Thursday, July 23, 2009

Latest FOIA request on Christopher Luke Pratt, Inmate # 673261

The latest Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on Christopher Luke Pratt, Inmate # 673261 from the Michigan Department of Corrections is now available for viewing. He is presently incarcerated as a Level IV prisoner at Thumb Correctional Facility in Gratiot County, St. Louis, Michigan. The FOIA materials are viewable on the "Links to Mary" to the right and are in PDF format. It is a 29 MB file and may take a few minutes to download but can be read.

As we have mentioned in the past, Inmate Pratt is eligible for release in February 2012 on his 5-15 year felony convictions and could be scheduled for a parole hearing in late 2011. It is never to early for any citizen to contact MDOC and ask to be notified on transfers and parole hearings for Inmate Pratt. Anyone has the opportunity to write to the Parole Board and express your opinion in this matter. He needs to remain in jail.
In June, the Michigan Court of Appeals affirmed his convictions in a Calhoun County Circuit Court. This inmate is a vicious and violent sociopathic criminal and a severe threat to society and his previous victims. He deserves to remain in prison until the expiration of his sentence in 2022. He is a suspect in the open homicide investigation of his former fiancee, Mary Denise Lands.

MDOC OTIS Record on Inmate Christopher Luke Pratt

Monday, July 13, 2009

Mary Denise Lands, the search in Michigan continues...

It has now been 5 years and 4 months since Mary allegedly walked away from her Waldon Pond Apartment in Marshall, Michigan. Christopher Luke Pratt, Mary’s fiancé at the time has been in prison for over 2 years on a violent assault of a more recent girl-friend, Norrene Parker, and is serving 5-15 years on those felonies. Recently the Michigan Court of Appeals turned down his appeals. He may be eligible for release in February 2012. Although Inmate Pratt is a suspect in Mary’s disappearance and murder he has not yet been charged.

The search for Mary continues and during the week of June 22-26, 2009 Carren Corcoran of Canine Search Solutions in Wisconsin came to Michigan at the request of the TrackMissing Foundation to examine water and land locations in an attempt to locate Mary. Accompanying her was Karen Kraemer of the Broken Wings Network. Carren’s dog is a certified cadaver animal utilized by law enforcement agencies across the country.

Cadaver dogs are trained to alert in various different methods. The alert by Carren’s dog is indicated by the animal sitting down either in a boat or in the water. Alerts were documented during this search and they are being followed up on to ascertain the origins.
YouTube Video- Search for Mary-

Michigan Department of Corrections online record of Inmate Christopher Luke Pratt, #673261. He is now incarcerated at St. Louis Correctional Facility as a Level IV prisoner.

Another You Tube Video- Christopher Luke Pratt- Suspect, Disappearance and Murder of Mary Denise Lands-

Take a good look at this person! Do you want this violent criminal offender released back into our community? Do your part to help find Mary. Take a bite out of crime and call in your tip.
We will keep you posted on progress.