Saturday, March 7, 2015

11th Anniversary Memorial Tribute, Mary Denise Lands

On March 12, 2015 Mary Denise Lands will have been missing for 11 years, and it has indeed been a sad period in which Cliff & Anita Marshall have suffered in a way that no one else can understand unless you have lost a son or daughter in such a horrific tragedy. The Marshall family have lost their beloved daughter, a victim of domestic violence, and all they have left are photographs, personal items, and memories of their wonderful times together. If Mary were alive today, she would be 49 years old.

Last year, Craig Kempf Funeral Home Services graciously permitted us to hold Mary's 10th year tribute at his comforting facility in Marshall, which was a god-sent, especially with the unexpected snow storm that occurred earlier in the morning. Despite the adverse weather, we still had a good turnout of local officials including members of law enforcement and representatives of Safe Place Shelter. Unfortunately because of a personal situation the Marshall's could not attend, although they were with us in spirit.

This year, especially because of the problematic late winter weather, we have decided not to hold Mary's tribute on March 12th, although Mr. Kempf did agree to again permit us the use of his comforting home in Marshall. To make it easier on everyone, Cliff & Anita would like to wait until the warmth of Spring, and return to the Brooks Memorial Fountain in Marshall to hold Mary's 11th Anniversary Memorial Tribute. That date will be announced in the near future.

The Marshall's and I are more committed than ever to bringing their daughter home to a proper resting place. Time will not alter our commitment. Since I volunteered to help the family in 2004 there have been hundreds of thousands of features read about Mary's disappearance, with millions of Internet viewing related to her life. We maintain, as we have done so for over ten years, that there are one or two individuals who have the information that can help us bring Mary home. We also have no doubt that Chief Jim Schwartz and the law enforcement community are totally dedicated to solving this case, and it will be solved! We vehemently believe that 2015 will be the year that this will occur, and the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands will be held accountable in a court of law, and we finally will have "Justice for Mary"..

If you can help, please do so, because this wonderful family has suffered long enough and they need to bring their daughter home.
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
Battle Creek, Michigan

* Please take the time to review a YouTube video that was published in 2008, after Christopher Luke Pratt, Mary's former fiancé was convicted and sent to prison for assault  and domestic violence on a more recent girl-friend including Unlawful Imprisonment, Assault w/Dangerous Weapon, and Interfering w/Electronic Communication causing Injury or Death. Inmate Pratt was released from prison on 11/06/2013 after serving nearly 6 1/2 years for his crimes. He is on parole until 11/06/2015.
There are many videos on YouTube related to the Mary Denise Lands case. We urge you to review them, and if you have any information that can help in this case, please contact the Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office or the Marshall Police Department.


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