extremely tight-lipped right now, but the prosecutor says he doesn't need a body to prove in court someone killed Mary Lands. Gilbert says he's actively looking for enough circumstantial evidence to prove Mary Lands was murdered and who did it. Her former fiancé, Chris Pratt has never been charged, but private investigator Jim Carlin believes Pratt knows what happened. Pratt was sentenced to prison in 2008 for assault and unlawful imprisonment involving a different woman. Carlin tells us the night Pratt was arrested, his battered girlfriend invited Carlin into the home she and Pratt shared and showed him a room she says Pratt told her never to go into. "She said that he said this was his trophy room and everything in it was his and this was a box that he said often, don't go near this box," said Carlin. Carlin took the box to Mary's mother, Anita Marshall for identification in 2007. Carlin taped the meeting and posted it to YouTube a year later. "Ok Anita, you can take a look at that stuff..." "This is hers, I know its hers," said Marshall. "The watch?" said Carlin. "Yeah, I bought it for her...this is hers because we got this at Kmart and I helped her pick it out, this is hers, this is her engagement ring, yup it's all hers," said Marshall. Carlin tells us he alerted Marshall Police and believes this is just one layer of circumstantial evidence the prosecutor can use to solve the mystery of Mary Lands' disappearance. "The ball is in Mr. Gilbert's court and I think he wants to solve this case. I think what you say, when is enough circumstantial enough? I think it's going to happen," said Carlin. We're told there is a $60,000 reward available for information leading to an arrest.

If you have information that can help solve this case, please contact myself or any of the following;
Chief Jim Schwartz, Marshall Police Department- 269.781.3431, Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office- 269.966.6980, or Michigan State Police, 5th District, Paw Paw- 269.657.6081. You can remain anonymous. 
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services

New developments arise in Calhoun Co. cold case