For some time we have questioned the competency and ability of certain police-officers and city officials in the City of Marshall .This came about because of a lack of any genuine effort by MPD to bring Mary home and to prosecute the person/s responsible for her disappearance and murder. Blunders and bungling seem to be par for the course by some in this police department.
We do not enjoy talking about questionable activities of any police-officer or incompetence, but this continuing pattern of deception seems to be more and more apparent and it goes beyond incompetence. We believe that most people in law enforcement are honest and sincere individuals who dedicate their lives to protecting our society. However, each day we learn something new and it is no wonder why the Mary Denise Lands case has not been solved. The stink is much worse than just poor judgement by some police personnel.
Two weeks ago, Acting Chief/Sgt. Scott McDonald reiterated to a bank representative that Mary’s Dodge Durango has always been considered evidence and will not be released in the near future.
If this is "secured evidence" at the Marshall Police Department you can only imagine how they are handling the rest of the investigation?
When asked about the interest of the Attorney General in Mary’s case he stated, the Mary Lands case will not be turned over to any other agency. He reported that the AG’s office may help them on the case, but it would not be taken over by any other agency.
What does MPD have to hide? Is Mary's Durango even in police control? Where are the tires? Were the tires that MPD claimed to be evidence placed back on the Durango to move it to a secret location? Were those tires then returned back to evidence, and then miraculously the Durango and tires appear as evidence that has been held for over 4 1/2 years? The Durango does not appear to be at any Marshall or Calhoun County garage. Where is the vehicle? Where is Mary's leather bomber jacket today? It was recovered being sold by Chris Pratt in the summer of 2004 at a flea market in Homer and immediately turned into the MPD. Did they ask Chris Pratt about this and how does he answer this was the same jacket he reported her wearing on the night of her disappearance? Did they even ask? Well here is yet another documented event that is much more than a story under the heading, Lies and Shenanigans go on in the Marshall Police Department, Why won't one officer take a polygraph? Why did another tell us bold face LIES?
As you know, we requested Freedom of Information Act materials on the demotion of Sgt. Rebecca Ivey from her position as sergeant supervisor to patrol officer. For over six months we have been seeking this information, and on December 12, 2008 we were provided a two-page response to the inquiry. Most of the information was redacted. An additional FOIA request has been submitted to the City of Marshall on the initial incident involving former Sgt. Ivey.
Today, I personally met with the victims of that initial complaint to MPD and determined it involved an early morning home invasion at 701 W. Hanover Street in Marshall, Michigan. A residence was burglarized with the victims asleep inside and property and a motor vehicle were stolen. There was a significant delay in police response to this home and later the victims complained to former Deputy Chief Brett Pehrson. Mr. Pehrson left his position at MPD about one year ago and is now Chief of Police in Coldwater, Michigan. The crux of the incident and disciplinary action that resulted is that it appears the "on-duty whereabouts of Shift Commander Sgt. Ivey could not be determined for several hours" and there were many questions of why she did not respond to this home invasion crime scene? Her discipline and demotion were obviously attributable to her actions, or lack of actions, from this particular incident. MPD Sgt. Rebecca Ivey-Demotion to patrol officer-10/09/07, Limited FOIA Response, City of Marshall-12/12/08
We will keep you advised when additional FOIA materials become available.
We do not enjoy talking about questionable activities of any police-officer or incompetence, but this continuing pattern of deception seems to be more and more apparent and it goes beyond incompetence. We believe that most people in law enforcement are honest and sincere individuals who dedicate their lives to protecting our society. However, each day we learn something new and it is no wonder why the Mary Denise Lands case has not been solved. The stink is much worse than just poor judgement by some police personnel.
Two weeks ago, Acting Chief/Sgt. Scott McDonald reiterated to a bank representative that Mary’s Dodge Durango has always been considered evidence and will not be released in the near future.
If this is "secured evidence" at the Marshall Police Department you can only imagine how they are handling the rest of the investigation?
When asked about the interest of the Attorney General in Mary’s case he stated, the Mary Lands case will not be turned over to any other agency. He reported that the AG’s office may help them on the case, but it would not be taken over by any other agency.
What does MPD have to hide? Is Mary's Durango even in police control? Where are the tires? Were the tires that MPD claimed to be evidence placed back on the Durango to move it to a secret location? Were those tires then returned back to evidence, and then miraculously the Durango and tires appear as evidence that has been held for over 4 1/2 years? The Durango does not appear to be at any Marshall or Calhoun County garage. Where is the vehicle? Where is Mary's leather bomber jacket today? It was recovered being sold by Chris Pratt in the summer of 2004 at a flea market in Homer and immediately turned into the MPD. Did they ask Chris Pratt about this and how does he answer this was the same jacket he reported her wearing on the night of her disappearance? Did they even ask? Well here is yet another documented event that is much more than a story under the heading, Lies and Shenanigans go on in the Marshall Police Department, Why won't one officer take a polygraph? Why did another tell us bold face LIES?
As you know, we requested Freedom of Information Act materials on the demotion of Sgt. Rebecca Ivey from her position as sergeant supervisor to patrol officer. For over six months we have been seeking this information, and on December 12, 2008 we were provided a two-page response to the inquiry. Most of the information was redacted. An additional FOIA request has been submitted to the City of Marshall on the initial incident involving former Sgt. Ivey.
Today, I personally met with the victims of that initial complaint to MPD and determined it involved an early morning home invasion at 701 W. Hanover Street in Marshall, Michigan. A residence was burglarized with the victims asleep inside and property and a motor vehicle were stolen. There was a significant delay in police response to this home and later the victims complained to former Deputy Chief Brett Pehrson. Mr. Pehrson left his position at MPD about one year ago and is now Chief of Police in Coldwater, Michigan. The crux of the incident and disciplinary action that resulted is that it appears the "on-duty whereabouts of Shift Commander Sgt. Ivey could not be determined for several hours" and there were many questions of why she did not respond to this home invasion crime scene? Her discipline and demotion were obviously attributable to her actions, or lack of actions, from this particular incident. MPD Sgt. Rebecca Ivey-Demotion to patrol officer-10/09/07, Limited FOIA Response, City of Marshall-12/12/08
We will keep you advised when additional FOIA materials become available.
January 7, 2009- City of Marshall released 28 pages from a FOIA request of the incident involving former Sgt. Rebecca Ivey. There appears to be much missing from this particular home invasion incident that occurred on September 4, 2007. The cost for 28 pages was $33.28
January 8, 2009- City of Marshall responded on the above noted FOIA request and asked for payment of $128.38 for approximately 10 pages that did not even respond to information on Marshall Police Department Internal Investigations for 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. Most of the pages were redacted.
This is the same Sgt. Rebecca Ivey who in June 2006 submitted a warrant request to the county prosecutor to charge Cliff & Anita Marshall, and others with Home Invasion, Burglary, Forced Entry & Theft at Christopher Pratt's vacated Waldon Pond apartment. That was clearly an abuse of police power, and acted improperly under color of authority.
Christopher Luke Pratt, Complainant (06/19/2006) to MPD, 0906-2006- FOIA Request by Jim Carlin- Sgt. Rebecca Ivey requested warrants for home invasion, burglary, & theft allegedly committed by Cliff & Anita Marshall, Jim Carlin & Debra Farrington
Demotion? This officer should have been fired, and fired long ago! Perhaps she would have been if her husband was not a former Marshall police chief. It is just more of the same, and funny-business as usual at the Marshall Police Department.
"Where's the Police Chief" It has been nearly one full year since Chief Mike Olson was either fired or resigned in January 2008. Sgt. McDonald has stated three members of the department applied for the position, but he did not apply. He stated he does not aspire to be the new chief although he has been Acting Chief. One could presume that 2 of the candidates might be Rebecca Ivey & Tim Bryant? Shouldn't the name of any candidates be public information? Every community in the state makes this information public during their application process? What is Marshall trying to hide on this appointment? Are they trying to bring in a person who worked with the city manager in one of his other jobs? City Manager Chris Olson now claims he will appoint a new chief in January 2009. In my opinion, it will be Sgt. McDonald.
It is hoped that this particular incident, and others, will be of interest to the Michigan Attorney General when they come to town to "help" Sgt. McDonald in Mary’s case. This event may not have anything to do with the Mary Lands investigation but it does reflect on the quality of police services provided to the citizens of Marshall. Update- Tuesday, December 16, 2008-Speaking about police services and Neighborhood Watch in the Albion, Michigan area. Help the Albion Public Safety Department. Do your part and take a bite out crime in the area of E Pine & N. Ionia in Albion- You Tube Video- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kju_etZXKiQ
If you have any information on the Mary Lands case or on corruption in the Marshall Police Department you are urged to contact the Michigan State Police Headquarters in Lansing, Major Case Unit- 517.336.3437, or the Office of Michigan Attorney General- Toll Free- 877.765.8388
Inappropriate and illegal police actions can stop if citizens take the time to report the wrongdoings. You can't sit by and hope someone else will make the call. You need to pick up the telephone, tell what you know, and then you will see the situation change for the better.
Does anyone have a clue? Where is neighborhood watch and police patrols?
Yesterday afternoon Jeff Pratt makes a house call to Tony Wimberly- T-Money-- on Pine Street in Albion. The same T-Money buddy of Chris Pratt. Why don’t Marshall police see this? Pratt drives through Marshall on the way to Albion and back.
Trust me the deal wasn’t over MDK cabinets or muffins.
16thousand people have viewed You Tube vlog.
When is this hillbilly mafia going to be stopped and criminals put in jail??
People need to step up and help good cops stop crime.
Monthly Report
Monthly Stats for Pennfield Township:
November 2008
Current Yearly 2007 2006
Month Totals Same Month Same Month
Traffic citations 127 1180* 182 163
Verbal warnings 69 656* 115 159
Traffic crashes 26 181* 18 25
Arrests 101 921* 136 103
Self generated comp. 56 607* 87 92
Dispatched comp. 259 2628* 270 234
Property inspections 893 7140* 879 857
* September 2008 totals not included
Calls Handled by Type:
Homicide 0 Manslaughter 0
CSC 1 Robbery 0
Agg. Assault 2 B&E 10
Larceny 20 Auto Theft 2
Arson 0 Simple Assault 9
Forgery 0 Fraud 3
Embezzlement 0 Stolen Property 1
Vandalism 4 Weapons Violations 3
Narcotics 3 Gambling 0
Family offense 0 Liquor Law 2
OWI 5 Traffic offenses 5
Disorderly 18 All other Reportable 7
All other non-reportable 180
Office of the Sheriff Calhoun County, Michigan Pennfield Township Report
The Calhoun County Office of the Sheriff Pennfield Team responded to 259 calls for service in the month of November and had 56 patrol generated complaints. Deputies wrote 127 citations for the month. The Pennfield Team made five OWI arrests and investigated three drug related incidents.
On 11/5/08 Deputies were dispatched to a burglary in the 11000 block of Brown Road where a purse was taken. A credit card which was inside the purse was used at a Battle Creek gas station. Deputies were able to use video to identify the suspect. Deputies interviewed the suspect who was lodged at the County Jail on an unrelated charge. The suspect denied breaking into the house and using the credit card. A warrant request is being submitted to the Calhoun County Prosecutor’s Office.
On 11/15/08 Deputies received information of a possible methamphetamine lab in the 900 block of Capital Avenue NE. Through their investigation deputies were able to gather enough information to receive a search warrant for the residence. Upon the execution of the search warrant, deputies located components of a methamphetamine lab.
Deputies were able to gather enough information to receive a second search warrant for a residence located in the 200 Block of Borden Street. Deputies located more components of another methamphetamine lab inside this residence. Two suspects have been identified and warrants will be sought through the Calhoun County Prosecutor’s Office.
On 11/19/08 deputies went to an address in the 600 block of Alvena Avenue to make contact with the registered owner of a vehicle that was observed in the area of three burglaries in Athens and Burlington Township. The registered owner of the vehicle, a 22 year old Pennfield man, at first lied about the location of his vehicle and later admitted a friend had the vehicle. Deputies also located several thousand dollars in stolen property at the residence that was taken from several burglaries from Calhoun and Eaton Counties. One person was taken into custody for Possession of Stolen Property. The Office of the Sheriff is requesting charges on three other suspects.
Lt. Steve Eddy
Citizens of Marshall should have Sheriff Byam take over duties in the city. Much money could be saved by taxpayers if Marshall Police was dissolved and Sheriff Al did the job. You'd have real police.
It worked for Pennfield. It would work in Marshall.
Read more,
A case is going to be built against MPD for corruption and turned over for investigation. Input from Citizens is needed and experiences and knowledge of wrong doing needs to be reported now to be included. If you are one of the thousands of Citizens who are sick of whats going on in Marshall contact us and let us know whats going on. It is time for MPD to be held accountable for their actions and lack of actions and the people to take their City back. Enough is enough. Contact Jim or send an email to findingmissing@yahoo.com together we can put an end to bad police work and end the fear of the police.
It is up to you, you can continue to complain and do nothing or you can help put an end to all this shaddy cop work. We also know there are a few current and former good cops with stories to share and they are encouraged to coem forward as well.
As long as we are on the corruption topic here are is some information of appropriate people to contact if you have been a victim of corruption or know of misconduct or corruption. If Marshall will not deal with this wide spread problem themselves the people will:
U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
Coordination and Review Section
The vast majority of the law enforcement officers in this country perform their very difficult jobs with respect for their communities and in compliance with the law. Even so, there are incidents in which this is not the case. This document outlines the laws enforced by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) that address police misconduct and explains how you can file a complaint with DOJ if you believe that your rights have been violated.
Federal laws that address police misconduct include both criminal and civil statutes. These laws cover the actions of State, county, and local officers, including those who work in prisons and jails. In addition, several laws also apply to Federal law enforcement officers. The laws protect all persons in the United States (citizens and non-citizens).
Each law DOJ enforces is briefly discussed below. In DOJ investigations, whether criminal or civil, the person whose rights have been reportedly violated is referred to as a victim and often is an important witness. DOJ generally will inform the victim of the results of the investigation, but we do not act as the victim's lawyer and cannot give legal advice as a private attorney could.
The various offices within DOJ that are responsible for enforcing the laws discussed in this document coordinate their investigation and enforcement efforts where appropriate. For example, a complaint received by one office may be referred to another if necessary to address the allegations. In addition, more than one office may investigate the same complaint if the allegations raise issues covered by more than one statute.
What is the difference between criminal and civil cases?
Criminal and civil laws are different. Criminal cases usually are investigated and handled separately from civil cases, even if they concern the same incident. In a criminal case, DOJ brings a case against the accused person; in a civil case, DOJ brings the case (either through litigation or an administrative investigation) against a governmental authority or law enforcement agency. In a criminal case, the evidence must establish proof "beyond a reasonable doubt," while in civil cases the proof need only satisfy the lower standard of a "preponderance of the evidence." Finally, in criminal cases, DOJ seeks to punish a wrongdoer for past misconduct through imprisonment or other sanction. In civil cases, DOJ seeks to correct a law enforcement agency's policies and practices that fostered the misconduct and, where appropriate, may require individual relief for the victim(s).
Federal Criminal Enforcement
It is a crime for one or more persons acting under color of law willfully to deprive or conspire to deprive another person of any right protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. (18 U.S.C. §§ 241, 242). "Color of law" simply means that the person doing the act is using power given to him or her by a governmental agency (local, State, or Federal). A law enforcement officer acts "under color of law" even if he or she is exceeding his or her rightful power. The types of law enforcement misconduct covered by these laws include excessive force, sexual assault, intentional false arrests, or the intentional fabrication of evidence resulting in a loss of liberty to another. Enforcement of these provisions does not require that any racial, religious, or other discriminatory motive existed.
What remedies are available under these laws?
Violations of these laws are punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. There is no private right of action under these statutes; in other words, these are not the legal provisions under which you would file a lawsuit on your own.
Federal Civil Enforcement
"Police Misconduct Provision"
This law makes it unlawful for State or local law enforcement officers to engage in a pattern or practice of conduct that deprives persons of rights protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. (42 U.S.C. § 14141). The types of conduct covered by this law can include, among other things, excessive force, discriminatory harassment, false arrests, coercive sexual conduct, and unlawful stops, searches or arrests. In order to be covered by this law, the misconduct must constitute a "pattern or practice" -- it may not simply be an isolated incident. The DOJ must be able to show in court that the agency has an unlawful policy or that the incidents constituted a pattern of unlawful conduct. However, unlike the other civil laws discussed below, DOJ does not have to show that discrimination has occurred in order to prove a pattern or practice of misconduct.
What remedies are available under this law?
The remedies available under this law do not provide for individual monetary relief for the victims of the misconduct. Rather, they provide for injunctive relief, such as orders to end the misconduct and changes in the agency's policies and procedures that resulted in or allowed
the misconduct. There is no private right of action under this law; only DOJ may file suit for violations of the Police Misconduct Provision.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
and the "OJP Program Statute"
Together, these laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, and religion by State and local law enforcement agencies that receive financial assistance from the Department of Justice. (42 U.S.C. § 2000d, et seq. and 42 U.S.C. § 3789d(c)). Currently, most persons are served by a law enforcement agency that receives DOJ funds. These laws prohibit both individual instances and patterns or practices of discriminatory misconduct, i.e., treating a person differently because of race, color, national origin, sex, or religion. The misconduct covered by Title VI and the OJP (Office of Justice Programs) Program Statute includes, for example, harassment or use of racial slurs, unjustified arrests, discriminatory traffic stops, coercive sexual conduct, retaliation for filing a complaint with DOJ or participating in the investigation, use of excessive force, or refusal by the agency to respond to complaints alleging discriminatory treatment by its officers.
What remedies are available under these laws?
DOJ may seek changes in the policies and procedures of the agency to remedy violations of these laws and, if appropriate, also seek individual remedial relief for the victim(s). Individuals also have a private right of action under Title VI and under the OJP Program Statute; in other words, you may file a lawsuit yourself under these laws. However, you must first exhaust your administrative remedies by filing a complaint with DOJ if you wish to file in Federal Court under the OJP Program Statute.
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability. (42 U.S.C. § 12131, et seq. and 29 U.S.C. § 794). These laws protect all people with disabilities in the United States. An individual is considered to have a "disability" if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such an impairment, or is regarded as having such an impairment.
The ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in all State and local government programs, services, and activities regardless of whether they receive DOJ financial assistance; it also protects people who are discriminated against because of their association with a person with a disability. Section 504 prohibits discrimination by State and local law enforcement agencies that receive financial assistance from DOJ. Section 504 also prohibits discrimination in programs and activities conducted by Federal agencies, including law enforcement agencies.
These laws prohibit discriminatory treatment, including misconduct, on the basis of disability in virtually all law enforcement services and activities. These activities include, among others, interrogating witnesses, providing emergency services, enforcing laws, addressing citizen complaints, and arresting, booking, and holding suspects. These laws also prohibit retaliation for filing a complaint with DOJ or participating in the investigation.
What remedies are available under these laws?
If appropriate, DOJ may seek individual relief for the victim(s), in addition to changes in the policies and procedures of the law enforcement agency. Individuals have a private right of action under both the ADA and Section 504; you may file a private lawsuit for violations of these statutes. There is no requirement that you exhaust your administrative remedies by filing a complaint with DOJ first.
How to File a Complaint with DOJ
Criminal Enforcement
If you would like to file a complaint alleging a violation of the criminal laws discussed above, you may contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which is responsible for investigating allegations of criminal deprivations of civil rights. You may also contact the United States Attorney's Office (USAO) in your district. The FBI and USAOs have offices in most major cities and have publicly-listed phone numbers. In addition, you may send a written complaint to:
Criminal Section - PHB
Civil Rights Division
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20530
Civil Enforcement
If you would like to file a complaint alleging violations of the Police Misconduct Statute, Title VI, or the OJP Program Statute, you may send a written complaint to:
Coordination and Review Section - NWB
Civil Rights Division
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20530
You may also call the Coordination and Review Section's toll-free number for information and a complaint form, at (888) 848-5306 (voice and TDD).
This link to Michigan State University has massive information on this issue:
Do not delay, report misconduct today. Take back our City.
From reading about this case and the way it was mishandled from the get-go there are many legal violations. The police had a pattern to discredit the Marshall family and the private investigator.
If it were me I would be making calls and meeting with laywers.
You people in just trying to find a loved one were targets of harassment, intimidation, abuse of color by Marshall Police and subject to numerous other abuse irregularities by this agency.
You need to file an action on behalf of all of you and do it for Mary. It can be done in state and federal court. Another example if the truck of Mary's. You don't say things are evidence when they are not evidence.
These people are snakes in the grass and need to honor the laws they are sworn to uphold.
I'll send you the name of a few attorneys who might be interested in this case.
In reviewing the home invasion complaint by Pratt to off Ivey she abused her powers. They were trying to have you all arrested so they could discredit you. That is a law she broke in many books.
I don't know quality of city lawyers but they better be good.
There is no defense to her actions. If Attorney General sees this he will agree.
Who is in charge at this place. They need help.
please call Jim or send the lawyers info to findingmissing@yahoo.com . Thank you it will save me alot of time doing additional research on this topic.
With all the attention and heat coming down on the Pratt's, there family, friends, MPD and many others it truly surprises me that Marshall City Government or anyone else has not stepped up and cleaned house. It also surprises me that that there are still people that are suposidly doing dope deals wtih Pratt. This whole thing is going to make one hell of a national story once it is all concluded. I can already see it on A&E
some people must be worried about carlin and his videos. T Money put the word out that his place is being watched on Pine. He doesn't want to use his phone either.
Poor Tony (T Money) Wimberly, Jeff Pratt and others. Might just have to find a real job for awhile. Happy holidays.
At least neighbors are happy.
Have you seen carlin's cars? Be something if T Money shows up on the You Tube.
I wonder if someone in Albion is talking. It is unusual to see Marshall cop cars in town on so many different days lately. Makes you wonder who is trying to cut a deal or what is going on?
An Albion connection with Chris Pratt, Jeff Pratt and others.
Help take a bite out of crime in Albion, Michigan near E Pine & N Ionia. New YouTube video.
great news on Chris Olson now a lame duck. He was lame before and his poor people skills were part of the reason.
good riddence Leprechaun.
former chief Mike is smiling today.
What the hell is going on in Marshall? Do they even know Mary is missing??
Smith is not telling the truth. Smith and others began to get rid of Olson last Christmas time.
Smith repeatedly asked Glaser and Goodwin for their support. Both refused.
Olson had only been in Marshall for five months when the word came down to dump Olson.
Olson expected to be the city administrator as per City Charter. Smith felt that was HIS job.
Smith and his handlers want Tarkewicz to replace Olson. That has been the plan for the past year.
Does anyone believe Tarkewicz can be a good city manager? He's not good at what he's been hired to do.
Don't let Smith pull the wool over your eyes. This guy can't be believed.
It's THIS kind of dishonesty that keeps this city divided, and embarrassed.
Suspect Peterson says he's engaged to marry
Drew Peterson, the retired police Illinois sergeant who gained national attention after he was suspected in his third wife's disappearance, is engaged to be married again, his publicist said Wednesday.
Peterson's publicist Glenn Selig confirmed the engagement to a 23-year-old woman to NBC's Chicago affiliate, WMAQ, after it was first reported by CBS News. The woman's name was not revealed for privacy reasons.
Selig said that the 54-year-old Peterson made this decision to remarry because he wanted to be happy and was trying to move forward with his life.
(where have we heard this scenario before? Oh yeh, Chris Pratt.)
Peterson should ask for chief's job in Marshall. Fit in well there
the same Mayor Bruce Smith who twice had to ask Clifford Marshall, and who are you again????
if Clifford had a bunch of money he would remember him. Does Smith know Mary Lands is missing???
How long is it going to take for higher ups to step into Marshall and simply ask "what the hell is going on in this town". There is an obviouse pattern developing in the City and yet it is still business as usual. How far does this thing have to reach before it is stopped? If the recent events are in any way related to Mary's case they sure are not going to say so. I beleive that in part recent events are tied to her case.
Hopefully, things will get better in Marshall, but I have a feeling they will get worse before that happens. The pieces to the puzzle are on the table, someone just needs to sit down and put them together to see the big picture.
In B.C. Enquirer it states in part in refrense to Mr. Olson:
""My intentions are to remain in public administration," he said. " ... I like doing this work. ... This was an issue of fit, not competency. I'm sorry that things aren't working out as well as we'd all like. ... There are a lot of positive things Marshall has going for it, and I wish I could be around for that, but I also don't want to be the center of any political controversy.""
Has anyone directly asked Mr. Olson what "Political controversy" he is refering to? Is it that he wants to make positive changes and is being blocked or is it the others are trying and he is blocking them? Marshall Citizens should be concerned and asking alot of questions about so many recent events.
I personally feel the City should hold a special meeting open to the public to address the Mary Land's case. They can not deny or ignore the fact that so MANY Citizens have so many questions. Public Officials serve the people of the community and they are suppose to answer to those people.
I know the questions have always been "Wheres Mary" & "When will we have Justice for Mary". I would like to add a new questions that is very likely directly related to Mary.... "when will Marshall address the public about Mary"?
The more they ignore it the more people are starting to beleive that there is something terribly wrong in Marshall. I know I want to know why with all the recent events and attention noone from the City has bothered to contact the family, address any questions that have been raised or even tried to give a response to any allegations.
I just seen the new You Tube video. The good news is that if something is going on in that neighborhood ADPS will handle it. Albion Public Safety is a great department and they take care of business. I can not praise the department enough, they are truly that good.
With mounting local media and public attention and pressure this case should crack soon. Talks with National Media are pregressing and I simply hope someone comes forward before they get around to running a story. I would hate to see a national audience question why the locals can't clean there own house. Are all the problems that not breaking this case yourselves is causing you worth the "business as usual"? You still have time to save face, but not much.
Chris Pratt tells everyone he did so well in Bellamy Creek as a counselor and mentor to guys in the joint DOC transferred him to Mound prison as an instructor.
Yes, those many characteristics of a sociopath can even be seen from prison.
Glibness/superficial charm.
Grandiose sense of self-worth.
Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
Pathological lying
Sets fires
Enjoys killing small animals
Lack of remorse or guilt
Shallow affect
Callous/lack of empathy
Parasitic lifestyle
Poor behavioral controls
Promiscuous sexual behavior
Early behavior problems
Lack of realistic, long-term plans
Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
Many short-term marital relationships
Juvenile delinquency
Revocation of conditional release
Criminal versatility (Hare, 1986)
He needs to get back to Calhoun County jail for real learning in a court room. While waiting for trial he can do work furlough at Target Distribution Center? Hell, if he's a good boy let him fish at Ceresco.
So he wasn't transfered to Mound to be sent home because he was framed and working undercover with the police? You have to be a Pratt to beleive that.
If that is truly what Chris is saying than he is full of Shi*. Inless the DOC is now holding a corse on Murder, lies and evidence disposal I can't think of what he could possibly teach. Hunting and fishing? An instructor and mentor, does anyone outside of the Pratts actually beleive that? Besides, wasn't he sent there because he is coming home any day now? What, when that story sunk like all his others he made up a new one so people would be proud of him? His credibility at its best. Chris, we are all so proud of for being such an upstanding person.
he can even do 1000 push ups.
1000 if his bunkie is under him maybe.
he said he even saw people get killed while in county jail.lol.
This has to be the best editorial that was ever published by any editor at the Marshall Chronicle.
No management muzzle on this writer's opinion.
Great job Mr. Hendler!
Editor's Corner,
by John Hendler,
Marshall Chronicle,
December 20, 2008
Where did everybody go?
So, now City Manager Chris Olson is on the clock. Six months and 10 days (or maybe sooner) before he moves on and hopefully we'll have a new Police Chief in place by then or people might start to wonder who's running the city and keeping us safe.
People think that already.
Oh, sorry.
Don't get me wrong; I like Mr. Olson and have enjoyed the opportunities when we've had the chance to talk and I know that he has been interviewing candidates for the position.
It just seems as of late, however, too many people have left Marshall or are about to leave.
It's been almost a year since Mike Olson left his position as Public Safety Director, leaving quietly into the night, never to be heard from again. like he was in the witness protection program,
Actually, I ran in to Mr. Olson (Mike) at a U of M football game in August. When I turned and saw him, he gave me a look like I was in the witness protection program. We exchanged pleasantries and after watching a play, I turned to say something to him and he was gone like a phantom.
So, we need a Police Chief, a City Manager and a new Superintendent for Marshall Public Schools (MPS). Oh, and also an Assistant Superintendent and a new Director of Finance and a new Director of Operations,
Not to mention the 100 or so students who've left MPS in the past year.
Instead of the pineapple as a symbol of Marshall, maybe the new symbol should be a U-Haul or a change of address card, It
does seem like everyone is leaving.
This is how it must have felt on "Happy Days" (if it weren't a fictitious television show, of course) when Fonzie. Ritchie and Ralph Malph were gone and we were reduced to watching a shell of a show with Potsie, Jenny Piccolo and that Ted McGinley character.
Hopefully, 2009 will mean an influx of new blood.
For one thing, we'll at least have new gamblers coming to town as the new casino is set to open next door,
Hey, you've got to start somewhere.
There'll be new blood on the Marshall City Council with Nick Metzger. Kathy Miller and Ryan Traver and of course, the new city manager.
And over at MPS, we should have a new superintendent by the spring and that person will have a say in who becomes assistant superintendent.
And maybe, just maybe, people will start to come back to Marshall and sit a spell and take their shoes off.
Hopefully, jobs will become available and those student enrollment numbers will start to increase.
We've got to have faith and believe that Marshall can be what it used to be.
Unlike "Happy Days" we can have Fonzie and Richie back.
You've just got to believe.
Y'all come back now, you hear?
When they clean up the corruption we will consider moving back.
This was in Chronicle & Battle Creek Enquirer today.
Good idea on Dan
Should retain Buscher's expertise
As you all know, in December 2007, Dan Buscher, Calhoun County chief assistant prosecutor, successfully obtained felony convictions against Christopher Pratt for assault on a former girlfriend. Mr. Pratt is serving up to 15 years in prison and is now incarcerated at Mound Correctional Facility in Detroit. According to the Marshall Police Department, Mr. Pratt is a "person of interest" in the homicide investigation of Mary Denise Lands, his former fiancée.
The Marshall family and I hope that if it is a viable option, that Mr. Buscher remain at the prosecutor's office to handle Mary's case. He knows the evidence and the people involved and would be the best advocate for justice in this particular investigation. He would be a great asset to Prosecutor-elect Susan K. Mladenoff and that office.
If our new president can reach across political boundaries to obtain the best people for a particular job, we truly hope Ms. Mladenoff would consider retaining Dan Buscher. His ability and diligence is outstanding, his integrity is without question, and his expertise in the Mary Lands case could bring this all to a final resolution for Cliff and Anita Marshall.
Jim Carlin
Justinian Investigative Services
Battle Creek
new video on our favorite inmate.
If things work out well others from Marshall will be making the trip to MDOC and not to visit.
Someone out there knows answers.
Call police you can trust.
His boys have something to say, or so they say?
Josh & Luke, make the call
We all know your father claims you and him and Norrene will soon be together. I wouldn't hold my breath. More likey he will never see daylight again except for court transport on Mary's murder.
By January 31, 2009 charges will be filed and arrest will be made in Mary's case. By mid February additional charges of accessory and hindering will be filed against others and additonal arrest will be made.
I love it, time is finally running out for the bad guys. New people taking office means new results. This case has taken a 180 from the almost 5 years of the same old stuff. Time is definatly runnin out for someone to come forward. Once the dominos fall all deals are off the table and those involved get to face the full wrath and spend many many years wishing they would have stepped up and saved their freedom.
They got so use to getting away with this crime and nothing happening they started feeling above the law, times are changing and convictions are coming. All I can say is that each one of you had your chance and you CHOSE not to take it, so dont be on TV crying when the Guilty plea is read.
There is enough evidence to prosecute this case and a body is NOT needed to do so. Some will spend life in prison without chance of paroll, which means you will NEVER get out. You are not only screwing yourselves, you are screwing your family who will never be able to spend another day with you for the rest of their lives. The decision you people are making is flat out stupid and I do not know how you can look at your family knowing you will never see them again. Enjoy your last New Year of freedom, you will NOT have another one, and yes, it is all YOUR fault.
Josh and Luke we hope you do the right thing so one day your dad will be free and able to spend time with you. In order for this he needs you to make the call and tell us what you know. You can bargin on your dads behalf in exchange for the information. Either way he is going to stand trial for murder, only way to aviod the rest of his life being spent in prison is to come forward. You have the power to save your dad, please help before its too late. Once he is arrested no deal will be made and that time will be very very soon. Call 877-765-8388. Help can be offeered to you and your dad but only if you make this call.
The Creeper will be 41 tomorrow, January 30th. It will be 2nd birthday in the joint.
He should rot in prison until he tells all and helps to bring Mary home so she can rest in peace.
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