Many have talked to the family about this outstanding article. It has to be the best editorial ever published by any editor at the Marshall Chronicle. No management muzzle on this writer's opinion.
Great job Mr. Hendler!
Editor's Corner,
by John Hendler,
Marshall Chronicle,
December 20, 2008
Where did everybody go?
So, now City Manager Chris Olson is on the clock. Six months and 10 days (or maybe sooner) before he moves on and hopefully we'll have a new Police Chief in place by then or people might start to wonder who's running the city and keeping us safe.
People think that already.
Oh, sorry. Don't get me wrong; I like Mr. Olson and have enjoyed the opportunities when we've had the chance to talk and I know that he has been interviewing candidates for the position. It just seems as of late, however, too many people have left Marshall or are about to leave. It's been almost a year since Mike Olson left his position as Public Safety Director, leaving quietly into the night, never to be heard from again. like he was in the witness protection program, Actually, I ran in to Mr. Olson (Mike) at a U of M football game in August. When I turned and saw him, he gave me a look like I was in the witness protection program. We exchanged pleasantries and after watching a play, I turned to say something to him and he was gone like a phantom. So, we need a Police Chief, a City Manager and a new Superintendent for Marshall Public Schools (MPS). Oh, and also an Assistant Superintendent and a new Director of Finance and a new Director of Operations, Not to mention the 100 or so students who've left MPS in the past year. Instead of the pineapple as a symbol of Marshall, maybe the new symbol should be a U-Haul or a change of address card, It does seem like everyone is leaving. This is how it must have felt on "Happy Days" (if it weren't a fictitious television show, of course) when Fonzie. Ritchie and Ralph Malph were gone and we were reduced to watching a shell of a show with Potsie, Jenny Piccolo and that Ted McGinley character. Hopefully, 2009 will mean an influx of new blood. For one thing, we'll at least have new gamblers coming to town as the new casino is set to open next door, Hey, you've got to start somewhere. There'll be new blood on the Marshall City Council with Nick Metzger. Kathy Miller and Ryan Traver and of course, the new city manager. And over at MPS, we should have a new superintendent by the spring and that person will have a say in who becomes assistant superintendent. And maybe, just maybe, people will start to come back to Marshall and sit a spell and take their shoes off.
Hopefully, jobs will become available and those student enrollment numbers will start to increase. We've got to have faith and believe that Marshall can be what it used to be.Unlike "Happy Days" we can have Fonzie and Richie back.
You've just got to believe.
Y'all come back now, you hear?
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Where was MPD Shift Commander, Sgt. Rebecca Ivey during a real Home Invasion? Do we even know today?

For some time we have questioned the competency and ability of certain police-officers and city officials in the City of Marshall .This came about because of a lack of any genuine effort by MPD to bring Mary home and to prosecute the person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder. Blunders and bungling seem to be par for the course by some in this police department.
We do not enjoy talking about questionable activities of any police-officer or incompetence, but this continuing pattern of deception seems to be more and more apparent and it goes beyond incompetence. We believe that most people in law enforcement are honest and sincere individuals who dedicate their lives to protecting our society. However, each day we learn something new and it is no wonder why the Mary Denise Lands case has not been solved. The stink is much worse than just poor judgement by some police personnel.
Two weeks ago, Acting Chief/Sgt. Scott McDonald reiterated to a bank representative that Mary’s Dodge Durango has always been considered evidence and will not be released in the near future.
If this is "secured evidence" at the Marshall Police Department you can only imagine how they are handling the rest of the investigation?
When asked about the interest of the Attorney General in Mary’s case he stated, the Mary Lands case will not be turned over to any other agency. He reported that the AG’s office may help them on the case, but it would not be taken over by any other agency.
What does MPD have to hide? Is Mary's Durango even in police control? Where are the tires? Were the tires that MPD claimed to be evidence placed back on the Durango to move it to a secret location? Were those tires then returned back to evidence, and then miraculously the Durango and tires appear as evidence that has been held for over 4 1/2 years? The Durango does not appear to be at any Marshall or Calhoun County garage. Where is the vehicle? Where is Mary's leather bomber jacket today? It was recovered being sold by Chris Pratt in the summer of 2004 at a flea market in Homer and immediately turned into the MPD. Did they ask Chris Pratt about this and how does he answer this was the same jacket he reported her wearing on the night of her disappearance? Did they even ask? Well here is yet another documented event that is much more than a story under the heading, Lies and Shenanigans go on in the Marshall Police Department, Why won't one officer take a polygraph? Why did another tell us bold face LIES?
As you know, we requested Freedom of Information Act materials on the demotion of Sgt. Rebecca Ivey from her position as sergeant supervisor to patrol officer. For over six months we have been seeking this information, and on December 12, 2008 we were provided a two-page response to the inquiry. Most of the information was redacted. An additional FOIA request has been submitted to the City of Marshall on the initial incident involving former Sgt. Ivey.
Today, I personally met with the victims of that initial complaint to MPD and determined it involved an early morning home invasion at 701 W. Hanover Street in Marshall, Michigan. A residence was burglarized with the victims asleep inside and property and a motor vehicle were stolen. There was a significant delay in police response to this home and later the victims complained to former Deputy Chief Brett Pehrson. Mr. Pehrson left his position at MPD about one year ago and is now Chief of Police in Coldwater, Michigan. The crux of the incident and disciplinary action that resulted is that it appears the "on-duty whereabouts of Shift Commander Sgt. Ivey could not be determined for several hours" and there were many questions of why she did not respond to this home invasion crime scene? Her discipline and demotion were obviously attributable to her actions, or lack of actions, from this particular incident. MPD Sgt. Rebecca Ivey-Demotion to patrol officer-10/09/07, Limited FOIA Response, City of Marshall-12/12/08
We will keep you advised when additional FOIA materials become available.
We do not enjoy talking about questionable activities of any police-officer or incompetence, but this continuing pattern of deception seems to be more and more apparent and it goes beyond incompetence. We believe that most people in law enforcement are honest and sincere individuals who dedicate their lives to protecting our society. However, each day we learn something new and it is no wonder why the Mary Denise Lands case has not been solved. The stink is much worse than just poor judgement by some police personnel.
Two weeks ago, Acting Chief/Sgt. Scott McDonald reiterated to a bank representative that Mary’s Dodge Durango has always been considered evidence and will not be released in the near future.
If this is "secured evidence" at the Marshall Police Department you can only imagine how they are handling the rest of the investigation?
When asked about the interest of the Attorney General in Mary’s case he stated, the Mary Lands case will not be turned over to any other agency. He reported that the AG’s office may help them on the case, but it would not be taken over by any other agency.
What does MPD have to hide? Is Mary's Durango even in police control? Where are the tires? Were the tires that MPD claimed to be evidence placed back on the Durango to move it to a secret location? Were those tires then returned back to evidence, and then miraculously the Durango and tires appear as evidence that has been held for over 4 1/2 years? The Durango does not appear to be at any Marshall or Calhoun County garage. Where is the vehicle? Where is Mary's leather bomber jacket today? It was recovered being sold by Chris Pratt in the summer of 2004 at a flea market in Homer and immediately turned into the MPD. Did they ask Chris Pratt about this and how does he answer this was the same jacket he reported her wearing on the night of her disappearance? Did they even ask? Well here is yet another documented event that is much more than a story under the heading, Lies and Shenanigans go on in the Marshall Police Department, Why won't one officer take a polygraph? Why did another tell us bold face LIES?
As you know, we requested Freedom of Information Act materials on the demotion of Sgt. Rebecca Ivey from her position as sergeant supervisor to patrol officer. For over six months we have been seeking this information, and on December 12, 2008 we were provided a two-page response to the inquiry. Most of the information was redacted. An additional FOIA request has been submitted to the City of Marshall on the initial incident involving former Sgt. Ivey.
Today, I personally met with the victims of that initial complaint to MPD and determined it involved an early morning home invasion at 701 W. Hanover Street in Marshall, Michigan. A residence was burglarized with the victims asleep inside and property and a motor vehicle were stolen. There was a significant delay in police response to this home and later the victims complained to former Deputy Chief Brett Pehrson. Mr. Pehrson left his position at MPD about one year ago and is now Chief of Police in Coldwater, Michigan. The crux of the incident and disciplinary action that resulted is that it appears the "on-duty whereabouts of Shift Commander Sgt. Ivey could not be determined for several hours" and there were many questions of why she did not respond to this home invasion crime scene? Her discipline and demotion were obviously attributable to her actions, or lack of actions, from this particular incident. MPD Sgt. Rebecca Ivey-Demotion to patrol officer-10/09/07, Limited FOIA Response, City of Marshall-12/12/08
We will keep you advised when additional FOIA materials become available.
January 7, 2009- City of Marshall released 28 pages from a FOIA request of the incident involving former Sgt. Rebecca Ivey. There appears to be much missing from this particular home invasion incident that occurred on September 4, 2007. The cost for 28 pages was $33.28
January 8, 2009- City of Marshall responded on the above noted FOIA request and asked for payment of $128.38 for approximately 10 pages that did not even respond to information on Marshall Police Department Internal Investigations for 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. Most of the pages were redacted.
This is the same Sgt. Rebecca Ivey who in June 2006 submitted a warrant request to the county prosecutor to charge Cliff & Anita Marshall, and others with Home Invasion, Burglary, Forced Entry & Theft at Christopher Pratt's vacated Waldon Pond apartment. That was clearly an abuse of police power, and acted improperly under color of authority.
Christopher Luke Pratt, Complainant (06/19/2006) to MPD, 0906-2006- FOIA Request by Jim Carlin- Sgt. Rebecca Ivey requested warrants for home invasion, burglary, & theft allegedly committed by Cliff & Anita Marshall, Jim Carlin & Debra Farrington
Demotion? This officer should have been fired, and fired long ago! Perhaps she would have been if her husband was not a former Marshall police chief. It is just more of the same, and funny-business as usual at the Marshall Police Department.
"Where's the Police Chief" It has been nearly one full year since Chief Mike Olson was either fired or resigned in January 2008. Sgt. McDonald has stated three members of the department applied for the position, but he did not apply. He stated he does not aspire to be the new chief although he has been Acting Chief. One could presume that 2 of the candidates might be Rebecca Ivey & Tim Bryant? Shouldn't the name of any candidates be public information? Every community in the state makes this information public during their application process? What is Marshall trying to hide on this appointment? Are they trying to bring in a person who worked with the city manager in one of his other jobs? City Manager Chris Olson now claims he will appoint a new chief in January 2009. In my opinion, it will be Sgt. McDonald.
It is hoped that this particular incident, and others, will be of interest to the Michigan Attorney General when they come to town to "help" Sgt. McDonald in Mary’s case. This event may not have anything to do with the Mary Lands investigation but it does reflect on the quality of police services provided to the citizens of Marshall. Update- Tuesday, December 16, 2008-Speaking about police services and Neighborhood Watch in the Albion, Michigan area. Help the Albion Public Safety Department. Do your part and take a bite out crime in the area of E Pine & N. Ionia in Albion- You Tube Video-
If you have any information on the Mary Lands case or on corruption in the Marshall Police Department you are urged to contact the Michigan State Police Headquarters in Lansing, Major Case Unit- 517.336.3437, or the Office of Michigan Attorney General- Toll Free- 877.765.8388
Inappropriate and illegal police actions can stop if citizens take the time to report the wrongdoings. You can't sit by and hope someone else will make the call. You need to pick up the telephone, tell what you know, and then you will see the situation change for the better.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Lies and Shenanigans go on in the Marshall Police Department, Why won't one officer take a polygraph? Why did another tell us bold face LIES?

Update- February 11, 2009- Battle Creek Enquirer- 02/11/2009- Chris Olsen Accepts new City Manager job in DeWitt, Michigan
Battle Creek Enquirer- 01/23/09- Marshall City Manager Chris Olson will accept manager job in DeWitt, Michigan
WOODTV-News-12/16/2008-Marshall City Manager Chris Olson Resigns
WWMT TV3News-12/16/2008-Marshall City Manager Resigns
Update, March 1, 2009, Attn: Sgt. Tim (TJ) Bryant of the Marshall Police Department- Today is Day 226 since we asked you about your willingness to take a polyraph examination? What's the answer? What do you have to hide? I think we all know the answer to that question?
(TJ, Don't you think it would be right to obey the law and not block a sidewalk with your own car in front of your house at 615 W. Mansion? Or is this more of your own brand of Marshall Law?)
police-officer could be involved in so many dubious activities? Are all these people making this up to get back at you for some ulterior motive? I’d like to know the truth? Surely you do? You probably are getting tired of hearing my name just as I am tired of hearing yours. I’d like to offer you a proposition?
First, I would like to meet with you at your earliest possibility. Possibly Ketchum Park or maybe we could have a chat at the Fountain directly in front of the police department. I’d like to ask you about all these accusations made against you?I absolutely would want to meet face to face with the person who brings up things about me so that an explanation or denial can be made. I would like to hear your side of these allegations and what you have to say about Mary’s case?

So how about it TJ? Lets start with a meeting on your day off at Ketchum Park or the Circle Fountain in Marshall. We can then go from there. What do you have to lose? You use polygraphs every day as a resource tool. Why not use this tool to prove you have not done any of the things that people have alleged? There has been a dirty cloud hanging over your head now for over ten years. Why not try to clear yourself? Prove to the people you really are an honest and dedicated police-officer, or can't you prove it?

July 30, 2008- We are not pleased in having to post this particular revelation on Mary’s blog and hoped it was not accurate, however the facts speak for themselves.
We have tried to work with the Marshall Police Department and know that Mary’s case has been difficult from the start, but we believed in the last 12 months they were doing everything possible to solve the case. 4 years, 5 months, and 7 days later we again feel that this is not true. Why? Because we continually are told lies by those who are in charge.
In February 2008 Sgt. Scott McDonald, acting police chief, was informed of drug activity at the Marshall High School. He was provided names and informed that drugs were stored in the school lockers of the students. He immediately stated he would take care of the matter and added that the principal of the high school welcomes law enforcement in with drug dogs because of the zero tolerance policy. Sgt. McDonald stated that a search would absolutely be undertaken and he would seek the services of the Calhoun County Sheriff and their K-9 deputies.
Law enforcement did not initiate any search and in April 2008 I again brought up the matter and Acting Chief McDonald gave a "wink and a nod" that it was being done. We were concerned because the information on the drug activity continued to come in and the school year was drawing to an end. In June, he was then again asked about the search and replied that he had passed along the information. To the best of his knowledge the search was completed in May and nothing was found.
I was willing to accept this answer but because of a pattern of misinformation in the past I requested Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) from the Calhoun County Sheriff on "all reports at Marshall High School from 01/15/2008 to end of school year regarding drug search on student lockers." On July 15, 2008 Sheriff Byam responded that he was unable to locate any records for such a search. Last week I submitted a follow-up request to his response asking, "can you advise if your office was informed and unable to complete the request of the Marshall Police Department or did you not receive a request from the Marshall Police Department to conduct a search asking for K-9 resources?" I have no doubt that per the initial response from Sheriff Byam he is going to reply he was never asked for K-9 resources to search the school. August 4, 2008- Sheriff Al Byam's office sent me a letter concerning follow-up to his FOIA response of July 15, 2008. He indicated he needed another (10) ten days to respond. This is acceptable under FOIA protocol. He then confirmed for the 2nd time there was no request for a search by MDP and no search was done.
August 18, 2008- As you know, we have been trying to ascertain the truth on a hallway walk-by search of the student school lockers for drugs at the Marshall High School. We were advised by MPD that this was completed prior to the end of the school year, but with no results. Because of inconsistent information, 2 FOIA requests were submitted to the Calhoun County Sheriff on the reports and results of any search during the latter part of the 2008 school year. 2 FOIA responses from the Sheriff confirmed there was no request by MPD and no search conducted. Additional FOIA requests were submitted to the City of Marshall, and today I received a response from their FOIA coordinator.
Response from City of Marshall, FOIA Coordinator;
Detective Sergeant McDonald has reviewed your August 8, 2008 FOIA request for "materials related to any reports, complaints, records, requests and any documentation that may be released under FOIA made by you and/or your department to the Calhoun County Sheriff Department regarding the use of their K-9 resources. The period of interest is between January 15, 2008 and the end of the school year." There are no documents applicable to FOIA that meet your request. Chris Zuidema
Administrative Assistant
City of Marshall (269)781-5183 xt 1129
Again we ask, When are these lies going to stop? When will we see justice in Mary’s case?
What does this all indicate? It indicates we have been told more lies. My only conclusion on why this search was not completed was because the Marshall Police Department did not wish to pursue it. Yes, there probably are some dubious students at the high school who the police know are always in trouble and might have drugs in their possession and could have been apprehended. It just seems that the search was not undertaken because perhaps some students who might also have drugs would be from families of the more affluent members of society in Marshall. The MPD can’t be bothering those individuals with such a minor distraction as these parents being called that their children had been arrested. That is what is really sad. If the drug dogs would have went into the school in March and not even found anything then at least you could bet that the high school would have been drug free for the rest of the school year because students would be afraid of being caught. All materials of the FOIA request will be fully published in full as soon as the latest response from Sheriff Byam is received.
What does this mean? It means if you have money and power in Marshall, Michigan your daughter will be found if missing and the person/s responsible will be held accountable in a court of law. If you are of modest means and in need of government services such as the police department you are on your own.
Incompetent members of the police department just go about doing what they want to do to anyone at anytime. The bogus trespass notice to me by Officer Ivey is a prime example. You may view the FOIA materials from the July 23, 2008 complaint of Barbara Ruddock. MPD-Ruddock Trespass FOIA, 07/23/2008 One thing is very odd. I video-taped my cordial conversation with Ms. Ruddock that lasted nearly 20 minutes on the sidewalk in front of her home. For my own protection I also have GPS documentation to prove where I am and where I go. The GPS clearly indicates my vehicle parked in front of the Ruddock residence during the time I had my conversation with her. Why is it that 4 hours later she is calling the MPD crying and upset that I engaged in stalking and harassing conduct? Who put her up to these actions and does it have anything to do with Sgt. Tim Bryant and the dog bite incident I was inquiring about with Ms. Ruddock. She claimed she is a psychic and told me about what happened to Mary Lands. In the police officer's own report Ms. Ruddock stated that she has been advised by her psychiarist to not bring up the matter of Mary Lands for her mental wellness. She didn't have any problem talking to me about it. Based on the information this would seem to be a false police report that she made to the MPD. The other person who was issued a trespass notice never even went to the property. She called the residence and Officer Ivey issued a trespass notice because of a telephone call? Where in the statute is it that a trespass notice can be issued under these type circumstances? Maybe under Marshall Law, but not in accordance with actual law and Michigan statutes. A copy of the six word Marshall City Ordinance is on the last page of the FOIA. The no trespass notice and the statutes they reference are ludicrous. This same officer tried to charge Cliff, Anita, myself and another with a bogus home invasion charge in 2006. This was on the complaint of Chris Pratt after he vacated the apartment at Waldon Pond that still was in Mary's name. Oh, but then remember, Chief Mike Olsen gave the Marshall's a "wink and a nod" that this was all nothing and not to worry about it. It appears another officer can lie and not be accountable in a simple dog bite incident and get away with it.
Certain people with a badge and gun are using their positions to intimidate and harass citizens because they have a specific agenda. Officers at MPD should be investigating the status of a sex offender residing at 329 West Mansion Street directly across the street from a school and child day care. They should be investigating 330 North Marshall, a sex offender in that residence where a minor child also resides. They should also be looking at the 21 sex offenders that reside in the city limits and ascertain if they are in full compliance with guidelines of the Michigan Sex Offender Registry? This abuse of power is wrong and it takes away from our civil rights.
There is a specific statute under federal and state law that precludes police-officers from abusing their authority. This has been going on for quite some time and many would like to know when is all this going to end? Where is the new chief or a permanent one that is willing to step forward and clean up this befuddled bunch of bumbling misfits? Why hasn’t the city manager, Chris Olsen stepped in? He stepped in to fire Chief Olsen? Oh that’s right, "We are part of the problem, not part of the solution." No wonder a police chief has not yet been appointed? What professional cop would want to walk through the doors of that department? It probably is the same reason why Deputy Chief Pherson left to become police chief in Coldwater? Who can be proud to say they are a police officer in Marshall? Very few….
Acting Chief McDonald stated in FOIA response earlier this month that Mary's case is an open homicide investigation being conducted by the MPD. If this is true why wasn't Mary's family advised of this change in status and what is that indicates she is now a homicide victim? The family at least should be kept up to date on the status of the investigation. If you can't or won't solve the Mary Lands case turn it over to an agency that will find her and prosecute the person/s involved. Just stop with your dirty tricks and lies!
On March 12, 2008 numerous law enforcement officials stood together at Mary’s 4th anniversary vigil holding her sign, Where is Mary? Many had never been there before and we deeply appreciated their gesture, and the words, "We will never forget" Four months later we have to wonder if this was just another dog and pony show for the November elections? Many people believe that is exactly why they were there.
Run for election to any office you are seeking but don’t put justice on hold until January 1st because you are all too busy campaigning and doing other things. Christopher Pratt is in prison for his convictions of crimes against another woman. We are not satisfied with his present incarceration. You supposedly call him a "person of interest" in Mary's case. What effort are you making today to charge the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands? All we are asking for is honesty and justice. Do the jobs for which you were appointed or elected. Wear your badge with pride and take pride in the job you do.
This is the right way a dedicated and professional police chief in Orlando and his agency handle police corruption. When will we see this type of action on our own local news reports?
Here is another ongoing tragic story of a missing child, Caylee Anthony, in Orlando, Florida.
The difference is that Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary and State's Attorney Lawson Lamar know how to investigate crimes of violence, especially crimes against a defenseless child. They know what to do when a suspect "lawyer's-up" Read the attached PDF file from a prosecutor in the Orlando Office. It gives you a real understanding of the facts in the case and it shows that these agencies know how to handle difficult cases.
These are real cops doing real police work. Take a few minutes to read about Caylee and the unusual circumstances of her disappearance over one month ago. Take the time and call a member of law enforcement if you have any information about any crime. We could see this type of story right here in Calhoun County but you must pick up the phone.
December 12, 2008- More Shenanigans in the Marshall Police Department, A limited redacted version of 2 separate disciplinary actions in 2007 against former sergeant Ivey was received from the City of Marshall, however it does make some reference to why she was demoted. Charges include Conduct Unbecoming Departmental Personnel, Neglect or Inattention to Duty, Unsatisfactory Performance, Request for Assistance. An appeal will be submitted on both discipline actions and the circumstances in those cases. MPD Sgt. Rebecca Ivey-Demotion to patrol officer-10/09/07, Limited FOIA Response, City of Marshall-12/12/08
MPD Sgt. Rebecca Ivey-Demotion to patrol officer-10/09/07, Limited FOIA Response, City of Marshall-12/12/08
Monday, November 24, 2008
Oh Mary Don't You Weep...

WOOD TV8 News-AG Considers Lands case 11/18/2008
WZZM 13News 11/17/2008
WXMI Fox17News 11/15/2008
Anita Marshall would like people to remember this particular video, the words and the song by Boss, Bruce Springsteen..
Oh Mary Don't you weep, Mary Lands-4th Anniversary Vigil, 03/12/2008
January 12, 2009 wil sadly marked, 4 years & 10 months since Mary Denise Lands purportedly walked away from her apartment at Waldon Pond Town Homes, #7, 1200 Arm Street in Marshall, Michigan at approximately 10:00 P.M. on the wintry evening of Friday, March 12, 2004. Weather conditions on that date and time were recorded to be; 19 degrees, 10-15 mile per-hour winds, intermittent snow flurries, with snow on the ground. Mary was attired in light-weight blue medical scrub pants with a "Sponge Bob" print scrub shirt, soft slip-on athletic shoes with no heel back, and wearing her favorite winter brown leather bomber jacket. This was the report of her fiancé, Chris Pratt. 44 hours after she allegedly went missing he called her mother and father in California to ask if they had seen Mary? The family then notified the Marshall Police Department.
The 5th winter season since Mary disappeared is just around the corner. Before long it will be the 5th Thanksgiving Day, the 5th Christmas Day and the 5th New Year that the Marshall family have endured not knowing the fate of their beloved daughter? Chris Pratt still refuses to speak or offer help in the search for Mary as he sits in prison cell at Bellamy Creek Correctional Facility in Ionia. As most people are aware, he was sentenced to a minimum of four years and eight months to a maximum of 15 years in prison. He was convicted by a Calhoun County jury in December 2007 for felony assault and other violent crimes against another girl-friend. He has now been incarcerated for 16 months. A possible parole could occur as early as February 2012. In about 3 years Christopher Luke Pratt could again be stalking the streets of Marshall placing victims, families, and society in fear.

Cliff Marshall related his frustration to me about an incident with Marshall Mayor Bruce Smith. In the past Cliff has attended and spoken at Marshall Council meetings. Many of us have done so about Mary’s case. After one recent meeting, Mayor Smith walked by Cliff and asked if he was supposed to speak? Cliff said no. Then Mayor Smith said, and who are you? He didn’t have a clue that Cliff was Mary’s father. Mayor Smith is another typical politician in Marshall and along with City Manager Chris Olson never appeared at any of Mary’s vigils or events. With an attitude like this from certain appointed and elected city officials it is no why the Mary Denise Lands case has not been solved. Out of sight, out of mind.
The Marshall community is now joyous and festive preparing for another happy holiday season. Events include fundraising for Dramatic Action Theatre Company, Marshall Scarecrow Days, Haunted Trail, Marshall Main Street, Nutcracker, the annual holiday parade, a Christmas candlelight walk, and It's a Wonderful Life - A Live Radio Show at the Franke. It may be a wonderful life for some, but not for all living and working in Marshall. Some things don't seem to matter, especially with the MPD investigation of Mary Denise Lands? If you listen to city officials there is no crime and there are no problems in Marshall. The city is just one great place to visit that will put a happy face and smile on everyone. The Marshall family, friends and supporters have been to the Brooks Circle Fountain at least 8 times since Mary disappeared. It didn't put any smile on our faces.

Letter to the Editor, Battle Creek Enquirer- November 8, 2008
Clifford & Anita Marshall and I wish to express our congratulations to Susan Mladenoff, prosecutor-elect of Calhoun County. It will be a difficult job but with her dedicated experience, professionalism and integrity we believe she will again be a great prosecutor for justice and our community.
The Marshall Police Department has clearly displayed their lack of empathy, ability or desire to solve the Mary Lands case. The City of Marshall police and public officials have told outright lies to the family. Their only objective is to ignore Mary’s case, and hope it all just goes away.
Well, we are not going to go away. We hope that Ms. Mladenoff will take a fresh look at all the evidence related to Mary’s case.
We have trust in the professionalism of the Michigan State Police and other agencies that would be able to assist the Prosecutor’s Office in closing this case.
We pray that Mary Denise Lands will be a priority and the person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder will be held accountable in a court of law.
On November 12, 2008 Mary will have been missing for 4 years & 8 months.
It’s about time we bring her home.
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
Battle Creek, Michigan
A single person in our community can bring this all to a close today. You are asked to make one telephone call for Cliff & Anita with the genuine tip that can bring their daughter home. If you are afraid to contact the Marshall Police Department you can call another agency or directly contact D/Sgt. Mike Scott of the Michigan State Police, White Pigeon Post- 269.483.7612, D/Sgt. Mike Salmen, Battle Creek Post- 269.968.6115, or the Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office- 269.969.6980. You can do this anonymously, but either way make the call.
Please help, bring Mary home.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
2nd Annual "Ride for Mary"- despite the torrential rains, it was a success

Participation and Registration for the motorcycle ride will be from 9:00 A.M-11:00 A.M. at the Place Next Door, 924 Hanover Street in Marshall, Michigan. Rain or shine, it will be a 74-mile bike ride with stops at Harley Davidson in Battle Creek, Whistle Stop in Burlington, Coldwater Fraternal Order of Eagles, #1907 and J.D’s Country Connection in Tekonsha. All proceeds will go to the Mary Lands Trust Fund, with a donation to Safe Place, an agency in Battle Creek dealing with Domestic Violence. The last stop of the afternoon will be J.D.’s Country Connection, at approximately 4:00 P.M., which will include a pig roast and refreshments, poker run, live bands including Tommy Vale, vendors on site, raffles, burn out cage, and other great prizes. As we did last year, "Ride for Mary" tee shirts will be available. We still have a limited number of shirts from the August 2007 bike ride. Those will be sold for $5.00. Where is Mary? caps will be sold for $3.00.
October 1, 2008- "Ride for Mary" We still have tee shirts left from the 2008 ride, which will be sold for $6.00. If you would like one, please call. All proceeds will go to the Mary Lands Trust Fund.
Come out and join the Marshall family, friends and supporters on our 2nd Annual "Ride for Mary" Many thanks to our great supporters, friends, and sponsors who are making this event possible. Come on out, support the ride, talk about Mary's case, and help bring her home. If you can't attend but would like a shirt, contact Cliff & Anita Marshall at 269.781.4508. We can deliver.
2nd Annual "Ride for Mary" shirts- 09/13/2008
Cliff & Anita announced that although many could not show up because of the rain and storms that passed over Michigan during the weekend Mary's ride was a success. They did raise money at the pig roast and from raffles and prizes, promoting public awareness on the issue of domestic violence. The Marshall's thank you for your support and would like you all to know that they still have "Ride for Mary" shirts now available for $6.00 each in all sizes. If you would like one delivered just give us a call, and we can drop them one off at your home or work.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Who let the dog out? Sgt Tim Bryant?
Because of certain aspects of this particular event some details are being released on an incident that occurred several years ago in Marshall, Michigan. Perhaps if anyone has more knowledge of this event they would come forward? It is yet another incident questioning the professional conduct and integrity of Sgt. Tim Bryant, of the Marshall Police Department.
In follow-up investigation of the Mary Lands case I received first-hand direct information that a neighbor was attacked by a dog owned by Sgt. Bryant and as a result of extensive injuries had to be treated at a local hospital. Because of the bite and laws related to quarantine, hospital officials are required to notify the police department. Sgt. Bryant responded and he then learned that it was his dog that bit the victim. It is alleged that he told the victim to lie about the incident and paid her to state that the animal that caused the injury was a stray. He further advised the victim to say there were tags on the stray animal which could infer to the hospital that there were no need for shots? It is further documented that a ring worn by the victim had to be removed at the hospital and was damaged. It is further alleged that Sgt. Bryant paid a local jewelry store for the repair or the ring and all the medical expenses. There never was any written police documentation that Sgt. Bryant was the owner of the dog. Later that day the animal was then transported to Battle Creek and hidden so there would be no connection to Sgt. Bryant. A police report was completed which at this time could appear to be a false police report.
Although the statute of limitations would have expired on criminal action for filing a false police report this obviously should be of interest to the Marshall Police Department as it affects the integrity of the entire department. I have requested Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reports related to the incident. Sgt. Scott McDonald has answered my request that he presently is unable to locate any information of the incident. He responded;
Jim, got your FOIA today on the dog matter. At first glance, I am not having any luck. Can you get me any more particulars? We have been through four computer systems in the past 12 or so years, and each system has it searching quirks. We also had some paper logs, but it will take a long time to research them. If you could get either an exact date, an exact location, or anything more, it would make my search of the records more useful for you. I would also suggest checking with either the Health Department, or perhaps the Humane Society. I say this because if a dog bite occurred, the officer would have had to file a Quarantine Notice, which is eventually filed with the County Health Department. I'll continue looking and respond soon.
Sgt. McDonald is obviously trying to locate the documentation and he will be provided additional information. As he suggested, I have already submitted further FOIA inquiries to the Calhoun County Health Department and Humane Society. It also appears that the same animal may have previously bit another elderly resident and I have requested information on other incidents.
July 23, 2008- When will it end?
Interesting developments on the dog bite caper.
Additional witnesses confirmed the facts as presented but an unusual response from the City of Marshall, FOIA Coordinator, Chris Zuidema.
Your FOIA request of July 16, 2008, for information regarding a dog bite has been processed. Because of the lack of detail and age of the information requested, there was over 2 hours of research involved. Therefore the charge for this FOIA request will be $27.00 (2 hours at $13.50/hr). The FOIA response is at the reception desk at City Hall for you to pick up at your convenience.
I inquired what documents were found and was their cost included in the $27.00 fee?
Ms. Zuidema replied;
Mr. Carlin,
No reports, complaints or records were found when the individuals were run through the database and nothing was found in the paper records that match your request.
Ms. Zuidema has always provided in a timely manner the FOIA documents I have requested and this obviously has nothing to do with her efforts to find the dog bite report.
However, the dubious plot continues.
Not only was this particular incident not handled properly with another officer taking the call and completing a report, but it appears that Sgt. Bryant never even wrote one? I imagine this is totally consistent with his lack of writing reports for which he was suspended in 2007.
As Acting Chief McDonald suggested, I have submitted FOIA requests to the Humane Society and the Calhoun County Health Department. and awaiting their response. It was also determined that the ring which was damaged was repaired by David Jewelers, which has now closed its doors and no longer doing business in Marshall. I have however, requested Duane Mestemaker to provide details of the repair. He should have no problem in doing so unless there is a claim of jeweler/client confidentiality?
Latest Update, July 26, 2008- Today, July 26, 2008 I received a certified letter from Officer Rebecca Ivey of the Marshall Police Department with a no-trespass notice. It cost the taxpayers of Marshall $5.32 to be mailed. It states that I left "a business card at residence to victim identifying self to victim." Because of my actions of harassing and annoying the victim I am hereby forbidden to enter into or onto the premises of 330 N. Marshall Avenue in Marshall, Michigan. If I am found in violation I may be subject to arrest and prosecution for trespass under Michigan City Ordinance (Chapter 133, Section 133.03, State Law reference MCLA 750.546. This will remain in effect for one year. It is signed by the property agent, Barbara Ruddock.
My intent for stopping at the home was to speak with Laura Engle, the woman who was bitten by Sgt. Bryant’s dog. Ms. Engle is the live-in significant other of Ms. Ruddock. I wonder if this means that despite all the other verifications that Laura Engle was bit by Sgt. Tim Bryant’s dog she will now deny it? Is this the real reason I was issued a no-trespass notice?
We still would like to know, "Who let the dog out?"
07/23/08- At approximately 8:00 P.M. this evening I received a voice mail from Officer Rebecca Ivey of the Marshall Police Department asking that I call her back about a complaint she was investigating. I returned her call and after a brief wait spoke to the officer. She advised me that I was the subject of an investigation involving one Barb Ruddock. She stated she would like me to come in and pick up a no trespass notice. I declined and she then advised me she would be mailing the no trespass notice in the mail. Ms. Ruddock was interviewed earlier today about the dog bite incident and Sgt. Bryant. I actually was trying to speak with her room-mate, Laura Engle. The interview was pleasant and cordial and took place on the sidewalk in front of her residence of 330 N. Marshall Street in Marshall. She told me how she was struggling to take care of her friend, Laura and her daughter. She was about to be homeless for not paying rent and was holding a garage sale on Saturday to raise money. She confirmed many of the details herself including that Sgt. Bryant took paid Ms. Engle for the injury, but added, "So what, big deal, forget it." She claimed she was a good friend of Sgt. Bryant and would not ever say anything on the record against him. She stated the position of Ms. Engle was the same. Later I also spoke with Cam Engle who resides two houses west of Sgt. Bryant at 629 Mansion Street. Mr. Engle also confirmed some details of the dog bite but did not wish to become involved because Sgt. Bryant was a neighbor and his friend. Mr. Engle is now divorced from Laura. A sidebar, Cameron Ray Engle, DOB-05/31/1966, age 42 is also on the Michigan Sex Offender Registry.

Poor police work, someone trying to send a message? I don't know? I do know that I didn't do anything wrong and if people don't wish to speak with me about Mary Lands, Sgt. Tim Bryant, or Santa Claus all they have do do is refuse and I'll be on my way. In this case certain people seem to now be aware of what we know about a dog bite and they are trying to stop others from knowing. This appears to be another cover-up, of yet another secret in Marshall, Michigan. Could actions or inaction’s of Officer Ivey be yet another reason why people in Marshall refuse to make statements to members of law enforcement? Why do the same people who are willing to tell their version of what took place to me but others refuse to talk to the police? Are we to believe if someone does a wrong they should get away with it? If they are a friend or neighbor of that police officer should they also get away with wrongs?
The persons having direct knowledge of this incident and the actions of Sgt. Bryant are reluctant to come forward because of fear. This unfortunately seems to be the prevalent attitude of many citizens about questionable conduct especially involving Sgt. Bryant. They may be willing to provide details to some law enforcement agency if the allegations are taken seriously? Good people want to speak out and tell the truth about certain things but many are afraid.
In follow-up investigation of the Mary Lands case I received first-hand direct information that a neighbor was attacked by a dog owned by Sgt. Bryant and as a result of extensive injuries had to be treated at a local hospital. Because of the bite and laws related to quarantine, hospital officials are required to notify the police department. Sgt. Bryant responded and he then learned that it was his dog that bit the victim. It is alleged that he told the victim to lie about the incident and paid her to state that the animal that caused the injury was a stray. He further advised the victim to say there were tags on the stray animal which could infer to the hospital that there were no need for shots? It is further documented that a ring worn by the victim had to be removed at the hospital and was damaged. It is further alleged that Sgt. Bryant paid a local jewelry store for the repair or the ring and all the medical expenses. There never was any written police documentation that Sgt. Bryant was the owner of the dog. Later that day the animal was then transported to Battle Creek and hidden so there would be no connection to Sgt. Bryant. A police report was completed which at this time could appear to be a false police report.
Although the statute of limitations would have expired on criminal action for filing a false police report this obviously should be of interest to the Marshall Police Department as it affects the integrity of the entire department. I have requested Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reports related to the incident. Sgt. Scott McDonald has answered my request that he presently is unable to locate any information of the incident. He responded;
Jim, got your FOIA today on the dog matter. At first glance, I am not having any luck. Can you get me any more particulars? We have been through four computer systems in the past 12 or so years, and each system has it searching quirks. We also had some paper logs, but it will take a long time to research them. If you could get either an exact date, an exact location, or anything more, it would make my search of the records more useful for you. I would also suggest checking with either the Health Department, or perhaps the Humane Society. I say this because if a dog bite occurred, the officer would have had to file a Quarantine Notice, which is eventually filed with the County Health Department. I'll continue looking and respond soon.
Sgt. McDonald is obviously trying to locate the documentation and he will be provided additional information. As he suggested, I have already submitted further FOIA inquiries to the Calhoun County Health Department and Humane Society. It also appears that the same animal may have previously bit another elderly resident and I have requested information on other incidents.
July 23, 2008- When will it end?
Interesting developments on the dog bite caper.
Additional witnesses confirmed the facts as presented but an unusual response from the City of Marshall, FOIA Coordinator, Chris Zuidema.
Your FOIA request of July 16, 2008, for information regarding a dog bite has been processed. Because of the lack of detail and age of the information requested, there was over 2 hours of research involved. Therefore the charge for this FOIA request will be $27.00 (2 hours at $13.50/hr). The FOIA response is at the reception desk at City Hall for you to pick up at your convenience.
I inquired what documents were found and was their cost included in the $27.00 fee?
Ms. Zuidema replied;
Mr. Carlin,
No reports, complaints or records were found when the individuals were run through the database and nothing was found in the paper records that match your request.
Ms. Zuidema has always provided in a timely manner the FOIA documents I have requested and this obviously has nothing to do with her efforts to find the dog bite report.
However, the dubious plot continues.
Not only was this particular incident not handled properly with another officer taking the call and completing a report, but it appears that Sgt. Bryant never even wrote one? I imagine this is totally consistent with his lack of writing reports for which he was suspended in 2007.
As Acting Chief McDonald suggested, I have submitted FOIA requests to the Humane Society and the Calhoun County Health Department. and awaiting their response. It was also determined that the ring which was damaged was repaired by David Jewelers, which has now closed its doors and no longer doing business in Marshall. I have however, requested Duane Mestemaker to provide details of the repair. He should have no problem in doing so unless there is a claim of jeweler/client confidentiality?
Latest Update, July 26, 2008- Today, July 26, 2008 I received a certified letter from Officer Rebecca Ivey of the Marshall Police Department with a no-trespass notice. It cost the taxpayers of Marshall $5.32 to be mailed. It states that I left "a business card at residence to victim identifying self to victim." Because of my actions of harassing and annoying the victim I am hereby forbidden to enter into or onto the premises of 330 N. Marshall Avenue in Marshall, Michigan. If I am found in violation I may be subject to arrest and prosecution for trespass under Michigan City Ordinance (Chapter 133, Section 133.03, State Law reference MCLA 750.546. This will remain in effect for one year. It is signed by the property agent, Barbara Ruddock.
My intent for stopping at the home was to speak with Laura Engle, the woman who was bitten by Sgt. Bryant’s dog. Ms. Engle is the live-in significant other of Ms. Ruddock. I wonder if this means that despite all the other verifications that Laura Engle was bit by Sgt. Tim Bryant’s dog she will now deny it? Is this the real reason I was issued a no-trespass notice?
We still would like to know, "Who let the dog out?"
07/23/08- At approximately 8:00 P.M. this evening I received a voice mail from Officer Rebecca Ivey of the Marshall Police Department asking that I call her back about a complaint she was investigating. I returned her call and after a brief wait spoke to the officer. She advised me that I was the subject of an investigation involving one Barb Ruddock. She stated she would like me to come in and pick up a no trespass notice. I declined and she then advised me she would be mailing the no trespass notice in the mail. Ms. Ruddock was interviewed earlier today about the dog bite incident and Sgt. Bryant. I actually was trying to speak with her room-mate, Laura Engle. The interview was pleasant and cordial and took place on the sidewalk in front of her residence of 330 N. Marshall Street in Marshall. She told me how she was struggling to take care of her friend, Laura and her daughter. She was about to be homeless for not paying rent and was holding a garage sale on Saturday to raise money. She confirmed many of the details herself including that Sgt. Bryant took paid Ms. Engle for the injury, but added, "So what, big deal, forget it." She claimed she was a good friend of Sgt. Bryant and would not ever say anything on the record against him. She stated the position of Ms. Engle was the same. Later I also spoke with Cam Engle who resides two houses west of Sgt. Bryant at 629 Mansion Street. Mr. Engle also confirmed some details of the dog bite but did not wish to become involved because Sgt. Bryant was a neighbor and his friend. Mr. Engle is now divorced from Laura. A sidebar, Cameron Ray Engle, DOB-05/31/1966, age 42 is also on the Michigan Sex Offender Registry.

He was convicted in November 2007 of Criminal Sexual Conduct. It should also be noted that his residence is directly across the street from Sherman School, which also has a child day care facility, Shamrock Center. How is it that this person is permitted to reside so close to a school as a registered sex offender? Is it because he is a friend of Sgt. Tim Bryant?
If you will recall, it was former Sgt. Rebecca Ivey (demoted last year to patrol officer) who in June 2006 requested that the leasing manager of Waldon Pond Apartments, Cliff, Anita and myself to come in to MPD to discuss crimes she was investigating, as we were suspects. Chris Pratt claimed that we committed a home invasion, theft and burglary from his apartment. In fact, the leasing manager permitted us to enter with her after he failed to pay rent and legal action was taken against him. He had vacated the apartment and it was empty. Former Sgt. Ivey spent a considerable amount of time trying to make a case against us despite assurances from former Chief Mike Olson, with a "wink and a nod" to the Marshall's that "this was nothing and not to worry about it." Former Sgt. Ivey maintained we were suspects in those crimes. Clifford & Anita actually went down to the station and were read their rights by Sgt. Ivey. We all declined to speak invoking our rights under Miranda and would not speak with the officer unless an attorney was present. Sgt. Ivey eventually issued a warrant request against us for various felonies but the prosecutor declined to charge us with any crime and the matter was dropped.
I don’t know if this is more harassment and intimidation from the Marshall Police Department and who might have put Ms. Ruddock up to asking for a no-trespass notice to be issued?
I can state one fact from my conversation with Ms. Ruddock. She advised me that she has a son living in the home. Her friend/room-mate, Laura Engle and her 14-year-old daughter also live there.
If you will recall, it was former Sgt. Rebecca Ivey (demoted last year to patrol officer) who in June 2006 requested that the leasing manager of Waldon Pond Apartments, Cliff, Anita and myself to come in to MPD to discuss crimes she was investigating, as we were suspects. Chris Pratt claimed that we committed a home invasion, theft and burglary from his apartment. In fact, the leasing manager permitted us to enter with her after he failed to pay rent and legal action was taken against him. He had vacated the apartment and it was empty. Former Sgt. Ivey spent a considerable amount of time trying to make a case against us despite assurances from former Chief Mike Olson, with a "wink and a nod" to the Marshall's that "this was nothing and not to worry about it." Former Sgt. Ivey maintained we were suspects in those crimes. Clifford & Anita actually went down to the station and were read their rights by Sgt. Ivey. We all declined to speak invoking our rights under Miranda and would not speak with the officer unless an attorney was present. Sgt. Ivey eventually issued a warrant request against us for various felonies but the prosecutor declined to charge us with any crime and the matter was dropped.
I don’t know if this is more harassment and intimidation from the Marshall Police Department and who might have put Ms. Ruddock up to asking for a no-trespass notice to be issued?
I can state one fact from my conversation with Ms. Ruddock. She advised me that she has a son living in the home. Her friend/room-mate, Laura Engle and her 14-year-old daughter also live there.
Poor police work, someone trying to send a message? I don't know? I do know that I didn't do anything wrong and if people don't wish to speak with me about Mary Lands, Sgt. Tim Bryant, or Santa Claus all they have do do is refuse and I'll be on my way. In this case certain people seem to now be aware of what we know about a dog bite and they are trying to stop others from knowing. This appears to be another cover-up, of yet another secret in Marshall, Michigan. Could actions or inaction’s of Officer Ivey be yet another reason why people in Marshall refuse to make statements to members of law enforcement? Why do the same people who are willing to tell their version of what took place to me but others refuse to talk to the police? Are we to believe if someone does a wrong they should get away with it? If they are a friend or neighbor of that police officer should they also get away with wrongs?
The persons having direct knowledge of this incident and the actions of Sgt. Bryant are reluctant to come forward because of fear. This unfortunately seems to be the prevalent attitude of many citizens about questionable conduct especially involving Sgt. Bryant. They may be willing to provide details to some law enforcement agency if the allegations are taken seriously? Good people want to speak out and tell the truth about certain things but many are afraid.
If you have any information about questionable actitities of a police-officer or any person in this matter or that of the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands you are urged to contact law enforcement authorities.
My thought is that if any of this is accurate and a police-officer falsified an official police report on a minor incident like a dog bite, or did not follow proper procedures of the department, what else has that officer been involved in, and what else has he lied about?
My thought is that if any of this is accurate and a police-officer falsified an official police report on a minor incident like a dog bite, or did not follow proper procedures of the department, what else has that officer been involved in, and what else has he lied about?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Shane Allen Lorenz, another dubious member of society who might have information on Mary's case?

July 8, 2008- The Preliminary Examination is still scheduled for Shane Allen Lorenz on Monday, July 28, 2008 at 3:15 P.M. in Calhoun County District Court, Room 353, in front of Judge Samuel L. Durham. Mr. Lorenz’s court appointed attorney is Kenneth Marks. Mr. Lorenz remains incarcerated in the Calhoun County Correctional Facility on $5,000.00 Bond. He is charged with Assault with Intent to commit Grievous Bodily Injury, less than Murder, a 10-year felony.
Shane Allen Lorenz, age 25 (DOB-03/24/1983) was arraigned today, July 16, 2008 in Calhoun County District Court on the felony charge of Assault with Intent to Commit Grievous Bodily Harm, less than murder. (This offense carries a 10 year sentence & $5,000.00 fine) Present for the video arraignment was the victim, his family and friends.
Mr. Lorenz was completing a 35-day sentence for a probation violation on his conviction of domestic violence in which he failed to pay court fees and attend anger management counseling. He was scheduled to be released on July 21, 2008. He also has a pending trial for a felony charge related to his mandatory registration on his status as a Michigan Sex Offender.
His bond on today's charge was set at $5,000 and he was remanded back to the Calhoun County Jail. He asked for a court appointed attorney and his Preliminary Examination is set for Monday, July 28, 2008 at 3:15 P.M. in Courtroom #353.
It is alleged that Mr. Lorenz was assaulting his girl friend when this victim stepped forward to help. This is the result of the injuries to his most recent victim. VictimDWofShaneLorenz.jpg
I stopped at the Spruce Tree Mobile Home Park later in the day to speak to Shane’s mother, Jane Piper. I was looking for Jake and wanted to give her a business card to pass along to Shane so I could speak with him about Mary’s case. Mrs. Piper stated she hardly sees Jake. When asked about Shane she said he was incarcerated but getting out next week. I told her I was present at the video arraignment today and he is being held on another charge. I informed her of the allegations and showed her a photograph of the victim taken after the attack. She looked at the photo and stated, "My little peanut would never do anything like that."
If you have any information on this vicious assault (Case # 2008-003441) you are urged to contact Officer Tim Stanley of the Albion Public Safety Department- 517.629.3933 or Calhoun County Deputy Sheriff Chris Bacik- 269.781.0967. If you have information on the Mary Denise Lands case please contact Jim Carlin, 269.963.7068- and the Michigan State Police- 269.968.6115..
FYI... Shane Lorenz is the brother of Jake Lorenz & Wesley (JR) Lorenz. Other associates are Randy Slone- MDOC Inmate #656705 and Christopher Pratt- MDOC Inmate #673261

(Wesley (JR) Lorenz & Jake Lorenz)
Monday, July 7, 2008
FOIA Request finds more discipline against Marshall Police Sgt. Tim Bryant, with suspension
Update- July 18, 2008- It is interesting to note that the (9) nine reports in question not completed by Sgt. Tim Bryant from his disciplinary action of September 2006 actually were not difficult cases or reports to finalize. He was a sergeant supervisor and could do the work any time during those shifts.
The reports include incidents of a warrant arrest, theft, criminal sexual conduct, unfounded assault, unfounded disturbance, non-aggravated assaults, illegal entry, burglary and a dog barking complaint. The incidents occurred between April 9, 2006-September 8, 2006. Why is it that a supervisor of other police officers on a given shift can’t get his own work done? What is taking up his time? Is he really doing police work?
Enclosed are the (37) thirty-seven pages of the (9) nine reports provided under a FOIA request to the Marshall Police Department. Newest FOIA-07/18/08, Sgt Tim Bryant, MPD-pdf
How is it that this person is permitted to carry a gun and a badge as a shift supervisor with the Marshall Police Department? FOIA-07/07/08, Sgt. Tim Bryant, MPD-pdf
On June 30, 2008 another Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on Marshall Police Sergeant Tim Bryant was submitted. A previous FOIA request was obtained in 2006 and is noted in links on the right of this page.
Also requested was FOIA information on the demotion of Sgt. Rebecca Ivey to a patrol officer. That original request was made in November 2007 but was denied because of a pending grievance within the department. The FOIA request on Officer Ivey was again denied for the same reason.
It is interesting to see that Sgt. Bryant was again disciplined for Timeliness of Police Reports and a Court Bond issue that was improper. Even after the many verbal and written warnings of the past he was only suspended for (3) days.
People have questioned why the Marshall family have looked into these issues involving incompetence and sloppy police work in the Marshall Police Department? I think it is obvious that there could be some connection on why Mary’s case has not been solved and the dubious conduct of some police officers.
It is also suspect that the PR Bond given to this individual by Sgt. Bryant after an arrest warrant had been issued might be that of a police supervisor giving someone preferential treatment? The name of the defendant in that case was not properly redacted and was visible on the documents. His name was "David Alan Estep"
What could be the connection of this person and Sgt. Bryant? Why was he not arrested? How well do they know each other? What was the original charge? Why was the court paperwork not in the file? Is this a law enforcement officer who could be the new chief of police in Marshall? If you go to the Marshall Police Department web site you will note that Sgt. Bryant is presently the 2nd in command. Former Public Safety Director Mike Olson’s name has been removed from the site.
An additional FOIA request will be submitted to the Marshall Police Department on the cases that were not completed by Sgt. Bryant. It truly is a sad state of affairs to see that former Deputy Chief Brett Pehrson had to make up his own form that Sgt. Bryant would have to complete to show he corrected the reports in which he was derelict. TJ Bryant is listed in the Marshall telephone directory so we are not doing anything improper in displaying his address which is 615 W. Mansion Street, Marshall, Michigan.
The 9 pages of FOIA are listed in pdf format for easy viewing.
The reports include incidents of a warrant arrest, theft, criminal sexual conduct, unfounded assault, unfounded disturbance, non-aggravated assaults, illegal entry, burglary and a dog barking complaint. The incidents occurred between April 9, 2006-September 8, 2006. Why is it that a supervisor of other police officers on a given shift can’t get his own work done? What is taking up his time? Is he really doing police work?
Enclosed are the (37) thirty-seven pages of the (9) nine reports provided under a FOIA request to the Marshall Police Department. Newest FOIA-07/18/08, Sgt Tim Bryant, MPD-pdf
How is it that this person is permitted to carry a gun and a badge as a shift supervisor with the Marshall Police Department? FOIA-07/07/08, Sgt. Tim Bryant, MPD-pdf
On June 30, 2008 another Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on Marshall Police Sergeant Tim Bryant was submitted. A previous FOIA request was obtained in 2006 and is noted in links on the right of this page.
Also requested was FOIA information on the demotion of Sgt. Rebecca Ivey to a patrol officer. That original request was made in November 2007 but was denied because of a pending grievance within the department. The FOIA request on Officer Ivey was again denied for the same reason.
It is interesting to see that Sgt. Bryant was again disciplined for Timeliness of Police Reports and a Court Bond issue that was improper. Even after the many verbal and written warnings of the past he was only suspended for (3) days.
People have questioned why the Marshall family have looked into these issues involving incompetence and sloppy police work in the Marshall Police Department? I think it is obvious that there could be some connection on why Mary’s case has not been solved and the dubious conduct of some police officers.
It is also suspect that the PR Bond given to this individual by Sgt. Bryant after an arrest warrant had been issued might be that of a police supervisor giving someone preferential treatment? The name of the defendant in that case was not properly redacted and was visible on the documents. His name was "David Alan Estep"
What could be the connection of this person and Sgt. Bryant? Why was he not arrested? How well do they know each other? What was the original charge? Why was the court paperwork not in the file? Is this a law enforcement officer who could be the new chief of police in Marshall? If you go to the Marshall Police Department web site you will note that Sgt. Bryant is presently the 2nd in command. Former Public Safety Director Mike Olson’s name has been removed from the site.
An additional FOIA request will be submitted to the Marshall Police Department on the cases that were not completed by Sgt. Bryant. It truly is a sad state of affairs to see that former Deputy Chief Brett Pehrson had to make up his own form that Sgt. Bryant would have to complete to show he corrected the reports in which he was derelict. TJ Bryant is listed in the Marshall telephone directory so we are not doing anything improper in displaying his address which is 615 W. Mansion Street, Marshall, Michigan.
The 9 pages of FOIA are listed in pdf format for easy viewing.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day 2008, the 5th for a Dad without his daughter, Mary

Clifford Marshall again must endure the anguish of his 5th Father’s Day not knowing the fate of his daughter, Mary Denise Lands.
The new police chief in Marshall has still not yet been appointed although officials claim that progress in the investigation continues to be ongoing.
Sgt. McDonald has stated he also wants a chief appointed so he can return to his investigative duties on Mary’s case. Upon the official appointment the family plans to immediately meet with the new Marshall police chief to discuss the investigation that has now lasted over 51 months. A "person-of-interest" has been named yet there still have been no charges filed. We continue to receive new tips and information, which are examined and shared with law enforcement. Today, we are all aware that one witness in our community could bring this to an end. Please follow your conscience, you need to make that call.
For those who have asked, Cliff & Anita are in the process of moving this week but will still reside in Marshall, Marshall. Our focus is "Justice for Mary" and we will never give up until that has been accomplished and Mary is at peace. We will bring her home.
If you would like to call Cliff and say hello for Father’s Day, the telephone number is 269.781.4508. Mailing address; PO Box 63, Marshall, Michigan 49068.
Cliff & Anita receive much comfort from the continued support of so many friends in the community.
Together, we will bring Mary home and "we’re not going anywhere" until the job is done!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
An effort to interview Chris Pratt at Bellamy Creek Correctional Facility on behalf of the family of Mary Lands appears to be futile.
Michigan Department of Corrections-Christopher Luke Pratt, Inmate# 673261

This original letter was sent to Inmate Christopher Luke Pratt on March 3, 2008. After four months he still has not responded to my request for an interview. Perhaps some friends or relatives could convince him to talk with me. What harm would it do especially since he maintains he is innocent of any involvement in Mary's disappearance? Another letter was sent on July 12, 2008?
July 12, 2008
Mr. Christopher Luke Pratt
Inmate # 673261
Bellamy Creek Correctional Facility
1727 West Bluewater Highway
Ionia, Michigan 48846
Dear Chris;
I have not heard from you since my initial letter of March 3, 2008. Today, marks 4 years and 4 months since your story that Mary Denise Lands, your beloved fiancée walked away from the Waldon Pond Apartments on March 12, 2004 at about 10:00 P.M.
I would like to once again ask for your help in finding Mary. As one of the people in her life that would want to know these answers, I respectfully request your assistance. Why would you not want to help? Why would you ever refuse an offer of people who could clear you of any wrongdoing related to Mary’s case? Don’t you want to prove to your boys, Luke & Josh that you are totally innocent of being involved in her disappearance? Even from your jail cell you could be instrumental in the search for someone who you claim that you loved so much.
Recently I had an offer of assistance from additional investigative professionals who would be willing to meet with you to discuss the case. If you don’t wish to deal with me, perhaps you might be willing to speak with these investigators. What do you have to lose? Anyone with a clear conscious would want to have these answers. Don’t you want to know the answer to everyone’s question, Where is Mary?
I hope you will be willing to do this but either way the family and I with the help of the law enforcement community will never give up. We will eventually bring Mary home.
Thank you for any consideration you may express in this matter.
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
March 3, 2008
Mr. Christopher Luke Pratt
Inmate # 673261
Bellamy Creek Correctional Facility
1727 West Bluewater Highway
Ionia, Michigan 48846
Re: Visit & Interview
Dear Christopher:
I hope you are fine and doing well and adjusting to life in the Michigan Department of Corrections facility at Bellamy Creek. I had hoped to speak with you for a few minutes prior to your sentencing in Calhoun County in December, but you jumped up quickly and booked out of the visitor’s area? I couldn’t understand why you would not meet with me at the jail? I’m an objective person and willing to listen.
We had quite a dialogue in September 2004, and I never could fully understand why you would not provide more help on Mary’s case? You gave me a great deal of information, but most of it was false. I kept an open mind when we spoke, however bit by bit, and piece by piece it was later obvious that everything you told me were lies.
Chris, I now have well over 8,300 hours dedicated to the investigation of Mary’s disappearance. I’ve done all this at no charge for the family. As I previously told you, I wanted to write a story about missing persons and how those tragedies affect families and loved ones. Immediately after I realized the lies you told to me that short feature turned into much more.
I've interviewed over one-hundred individuals who know you and your unusual behavior. People have described your idiosyncrasies and bizarre mannerisms related to anger and control. The crying jags in a naked fetal position on the floor, your bouts with bi-polar mental disorder, your drug and alcohol abuse, your demeanor related to pornography and the television program, "Deal or No Deal". It goes on and on and can be seen as chapters in an abnormal life. To this day, I still continue to hear stories about you that can be documented by numerous witnesses in your family and with co-workers.
You know, and I know, what happened to your fiancée, Mary Denise Lands. Only through divine province and God’s will was your most recent girl-friend able to escape your brutal grasp of anger and control. She is now living a much more happy and productive life with her children and her family has successfully emerged after all those months of fear she experienced with you as her "protector" and "boy friend". The really sad thing about that relationship and your others is that you could have had such a good family of people who sincerely cared for you. However, you wasted all those opportunities. I include all the women in your life even going back to the one who moved to Florida. Her family was afraid of you even back then in high school.
Chris, although you are now in prison for other crimes the Marshall family will not give up in their pursuit for justice. We fully believe that we will bring Mary home so she may rest in peace. You are in a position to help and I would be willing to speak with you at any time or in any prison for information. I’m willing to follow-up on any theory if you can convince me that you had nothing to do with Mary’s disappearance? If you do wish to talk about what happened to Mary I would be willing to be the conduit between you and the law enforcement community about any facts or your side of the story. We both know that as each day passes the new investigative team of the Michigan State Police is closer to solving the mystery. There are people out there who could do this in a day and they are only waiting to do so when it is in their own best interests, not yours.
I do not make any judgement on you. I really feel sorry for you. For a 40-year-old male to be in the situation that you are today it could only have been caused by a life of turmoil and turbulence in your family. I see your Mom often and it is obvious that she is also deeply suffering.
Last year you missed out on Michigan’s hunting season and you won’t be able to sneak out early for pike at Ceresco Dam this year. It will be a long long time, if ever, before you will hunt or fish again. All these results and your present situation were brought upon because of your own anti-social behavior. It was no ones fault except your own. You are "your own worst enemy". I hope that while you are in prison that you will take advantage of any programs that can improve your quality of life.
I’m probably the last person in the world you would want to see in prison for a visit, however I would be glad to meet with you and discuss anything of your choice. If you can provide me with any information and insight related to the person/s responsible for the disappearance of Mary Lands, I would follow up on every one of those points. If you wish to meet and don’t even want to discuss Mary’s case I would also be willing to do so. If the real Chris Pratt isn’t the person I’ve heard about over the last 4 years, I’d like to hear about the real Chris from the person himself. Next week we will again meet at the Circle Fountain in Marshall to mark the 4th anniversary of Mary’s disappearance. We will continue to ask, Where is Mary? and, When will we have justice for Mary? You could help another those questions. Give it some thought.
Regardless, I hope you can eventually find inner peace and I wish you the best.
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services

This original letter was sent to Inmate Christopher Luke Pratt on March 3, 2008. After four months he still has not responded to my request for an interview. Perhaps some friends or relatives could convince him to talk with me. What harm would it do especially since he maintains he is innocent of any involvement in Mary's disappearance? Another letter was sent on July 12, 2008?
July 12, 2008
Mr. Christopher Luke Pratt
Inmate # 673261
Bellamy Creek Correctional Facility
1727 West Bluewater Highway
Ionia, Michigan 48846
Dear Chris;
I have not heard from you since my initial letter of March 3, 2008. Today, marks 4 years and 4 months since your story that Mary Denise Lands, your beloved fiancée walked away from the Waldon Pond Apartments on March 12, 2004 at about 10:00 P.M.
I would like to once again ask for your help in finding Mary. As one of the people in her life that would want to know these answers, I respectfully request your assistance. Why would you not want to help? Why would you ever refuse an offer of people who could clear you of any wrongdoing related to Mary’s case? Don’t you want to prove to your boys, Luke & Josh that you are totally innocent of being involved in her disappearance? Even from your jail cell you could be instrumental in the search for someone who you claim that you loved so much.
Recently I had an offer of assistance from additional investigative professionals who would be willing to meet with you to discuss the case. If you don’t wish to deal with me, perhaps you might be willing to speak with these investigators. What do you have to lose? Anyone with a clear conscious would want to have these answers. Don’t you want to know the answer to everyone’s question, Where is Mary?
I hope you will be willing to do this but either way the family and I with the help of the law enforcement community will never give up. We will eventually bring Mary home.
Thank you for any consideration you may express in this matter.
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
March 3, 2008
Mr. Christopher Luke Pratt
Inmate # 673261
Bellamy Creek Correctional Facility
1727 West Bluewater Highway
Ionia, Michigan 48846
Re: Visit & Interview
Dear Christopher:
I hope you are fine and doing well and adjusting to life in the Michigan Department of Corrections facility at Bellamy Creek. I had hoped to speak with you for a few minutes prior to your sentencing in Calhoun County in December, but you jumped up quickly and booked out of the visitor’s area? I couldn’t understand why you would not meet with me at the jail? I’m an objective person and willing to listen.
We had quite a dialogue in September 2004, and I never could fully understand why you would not provide more help on Mary’s case? You gave me a great deal of information, but most of it was false. I kept an open mind when we spoke, however bit by bit, and piece by piece it was later obvious that everything you told me were lies.
Chris, I now have well over 8,300 hours dedicated to the investigation of Mary’s disappearance. I’ve done all this at no charge for the family. As I previously told you, I wanted to write a story about missing persons and how those tragedies affect families and loved ones. Immediately after I realized the lies you told to me that short feature turned into much more.
I've interviewed over one-hundred individuals who know you and your unusual behavior. People have described your idiosyncrasies and bizarre mannerisms related to anger and control. The crying jags in a naked fetal position on the floor, your bouts with bi-polar mental disorder, your drug and alcohol abuse, your demeanor related to pornography and the television program, "Deal or No Deal". It goes on and on and can be seen as chapters in an abnormal life. To this day, I still continue to hear stories about you that can be documented by numerous witnesses in your family and with co-workers.
You know, and I know, what happened to your fiancée, Mary Denise Lands. Only through divine province and God’s will was your most recent girl-friend able to escape your brutal grasp of anger and control. She is now living a much more happy and productive life with her children and her family has successfully emerged after all those months of fear she experienced with you as her "protector" and "boy friend". The really sad thing about that relationship and your others is that you could have had such a good family of people who sincerely cared for you. However, you wasted all those opportunities. I include all the women in your life even going back to the one who moved to Florida. Her family was afraid of you even back then in high school.
Chris, although you are now in prison for other crimes the Marshall family will not give up in their pursuit for justice. We fully believe that we will bring Mary home so she may rest in peace. You are in a position to help and I would be willing to speak with you at any time or in any prison for information. I’m willing to follow-up on any theory if you can convince me that you had nothing to do with Mary’s disappearance? If you do wish to talk about what happened to Mary I would be willing to be the conduit between you and the law enforcement community about any facts or your side of the story. We both know that as each day passes the new investigative team of the Michigan State Police is closer to solving the mystery. There are people out there who could do this in a day and they are only waiting to do so when it is in their own best interests, not yours.
I do not make any judgement on you. I really feel sorry for you. For a 40-year-old male to be in the situation that you are today it could only have been caused by a life of turmoil and turbulence in your family. I see your Mom often and it is obvious that she is also deeply suffering.
Last year you missed out on Michigan’s hunting season and you won’t be able to sneak out early for pike at Ceresco Dam this year. It will be a long long time, if ever, before you will hunt or fish again. All these results and your present situation were brought upon because of your own anti-social behavior. It was no ones fault except your own. You are "your own worst enemy". I hope that while you are in prison that you will take advantage of any programs that can improve your quality of life.
I’m probably the last person in the world you would want to see in prison for a visit, however I would be glad to meet with you and discuss anything of your choice. If you can provide me with any information and insight related to the person/s responsible for the disappearance of Mary Lands, I would follow up on every one of those points. If you wish to meet and don’t even want to discuss Mary’s case I would also be willing to do so. If the real Chris Pratt isn’t the person I’ve heard about over the last 4 years, I’d like to hear about the real Chris from the person himself. Next week we will again meet at the Circle Fountain in Marshall to mark the 4th anniversary of Mary’s disappearance. We will continue to ask, Where is Mary? and, When will we have justice for Mary? You could help another those questions. Give it some thought.
Regardless, I hope you can eventually find inner peace and I wish you the best.
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Chris Pratt, Telephone Calls Released under FOIA

Please do your part for Clifford & Anita Marshall, and help bring Mary home so that the family can permit her to rest in peace. That is all they are asking. Please help solve this case.
Friday, April 11, 2008
"Mary's 4th Anniversary Vigil, a powerful presence to bring Mary home"
(Photo credit, Shelly Sulser, Marshall Chronicle)
Update-April 11, 2008- Update- 04/11/2008- Chris Pratt MDOC FOIA
March 12, 2008- Mary's Vigil- YouTube, 03/12/08 Words cannot begin to express the appreciation to our friends and supporters who attended the Noon vigil at the Brooks Memorial Fountain in Marshall on behalf of Mary. This was the best response we have ever had in 4 years and what also made it special was the presence of professional members of the law enforcement community. Thank you to Steve Harrington for his presentation, and Deacon Bernie Mileski of St. Philip Catholic Church in Battle Creek for the prayers. Cliff, Anita and family were deeply pleased and comforted by your comments.
Our sincere thanks to Prosecuting Attorney, John Hallacy, Chief Assistant Prosecutor, Dan Buscher, Sheriff Al Byam, Acting Chief Scott McDonald of the Marshall Police Department, and Lt. Dale Peet and other members of the Michigan State Police. I also invited former chief Mike Olson to attend and he did so.Thank you so much to you all.
It is because of our unified effort today, we know that we soon will bring Mary home.

March 29, 2008- New YouTube Video Anita Marshall talks about Mary-02/05/08
"We're not going to take it anymore" Jeff Pratt, Happy St. Patrick's Day 2008

Update-April 11, 2008- Update- 04/11/2008- Chris Pratt MDOC FOIA
March 12, 2008- Mary's Vigil- YouTube, 03/12/08 Words cannot begin to express the appreciation to our friends and supporters who attended the Noon vigil at the Brooks Memorial Fountain in Marshall on behalf of Mary. This was the best response we have ever had in 4 years and what also made it special was the presence of professional members of the law enforcement community. Thank you to Steve Harrington for his presentation, and Deacon Bernie Mileski of St. Philip Catholic Church in Battle Creek for the prayers. Cliff, Anita and family were deeply pleased and comforted by your comments.
Our sincere thanks to Prosecuting Attorney, John Hallacy, Chief Assistant Prosecutor, Dan Buscher, Sheriff Al Byam, Acting Chief Scott McDonald of the Marshall Police Department, and Lt. Dale Peet and other members of the Michigan State Police. I also invited former chief Mike Olson to attend and he did so.Thank you so much to you all.
It is because of our unified effort today, we know that we soon will bring Mary home.
March 29, 2008- New YouTube Video Anita Marshall talks about Mary-02/05/08
"We're not going to take it anymore" Jeff Pratt, Happy St. Patrick's Day 2008
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