Update- February 11, 2009- Battle Creek Enquirer- 02/11/2009- Chris Olsen Accepts new City Manager job in DeWitt, Michigan
Battle Creek Enquirer- 01/23/09- Marshall City Manager Chris Olson will accept manager job in DeWitt, Michigan
WOODTV-News-12/16/2008-Marshall City Manager Chris Olson Resigns
WWMT TV3News-12/16/2008-Marshall City Manager Resigns
Update, March 1, 2009, Attn: Sgt. Tim (TJ) Bryant of the Marshall Police Department- Today is Day 226 since we asked you about your willingness to take a polyraph examination? What's the answer? What do you have to hide? I think we all know the answer to that question?
(TJ, Don't you think it would be right to obey the law and not block a sidewalk with your own car in front of your house at 615 W. Mansion? Or is this more of your own brand of Marshall Law?)
police-officer could be involved in so many dubious activities? Are all these people making this up to get back at you for some ulterior motive? I’d like to know the truth? Surely you do? You probably are getting tired of hearing my name just as I am tired of hearing yours. I’d like to offer you a proposition?
First, I would like to meet with you at your earliest possibility. Possibly Ketchum Park or maybe we could have a chat at the Fountain directly in front of the police department. I’d like to ask you about all these accusations made against you?I absolutely would want to meet face to face with the person who brings up things about me so that an explanation or denial can be made. I would like to hear your side of these allegations and what you have to say about Mary’s case?

So how about it TJ? Lets start with a meeting on your day off at Ketchum Park or the Circle Fountain in Marshall. We can then go from there. What do you have to lose? You use polygraphs every day as a resource tool. Why not use this tool to prove you have not done any of the things that people have alleged? There has been a dirty cloud hanging over your head now for over ten years. Why not try to clear yourself? Prove to the people you really are an honest and dedicated police-officer, or can't you prove it?

July 30, 2008- We are not pleased in having to post this particular revelation on Mary’s blog and hoped it was not accurate, however the facts speak for themselves.
We have tried to work with the Marshall Police Department and know that Mary’s case has been difficult from the start, but we believed in the last 12 months they were doing everything possible to solve the case. 4 years, 5 months, and 7 days later we again feel that this is not true. Why? Because we continually are told lies by those who are in charge.
In February 2008 Sgt. Scott McDonald, acting police chief, was informed of drug activity at the Marshall High School. He was provided names and informed that drugs were stored in the school lockers of the students. He immediately stated he would take care of the matter and added that the principal of the high school welcomes law enforcement in with drug dogs because of the zero tolerance policy. Sgt. McDonald stated that a search would absolutely be undertaken and he would seek the services of the Calhoun County Sheriff and their K-9 deputies.
Law enforcement did not initiate any search and in April 2008 I again brought up the matter and Acting Chief McDonald gave a "wink and a nod" that it was being done. We were concerned because the information on the drug activity continued to come in and the school year was drawing to an end. In June, he was then again asked about the search and replied that he had passed along the information. To the best of his knowledge the search was completed in May and nothing was found.
I was willing to accept this answer but because of a pattern of misinformation in the past I requested Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) from the Calhoun County Sheriff on "all reports at Marshall High School from 01/15/2008 to end of school year regarding drug search on student lockers." On July 15, 2008 Sheriff Byam responded that he was unable to locate any records for such a search. Last week I submitted a follow-up request to his response asking, "can you advise if your office was informed and unable to complete the request of the Marshall Police Department or did you not receive a request from the Marshall Police Department to conduct a search asking for K-9 resources?" I have no doubt that per the initial response from Sheriff Byam he is going to reply he was never asked for K-9 resources to search the school. August 4, 2008- Sheriff Al Byam's office sent me a letter concerning follow-up to his FOIA response of July 15, 2008. He indicated he needed another (10) ten days to respond. This is acceptable under FOIA protocol. He then confirmed for the 2nd time there was no request for a search by MDP and no search was done.
August 18, 2008- As you know, we have been trying to ascertain the truth on a hallway walk-by search of the student school lockers for drugs at the Marshall High School. We were advised by MPD that this was completed prior to the end of the school year, but with no results. Because of inconsistent information, 2 FOIA requests were submitted to the Calhoun County Sheriff on the reports and results of any search during the latter part of the 2008 school year. 2 FOIA responses from the Sheriff confirmed there was no request by MPD and no search conducted. Additional FOIA requests were submitted to the City of Marshall, and today I received a response from their FOIA coordinator.
Response from City of Marshall, FOIA Coordinator;
Detective Sergeant McDonald has reviewed your August 8, 2008 FOIA request for "materials related to any reports, complaints, records, requests and any documentation that may be released under FOIA made by you and/or your department to the Calhoun County Sheriff Department regarding the use of their K-9 resources. The period of interest is between January 15, 2008 and the end of the school year." There are no documents applicable to FOIA that meet your request. Chris Zuidema
Administrative Assistant
City of Marshall (269)781-5183 xt 1129
Again we ask, When are these lies going to stop? When will we see justice in Mary’s case?
What does this all indicate? It indicates we have been told more lies. My only conclusion on why this search was not completed was because the Marshall Police Department did not wish to pursue it. Yes, there probably are some dubious students at the high school who the police know are always in trouble and might have drugs in their possession and could have been apprehended. It just seems that the search was not undertaken because perhaps some students who might also have drugs would be from families of the more affluent members of society in Marshall. The MPD can’t be bothering those individuals with such a minor distraction as these parents being called that their children had been arrested. That is what is really sad. If the drug dogs would have went into the school in March and not even found anything then at least you could bet that the high school would have been drug free for the rest of the school year because students would be afraid of being caught. All materials of the FOIA request will be fully published in full as soon as the latest response from Sheriff Byam is received.
What does this mean? It means if you have money and power in Marshall, Michigan your daughter will be found if missing and the person/s responsible will be held accountable in a court of law. If you are of modest means and in need of government services such as the police department you are on your own.
Incompetent members of the police department just go about doing what they want to do to anyone at anytime. The bogus trespass notice to me by Officer Ivey is a prime example. You may view the FOIA materials from the July 23, 2008 complaint of Barbara Ruddock. MPD-Ruddock Trespass FOIA, 07/23/2008 One thing is very odd. I video-taped my cordial conversation with Ms. Ruddock that lasted nearly 20 minutes on the sidewalk in front of her home. For my own protection I also have GPS documentation to prove where I am and where I go. The GPS clearly indicates my vehicle parked in front of the Ruddock residence during the time I had my conversation with her. Why is it that 4 hours later she is calling the MPD crying and upset that I engaged in stalking and harassing conduct? Who put her up to these actions and does it have anything to do with Sgt. Tim Bryant and the dog bite incident I was inquiring about with Ms. Ruddock. She claimed she is a psychic and told me about what happened to Mary Lands. In the police officer's own report Ms. Ruddock stated that she has been advised by her psychiarist to not bring up the matter of Mary Lands for her mental wellness. She didn't have any problem talking to me about it. Based on the information this would seem to be a false police report that she made to the MPD. The other person who was issued a trespass notice never even went to the property. She called the residence and Officer Ivey issued a trespass notice because of a telephone call? Where in the statute is it that a trespass notice can be issued under these type circumstances? Maybe under Marshall Law, but not in accordance with actual law and Michigan statutes. A copy of the six word Marshall City Ordinance is on the last page of the FOIA. The no trespass notice and the statutes they reference are ludicrous. This same officer tried to charge Cliff, Anita, myself and another with a bogus home invasion charge in 2006. This was on the complaint of Chris Pratt after he vacated the apartment at Waldon Pond that still was in Mary's name. Oh, but then remember, Chief Mike Olsen gave the Marshall's a "wink and a nod" that this was all nothing and not to worry about it. It appears another officer can lie and not be accountable in a simple dog bite incident and get away with it.
Certain people with a badge and gun are using their positions to intimidate and harass citizens because they have a specific agenda. Officers at MPD should be investigating the status of a sex offender residing at 329 West Mansion Street directly across the street from a school and child day care. They should be investigating 330 North Marshall, a sex offender in that residence where a minor child also resides. They should also be looking at the 21 sex offenders that reside in the city limits and ascertain if they are in full compliance with guidelines of the Michigan Sex Offender Registry? This abuse of power is wrong and it takes away from our civil rights.
There is a specific statute under federal and state law that precludes police-officers from abusing their authority. This has been going on for quite some time and many would like to know when is all this going to end? Where is the new chief or a permanent one that is willing to step forward and clean up this befuddled bunch of bumbling misfits? Why hasn’t the city manager, Chris Olsen stepped in? He stepped in to fire Chief Olsen? Oh that’s right, "We are part of the problem, not part of the solution." No wonder a police chief has not yet been appointed? What professional cop would want to walk through the doors of that department? It probably is the same reason why Deputy Chief Pherson left to become police chief in Coldwater? Who can be proud to say they are a police officer in Marshall? Very few….
Acting Chief McDonald stated in FOIA response earlier this month that Mary's case is an open homicide investigation being conducted by the MPD. If this is true why wasn't Mary's family advised of this change in status and what is that indicates she is now a homicide victim? The family at least should be kept up to date on the status of the investigation. If you can't or won't solve the Mary Lands case turn it over to an agency that will find her and prosecute the person/s involved. Just stop with your dirty tricks and lies!
On March 12, 2008 numerous law enforcement officials stood together at Mary’s 4th anniversary vigil holding her sign, Where is Mary? Many had never been there before and we deeply appreciated their gesture, and the words, "We will never forget" Four months later we have to wonder if this was just another dog and pony show for the November elections? Many people believe that is exactly why they were there.
Run for election to any office you are seeking but don’t put justice on hold until January 1st because you are all too busy campaigning and doing other things. Christopher Pratt is in prison for his convictions of crimes against another woman. We are not satisfied with his present incarceration. You supposedly call him a "person of interest" in Mary's case. What effort are you making today to charge the person/s responsible for the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands? All we are asking for is honesty and justice. Do the jobs for which you were appointed or elected. Wear your badge with pride and take pride in the job you do.
This is the right way a dedicated and professional police chief in Orlando and his agency handle police corruption. When will we see this type of action on our own local news reports?
Here is another ongoing tragic story of a missing child, Caylee Anthony, in Orlando, Florida.
The difference is that Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary and State's Attorney Lawson Lamar know how to investigate crimes of violence, especially crimes against a defenseless child. They know what to do when a suspect "lawyer's-up" Read the attached PDF file from a prosecutor in the Orlando Office. http://www.wftv.com/download/2008/0829/17335521.pdf It gives you a real understanding of the facts in the case and it shows that these agencies know how to handle difficult cases.
These are real cops doing real police work. Take a few minutes to read about Caylee and the unusual circumstances of her disappearance over one month ago. http://www.wftv.com/news/17340180/detail.html Take the time and call a member of law enforcement if you have any information about any crime. We could see this type of story right here in Calhoun County but you must pick up the phone.
December 12, 2008- More Shenanigans in the Marshall Police Department, A limited redacted version of 2 separate disciplinary actions in 2007 against former sergeant Ivey was received from the City of Marshall, however it does make some reference to why she was demoted. Charges include Conduct Unbecoming Departmental Personnel, Neglect or Inattention to Duty, Unsatisfactory Performance, Request for Assistance. An appeal will be submitted on both discipline actions and the circumstances in those cases. MPD Sgt. Rebecca Ivey-Demotion to patrol officer-10/09/07, Limited FOIA Response, City of Marshall-12/12/08
MPD Sgt. Rebecca Ivey-Demotion to patrol officer-10/09/07, Limited FOIA Response, City of Marshall-12/12/08
I was at the vigil marking the 4th anniversary of Mary's disappearance. I heard the speeches made by law enforcement and the county prosecutor pledging their determination to get this case solved. I have to say that I seriously doubt what they said then. They have done nothing to show us that they meant what they said. It's an election year and those running for election or re-election will say anything to get elected. I think that the truth is more like they wish that this case would just go away. Well, I am here to tell you that it won't go away until it's solved and Mary is brought home to her family. If law enforcement can't get it done, then I am sure that there are a number of citizens who would be willing to do it for them.
It is pretty sad that it has come to this. There are people who hold positions who could actually facilitate this investigation. Instead, they have stepped away and distanced themselves from this investigation not wanting to get their hands dirty. I suspect that some of their hands may already be dirty because they may know what happened to Mary and are either covering it up or not wanting to take action on what they suspect may have happened. Shame on you all.
We have a cop here in Marshall who not only knew Mary but was a close friend of hers. He also happened to be buddies with the person of interest in this case, Chris Pratt. He continued his relationship with Pratt after Mary's disappearance. There have been a number of reports from various citizens detailing his after hour activities. Some of these activities are not only downright disturbing, they could be subject to prosecution. With all of the talk and speculation regarding this dubious character of a policeman, wouldn't you think that there would be some sort of internal affairs investigation on him? Wouldn't you think that some kind of action would be instituted against him?
The key to solving this case lies in what happened in the first few weeks following Mary's disappearance. MPD's performance in investigating and following up on leads is questionable to say the least. All one has to do is go back and read the blogs and you can see that there has been some highly questionable behavior going on. I hear that the State Police have been pretty much taking over the investigation. Have they lost interest in getting this case solved? One can only wonder.
Maybe, these law enforcement officials need to think about what it would be like to have a loved one of theirs come up missing . Maybe, they need to experience the despair, helplessness and utter hell that a family goes through when something like this happens.
I have heard the stories about how Mary's family has been treated not only by MPD but the City Manager of Marshall as well. What kind of monsters are you people? How dare you treat this family in this way! Your behavior towards them has been despicable and may you all rot in hell because of it.
the blind continue to lead the blind. they are all a bunch of keystone kops. even those guys had more brains.
We would like to think that it's just sheer stupidity on the part of MPD on how they have handled Mary's case. Unfortunately, I don't think it's stupidity. I think that there has been intent on their part to keep this case from being solved. Everyday, roadblocks, lies and coverups are coming from them on this matter and other matters such as the drugs in the high school and the "dog bite incident". For politicians and law enforcement folks to say that they don't see anything wrong happening here in Marshall is ludicrous. I, for one, refuse to vote for anyone in the current government of Calhoun county and its judiciary in the upcoming elections. I also will not vote for anyone representing our district for they are not wanting to get their hands dirty in investigating the dirtiness in Marshall, Michigan. These people are elected to represent us. Instead, they are all about furthering their own agenda. They are a disappointment to us all.
Jim you need to put up the video of this lying witch on You Tube or Google. Ivey was in the house and would have confirmed Engle's daughter was there along with a sex pervent? How come she didn't arrest somebody there? She's as bad Bryant and took her walking orders from him.
The comments about incumbent politicans is a good one. I intend to do the same and vote for anyone not presently in office and that includes Democrats and Republicans.
I had several telephone calls today from people expressing their outrage on the latest antics of MPD. It was suggested that we should return to our Walks for Mary and carry the signs that we last displayed two years ago at the Calhoun County Criminal Justice Center and in front of the Marshall Town Hall.
Thank you for the idea. Cliff & Anita fully agree and we will plan to do it soon.
One of the new signs will make reference to the city manager, Chris Olsen’s comment, “We are part of the problem, not part of the solution”
We know it has been a hot and humid summer and we will try to schedule something at the most opportune time when there is a significant event going on in Marshall. The Chamber of Commerce Golf Scramble, August 8, the County Fair, August 10-16, the Madison Green Art Faire, September 6-7, and the Brooks Field Marshall Airport 77th Anniversary Fly and Drive-in, September 6. We will have many opportunities to ask our questions, Where is Mary? and When will we have justice for Mary?
If you are interested in helping on any Walk for Mary please send an email and we will contact you.
Thank you all for your assistance and support.
How's this for an idea?
Put sex offenders Ruddock and Engle on the Marshall PD. They would fit right in with the rest and could take a bite out of crime?
the ruddock woman has it wrong. shes not psychic shes psycho
Why owuld any one stand in front of their apartment talk with one identifing them self as a private investigator then call the police and claim the person was in fact a tresspassor,harrassing them and they did not want them to return and ask any more questions?
Could it be that some in the police department does not want the question ask to be answered?
Did some other person tell them to file a tresspass warning to keep them away?
If this is in fact the case, who is that person and what is it that they do not want to be known?
why wont the state troopers and /or the fed level get involved with all ths garbage? they have to been told or shown all of this. why is there no concern by them to stop all this corruption. when will all this trash stop and get back to marshall being a decent place to call home.when will decent people be able to walk or drive he streets of michigan ave and not have to begin to worry or get the stomach butterflies when we see a "officer of the law"? when does pride get to come back to our town here. but most of all when do we get to give Mary's parents the peace of mind they are looking for. tell these nice people their daughter is found and she can rest now.
heres an interesting comment
"We have a cop here in Marshall who not only knew Mary but was a close friend of hers. He also happened to be buddies with the person of interest in this case, Chris Pratt. He continued his relationship with Pratt after Mary's disappearance. There have been a number of reports from various citizens detailing his after hour activities. Some of these activities are not only downright disturbing, they could be subject to prosecution. With all of the talk and speculation regarding this dubious character of a policeman, wouldn't you think that there would be some sort of internal affairs investigation on him? Wouldn't you think that some kind of action would be instituted against him?
ok if all this is true, and y'all are not just running your mouths then why hasnt anyone done what they run off at the mouth about and go to the proper person or official who can do something and turn this lying cop in and get some things going. stop all the yak yak yak yak and get it done stop the madness and get this bryant officer and whoever else is responsible and get this done
In response to the previous comment about "if all we were doing were shooting off our mouths"…..easier said than done!
I have talked with the FBI several times about these matters. They maintain that MPD runs the case and will not give it up. I was told by the agent in charge who also was provided videotape that the FBI has enough to do with homeland security issues and unless a federal crime could be connected to Mary’s case they were not interested. Over three years ago I also personally went to the MSP Administration Office on S. Harrison Road in Lansing and spoke with two investigators from Major Case Team. They were provided video-tapes and other information about the appearance of corruption within the MPD. I went with the purpose of trying to show that the Mary Lands case should be taken over by another agency not specifically focusing on police corruption. My immediate thoughts were that they did not want to be in the room with me and hear this. It is that same feeling that so many witnesses have told me about after officers in Marshall contacted them. I have no doubt that these investigators of MSP were honest and sincere professionals but they did not seem interested in my statements. I wondered if because Chief Mike Olsen was a retired MSP officer they just did not want to step on any toes?
I believe some type of internal investigation should have been done three years ago. I even advised MSP SWET (Southwest Enforcement Team) of the allegations. In this amount of time law enforcement could have placed an undercover officer living in Marshall and made numerous trafficking case by now and who knows what else that would have led to? I vividly remember a meeting with Chief Olsen and Cliff Marshall was present. After he learned of my efforts to contact the MSP and FBI about corruption he stated, “By Darn, if I find out any of my officers are doing anything wrong, they will be fired.” I suppose there has been no wrongdoing in the last 3 years that would merit anyone being fired.
One of the officer's made a comment to me that was very disappointing and frustrating, especially when it came from what should be the cream of the crop of MSP investigative elite. He said, while discussing Sgt. Bryant, “We just can’t go around besmirching the reputation of a good cop.”
I left Lansing knowing that the last few hours had been a really big waste of time. For the first time I realized why so many people just don’t want to be involved in speaking with the police. Why bother? Why Care?
Absolutely, Jim. I have no trust in law enforcement or the government of the city of Marshall and Calhoun County. It's the good 'ole boys club around here and all these people do is cover each other's ass.
The facts prove themselves, conspiracy theries kill interest in the facts. While this site provides many facts, they get coppled up with theries that put the facts in a distant second. I support finding Mary and bringing justice and would highly recommend that a seperate site be set up and advertised that sticks soley to the facts and does allow comments nor include theries. This approach has proven to provide much more positve response. While I also feel having a blog site is important we also need a fact site. It doesnt matter how many pictures you have of alliens, noone wants to look into it when people comment about being abducted by them. Simply do a site and let the facts speak for themselves and see what outcome that brings. Its been almost 4 1/2 years a different approach needs to be made in an attempt to further this case. We cant keep doing the same things the same way and expect a different result.
putting the pictures up is very important to the public!!it lets them know the bad people in the community and who to stay away from..i think the facts should stay in the hands and the minds of the professionals.as not to leak it out to the people involved in this case.thanx.billy jack
Jim, the FBI is to busy with homeland security? Maybe you should remind them of the illegal immigration ring in Montcalm County,which they did nothing about. They were given names, addresses, phone numbers, and nothing was done. There is corruption on every level. The people of Marshall need to stick together and get this done. It will happen.
The Mary Lands family likes this and Mary's other site just as it is. It was moderated for some time but it reduced the flow of information. It had to be checked a few times because some got carried away but that happens at times. Keep everything as is. Any reasonable person can read through the idle chatter and also figure out what is accurate and what is a theory. I actually think there are very few theories. We know some cops in Marshall PD are dirty, we know Chris Pratt killed Mary, we know there is a coverup, we know many are dealing drugs, We just need to figure out how and when we will get justice.
i have to agree with you blogger!!!!we are on the right track..billy jack
Marshall-Lands family,
please know that there are many people out there who you don't even know that care about you all. we are determined to bring your Mary home to you and bring this case to a close. thanks for your kind words.
Don't ever give up. You are close to the answers and you will soon know what happened. Don't let a few take you off course. Be strong you will succeed.
It would seem that corrupt police would be a high level concern to the FBI under the Homeland Security mission they have taken on since 9-11 as it clearly jeopordizes public safety and the well being of our nation. To Marys family, please know there are people who are willing to help and are able to help keeping an eye on the case waiting for the right time. Until many of them feel safe from Marshall PD they are just afraid to come forward. Has anyone tried the DEA since theres a drug dealing cop involved?
Why not use our towns opinion to move a few rocks. Is it possible to adress the governor or the attorney general and get this person to at the very least to look into the goings on in marshall and perhaps rattle a few cages?
then if not that idea, why not get on the local tv stations and use the local news media from around the larger newscast areas to state all that has been going on with the police here and simply ask "why arent the marsall police looking into the mary lands disappearance or why are such law enorcement issues being allowed to be hidden under the rug. why are there so many police closing ranks that there has been no progress done on the case. simply ask the questons. no acusations, just questions to the news media. lets see what that does to getting you unjustly threatened more by the police
or will you get arrested or at least threatened by the police officer bryant for stating simple questions. not making allegations, but simply stating the facts as to what has been going on lately in the case.
perhaps then more people as a result of the newscast will begin to look into the case again and begin to read these blogs and perhaps be brave enough to speak out before another person has to be hurt. I wonder once in while if more townspeople would be involved if their child were taken how much would they lay back and do nothing if their loved one were taken.just a thought..it sickens the mind to know how many people are afraid to speak up and so let a young woman be lost beause they are wanting to keep to themselves
know what is truly disgusting? all the local people who know truth, know what the police get away with but decide to stay silent and let a family hurt because the police have intimidated them. I agree with the previous blog, newsmedia may shake a door or someone to speak up. here is the thing, lets let all the 20 or more sickos who are child perverts in that town to run free and let them be the daycare providers, the teachers, the school coaches all the time around their kids. hey its an election year lets let em run for police chief lets let em be cops who stop you in the middle of the night in a dark road. hey if officer bryant can get away with all that he does then why not let the truly sick to "be all they can be" and run this town.i live in battle creek and i think i will visit marshall for the sake of seeing this garbage heap "bryant" for myself.
I agree with the log above this one. people and the ideas they have need to be stirred up again to keep the mary case in front of eveybody and to tell the marshall police that their time is coming and we will all dance at their arrest and sentencing.
want to know the best part of all this. there is child molester two houses away from the police officer bryant home.
bet they are close friends
they maybe even Bar-B-Que together on his weekends off
maybe the child pervert shares his child habits with bryant. never know do ya?
by the way i live in battle creek too
I like your idea on another walk for Mary. You need to do it during a time that people will be passing with kids and can ask, How come those peoople are carrying signs of a lady on them? Walk in front of PD and walk at the court house. This has to come to a stop and people need to wake up.
If he show you better check out the ole tack in a shoe ruse. That was done in past but now I think they ask questions now about if you are taking countermeasures. It is much more technical and these cops know all the tricks.
Bryant could never pass one in a million years.
Most people in Marshall know who Cricket is. I will not ever put anything in writing that does not let those reading it know who wrote it. With that said, I will tell you that the name calling and accusations make for some good and humorous reading, however it is not going to get the job of finding Mary done. If I may make a suggestion of what needs to be done we need to do a writing campaign to the Attorney General, and the Governor. Stating we want the Mary Denise Lands Investigation and all the Evidence looked into by the Attorney Generals Offices. Jim and I have both talked with top officials involved with this investigation and we both know that we have not been told the truth about certain issues. The time has come for some out side help, as our confidence is being lost through those untruths. Almost daily Jim speaks with someone who will tell him that simple intreviews believed to have been done were never done.
Update, August 3, 2008- Attention: Sgt. Tim Bryant of the Marshall Police Department
Many of your friends and relatives have told me you are following Mary’s blog and web site.
I have an offer for you. Today during several interviews about the Mary Lands case your name came up over and over again. For the life of me I can’t understand how one police-officer could be involved in so many dubious activities? Are all these people making this up to get back at you for some ulterior motive? I’d like to know the truth? Surely you do?
You probably are getting tired of hearing my name just as I am tired of hearing yours. I’d like to offer you a proposition?
First, I would like to meet with you at your earliest possibility. Possibly Ketchum Park or maybe we could have a chat at the Fountain directly in front of the police department. I’d like to ask you about all these accusations made against you?
I absolutely would want to meet face to face with the person who brings up things about me so that an explanation or denial can be made. I would like to hear your side of these allegations and what you have to say about Mary’s case?
Second, I am very familiar with D/Sgt. Geoffrey Flohr. He presently has over 26 years current law enforcement experience with public and private licensure in Michigan. He also is full member of the American Polygraph Association. You may also know of this investigator’s respected credentials at the Michigan State Police. He is called the "Closer" at MSP for his careful and deliberate manner in completing investigative interviews. D/Sgt. Flohr does polygraph examination on his own. It is permissible under MSP policy as long as the subject taking the polygraph has not yet been charged in any criminal matter.
One would think, if you have nothing to hide, you would jump at the opportunity to answer certain questions and for the polygraph result to be a clear "no deception indicated"
I know that D/Sgt. Flohr is not concerned about the result favoring the person talking the polygraph or for the state’s case. His only concern is to know he administered a fair and proper polygraph examination. When the test is reviewed by his peers they also should come up with the same conclusion.
D/Sgt. Flohr charges approximately $500.00 for his examinations and he is accredited across the state in its use. I’d be willing to pay any and all the costs of the polygraph for you if you would agree to take a test? If TJ Bryant has nothing to hide then you would have no reason to refuse my offer.
I challenge you to take a polygraph and show that you are not the law breaking rogue cop that some people say you are? This could go a long way in reassuring the minds of many citizens that you are truly innocent of the allegations against you.
So how about it TJ? Lets start with a meeting on your day off at Ketchum Park or the Circle Fountain in Marshall. We can then go from there. What do you have to lose? You use polygraphs every day as a resource tool. Why not use this tool to prove you have not done any of the things that peole have alleged? Why not try to clear yourself?
Excellent job on the newest post about the polygraph. I doubt he will go for it, however, that will show a great many people that this guy most likely is a bad cop. This denial will also help others to become more involved in finding Mary.
Polygraph is a great tool for police. Many can prove their innocence by voluntarily taking the test. TJ Bryant isn’t going to take any test because a good cop will crack his BS story within minutes. If the Closer can ever get him in a box with real questions about drugs and Mary Lands he’d be off to jail forthwith.
He was working the other day hassling and screaming at some black males in Marshall. Big bad bully phony cop. The bad guys have more honor than you do Officer Bryant. At least they don’t hide behind a badge.
One day you'll see a line of witnesses finally telling the truth on who you really are and what you really do. Just Wait.
The COPS theme music will be soon playing to your sorry fat ass. Maybe one of your own will be fed up with the disgrace and turn you in?
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you
the last blogger mentioned Bryant's treatment of some black males while on duty. doesn't this fit with the stories that Marshall is a racist community? nothing much surprises me anymore.
hot off the presses from the Bellamy Creek Bulletin;
It seems that the 6'2 and 255 pound egg head mash potatoe hoardin Chris Pratt, the prison photographer according to him, ain't doing too well. Doesn't write his boys much and last telephone call he complained that he got jumped by a dozen dudes for no reason what so ever. He was able to kick the ass of 8 of them before the others run off.
Looks like what we have here is Cool Hand Chris and What we got here is... failure to communicate. .....
He's one mean mash potatoe thumper.
Does he still have a fetish for Deal or No Deal??
police can't get Bryant to piss in a cup for drug test or take a polygraph. He sure won't take one from you. Great idea though. We all know why Bozo the Cop won't.
what a piece of work this guy is. What law hasn't he broken? Why doesn't this interim chief lay down the law.
where did he get the cash for the new RV? I know.
interim chief used to be his partner. maybe that's why Bryant is getting away with his crap.
I haven’t had to bother with moderating in some time and I hate doing it but someone clearly went overboard with the previous remark. I read it several times hoping it was misread but it wasn’t. We can’t ever talk about violent acts even if you feel the people deserve it. Law enforcement and the courts are the only way these criminals and their activities can be stopped. We just have to pray that it will happen soon.
No one can take justice into his or her own hands and commit a wrong to correct a wrong. The days of vigilantism are long gone in Kentucky, Michigan and New York.
One positive piece of information did come to me last night and I would say it is one of the strongest tips we have had in quite some time. The reason for it was because this person and other witnesses are fed up with the antics of Officer Timmy. Everyone else must obey the law, why doesn’t he?
Any honest person would have been sick of his dubious actions ten years ago. He should have been fired never mind being promoted to sergeant by former Chief Olsen.
Day 4 and still no answer on if he will take a polygraph?
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you
Huh Officer Bryant? Pratt, Slone, Lorenz, Shepherds, so many of your pals now in the joint or on the way. Only matter a time before the van backs into your driveway, pulleys you up, and carries you off to the hoosegow.
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you
Yeh, yeh yes, sure, pratt kicked the ass of 8 inmates and the rest ran off? even his kids know that is a bunch of BS.
Were the 8 guys on their deathbed in the prison infirmary? We'll see how true that crap is on the next freedom information request carlin receives. the puke probably got thrown in the hole for a mash potato fight
If anyone can get year, make, model, ect of the RV I can let you all know how much its worth. Heck get a VIN and you can even go online and find out where he got it, where it was built and just about anything else you need/want to know. Just so you know, these things can be financed for up to about 18 years, so it would be possible (inless this guy is that stupid) to show on paper that he can afford it. This post is more for general information than anything. I have a few years experience in the RV Business. F.Y.I. T.J. the steps for the RV can only support so much weight, I would strongly suggest that you get a center step braces so you do not wind up on your crooked arse.
good idea. anyone out there with eyes and ears pass along the tag numbers of the PT Chrysler, his bike and the RV. I'm sure we'll know the info pretty quick and see it here. Where is You Tube of this bandit?
Marshall PD and 3 stooges are just one step behind department this but close 2nd for lacks of brains and mentality of the cops.
Was there donuts in the car
Thank you to all who have called me or wrote in the last few days. This has been one of the largest amounts of tips we have received in some time and the Marshall family and I are so supportive for your assistance.
We'll keep you posted on progress.
Thanks again.
new rv,harley,and new car..on a cops sallary??wtf is someone getting payed off perhaps?looks like someone with some money might be keeping him in dougnuts and luxery?lets break it down......house payment..750.00,car note 300.00 rv payment 500.00 insurance for all 400.00 all monthly plus house taxes!!food!!!gas,electric...on a cops pay?????im sure its more then that also..o wait cops pay and the hillbilly mafia leader maybe he can do it??ohh and i wont turn you in if you pay me!!wow the guy is loaded..billy jack!!
Hey as a cop I have arrested cops and it is more fun then arresting civilians. Watch out MPD. You never know who is watching you.
The last remark was highly inappropriate. I don’t believe that any police officer finds it fun to arrest a fellow-officer. It may be necessary, but it is not fun.
It is a sad day for any law enforcement agency and the community when a police-officer breaks the law and/or fails to uphold the law thereby tarnishing the oath he/she took to protect and serve the public.
At least this cop has no problem arresting a fellow officer if they did something wrong. Problem around here is that most of law enforcement cover for each other and that's where the corruption begins.
I've been throwing alot of info towards Jim, Im just hoping it's helping. What alot of people do not know is that the Iron Coffins play a huge role in all of this,
This does NOT mean ALL Iron coffins are bad but a good hand full of them are.
I even talked with Ex members who wanted out due too some of the extreme crimes being played out.
It seams as tho everyone wants too be "somebody" of greatness but yet ignore the long term of bad karma that will follow. Jim, I would like too post some of the things i do know on these board with your permission, Im very sure alot of people will be floored too find out..it's not pretty.
I appreciate your help and ideas and they seem to have validity. I continue to follow-up on every piece of information provided with help from the outside.
You are welcome to post at any time or directly send me an email or call. You know my numbers and address.
Thanks again.
I do remember hearing Chris Pratt bragging at a party saying how Mary will never be found.
He was so stoned and drunk, just talking away.
This is not hear say, this is a fact.
Bryant had, maybe still does, have drug related interest with 2 school teachers, Mr.Coleman and Mr.Underoo, both of the middle school some time ago. So are you still doing deals with those 2 teachers bryant... AKA Officer Friendly who would teach middle school kids about how bad drugs are and so fourth...PATHETIC!
I would think that were ever Mary is, it would have to be where Bryant could deviate other patrol cars from that area, which would be with in the city limits. So lets think about how many new large structures went up with in the past years...perhaps the ones that some of the pratts were involved with when under construction. Think people,think!
August 8, 2008
Sgt. Scott McDonald
Acting Police Chief
Marshall Police Department
323 West Michigan Avenue
Marshall, Michigan 49068
Re: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request
Search of student lockers at Marshall High School,
Between January 15, 2008- End of School year
Dear Sgt. McDonad:
In April 2008 I communicated to you via email and in person that I had information from numerous sources that drugs were being stored in various student lockers at the Marshall High School. You immediately stated you would look into that matter and obtain K-9 resources from the Calhoun County Sheriff. You further mentioned that the principal at the school is always willing to permit the drug dogs into the school because of his zero tolerance policy.
No search was immediately undertaken and when I spoke to you about this again in April 2008 you stated it was in the works, and provided a “wink and a nod” that it was being taken care of as we spoke. In June you were again asked about the search and stated you passed along the information to the Sheriff’s Department and believed the drug sweep was conducted in May but with negative results.
I have submitted numerous requests to Sheriff Byam asking for any complaints, reports, resources and names of the deputies involved concerning any findings of a drug search of the Marshall High School student lockers. Sheriff Byam responded on July 15, 2008 that he had no knowledge of any request for a search and there were no reports in his records to indicate any request was made on behalf of your department to check the lockers. I then submitted an additional FOIA request to Sheriff Byam and specifically asked “Can you advise if your office was informed and unable to complete the request of the Marshall Police Department or did you not receive a request from MPD to conduct a search asking for K-9 resources?"
The follow-up of my FOIA was received today, August 5, 2008 with an email copy from your FOIA coordinator to Deputy Brad Hall. Your FOIA Coordinator, Deputy Jennifer Boroughf wrote; Hey there, I’ve got a FOIA request from Jim Carlin regarding a letter supposedly sent to us from Marshall PD requesting that we use our K-9 to search the lockers at Marshall High School from sometime in January 2008 to the end of the school year. I was unable to locate any reports. Do you know if we did get a written request and/or if we did any searches? If so, are there any reports and what are the numbers? I really need to know ASAP!
Thank for your help,
Deputy Brad Hall replied on August 4, 2008 at 9:19 P.M.,
I don’t know anything about a written request. They usually just call me. Any reports would be done by MPD so I would send him there.
The official response once again from Sheriff Byam dated August 5, 2008 is the requested records do not exist. K-9 Officer Hall is not aware of any written request and reports would be handled by Marshall PD.
Sgt. McDonald, I again reiterate my request for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) materials related to any reports complaints, records, requests, and any documentation that may be released under FOIA made by you and/or your department to the Calhoun County Sheriff Department regarding the use of their K-9 resources The period of interest is between January 15, 2008 and the end of the school year.
Sgt. McDonald, I personally believe that you lied about this matter and no search was ever requested nor did you really want those lockers searched. I believe that you had a duty to investigate and document this type complaint and you appear not to have followed the correct policy.
This is not the first time that you have lied about facts in the Mary Lands and on other matters. It is deeply disappointing to all of us.
If you would have at least had one dog walk throughout the school with a handler and even if the dogs did not alert on drugs or other contraband you could rest assured that Marshall High School would have been drug free for the rest of the year. I believe you failed to perform your duty because you may have had concerns that certain students would have been apprehended with drugs in their lockers and it would have been unpleasant for those parents to learn some of their sons and daughter were arrested.
Based on your inability to solve the Mary Lands case and now this incident with the lockers at the Marshall High School it is obvious that much of the community has lost confidence in you and also City Manager Chris Olsen. Both of you should resign and a new chief immediately be brought on board to do what is needed in the Marshall Police Department to restore the integrity of your agency in the eyes of the public. Clearly for a long long time there has much dysfunction in a law enforcement agency that is supposed to be protecting the citizens of Marshall.
Sgt. McDonald, you are the acting chief and probably anticipate being appointed chief in the near future by City Manager Chris Olsen. I personally believe, as do many others, that you should immediately resign especially over this latest incident of deceit and cover-up. If you can’t complete a simple search of school lockers where drugs may be stored how do we expect you to bring Mary Home?
When will our town be safe and clean of crime and drugs?
Maybe a more realistic question would be "will our town ever be clean and safe from crime and drugs?" To accomplish this, there would have to be a complete overhaul of Marshall City government and its police force. The citizens of Marshall would have to take their rose colored glasses off and not turn the other way when unpleasant topics such as drugs, crime and corruption are being discussed. The only way to deal with a problem is to face it and confront it. As we all know, that is not the Marshall way. Several bloggers have mentioned the "list". You know, the list of kids of prominent Marshallites. If they do anything wrong, they don't have any consequences. The cops just look the other way. They are untouchable.
It will take a super human effort to change things in this town but it can be done. The first thing however, is to face the fact that we have some pretty big problems here.
How in God's name can this be accomplished without help from the outside? The media isn't even strong enough to see through all these lies. They are bamboozled and accept the answers just because it comes from some police official or politician.
Why can't we get help?
There must be someone on here that knows the laws pertaining too our rights. What we can and can not do. Can we actually vote in a police chief who has no degree in crimal justice? Seriously, it doesn't take a "book smart" person to understand right from wrong.
As a police chief, can you do random drug test to officers? I would have to think so.
With the right police chief, we can get more answers,find Mary and start cleaning shop.
Is there someone out there who can help the citizens of Marshall? Things here are out of control and we need help from someone who has the power and authority to make a difference.
Whatever happened to the creep teach in Marshall school arrested by Battle Creek PD for giving high schools kids liquor. How come Hallacey dropped charges, Did this scum also get job back? Who did he know? How come he is not on offender list?
Marshall Citizens, the end of the "Marshall Political Mafia Type Era" is nearing. The people of Marshall will finally be more important than the reputation of the city name and corruption of those "running" the town. People will start going down and going down hard. The first one of these corrupt cops/politicians/whoever to come forward will be the only one spared, the rest will be slammed with the Max punishments. They have made too many errors and too many things are out for the cover up to go on much longer. A word of advise to all you "Boss Hog Hazard County good old boys", be the first to do the right thing or be the first on CNN, you think Detroits Mayor has bringing a bad rep to Detroit, what do you idiots think is going to happen to Marshalls reputation when someone gets over your criminal activites and and starts making arrests. NATIONAL NEWS WILL BE ALL OVER YOUR TOWN, your sad little faces will be everyplace and the reputation of Marshall will be trashed for many many years. Now look at option B: someone steps up and does the right thing. Sure Marshalls name is out there due to your long term corruption, however, you have saved the reputation of your town by showing the people are more important than the cover up. You guys are just being stupid about the whole thing. I know you have trouble sleeping at night wondering if tommorrow is the day you all will get arrested for crimes and corruption. The only difference between people in prison and some Marshall Cops and Politicians is the ones in prison already got caught. Guess what Crooks in Blue, your next. Fact noone likes a crooked cop, not a citizen, your fellow cops or your future roomates in prison. So what one of you is going to walk while the others spend a great deal of there life in prison. Oh yeah, I know these truths may hurt you crooked cops, but you made these truths, prepare to live the next many years in prison with them. Sleep well tongiht you badge carrying criminals.
I'm curious to find out if anyone has contacted a Psychic on this? From what I have read and heard this team is a very good one. http://www.psychic-galestjohn.com/
I know that they are concerned about missing persons and have helped many cases. I have been following the Caylee Anythony case and they are there now searching.
Is this something that can be approached for Mary?
Good morning good people of the Marshall area. I would like to invite all the good people of the community to unite and step forward with what they know and any evidence they have on Mary's case, corruption, harrassment and any other illegal activities by "the law" in Hazard, I mean mean Calhoun County. Contact the private investigator and spill the beans. As long as people allow fear to control their actions those respoinsible will continue to keep doing what they do. It is time, it is time for everyone to unit and come forward and put an end to this long history of corruption. It is time to dig out those photos, papers, documentation and any other evidence you have on Marys case and corrupt law that you have been too afraid to bring out. Alot of people are doing alot of work to find Mary and free the people of Marshall from the fear and sense of helplessness they live with. Unit, come out with your evidence and get ahold of Jim. He can help. If your afraid to go to the cops out of fear, well hoestly I can understand your point there, then contact Jim.
Why continue to live under the oppresive regime currently in power, when did Marshall become the middle east? I have heard so many people state they want to do the right thing but are afraid too, well the fact is if you step up today and do the right thing and come forward with what you know/have the regime you fear will crumble and freedom will once again prevail in your community.
The thing about people who fell they are the "elite" and better than us "nobodys" is that they get so cught up in themselves they loose touch with reality, get sloppy and ultimatly screw themselves over. They get so use to being able to railroad the little guy they stop thinking about who the litttle guy there screwing may know. I mean after all your not an Elite so you dont know anyone and you can touch us "elites".
Here is a touch of reality. The local elites are only elite among themselves. They may be number 1 in Marshall but once you leave the area there just another Joe on the street. Us lesser life forms make up the vast majority and we make friends everywhere (after all its easier to make friends when your not better than everyone else). Through friends you make more more friends so on and so forth.
What these bozos in Marshall have done is wrong, and it is starting to bite them in the arse. This case needs more people to get the tail out from between there legs, get over the fear of these few people and put an end to the regime. Why should we the people have to live under a rock in fear while slime balls run the show and enjoy watching people squirm. This is the USA, of the people, by the people, FOR THE PEOPLE. Lets put the for the people back in the equation.
In conclusion, its hard to over come fear, but you must if your want fearsome regime to tumble. Once people come forward other people will start and it will snowball from there. The more that comes out the more interest/attention the regime will get. Once this begins to happen more and more people will start showing more interest in whats really going on in Marshall. That leads to questions which leads to outside investigations that leads to the collapse of the regime and the reimplmation of the State and US Constitution in Marshall and once again freedom will reign.
Buy a can of fear be gone, call Jim and tell him what you know. Find Mary, get rid of curruption in Marshall so you can enjoy life. I have many reasons to fear the regime, but I live in a free country with a Constitution and all the "threats" I face for doing what I am doing only makes me think 1 thing, I must be on the right path. I fear the regime no more and I stand up right here right now and ask anyone with information and/or evidence to stand beside me help put a stop to this crap once and forall.
Mary deserves to rest in peace, her family deserves to know the truth and the people of Marshall deserve to be free. Only you can make all this happen. Enough is enough, unite for Mary's family and your freedom.
i have done bad in my life but chnged. i just found out most of story and called jim to tell. i think i can help and will. god bless Mary family. you all should be able to have Mary at peace.
I have been spending alot of time researching and contacting people to bring this case to National Attention. So far progress is being made. While noone truly knows who I am rest assured things are rolling and information is being brought out. To the last person who posted, God bless you. Everyone has a past, it is what you do with today and your future that truly matters. This person is standing up and showing we the people have had enough. We truly hope that more and more do the same. This is the time to unit and make a stand. Many of you have been waiting for the time to come and that time is now.
I was informed about this link as a possible way to help and feel it is a great idea. It may spark some other original thoughts so please take a moment to look at it http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/07/14/cold.case.cards.ap/
Can you start a new topic encouraging witnesses to come forward. It sounds lately like people want to and are starting too.
to "justbeingreal":
I tried the CNN link that was posted and that page was not available. I think that part of the web address was cut off in this column. Your words have given us all hope that perhaps decency and good government can return to Marshall and Calhoun County. You are correct in saying that fear is why the citizens don't speak out. You are also correct about the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness that we have here. To be honest, I am sickened about what I am learning about this town and county. We need help.
Thank you very much for your words of support, it keeps me encouraged and energized to keep persuing the roud I am on. You should not have to feel that way in this country. If the locals will not do there job and put an end to this this outsiders will. We already know those involed in these crimes watch this site and again I say it is time to stop the games and and come forward and end this case. You may have thought that the pressure was dropping, however, your past harrasement and the threats received are making people frinally say enough is enough. All of the guilty parties actions to instill fear are now back firing. You have to know that if anthing were to even happen to anyone even remotely close to the case it will start a whirl wind backlash and bring public awarness of Marys case instantly back in the spot light.
Fact: the first one to come forward gets the deal.
Fact: there are enough of you involed that one will crack to save there own skin and the rest of you will go down. So, will you be the one to be saved or the one to go down? The pressure is on and its not long till it unravels. You may think you commited the perfect murder, but the facts are you didn't. In Michigan 1st degree murder is LIFE in Prison without the possibility of Paroll. The first to cooperate will escape that fate, the rest will sufer it.
Marshall citizens, keep the calls and information coming it is really helping, remember there is safety in numbers and the numbers of people coming out is getting larger.
To Marys parents, feel free to contact me I would love to talk to you and we pray every day that the end is near.
Somebody, please do the right thing. It's not too late to turn your life around. Do good for yourself and for this city.
A blogsite was made mainly for witness discussions. marydlands.blogspot.com Note that this site was made by someone who cares (Justbeingreal) and is in no way intended to interfear with the progress of this or any other site. Its goal is for those with information to help out and support one another. Many times people who want to come forward just need to talk to, hear and know that there not alone and others are there to help them. I would recommend anything of value provided on the new blogsite also be provided to Jim so he can keep his progress going. I truly hope the creation of this blog doesnt offend anyone and that those with information that can help will use it as a support tool to help them do the right thing and come forward.
The entire system is so broken. paperwork errors, lousy cop work, a reason why people won't talk and can't be protected. I know Carlin offered to help Milsap family in death of son. He was in court last week with Malissa and I think saw prosecutor. The family said he asked about stopping drunk from driving and not be allowed to drink. The family was upset at hearing but seems court approved Carlin idea not to have him drive or be in bars. The drunk will be caught again maybe before he kills another kid. If anybody sees Carl Garvison behind wheel or in bar you need to call police.
It takes time but Milsap family will get justice and so will Mary Lands. Don't give up.
How many more missing and murdered men and women, black white and latino will there be? If this is what it is like 4 months before an election what will happen next year after it is over. I'll tell you NOTHING. VICTIMS WILL BE VICTIMS AND NO ONE IN CHARGE WILL CARE.
Hey justbeingreal, you say you have had many threats, do you mind letting us know who the people are exactly that are threating you?
Im asking so that I know who too watch for. Im considering the idea of something very radical but it will require more then just myself.
No policeman ever bothered me. You people are always in trouble and that is why they stop you. I don't believe Chris did anything wrong. You should stop speading stories you can prove. No one complains about Marshall Police. They help us. Isn't Chris out of jail now since charge dropped to time served? I hope he sues you all.
Updated to reflect direction and intention of this new blog site. Please feel free to read and comment, suggestion are always welcome.
Is anyone with direct knowledge willing to answer 2 simple questions, what type of terrian is Mary in and what road is it on?
I was thinking today...
If this guy did kill Mary, would you think he did it at his house?
He lived on F drive I think. And there is a very old house WAY back off the road, it's been empty for years, not much of a house anymore.
So I wonder if anyone has checked that area and surounding area.
I believe Judge Line owns the land where this old house is located.
Take this info however you'd like- but nearly 4 years ago, when the case was still relativley new, I talked with a friend who mentioned that they had spoken with someone who apparently has psychic readings every now and then... This person had said the "psychic" told them that Mary was in or near (maybe even had been in) an abandoned house or building. I took the what this person told me with a grain of salt until I read the last post... Might be something for someone to check in to if nothing else. I'm somewhat of a skeptic, but I guess nothing can hurt at this point.
I still encourage people who know stuff to come forward. There are good people who have done alot of work out there that you are safe talking too. I have done what I can do and while I will be watching, I will not be as heard as I have as of recent. I hope someone with information will step forward. Keep the investigation on track and the day will come when Mary is found. Good luck all and get over the fear and take back what is rightfully yours, FREEDOM.
What kind of PI pulls the sh*&t that you do Jim. Hey you are not a real PI. You got your certificate out of a box of Cracker Jack or was it Sears and Roebock?
I would like to applaud the comment made Aug 17,@ 6:35pm. seem as tho boredom set in and you felt like going on an attack and the name "Jim" came to mind.My thoughts on your comment is who gives a rats a-- where the certificate came from or if he has one,please tell me of one other person other than Marys family that has put as many hrs. into trying to locate either Mary or someone that knows about what happened to Mary. What I have read of Jims postings has been informative and even tho they are directed at some people he has proof to back his comments. DO YOU?
Regarding the remark of Sunday, 08/17/08 at 6:35PM...
Every so often we hear from these people, and we know they are “fair weather friends” who claim I am not doing my job. They are the people around for a day or a week and then move on, surfacing a year or so later. It is some of these people, friends and family who have been directly involved in the life of Chris Pratt that could help more today but would rather bury their heads in the sand.
It really is waste of effort to respond to this but I believe it is required.
First, I wish I could be bored. Many of you know that last week my family had a personal tragedy that is being dealt with appropriately by another county law enforcement agency. It does not appear at this time that the incident had anything to do with the Mary Lands case, the Millsap investigations or my other work.
We continue to follow-up on all efforts to bring Mary home and to have the person/s responsible held accountable in a court of law.
It came to my attention yesterday that a person/s offered search dogs to help locate Mary. The matter was discussed with the owners of the various properties and Cliff & Anita and we concluded that it could be done, however we need to verify the training and certifications of any cadaver animal before we do this again. If Henry the hound dog goes out and alerts on a particular location how are we going to convince the police that this might be a viable location? They doubted us the last time when we even had valid cadaver dogs? It must be done in the proper manner.
I passed along this exact information related to the need for certifications to the individual offering the “dogs.” I find it interesting that hours later I’m being slammed about my certifications? We welcome any help but it has to be in the proper manner.
By the way, there is certain criteria that is required for a person to be licensed as private investigator in the State of Michigan. It includes hours working for a licensed private investigator, education and police investigative experience. Based on my application, which was fully examined I was determined eligible for a license and to own an agency. My card indicates, "licensed in the State of Michigan"
My 3-year license was up for renewal in August 2008 and I actually thought I would not renew it or continue working in this area. There are just too many sad stories out there and I can’t help everyone. I am very tired of the apathy of some police and some in the public, and I continue to ask myself why bother? I wish I had the time to be bored. I would like the take the time to do some fishing and enjoy a vacation for a few days. I would like the time to do many other things.
However, I renewed my license for another 3-year period because it has been valuable in permitting me entry into the many prisons I have visited to interview people about Mary’s case. It has been a positive in helping the Marshall family and a few others. To not renew my license would be to let down Mary’s family.
If you have the ability to make that one anonymous tip to bring Mary home this afternoon, please do it. That would permit us to place her at rest. At that point we wouldn’t worry if anyone goes to jail or if the police charge them. That will be their work, not ours. We just want to bring Mary home. One of you reading this knows exactly the answer to our primary question,
Where is Mary?
By the Way, Sgt. Tim Bryant, today is Day 20 since I offered you a polygraph? Why don’t you answer or offer to take one administered to you under part of a criminal investigation conducted by a law enforcement agency? If you have nothing to hide where have you been for 20 days?
As you know, we have been trying to ascertain the truth on a hallway walk-by search of the student school lockers for drugs at the Marshall High School. We were advised by MPD that this was completed prior to the end of the school year, but with no results.
Because of inconsistent information 2 FOIA requests were submitted to the Calhoun County Sheriff on the reports and results of any search during the latter part of the 2008 school year. 2 FOIA responses from the Sheriff confirmed there was no request by MPD and no search conducted. Additional FOIA requests were submitted to the City of Marshall and today I received a response from their FOIA coordinator.
Response from City of Marshall, FOIA Coordinator;
Detective Sergeant McDonald has reviewed your August 8, 2008 FOIA request for "materials related to any reports, complaints, records, requests and any documentation that may be released under FOIA made by you and/or your department to the Calhoun County Sheriff Department regarding the use of their K-9 resources. The period of interest is between January 15, 2008 and the end of the school year." There are no documents applicable to FOIA that meet your request.
Chris Zuidema
Administrative Assistant
City of Marshall
(269)781-5183 xt 1129
When are these lies going to stop? When will we see justice in Mary’s case?
Jim I know a man that has been trying to help Marys case move along. He will not tell my why but he has given up on trying to help. I was helping him make a contact with someone and when I spoke to him today with an update he told me he gave up. I tried to talk him into not but I do not know if it worked. I know he did not give up over threats, they only fuel him. I know alot of things he has helped with in the last 8 years or so and I do not know one thing he failed on. I do not know who exactly he was working with but if it was you I can tell you I live near him and have known him for a long time. What he says sounds far fetched but he has always came through. Until a couple months ago I never followed this case, now I am and so are many other people I asked too. I told him to contact you if he has not yet.
Thank you. I'm aware and will consider those options. 2 others have called since Friday.
We will get this done and bring Mary home.
In regards to Cracker Jack, nope not a dog person I am just a COP of 30 years and I have never seen a PI post pics and videos of someone he is following. I looks unprofessional and childish. Hey Jim watch out you never know who is taking videos and pictures of you. Gee maybe they will be on the internet.
Yeh a real cop of 30 years writes exactly as you do. Get a life. If you can help get out and do it.
Sounds like the Billi Jax cracker is in town again.Just help the family instead of blogging this shit
get your facts strait it wasnt billy jack..thanx
Wow here goes the blog again in the wrong direction. The focus here is mary and no one else. It must be the fact that other people besides the person who is suppose to be doing their job is getting more done, and has more pull in this case and now their ego is being affected. How about we all just turn around our focus on one thing and one thing only BRING MARY HOME, the family has waited long enough and all this BS does not help them. So whoever brings her home just be happy for her and her family.
I have been watching these post all day. I wasnt going to psot for awhile, but I will make an acception to comment on the last post and one other one. It wasnt billy jack (cop of 30 years). Second, there are people on the right track and doing the right thing. Who finds what one who should not be a factor at all. If the good guys were all working together that would be ideal. Spending time going through blogs, ect from the past I have stumbled across a few things that kinda bothered me. I found a couple instances where some of the good guys had some not so good stuff put up (true or false is not important). I can undetstand attacking the credability of the bad guys, but good guys on good guys just doesnt make any sense. Good guys unite and combine your resorces. Stay on a positive track and try not to let negativity distract you. People will help, but its much harder to get them to come forward when people are attacking people.
i agree and i havent attacked anyone at all.the thing about this blog is anyone can be anyone on here,and thats the bad thing i havent attacked jim at all and i will not,im just disappointed that he believes i did!i have a phone and am always available to talk to get this right,as far as the convo we had about the dogs,i did not and will never deny your credibility as i know how much you have worked on this case.please believe it was not me..billy jack
could be Officer Byrant behind it all
we can and will win this dont be so sure of yourself..thanx for the ost..billy jack
post to
Gd idiots, one barney pife is fired and now his clone is back in charge. A dope dealing bad cop is 2nd in charge? ThIS clone is one will be chief. Why can’t somebody figure this out. Is anyone there honest? Mary Lands is laying somewhere and these people don’t care where?
Regarding comment,
Monday, August 18, 2008 3:12:00 PM
It is difficult to ascertain if this person has contacted me? I have spoken to several in the last week. If you could clarify the information and location and/or have the person contact me directly I will respond promptly.
Thank you.
Lets hope the lies stop! This kind of law enforcement is very disheartening and shocking. Justice should not be withheld from those who do not have money, nor should crimes be swept under the rug if those perps are rich.
The truth will come out, just wait and see...................
As long as people live in fear progress will be slow. When people get sick of being afraid and step forward all this will stop. Its an election year, why are so many heads in the sand. Why arent you people coming forward with information, especially at this ppoint in the election year?
Since so many alleged players are locked up, could something like this help in Mary's case? Maybe some kind of fund raiser to get it going? www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/08/20/cards.cold.cases/index.html
the last link ends with index.html some of it got cut off during the posting
the locked up will not talk!!!
Ok, then how about something like it for the area? Isn't it possible that one of the culprets might someday play cards at a party or someplace, get all drunk and or stoned and slip up and say something? Wouldn't something like this put Marys case back out there and keep attention on it? If locked up people dont talk then how has it been effective in New York? Why do so many people who are involved in helping and working on this case seem so Negative all the time? Is it time for the negative people to look at the road they are on and see if maybe a positive path might be helpful in the case and better on the family? I have seen a few ideas tossed out by bloggers as possible ways to help, yet I only see negative response to them, think maybe this might be part of the problem????
To the person who said "the locked up will not talk". They may not talk to the cops or people working on the case, but they do talk. Regardless of how "evil" they seem, in prison everyone of them has times where they need to talk and virtually everyone of them will. They confide in someone they trust (usually someone who will gain nothing if they talk because they are never getting out anyway). People overhear people talking in prison everyday. I guarentee you that if you could hear what is talked about behind the fence for only one day you would pull out your checkbook and pay for the card idea yourself. People may be in prision for a crime but they are still human and have human tendancies. Ever heard of the "jail house snitch", well if he had not come across information then how can he be a snitch if there is nothing to tell about. Simple, people talk, people hear and people tell, that is what happens behind bars and inless you have been there you do not understand this. I would bet my retirement that one of the cuplrets in jail has told someone enough details about Mary's case to move it to another level. Is it possible that the person cinfided in may actually have a consciounce but does not know who to call or even know if there is such a person as Mary? If he had to look at her face everytime he played cards it would eventually eat him to a breaking point, physciology is a powerful tool, so why not use it? If every prisoner in Michigan came forward with the information another inmate told them about a crime (yes, including murder) do you have any idea how few unsolved crimes there would actually be? Cops trust cops and crook trust crooks and if you want the information needed to move to the next level it will eventually come from a crook. So sit back and be a "it will never happen" person or be part of the solution and be a "it will happen" person.
The previous comment was right on Target! No pun intended.
It is a fact that we must maintain a strong positive attitude even when it appears the MPD is back to the same old line of PR BS. Tell us lies and we are supposed to be satisfied, and just go home?
Don’t picket, Don’t bother them. Don’t talk about their pristine little town, just be happy that a killer may be in jail for crimes other than the disappearance and murder of Mary Denise Lands. We should be satisfied with that outcome.
City Manager, Chris Olsen, Acting Chief Sgt. McDonald, Sgt. Tim Bryant It ain’t going to happen!
The person’s comments were timely about the possibility of those in prisons talking and those on the outside talking while drunk and playing cards. People always run their mouth.
Today, I received a very important piece of information from an esteemed guest of our MDOC system. One inmate wrote to another person on the outside, “if you decide to write do not say anything about the Mary Lands case”. It is in the inmate's own handwriting. It is not that some bad guys are so smart, but some of the good days don’t care? We do and dozens of letters from the prisons have found their way to me by various methods. We are still awaiting another group of FOIA records related to Inmate Christopher Luke Pratt at Bellamy Creek Correctional Facility. As soon as the newest information and documentation is received it will be published. I wonder how many bizarre letters and calls will be to his kids on this FOIA request? Also with his daily activities of prison life. We should be able to confirm if he actually is the Olin Mills prisoner photographer and manager of the weight room. If you hear what Mr. Pratt believes he might be out for Labor Day.
This will be followed up and we will learn why an inmate doesn’t want a person on the outside to talk about Mary’s case. What is he worried about?
Lets continue to stay positive. We will bring Mary home and permit Cliff & Anita to put her to a final resting-place.
just being real!! as a felon its kinda hard to believe anything you say.go for it if you want but we need the right people involved..if jim is on board with you have at it!!!peace out..
making false police reports is not good!!re-think my friend...if you want to help make sure your info is correct!!
Listen in any courtroom in America and many of the witnesses for police are people who have conviction records. They are often in a better position to know details of certain crimes.
I don’t care if you are a lifer at IMAX or just an average citizen. If you can help the family make that call. As one of the comments reiterated, we can’t fabricate or embellish any report.
One other comment, in the last 4 years I’ve met some inmates that have more honor and integrity than certain cops with whom I am acquainted. The only difference is those cops aren’t in prison yet.
story in enquirer on Marshall. If they hire a chief first thing should be done is lie detectors and drug test for the bunch. Makes you think they not even looking for Mary Lands or care.
After being sidelined by budget work and union contract negotiations, the search for Marshall's police chief is expected to pick up again soon. City manager Chris Olson said Wednesday he would contact this week the six final candidates for the top spot at the police department, which was vacated in January when the former chief resigned amid controversy. Olson said he expects the position to be filled within 60 days.
Det. Sgt. Scott McDonald has been acting chief and is not a candidate.
The city had 32 applicants in April and had hoped to fill the position by June or July. But a long budget process early this summer and negotiations with the city's employee unions, some still ongoing, held up the process, Olson said. The job candidates were updated during the delay, he said.
Olson would not release the names of the six candidates, calling it inappropriate, but said five of the six candidates are from Michigan and one is from out of state. None are from within Marshall's ranks.
On Wednesday, the Enquirer filed with the city clerk's office a Act request for the names of the finalists.
Next, an interview team of city directors and public safety officials will narrow the six down to the top two or three candidates, Olson said. The names of those top few will be made public, he said. The city manager is responsible for hiring the police chief.
Officials are looking for a long list of capabilities in a new chief.
"The things we're going to be looking for are, professionalism," Olson said. "We need someone who can increase our productivity by being able to focus our efforts on handling the things we need to handle in the community, realizing we don't have unlimited finances."
"I'm looking for somebody who's been a chief in a small department," McDonald said. "Someone who can still work the road, knows the functions of the patrol and not just the paperwork."
There are 14 officers in Marshall's police department, Olson said. The city's public safety department (including police, fire and dispatch) budget totals roughly $2.3 million. The police budget is about $1.1 million.
In budget talks this summer, council members said they'd like to see more of that money spent on officers on the street and less on administration.
The former chief acted as public safety director, overseeing administration for all three departments, Olson said, with the help of two deputies, one for fire and one for police. The council has asked if the department could do without one of those top three administrative positions.
This cut in administrative work could allow the city to do away with the deputy police chief position — which remains unfilled after the former deputy chief left in January for the top spot in Coldwater — and instead hire a sergeant or patrol officer.
Olson said Wednesday that decision would be left to the new police chief, depending on his or her management style. If the new hire likes to take on more administrative duties, a deputy chief might not be necessary, Olson said. If the new chief prefers to delegate those duties and do other work, a deputy would be needed.
The city could save up to $8,000 if a deputy chief is not hired, Olson said, depending on whether a sergeant or patrol officer is hired instead.
"That will all depend on the needs of the department and the community," Olson said.
Justin A. Hinkley can be reached at 966-0698 or jhinkley@battlecr.gannett.com.
You can attack my credibility all you want. I can back up everything I say. Even with a felony from over 15 years ago I still have more honesty, integrity and credability than most people. As for the comment about Jim being on board with me, hes not. We do not talk or anything, so dont use me to try to discredit Jim. As for needing the right people involved, many of them already are, its just too bad people like you try to attack people trying to help. People like you are the problem in this case. You dont have to beleive anything I have to say after all this is America the land of the free. By the way, since you know so much, I bet you knew theres a Judge in Detriot (one of the most respected in the history of the city) with a felony and that there are many prison guards with felonies and many more people in "trust positions with felonies. I am also willing to bet you have at some point commited a felony, but just didnt get caught. So to jsut be real I will say to the perfect person who feels the need to attack my credibilty, under freedom of speech you can say what ever you want but remember one thing, the Constitution protects citizens from being slandered so if you come at me make sure you can back it up.
Thanks again. I appreciate the input this morning. You and many others are going to make this happen and we will bring Mary home so she may rest in peace. We all must work together for Cliff & Anita.
Call me anytime.
This is my first time posting on a blog. I have a friend who told me about Mary and I have read alot of stuff on here. People, please stop being so negative, stop throwing Jim and the Marshall family under the bus with your insults, negativity and attacks. From what I can see the suspects are causing enough pain and heartache so why are the people who say that they support finding Mary causing more. Please respect the family and the ones who are only trying to help them get peace. Before you speak on here, think of what you are saying and if it was your daughter missing how it would affect you. I would hope in the same situation someone like Jim would help me. Marys parents and family deserve respect, so do those helping them. God Bless those on the familys side and shame on those of you who commited this crime and those causing so much additional unnecessary pain.
i guess i dont know what you mean by fair weather friend???billy jack????
I think you choose your words wrong, just because we dont send cards to the family does not mean people here on the blog are fair weather friends. I am sure most of these people on the blog care just as much to bring mary home as her friend Jenn does. I really think before you say such wrong words think about the people here who have been hard at work to bring Mary home as well and show their support. Well I see here with no really responses as per your FAIR WEATHER FRIEND POST, You probably upset more people here like you have in the past.
As usual, a few take issues with certain words. Fair-weather friends fit people who say they are going to be there for the family but then are not around. They promise things and then don’t come through. Their presence is at an occasional vigil or event? Look at when we did our Walks for Mary? We only had a handful of people and most were from the family.
Actually I know very few of these people compared with the many who did attend and bring comfort to Cliff & Anita. Jennifer was just one example. Sorry I didn’t mention you all. It was just one example of how people can help the family. You can also do it in your own way.
The fair-weather friends are out there and they know who they are.
Maybe some will think about the upcoming 2nd Annual Ride for Mary on behalf of Domestic Violence.
Details will be released soon.
Buy a Ride for Mary tee and at least show up even if you can't ride. Nearly every person participating last year wore a Ride for Mary shirt. Proceeds will go to the Mary Denise Lands Trust Fund and agencies involved in Domestic Violence.
Ii guess a lying acting pd chief in Marshall could be a fair weather friend? What's he done to bring Mary back? He's lied.
Don't not forget a lying city manager Chris Olson who has never shown for a Mary event?
What happened you forgot to sign your name on the last post Jim. We all here know how you type and how you put your words into sentences. So you might as well not be anonymous.
Again reading the posts it is my feeling that Jim might be refering to the cops and elected officials as "fair weather friends". I again see people being negative to a man who is trying to help. Why are people acting like this?
While doing research in Florida of Mary Lands case I found this clip.
Bring Mary home folks. We know who killed her.
Man testified in own defense; lawyer says charges a ploy
Posted: Dec 4, 2007 11:14 AM EST
Updated: Dec 4, 2007 11:45 PM EST
Chris Pratt in court Tuesday
BATTLE CREEK -- Chris Pratt took the stand Tuesday in defense of charges he sexually attacked his girlfriend and held her against her will in their home.
Pratt is on trial for these alleged offenses against his live-in girlfriend. She said he trapped her inside their home and broke a phone to keep her from calling for help.
He admitted he had some anger problems, but said he would never harm his girlfriend.
Prosecutor - "So you're not blaming any of your actions on June 24 on lack of medication, panic attacks, anxiety attacks or depression, are you?"
Pratt - "No sir."
Prosecutor - "You did all of those things on June 24 that are depicted in the pictures, didn't you Mr. Pratt?"
Pratt - "Um, I would say pretty much all of it, yes sir."
Pratt's lawyer said this case is just a ploy to connect his client with the disappearance of his former girlfriend, Mary Lands, in March 2004.
No charges have been brought in that case against anyone
Mary is our Mary and she is still missing. There is probably not one person in the Marshall area who does not wonder where she is. A lot of us have children of our own and cannot possibly imagine what her mother, father, children, siblings, and friends are going through. I pray for them as I'm sure many of you do. As long as Mary is missing we need to keep searching for her - she will be found.
On another note, I personally know Tim Bryant and find Tim to be one of the most caring, safety-first, law abiding people I know. If you knew Tim, you could not possibly think that the the insinuations posted on this blog are true. Tim is a husband, a father and one of our best friends in addition to being a perfectly professional and a very capable police officer.
Do you really think he is bad cop or are you jumping on the "Let's go after Tim Bryant to blame because we can't find Mary" wagon because you have nothing of substance to offer?
I can assure you Tim Bryant is a very fine officer and to hear and read the things some of you insinuate is not only an insult to Tim, but an insult to the entire Marshall Police Department. If you have concrete evidence of anything unlawful Tim or any other officer has done - you know how to report it to the proper authorities for investigation. If you don't how to report to the proper authorities, check with Mr. Carlin, he may know the answer to at least this mystery.
To just lob these hateful insults is a hurtful thing for Tim and his family to endure first of all, and secondly, it does absolutely nothing to find Mary or to help find Mary.
I would think that a professional investigator or anyone one else with accusations to make would at least research the accusation for facts prior to publishing anything anywhere about it. Like the motorhome? Won in a fund raising auction by his wife - she won the use of it for one week. I believe the auction was for charity if I remember correctly.
Tim did not park the car like that - his wife did and Mr. Carlin you must have felt like you hit the motherload when you could seize that photo opportunity for you to post and use in your attacks on Tim Bryant. I cannot believe that your attacks on the Marshall Police Department do much for your investigative career.
Tim Bryant selling or doing drugs? Are you crazy? If you knew Tim you would know how absurd that statement is.
Many police officers have developed relationships with all kinds of 'informers' for the simple reason to assist the officers in the professional aspect of their work. What you see is not always the whole story.
I am proud to know Tim as a person and as a police officer. I think we are lucky that Tim is working for us in Marshall. I know I can speak for Tim and his family and they feel just like most of us: Mary is missing and we all want her found - for her sake and the sake of her family. They deserve it and so does Mary.
As far as taking a lie detector test - what in the heck for? Chris Pratt is the only person who needs to take a lie detector test and most of us know that too.
Let us all continue to pray for finding Mary and for continued strength for her family until that day comes.
The bogus trespass notice to me by Officer Ivey is a prime example. You may view the FOIA materials from the July 23, 2008 complaint of Barbara Ruddock. MPD-Ruddock Trespass FOIA, 07/23/2008 One thing is very odd. I video-taped my cordial conversation with Ms. Ruddock that lasted nearly 20 minutes on the sidewalk in front of her home. For my own protection I also have GPS documentation to prove where I am and where I go. The GPS clearly indicates my vehicle parked in front of the Ruddock residence during the time I had my conversation with her. Why is it that 4 hours later she is calling the MPD crying and upset that I engaged in stalking and harassing conduct?
First of all, videotaping a person without letting them know is against the law.
Second of all, you should have fully read the complaint as I just did. During the timeframe between Mrs. Ruddock's and your conversation, she received multiple harrassing phone calls from Ms. Burkwalt. That is why the complaint happened.
Ivey , TJ, or whoever. you and partners at copshop do need to learn law. You always have an answer not the right one. What about you calling Pratt after disappearance. What's answer on that? I don't know where Carlin camera was but you can photo or video anyone in public. lose some weight and gain some brains. You get any fatter you won't slide into vest. Was that you driving around in Mary Durango???
Anonymous Dec.11 1:45 P.M. states it is against the law to video someone without letting them know. What is the MCL number of that law? I want to have MDOT,and all others like K-Mart and other stores arrested for videoing me without my permission even law enforcement does this without notice.
Anonymous Dec.11 1:45 P.M. states it is against the law to video someone without letting them know. What is the MCL number of that law? I want to have MDOT,and all others like K-Mart and other stores arrested for videoing me without my permission even law enforcement does this without notice.
In response to:
Second of all, you should have fully read the complaint as I just did. During the timeframe between Mrs. Ruddock's and your conversation, she received multiple harrassing phone calls from Ms. Burkwalt. That is why the complaint happened.
Thursday, December 11, 2008 1:45:00 PM
My question would be if the complaint was filed as a result of Ms. Burkwalts phone calls then why was Jim served a trespass notice? Shouldnt she have called when right away if Jim was in fact engaging in stalking and harassing conduct while also trespassing?
Had she filed one complaint right after Jim left and another over the phone calls maybe it would be more beleivable. The fact of the large delay in filing the complaint and tying 2 seperate alleged incidents into the same report dies raise ligitimate in this matter.
There is always 2 sides to the story, common sense says something about that particular complaint just does not sound right. then again I do not have a badge, only common sense, so what do I know.
How many Marshall police officers
does it take to change a light bulb?
1 of course. In Marshall, one officer can handle anything.
Proof of that is the Mary Lands case.
Pretty sad and disgusting. Today Mary missing 4 years and 9 months and look at the garbage MPD has pulled. Freedom information today shows more incompetence. I bet Ivey's old man the former chief kept her on the job.
Business as usual in Marshall.
When will it end?
An Albion connection with Chris Pratt, Jeff Pratt and others.
Help take a bite out of crime in Albion, Michigan near E Pine & N Ionia. New YouTube video.
The Creeper will be 41 tomorrow, January 30th. It will be 2nd birthday in the joint.
He should rot in prison until he tells all and helps to bring Mary home so she can rest in peace.
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