April 13, 2011- Mary Denise Lands declared officially deceased
WWMT-Channel 3 News Link- http://www.wwmt.com/video/c/1137706675/local-news/902042773001/wwmt-local Wednesday, April 13, 2011 was another sad and somber day for Mary's family in the courtroom of Judge Michael Jaconette as they were present asking that their beloved daughter be officially declared deceased. The hearing started at 2:00 P.M. and lasted about thirty minutes in the Justice Complex in Battle Creek. It was indeed a very difficult day for all of us, but hopefully the family will be able to achieve some small form of closure through this legal process. After testimony Judge Jaconette made an immediate decision from the bench that Mary Lands is deceased. He set her date of death as March 12, 2009, which would have been 5 years after she was last seen alive. Although Mary has now been missing for seven years, one month, and one day we still believe that the law enforcement community is actively working to close this case. We have no doubt that the person/s responsible for the disappearance and
murder of Mary Denise Lands will be held responsible. Together, we will bring Mary home! Jim Carlin (Photo credit; Corinne Kellogg, Marshall Chronicle/Advisor) April 13, 2011- Battle Creek Enquirer News Link- http://www.battlecreekenquirer.com/article/20110413/NEWS01/304130016/Judge-declares-Mary-Lands-legally-dead April 13, 20111 WOODTV8 News link- http://www.woodtv.com/dpp/news/local/kalamazoo_and_battle_creek/Lands-declared-dead-homicide-case-open
Have you all seen today's Gazette? There's a report on page A2, May 1, 2011 edition, about skeletal remains of a female having been found yesterday morning in the 8400 block of East ML Ave. in Comstock Twp. Isn't that near the Target Distribution warehouse?
Shelly Sulser
Today marks 7 years, one month, and 19 days since Mary allegedly walked off from her Walden Pond apartment in Marshall, Michigan, as reported by her fiancé, Christopher Luke Pratt.
We are aware of the skeletal remains that were recently found approximately three miles west of the Target Distribution Center in Comstock Township.
Numerous bodies, both male and female, have been recovered over these last seven years in Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and Ohio, but none have come close to fitting the description of Mary Denise Lands. These remains, and the proximity of their location do give us hope that it may be her, and she might soon be able to rest in peace.
Chief Jim Schwartz of the Marshall Police Department has always said that forensics would be the key in solving Mary's case. Whether these remains are of our Mary, or that of another missing female, the identity of this person will be soon discovered through thorough forensic examination. It may not give comfort to the Marshall family, but it will give come comfort to another family who have endured a similar tragedy of their missing daughter, granddaughter, or relative. Someone's loved one will be coming home.
We should all pray that the recovery of the female in Comstock Township will bring some peace to a family in turmoil searching for their lost relative over the years.
Jim Carlin
jim this last picture of mary on here looks like shes been beat on..is this so?
boooohoooo loser
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